Friday 14 June 2024

Belgians In Birmingham!

Thanks for the lovely comments on Jon's skills. The biggest incentive to get the decorating finished was that our dear Belgian friends, Ann (Polyester Princess) & Jos would be visiting us during their annual Shropshire holiday. We were so excited to see them on Wednesday that when they drew up outside Stonecroft we already outside in the avenue waiting for them.

After exchanging hugs and presents, we had a coffee and walked down to the bus stop where we caught the X51 to Birmingham.

After a wander around Victoria Square where we pointed out Antony Gormley's Iron:Man, Birmingham Town Hall and The Floozie in the Jacuzzi we headed to The Gas Hall.

As a huge fan of Pre-Raphaelite art (I don't think I could be friends with anyone who wasn't!) Ann was keen to visit Victorian Radicals

As you'll already know, it's not the first time I've visited the exhibition (previously with Annie HERE and Liz HERE) and I'm pretty sure it won't be my last. 

Photo courtesy of Ann

Photo courtesy of Ann

That's Jon photobombing us! 

Photo courtesy of Jos

I'm pretty sure I've shared almost everything on display by now but here's a brief reminder of the incredible metalwork and jewellery on display.

Why isn't this belt buckle mine?

Or this one....

I think I want this one the most! 

And the two paintings by Birmingham artist Kate Bunce which are rapidly becoming my favourites, possibly because of those glorious dresses.


This Victorian gown was a bit of a trailblazer in its time, made from William Morris fabric, originally intended for upholstery.

Photo courtesy of Ann

After lunch in the uber-hip bakery, Medicine, inside the wonderfully grand former premises of the Birmingham Society of Artists on New Street we walked round the corner to the cathedral so we could show Ann & Jos the William Morris & Edward Burne-Jones stained glass windows (last seen with Nikki HERE and also Lynn & Brendan HERE)

We caught to bus back to Walsall and after another coffee and a tour around the house & garden, Ann and Jos headed back to Shropshire...but it wasn't a sad goodbye as we'll be seeing them again very soon.

Showered with pressies - a vintage road atlas from 1954 (Jon loves maps!), Belgian beer and chocolate (which didn't last long!) and singles by PiL, Blondie and Ian Dury.

Fabulous bangles and a couple of statement necklaces, a Wedgwood-inspired vintage nail kit, a 1970s scarf I've already converted into a sun top, a hilarious book on cat etiquette, a raffia clutch bag (perfect for holidays!) and a stunner of a 1970s St Michael maxi.

William was on his best behaviour and was thrilled with his clockwork gerbil, felted peapod and the Belgian version of Dreamies, the much more aptly named, Catisfactions, although it was my new dress he liked most of all.  

Wednesday was an epic day all round as it also marked my 5300th Wii Fit workout. That works out at half an hour a day for the last 14 and a half years! 

Although I've been wearing clothes for the last fortnight (it's been too chilly not to) I've not posted an outfit photo for ages so here's what I wore today for a day of staying indoors and sewing. The trippy vintage maxi skirt was a gift from Ann & Jos back in 2019 and has been frequently seen at festivals ever since and the tee shirt speaks for itself, I am a part time mermaid (I aspire to become a full-time one eventually.)

We've got a fantastic beauty salon down the road where I usually have a gel manicure before I go on holiday. I've kept it up since I went to Kefalonia and chose this holographic blue when I visited last week. It wasn't until I went to pay that Charlotte, my regular nail technician, told me what the colour was...Electric Mermaid. How appropriate!

Our regular festival customers seem to like the mad stuff I make so the last week has mainly been spent creating stuff from textiles we've found in charity shops. No curtain, sheet, duvet cover, vintage scarf or ragged off-cut is safe from my clutches!

I'm off to watch the footie, the rum's on ice and the official Euros wallchart is ready. I'm cheering Scotland on even if they probably won't reciprocate when we play on Sunday.

See you soon.

PS My friend Elaine recommended this  if you can't get to see Victorian Radicals.


  1. What a fun packed post. I’m glad Ann & Jos got to visit your fab home and see some of the areas culture. Those two never look any different. Lovely folk. Enjoy your time together xxx

  2. Wish that exhibition would come up here but apparently it's not! What a nice visit you gave your friends. Thank you for cheering Scotland on and I'm afraid it would totally go against the grain for some (not all!) Scottish folk to cheer on the 'Auld Enemy'! When it comes to football, there exists a caveman mentality amongst some of my fellow countrymen which will never change.As for the score, I'll take a draw but won't be surprised if Scotland gets gubbed!xx

    1. What a shame the exhibition isn't travelling, it's absolutely wonderful, I could go every day and still spot something I'd missed.
      The football rivalry is so childish. We used to live next door to a Glaswegian and he's gop to the ends of the earth to find a flag for any national team England were playing and fly it from the window. Other than that he was a lovely chap! xxx

  3. How nice to go out with dear friends!
    Looks like you had a great time!
    The nails are amazing, I really like the color and also the rings! your creations are amazing, you make such beautiful clothes with simple fabrics!
    You sure have a lot of talent Vix on various levels!!
    Have a nice weekend!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Katerina! xxx

  4. Hello Vix, I know how you feel about the Pre- Raphaelites! Their work just draws me in every time I see it and never fails to delight. Similarly the jewellery you show us is simply stunning. I too like a halterneck dress and yours are rather eye- catching . Nice to see Ann and Jos visiting you both, lots of fun I am sure. ' Blondie' singles too.

    1. Pre-Raphaelite art is just mesmerising, isn't it Alysia? It was Jon's first visit to Victorian Radicals although he'd seen Birmingham's Pre-Raphaelite collection before and stood for ages looking at Frederick Sandy's Medea - excited to spot The Argo and the Golden Fleece in the background! xxx

  5. One day there will be a post called "The Canadians are Here!" and it will me and Logan coming to see you! Morbid, but we are waiting for Vizzini to exit his mortal coil first before committing to a massive trip.

    Love seeing you all together! What lovely gifts, and how amazing to visit that exhibit. I am also swooning over the gorgeous jewelry!

    1. Awww..I'll be so excited when that happens, Sheila! Jon & I will be ready and waiting to show you round! xxx

  6. I am so envious you got to see Ann (I was super sad not to make it to Belgium this Feb- stupid CBC and his skiing trip!)and seeing you together was lovely!!! Nice gifts too!
    Your festival dresses are fabulous!!! Kxx

    1. We spoke about you a lot, Kezzie! You were missed! xxx

  7. Your hair is positively pre-Raphaelite, so lovely to see it from behind - had not realised just HOW long it was.

    Am sure your recycled makes will fly off the rails at festival. How long before you pack up and head off?

    1. Thank you! It seems to have grown even more since Jon gave me a trim before we went to Kefalonia, it takes an age to shove it in my swimming cap!
      We have to be on site at 8am on Monday so we're heading down on excited! xxx

  8. Thank you once again for posting fabulous shots of the exhibition. It makes me faint with delight all that amazing jewellery. How lovely to share with your friends. Such great gifts too. William had a good time as well. Your nail polish is so appropriate and an electrifying shade. Hope the weather turns warmer for when your festivals start. Regards Sue H

    1. Thanks so much, Sue! I'm keeping everything crossed regrading the weather, the forecast isn't t looking too bad at the moment. xxx

  9. Your outfit for staying indoors is far more fabulous than mine is today - a hoody and some joggers. I've got covid, yet again, so my sole concern is keeping warm and comfortable.
    Another lovely visit from your friend, and it looks like you enjoyed a marvellous time at the exhibition.
    I love the festival dresses, especially the yellow and orange? one. Xx

    1. You poor thing, I hope you feel much better now, Jules. xxx


  10. Great photos from your guests and what you watched together.
    I love the Kate Bunce paintings and the detailed jewelry.

    Wish you good sales at the festivals!

  11. The belt buckles and the jewelry definitely look like they should be part of your accessories. I can picture you wearing each and every one of them and doing them justice. Beautiful photos, as always. Ranee (MN) USA

  12. What fun! Friends, food and fashion. Plus I really do love a Gormley, They just ask to be hugged x

    1. It was a lovely day, Lisa. You're right about Gormley's work being huggable. We Midlanders love Iron:Man! xxx

  13. Great post. Ann and Jos visiting and the trip to Birmingham to see the wonderful Victorian Radicals exhibition. The jewellery is stunning, as are the dresses in the painting by Kate Bunce.

  14. What a fine old time you had! I struggle to see how anyone could not be blown away by the beauty of those artworks. Plus, I'm with you on the belt buckle. Number 3 is stunning!
    I meant to mention Medicine to you. I read about it recently and think I need to find time to pay it a visit.
    What lovely gifts from Ann. She's so thoughtful!
    Great British Sewing Bee eat your heart out! The Glasto crowd will love those funky garments. xxx

    1. We had a lovely time, I swear Victorian Radicals gets better every time I visit. Although Nikki and I often pop into Medicine for a pot of tea it was the first time we'd eaten there and the food was excellent - the portions were huge!
      I'm excited about tonight's Sewing Bee, it's Indian week, I'm going to have to forfeit half tonight's match to watch it! xxx

  15. How lovely you two met up and went to see Victorian radicals.
    I'm sure it's even better to experience it with good company.
    Exhibitions and museums are always more fun with a kindred spirit.
    I love how your outfit and hairdo matches the theme.
    You look like you walked out from one of those Pre Raphaelite paintings!
    Simply divine!
    The cat photo is adorable.
    Congrats on 5300 work out. That's amazing.

    1. We had a fabulous day with fabulous company! xxx

  16. There is a book out, Victorian Radical. And I just mark it down, for a to read.

    1. Is that the book by James Hobson? It looks interesting! x

  17. So good to see you and Jon with Ann and Jos and enjoyed that beautiful exhibition. I agree each of those silver buckles are amazing, as are the paintings.
    Well done on your sewing projects, sure they will be a huge success at the festivals.

  18. Your day spent with your good friends Ann and Jos looked wonderful - and beautiful thoughtful gifts too - all in such splendid settings x

    1. We had a lovely time, thanks Flis! xxx

  19. You have magical friends! Fab outfits and makes, Vix - I just don't know what to wear - I'm getting very fed-up of wearing a Goretex kagoule and winter shoes instead of frocks and sandals :(

    We went to see Victorian Radicals and hope to go again before it closes - went mad in the gallery shop (ahem) - and had a lovely chat with the young man on the till! It always amazes me to see work in the flesh - some of the engravings are so small in comparison to how you see them in books. Of course it was delightful to see Fan with her fan! We have an art print of the unfinished painting of Jane Morris in our front room! Really missed the Edwardian Tearooms.

    Lovely playlist of snippets relating to the exhibition here

    Elaine Anon

    1. Hello Elaine! I['m so glad you got to see Victorian Radicals (excellent link, ta very much). If you are planning to come again drop me a line, I'd love to meet up. How good is the swag in the gift shop? Jos was having a chat with the young man on the till, he was keen to know what he thought of Birmingham but as he'd only walked from the bus stop to the gallery he hadn't really had time to form an opinion.
      The Edwardian Tea Rooms were supposed to have been reopened by now, I really miss them.
      I'm desperate to wear my summer clothes, I went out yesterday in a white linen dress and sandals and I didn't freeze or get soaked to the skin for a change! xxx

  20. So wonderful that you and Ann got to hang out.

  21. It's wonderful to be able to show friends around Birmingham and your favourite things. I must try and get to the exhibition. The artefacts were fabulous. I also loved the 'Floozie in the Jacuzzi'! Lovely photos of all of you having fun.

    Don't know if Ann and Jos are on their way back to Belgium by now, but if you are in touch with Ann; please could you thank her for the books she sent me. I received them on Saturday and what a lovely surprise it was. I'll see if I have her email address and contact her as well.

    Loved yours and Ann's outfits and that psychedelic skirt was amazing. I also loved everything you've made for the festival; the young girl on GBSB (I can't remember her name) seems to buy all her fabrics from chazzas, too.

    Here's to the festival season!

    1. Hello Vronni!
      It was lovely showing Ann & Jos a bit of Birmingham and they both loved Victorian Radicals- as did Jon who hadn't been either.
      I've passed your message on to Ann. They're in the UK until Saturday, it seems to be whizzing by.
      Sewing Bee looks very interesting tonight with the Indian theme, I'm going to have to miss some of the football to watch it! xxx

  22. Catching up on your blog posts. I adore your middle room, it's fabulous!
    I'm off to the Pre-Raphaelite's again on Thursday with my daughter in law. She's really keen to see it, and of course I want to go again.
    I'm really inspired by your Lotta 'project'. I've been feeling really unmotivated lately with the weather, but you've made me have a rethink about my wardrobe. I've got some second hand opencut shoeboots that need to be worn, and they'll take a pair of socks just fine 🙂
    Really looking forward to your Glasto posts. We must get together when you get back xxx

    1. Hello Annie and thank you! I hope you have a brilliant time at VR on Thursday, your daughter-in-law's in for a treat.
      I managed to get all my Lotta's worn - and other than cracking out my cowboy boots for The Coffin Works and VR last week but toes are well and truly out. It's Summer, it's gotta be done.
      Yes to a catch-up when I'm back! xxx

  23. I love reading your and Ann's blogs and am glad your had a lovely catch up. X

  24. How lovely you got to meet up with Ann & Jos again. I no longer need to be jealous of your exhibition visits I'm finally going myself in 2 weeks time! Those maxi dresses are amazing.

  25. Thank you so much for being our guides and taking us to Brum and the exhibition. It was absolutely amazing and we enjoyed every second. If I'd known you would be converting the scarf into a sun top, I'd have brought more of them. I've got loads of them and they're just gathering dust. Will have to remember for next year. Love your other makes too, the shorts are so cute and I'm sure they'll fly off the rails! xxx

  26. So Lovely to see Ann and you together, even better to see you visiting that Pre-Raphaelite Art exhibition and looking (both of you) so gorgeous and 'appropriate' dressed up. Love your dress-kaftan and love that skirt Ann was sporting, so fabulous!. Obviously, I'd like to join you, and I'm missing my english holidays. Not that we're tired of London, but it has become damn expensive!. I've told Mr.A. there are many other interesting cities to visit, and Birminghan sounds great (we're not huge fans of country life, sorry!).
    A girl can't have too much of that Pre-Raphaelite beauty, and I'm totally in love with that pendant in so gorgeous colours.
    I'm admiring your fantastic creations, those dresses are Amazing!
    And so lovely 'electric mermaid' nail polish, and also lovely turquoise rings!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix