Tuesday 18 June 2024

A Day Trip to Dudmaston


Another day, another day trip! On Monday Ann & Jos, Claire (who blogs here) and husband Gareth met up with us at the magnificent Dudmaston Hall in sunny(ish) Shropshire. 

Dudmaston’s story spans almost a millennium, lived in by the same family through inheritance and marriage for over 875 years and never sold. It started with a Norman knight and today Dudmaston is home to the Hamilton-Russell family. 

Photo courtesy of Claire

Despite those rather ominous looking skies it was pleasantly warm and we enjoyed a wander around the grounds before the house opened to the public.

Photo courtesy of Claire

Photo courtesy of Ann

 Dudmaston Hall houses one of the most important collections of modern art in Britain. Previous residents, Sir George and Lady Labouchere started collecting in the 1950s while Sir George was working for the British Embassy in Brussels. The National Trust are currently offering a tour called The Cocktail of Art where one of the volunteers walks visitors around the collection, pointing out their favourite pieces and giving some background information on the artists. The name of the tour comes from a quote by Sir George who likened the pleasure he got from seeing great art to having a cocktail. 

Alison, our guide, was great fun and we bonded over dresses - hers came from a boutique in Santorini and mine, by posh Athenian label Greek Archaic Kori, was an insanely cheap find on Vinted.

Alison's chosen artworks were those by Matisse, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and one of my personal favourites, Sonia Delaunay whose painted car I'd drooled over when we visited Malaga HERE. The Max Ernst painting is a rare mix of surrealism & abstract art and is listed as one of the National Trust's 100 top paintings. 

Photos courtesy of Ann

What a turn up for the books, it was warm and dry enough to eat lunch al fresco! I can thoroughly recommend the curried cauliflower pasty.

Suitably fed and watered we headed back inside. We loved this beautiful peacock wallpaper.

The yellow wallpaper was designed by Nina Campbell, one half of Collier Campbell who have been creating hand printed designs since the 1960s.

We tried not to laugh too much at the unfortunate looking lady to the right of the screen and were a bit scared of those evil looking twins, The Shining comes to mind!

The huge table in the entrance dates back to the 17th Century and was originally located in the servants quarters. Unusually the family seemed to value their employees, with paintings of them hanging alongside the ancestral portraits. I particularly liked this fellow enjoying what looked like the world's largest Aperol Spritz.

Dudmaston has a gorgeous exhibition of antique fans along with leaflets explaining Le Langage de L'Eventail (the language of the fan)

Photo of me courtesy of Ann

I'm Desirous of Acquaintance, Claire's saying Yes! and apparently Ann Wishes to get rid of you.

Dotted around the garden are sculptures by the artist, Anthony Twentyman. Born up the road in Wolverhampton in 1906, during WW2, Twentyman joined the RAF, was posted to Singapore and later captured and imprisoned by the Japanese for three and a half years. There's a strong Japanese influence in much of his work including Space Frame which Jon's posing by. You might remember seeing it restored in the first BBC series of Treasures of The National Trust.

Here's The Watcher, also by Twentyman.

Snakes alive! Look what we spotted in the garden!

The stuff of nightmares!

Photo courtesy of Claire

During some recent restoration work this Regency-era ladies bathing pool was unearthed.

Mega gunnera!

I can't help but think of the film Saltburn when I look at these photos although I can assure you that there was no drunken debauchery yesterday (we're saving that for next week.)

Photo courtesy of Jos

 Gareth reminded us that in September we'll have known him and Claire ten years. We met when we traded next to each other at a VW weekender in Bridgnorth. I think that deserves a celebration in the not too distant future.

Photo courtesy of Jos

Miss you already, Ann & Jos, see you in 2025!

Dudmaston Hall, Quatt, near Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV15 6QN

10.30 - 4.30 daily (Closed Fridays & Saturdays.)

Thanks for reading! We've got a hectic few days ahead but I'll do my best to post before we leave for Glasto. 


  1. What an interesting place! I haven't been, though it's not far. I do love that ladies bathing pool.
    You all look fab. Xxx

    1. It's really lovely, the gardens especially. I've only been twice before, not sure why! xxx

  2. What a beautiful day! Lovely photos and a particularly nice one of Ann and Jos at the end of your blog.
    My hair was not playing ball yesterday. Naturally, the updo I wanted to achieve worked like a dream this morning!
    Not sure what's happened to the sun today...I've been Googling peacock wallpaper. xxx

    1. Didn't we have a lovely time?
      Your hair looked great but isn't its sod's law that it always behaves on the day you don't go anywhere? It took me about eight goes to get my hair slide in the right position!
      After a lovely mild start it turned out to be a very chilly day, I relented and put the heating on for a bit.
      That wallpaper was gorgeous! xxx

  3. I adore the wallpapers. All of you looked great and what an interesting place. I would have liked the walk and talk on modern art. Regards Sue H

    1. Hello Sue! I do love a fancy wallpaper. The tour was great, informative without being patronising or preachy. xxx

  4. What a wonderful post. I love your National Trusts tours.
    Wonderful photos and captures.
    How lovely they had portraits of employees. It was a fun family I'm sure.
    Look at all that art!
    You've had some amazing and stylish company as well! So great to see you with Ann! Alison looks like a great guide. I love this idea of volunteer guides. If we had those options here, I'd volunteer to be one as well.

    1. Thanks, Ivana! It's really unusual to see servants portrayed in art and even more so to find the painting displayed alongside those of their employers.
      I bet you'd make a fantastic guide, your not only knowledgeable but multilingual, too. xxx

  5. I too recommend the curried cauli pasty! Heather

    1. Hello Heather! I could eat one right now, delicious and great value for money! xxx

  6. You all look amazing and so relaxed. What a great day out and I can feel the Summer vibes. I woke up to 0 degrees this morning, haha so that sucks. I'm looking forward to my trip to England in September so I can wander around some gorgeous houses and gardens, thanks for the taste of what's to come. Also, Glasto, so excited for you, hope the prep is going well.

    1. Hello Susan! Our temperatures are pretty disappointing but haven't dropped that low for a few weeks! September's usually a really warm and sunny month here so you've chosen the perfect time to visit.
      The prep is going well, thanks! The stock's already in the van, we're taking the tent down today! xxx

  7. Oh, I love the pic of you and Ann and Claire walking arm-in-arm! What a dazzling array of pics! I want to be there hanging out with all of you! I'm so glad you had a warm day - what a gorgeous place that is. Such a stylish group!

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I love how we're accidentally arranged in height order! We had such a great day and it was such a treat not to have to shiver or run for shelter! xxx

  8. Looks like you had a great time!
    Excursion with friends in a wonderful place!!
    Your photos are also perfect!!
    Have a nice day Vix❤️

  9. It can be seen that you had a wonderful day. The landscape is magical.

    Just yesterday I was thinking about buying a fan. :)

    1. We did have a lovely day! I'm a bit jealous of you having weather warm enough to need a fan! X

  10. How lovely to all get together, looks like everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

    1. Hello, Betty! Hope your having a lovely time in Malta! We had such a fun day! X

  11. That looks like a good day, apart from the bl**dy snake! My youngest daughter, many years ago, had a shed snakeskin in her room (odd child). I was hunting for mouldy crockery and the skin fell off of a shelf and landed on my hand! Boy did I scream. Have a fab Glasto x

    1. Much as I like snakes I think I'd have screamed if that snakeskin incident would have happened to me! Your youngest daughter sounds like a real character! X

  12. Did your friends stay with you and J? I always hated goodbyes, used to take a couple of days to get back to normal. You always know you've arrived when your immortalised in paint or print by your employers! My fizzog isn't hanging from any walls but I'm in 5 wedding albums! Glasto rocks around quicker each year and Lulu's going to be there. She was 'recipient's at our little local festival a couple of years ago and was absolutely dynamite! She's a bit like Marmite but I've always liked her. X🎶

    1. 'headlining'! 'recipients ' is Kindle's interpretation!

    2. Hello Annie! Jos and Ann stay in a converted cow shed in rural Shropshire so we usually meet up half way, this year was the first time they'd driven all the way over to our house. We did feel really emotional saying goodbye, we'd looked forward to our annual meet up for months and it's all over so quickly!
      I haven't studied the Glasto lineup yet, I didn't know about Lulu. I loved that song she did with Take That! The downside of trading is not being able to see many bands, let's hope she pops into our shop instead! X

  13. What a fabulous day out! How nice to meet up with Jos, Ann, Clare and Gareth again; everyone looked especially cool and stylish. I loved the recently discovered Regency bathing pool. I think that snake might be a slow worm?

    1. We has a fab day, Vronni! That snakey thing swam off after we disturbed it, I've just Googled slow worm and it appears that they swim! Can't you tell we're townies?! Xx

  14. What an amazing day out! It sounds tremendous! I am so glad you got to enjoy more time with our favourite Belgians AND Gareth and Claire! This looks such a great place to visit and you fit in so well! Your dress is a stunner. Kezzie xx

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! We had such a lovely day, the weather was really kind to us too! X

  15. What a fun day out! You look like you all had a lovely time! X

  16. Didn't we have a brilliant time? I can't believe it'll be one week ago tomorrow.
    It was only when you pointed it out to Sheila that I realized we were accidentally arranged in size order :-) That photo of Jos and me is fabulous, and for once Jos is looking as if he is enjoying himself ... which he assures has was in spite of the grumpy face :-) xxx

  17. woww!, what a lovely meeting in a lovely place!, so fabulous that you join Ann and Claire (and partners) for a day visiting Dudmaston and it was even a sunny day, so you could have your lunch al fresco, and enjoy not only the beautiful house but also those delightful paths and garden. So beautiful photos and everybody look gorgeous (so lovely and colourful outfits!)
    And I cannot help but mention that you and Jon look like having come straight from Greece (sandals and shorts!). You're totally in a summery mood! ;DD


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix