Saturday 22 June 2024

Glaston - Ready!

In less than 24 hours we'll be on our way to Worthy Farm. 

For the self-proclaimed queen of packing light, I'm almost embarrassed by how much stuff I've packed BUT this is Glastonbury, the biggest festival in the world and it'd be a crime to waste an opportunity to dress up!

So...what am I taking? Well, apart from the obvious (my wellies, waterproof poncho, knickers, leggings, beer mittens, socks and a vest top) this lot made the final cut...

1970s Marion Donaldson maxi; vintage suede jacket;1970s lurex maxi skirt; sequined corset; 1970s Bernshaw rhinestone trimmed maxi; sequin halter top; 1970s psychedelic maxi skirt; sequin maxi coat; 1970s Hollywood Charm maxi dress; 1970s Bernshaw lurex maxi; Sequin & fake fur coat; Y2K sequin trimmed Christian Audigier for Ed Hardy maxi.

Earrings, a couple of bangles, a Stainless steel choker and my rings...

Tevas & Muck boots ( a recent lucky chazza shop find)...

A couple of pairs of sunnies (although I know I'll weaken and chuck another pair in at the last minute), a sequin polo neck, a sequin bikini top, my Asbeau headdress and a sheepskin hat. It's England, we have to be prepared for everything! 

I haven't photographed the toiletries but rest assured that there's plenty of biodegradable wet wipes, loo roll, all day sun cream and hand sanitiser.  

I've had another gel manicure - a holographic electric blue called bizarrely Last Christmas (you all know how much I love Xmas...not!) Excuse the mark on my hand, I was testing how waterproof my electric blue eyeliner is.

With over 1,000 garments, the 6m x 4m trade tent, rails, rugs, mannequins, tables, drapes, lights, signage, our awning and enough food and booze to see us through eight days it's a miracle there's any room for us.

You'll find us in our usual spot opposite the bandstand - don't be shy, come and say hello!

See you on the other side!


  1. Enjoy every moment xxx

  2. Oh my goodness, how incredible Vix! You are the queen of packing. I see there are a few great Canadian musicians appearing .🇨🇦🇨🇦 Have a wonderful time!❤️❤️ Robin

    1. Hello Robin and thank you! The only downside of trading at Glastonbury rather than being a festival goer is missing out on a lot of the bands! xxx


  3. Great selection, you will look fantastic again!
    The bands are amazing, it's going to be bombastic.
    Wish you the best time <3

  4. Have a fabulous time Vix if it's not too late I would throw a bikini and flip flops in if we trust the weatherman its going to hot!!! Betty x

    1. Hello Betty! I've got a bikini top and my Tevas, I think I'll stuff a pair of shorts into my bag, too! let's hope the BBC are right about the weather! xxx

  5. That's quite an impressive array of treasures you and Jon are featuring in the 'Kinky Melon's Retro Boutique' trade tent for the Glastonbury Festival!
    Well done both of you - you're both looking happy and healthy!
    All the best xx

    1. Lovely to hear from you and thanks a million for the well wishes! xxx

  6. How on earth can a year have passed . . . it only seems like a few months ago you were packing up to head to Worthy Farm.

    Take care, laugh lots, sell everything! xxx

    1. I know, it soon rolls around, doesn't it? Thanks so much, I hope we do! xxx

  7. Such organisation! I a impressed at how much you are taking. Loving all your festival outfits. Hope the weather stays fine and that you have a blast! Sell lots of stuff too. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks,Carole! It feels very decadent travelling with so much stuff! Keep your fingers crossed that the weather holds! X

  8. Have a fantastic time, Vix! Weather's looking promising (at last!) and looks a good line up of bands. Hope you sell loads. We'll watch it on tv. Really love the rhinestone maxi and the lurex maxi dress. Louise (Mids) X x (ps on a separate note, we are just back from Kos and thank you so much for the recommendation of the anti- mozzie bands... they really did the trick!)

    1. Thanks so much, Louise! That silver maxi has seen so much festival action that it's almost bald but it wouldn't be Glastonbury without it! I'm glad you're as pleased with those bracelets as we are and that you had a lovely time in Kos, I'm really keen to revisit, its such a fabulous island! X

  9. Oh wow what a great shop!! Soooo many fun pieces you must have just loved this. Thanks for sharing here!

    Allie of

    1. I hope everyone else likes it! Thanks, Allie! X

  10. You will look gorgeous, as always, Vix!

    Hope you have a wonderful time and terrific sales!

    Travel safely!

    ... Taja 🏜️

    P.S. High temp at PHX yesterday was 117°F; overnight low about 90°F (47°C/32°C). Very little need for cooler weather gear until October! LOL ;-)

  11. i did see a few bands i would love to see! have a wonderful show. when i first started reading your blog i was astounded at the amount of buying you two were always doing. it wasn't until i continued reading and realized that a lot of buying was for music festivals. duh!!! no wonder you needed a lot of stock.

    if only in the us i would run across clothes like you find. here in the midwest, items in the shop tend to be limited to the latest cheap fashion and the occasional harris tweed jacket which i always snatch up. the vintage long dresses are rare to find here. so i end up buying vicariously through your buys. and sigh........
    and yes, have a fun time and hopefully the weather will be wonderful!!!

  12. I am so envious, there are some people I'd really like to see on the list.. Best of luck to you both, I hope you have great weather and great sales. Megan

  13. Have the best time! You're going to sparkle in your outfits Vix! X

  14. Knock 'em bandy!.(Scottish term for 'go get 'em!', which I have every confidence that you will)!Can't wait to hear all about it. Happy

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Looks like you're going to have fantastic weather so have a brilliant time you two.

  17. I'm sure everything will be fine with such beautiful clothes and accessories! The bands are really top notch. The Coldplay in Greece this month (Athens) and some of my friends who went said it was the best experience of their life! You are lucky to be there Now! It's obvious that you know how to pick and create fashion!! I like them all!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday Vix and may all be well🧡!

  18. Have an amazing time!

  19. Have a wonderful time! See you on the other side. Xx

  20. Have a brilliant time! I'll be watching on telly and looking out for your blog on the other side xxxx

  21. Fab-u-lous outfits!
    Can't wait to hear all about it. Sell loads! xxx

  22. Only you, Vix, would calmly check off: Wellies, socks, sequin bikini top... Quite right, too. When in Glastonbury, dress to respect the local customs!

  23. I'm sure the sequins list get longer each time!! Perfect in the sun and an uplifting item if it's miserable. It's super hot in our garden, so hope it lasts. Have a super time and sell loads!! Look forward to the update posts during the week. Zxx ♥️♥️

  24. I hope you have an amazing time. My sister was telling me the other night about the year she worked at Glasto with her then 18 month old daughter. She and her ex husband forgot to take her reins, so they had to pin their mobile numbers on her front and back in case she went missing! Arilx

  25. I love the stuff which made the grade, and I'm totally chuffed that "my" Lurex maxi skirt will be joining you again. Wishing you both a brilliant time and I'm keeping my fingers crossed you'll sell loads, although, having had the honour to have had a peek inside the Kinky Melon tent, I'm in no doubt that you will! xxx

  26. Have a glorious hopefully dry and warmish time. Just think your outfits are promotion for Kinky Melon.

  27. You look fantastic Vix - Yes you Have to dress up - It's showtime and will bring sparkle to the event - The more the better I should think - and why not show your super trim figure - I would x

  28. Travel safely and have loads of fun - hope you have best-ever sales at Kinky!
    Elaine xx

  29. Running late with my comment , so you are no doubt there already. All the best for good weather and bumper sales. You will knock them over with your outfits. xx

  30. There's a Javanese Muslim group called (Voice of) Baceprot playing at Glastonbury that I'd be very interested to see. They sound great!
    Your outfits look fab! All the sequins look very sparkly and fun and such variety. I hope trading is v successful!
    It'll be hard work but the best hardwork!
    Kezzie xx

  31. Have a fabulous time. Look at all of those amazing sequins, and that great line up. I can't wait to see all of your pictures when you get back. I'm not blogging any more (I was struggling to find time) but I am most definitely still keeping up with your amazing exploits. xx

  32. Have a wonderful time!! I will be waiting for your recaps! They make me feel like I was there!

  33. Have a great time. You will be the shiney-est person there. I am a bit jealous that Cyndi Lauper is on the lineup. She played my town a few years back. I was unemployed and could not afford the ticket. I saw her tour bus though.

  34. You are going to look magnificent, and I hope you have a brilliant trading time, and of course plenty of alcohol and great music in the evenings. Enjoy. xx

  35. Have a Fabulous Time!, love to see your properly sequined luggage and all those shiny gorgeous clothes!, You Rock!

  36. Reading this after the second day of very hot (too hot for me) weather it looks like a lot of your gear might not get worn...I expect you'll raid Kinky's rails though if needs must! Have a fab time.

  37. Can't wait to hear about it-you look so ready. It's the way we live here-best to be prepared for 3-4 seasons in a day...
    Two words: SLEAFORD MODS! ok more: alvvays, pj harvey, avril lavigne, steel pulse!
    Hope you're having a great time and selling tons :)

  38. Oh what fun.. you look fabulous, love the nails, the rings, the everything!

  39. Woo! Thinking of you and hoping you had fabulous weather and loads and loads of sales! Would love to see Confidence Man, Sleaford Mods and Kneecap (love them!).

  40. I love what you packed. You're right! This was the greatest festival and it would have been a shame to miss the chance to dress up. You look gorgeous in all those dresses you packed.
    The metallic blue manicure is gorgeous...and that blue eye liner looks waterproof indeed.:)


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix