Monday 10 June 2024

Step Into My Parlour - The Middle Room Makeover

Back in February I shared a few photos of our middle room HERE, which over the years had become a general dumping ground or, not to put too fine a point on it, a shit tip. Here's what it looks like now.

I can't take any credit for it - Jon set his heart on black walls and a metallic ceiling and did it all himself, I just delivered the odd cup of tea and kept out of the way.

He papered the walls & ceiling with textured wallpaper, painting the walls, picture rails, skirting boards and the wood panels in the bay window black and the ceiling a metallic copper. He removed the glass cups and swags from the old chandelier, spray painted it matt black and swapped the candle light bulbs to some much cooler looking Edison bulbs. The fire surround has been painted to give the illusion of cast iron ( and I think it works!)

Aparts from the funky light bulbs and a couple of charity shopped picture frames everything else in the room is things we've owned for years.

The copper pull-up, pull-down pendant light over my PC belonged to my parents, they bought it from Habitat when they got married in 1966. 

The 1930s Bentwood chair was £1 from a jumble sale over a decade ago, we reupholstered it with a groovy vintage curtain bought from a charity shop - the print is Marrakech by Jonelle and was screen printed in 1966 (the year Jon & I were born!)

The brass Arts & Crafts coal bucket came from the parental home.

As we eat at the kitchen table the main purpose of the room is for playing music and its beyond exciting to finally be able to get to the record player which had been hidden away in the back of a cupboard for far too long.

I made these curtains in May, 2010 - a welcome distraction after my Mum died.

A couple of my ancestors on my maternal grandpa's side.

This cloth Fear and Loathing poster was 99p from a charity shop at the beginning of the year, we both love the book and the film.

This mahogany framed Victorian lithograph, Labour of Love, used to be in the bathroom. It was £2 from the clearance charity shop. The Art Deco walnut lamp was under my Dad's bed when I emptied the house.

A Sex Pistols tour poster.... 

And a hand drawn map of the Glastonbury Festival (thanks Stuart, Kim & Lily, our soon-to-be-reunited festival crew). There's our shop opposite the Bandstand!

Some of my huge collection of vintage postcards - these are 1950s Greek ones.

My electric Jesus shrine - a birthday pressie from Jon a couple of years ago.

This 1920s German articulated monkey was my Mum's when she was little.

The boss! The Victorian rosewood bench came from my Grandpa's childhood home. I reupholstered it with the other Marrakech curtain. 

The CDs, tapes and vinyl are stashed in the wooden cabinet which was the bottom of the glazed Victorian bookcase from my Grandpa's offices in West Bromwich which used to dominate the room. The top part is now on the landing - it nearly killed Jon, Tony & I to get it up the stairs!

Checking over this morning's charity shop vinyl finds, She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult, Trapped by Colonel Abrahams, Rock Me Amadeus by Falco (which my gorgeous Austrian friend Love T will approve of!) and Move Closer by Phyllis Nelson. 

I love the finished room, it feels like a Victorian backstreet boozer, one of our favourite kind of places to hang out in. 

If you want to see more of our house, HERE's our kitchen inspired by a Victorian mortuary, HERE's our bathroom with an elegantly dilapidated gentleman's club vibe and HERE's our Teal Appeal anti-beige lounge. 


  1. Oh yes, that's super job done. I love the ceiling and it's wonderful you are surrounded by so many family 'heirlooms' and memories of places and good times. Lovely, take a bow Jon (and you too)!

    1. Thanks, Vronni! I did wonder about the metallic ceiling but I love it, I just want to lie on the rug and stare at it all day! xxx

  2. Love it all! The coal bucket looks very Rennie Mackintosh. True Labour of love getting that paper on the ceiling then painting it. Good job all

    1. Thank you! I've always loved that coal bucket even as a child, there's something mesmerising about that sinuous design. The papering of the ceiling was the one bit of the decorating that I helped Jon with, it was an absolute mare, that embossed paper was really heavy and awkward! xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. No idea why that's published twice?! I only wrote it out once!!

  5. Jon designed the room wonderfully. I admire it when someone has so much imagination and ability to accomplish this. I particularly like the lighting and also the walls and ceiling.

    (Unbelievably my mother died in the same year)

    1. He's so much better at visualising things than I am!
      How strange about you losing your Mum the same year. 2010 was horrible. xxx

  6. The room looks wonderful and I have fallen in love with the ceiling! I need to ask, though; are there still strange occurrences in the room? Thank you for the huge design inspiration!

    1. Thank so much! Before the ceiling was decorated William would sit in the middle, stare up at it and constantly meow - maybe sensing the spirit of the young man who hung himself?! He's been fine since the wallpaper and paint went on and he actually spent last night asleep on the chair up the corner! xxx

  7. Well done Jon, fantastic makeover xx

  8. It is utterly sublime! Jon, that was fantastic vision and superb execution! I love all the small details! The postcards are fabulous and I love the lithograph!x

    1. Jon says "Thanks, Kezzie!" He's so much better at visualising stuff than I am. xxx

  9. This is amazing, so dark and moody, reminds me of a basement cafe and bar I used to hangout as a teenager. I also love the metallic ceiling which is really effective and all your bits and bobs which just make the look of the room. I"ve been thinking of doing my bedroom in a dark and moody teal colour.

    1. Thanks, Diane! Your teenage hangout sounds like the feel of the old Victorian pubs around here, dark and moody where time runs away with itself and you end up staying twice as long as intended.
      I love having a dark bedroom, I hope you decide to go for painting your teal. xxx

  10. The room is gorgeous. Well done to Jon.

  11. It looks wonderful! I love how unique your home is, too many are bland white boxes nowadays.

    I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but with so many family heirlooms and the house itself being in your family so long and being such a labour of love for you, do you ever worry what will happen to it all once you've both gone? I hope that's not a dark thing to ask and that I'm not being presumptuous, it's just something I think about with my own situation as I'm also child free and I wondered your take on it as you have so many precious things with personal history

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah.
      I don't find your question rude at all. We're planning we'll sell Stonecroft when we get older and hopefully still in our right minds to the kind of couple I sold my parental home to who fell in love with The Cottage and have made it their mission in life to maintain both the house and the garden's beauty. xxx

    2. I was also wondering this as a fellow child-free person! Kezzie xx

    3. And hooray for the expression "child-free". I get really narked when people refer to those of us who choose not to have children as being "childless" like our lives are lacking in something! xxx

  12. It looks great, really showcases your furniture and other belongings, too. Was that a servants staircase I saw in one of the pics?

    1. Thanks, Tracey. That's the only staircase. The house was never grand enough for servants, it started life as three single storey farm labourers' cottages in around 1750 and the upper story was added in the early 19th Century. xxx

  13. It looks incredible! What a transformation. I'm intrigued by the layout of the house as you call it the middle room - is it between the kitchen and the sitting room? Maybe xxx

    1. Hello Mabe! Yes, as I mentioned to Tracey who commented above, the house was originally three single storey, one room labourers dwellings. When Stonecroft became a single dwelling a door was knocked into the each room to connect all three (and the bay windows built to replace the original

  14. Looks amazing. I can’t wait to get started on mine, except the boiler went kaput! Well that’s what you get when you buy a home with termites in Japan! I love the ceiling. I would love a dark gothic living room. Every time I go to ikea. I lust after the one they have , except I don’t like their furniture, I go for the kids plates!
    I finally got a record player, playing the bay city rollers and kris what’s his face and no he can’t sing but I love it!! Oh and crystal gayle, blame my dad ! But I do have some classics lol.
    Keep up the excellent work! Love yas

    1. Hello, love! Sorry to hear about your boiler...arghhh! I've not been to Ikea in donkey's despite it being in walking distance from our house, I wonder if they've got a goth rom in ours? xxx

  15. Quite stunning: suits the house, suits both of you - Jon is an absolute star.

    William looks most at home reclining on your bench, and I hope Ghost Cat is pleased with what you've done, xx

    1. Thanks so much! William's actually spent a couple of nights curled up on the bentwood chair, maybe the change of colour has displaced Ghost Cat! xxx

  16. Have to say the reno looks fabulous and think the best thing it is very individual, not like everyone's else's beige with white offset.

  17. Hi Vix, well done with on your stylish renovations. Your home certainly reflects so many aspects of your multi- faceted personalities ( you and Jon) and also gives pride of place to your many and varied collections so that they can be seen and admired. I particularly like the arts and crafts coal- bucket ( gorgeous) and the art deco walnut lamp and your Greek postcard collection. Who says that homes have to be dull ! You picked up some great vinyl too.
    I am still having a bit of a ' dry patch' with my vintage and charity shop shopping right now though I did track down a gorgeous 1950s rose-strewn dress ( made in Ireland) for a vintage dealer friend. I am going to a fashion show this weekend made up entirely of second hand and vintage clothes to support local charities.

    1. Hello Alysia and thanks for your kind words! I love how magnificently moody the room looks now and how much it shows off that brass coal bucket to its full advantage.
      I wonder if the Irish dress is a shift dress with a large stylised rose on the front? I've sold a couple of those over the years - your friend will be delighted and hopefully it should send a little vintage karma your way.
      That fashion show sounds fantastic, I wish I could go. xxx

  18. Oh wow, Jon has done an excellent job. It's beautiful. I love the colours used, and that so many items have a story. I'm looking forward to my sabbatical this summer so I can decorate my office/snug. I'm thinking to go for a bit of a study type vibe, but we'll see. xx

    1. Thanks, Louise! The panel effect textured paper is called Egon and was from World of Wallpaper, it's a brilliant heavy-duty paper, perfect for old houses with wonky walls and would be perfect for a Victorian study. xxx

  19. Fabulous! Well done, Jon. Xx

  20. Your home is such a beautiful reflection of you both.
    Of course I love a dedicated music room! The combination of the black walls with the copper ceiling is brilliant. That chandelier! so perfect. You can see all the love and work put into this reno~Jon did an amazing job...all the details-wow the Sex Pistols tour poster...
    We're also big fans of Fear and Loathing-book and film. And Hunter S. Thompson in general..
    There's a great soundtrack with some dialogue on it you might need for your collection if you don't have it already :)

    1. Thanks so much, Stephanie! I can't tell you how exciting it is to actually be able to play all our vinyl now! I shall hunt down the Fear & Loathing soundtrack, we don't have it in our collection as far as I can remember! xxx

  21. Fabulous job Jon. I particularly love the metallic ceiling. Room looks very inviting. All your treasures look wonderfully displayed.

  22. A million medals for papering the ceiling, Jon! What a beautiful room you have made - the peacock feathers against the wall look absolutely divine. I love that you've filled the space with special, personal things and adding music to the mix is the cherry on the cake. Wiilliam looks quite the louche young chap about town waiting for the catphone to ring.

    I am itching to rip our kitchen out and replace the horrid temporary carpet* that has been waiting almost 20 years for us to get round to replacing LMAO!
    * the kitchen isn't carpeted - it's our front room, stairs and landing that are DESPERATE!

    Elaine Anon

    1. Thanks so much, Elaine! Once Jon had finished decorating I ran around the house trying to find stuff that would do the walls justice, the peacock feathers were first in!
      The "temporary carpet" sound like something we'd do, I hope you find something worthy - it's a hard task to find anything these days that isn't either grey, beige or cripplingly expensive! xxx

  23. Fabulous work Jon! You must be thrilled!
    Love your Mom's little articulated monkey! xxx

    1. It's a vast improvement, isn't it? That money is so cute, I love playing around with him! xxx

  24. The room looks great. I admit I love plain white walls. Lots and lots of colour and pattern with cushions, quilts, books and so on, but plain white walls and ceilings. But unexpectedly I do love this dark, moody room. The high ceiling helps it not appear overwhelming, and the painted fireplace works really well. The magazine feature takes me back to the days when I devoured those 'House Perfect' type mags. The money I wasted on them! Val x

    1. Hello Valerie and thank you! When we moved in back in 2005 we painted all the walls white whilst we made up our minds, most of them still were when the house was featured in "Your Home" magazine nine years ago. Like you, I thought all our stuff added colour and interest to the white background but Jon talked me around to the dark side and I think everything pops even more with the drama of dark walls.
      I subscribed to Living Etc for years, I loved it for ages until it went all minimal and celebrity focussed. xxx

  25. Realizing I've been onboard here for a while because I do remember your mum's funeral (and your elegant black and white ensemble), the curtains, the monkey, the clearing out of your parents' home and its 347 terra cotta flower pots... But the handmade map of Glastonbury is new, as is the print on the chair and bench, and *ta dah* Jon's efforts have yielded a magical music room, which is undoubtedly even more enchanting at night when lighting can play with the metallic surfaces.

    1. You've been with me a long time, Beth! I think I shared that Marrakech fabric covered chair and bench around six years ago, it must have snuck beneath your radar! The Glastonbury map was a gift last year, we've been waiting for the right sized frame to pop up in a charity shop for almost 12 months! xxx

  26. A gorgeous Transformation, Bravo. Got some shit tip areas myself we're trying to resolve. I'm having a She Shed built in a Week to put all my Inventory in to get it out of being scattered everywhere. You've Inspired me.

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I'm envious of your she shed! xxx

  27. What a daring transformation! I am fond of all things copper so the ceiling really appeals to me and I think it would never make this impact without the black contrast. It will be lovely to listen to music in there - on a proper record player too! All that's missing is Jon in a smoking jacket! Betty

    1. Thanks, Betty! That copper paint definitely needs a dark contrast, I love the effect. Funnily enough there's six smoking jackets on the festival shop rail, I ught to get Jon to wear one! xxx

  28. Wow, Jon did a stellar job on your sitting room! I love it. Have to say, the fireplace surround kinda photographs like poor spray-paint - I'm sure it's just the light...but maybe one more coat? I highly approve of "She Sells Sanctuary" which was a pivotal album for me back in the day! I love the mix of old and contemporary in your house - those gorgeous light fixtures, the "Fear and Loathing" poster (one of my schticks is that I often tell people, "As your lawyer, I advise you...").

    Sorry for my absence in the comments, Vix! Getting caught up after my Vacay Daze. PS - Lulu is Lululemon, a very big athletic-wear company, and "tots" are tater tots (and we quote "Napoleon Dynamite" when L has them!).

    1. Thanks, She! You're right the uneven look of the fireplace is the reflection from the camera & having the light on!
      One of Jon's old rock and roll memories is of him staying at Ian Astbury's house in LA back in the day and floating in the swimming pool while Ian's girlfriend cut his hair. A most excellent band!
      Fear and Loathing is so good, isn't it? I can't usually stand Johnny Depp's acting but he's great in the film.
      Thanks for clearing up the language confusion. I'm way behind on comments, too. That's festival prep, blogger meet-ups and sewing for you! xxx

  29. Congratulations, what a great re-furb!!!!
    Don’t you love it when you have a vision and it comes together? From shit tip to tip top !! Well done both of you, Megan

    1. Thanks, Megan! It's definitely an improvement on the dingy shit tip! xxx

  30. wow, what a fantastic decoration, love the black walls as they enhance any furniture or detail!, great idea to paint the ceiling in a brighter metallic colour, and so decadently elegant!
    Really great that you finally have a place to play music at that record player, mwhaha, I've recently installed mine in our living room (it's a massive old thing that plays casettes, cds and vinyls!), and it makes me so happy!

  31. Hola , amo cada detalle de tu habitación del medio, no falta ni sobra nada. Un trabajo sin duda hecho con el buen gusto que os caracteriza. La transformación es asombrosa, sin duda de noche será más increíble todavía .
    Un saludo y disfruto de cada post sobre manera

  32. The room looks amazing. I love the copper ceiling so much, what a great idea! Kudos to Jon for his vision and hard work, it's fab. xx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix