Sunday 6 June 2021

The Distancing Diaries - 5th & 6th June, 2021


Once again, dazzling sunshine greeted us when we awoke on Saturday morning. Jon saw to the lads, made tea and brought it back to bed where we lay and read until 8am. I stripped and changed the bed, loaded the washing machine and pegged everything out on the line to dry after a coffee.

Breakfast, as is usual on a Saturday, was sausage sandwiches, meat for Jon and veggie for me. Jon couldn't resist buying these for me, I'd not had them before and they were delicious.

Remember the picture frames we'd bought from the clearance charity shop last Sunday? After breakfast, we removed the 1980s cross stitch panels and replaced them with the stash of vintage Indian postcards I'd scored for £2 from eBay back in January (HERE)

We added some religious stickers we'd bought from a little shop behind the 16th-century church, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception in Panjim, Goa back in February 2020. 

We popped in a couple of postcards featuring the deceased Sri Aurobindo in his coffin & another of him and The Mother we'd bought when we visited Auroville Ashram just outside Ponidicherry back in 2006. We returned to Pondicherry in 2010, you can read about it HERE.

Factor 30, hair slathered in conditioner, a vintage bikini and Monica's mum's shorts from the 1970s - I was ready for a day in the garden.

We spent the rest of the day ticking off the to-do list. I'd ordered some pyracantha (aka spiky bastard) from a nursery on eBay to plant outside the gates in front of the fern garden and it arrived from Ireland carefully wrapped in completely recyclable packaging. Jacob loved the straw! After a thorough watering, I planted it straightaway. 

Looking back to my blog we're a few weeks behind where we were last year with plants but the sunshine's working its magic and we're slowly catching up.

The mock orange bloomed overnight and smells heavenly. The Yukka won't be far behind.

By 3pm we'd had enough of work and prostrated ourselves on the lawn with our books.

Tea was a paneer Madras with half a nan and some basmati rice. Later, accompanied by rum & cola, we watched Scotland's Home of the Year and The Antiques Roadtrip although Jon struggled to keep his eyes open.

We could hear the pitter-patter of rain on the music room roof the previous evening and it was still drizzling when I got up on Sunday morning. Despite this, I had a walk around the garden before making tea and bringing it back to bed. When Jon told me that the rain was doing the plants good I started to worry that my boyfriend had been snatched away in the night and replaced by an old codger.

Breakfast was a couple of slices of toast each eaten whilst watching The Andrew Marr Show. After gathering our donations - a vintage hammock, the voluminous off-the-shoulder top I'd worn last Sunday, the tapestries from the picture frames, a suit carrier, some souvenir tea towels and a couple of paperbacks - we drove down to the clearance charity shop for a rummage. Fortunately, the drizzle had been replaced with hazy sunshine.

I'm a solar-charged reader so I'm powering through books at the moment, these should keep us both going for a week or so. The 1970s suede fronted bomber jacket from C&A is for the stockroom. The charity shop stocks new items, too. These giant plastic planters are perfect for some of the bulbs Jon's growing and are a fraction of the price of those in the garden centre. 

I might only have been going to the charity shop but I felt the need to wear my new-to-me Dilli Grey dress. At a third of the retail price, the Lotta from Stockholm silver clogs were a lucky eBay find last year. I painted my nails in Green Berry, one of my favourite Barry M summery colours.

After our noodles, we got into our gardening gear and got stuck into the front garden transformation. Whilst I weeded between the pavers and swept up, Jon erected the new fence although when I say new I mean he used offcuts from joists he'd rescued from a builder and some metal panels our friends Erica & Jon were getting rid of. The only thing we bought was the Wilko Silver Birch wood treatment, which cost £5.

An elderly chap who I've known forever walked past and told me that my Grandma would be proud of what we'd done, which made me smile.

Our next job was introducing some British wildflowers, so we cut into the lawn and added some great knapweed, red clover, wild carrot, great burnet and yarrow.

This is how they should look in a few weeks time.

The back bed is slowly coming along, Lynn's Auntie Gladys's sunflowers are starting to climb, the clumps of geranium are starting to bloom and the French marigolds are adding a welcome splash of colour whilst the nasturtiums bide their time.

It's pizza for tea (no surprise there) along with a beer and the England match (which reminds me, I must get a wallchart ready for when the Euros kick off next weekend). Later we'll be watching Time, the BBC's new drama starring one of our all-time favourite British actors, the fabulous Stephen Graham. We started watching Eastern European crime series The Pleasure Principle on Friday night, it's on Walter Presents and is well worth a watch.

See you soon!


  1. Evening there Vix! I missed a few days. Had the second jab which am embarrassed to say wiped me out for a couple of days - I was so fatigued but you know it was kind of nice I just felt too tired to do much but not unewell - so I am so glad to be BACK. You look lovely and summery in your new to you dress and that Barry M polish compliments it perfectly. I bet your grandmother would be proud and the wildflowers are going to look beautiful. What an inspired idea to get some spiky bastard. Actually ventured into a chazza with my son (he loves them too) but was dissappointed at how much new stuff was in there! Drove onto a gorgous nursery owned by a private family and it was beautiful tempted by some more plants but don't mind supporting local small business. I am so impressed with everything you do as usual and better check in for more motivation er I mean to see your adventures next time I feel floppy loads of love Shazxx

    1. Hello, Shaz! Welcome to the two dose club. I'm glad the only ill-effect was a bit of sleepiness and nothing untoward. It's a brilliant feeling to be back to normal after a couple of off-days, it really does make you appreciate good health.
      I know what you mean about the new stuff. I was glad of the plastic pots but hate to see all those branded goods on sale, they take up far too much space are are really expensive. It's lovely to know that your son is into charity shops, too. When Jon & I were in town on Friday there were loads of kids in their late teens/ early 20s in the clearance charity shop, so good to see the younger generation buying secondhand instead of queuing outside Primarni!
      Jon's promised me a trip to our little family run garden centre later, I'm so excited and like you, I'm sure I'll be tempted with something pretty!
      Enjoy the sunshine! xxx

  2. It's all coming along swimmingly! I love the fence panels. Will the posts be chopped down to the height of the panels? I like what you did with the postcards and frames. Have a good week y'all. xxx

    1. Thank you! No, the posts are staying the height they are. We've replicated the fence that was there in my grandparents' day (on the cheap!) xxx

  3. I love the new fence, it's beautiful! Everything is really coming along so well. I love the Dilli Grey dress and that photo of you in shorts - you are really in amazing shape! You look like you spend hours and hours at the gym every day. Have a great week Vix. xxx

  4. Your dilly grey and nail polish were made for each other. I like your front garden and meant to suggest pyrokanthus for keeping unwanted visitors off. I love that you are planting wildflowers on the grass- I have left the 'weeds'in my lawn this year - I like them when they flower and can't see the point in fighting them (if you live next to a woodland you have to expect things to stray) You do look lovely in your shorts :)

    1. Thanks, Betty! They are a good match, aren't they?
      I agree about keeping your garden wild if you live near a woodland. I'm bringing the wild into suburbia!
      Those pyrocanthus should do the trick, I hope! I remembered that the kids were back at school today so was sticking bamboo sticks around them at 5.30am to keep marauding infants at bay! xxx

  5. Your garden is looking great.

    Souvenir tea towels? I love hunting those!

    Is that Sean Bean? I'm not going to say anymore, but he was a beautiful Sharpe.

    1. Thank you!
      These tea towels didn't dry well and weren't cute enough to keep but I do love a souvenir tea towel, too.
      That is Sean Bean, unrecognisable in this role. He's a brilliant actor. x

  6. All the hard work is paying off - your garden is beautiful! Those vegetarian sausages look tasty. Do you ever make veggie sausages at home? The recipes I've tried were dismal failures, either rubbery or no taste and odd texture.

    1. Thanks so much! I've tried making my own veggie sausages and must have had the same results as you, either tasteless or a weird texture. There's so many good ready made ones available these days it's easier just to buy them, isn't it?

  7. I love what you're doing with your front lawn/garden area - your grandmother would be proud! Lovely dress, Vix. I smile when I see the lads.

  8. Your garden is looking wonderful. Your new frontage will be the talk of the street. I love the metalwork. Can’t wait to see the wild flowers. Guess who’s having sausage sandwiches for breakfast tomorrow. Probably not as yummy as yours as mine are gluten free. However they are actually very tasty and hard to tell they’re not normal beef. I did love your dress, sandals and matching varnish. Very glam. ❤️

    1. Thanks so much! We've had some lovely comments already! I can't wait to see the wild flowers bloom, they seem to have shot up overnight.
      Quite a lot of the veggie sausages Jon buys are also gluten-free, they're always tasty. Enjoy yours! xxx

  9. even the BW is starting to speak like a gardener ;-D
    clever move with the spikey bastard to protect the ferns..... and the lawn and fence look great!
    the newest dilli gray with metallic clogs makes for a very pretty outfit! and - we had "bikini weather" too lately!
    as for veggie sausages: we stopped to buy them - to many strange things in there which we can not digest without problems..... we make a big point to eat "clean" - no ready made/convenience food - anyway. cooking fresh veggies every given day.

    1. Thanks, Beate! I'm happy that you've enjoyed some bikini weather, too!
      We're lucky, we've both got cast iron constitutions and can eat anything, maybe that's from 20 years of travelling India? When it comes to food I'll eat whatever Jon puts in front of me. xxx

    2. thats lucky indeed - i wish i could make some shortcuts in the kitchen sometimes......

  10. We’ve ended our blog posts on the same note. Wasn’t TIME fabulous. I wanted to go to iplayer and watch the next episode but Philip said no it was too heavy going for another, so we settled for watching Yesteryear on Netflix. I think Stephen Graham is fabulous too. Neither of us could cope with being locked up like that so I guess we will be behaving ourselves.
    I agree with the neighbour the house and garden are looking amazing. The new lawn area has totally transformed it. It’s nice to see the sunflowers starting to come up. I’ll have to pinch a photo for my blog when they come into bloom.
    We are definitely in synch at the moment as I got some frames last week and transformed them into little dioramas
    Enjoy the sunshine Vix xxx

    1. We have, I giggled when I read yours! It was fabulous. Tony had monday off, stayed up and watched the whole series, Jon wants to do the same in a bit. Did you see Stephen Graham on BBC Breakfast this morning? He's such a lovely chap. I can't wait to see him in Peaky Blinders!
      I can't wait for the sunflowers to blossom. That's one of the reasons I insisted on a barrier/fence thing as I'm worried some thieving kid is going to nick one. xxx

  11. The weather has been wonderful this week, hasn't it. My bikinis have enjoyed several outings already - I love warm weather.
    Your garden already looks fabulous but I can't wait to see it full of the wildflowers, and the fence looks so great. I love the design of those metal panels.
    I'll be sure to keep a look out for some Little Willies next time I go shopping :) X

    1. Yay! I'm glad you've got the heat and sunshine, too! I love bikini weather!
      I'm so excited about the wildflowers, I swear they've grown a few inches since we planted them.
      You've git to give the Little Willies a go! xxx

  12. The front garden looks great with the new fence and spikey bastards. The rain will have helped the new turf, I know I sound like a old fogey too!!
    We managed to miss all the rain this weekend, it headed east as we went west to Glastonbury then when we came home yesterday it was over there and lovely when we got back.
    Your Dilli Grey dress is very pretty and looks so cool to wear

    1. I'm so envious of your trip to Glasto. I'm excited about the TV special in a couple of week's time! xxx

  13. Loving the new bit of your garden and the metal panels are fabulous. I planted some pyracantha in 2019 at the front for the birds - they love the berries. It really only took off this year and has white buds which will turn into yellow berries, I hope. Isn't it lovely when things are wrapped thoughtfully and with recycling in mind? I used the straw from something we bought for kindling when we were lighting the fire of an evening.

    The flowers are doing so well in your garden; the sun has really brought them all on.

    Loved your dress and how your toenails matched it! Your clogs look so comfortable. One of my pairs rubs me around the ankles; I'm hoping the skin will toughen up soon...

    We have too many pots but are always after more; I wish our chazzas sold plant pots.
    Might have to go to the tip and have a rummage for some; I rescued about half a dozen a few years back from some bloke who was unloading them from his car!

    1. Thanks, Vronni! I'm really pleased with how that fencing has come together. I knew that if we bought something new it wouldn't look right. Jon & Erica's offer of those metal panels couldn't have been better timed!
      Lotta from Stockholm clogs are the only ones I can wear comfortably without blisters or rubbing. I've tried Hasbeens and some lovely ones from Topshop but they killed my feet - probably a reason why they were in the charity shop in the first place!
      I know you love potted plants as much as we do. I'm not sure if our Cancer UK shop is the only one with the cut price pots, maybe it's a national thing? xxx

  14. Well, the front garden is looking great and I love the idea of introducing some wildflowers too. I could also send you some Nigella flower seeds if you wanted to add those to the mix?
    I'm a sucker for a big pot! I liberated quite a few from skips last year (with permission and they've proved super useful! My mother in law has 3 in her garage which I noted when I did a big clear out of for her last week. I might bring them home in the Summer...
    Your Dillgrey dress is so nice!!! It looks so cool and wafty! Excellently styled! By the way, weird thing to say, but you have a really lovely back!
    Looked so smooth and tanned!
    Spiky Bastard is an excellent solution to your problem! Always makes me smile too!
    I love seeing excited kids and teens in charity shops!
    Haha, I'm clearly an old codger too as I herald the rain if the water butt are empty!

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! I'd be more than happy to take a few Nigella seeds off your hands! I took a leaf out of Hidcote's book and used chives and tarragon in my bed beneath the fence. i wonder how long it'll take before someone walks past with scissors and chops a bit off for their tea? xxx
      You did well to liberate a few pots. I've got hundreds of vintage terracotta ones but someones only a huge plastic one will do!

  15. I had to giggle about the vegetarian sausages, and your remark about Jon being whisked away in the night and replaced by an old codger. He is right about the rain, though!
    I knew it wouldn't be long until you'd be wearing your new Dilli Grey dress, and that Green Berry nail polish looks absolutely delightful, in particular combined with those silver clogs!
    The fence is looking fantastic, and what a wonderful idea to introduce some British wildflowers in your lawn! It will look utterly magical once established, a miniature wildflower meadow! xxx P.S. First poppy opened this morning!

    1. Thank goodness your first poppy has made an appearance, here's to a long and happy blooming season! Mine are going great guns.
      I never thought I'd ever hear Jon happy to see rain. I think he's finally gone mad after 14 months at home with me! xxx

  16. The new fence is looking good!
    Everyone, young, old and between discusses rain where I live. It is really all there is to discuss ;)

    We had yarrow growing at the old house and it was beautiful. Once it gets established, it will spread if you let it and it is just so lovely. Good luck with it.

    1. Thank you! We are all obsessed with the waether here, I expect people will be moaning about the sunshine and heat soon enough - usually the ones who moan about rain and cold 11 months of the year!
      Yarrow is gorgeous, I hope ours works! xxx

  17. Haaaaa!!!! You made me spit my tea with the Little Willies lol.

    Love the way you've framed up your India ephemera and your fancy fencing! We're on with the cellar pump improvements - who'd have thought that mud could stink so much (it does eww). It has been decided that we can improve on the current outlet situation - so we're on Plan A, Appendix 1 lol. Bring on the swearbox.

    That Dilli frock is so lovely. - absolutely delicious with all the silver accents.

    We've got an amazing assortment of wild flowers in our verges this year - they're probably always there - but as the verges are not being trimmed this at the mo' (cash-strapped council) - they are left alone to spring up as they wish. I chucked a packet of red clover seeds around our backs and if people didn't park there - it'd look a treat lol.

    Can't wait to see your wildflowers bloom - we bought some cowslips a couple of years ago (gorgeous if you can source them; they are protected so they can take a bit of finding) but the slugs have had them - our front garden is slugville central - will have to get some spikey b'stard!!

    Ah well, back to reality .... take care all - big love to you Maryland xxxx

    1. That sausage packaging is worthy of framing!
      Oh dear, I don't envy you the pump. Our last house, a Victorian mid-terrace had cellar problems and I remember the pump and the bizarre fruity smells when we were trying to dry it out. I hope plan A works!
      I wasn't sure if Walsall council had signed up for No Mow May or whether they were cost cutting again - I think it was the cost cutting option as there's no floral displays this year but I love seeing the verges all wild and colourful rather than badly cut grass!
      I'm excited about the wildflowers. Look on eBay for pyrocanthus, ours were £3 each with free postage and are so healthy looking.
      Loads of love to you & Maryland! xxx

    2. We have a fancy tanking system down in the cellar - but we wanted a back-up pump as the main sump pump goes like the clappers when we have heavy/long periods of rain. We've bought a magical water-driven one - so if we ever have a power cut we're sorted - a bit of an epic to do the install, mind (pipe investigations with slimy mud inside caused the peeeeww) - but it will be fab once done! I blame lock-down for this endeavour - we have become cellar pump nerds lol!!

  18. Your Dilli Grey dress and clogs look lovely as does your revamped garden by your entrance.

  19. Your front garden area looks great Vix and I think it will be a lovely haven for butterflies x

    1. Thanks, Flis! I do hope so, I want it to be a proper nature garden! xxx

  20. Look at you in your gardening get up all ready to go. I slaver my hair In coconut oil when I am working from home it keeps the kids away from me as well lol. It brought a smile to my face what that person sad when it would make their grandparent proud, that means you have done a job well done .
    It’s weird I cannot sit in the sun as I get killer headaches, I am like one of those japanese tourists you sometimes see with the long UV gloves and wide hats to protect them from the sun so their skin stays undamaged. It has been a habit I have picked up whilst living over their. I would rather read in the coolness of the bedroom and drink cold cokes diet of course.
    I have been finding stock, but some of the friends that I know are now complaing of a drought in the stock of their charity shops one even took me out back to show me the empty pens and the rubbish they have been getting.
    I feel for them. I dunno we just don’t have that problem in Japan as we are taught to care for clothing. And that quality is best. It just seems tat is king over here. Anyway enough of my rambling. Off you enjoy my veggie breakfast whilst he sleeps. Take care and keep safe love and huggs alison

    1. I love coconut oil, I'm covered in it now, it's brilliant as aftersun!
      It did make me smile when that chap said about my grandma being proud of how the garden was looking, she had brilliant and ecclectic taste and was always diving into skips and hangling in junk shops for mad stuff.
      I know those Japanese tourists with the long gloves and bonnets, they're often in India! What a pain that you can't enjoy the sun. I can't get enough of it, I was wandering around the garden at 4.30am yesterday and still potting plants at 8pm! I'm solar powered, honest!
      The amount of news clothes with the tags attached in charity shops is staggering and of late it's all clubwear and massive heels - stuff nobody wants or needs any more. In 12 months time it'll be nothing but onesies and tracksuits - god help us!
      Hope you enjoyed your veggie breakfast, those Little Willies were really good! xxx

  21. How nice to see you at work in the garden !! I really like the color of your Dilly Gray .. Your Blog is always very interesting !!

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Carmela and thank you for your kind words! xxx

  22. So many people I know who are in my age range have got their second jab, and it's very frustrating here in Ontario - they are moving so slowly getting the second vaccine out to those of us who got the Astra Zeneca.

    The brand name of those sausages gave me a laugh! Glad to hear they taste good.
    What a nice comment from the man who said you're grandmother would be proud of what you've done with the garden.

  23. wowww, I love so much that my mum's shorts fit you so well, you rock them!. I've sent this picture of you to my mum, as I know she Will agree!.
    Also loving all the photos of the blooming flowers, your fabulously revamped front garden and the lads!. The indian postcards look really cool into the new frames.
    This Dilly Grey dress is particularly beautiful!, and it looks fab with the silver clogs!, so brilliant ensemble, love the colours!

  24. I haven't watched Time - I fear it would be too harrowing - though loads of friends have raved about it.

    Your front garden looks fantastic. I bet it really cheers people up as they walk past.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix