Tuesday 4 June 2024

Flamin' June!

It's June.. meteorological summer, the Glastonbury Festival, the Euros and the month my favourite Belgians, Ann & Jos travel to the UK for their annual holiday....hooray! So how's my most loved month started?

On Saturday morning we walked round the corner to Ajay's to collect a parcel before cracking on with the rest of the festival stock pricing. I wore a Dilli Grey midi dress, bought secondhand from eBay back in 2020, with a quilted Monsoon waistcoat (75% off sale, 2022) and the first pair of Lotta's I ever bought.

Continuing with giving all my clogs an outing, on Saturday it was the turn of my turquoise low woods, still looking as fresh as the day I bought them in 2015.

On the way back from Ajay's we decided to buy some snacks from Binder for later. Aren't we lucky to have a pure veg Indian sweet centre at the bottom of our road? We came out with a bagful of veg pakora, bread pakora and paneer pakora, chilli sauce and raita and resisted the urge to eat any of it until teatime.

On Sunday we awoke to something we'd been lacking for ages...sunshine and warmth! After trying on about a million things, I finally settled on this Pink City Prints emerald green midi dress (eBay, 2023) for a trip to the clearance chazza. 

Last seen in Santorini.

Along with my silver Lotta's (eBay, 2021)

 Plus these Mango earrings, another of the still tagged pairs I bought from Banardos the other day.

Leaving the charity shops with nothing more than a couple of paperbacks, I popped into the tat shop as it had a closing down sale and scored this little lot for £10. Back at home I googled the retail price, they're the ones in brackets.

Oleus organic coconut oil skin oil: £2 (£15)
Beauty Kitchen Abyssinian Facial Oil Concentrate: £1 (£17)
The Body Shop British Rose 50ml body butter: 4 for £5 (£7 per pot) 
The Body Shop Shea lip butter: 2 for £1 (£6.95 per pot)
The Body Shop Ethiopian Honey face mask: 10 for £1 (£10 for ten sachets) 

That's over £80 worth of organic skincare for a tenner! I've already tried one of the masks and some of the Abyssinian facial oil and I'm very impressed. 

Back at home I changed into a bikini and spent the afternoon sizzling in the sunshine with one of my new-to-me books I'd bought earlier, Ripley Under Ground. For fans of Patricia Highsmith's anti-hero, you won't be disappointed to learn that by page 66 Tom had already bludgeoned a wealthy American to death with a coal scuttle.

All set for a day like Sunday, Monday turned out to be disappointingly overcast despite me dressing like it was the height of summer in head to toe (second hand) linen.

When Liz popped round for a coffee she admired what she thought was a vintage skirt, you'd never believe it was last year's Zara, would you? (Although Ann would, she's got the same one in her wardrobe.) I'm not a fan of the fit but the colours are fab.

Lotta's of the day were my tan leather peep toes with a brown base (2019, eBay)

Spooky story...Jon went on a tip run so I spent the morning at home sewing. Taking a break, I went into the kitchen for a glass of water, heard a noise coming from upstairs and discovered that the sewing machine was sewing all of its own accord. Initially, I thought William was to blame but he was lounging around outside....

The Ghostly Goings-On continue! (Read THIS POST if you don't know what I'm talking about).

Tuesday kicked off with swimming, followed by breakfast in Spoons and a wander around the charity shops where I got chatting to two fabulous women, one of whom needed to pull my hair to check it was real and showed me her Tik Tok channel where she showcases her amazing African church outfits every week and the other, a self-confessed "old hippy" who told me about the first gig she ever went to, heavy metallers & Walsall legends, Judas Priest in Birmingham in 1971 (Rob Halford's parents lived around the corner from mine). 

Although you can't tell from these photos, it was absolutely peeing in down by the time we got home (so much for a dry day in the Midlands, BBC Weather!). I wore a Pink City Prints midi dress (via Vinted) with my orange Lotta peep toes (eBay).

Since we last spoke I've binged on the new series of the BBC's darkly comic The Outlaws, watched the dystopian thriller Civil War  and we're currently half way through the true crime-inspired Netflix series, Dirty John. I'm one of those seemingly rare people in Blogland fascinated by politics and if it wasn't The Great British Sewing Bee later I'd be watching the leadership debate on ITV (I'll have to make do with the highlights instead). 

Talking of tomorrow, I'm meeting Nikki for some culture and curry. The Lotta's might have to stay at home, if today's anything to go by I'll be needing my wellies! See you soon. 


  1. You have such a nice selection of Lotta´s.

    The thing with the sewing machine is spooky. But I'm always happy when I see a photo of your wonderful house furnishings.

  2. With the sewing machine - it looks vintage - it might be a capacitor(?) in the foot pedal, I had it happen with my old singer, a friend sorted mine 😀

    1. That's a very good point. I'd prefer it to be an electrical fault rather than a ghostly event! It's a Frister & Rossman Cub 4, so it's around 50 years old or so! xxx

  3. I recommend Ripley on Netflix if you havent already watched it. Fantastic!

    1. I've watched it already but you're right, it's a fantastic watch! I hope there's a second series. Thanks for the comment. xxx

  4. Your post's opening line just made my day, as so far my June contained quite a few unexpected hurdles I needed to take. But the clothes packing is done, and what's more, I've packed the Zara skirt!
    Favourite outfits this time are both of the Pink City Prints midi dresses!
    And what a score those beauty products were. I used to buy those British Rose body butters when we still had a Body Shop here. Their body butters simply are the best!
    What a spooky episode with the sewing machine. What - or who - on earth could it have been? xxx P.S. See you soon!

    1. I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!
      That Zara skirt is a great choice for your holiday wardrobe, that lovely embroidery means it'll go with lots of different tops. Well done for getting your packing done, it's so hard having to consider every kind of weather. It's gone so cold outside, I'm tempted to bring Jacob in tonight!
      Body Shop butters are so good, I used to love them when we still had a Body Shop. I sent a couple of the swimming gang down to stock up, too!
      That sewing machine incident was so freaky, I'm sure Jon thinks I'm mad! xxx
      PS See you VERY soon!

  5. Talking of spooky things I think your wall plants look like a green man face in the photo of you wearing a yellow top and zara skirt!

    1. I've just had a look and you're right, they do! xxx

  6. The above comment is from me, Maeve!

  7. Have a wonderful June filled with colour and friendships. Just watched Sewing Bee and loved what they did with tablecloths.
    Did you watch Red Eye, we were addicted to it.
    Give Ann and Jos a hug from us both when you see them xxx

    1. Hello, you two!
      Weren't those tablecloth tops gorgeous? The completed tops looked wonderful all lined up at the end of the challenge.
      Red Eye was gripping stuff, I love Richard Armitage.
      I shall give Ann & Jos a squeeze for you next week! xxx

  8. It was a lotta week! And very fabulously so. Sounds as though either there is a ghost in your home, or, hopefully, it's someone close to you who has passed over trying to let you know that they're still there for you. Did any relatives like sewing, or they altered clothes?

    1. "A lotta week", I like what you've done there!
      My grandma, who owned the house before we bought it, loved to sew.It's funny, I had no interest in sewing until I moved into the house then, within a year, I was obsessed by it! xxx

  9. Hi Vix, I just discovered The Outlaws and am loving it. So nice to see you rocking all your summer gear and ramping up for your adventures.

    1. Hello Diane! Isn't The Outlaws great? I kind of wish I hadn't binge watched the third series in a couple of nights as it means I've got at least a year to wait for the next one! Summer clothing is my favourite although the PC's telling me that it's 6°C this morning, I might have to revert back to boots when I go out later! xxx

  10. The shoes are fab. I developed a blister, after weeks of wearing what was a comfortable pair of Sketchers. Band aids not lottas are in my future. The sewing machine sewing on its own is a spooky mystery. I hope strangers pulling your hair is rare!

    1. Oh no! Blisters are so annoying. I've always got a ready supply of blister plasters as sometimes shoes you've worn for months without a problem turn evil and rub my feet raw!
      At least she asked if she could touch my hair although it made me wonder if it looks like a wig to strangers! xxx

  11. How fab you look in the Dilli Gray dress and monsoon waistcoat. Spooky about the sewing machine. I saw Judas Priest back in the day in Walsall when my Dad lived in West Brom. One of my favourite songs ever is Breaking The Law. Funny too my son's love it as well. We are enjoying The Outlaws. Let's hope summer soon arrives. Regards Sue H

    1. Hello Sue! You've got excellent taste in music. I bet that Judas Priest gig in Walsall was one of their first. Rob Halford still spends half the year in Walsall and even posted a photo of himself eating a bag of chips outside our local chip shop. Good to know that your son has inherited your excellent taste!
      Isn't The Outlaws good fun?
      I risked leaving my coat at home this morning, it wasn't too bad in the sun! xxx

  12. After a promising start, I had high hopes for some sunny weather this month. It has since turned very chilly here, and I've just lit the fire!
    I love the skirt, and no, I would never have guessed it was from Zara. The colours are beautiful.
    Spooky goings on with your sewing machine. Years ago, I stayed at a hotel, and the kettle in my room turned itself on in the middle of the night. Xx

    1. I know, I thought Sunday was it and we were in for a glorious month. Ann & Jos always seem to bring the sun with them when they come over, let's hope they do this month!
      I was so pleased to find that Zara skirt, it's hardly worth buying anything new from their shop as it always seem to turn up secondhand weeks later.
      That kettle must have scared the bejesus out of you! xxx

  13. Spooky!!!! Your outfits are fabulous and I love the lottas too. I wish I had even 10% of your style!!

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! You are sweet. xxx

  14. Spooky stuff is funny -- until it happens in daylight, in one's home or work place. My limited experience with *spooks* indicates that vintage electronic appliances do harbour stray charges and can self-start when atmospheric conditions are propitious. So long as the sewing machine was still plugged in, I wouldn't worry; but if it runs unplugged...

    1. It's me, Beth. OK, that's spooky. Why doesn't Google recognize me?

    2. Hello Beth! It was unnerving but nothing compared the the violent shove that left a hand shaped bruise a few years ago. One of our friends is PAT testing our festival electrics tomorrow,I might ask him to take a look at that sewing machine. xxx

  15. How spooky about the sewing machine but you're clearly well used to spooky goings on in your house!

    Fab outfits and the Lotta's are divine. I don't know what you mean by the 'Tat' shop but what amazing bargains you found there. I love Body Shop body butters and usually get them for Christmas presents; occasionally I get the odd one through the food bank donations. I'm currently using up the Shea Butter one I got for Christmas.

    Isn't Tom Ripley an absolute bastard?

    We have several sweet shops and international supermarkets nearby; I have to resist buying baklava and today it was only the thought of having to climb up the stairs again in the International Supermarket that stopped me buying a bag of sugared tamarind and scoffing the lot!

    Hope the weather stays dry and sunny for you..

    1. Hello Vronni! Yes, we do have some weird occurances at Stonecroft!
      I'm sure you've got a few of those tat shops in your town, Walsall's full of them - they usually sell vapes, wheelie suitcases and bin bags. If a friend hadn't tipped me off I'd never have set foot in the place.
      Tom Ripley is appalling but I still don't want him to get caught.
      Mmmmm...baklava! xxx

  16. Oh poor Tom Ripley, I'm sure his mother loves him.......well maybe not her either.
    That's certainly spooky about your sewing machine. My house is 110 years old and has shifty shadows, but no ghosts or random sewing episodes.
    I do like that Zara skirt too, but your garden is looking so lush my eye is attracted to it first. Just around the corner from me a new woman has moved into a house whose yard previously had been cement piles. a car and various parts, and a huge pile of whitegoods. I think she has been there six months and she has performed a miracle and that house the once looked shitty, now looks fabulous thanks to her green thumb. A few plants (or in her case quite. few) makes a house look so homely.
    And a great score on those beauty products, take care, Megan

    1. Hello Megan! Ripley's parents died in a car crash when he was five although I'm sure he'd have done away with them had they not.
      Those shifty shadows sound similar to those moments we get when we're sure someone is in the house by the way the light moves.
      Your new neighbour must be a miracle worker transforming her garden so quickly. You're right, it makes so much more of a positive difference to a new front door or a coat of paint. xxx

  17. Hi Vix, your turquoise Lotta's are beautiful, hope they might run that colour again as am sure it would be popular. I am looking forward to delivery of black cross fronts, can't wait! Your sewing machine with a life of it's own sounds exciting! I have had some encounters myself over the years, my mother was a clairvoyant so there were lots of weird goings on! It's fun seeing the way you mix vintage with modern, the Zara skirt being a great find. Betty

    1. Hello Betty! It's a shame they discontinued the turquoise Lotta's, isn't it? The perfect colour for holidays. Keep your eyes peeled on eBay as they occasionally pop up. That being said , I absolutely love the black cross fronts and have been eyeing them up for awhile. They're going to be perfect with your Audrey kaftan.
      Occasionally strangers will approach me and ask if I'm a clairvoyant. A couple of the Sikh ladies at swimming tell me that I have an aura. Maybe that's what attracts the weird goings-on!
      I love mixing contemporary and vintage stuff up. Getting dressed should be fun, shouldn't it? xx

  18. I really thought the turquoise clogs were going to be my favourite, but then there was orange! Gorgeous collection.

    1. Thanks so much! I was really excited to find the orange ones on eBay, like the turquoise, they were another colour that Lotta's had discontinued. There's not enough orange in life! xxx

  19. I've been doggedly wearing summery outfits for work this week despite the weather not being super (but ok). Zara does embroidery very well.
    I love both your Pink City dresses- they are so beautiful and bright! I had a look on Vinted but didn't see anything so fabulous!
    Nice to see the doll houses again, even if they were accompanied by the ghostly sewing machine! How very bizarre!
    I'm excited that Ann will be in England but sad I don't live anywhere near where she goes! One day....x Kezzie xx

    1. Hello Kezzie! Yes, Zara does some gorgeous embroidered stuff, I was very good and resisted the temptation to buy another of their blue & white blouses in the charity shop earlier although I'm kicking myself now! Pink City Prints sell really quickly on the odd occasion anyone lists them for under £50 - they're so lovely!
      I wish you lived closer! xxx

  20. I love that first outfit, the colours are beautiful! Having a ghost that sews could go one of two ways, I mean, are they any good, could you leave your sewing on the machine and let them get on with it, maybe have a ghost sewed dress by the end of the day? Worth considering :) Anyway, at least you're getting some sun in the Midlands, I'm in a big woolly cardigan today, it's cold up North! I do miss sweet centres! xx

    1. I'm liking your idea of getting the ghose sewing for me, I've cut out a couple of dresses ready for the festival stall but can't seem to find the time to get them made up! xxx

  21. I'm getting really fed up with these low temperatures. I'd be tempted to join you and wear my summer outfits anyway, but I really seem to feel the cold these days!
    You did well getting your hands on those organic skincare products. I've always been a bit obsessed with trying out new skincare products. It feels so luxurious and decadent.
    Don't knock your resident ghost! Next time, leave her a pile of clothes to repair.
    Love, love, love your Pink City Prints dress! xxx

    1. It's gorgeous when the sun's out but that wind and the endless rain is starting to annoy me now. When will it ever end? xxx

  22. Sorry that your weather was not so summery but you totally bring your own sunshine in the form of fabulous clothes, fabulous attitude and fabulous Lottas collection!. You look particularly gorgeous in dresses & waistcoats ensembles, so lovely!
    Those body butters are such a great find!, totally agree with previous comments about The Body Shop, great quality but sorry there's not a shop nearby me anymore!
    I'm not an impressionable (nor particularly spiritual) person but your experiences shocked me, and now that spooky sewing machine sounds really disturbing!. Hope it's just an electric or mechanic failure!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix