Friday 3 November 2023

I Saw You (& Him) Walking In The Rain

Hello! I hope you haven't been too troubled by Storm Ciarán. 

On Tuesday we went for an early morning swim followed by a 'Spoons breakfast. I wore an Indian block printed midi dress from Naked Generation via eBay (2021) and some Toast cowboy boots (also eBay). 

I always have my hair plaited when I swim as it's a lot easier to stuff into my swimming cap. Usually I unpin it when I've finished but as it was p*ssing it down I left it pinned up. 

My Victorian-style Medusa laser-cut earrings were from a jewellery maker on Vinted.

Too wet to contemplate taking eBay photos, I spent the afternoon chopping up clapped out vintage clothing and making them into a door curtain for the next year's festival changing room. I've submitted two festival trading applications this week including Glastonbury - fingers crossed they want us back!

We spent the evening watching  The Enfield Haunting. The three-part drama is based on real-life events that took place in an ordinary North London home in 1977 when a family claimed to be terrorised by a poltergeist. I'm not a believer in life after death, a fan of horror films or have the slightest interest in witchcraft, tarot cards or seances but ever since we moved into Stonecroft we've experienced strange things including items throwing themselves off shelves before our very eyes and ending up on the opposite side of the room & visitors often speak of a presence (including my late father, who refused to sit in the dining room where, unbeknown to him, a previous resident hung themselves from the light fitting). Eight years ago I was in the bathroom when what felt like a ice cold, bony hand violently pushed me across the room, pinning me against the wall, which frightened me so much that I ran downstairs screaming.Within minutes an obviously hand-shaped bruise appeared on my back. If anyone else told me that the same thing had happened to them I'd have been very sceptical but having experienced it for myself I'm keeping an open mind. 

Wednesday was dry and gloriously sunny, perfect for a morning of charity shopping. 

I wore a printed wool 1970s Collier & Campbell for Liberty, London maxi dress ( a present from fab friends, G'n'T, several years ago) with the vintage embroidered suede jacket bought from eBay earlier this year and my new-to-me Kurt Geiger snake print leather boots. The sunnies were bought new six years ago.

My copper & turquoise pendant came with a matching cuff and was given to my Mum by a boyfriend when he returned from a trip to Canada in 1966. Never one for sentimentality, she dumped the boyfriend shortly afterwards but kept the jewellery. My fabulous friend, uber stylish Sheila has the same pendant. 

The rest of the day was spent photographing & listing stock on eBay. Later we watched the new Wes Anderson film based on the Roald Dahl short story, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and being Wes Anderson super fans, it was absolutely brilliant. The cast includes Dev Patel, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Kingsley and Benedict Cumberbatch and the film is only 37 minutes long, give it a go if you can find it.

On Annie's suggestion we then started watching Crime.

Based on Irvine Welsh's novel of the same name (which I endeavoured to read when it was first published, but abandoned it halfway through). I wouldn't say that it's the best thing we've ever watched but it was entertaining enough to devour the entire first series over two nights. Dougray Scott was pretty hard to like but we did enjoy fellow detective Dougie's performance, played by Jamie Sives and obviously inspired by Trainspotting's Begbie.

Although Storm Ciaran wasn't as bad as it could have been, Thursday was a day of torrential rain and gusty winds although it didn't put us off our swim. I started chatting to Pushpa last Thursday, who had decided to learn to swim. With mine and several of the other regulars' help, she managed to swim a width (with the aid of a foam noodle) to great applause. 

You know what I always say about waiting long enough and the thing you want will turn up for sale secondhand? Well, earlier this year I'd been drooling over this Indian-made embroidered waistcoat in Zara. Fast forward three months and it popped up on Vinted for £4. Could it be a better match with my Dilli Grey block printed Rani Pink midi dress (bought from eBay in 2020)?

Serious weather calls for serious footwear. I bought these 20 eyelet Docs for a tenner from a festival regular last Autumn. My gimp cap is big enough to stuff my hair inside, I hate carrying an umbrella.

As rain had, once again, stopped any chance of playing outside it was time to get creative indoors instead. Not happy with butchering vintage clothes to make curtains, I decided to try bleach dying a couple of nice-but-dull velvet blazers. I love how they've come out. 

I bought this amazing Agnes B cashmere maxi coat from the clearance charity shop back in the Summer. The lining was ripped to buggery but, at £3, I was hardly going to complain. I spent an enjoyable couple of hours repairing it and then made the fatal mistake of trying it on. Oh dear, it fits like a glove. There's a rather lovely cashmere frock coat currently on the Agnes B website for £1,575 but I think I prefer my £3 one!

After the previous day's appalling weather, Friday has been lovely.

I wore a 1960s green velvet maxi dress made & embroidered in India by Suresh Fashions (eBay, 2019) along with my mahoosive vintage hat and some cashmere wristwarmers (handmade and sold to raise funds for a cat charity). 

Here's another example of slow fashion. I loved this military-inspired jacket when I spotted it on the Monsoon website back in 2017 for £89 - six years it was mine for a tenner!

After a morning spent wandering the chazzas, after lunch I was able to play in the garden, picking raspberries, chasing the cat and taking stock photos. 

And without further ado, here's this week's secondhand finds:

1980s Altitude leather aviator jacket; 2 x Hobbs Italian leather belts; 1980s Walter Hibbert crushed velvet blazer; 1970s Pierre Cardin, Paris Crombie overcoat (not to be confused with his later tat, made under licence); 1970s tab collar suede jacket; 1980s Head shell suit jacket; 1970s Sallycats boucle midi dress; Mexico track top; contemporary maxi dress with wizard sleeves and marabou feather tie; Bugatti (as in the car manufacturer) navy leather & mock croc lace-ups; 1960s Heike Petersen, Antigua seriously groovy maxi dress; 1990s Holland sweat top; 1960s modette fine knit made in Locarno, Switzerland; 1970s Winter white wool blazer with vinyl trim; 1970s leather jacket by Thor & Edgar Schriwer, Norway; Hawkshead green nubuck walking boots; 1980s Fashion Plus wool & mohair cardi/coatigan.

As Jon's usually squirreled it away before I've had chance to photograph it, I rarely get a chance to share the vinyl that makes its way home with us almost every week. We've both still got almost every record we ever bought, so there's a lot in our collection - it's a shame we can't currently get to the record player to actually listen to it!

With another downpour forecast for the weekend I'll leave you with this absolute classic, the 12" of which Jon snaffled from the 3 for £1 bucket earlier in the week. I used to dance to this at the legendary Bobby Brown's in Birmingham, thirty-effin'-seven years ago! Where did the time go?


Have a fab weekend, see you on the other side. 


  1. Wow, i love the wool maxi Dress with the Pink Flowers, it looks cozy. Also your House and Garden is a special Place, great Pics. Happy Weekend Vix

    1. Thanks so much! sending you lots of weekend love and happiness! xxx

  2. ohh vix i love that green velvet dress its beautiful , some great finds there again too xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen! I was so excited to spot that dress on eBay, having that to wear makes the Winter months a bit more bearable! xxx

  3. Love your Tuesday dress and the Agnes B coat was always going to live with you 🤭

    I would never watch your Enfield Haunting, and I’ve not seen a ghost (that I am aware of) but I have experienced a few things which cannot be explained within the currently accepted limits of science and physics so like you, I have an open mind.

    1. Thanks, lovely lady!
      I probably wouldn't normally be attracted to a black coat but the quality is so good & I'd never justify spending that much on a garment and my Grandma always told me that anything that fits perfectly should be kept for the right occasion to present itself (hoping its not a funeral!)
      I've never been an active believer in the unexplained and certainly wouldn't seek stuff like that out either. As a rational being I'd like to think that there's a sensible answer to everything but I'm stumped when it comes to the weirdness of Stonecroft. xxx

  4. Wow, Vix, I didn't know your house was haunted! How did you get over your fear after what happened in the bathroom that day? And have the unexplained incidents continued since then, or did they come to a halt at one point? As far as I know, you haven't mentioned such incidents in your blog previously, so I am guessing that it's been a while since any have occurred???

    Emily the Curious

    1. Hello Emily! Thanks for your comment. That bathroom incident was horrible, thankfully there's never been another incident like that again just more benign things like items moving on their own or things we thought we'd lost years ago suddenly appearing in really visible places where it would have been impossible to miss. There's a cat we see in the middle room, he'll walk up the staircase, accessed from that room, and vanish halfway up. Every cat we own is spooked by that room, they go all glittery eyed and run around the room trying to chase something that isn't there - but no display the same behaviour elsewhere in the house. xxx

    2. Fascinating! I have heard that some ghosts tend to quiet down when the living residents of a house are unafraid. Perhaps your ghost sensed your positive energy and lost the urge to go to violent extremes to get your attention. It seems to have contented itself with making objects appear and disappear.

      I do believe cats sense the presence of spirits. No doubt your cats are fully aware of what's going on. If only they could talk! Oh, the stories they would tell.

      Emily the Curious

    3. I think you've made a good point there, Emily. Although strange things have happened in the years after that shove they've never felt malevolent again, if you know what I mean. I almost think that push was a sign of whatever thought had me in its grasp realised that I wasn't going to be intimated and it was attempting to release me from its grasp.
      The bathroom feels okay, William never gets spooked when he follows either of in but he, like all our other cats, can be really odd in the middle room (directly below the bathroom). xxx

  5. Interested to read about your unexplained encounters in the house. My mother was a clairvoyant (she had a little shop front in Wales and was visited by 'clients' and 'the other side' so 'goings on' where not unusual for us) and I have over the years encountered some very strange things, not least in my own house which was exorcised in the 90s due to 'hostile interference'. I have an open mind about these things too. My teenage rebellion from a house of occult, wikka and paganism was to join the church and until more recent years a very controlling one, lol! that can be just as creepy too in my experience :) I think some of us attract these events and no doubt one day we will understand more about how and why. Loved the bleach patterning on the velvet jackets, not seen that before and it looks really good. Your hair is looking lovely and I am endlessly searching chazzas for felt fedoras like yours with no success so far! I just got back to swimming after having some stitches in my leg, I had missed it so much. Hope your roof is mended and you are weathering the storm. Betty

    1. Hello Betty! I remember you mentioning your clairvoyant mother and can totally understand why you rebelled and became involved in conventional religion as an antidote to your childhood. How interesting about your house being exorcised and about the hostile interference. Apart from that horrible shove, the weird stuff hasn't bothered us unnecessarily, just leaving us more with a slight sense of unease.
      There was an old punk at a festival back in Summer wearing an acid bleached jacket and I was keen to give it a go, it's really fun to do. I fancy trying it with a velvet waistcoat, if I can find one that's a bit scruffy.
      I'm quite lucky with felt fedoras in charity shops, I've just checked Vinted and there's some lovely ones on there for under £10.
      I hope your leg's healing, you must be missing your swimming.
      The roofer's hoping to repair the roof on Monday - he had to cancel this week because of Ciaran! xxx

  6. Your hair is absolutely amazing. I’d definitely be spooked in your house, I’m quite sensitive to spirits and energies. The waistcoat is gorgeous, I’ve been after something similar but not found one yet. Have a great weekend xx

    1. Thanks, Louise! Since I stopped dying the ends of my hair and ditched the electrical appliances it's a million times better. I could probably wash it even less than once a week but my Saturday afternoon hairwash has become a pleasant routine.
      It's funny, despite the weirdness I've always felt really happy in our house, its more the constant upkeep that drives me nuts! xxx

  7. I love your “slow fashion” finds. If you’re not desperate to keep up with fleeting trends, and keep your clothes for decades, you can relish the triumph of finding beautiful items a few months/years after they were first sold, for around a tenth of the price. Delayed gratification! As ever, thanks for committing the time to your lovely blog. Heather

    1. Thank you, Heather. You're right, my taste in clothes hasn't changed in decades so I'm more than happy to wait a few years until what I want turns up secondhand, I know I won't have gone off it in the meantime. Wouldn't Delayed Gratification make a good name for a band? xxx

  8. You must get to the record player immediately and pump up the volume!!😃
    We have a poltergeist here as well-I was pushed down the stairs and across my kitchen once. Horrible. The original part of the house is 'old' for Canada, built in 1896.
    Love your blog and the incredible finds.

    1. Hello Stephanie! We really must get the record player out, nothing beats a kitchen disco.
      I'm sorry that you've been bothered by weird happenings, too. I'm such a rational person in real life but events like that are so bizarre, there's just no logical explanation for them. Have you discovered any traumatic events which occured during your home's almost 130 year old history? xxx

    2. Hi Vix, No, I have no idea! Would love to know more history, have only been here for 5 years. We do get the occasional unexplainable electrical disturbance, and the odd thing flying off a shelf, always in the old part of the house. I should take a look at the town archives some day. Or maybe not...You're lucky to know the history there.
      Yes to the kitchen disco! I've kept nearly all my records too-and still collecting, of course😂It's hard to find anything in good shape here 2nd hand unless at record shows or the few stores that carry them now.
      Thanks for writing back and have a nice weekend✨

    3. That's absolutely fascinating, Stephanie. there's definitely some kind of presence that needs further investigation. If you do discover something in your home's past I'd be really interested to know about it.
      Keep on with the kitchen disco, I'll have to make do with looking up our vinyl finds on YouTube until we've unearthed the record player! xxx

  9. It's good to keep an open mind. As Shakespeare said.....“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
    My nephew-in-law who is a pediatrician heart surgeon told me of a medical case where parents of his patients claimed their kids were magically cured by aliens. When he examined the kids (who were up to that point his patients suffering from an incurable heart condition) he found them completely cured. Medically, there is no explanation for this. The older we get, the more we are prone to hear such cases from reliable sources. I have, for example, often experienced pains when a close family member of mine died. This was even the case when I was not even close to those family members, for example relatives living abroad, relatives I have had little contact with! Yet, I felt a piercing pain in my heart as they died of heart attack or problems breathing as they died of lung failure. There is no explanation for this as I wasn't aware what was happening at the time. Medical professionals have a lot of strange stories to tell, especially nurses who often witness them first hand.

    I love your block print maxi dress! You always look beautiful.
    You did a great job with those bleaching velvet blazers! They look fabulous.

    1. Great Shakespeare quote, Ivana.
      That's an incredible story about your paediatrician nephew and the children that were cured. I can empathise with the pains you've experienced when the close family member died. I told a friend that one of my family members would die before the year was out - they weren't very old, ill or had ever complained of anything wrong with them, I just knew that they weren't long for this world. Sadly this came true and that friend has been wary of my predictions ever since.
      Thanks for your kind words, I shall definitely be experimenting with more bleach dying if I come across any more tatty velvet garments. xxx

    2. Yes, I sometimes experience a 'sixth' sense about these things as well.
      Once I traveled to see my parents and decided to visit my friend and her grandmother even if it was late, well after 10 pm. I spoke to the grandmother (whom I loved dearly) at length. In the morning, she died. I was lucky to have had the chance to say goodbye.

  10. Lovely post! The pink maxi dress is my favorite! Have a great weekend!

  11. I'd wear that patchwork curtain! That other Scottish actor you mentioned is also in the new 'Shetland'. I wouldn't mind if Dougray Scott manifested himself in my bathroom! He rocks the crisp white shirt!

    1. Thank you! I did think of making a dress out of one, could be a Winter project! That made me laugh about Dougray. He's pretty easy on the eye, isn't he? xxx

  12. Wow, that ghostly bathroom episode must have scared the wits out of you!
    Hasn't the weather been horrendous? I'm tired already of all that rain.
    Your patchwork curtain is absolutely fabulous and so are all your outfits. I'm particularly loving your 1970s Collier & Campbell for Liberty maxi dress and the pink Dilli Grey midi dress with the embroidered Zara waistcoat.
    Well done to Jon for snapping up all that vinyl. What a shame you can't get to your record player to listen to it all. We love listening to vinyl and have several working record players, although our best and favourite one has been out of action for a while. It's probably something minor but Jos has been procrastinating ... xxx

    1. That rain! I got as far as the bin on Saturday, it was absolutely horrible. It feels like the first time in weeks that we'll be walking down to the baths without getting soaked to the skin this morning although it's got 30 minutes to change its mind!
      I must wear the matching capelet next time I wear that Collier Campbell maxi dress, I'm sure the marabou feather trim would be appreciated by the Wetherspoons regulars.
      The record player that needs fixing made me smile, we've got an accessible one just like that. One day Jon will get round to fixing it! xxx

  13. As always, you're such a dear for linking over our twin necklaces - mwah! Love the Medusa earrings, and that new changeroom curtain you made (the colours are sooo good). Of COURSE they're going to want you back at Glasto! You were stars! <3

    That is a very eerie ghostly encounter, Vix! OMG! L is very sensitive to stuff like that (not me, apparently).

    Your hair looks like a glorious flame of sunset - what a lovely shade it is. Did you watch the other Wes Anderson shorts on Netflix as well? I binged all of them (all under 17 minutes). "The Swan" is one of my favourite Dahl short stories (from "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, and Six More") and always devastates me.

    I'm guilty of being a bleach splatterer on clothing as well - I did a pair of purple jeans back in the 80s. Try a spray bottle with some bleach to get a constellation effect!

    Good for you on your thrifting luck - if you wait long enough, pieces you saw new will always come around!

    Have a wonderful weekend, and give William a snuggle for me. Vizzini says we never give him bacon and has a very grumpy look on his face!

    1. I always think of you when I wear my necklace, Sheila!
      Patchwork always seems like a bit of a faff but once I've got the radio on and a mug of tea by my side I start to enjoy the process.
      I shall definitely give the constellation effect with the bleach dying a try, I like the sound of that.
      I didn't know there were more Wes Anderson shorts so I've earmarked them and shall catch up this week, thanks for that. I get totally lost in his work, the man's a genius.
      William enjoyed his snuggle (and his bacon). go on, treat Vizzini to a rasher next weekend! xxx

  14. You have awesome luck with your charity shop finds!! Mind my mum sniffled me a bargain and I don’t think the manager’s husband realised it!! It was a signed copy of Jon lyndons I could be wrong I could be right hard back book for £4.00 it goes for £130 on eBay!!
    She very quickly left the shop as they were putting Christmas tat out and he didn’t realise it was signed by him!! She also got me a vintage Braun travel alarm clock for a couple of quid that goes for £30!! He always brags that he knows he stuff it was almost laughable when she told me.
    She went in the next day and not a jot was said about either thing. Then she picked me up a nemesis now figure for a few pounds and that goes for £30! Proves they know nothing.
    I am nearly cooked with baby, but my brain is stewed and I can’t see my feet. Jon would love my CD collection, it’s huge, my mum picks them up for pennies and then posts them out to me.
    It’s quite an odd collection, at the moment I have Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie nicks on repeat both I have seen them both live, I just wish they could have made it work as a couple! They would have been the ultimate rock couple !
    My mum said you had a bad storm and Babet was bad. Love and hugs Allie jane

    1. Hey Up, Allie! Cracking score with the Jon Lydon book. This morning I saw two hardback books written & signed by the Rev. Richard Coles, one chazza was asking £10 and the one next door had it priced at 99p. Most of our charity shop managers price things to sell, one actually looks up the going rate for records and charges half so any resellers out there can pay a fair price and still be able to make a bit of money.
      The kids are starting to buy CDs again and our record dealing friends say its worth snapping them up if you find any going cheap - your mum's ahead of her game!
      Hope you're doing okay, I can't believe the birth is imminent, where does the time go? Our roof leaked during Storm Babet (all fixed now, phew!) but we got off pretty lightly. Lets hope that's the last of the storms for a while. xxx

  15. Ah, Bobby Brown's! We had our wedding meal at the restaurant there, 39 years ago! Where has the time gone?
    I know you've mentioned your bathroom experience before. I've definitely got an open mind about these things. As someone said earlier, the older I get, the more I am hearing these kind of stories from reliable people. I saw our old cat, Pete, make a final visit to our bedroom after he died.
    I adore your Zara waistcoat. I've bought a few things from Depop, but everyone seems to be on Vonted now, so I think I need to check that out too.
    The storms have been wild down in Cornwall, My Cornish friend was stranded on the Isles of Scilly because the boat couldn't sail (oh the horror😀) xx

    1. Hello Annie! I loved Bobby Brown's, one of the few clubs back in the 1980s not to have a disgraceful racial policy on the door which meant all my friends could get in regardless of skin colour - not an easy task back in the bad old days.
      Funny you should mention seeing Pete after you'd lost him. We've been visited by a black cat (before William adopted us) who circles the middle room and vanishes half way up the stairs, we've never got to the bottom of that - my Grandparents had cats but never all black ones.
      Get on Vinted, it's really good for recent high street stuff.
      Your poor Cornish friend. I hope she found a good pub to seek shelter inside! xxx

  16. The Enfield Haunting featured in a recent episode of Uncanny too. I'd forgotten about your ghostly experience of being pushed and had no idea that you've seen things flying across the room. That's proper poltergeist activity!
    I love the embroidered suede jacket and your bleach dyed jackets are amazing! That's such a good idea to brighten up a boring jacket.
    I too spotted those Zara waistcoats - well done for scoring one of those and the Monsoon military jacket. The Agnes B maxi coat oozes quality! xxx

    1. Hello Claire! Another friend mentioned Uncanny, I must have to listen to that, they've been promoting it on 6Music & the Beeb for weeks. The Enfield Haunting is a cracking watch (mind you, I'[d watch anything with Timothy Spall & the lovely Matthew MacFadyen in!)
      I had so much fun playing with bleach dying, I bet there'll be a dearth of velvet jackets in the charity shops now I want a few more. xxx

    2. What a terrifying bathroom experience Vix!!! It is no surprise to me that Claire has watched Uncanny. Monsieur's (a non believer) been listening to the Uncanny podcast for ages & made me watch the very recent TV series. I find it all very interesting (as an 'undecided') - especially the poltergeist one. Although the most terrifying of all, Poltergeists apparently leave as quickly as they've arrived, whereas ghosts linger. A great program for believers and non-believers. You should contact Danny Robins Vix! My ol' dad has some bizarre stories of Old London Road Fire Station in the centre of Manchester. Other firemen experienced very weird things too. I'd love for them to research the history of that place xXx

  17. Really like what you did with those blazers and the bleach! They look really cool!
    Your new Zara waistcoat is beautiful and goes impeccably with that dress. I did then go and look at them on Vinted-all much more expensive alas!
    OOOh, am cooing over the Agnes B coat- I'd love to try a Cashmere coat on to see how it feels- what is the lining though? Do you feel the cashmere against you?
    The Monsoon military jacket looks great with the daisy dress.
    Your new changing curtain is beautiful, I quite fancy a patchwork dress like that!
    I loved reading Henry Sugar as a child and I recently reread the book with that in it so if we ever get our Netflix back, I might give it a go!
    Eeek, your haunting experience is creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppy!

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! I was really excited about how well those jackets turned out, I want to do a few more.
      Keep your eyes peeled for those Zara waistcoats, I spotted one for £5 on Sunday, not sure if it's still listed. I think they did them in blue, too which are equally pretty.
      The lining on that Agnes B coat is lovely, the fabric label is quite worn so I can't make it out but it's a really soft satiny feel, I'm not sure if it could be a silk blend.
      I did think of making some patchwork fabric and then using it to make a dress or a long waistcoat, I suppose i'd need to use smaller pieces of fabric though, so maybe a winter project when I can't take ebay photos outside.
      That Henry Sugar film is just lovely. Sheila tells me that there's a few more in the series, I shall track them down this week and report back. xxx

  18. Interesting about your unexplained happenings in your home. For several years I worked as part of a small team in an old building. There were many strange things which happened and were difficult to explain rationally. Even my boss who would have nothing to do with such things was left scratching his head sometimes when he couldn't come up with a logical reason. He didn't change his mind about such things, but was a bit puzzled. We always felt that the presence was a child and it felt benevolent. I definitely saw something once and it was just as I was unlocking the place getting ready to work so wasn't in an expectant frame of mind. I can't say what it was, but I'm open minded about such things. Arilx

    1. That's really interesting, Aril. You can't help but become a bit more open minded when there's a series of strange happenings. I like to think I'm pretty rational but when things happen that can't be explained away you just have to accept that not everything in this world is as it seems. xxx

  19. Wow, so much to love in this post Vix! I adore your pink dress, snakeskin boots and emerald velvet dress - so gorgeous! X

  20. Plus, I believe in spirits/angels! And love when they visit. Doesn't freak me out. But I haven't had a cold hand push me across a room, that'd be scary. X

    1. I'd love to hear more about your visitations. Jess! x

  21. I really like two dresses: one is pink, very youthful, very cute and beautiful color; the other is a green velvet dress, which highlights elegance and class. Soooo beautiful~
    Kloisonne bags

  22. Our old house was in a terrace where 6 victims of a pit disaster and their familes lived. We had poltergeist-style oddness, a neighbour had an priest bless the house and our cats saw stuff we couldn't. The family that lived at our address lost a husband/father aged 25, (married with 1 child aged 13 months). I'm not a believer in life after death either - but I do believe in the Law of Conservation of Mass Blimey (sorry!).

    In other news - I bought and am reading this - it is beautiful

    Brilliant outfits as always, Vix and the waistcoat cor blimey!

    Elaine Again xx

    1. First link not working - try - we are all made of stars indeed!

    2. Hello Elaine! Wow, brilliant links as always. Your old house saw a lot of tragedy and cats are so perceptive, aren't they?
      I'm liking the sound of that publication, thanks for that.
      Those Zara waistcoats of things of beauty. They sold out really quickly and sellers were listing them on ebay for twice the original price! Definitely worth keeping an eye out for one. xxx

  23. Well, you've been smiled upon by the fashion Gods! The Zara waistcoat is so beautiful and what a brilliant match for the pink dress. The Agnes b coat looks amazing and the faux military jacket was well worth waiting for. Lovely, lovely outfits and the new door curtain looks fabulous! Loving the new earrings, too. I gave a lot of vinyl away in the early 1980s and what is left of my collection is up in the loft...somewhere. I'd be hard to pushed to say exactly where, though!

    Well done to Pushpa for swimming the width in the swimming pool.

    I loved what you did with the velvet blazers but don't they really smell of bleach? It's a hard smell to get rid of...

    Now as to the supernatural occurrences in your house I think I'd have moved! I don't believe in an afterlife such as heaven and hell, but I am open minded when it comes to ghosts etc. My mother saw a ghost in my dad's family home in Ireland; the family all knew about her but declined to tell my mum! And as a student nurse in 1972 me and two other students heard an elderly lady called Lily; call out to us as we sat down in the ward day room for a cup of tea, not long before going off shift. The trouble was Lily had died the week before...

    1. Thanks, Vronni! Zara sell some beautiful embroidered stuff, thank goodness for those fickle people who buy it and tire of it quickly meaning its never too long a wait till I can get my paws on some.
      I was so impressed by Pushpa's determination and by what a lovely bunch of swimmers we are, willing to help a stranger to learn.
      No, the blazers don't smell of bleach, its a really quick process and they're washed as soon as the pattern appears.
      How interesting about your Mum's ghostly sighting and about you and your workmates hearing Lily calling you! Life can be very weird! xxx

  24. hello, i love your colorful outfits! :)

  25. I love what you have done with the blazers and the Agnes B is definitely a keeper. I've always been interested in ghost stories but been a sceptic, but having had some strange things happen to me I have an open mind. I add to the vote for Uncanny though I cherry pick the episodes, some are super creepy like the one 'Harry Called' (definitely regretted listening to that one on my own at night!) I love the Dark Histories podcast too.

    1. Hello G! I shall give Uncanny a listen this weekend, I've heard so many good things about it! xxx

  26. Not sure if my comment just worked? Will return to re-type it if not xXx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix