Thursday 8 August 2024

Pussy, Riot and Some Urban Outfits

What a week it's been since I last posted. Jon's birthday celebrations on Monday were curtailed by young William having dental surgery and a whopping five teeth being removed. After a quiet few days he (that's William, not Jon) is almost back to his usual self and hopefully the vet will be pleased with his post-op check tomorrow. If you're wondering, there's no underlying health issues causing these problems, its just a general lack of nutrition from him growing up on the mean streets of Walsall.

He's gorgeous, even with those shaved patches!

The gang managed a belated get together on Tuesday for a few celebratory beers in Aldridge 'Spoons and an Indian feast at Laboni - not just for Jon's birthday but also for Liz S's, as we'd been at Glastonbury for her big day.

Jon, Adrian & Al. 

The two Lizzes & me - all three of us in vintage frockery!

The team at Laboni are so lovely, not only birthday banners but a massive cake on the house, too! 

Since we got home from Womad the weather's been glorious. Although it's been wet and miserable here today I have it on good authority (ie., a woman at the baths) that we're in for another heatwave. I've been wearing an All About Audrey apple green Indian cotton maxi topped with this vintage cotton waistcoat by Earlybird, a 1970s British Boutique brand I found recently.

It seemed a shame to remove this original groovy label so I could wear it.

Yesterday I wore a Jen's Pirate Booty *Bowie* cheesecloth maxi (which retailed at £170 but I paid £7 on Vinted). Jen's Pirate Booty is a Bohemian-inspired Californian-based brand, selling handmade, artisan-produced garments...the sunset/mailbox dress I wore in Kos (HERE) is from the same label.

The JOGI bag is from Nepal, its ethically produced and artisan-made using hand-dyed cotton. It currently retails for £37 but mine was £2.95 from a Walsall charity shop. It's a great bag but I can understand why it got donated, it's huge and I'm forever having to tip it upside down to find anything.

On Tuesday I wore a vintage India Imports of Rhode Island block printed maxi (eBay, 2018) with a denim jacket. Looking at this photo I must say I'm very impressed with Lidl's Luxurious Lengths conditioner (£1.49), the brush went through it like a dream!

I seem to have amassed a bit of a collection of denim jackets of late, this is my fourth! This one was  made in Paris by posh French label, Petit Bateau, it's from their kids range & supposedly an age 10, but I'm the size of a small child so it's perfect. It was £2 from the clearance charity shop a couple of weeks ago.

Long time readers will remember how I used to live in a denim waistcoat, my favourite one fell apart after almost two decades and I've been on a quest to find a replacement ever since. I spotted this one in a charity shop recently for £2.50 and it's been worn on repeat ever since - usually with this secondhand Zara skirt and my apple green Lotta's. 

A lovely (non-sewing!) vintage trader at Womad gave me this groovy Tiki print cotton dress the other day as it needed some serious attention. 

The fabric was designed and created by Daniel Adam and dates to the mid-1960s. After trawling the internet, I've concluded that Tahiti was where Adam was based rather than the name of the print. I wore this dress three times last week. It reminds me of a top I bought from West Brom market in 1982 and lived in for years. There aren't enough orange clothes in the world, are there?

I also bought these garments from the same vintage trader - sadly she's not online and Womad was her last ever event so I can't link to her and her fabulous stock.

A girl can never have enough vintage Indian block printed dresses. This quilted beauty is by Phool although the fabric is identical to my vintage Adini dress (HERE).

I'm always hunting for vintage velvet jackets but invariably end up selling them as they're never my size. This one labelled CMDfabrique en France pour Creations Mademoiselle, is absolutely perfect. I shan't wish Summer away but I can't wait to wear it! 

Be still my beating heart! The seller gave me first dibs on this crushed velvet purple suit of dreams. New Generation was an achingly hip boutique in Swinging Sixties London and fits like it was made for me.

And on the subject of what else I brought back from Womad, here's the amazing thing my friend Caroline very generously gave me...her old overlocker (she's bought herself a new one from her Vinted sales). Liz's going to help me thread it as despite finding numerous tutorials & videos online I've obviously done something wrong as it's not catching - and she's an expert. I can't wait to play with it.

In the meantime, in a bid to distract ourselves whilst William was in surgery, we spent Monday afternoon making these tassel-tastic earrings from leftover charity-shopped wool to take to Beautiful Days. If the punters don't like them, I'll keep them!

As I said at the beginning of this post, it's been a heck of a week. One of our neighbours was almost murdered by a burglar (she's still in hospital, he's been caught & charged) and a load of knuckle-dragging racist imbeciles have been on the rampage in some of our towns and cities. On Tuesday I had to comfort a lady in a hijab who'd been reduced to tears after being accused of being a child murderer by a moron in Asda and the previous night by people banging on her windows yelling "Muslims go home". She & her husband were both born in this country (and work full-time & pay their taxes), where the hell do those f*ckwits expect them to go?

I shall leave you with the mighty Bob Vylan which is definitely not suitable listening material for any gammons or fascists out there although I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be reading my blog anyway!

See you soon!


  1. Most overlockers need to be threaded in a certain order to work. Usually right to left, loopers before needles. Good luck! Barb

    1. Thanks, Barb! Yes, they do. I'm sure my seamstress pal will sort it out! xxx

  2. Vix, you have the most incredible clothing! Glad to read Jon had a fantastic birthday and William is on the mend. It is very hard on kitties having to live on the streets. Our Miss Kitty lived to be 13 years old but six of those years on the street until we took her in. Looking forward to seeing you in the crushed velvet suit. I imagine it looks wonderful on you.
    Take care.❤️

    1. Hello Robin! Thank you so much, we felt awful when we found out William's teeth were so bad, hed only had a check-up a few months ago! He does seem a lot happier now though and it's got to know that Miss Kitty had a happy home and good life after you rescued her. xxx

  3. Hello Vix, I have been checking keenly for your latest post! and you never disappoint :) Not enough orange in the World - true, I love orange. Your latest orange dress is fabulous, looks very pretty on you. Belated happy birthday to Jon, and your friend Liz too, looks like you celebrated in style. Your crushed velvet number is going to look amazing on you, it's a great colour for you. The wool dangly earrings look fun, they should sell well. The overlocker is going to be brilliant for your future creations if I am right in thinking seams sewn with an overlocker can't fray and it's also the right thing for stretchy materials. The latest news events are worrying, and the murder in your road also, I am glad you and Jon were not caught up in any of it. Betty x

    1. p.s. poor William, he must be feeling a bit sore where his teeth once were, he's so lucky to have found you as he's getting the best life. Betty

    2. Hello Betty! That's so funny - as soon as that lady gave me the dress I thought to myself, Betty will approve of this dress as I know how orange is your favourite colour! I wore it on repeat last week as the colour was so cheery!
      I don't want to wish Summer away but I'm very excited to wear my new velvet bits.
      Yes, overlockers are particularly good for stretchy fabrics so once I've figured out how to thread the thing I'm going to have loads of fun chopping up old tee shirts and reworking them into other things - Jon's always buying tee shirts in chazzas so I'll have a ready supply. The wool earrings were a way of distracting ourselves from worrying about William, therapy and hopefully something interesting for the shop at the same time.
      William's definitely back to his old self today, he's been very vocal, eating for England and wrestling his catnip tiger - I'm just dreading taking him to the vets tomorrow, he's the worst traveller ever!
      The UK was starting to feel like horrible place this week, I'm hoping the weather cooling down might soothe some tempers. xxx

  4. The orange dress looks great on you. I really like the fabric pattern.
    This time you are showing particularly beautiful pieces again, you bought them at a great price.
    Best wishes for William, he must have been very brave at the vet.

    I saw the riots on TV. So much hate.. the world needs more love and together

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, the world needs love and unity, not hatred and violence. when will we ever learn? xxx

  5. I like almost all your outfits.
    But the orange dress, sunglasses, orange sandals and denim jacket got me!!
    Let us have love and avoid violence!

    1. Thanks, Katerina! Yes to more love and no violence! xxx

  6. Lovely photos as always! Kisses to puss x We had our own anti fash meet in Northampton, Lots of dancing and singing, General feelings of love and acceptance,Total joy x

    1. Hello Lisa! That's fantastic to hear about Northampton's anti-fascist meet-up. I was cheered by some of the anti-hate demos last night, too! xxx

    2. There are a lot of good people out there, We can learn so much from our differences and how fascinating we all are as individuals x

  7. Oh my goodness that little waistcoat is gorgeous. I'm planning on making myself a really blingy one to wear to the Christmas ceilidh. It won't be subtle or tasteful ☺

    1. I do love a waistcoat - my wardrobe is testament to that! If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing - you need the most outrageously Xmas themed fabric going and lots of sparkly braid! xxx

  8. That velvet suit! Be still, my beating heart! It's divine. ❤️ Love the orange dress too, I quite agree, we need more orange.
    Poor William, but he still looks gorgeous.
    I've been feeling really sick about the riots. They've so obviously been orchestrated by malevolent forces. I haven't been on any of the anti-racist demos yet but I'm so grateful to those who have.
    The earrings are fab. If there's any left after Beautiful Days, put them on eBay. I'll buy some, and I know lots of others will be after them too. Xxx

    1. Isn't that suit amazing? I've only met that lady once before but she knows my tastes to a tee! Orange is so underrated, it never fails to cheer people up when they see it.
      I wasn't sure if joining one of those anti-racist demonstrations would add fuel to the fire and cause the police even more problems. I was delighted when I saw how they've passed off peacefully last night and they went some way to restoring my faith in the people of this country. That poor lady being so afraid and feeling hated in the country she was born in made me so angry. xxx

  9. Poor cat, but he does look very content now, and recovering well. Malnutrition can be so tricky for animals. A lot of them who grew up on the streets suffer from it. :( But at least he's safe and happy now, so there's a happy end :).
    Happy birthday to Jon and your friend Liz. Nice to see you hanging together!
    So many beautiful dresses. The block print maxi is stunning. I love your denim jackets and vests collection, too. I find that denim items always come in handy.
    I love the orange Tahiti dress you got from a fellow trader. It suits you so well...and I agree. There isn't enough orange in the world.
    The purple suit you got is stunning too...and congrats on the 'new to you' overlocker ! I had to google the word, I wasn't sure how different it is from a regular sewing machine. Such a nice gift from your friend, I'm sure with Liz's help you'll master it soon.

    1. Thanks, Ivana! William's doing really well now, he'd ben quiet for a couple of weeks but was eating well and as cats are very good and hiding pain, we had no idea his teeth were so bad!
      Denim clothing is so versatile, I love how it adds a laid back casual air to an outfit, I hate looking too smart and dressy!
      Overlockers work with four threads as opposed to the single thread of a conventional sewing machine, it cuts fabric and binds the seam giving a more professional finish and its really good when you want to work with stretchy fabrics - you can rework tee shirts or make sportswear so adding an exciting new dimension to my creations! xxx

    2. I use denim vests for the same reason- to make an outfit a bit less dressy and more casual. But I rarely wear all casual outfits- that seems too boring. I like to mix and match.
      Overlockers do sound very useful.

  10. I totally agree, William really is gorgeous. That purple velvet suit is fabulous, I can't wait to see you wearing it. As for orange, my husband had an orange Lambretta scooter in the late 60s followed by an orange car, then an orange Ford Capri in the 70s, and in the 80s I had an orange Vespa scooter. I remember my parents having a feature wall of orange wallpaper in the 60s. It had an amazing pattern which was sort of wavy and we used to call it Dr Who wallpaper. Something to do with the special effects on the show I recall.
    Viva orange!

    1. Hello Jean! Thanks for the kind words about William, he's sitting next to me as I type and i've passed on your comment.
      Yours and your husband's previous vehicles sound so cool - I had a matchbox Ford Capri in flame orange as a little girl and loved it and orange was the perfect choice for both your scooters. Although he's not been on my blog for ages, our 1980 VW T25, Gilbert, is orange as is the one Jon's been restoring for the last 10 years (and is still in a workshop somewhere!)
      Your parents' "Dr Who" wallpaper sounds very funky, those were the days when people were brave with their interior decorating choices, unlike the bland "fashionable grey" of today. xxx

  11. Poor William but good to hear he is on the mend. Also belated birthday wishes to Jon , sounds like the celebrations with friends was a good night.
    So many gorgeous outfits , loving the orange and the velvet suit and the jacket.
    I have seen coverage here on the racist morons but was so pleased that there is now a peaceful pushback.
    Sure the tassel earrings will be a seller. Hope the heat returns . xx

    1. Thanks so much, Jill! I'm particularly excited about that velvet suit! xxx

  12. Poor William with his little shaved patches and sore mouth, but I'm sure he's recovering well now. He'll forgive you ... eventually. ;-)

    Is there any colour that you don't suit? You rock the orange and that gorgeous green, but look equally fabulous in the neutral cheesecloth maxi. Alan agrees there is NOT enough orange in the world. He wants an orange car next, he has orange plastic surrounds to all his plug sockets and light switches in his house, he says they are too boringly white!!

    1. He's such a sweetheart, despite absolutely hating the journey he never bears a grudge when we get him home!
      Alan's a chap after my own heart, I love that he's got orange plug sockets! xxx

  13. That's one heck of a week indeed :-(
    Keeping my fingers crossed for William's check-up, but having lived on the streets, I'm sure he's a tough one, taking it all in his stride.
    I'm glad to hear Jon's got his birthday celebrations in the end! You and the Liz's are looking fabulous in your vintage finery.
    Loving all your outfits as usual, the apple green maxi and the orange and black Tiki print one being particular favourites. Can't get over the fact that you fit an age 10 denim jacket! xxx

    1. I know! I can't wait to be back in a field surrounded by kind & lovely festival folk!
      William's amazing, he wails like a banshee when he's in his carrier but as soon as he's out of it he's completely forgotten about the trauma and eats like he's been starved for weeks. He's only been home for 30 minutes and he's already polished off three sachets of food!
      I think French children must be giants! xxx

  14. Belated Birthday wishes to Jon!
    Poor William. I do hope he's recovering well from his ordeal, although I'm sure he's being very well looked after, and thoroughly spoiled. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. The vet's very pleased with William, he's healing nicely and doesn't need to go back for another 10 days. Jon's just treated him to a new collar, red velvet with rhinestone studs, he looks very Gangsta! xxx

  15. For some reason, your blog hasn't shown up on my reading list this time!
    Love all of your outfits, but I'm drawn to that cheesecloth maxi. It's gorgeous (as is the orange dress)! I'm looking forward to seeing how you style the purple suit.
    I'm having a bit of a style evolution at the moment, but can't quite find what I'm looking for! The charity shops seem to be full of Primark and Asos stuff. That said, I found another corduroy jumpsuit in a gorgeous shade of lilac on Vinted.
    I hope William is feeling much better by now and your neighbour pulls through. As for the riots, it's all very upsetting and I can't really see any long term solutions on the horizon. xxx

    1. Isn't Blogger strange?
      I loved the simplicity of that JPB cheesecloth maxi, it's so comfy to wear. Well worth setting up a search on Vinted, one of those labels that sneaks under most people's radars!
      I'm curious about your style evolution, it sounds like we need a shopping day. The lilac jumpsuit sounds lovely.
      It has been a disconcerting week, the vet's very pleased with William and it looks like that threat of further rioting was a bit of a damp squib, thank goodness. No news on the neighbour yet but at least the perpetrator's behind bars. xxx

  16. Hello! I'm so glad William is doing well. We have a street kitty also and her teeth are terrible! She's had 10 removed over the past 3 years. And Happy Belated birthday to Jon! I'm sure the tassel earrings will be a hit, I'd buy one of every color if I could (but I'm in the US).

    1. Hello Kristin and thanks so much for the cat reassurance and the belated birthday wishes. Your poor little girl. I hope those five 9and the one he had extracted last year) will be the end of it, poor William's missing his biscuits - grinding them with the pestle and mortar isn't the same! xxx

  17. I love the block dress and velvet jacket, but as usual you make everything look great. Please give handsome William a pat from me.

  18. Glad William’s mouth is healing well. As you say dim and dumber f……s on our streets, probably on the dole and without 1 brain cell between them. My granddaughter was seriously worried about it and frightened, she’s 8 and shouldn’t be. Sheva is getting very brave and was exploring gardens across the road and has definitely put on weight since coming here. Hugs. Xx

    1. Hello Gill! I think you're spot on with the lack of braincells and gainful employment. I'm sure most people with a job wouldn't be knackered to be rampaging around the streets after a day's work! I'm not surprised your granddaughter is worried, what a way for supposed grown-ups to behave. I hope the swift jail sentences and the number of peaceful anti-fascist marches go some way to reassure her.
      Great news about Sheva! xxx

  19. It must have been terrifying for those poor people being attacked/harassed/confronted by the racist thugs and fu*kwits - but how brilliant to see the huge numbers out across the country to counter their vile nonsense!

    Poor William; I though his part shaved legs looked quite punk. Hope he's feeling much improved. 5 teeth is a lot to have removed. Glad you had good birthday celebrations and I loved the 3 women in their vintage frockery. Fabulous outfits and what an amazing blazer you found. Glad you found a replacement denim waistcoat and that you found another denim jacket you love; lucky you being able to fit into children's sizes. I can only manage it in sandals...

    As for the overlocker machine you're quite the professional now! The only reason I know what one is, is that my friend Ann was a seamstress/dressmaker in her youth. I hope your poor neighbour recovers from her ordeal; it sounds like the stuff of nightmares.

    Enjoy the heat!

    1. It was so heartening to see the community clean-ups and peaceful protests, wasn't it? I was glad not to have been abroad when all that thuggery was kicking off. I'm still having to apologise for Brexit!
      William's shaved legs are very stylish, he looks like he's wearing a reverse tuxedo. There was a lady in the vets with a greyhound, she'd had to have 23 teeth out!
      My feet are far too big to fit into kids' shoes, more's the pity! It's quite useful to have the kids rails as an option when i'm in the charity shops but most of its depressing fast fashion - like the grown-up section!
      I'm very excited about the overlocker, I'm always envious when they're on the Sewing Bee! xxx

  20. Happy Belated Birthday to his Lordship. What fun, another festival. Don't know where you get the energy! Have fun. Xx

  21. That Velvet Ensemble, Wow!!! William's shaved legs, well, he's pulling them off like a Fashion Statement and Rocking it.

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I'm liking his shaved legs, too. they feel really nice now the fur's growing back, very velvety! xxx

  22. Happy belated birthday to lord Jon, sorry we are awaiting a mega quake off the pacific. So I have to make sure our emergency kits are all in order and the food was still in date. We have had a few mini quakes but nothing to get excited about. One did make sakura cry.
    Love the Pom Pom earrings I made a Pom Pom star wreath during covid and I still have it! It’s huge. I would like to make another one. It’s 42 degrees here. So air con is permanently on. And my skin is paying the price now! Love and hugs allie

    1. Thanks, Allie! Lovely to hear from you and I hope that scary sounding Mega Quake pases you by without too much bother.
      I made a pom pom wreath a few years ago but left it outside and it went mouldy. I love making pom poms,, it's very therapeutic.
      It's supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far here but my PCs only saying 27°C, that's nicely warm, no hot! xxx

  23. Lord Jon and yourself Vix had a great Birthday Celebration with your friends - You all look so happy together -
    I hope Young William's check up went well x

    1. Thanks, Flis! The vet's really pleased with William! xxx

  24. What a lovely bunch of finds, Vix! I can't wait to see your purple velvet in all its glory! I am always happy to see you and your pals getting together - such a fun birthday celebration. Happy Birthday, Jon and Liz S!

    Sending good vibes to William - I hope he doesn't get used to being spoiled now! <3

  25. Happy Belated Birthday to LordJon!, glad that you celebrated it properly!
    And so lovely outfits, particularly in love with the apple green ensemble (wow, apple green Lotta's are so Fab!). Obviously, I totally agree with you about block printed dresses and orange clothes, a girl can't have enough of any of them!.
    I'm totally green with envy of that overlocker! (even if I've not time to sew anything now!).
    Glad that some anti-racist reaction is bringing back some faith in humanity! And thanks for the music too (totally my kind of thing).

    1. Thanks, Monica! I love those Apple Green Lotta'm it's a shame they discontinued them, isn't it? xxx

  26. The earrings are a super idea- they look amazing!
    I love the Early Bird waistcoat! It looks really nice with that green dress (and makes me think of that Musica painting!) .
    That India Imports of Rhode Island block printed maxi is one of my favourite dresses - it looks super nice with that denim jacket!
    Cannot wait to see you in that velvet suit!

  27. Can't wait to see you rocking that velvet suit!! X


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix