Thursday 1 August 2024

Festival Life - Womad, 2024

We're back! Thanks for your comments on my last post which I'd scheduled to publish while we were away at Womad. I wanted to share our adventures in Greece before they became ancient history. 

Anyway, on to Womad - the festival of world music and dance, established by Genesis's Peter Gabriel and now in its 44th year (although only the second year for us). We set off last Tuesday morning, just after 7am, arriving at Charlton Park in Wiltshire a couple of hours later. Once accredited, we donned our hi-viz and were directed to our pitch which, like last year, was directly opposite the main campsite entrance, in the shadow of the Big Wheel.

Nine hours later set up was complete and, as the gates weren't due to open to the public until 12pm on Thursday, meant Wednesday could be a lazy day.

There's something magical about a festival before the punters arrive, a hive of activity with an air of expectancy. 

After catching up with our beautiful trader friend, Caroline - along with her husband James & their son, Thomas - and acquainting ourselves with our new neighbours, we had a wander around the site.

Caroline & James run Pilgrims Fair Trade - visit their website HERE.

She's very generously gifted me something amazing - I'll share it very soon! 

Thursday dawned and, with great enthusiasm, we rolled up the shopfront ready for the onslaught.

Jon's wearing a vintage Canadian cowboy shirt with his tartan skinnies and I'm in a Jer-Sea 1970s maxi dress (made in Sweden).

And, unlike Glastonbury, I remembered to photograph (and video!) the stall. 

After a couple of dry and humid days, Thursday was truly horrible, cold, grey, blustery and wet. Trade was painfully slow as most of the festival goers (wisely) opted to stay on the campsite.

At 10pm we rolled down the shopfront and had an early night, hopeful that things would improve.

 Friday was much better - both for weather and for sales. Jon's wearing a Diesel shirt (bought from a car boot sale 20 years ago) and I'm in my sparkly 1970s Lurex maxi skirt, a gift from Polyester Princess, Ann & husband Jos, last Summer.

It was lovely to catch up with customers we'd met last year, like Juan from Oaxaca who was very happy to spot this Adidas Mexico track top.

We met fellow West Midlanders, Paul and Celeste, at Beautiful Days a couple of years ago. They're possibly the most stylish festival goers we've ever met and we're already looking forward to having a day out with them in the not too distant future. 

Despite the glorious heat in the day, Womad got chilly by night. Excited to see Young Fathers  headlining the main stage, we layered up in readiness.  

Jon's wearing a Carhartt jacket and I'm in a vintage psychedelic maxi dress by Bernshaw (both via Vinted).

Kinky by night.

So much for the best laid plans of mice and men, every time we went to shut up the shop, customers kept coming in (and spending money!) so we only caught the end of Young Fathers set...but the bit we saw was fantastic.

Saturday's sunshine had us up early and we were open and selling by 9.30am (we usually open at 10am).

Jon's wearing a 1960s Luvisca leisure shirt with his shorts and I'm in another vintage Bernshaw maxi, along with some earrings made from Indian upholstery tassels.

Long-time readers may recognise the fabulous Michelle (aka Veshoevius) who used to blog at The Taxonomy of my Wardrobe. She's got a wardrobe to die for so I was thrilled when she found a couple of garments on the stall to add to her collection as did her gorgeous girl (who's wearing the vintage shirred 1970s dress she bought from us!)

It was after midnight when we rolled down the shopfront on Saturday Sunday and, as all the stages in the main arena had already closed, we headed to the Arboretum for a late night wander.

Despite the late-ish night we were up and open before 10am the following day and the weather went from glorious to even more glorious.

The first outing for this amazing 1960s gauzy cotton skirt, made in Florence by Princess. Jon's snazzy shirt was a Glastonbury purchase.

This lady came back to show us the 1960s Tricel dress she'd bought from us the previous day, three people had already complimented her on it.


It's that gorgeous pair again! Jon loved the jacket Paul was wearing on Friday night so much that we did a deal to make it his. How fabulous is Celeste's dress...a 1960s maxi with a posh Fenwick's label! 

Jon wasn't the only one who came back with new (to him) clothes....I'll show you mine soon!

After rolling the shopfront down for the final time, we bagged up the remaining stock and collapsed into bed. The following morning we were up at 6am and managed to take down the stall and pack the van in a record 5 hours. 

And, as a special treat, we stopped off at Gloucester Services for lunch...posh pies all round (spicy  Bombay spinach & chickpea for me!)

Right...12 days to catch up with Blogland, to celebrate Lord Jon's birthday and to restock ready for Beautiful Days.  (What a lineup!)

See you soon. xxx


  1. Looks like fun was had by all. Enjoyed reading all about it. Thanks for posting. Karon

    1. Thanks, Karon! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! xxx

  2. I love seeing your customers and their outfits :) looks like it was mostly work on this one. Glad you are home safely. Betty x

    1. Thanks, Betty! Roll on Beautiful Days! xxx

  3. Looks like you were very tired but had a great time!
    Your post is very interesting and comprehensive Vix!!
    Loved the pins, John's new (old) jacket!
    I hope and I'm sure that your retro boutique had a lot of work!
    Happy month Viχ!!

    1. Happy August, Katerina! Another month closer to revisiting your beautiful country! xxx

  4. My sons love Carrhartt. Work wear for rig pigs and ranchers. Made to last and worth every cent. Can fetch $$$ on the resale market depending on the item.

    Glad that you did well on the festival sales and managed to find time to enjoy yourselves away from the shop.

    Survived the cruise. Baltic cities are beautiful. It would have been better if the airline hadn't lost our luggage (nearly four weeks later we are still waiting for it).

    Looking forward to the clothing reveal.

    1. Welcome home! I'm glad you had a brilliant time although what a nightmare about the lost luggage. I hope you get reunited with it very soon.
      Carhartt is massively popular here - a lot of the Gardeners World wear it as well as the hip and cool types. The camel coloured workers jackets are massively popular and always sell really quickly when we get any. That jacket of Jon's was insanely cheap, the seller obviously hadn't done their homework as it was still on the website for £££! xxx

  5. Loved reading all this so much! Looks like a fabulous festival! I love your outfits and agree how stylish that couple are! Kezzie xx

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! They are such a well-dressed couple, always coordinated to perfection! xxx

  6. Amazing Vix, I've been to a Womad in Adelaide, an amazing and really chill festival. You guys always look amazing and your customers as well. I love seeing what they buy. Rest up and get ready for the next one. Countdown is on for my big holiday and for yours to I expect. You have inspired me with Greece and I'm already dreaming of a trip next year.

    1. Hi Diane! I bet Womad in Adelaide was amazing, I'd love to experience that. There's one in Gran Canaria, too - they were just painting the signs when we stayed in Las palmas last year.
      You're right, I'm already excited about our next Greek adventure and I bet you're beside yourself about your trip! xxx

  7. Oh this looks so fun and you all looked like you had a great time. I love all the photos. I have not been to a festival in forever. I had a group of friends and we all use to go up to the Renaissance Festival, we would rent cabins and stay for the weekend we always had a great time.

    Allie of

    1. Thanks, Allie! I'd love to go to one of the Renaissance Festivals in the US, the ones I've seen online look amazing! xxx

  8. Another wonderful festival experience. And I'm impressed that you managed to co-ordinate so beautifully with your Hi vis jacket. Xx

    1. It was fab, Jules! One has to coordinate ones outfit with ye olde hi-viz! We have to wear them for 48 hours! xxx

  9. Wow! So glad the weather picked up for you.
    Gorgeous outfits (the tassel earrings are epic!) and I'm wondering if I can recreate that magical disco ball arboretum in our garden.
    I love a mooch around Gloucester Services. xxx

    1. We were so luck with the weather!! The beautifully decorated Arboretum is an absolute joy, if I was a punter I think I'd spend most of the festival in there!
      I love Gloucester Services! xxx

  10. Absolutely wonderful post Vix. It all looks so sunny and fabulous, and lovely to meet Michelle and little V too. For some reason, you in the first dress by Jer-Sea just made me think of DeeLite's Groove is in the heart. I think it's the psychedelic vibe. Have a great next festival. xx

    1. You've given me an earworm now, Louise! When I first spotted that dress I thought it was from the Seventies revival in the early 1990s rather than an original piece until I found the vintage label! I was obsessed with Lady Miss Keir back in the early 1990s and wore an identical catsuit I'd found on the Rag Market all the time! xxx

  11. What amazing photos. I almost felt I was there with you...

    I loved the tour around KInky Melon shop; what an enormous amount of stock you have/had. No wonder it takes so long to get it out and pack it all up ; hopefully much less to pack up than when you started.

    Al your outfits were wonderful (as were Lord Jon's) but my favourites were the Jer - sea dress and the fabulous, flouncy Princess skirt. I also adored Celeste's vintage Fenwick dress. I'm glad you got to catch 'Young Fathers' in the end. The quote about science being magic that works was brilliant!

    1. Thanks, Vronni! You really should come to Womad one year, you'd absolutely love it. I've never been to a festival so tidy, not one scrap of litter or abandoned tent to be seen!
      Our stall's come a long way since the days we used to sell from a pop-up trailer, only taking cash and having to close at night as we were too mean to pay for electric!


  12. Great post, I love all the pictures and your outfits!
    I'm happy for everyone who found such exceptionally beautiful clothes for themselves from you <3

  13. Oh, I'm sure there's something magical about a festival about to start, the anticipation and everything. It's always fun to see and read your festival posts. They're always so dynamic. Wonderful outfits as usual.
    That vintage Canadian shirt Jon is wearing is so fabulous...great outfit!
    ...and what to say about your amazing outfits. So many fabulous maxi dresses and skirts...I love the cropped top combos you wore with skirts and the maxi silver dress outfit so much!
    You have some very stylish friends, too. Paul and Celeste are such a stylish couple. I love the outfits they wore. Celeste makes me think of Elizabeth Taylor and Joan Collins. It must be those eyes. Michelle is gorgeous, too... and it's great she's still wearing your stuff. It looks like you all had a really nice time!

    1. Thanks, Ivana! Oh yes, those days before the music starts and the public rock up are absolutely magical, I love watching everyone racing to get ready for the hoards!
      Jon's shirt is fab isn't it? Like with his new velvet jacket, he got it by swapping with a customer!
      Celeste is stunning, you're right about her having the look of Joan Collins and Elizabeth Taylor. It's lovely to meet women the same age as me still looking beautiful and stylish! xxx

  14. I'm glad to read that the weather gods were mostly on their best behaviour for you!
    My mind boggles at the time it takes you to set up your shop but it does look absolutely fabulous. No wonder your customers keep returning!
    Your (and Lord Jon's) outfits are fabulous too. I particularly love the Jer-Sea dress and I'm totally chuffed that the Lurex maxi skirt once again made the grade :-) xxx

    1. We were so lucky with the weather, after last year's torrential rain we were expecting the worst! It takes an absolute age to set up, even with a pre-season trial run in the garden.
      When I first saw that Jer-Sea dress my heart skipped a beat, how it had been in a vintage stall at Glastonbury for almost a week without it being snapped up illustrates how depressingly mainstream the way of festival fashion is becoming! xxx

  15. I was at the very first WOMAD. The Royal Drummers of Burundi joining Echo & the Bunnymen on stage is a memory that has enduringly remained with me ever since, a piece of pure magic (and I met Ian McCulloch briefly!).
    I first saw Young Fathers from the front in a big tent at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival near Inverness in 2017. An astonishing performance, perfect acoustics and at times the lighting was so intense it felt like it went through your eyeballs and out the back of your head. I loved it.
    I see Toyah & Robert will be at Beautiful Days. I’m not long back from Belladrum again where they were one of my highlights, watched again from the front. She was joyous and told some great stories between songs (and wore a fabulous sequinned dress) and he barely took his eyes off her!
    Your outfits are glorious as ever, thank you for sharing them with us readers.

    1. Oops, I didn’t realise I’d posted as ‘Anonymous’.

    2. Hello Caroline and thanks so much for coming back and leaving your name!
      I bet the first Womad was fantastic (and it still is!) The Royal Drummers of Burundi joining Echo and the Bunnymen on stage sounds like an utterly brilliant mash-up and I'm very jealous that you met Ian. I've seen them several times over the years but never had the pleasure of chatting to him!
      Young Fathers are such a great band, so much passion. I wish we could have seen more of their set.
      I've only seen Toyah's solo set so I might have to sneak off and catch her and Robert in the Big Top next week. xxx

  16. What cool outfits! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

  17. I loved the video of your shop. It looks really fabulous, no wonder people flock to it.
    Your outfits are perfect, and Jon did really well to get that jacket.
    Hope you're enjoying the mini heatwave, I've done nowt but sit about in the garden. Got to make the most of it!
    Looking forward to seeing your new clothes.

    1. Thanks so much, Annie! I've been meaning to video our shop for ages, we're really happy with how it looks once we've set it up! I'm loving this weather, I'm doing a quick blog catch-up before I go and lie on the lawn! xxx

  18. It was lovely to see you both again and I’m so glad that the weather stayed dry for us all after last year’s mud fest! After our conversation about Teva crochet sandals I found a discounted pair online so thanks for the tip. Have a great time at Beautiful Days next week, I think we’ll be volunteering there next year. See you in 2025! Janette & Alan xx

    1. Lovely to see you both at Womad and delighted that you've found a pair of crochet Tevas in the sales! They'll be perfect if you decide to visit Chania next year, just the thing for cobbled alleyways. Have a wonderful anniversary, Janette & Alan and hopefully see you in a field very soon! xxx

    2. Thanks Vix xx

  19. Wow that looked such good fun and bloody hard work! Loving the night pictures, such fab colours. Lots of smiling faces x

    1. It was fab - shame we missed so much of the music but hopefully Beautiful Days will make up for it. xxx

  20. Joyous and uplifting post. You're both certainly putting the hours in and off you go again! What do you do for eats while you're away? Our little local festival has begun this week. Del Amitri headlining tonight but couldn't get tickets in time! Might go along and listen from afar! Seeing Keith Brymer Jones on Wednesday. Rest up til next adventure. Xxx

    1. Loving the photos of your local festival, I'd be there like a shot. What a shame about the Del Amitri tickets but I bet seeing Keith will help make up for the disappointment!
      I ought to take photos of our festival food. It's usually fruit & yoghurt for breakfast, a plate of salad for lunch and a bowl of chana or paneer massala/stir-fried veg with haloumi or Neapolitan pasta (that nice pea stuff) for tea - small portions we can eat on the hoof and don't make us feel sleepy afterwards! xxx

    2. Patrick Grant was at Womad! Was gutted to have missed Del Amitri. Not sure how much longer they'll be performing since Justin Currie has just announced he has Parkinson's. Tragic.

    3. I can't believe I missed Patrick! We watched the Sewing Bee as soon as we got home - delighted with the winner. Such a shame about Justin Currie. xxx

  21. Looks like you had a great time! I love seeing the photos with your visitors or customers. X

    1. We had a great time! Thanks, Jess. xxx

  22. I bet you two would live Middlesbroughs Mela. The people, food and music make for a fantastic day out.

    1. I bet we would, Cherie. We used to enjoy the Brum one! xxx

    2. I'm hoping it isn't ruined by mindless thugs intent on stirring up trouble. It's a fantastic event and the food is amazing.

  23. That all looks amazing, and I bet you had to do a lot of restocking both before and after Womad, you are having a cracking festival season. It's almost the law to stop at Gloucester services they, like their sister services at Tebay near us, are the best services around aren't they.

    Hope you have as many successful days at Beautiful Days. xx

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. 34 degrees is almost American midwest weather. Glad it was mostly good weather for the festival. You and Jon have the best festival outfits. I wonder how many people stop by just to see what you're wearing.

  26. Have just been reading about Beautiful Days as Beltane Border are dancing there again this year. We met them in Cornwall a couple of years ago and have just been invited to another shared event with them in the West Country next year so might well see them again. Really friendly bunch of Morris folk. Arilx

  27. How awesome that event looks! I loved your video showing your pop-up boutique, Vix - I hadn't realized how massive it is! Nor had I clued in that you weren't driving Gilbert for the festivals anymore - your new van is amazing! Loved seeing all your festival 'fits! So cool to see the fest-goers dressed for the event too - we have only one fest here to look forward to in September (Rifflandia), and I'm already planning my outfit (which will have LIGHTS in it!).

    Thank you so much for sharing your pics and your experience of WOMAD!

  28. Lovely to see your Fabulous Stall and your gorgeous outfits!, and also lovely to see some of those happy customers (wow!)
    Thanks for sharing some festive vibes and fabulousness!

  29. I'm glad to see you had such a great time at Womad. My friend was talking about ther posh pies at that service station and I was able to say I had heard about them because of your posts!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix