Wednesday 15 May 2024

Love Among The Ruins - The Ghost Towns of Kefalonia

Kalimera! If you've ever read Louis de Bernières masterpiece, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, you'll know about the Ionian earthquake that devastated Kefalonia on 12th August 1953. It  measured 7.36 on the Richter Scale and destroyed almost every house on the island. While six hundred people died, the economic impact of the earthquake was devastating. 100,000 residents left the island to live elsewhere, leaving only 25,000 residents on the island.  The survivors who stayed began the task of rebuilding, aided by remittances from those who had made a new life elsewhere. (REF)

As a consequence, throughout Kefalonia's interior you'll find ghost towns, the remnants of these ancient mountain villages destroyed in a single day. Keen to see the original village of Skala, we followed part of the Kefalonia Trail, identified by a series of blue and white paint markers which enable visitors to walk the length of the island through landscapes completely untouched by mass tourism. These markers are really easy to spot and, combined with some handy signposts, even idiots with no sense of direction like Jon & I can manage to follow without falling off the edge of a cliff or getting lost in a forest.

These trails allow walkers to experience a variety of landscapes and terrains, from dirt tracks weaving between silvery olive trees, verdant orange groves and dense forest to rocky cliffs and ancient donkey paths. 

The heady scent of wild thyme and mint reminded us of Corfu.

Oh yeah, don't be tempted the follow the markers with a blue rectangle with a cross over the top, that means You're Going The Wrong Way...ask us how we found that out! 

Wandering amongst the ruins, where so many lives were lost, was a reminder of the fragility of life and how we need to make our every moment count. The walk took us around four hours from start to finish but it's something that will stay with us forever.

By our standards, our week on Kefalonia was rather lazy - a couple of long walks, a wander around a Roman villa and a hike up to an Ancient Greek temple. We spent most of our time on the beach, swimming (me), reading and basking in the sunshine until gone 6.30pm. For breakfast we bought locally grown fruit and Greek yoghurt, which we ate outside on the terrace and for our lunch we shared a Greek salad and bread accompanied with a large draught beer in a shady taverna.

After showers we'd enjoy a shop-bought sundowner on the terrace - beer, rum & cola or Aperol Spritz if we were feeling fancy, before wandering into Skala old town (a five minute walk from our apartment) for a beer in one of the handful of bars which were open, all of which brought complimentary snacks out with the drinks. 

We ate dinner wherever looked nice - we don't pay any heed to online reviews, preferring to trust our instincts over the advice of a stranger. We didn't come across any laminated menus with photos of the food and chips didn't come with everything, the food was all authentic, freshly made & absolutely gorgeous. We'd either share a selection of mezzes or, if Jon hankered for something meaty, there was plenty of choice for me, the minced mushroom moussaka deserves a special mention as does Jon's Kefalonian meat pie which he says was worth the price of plane fare alone! 

To accompany dinner, we shared a carafe of the house wine (Greek red is more like a rose, refreshingly light and doesn't go straight to your head). All the tavernas we ate at gave us complimentary after-dinner drinks, everything from ouzo, Greek brandy, a locally made cinnamon and clove liquor and our personal favourite, Mastika. Afterwards we'd treat ourselves to a cocktail or have a drink back on our terrace. 

Although our holiday included a whopping 20kg check-in baggage allowance plus a 10kg carry-on, we travelled with hand luggage only enabling us to check-in online and head straight to security when we arrived at the airport. 

If you love your clothes, it's never a problem to wear them on repeat. 
We'll be staying on Corfu for 17 nights in September and we'll probably take even less!

We found the holiday on the TUI website under their Last Minute Holidays & Late Deals section and paid £238 per person for a package that included flights, transfers, accomodation and a ridiculous amount of luggage. 

We stayed at the family-run Marietta Studios and Rooms, one of TUI's Small and Friendly choices. Our self catering studio had a double bed (quite the rarity in Greece!), a kitchenette, an attached bathroom and a terrace with mountain views. For an additional charge you could have aircon (something we both hate). The bins were emptied daily and the rooms cleaned and linen changed every three days. The Marietta also had a swimming pool, a bar/cafeteria and sunbeds but, even though the other guests were mostly lovely, sitting around a pool with a load of Brits isn't our thing.

That's the view from our terrace, aren't those traditional roof tiles gorgeous? 

Flying time from Birmingham: 3 hours 15 minutes
Time Difference: +2 hours

Our combined daily spend for the entire stay averaged at £55 - that's for airport parking (we needed to be at BHX for 4.30am, hours before the first train leaves Walsall station), all our food and drink, a couple of pairs of sunglasses, admission to the Roman villa, sandwiches at the airport on the way back and several gins on the plane. We walked everywhere, drank the tap water and lay on our towels on the sand on beach (the daily hire charge for 2 x sunbeds and an umbrella is €15).

We loved Skala, it was quiet, felt authentically Greek and in May wasn't overwhelmingly touristy. Although it gets a lot busier when the season gets properly underway, we've been told that Kefalonia isn't a party island. 

You think we got a bargain? You can book a 7 night stay at Marietta leaving from London Stansted tomorrow for £180 (HERE)

Thanks for reading, see you soon!


  1. Lovely photos thank you. That sounds like a bargain to me. The sea looked very enticing might have been a degree of two cold for me it has to tropical for me nowadays. The earthquake was dreadful, as you say a lot of the villages are like ghost towns. Regards Sue H

    1. Thanks, Sue! We thought that last minute deal was fantastic value for money and gave us a great introduction to Kefalonia, we'll definitely go back. I've never been bothered by cold water but Jon loathes it. I was amazed when he finally immersed himself on the last day! xxx

    2. CBC also hates cold water and I love it!
      I feel soothed by reading this gentle holiday post. It sounds super value. Kx

    3. I was, Kezzie! I'm glad I'm not alone in enjoying cold water swimming! xxx

  2. The history of Greece is amazing. Being raised in a culture where everything is new and changing, the thoughts of ancient times interests me. You are an ultimate traveler duo.

    1. It's hard to get your head around the age of some of the things we see in Greece, sometimes we'll step over the remains of 5000 year old columns, not cordoned off or labelled - madness! xxx

  3. Looks and sounds awesome! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  4. That sounds like your perfect holiday, but I bet those ruins were very poignant to walk around. The other guests were 'mostly' nice, sounds slightly ominous, but then again you have to expect the odd one or two on every trip don't you.

    1. You know me, graveyards, dereliction and ruins and I'm all over it like a shot!
      Almost everyone we met was lovely but there's always a couple of those kind of people, isn't there? We had to laugh when one of them moaned about wasting his time walking to the ruined village when all there was when he got there was a load of old ruins! xxx

  5. Definitely a place to see! The food looked delicious. Loved yours and Jon's outfits and how fab you didn't need to use your luggage allowance. Knowing the weather will be good always helps doesn't it, and if push came to shove you could rinse your clothes out in hot water and they would dry quite quickly. I love the idea of the way-marked walk; fabulous.

    1. Old Skala was hauntingly lovely, Vronni and it's hard to top Greek food, so tasty and uncomplicated.
      It is a lot easier to dress for a holiday to the Med than a break in the UK, I take more to a festival than I used to pack for six weeks in India!
      Those way-marked walks are so easy to follow - you can walk the entire length of Corfu using them, too. xxx

  6. Your walk through the ruins has given me shivers.
    This afternoon I've been listening to a 'Diary of a CEO' interview on YouTube with Annie Jacobsen focussing on her recent book - Nuclear War, A Scenario. I have to go and buy the book now . . .
    (It's a long interview but quite managable if you speed it up 😋)
    The holiday sounds quite wonderful, there's no need to be busy all the time. Thank you for taking the time to share it, xx

    1. I've since discovered that there's a book with all the walking routes to the various ghost villages on Kefalonia, something I'll definitely invest in when (and it will be a when) we go back!
      I shall have a look at Diary of a CEO, it sounds very interesting. xxx

  7. What a bargain! I don't know how they can do it for the money. We've done a few package holidays and as long as we mainly do our own thing when we get there they are fine.

    1. We thought it was great value for money, Maeve. You're right, you can use the package as a way of getting somewhere you like the look of and don't need to avail yourself of all the tourist trappings (coach trips, swimming pools, sunbeds and hotel bars) once you're there. xxx

  8. That's a great price...and what magnificent place it is. I love to visit ruins.
    You two look like you had a fantastic time and that's always priceless.
    Love your style!

  9. Looks like you had a great time Vix!!
    The Kefalonia earthquake was devastating..
    Yes the price is incredibly low.
    I really liked them except for your outfit and sandals!
    Have a nice day!

  10. How gorgeous is that view from your terrace!
    I absolutely loved accompanying on your walk on the Kefalonia Trail, and full marks for not getting lost (which Jos and I would have done in spite of those markers!). But I'm dying to know how you found out what those other markers meant :-) xxx

    1. I love a mountain view especially one as green and lush as that one.
      Once we discovered that the other markets meant "Don't go this way, it leads to a dead end", we were absolutely fine - I love that you and Jos are just as bad for getting lost as we are! xxx

  11. You didn't just get a bargain, but also a wonderful holiday.
    I can literally smell the scent from mint and wild thyme.
    Life is wonderful if you know how to enjoy it <3

    1. Our bargain holiday exceeded all our expectations, we loved Kefalonia. The smell of thyme and mint always remind me of Greece, I've planted some in our garden as a permanent reminder!
      Yes, life is wonderful if you let yourself enjoy it! xxx

  12. I thought Corfu was lovely, but Kefalonia certainly rivals it.
    Your hauntingly beautiful trail walk, the food, your accommodation, all look utterly magical and memorable. xxx

    1. We loved how similar Kefalonia was to Corfu, the same smells and those wonderfully elegant Cypress trees dotting the landscape. Those ruins really were worth the four hour hike to reach them! xxx

  13. The locals seem to love you and Lord Jon visiting them Vix - You always seem so at home there - You remind me of a beautiful visiting butterfly x

    1. You are a sweetheart! Thanks, Flis! xxx

  14. So fabulous and useful post, always lovely to read about real life and how you spent your time and money, that's really my kind of interesting info!
    But I've been mesmerised by those mezze and delightful food!, and spritz!. I'd probably pay for the beds and umbrella (because of the umbrella, obviously, as direct sun is not my cup of tea) or enjoy a swimm in the pool. But totally agree with you that it's way better to wander around by yourself and avoid compatriots.
    I'm admiring your 'light packer' skills again and again!, it doesn't cease to amaze me!. I take notes for my next travels too!

    1. Thanks, Monica! I love hearing about people's holidays and what they got up to, I should have been a travel agent!
      We absolutely love the mezzes, I'd happily dine on those for the rest of my life. I get excited when it's Greek week at Lidl and I can stock up on stuffed vine leaves.
      When we go to Greece later in the year, we'll often buy a beach umbrella from the minimarket when we get there and leave it in our room when we leave (although sometimes a previous guest has already left one) - they usually cost around €10 so they pay for themselves in a day!
      The nice thing about going so early in the season is that there aren't too many Brits. Almost everyone we spoke to was lovely but there's always a couple of idiots who make you remember why we prefer not to go on package holidays! xxx

  15. Hi Vix, what a great time you have had, the food looks so delicious, just the kind of things we seek out and so much veggie choice! Your nail polish is very pretty and your flowing stripy dress unusual and elegant. It looks like a very dry place for plants/vegetation yet they have such an abundance of salady and fresh produce by the looks of it! The rose style red wine sounds my kind of thing, not too heavy for a hot place. Not suprised the Greek Islands have you hooked. Betty

    1. Thanks, Betty! Greek food never lets me down but that minced mushroom moussaka was exceptional. I really loved wearing that striped kaftan-y dress, it was comfy to wear during the day but felt equally dressed up at night. A lot of the hip young Greek women commented on my turquoise nails, the reminded me of the colour of the sea.
      Kefalonia and Corfu are probably the greenest of the Greek islands, I think they have quite cold and damp Winters, it's amazing to buy oranges, lemons and grapes that have been freshly harvested that morning and the tomatoes are just delicious. xxx

  16. That's a great deal for your holiday, especially as it sounds absolute bliss.
    If I could go tomorrow, I would :)

    1. I highly recommend Kefalonia, Jules! xxx

  17. Old Skala is so beautiful! I could just paint it.
    You've got a fantastic deal.
    When booking a stay on an island, my instinct would be to make sure it's not a party island.

    1. It's so lovely, we really did get a good deal! I've never liked party islands even when i was a party-goer! xxx

    2. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you cannot leave the party so easily!

    3. You're probably right!

  18. Such a magnificent time you two had. You look gorgeous.

  19. Vix, you and John are living your best lives. I love that you just do your own thing, some quiet exploring and showing us the delights of off the beaten path. How you both look so fabulous on your carry on bags always amazes me.

  20. Eh up Vix, I hope your getting commission on your recommendations! I loved reading Captain Correli's Mandolin. I remember pulling an all nighter and finishing it at six in the morning! enthralled I was with it! Well, the island looks absolutely beautiful. Looks like you had a wonderful time xXx

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Lulu! Captain Corelli's Mandolin is one of my favourite books - not so much the film, even though it had the gorgeous Penelope Cruz in it. xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix