Monday 20 May 2024

Back To The Garden

Hello! A couple of days after getting back from Kefalonia Jon & I met up with Claire and Gareth for what's becoming an annual event, an afternoon at Gifford's Circus in my favourite part of the UK, the glorious Cotswolds. I'd kill for an hour in this truck. 

This year's event was held at Sudeley Castle, best known as the final resting place for Katherine Parr, Henry VIII's sixth wife, and the theme was Avalon, hence Claire & I's nod to Medieval style with our vintage maxi dresses. Our photos of the circus performances weren't a patch on Claire's so do check out her post HERE.  

With the weather being mostly glorious Jon & I have spent almost every waking hour outdoors trying to tame the garden which, with festival life returning to normal, we'd neglected for the last couple of summers. 

During lockdown we'd attempted to grow more edibles but with limited success (there's just too many trees!) and with us being away a lot during the summer it's hardly fair to expect our friends to water the garden and be on pest control so it's back to the basics; apples, raspberries, redcurrants, rhubarb, blackberries, gooseberries, pots of cut and come again salad leaves and hopefully more figs from the tree we planted last year.

Apart from a £5 Clematis Montana rescued from the clearance shelf in B&Q, we've not bought anything for the garden this year. With the abundance of ferns, cranesbill, fleabane, sempervivum, London's Pride, Euphorbia and crocosmia, all we've done is divide the clumps we already have and replanted them elsewhere.

The rose arch was an online lockdown buy from the much-missed high street shop, Wilko. Eventually my new Clematis should scramble up it but, in the meantime I've splashed out £6 on some B&M solar fairy lights and threaded them through the arch to add a bit of interest. It doesn't look much in the photo but it looks absolutely magical after dark (or that could have been the rum we'd consumed!)

Although the house is due to be painted during the Summer I couldn't not plant up my window boxes - always with geraniums so I can pretend I'm in Greece. 

These Oriental poppies are always a joy when they flower, it's hard to resist the temptation of peeling off their furry jackets and helping them on their way.

Our boys are loving the warm weather almost as much as we are. The first night we were home William spent it cuddled up in bed with us, reluctant to leave our sides, since then he's been sleeping outside in his catio or keeping Jacob company.

I don't know about you but I'm beyond excited for the new series of The Great British Sewing Bee which starts on BBC1 tomorrow (Tuesday) night. I was thrilled to spot this whopper of a book in a charity shop on the way home from the baths last week. I don't think it's ever been used, all the patterns are pristine. Not bad for £3!

 In honour of The Bee I'm wearing one of my me-made dresses. Originally a set of curtains I spotted at a car boot sale, the vintage fabric, featuring Grace Sullivan's iconic Tree Tops screen print, sold at hip London store Heal's in 1971 and commands silly money online (I paid £2!) 

The pattern is by Kenzo and dates from 1970. 

When I checked through the archives I discovered it was ten years ago yesterday when I first shared this dress on my blog (HERE)!!! A whole decade gone in the blink of an eye.

These gorgeous tribal bangles were awaiting me when I got home from Greece. A wonderfully kind blog reader, Marjorie, bought them from a market in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1982 and thought I might like them. Like them? I absolutely love them! And yes, Marjorie, I'll definitely keep up with the exercise, you're so right about it - and a positive attitude - keeping us young!

Talking of kind gestures, Claire gave me a bag of goodies when we met up at Gifford's including some marvellously kitsch vintage vinyl. I remember dancing to Paloma Blanca at the Blue Coat Junior School Leavers Disco in July, 1978. I can even remember what I wore, a black floral off-the-shoulder cotton maxi dress from Van Allan and some black wedge sandals (I was a very sophisticated 11 year old with a very cool mum!) The gorgeous little cat was handmade in Prague, a groovy mermaid makeup mirror and two books. 

Andy, one of our swimming buddies, went to Thailand for a month and promised to bring me back an elephant... he bought me two (and a fridge magnet). With his travel tales and the current series of Race Across The World, I really fancying a trip to Thailand. In the meantime I might reread The Beach for the millionth time. 

This week we'll mainly be found in's almost festival time...yippee! 

Thanks for reading, see you soon! 


  1. I was just about to compliment you on your open back dress (that looks gorgeous on you) but now I know it merits a double compliment since you made it yourself.
    I love its lovely print. And your back look amazing! The swimming is paying off.
    Did you know I went swimming in the sea last Sunday?
    I visited Split for the weekend, and I headed to the beach. I stretched, exercises and finally swam....and it was divine. I cannot tell you how much I missed the sea.
    With my long work hours, I hardly ever go to the beach anymore...but the summer is near.

    Almost festival time! Time really flies. It's almost the end of the school year for me. I can't wait, to be honest. I'm quite excited about the summer.
    Thank you for sharing your reading recommendation. The Beach is a book worth rereading.

    I think your garden looks splendid. Maybe you had to sacrifice some edibles but I'm sure you enjoy the trees :) and trees can be enjoyed all year around.

    1. Thanks so much, Ivana! I loved the print on those curtains and knew they needed to be made into something wearable rather than hangable. I knew that my swimming had increased my upper body strength but I was quite surprised at the muscle tone in my back when I saw those photos.
      I'm delighted to hear that you managed to do some sea swimming. You have such a demanding job, it's the perfect way to relax. I also find it really mediative, don't you? Completely switching off and just feeling the waves lap against your body. I hope you manage to do a lot more of it over the Summer months.
      I love the wildness of our garden and the trees although I'm always having to chase the sun patches if I sit outside in it, it's exhausting! xxx

  2. P.S. Great find with the British Sewing Bee and patterns. I watched one episode of British Sewing Bee and I made a dress immediately after it. That's how inspired I was. Great show, for it seems to have very little drama....and I hate Reality TV because of the drama!

    1. The Sewing Bee is such an inspiring watch, I love the refashions, they always give me ideas! xxx

  3. I miss our visits to Giffords Circus now that sister is back up north. We might have to take a holiday down there. Hasn’t the weather been beautiful, and you look lovely in your me made dress Vix. Philip is busy clearing gutters and painting the mahoosive garage door, front gate and front door. I’m busy looking after friends, two have lost their mums within days of each other. There’s nothing quiet about retirement life in this house. Enjoy the sunshine lovely friends. Xxx

    1. Hi Lynn! You definitely need a Cotswolds holiday and to revisit Gifford's. We love our annual pilgrimage there, the acrobats are amazing. I was amazed at how tiny the girl next to me was, her strength is mindblowing!
      The weather has been glorious, I'm outside almost al the time at the moment and love it. I hope Philip's being careful with those ladders! How sad about your two friends, give them a hug from me. xxx

  4. Beautiful! Although your travel blogs are fun, I always favor your "home" blogs :) I love Kenzo! I remember when I was a teen, Kenzo did a line for our US chain The Limited (I don't think it exists anymore; I think they were bought out by Lerners). I saved up all my babysitting money and bought a beautiful Kenzo shirt -- it had the large florals on it, remember those in the 80s? Anyway, I wore it til it was in rags. I'll always remember that. I love the little Thai elephants.

    1. Thanks so much, Jemima! Festivals aside, we're home now for the next few months. Hopefully it won't be too long till I can share Jon's middle room makeover although with festival prep it's taken a bit of a backburner of late!
      I wasn't familiar with The Limited until I Googled it. I love learning about long-established clothing stores, it's very useful when I'm trawling Vinted/eBay for vintage clothes.
      I know exactly the Kenzo shirts you mean, I had something similar (but not designer!) in the 1980s, too - usually worn with leggings and over-the-knee suede boots.
      I love my little Thai elephants, too! xxx

  5. Love love love that handmade dress on you. X

  6. Oh that dress is wonderful. Enjoy the sewing Bee show. Not sure we get here, but despite my lack of skill or style, I love the Runway designer shows.

    1. Thanks, Sam! The Sewing Bee is such a lovely watch, even my non-sewing male friends love it. Ditto The Great Pottery Throwdown, another wonderfully gentle watch. xxx

  7. Save your kisses for me, Save all your kisses for me. What great song!!!!!!
    And what great dress, clever you!!!!
    Your garden looks great, mine looks sad, waterlogged and battered, between rain and wind it has copped a hiding. It will get no attention until the floors are finished and my bed is no longer in my front room and the wardrobe in the kitchen.
    I agree, Thailand sounds great!!! Take care, Megan

    1. Hello Megan! Yes, save All Your Kisses For Me was another junior school favourite. One of the female singers from Brotherhood of Man bought from us at a festival we did many years ago, we wouldn't have known who she was if she hadn't told us and she reminded us several times!
      It's been a demanding year for our gardens. Ours was starting to resemble how it was before lockdown but I think we've managed to get it back under some kind of control.
      Your house sounds utterly chaotic - I hope the end's in sight!

  8. Your garden still looks lovely, even if you are not able to give it the same amount of hours that you did in Covid-times. I know too well how quickly a patch can go feral when you turn your back - trying to reclaim mine from four years of sloth is taking all my time this season.

    Well done on the Sewing Bee book, I have a couple of their other ones and they are lovely. No prizes for guessing what I shall be watching on catch-up tomorrow as I'm out tonight. Enjoy, xx

    1. It's getting there, I think! It doesn't take long for the wildness to come back, does it? We've discovered a place locally to us that charges £20 per van of garden waste which they turn into bio pellets, it not only gets rid of the invasive bamboo and ground elder and the hawthorne mountain but does something useful with it at the same time.
      Have a lovely evening and enjoy Sewing Bee on catch-up! xxx

  9. The garden is looking great as is William - his coat is so shiny and glossy. We love our clematis Montana, it gets better every year.

    1. Thanks, Maeve! William's almost doubled in weight since he adopted us last year, the vet is really pleased with him. I'm excited to see the Clematis flower, our other two are imminent! xxx

  10. I didn't know SB was back on T.V! Super!!! Your Heal's curtain dress is beautiful! Your back looks so toned and strong. I've not really done anything about edibles this year. I'm just tired and forgetful. Lucky my neighbour gave me some tomato plants and I found a runner bean with an honesty box with it on Sunday....but not planted yet. Hope it's not been got by the slugs! Kx

    1. Hello Kezzie! I've got such a lot more upper body strength since I restarted swimming, I love it!
      I love The Bee, it's such a lovely watch although some of those challenges are seriously stressful.
      That's very sweet of your neighbour giving you some tomato plants. We've come to the conclusion that it's just too impractical to grow anything that needs constant watering and lots of sunshine, thank heavens for Lidl Waste Not boxes! xxx

  11. Thanks for the share! Didn't we have a lovely day?
    Your garden still looks pretty amazing to me and I love the poppies and rose arch solar pretty!
    Loving your tribal jewellery - what an amazing gift to receive!
    Your hand made dress is stunning and boy, is William going to miss you when you head to Glasto, although if this weather keeps up, he'll love sunning himself on the catio! xxx

    1. We did, Claire! I can't believe how quickly the time went. Your photos are brilliant and capture the energy and excitement of the day.
      Those B&M solar lights are great value and add a magical festival-ly vibe to the garden, I might invest in a few more sets.
      I love those bangles. I had a clearout of some of mine recently as they'd gone really tartished so they couldn't have arrived at a better time.
      Poor William had to go to the vets yesterday for his annual boosters, he's only just forgiven us! xxx

  12. Time most certainly flies - 10 years since you made the dress which is gorgeous by the way; I've always loved that print. I loved the dress you wore to the circus; it did look very medieval. Your garden looks wonderfully verdant. OH and I argue about London Pride. He insists it's the Red Valerian plant; I know he's wrong. If you have a photo of yours in bloom could you share it please to end our disagreement? Thank you.

    What lovely gifts you received. I've never read any Victoria Hislop; would you recommend her?

    William has a catio? Lucky boy and isn't he a beaut; such a glossy coat. Jacob looked as if he was going licketty split in that photo!

    Festival season again. My daughter is off to one on BH Monday and I'm child sitting...

    TGBSB tonight - yay!

    1. Thanks, Vronni! I thought that dress was maybe six years old at the most. I can't believe it's been 10 years - I was still in my 40s!!
      I'll add a photo of the London Pride to this post later today, it was pointless trying to attempt it yesterday, what a hideously wet day it was.
      The Island by Victoria Hislop is a good read, it's set on the island of Spinalonga, just off Crete, which was a leper colony until the 1950s, somewhere I visited in the 1980s. I have read Cartes Postale before and really enjoyed it, I was kicking myself for passing my last copy on so I'm happy to have a replacement.
      William loves his catio - I found it on Facebook marketplace. We had to take it down ourselves and was a real bargain. xxx


  13. I love the dress, it looks so great on you. The fabric, the colors, the cut, simply beautiful.
    Cute Elephants <3

  14. Judging from Claire's magnificent photos, Gifford's Circus's latest show looks absolutely incredible. You are both wearing fabulous frocks too, and I'm definitely hearing you on wanting to spend an hour in that truck!
    Well done for tackling your garden. Ours is an absolute disgrace, courtesy of our wall-building neighbour and the awful weather which prevented us from "digging in". The Clematis montana will be a joy to behold next Spring. We used to have one scrambling up an arch for many years. The Kenzo/Tree Tops dress is a joy to behold as well, of course.
    Well done for making a start with the festival prep. I'll be off now to see if there's any sign of our Oriental poppies in the Dove Cottage jungle! xxx

    1. Claire'[s photos are wonderful, aren't they? Wouldn't an hour in the sequin and wig truck be fun? We were rather enamoured by the acrobat next to Claire's silver boots. I wonder if there were more in the truck?
      Your poor garden has definitely had some challenges in the last few months. I'm surprised at how painless sorting ours out was - mind you, heat and sunshine stop i being a chore. xxx

  15. I always enjoy a tour of the garden, and it will feel like Greece, with the lovely warm weather we've been experiencing. Long may it last. X

    1. I'm hoping yesterday's deluge was a blip and it'll be warm and glorious today although I think I might be a bit optimistic with my plan of walking down to the baths in a halterneck dress in an hour's time, it's still only 11°C! xxx

  16. The Giffords Circus sounds wonderful , I did have a peak at Claire's blog. You both look the part in your nod to medieval dress.
    Well done on tackling the garden , mine is quite a mess at present but will get there . I am taking your lead and rather than buying new plants dividing and re-planting.
    Festival season does come around quickly - hope its a good one.
    Seeing the Thai elephants takes me back to a trip there many moons ago.
    Enjoy the sun and your garden. xxx

    1. Thanks, Jill! Gifford's is a wonderfully British day out and anything that involves a day out in The Cotswolds makes me happy. I f I were a millionaire rock star I'd be living there now! xxx

  17. Of course, now I'm earworming 'back to the g-a-a-a-rden'! Got friends holidaying in Thailand at mo and they went to a bar the other night called 'The Fanny Bar'. They said the whole night was off the scale!!Your garden's looking peachy. Rain's stopped play here today for anything gardening related but enjoying watching Chelsea Flower Show on telly! Was great to hear Sewing Bee music again and love that they're not in the least bit ageist when picking their contestants.You should go on next year's, you make such a great job of your sewing (have you watched the new Rebus yet?)

    1. A song that never grows old! I wonder what went on at The Fanny Bar?! The mind boggles!
      We've had some wonderful weather of late (with the exception of last Thursday and yesterday!) I've been loving the Beeb's coverage of Chelsea but felt for poor old Monty, he was soaked to the skin on Tuesday!
      I love how diverse the contestants are on The Bee, so good to see older people represented isn't it? I'd have a breakdown if I was on the show, how on earth did they expect them to finish those denim skirts in three hours?!
      Rebus is next on the list once we've finished the marvelous Tokyo Vice. Its got cracking reviews and looks brilliant. xxx

    2. Vix, a couple other series to watch that I can recommend highly are Heeramandi on Netflix and A Gentleman in Moscow (Ewan McGregor!) on Paramount+. We watched the latter by going through Amazon to sign up for a free 7 day trial on Paramount+. (We live in the US so you may have other ways of accessing that platform.)
      And now for a complete non sequitur! I've been rereading your packing posts and notice that you don't travel with vitamin and mineral supplements. I'm curious whether you take them while at home but figure a week or so without them won't matter while you're traveling. I'm thinking of leaving mine at home on our next trip except for the doctor prescribed Vitamin D capsules. Thanks, Vix!

    3. Hi Tess! Thanks so much for those recommendations, duly noted and added to the watch list. I think there's a few things we need on Amazon so I shall sign up for that free trial.
      You're right, we don't bother with supplements when we travel abroad, although I do take them to festivals. As we don't take check-in bags I thought that decanting the tablets might lead to a few raised eyebrows when went through security! Maybe you could have a word with your doctor before you travel to check whether missing a days of your Vitamin D dose would be detrimental? xxx

    4. You're right to be concerned about security!
      I only take the 15,000 IUs of Vitamin D once a week, so your suggestion has triggered the thought that I can take one dose the night before I leave and the next week's dose when I return nine days later with no harm done. Thanks!

    5. That's very wise, Tess. I try to take as little as I possibly can, any delay at security has a massive knock-on effect, doesn't it? I'd hate for someone to miss a flight on my account. I hope your Vitamin D supplements are doing the trick, another of my friends has been prescribed them recently and feels a lot more energetic. xxx

  18. wow, it's always so lovely to have a look at your garden, all the greenery and colourful flowers. I love particularly that wild style garden, sorry that the trees are so lush that don't let other vegetables grow (that's something unbelievable here in the sunny Spain, we're always craving for more shade trees).
    Also lovely to see you looking so fab in your sundress, so gorgeous design!. I'm missing The Bee, as it has not been in any channel here since season 8. So annoying, as it's one of my favourite programmes!.

    1. Thanks, Monica! Our garden's definitely on the wild side, I love seeing what's popped up overnight - those poppies are so showy that we get passers-by stop and ask if they can take photos!
      What a shame The Bee isn't showing in Spain yet, it's such an inspiring watch! xxx

  19. How interesting does the event you attended look!
    Your dress is gorgeous Vix.
    It's fantastic that you did it yourself.
    I like your garden very much!

  20. Festival time already?? Where does that time go!? I love seeing William and Jacob chilling out together, and also love that Kenzo patterned dress you made! Off to read Claire's post about the circus - it looks amazing!

    1. I know....five weeks and counting! My head's full of festival plans, I've been awake since 4am this morning, I can't sleep with excitement! xxx

    2. Love your frock, gorgeous fabric. The return of the Sewing Bee is very welcome. I just love the show and are amazed at the skills of the contestants. I loved the look dress made from a tablecloth , so wearable. All the top stitching on the skirt was a task, it would take me three days and many hours of unpicking to get it straight.

    3. Hi Carole, I was just chatting to my friend, Liz about that tablecloth dress, it was my favourite, such a lovely, wearable shape and an inspired upcycle. xxx

  21. Treasures, trinkets and glorious greenery! Yes, ten years has flashed before us -- and glancing back, we notice how your skill as a photographer has grown. Close-ups, wide shots, a bit of clipping and editing...well done, you!
    Sending skritches to William, whose fur I can scent in the heat, and to Jacob, who was in my thoughts as I noshed on giant strawberries for breakfast this morning.

    1. Thanks, Beth! You're right, my photography has improved so much over the years. I really used to struggle when I first started blogging.
      Jacob loves a strawberry - sadly lacking of late - I tempted him with a few slices of apple from the Lidl box this morning. the temperatures have dropped overnight and he's not eating as well as he does when the sun's shining. Don't cat's coats smell gorgeous? xxx

  22. I adored your garden updates during the darkest days of the pandemic so I was thrilled to see this post. I love to see your garden grow! What a treat.

    1. Thanks so much, Rosemary! There's lots more popping up now after all that rain on Wednesday. xxx

  23. Hi Vix, thought I left a comment but maybe I didn't send it! just to say your dress is lovely and I think you should apply to be on Sewing Bee! Betty

    1. Hi Betty! Blogger's very odd lately, I've left comments on some of my friends' blgs only for the comment to vanish. I hope they don't think I've fallen out with them!
      I couldn't cope with the pressure of Sewing Bee, I'd be up the corner with esme knocking back cocktails! xxx

  24. I insisted on watching the Sewing Bee, much to Monsieur's disdain! Your curtain dress is amazing Vix!!! Oh I too am greatly missing Wilkos. It's just not the same getting my bulbs, seeds and paints elsewhere. Your garden is looking tip top lovely. I especially like the stumpery area with ferns xXx

    1. Thanks so much, Lulu! Jon loves The Bee although neither of us were keen on last night's sportswear challenge and we both hate the kids clothing, Jon says that little mannequin gives him the creeps! xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix