Monday 5 February 2024

Paint It Black

Happy Monday! I hope you've had a good weekend. Here's what we got up to.

Having plans to makeover a room seems to have a domino effect and we've been looking at other areas of the house with fresh eyes. On Saturday morning Jon decided he'd had enough of the bathroom cabinet, after shuffling around pieces of furniture from elsewhere in the house and nothing looking quite right, it hit me like a thunderbolt...paint it black!  

Sorting out the Shit Tip (aka the middle room) we rediscovered the photograph in the brass frame that you can see on the freshly painted cabinet. Back in 2011 at The Big Chill, along with 698 other volunteers, we participated in award-winning American photographer, Spencer Tunick's photoshoot (read more about it HERE). 

Jon and I were team yellow.

We made the national press (The Sunday Times & The Guardian) and the BBC news. It was such a wonderfully life-affirming experience but man, it took days to wash that body paint off!

We also unearthed this gorgeous Victorian woman's head carved oak shelf, which was my Grandma's. Isn't she gorgeous?

Leaving Jon to the painting, I rummaged through my fabric scrap stash and made some scrunchies. Yes, I know all of us long-haired lassies wore them in the 1980s but they've had a huge revival in the last couple of years and I'd forgotten how much better they hold my hair than a bog standard band (no damage or pulling, either).

If I make a few every week I should have plenty for the festival season.

The eagle eyed amongst you might spot a William Morris Acanthus print amongst the velvet and West African waxed cotton...

These pyjamas were going for a song in the Next New Year clearance sale (£10 down from £45) but they were miles too long so, rather than waste any of the fabric, the excess became scrunchies. These are for lounging in, I never wear clothes in bed! 

 On Saturday evening we headed to the Black Country Arms (the BCA) on Walsall's High Street to celebrate Tony's birthday. Liz and Al are currently sunning themselves in Tenerife so it was just the six of us.

Formerly The Green Dragon, the BCA is the oldest pub in Walsall, dating back to 1627. It has a mind-boggling array of real ales, several of which we sampled on Saturday night. 

After a couple of hours in the pub we walked around the corner to Salt 'n' Pepper on Freer Street (situated next door to what was Boy George's squat back in the 1980s),very accurately described as a Turkish Fine Dining Restaurant, the fare is mighty fine.

We ordered vegetarian moussaka, mixed grill and chicken guvec. We didn't opt for starters knowing how big the portions are and how generous the owner can be and, true to form, we were given flatbreads, olives, dips, various mixed salads and slices of baklava. The staff brought out a birthday cake complete with candles and sung Happy Birthday to Tony.

I can't recommend Salt 'n' Pepper highly enough but, be warned, it's extremely popular and booking is essential. 

We didn't wake up till gone 8am on Sunday and that was only due to a very hungry William! We popped round to Tony's with his presents - which included a freshly baked (by me) banana and organic plain chocolate loaf. I wore a vintage tissue silk Treacy Lowe Indian-printed maxi dress and a 1960s suede waistcoat along with Thursday's charity shopped El Naturalista green nubuck boots.

You've seen the dress and waistcoat many times over the ten years plus that I've owned them so here's a close-up of William on the Seat of Judgement instead.

Talking of Thursday's charity shopping, here's the haul of vintage vinyl Jon classics Let The Music Play and I Thought It was YouLaxton's Superb were a local Brit Pop band (and a bunch of lovely lads), hailed as the next big thing by the Melody Maker back in 1996. 

Girl Power! Paula Abdul's The Promise of a New Day (still with the free promo poster), Zoe's Sunshine on a Rainy Day and Birmingham's finest, the legendary Fuzzbox

A limited edition of Spagna's Every Girl & Boy in lime green vinyl!

With the exception of Janet Jackson I'm not sure about this lot, I think they were just too cheap not to buy them! 

Someone's obviously fallen out with Stevie Nicks as all three of her albums were in the same charity shop. Back in 1985, when Rock a Little (the album in the centre) was released, I had an almost identical dress and was told I looked like her (I wish!) 

I managed to finish both of the books I'd started last week. Here's this weeks' reads....

More English Civil War intrigue in Bernard (Sharpe) Cornwell's gripping bestseller, A Crowning Mercy and what's been described as the quintessential guide to all things mythological, Edith Hamilton's Mythology: A Guide to Gods and Heroes, which is still in print, 82 years after it was first published.

To mix things up a little we popped down to the clearance charity shop on Monday morning rather than our usual Sunday. I wore my Levi's denim shirt (the sleeves are very Poor Things), a Dilli Grey block printed maxi skirt and Thursday's charity shopped Fly London black leather biker boots. Following our ruthless sort out of the middle room, we had several bags of donations to drop off (mostly books) and, very unusually, I didn't find anything to buy!

But never fear, I still managed to add something different to my wardrobe, this navy velvet military dress which I'm sure I was only admiring in Monsoon a couple of months ago, it was inexplicably listed on Vinted as "suede dress", it was mine for £2 (RRP £75!)

Thanks for reading, see you soon! 


  1. Hi, Vix! I don't know how I would stay warm in the winter if I slept in the buff! It would certainly save on the expense of buying winter nightgowns, but I don't think I'm quite warm-blooded enough to give it a try. I'm guessing you must have lovely warm sheets, a duvet, and a hot water bottle.

    1. Hi Tess! I can't sleep in a warm bedroom, we turn the heating off and open the window at night. Jon feels the cold so we have a wool duvet which naturally regulates the body temperature, it keeps Jon warm and me cool! It was a nightmare having to wear a nightie when I was in hospital for a week after my hip replacement, how one earth do you stop them winding round your neck and strangulating you? xxx

    2. I admit that I don't buy nighties that button up to the neck or else I would be strangled! My faves are cut a little lower but made from brushed cotton so they are still cozy.

    3. The one I bought when I went into hospital was a strappy slip style nightie but it still ended up around my neck. I can't sit still to save my life and jon says I'm a nightmare in bed, I'm constantly wriggling! xxx

  2. Monsoon dress was a great find! I like all your outfits this weekend. Painting the cupboard black was a good idea, I would have done the same. I just changed my curtains in the bedroom and the bedside tables look in need of painting a light grey to match other furniture - I was thinking of using chalk paint - is that what you have used for your black make over? Scrunchies look great, I have been buying them from Oxfam when I see them, but would like to make my own. I bet they will sell like hotcakes, they are so much nicer than bands :) Betty

    1. I was amazed to spot that Monsoon dress for £2, it's so pretty!
      We used matt black emulsion on the cabinet. You can make your own chalk paint by mixing bicarbonate of soda with normal paint, we did that when we repainted the kitchen cupboard during lockdown and it still looks really good.
      Scrunchie making is rather addictive, I was amazed how quickly that little pile grew. Its one of those mindful things you can do in front of the TV! xxx

  3. Ah Stevie Nicks. I wanted to be her so much, such a great voice and so stunning to look at. Love the "suede" (doh) Monsoon dress what a bargain. You look fab in all the photos as usual. Isn't William a handsome puss he reminds me of our old cat Noddy who also adopted us like William did you. I love black cats well all cats really. Regards Sue H

    1. Hi Sue, Stevie had/has the full package, didn't she? We had a big poster of her up in the kitchen in one of the shared houses I lived in during the 1980s.
      It's strange how people can't differentiate between velvet and suede.
      Yes, all cats are fabulous but black cats are really special. Noddy's a great name for a cat especially with Noddy Holder being a Walsall legend! xxx

  4. Love all the colorful scrunchies. What was the painted people march about? You were one of the painted people?

    1. It was a photoshoot to draw attention to the recent (at the time) Gulf of Mexico BP oil spill, ewe lay on top of each other in colour defined rows to represent the polluted sea. I've added a photo of the actual photo now. xxx

  5. Wow great photos, nice post to read.

  6. Lovely to see that piece of furniture painted black, it looks Fabulous (so incredible how a different colour can change a cabinet!). Lovely to see you in your pyjamas, ;DD, I'm with you, as I only wear my pyjamas as 'lounging clothes' (and shopped them at usual second hand stalls).
    The Black Country Arms look like a fab place to have a beer with friends!. Same for that magnificent turkish restaurant!, yummy!
    Both El Naturalista and Fly London pairs of boots look fab 'in person', great finds in great colours!

    1. Thanks, Monica! Painting that cupboard black made all the difference and such a quick and easy transformation, too.
      Yes, pyjamas are for lounging, I don't think I could sleep in clothes, it's not natural.
      The Black Country Arms is a lovely pub although being used to Wetherspoons' prices the bar bill can be a bit of a shock. The food was so good, I'm not surprised you need to book a table! xxx

  7. The velvet dress is perfection.

    1. Its really lovely in real life, I might have to wear it tomorrow! xxx

  8. Clever you to keep the fabric. I'm a s scrunchy wearer too. Love not having a headache when I pull hair back.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I'd forgotten how much more comfy scrunchies are than stretchy bands! xxx

  9. The cabinet looks fabulous
    And I am going to look out my Edith Hamilton books
    Siobhan x

    1. Hello Siobhan. Edith was such a fascinating woman and writes so well. I'll definitely try and track down a few more of her books. xxx

  10. I love the 'magic' of a simple coat of paint - it can change/transform a space.
    Scrunchies were never a thing for me, my friends wore them (and still do) and my son's girlfriends do too however, when my hair is long enough I wear felted mini 'dreads' on a band - tiny faux locs of joy!

    1. I know, its changed the whole look of the room with very little effort!
      My Mum used to love those felted dreads, I used to buy them for her in India! xxx

  11. I'd forgotten about scrunchies...used to have loads of them in the late 80s early my Laura Ashley phase. Back then I had reddish curly hair half way down my back. It looked lovely but was a right pain to deal with as it was so thick!! Arilx

    1. I'd love to see you with long hair, it really suits you short. x

  12. Beautiful blog

  13. Your bathroom looks absolutely gorgeous Vix! I would never have thought of going for black, and yet it looks so right. And that bargain dress is beautiful.

    1. By the way Jayne here - not anonymous!

    2. Thanks, Jayne! Blogger is very odd at times! xxx

    3. It certainly is! :)

  14. That must have been quite a liberating experience. I do enjoy such bold photography. Mass portraits are always fun. There's something life-affirming about them. We'll all here together and happy to be alive. That's what they seem to say!

    The bathroom is such an inspiration. I love how lively it looks.

    1. It was! We were all a bit shy at first but soon broke the ice offering to apply the bodypaint to each other's backs. Once we were painted up we felt like we were clothed.
      Thank you! xxx

  15. That was an inspiration and the chest of drawers looks fab! I loved Grandma's shelf, too.

    Happy belated birthday to Tony and oh the food did look delicious. Jon got a great haul of vinyl.

    I loved all your outfits and I really like your hair in an off centre pony tail. I used to wear my hair like that too back in the 80s but I never had it as long as yours. The scrunchies are looking fab; I hope they sell like hot cakes at the festivals.

    The mass portrait painted bodies photos were stunning and weren't you brave? I'd be scared the paint would make my skin itch or blister and I'm also not sure about being nude in public..although I went topless on the beach in Bulgaria.

    I often wonder about all black cats; if you got say a dozen to sit still long enough for a group photo would they look identical? Or would one be able to spot the differences?

    1. Thanks, Vronni! I love having a rethink of the way we use stuff. Yesterday I swapped my knackered dressing table for a chest of drawers we used to keep paperwork in and Jon's in the process of remaking the dressing table into a record storage unit - free furniture!
      That's just how I used to wear my hair in the 1980s, too - a side ponytail held by a black velvet scrunchie, even if I tied it in the centre it would always migrate to the side, my hair is so unruly!
      That bodypaint was really thick and gunky and terrible at a festival where the showering facilities are limited to say the least. I stood in the queue starkers for almost an hour, I didn't half get some looks but with that paint on it's not like anyone knew who I was!
      I think I'd be able to spot William in a crowd of black cats, or if I didn't he'd make himself known, he always speaks to me as soon as he sees me! xxx

  16. Great job on the cabinet. Black does work in mysterious ways!
    I can't quite shake off the 80s throwback that is scrunchies, but yours look nice.
    It won't surprise you to know that I have all of those Stevie Nicks albums somewhere on cassette! I still want to be her when I grow up. :-D
    What an absolute bargain that Monsoon dress was! Vinted may have bargains, but I've never seen anything listed for £2.00! What were they thinking?!
    I love how William steadfastly refuses to look at the camera! xxx

    1. Black's great, I love it in the garden, too!
      I won't be wearing pointy shoes or shoulderpads anytime soon but scrunchies are the future, I tell ya!
      I thought you'd have those Stevie albums. It's crazy to think that people get rid of vinyl and have streaming instead. I can't understand why you'd not want a physical copy of your favourite music!
      I only ever look at Vinted's Recommended for You selection, I think they know what a cheapskate I am! xxx

  17. Stevie Nicks is one of the greatest, i love her voice so much. You look lovely in the dress with the orange vest. The photos are my favorites. And the baklava mhhhhhhh

    1. She's fabulous, isn't she? Thanks so much for your lovely words. I adore Baklava! xxx

  18. That bathroom cabinet looks so much better painted black!
    I didn't know scrunchies - which I never wore as I never had my hair long after the mid-70s - were making a comeback. Making a batch of them in preparation for festival season is a great idea, and I already spotted your William Morris Acanthus print one on Facebook. Gorgeous pyjamas by the way, although like you I never wear anything in bed.
    Tony's birthday celebrations sound wonderful, and what a stunning pub is the Black Country Arms!
    And talking about stunning: Monday's outfit with the Dilli Grey maxi, Levi's shirt and Fly London boots is absolutely fantastic. xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! You missed the scrunchie thing, then! They are so easy to make and it's a great way of using up scraps of material. I love a sewing project when the weather's rubbish.
      I'm glad you're on team naked sleeper. Wearing clothes in bed is bizarre! xxx

  19. Loving the Cabinet Makeover, I Paint a lot of things Black, it's my Happy Color. *Smiles* And your Food Porn, as always, has me now feeling quite hungry!

    1. I love that black is your happy colour, Dawn! xxx

  20. I got a CD of the Outfield a few years ago - they were huge in the late 80s. How fun to see all your changes - painting that cabinet black worked wonders to make it look more posh. I laughed at the scrunchies - i wore so many of them in the 90s (they are more 90s than 80s to me). Happy Birthday to your pal - love seeing you all celebrating. Sweet William is living the high life!

    1. Hi Sheila! Reading about them I discovered that The Outfield achieved success in the USA but never made it big here. I haven't listened to it yet, the cover design reminds me of one of Big Country's for some reason.
      That cabinet looks a lot better black. White is too clinical.
      We must have been ahead of our time wearing scrunchies in the 1980s! xxx

  21. I'm reading a Stevie Nicks biography at the moment. Love her and love reading your blog posts too. X

  22. I love stevie nicks, I own all her albums. I own coloured foundation which I use for cosplays, even the kids get into it. If we did it in England we would get stared at, but in Japan it’s common place. I really want a record player but I don’t know we’re to put one!! I would
    Love to see Jon’s record collection.
    My CD collection is pretty big but they are a pain to store!! We are starting to renovate the rooms , why do I pick these odd homes. Love and hugs Allie jane

    1. Hello Allie! Lovely to hear from you. I suppose it's down to where you live, I could walk around here naked and no-one would bat an eyelid. Boy George used to wander around town dressed in a ruff!
      Jon and I' used to have similar sized record collections but he's steaming ahead with his recent charity shop finds. xxx

  23. I'm swooning over the WM PJs!! I love a good scrunchie and ended up buying a lovely WM one that matches your new wash bag in the vintage shop in Corbridge and then buying a lovely one for my sister in the Oxfam sale which is made out of sari scraps.
    I'm sure they will sell well.
    Your new dress is gorgeous! I love Vinted bargains but so far have resisted this year as I'm really, really trying hard to curtail my purchases as I just have too much stuff and am not v good at being ruthless like you at culling!
    The black cabinet looks super.
    Turkish restaurants are always do generous! Kezzie xx

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! I dropped lucky with those PJs, they're worthy of dressing up and wearing out! I love the sound of your Hera scrunchie, you can't go wrong with a Morris & Co print.
      You're doing really well with your Vinted restraint. I was very virtuous yesterday and donated two Ikea bags of clothes to the Kinky Shed. I've even got a few empty coathangers! xxx

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  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Good morning! Beautiful plants and hair elastics, very colorful. The kitten was also happy. Best regards.

  27. The cabinet makeover turned out so good and I love that you painted it black. If it was me, I'd have thrown it away, I know that's an easy solution and flash thought, but the truth is painting it makes it way better, and looks brand new and if it's still in good conditions, it just need a little makeover magic. I love how you also changed the toilet seat for a darker one as well as there's this wonden texture on top of the cabinet and it looks in harmouny with the walls plus never in my life (besides Pinterest) I saw someone having too many frames in the bathroom, it looks even cooler and so unique and the glass blocks adds a little extra touch to it. Can't wait to see what other little changes you do your beautiful place!
    The scruchies fabrics are so pretty, loved them! I - on the other hand - can't wear scruchies, I love wearing high ponytails and rubber hair bands is the way to go for me, if I go for scrunchies, my hair doesn't seem to stay up for that long and it's quite stressing plus never have i ever worn my hair in a low ponytail. I'm glad you had a great time with your friends and the food looked delicious. I'm loving your outfit as well as that new dress! Can't wait to see you wear it! Have a lovely day and great rest of the week! xx

    1. Thanks so much, Cuentas. That's our trouble we see potential in almost everything so there's cupboards and sheds of things that'll come in useful one day. It does help to be able to adapt furniture by reupholstering, repainting or remaking it rather than constantly buying new, it gives the house personality. I learnt to be bold with my interior design years before I did so with my clothing choices, luckily I share my life with a partner who is equally adventurous and free thinking.
      I love a high ponytail but nothing with keep mine in place, I've got the most unruly hair ever!
      Its great to hear from you! xxx

  28. Our friend did the naked photo thing in Tynemouth or somewhere round that area. He said it was incredibly liberating. Me.. I'm keeping my kit on ☺

    1. I remember that Tynemouth photoshoot! xxx

  29. That Monsoon dress at that price! Gads, what have you done to please the gods in charge of serendipitous thrifting? Mine eyes glow green with envy -- and my mouth waters at the pix of the Turkish feast. Meanwhile, one suspects William's bright eyes have noticed the scrunchies and regards them as worthy of further inspection. Back in the day, my house lion collected them in his basket hut, along with bread wrapper twists.

    1. I know, Beth! I scratch my head in disbelief sometimes - both at the prices on things I find on Vinted and the odd descriptions!
      That Turkish food was fantastic as was the hospitality.
      Funnily enough William sat beside me watching me making the scrunchies in fascination but hasn't been tempted - as yet - with the completed thing. Your house lion sounded quite the character! xxx

  30. Lovely to catch up. We have just got back from India - our first trip. I can see why you love it so much.
    Love that suede/velvet dress. xx

    1. Welcome home! Its lovely to hear from you, I'm so pleased that you had a wonderful time in Kerala! xxx

  31. Beautiful dress for £2 and from Monsoon too, that's called a real lucky break if you were eyeing it up at full price recently. Alan LOVES Stevie Nicks and really enjoyed our last mini break to see the Fleetwood Mac tribute act, he said the pretend Stevie was 'almost' as good as the real one.

    Painting that little cupboard black has made a real difference hasn't it, good call.

    1. I was amazed at the price, Monsoon has some gorgeous stuff but it can be very pricey.
      Alan's got excellent taste, it's good to know that the tribute was almost as good as the real thing, I love it when that happens! xxx

  32. I love the monsoon dress, wow what a find and only £2! I have an Outfield album somewhere, they very randomly had 2 massive hits in the US but not in the UK then disappeared without a trace.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix