Monday 28 August 2023

You're a Fake, Baby!

Yes, it's van Jenga time again.

And this gap by the side door is to squeeze in the coolbox, our clothes and the booze. We've got this packing malarky down to an artform. 

We've got over 1,000 items squeezed in the van, this is just a tiny snippet of some of the latest stock that'll be gracing our rails at End of the Road. I've failed miserably at snapping our customers wearing their Kinky Melon purchases this festival season, I shall try and get my act together and take photographs for this, our grand finale!

In the meantime, here's some of the outfits I've been wearing this week.

These photos look tiny on my screen, click on the image to enlarge them

I made this skirt from a length of vintage fabric snaffled for £2 from one of the clearance chazzas back in June. I've taken it to every festival we've been to this summer and but hadn't worn it so out it came for a shopping trip on Friday.

I'm wearing it with a 1970s Ayesha Davar shirred cheesecloth blouse (eBay, 2020) , a pair of cowboy boots, one of my many vintage tooled leather belts and these rather lovely mustard tasselled earrings still on their original Zara card, £2 from the Midlands Air Ambulance charity shop or - as we refer to it in Walsall - the ambo.

There's some folk out there who say that if you haven't worn anything for six months then you need to get rid of it. Sod that for a game of soldiers, the last time I wore this Mexicana dress was 2018 and it ain't going anywhere! I love my clothes like some people love their children.

Created by couturier & sack dress innovator, John Cavanagh and celebrated fashion illustrator, Alfredo Bouret (the handsome devil in this photograph below by Norman Parkinson), Mexicana was said to have been home to some of the most fabulous dresses of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Born in Mexico in 1926, Alfredo Bouret's love of fashion and illustration won him a scholarship to Paris during the golden age of couture. His illustrations were in high demand and he attracted the attention of the greatest designers of the day, creating work for such luminaries as Balanciaga, Valentino, Chanel, Dior and Pierre Balmain. Bouret was widely admired for his illustrations of native Mexican costumes and, during the 1968 Summer Olympics, held in Mexico City, many people become interested in having the country's textiles referenced in their clothing. 

During this time Alfredo was working for British Vogue and was approached by John Cavanagh, who asked him to assist opening the Mexicana boutique on Lower Sloane Street which went on to delight the London set for many years.

Here's Dollyrockers model Patti Boyd wearing a Mexicana dress

Mexicana dresses are rare and commend prices in the £££s and even ££££s. Mine was £5 from a charity stall at a car boot sale in London. It was in a terrible state, covered in questionable stains with a broken zip and shredded side seams but it didn't take me long to restore it to its former glory.

I'm wearing something else that hasn't seen the light of day in years, this 1970s silver apple atomiser filled with solid Charlie perfume - still smelling exactly the same as the scent I loved as a teenager. After looking back through the blog archives I discovered that I'd bought it from a car boot sale in 2011 for 25p. Why the long absence? No idea but, when you buy stuff that's over 40 years old, there's no rush to wear it all the time, it's hardly going to go out of fashion. 

This maxi dress is neither vintage or couture but as a collector of Kuchi tribal jewellery the print couldn't have been more perfect plus it was £2....yes, two quid!!!

I had to laugh when I looked at the print with my specs on .... its fake Hermes! I've come across the scarves a gazillion times but it's the first time I've found a dress. (These vintage brass cabochon bangles were my Mum's, if you're wondering.)

The print is quite well matched-up (a real bugbear with modern clothes) and the fabric, a mix of 60% cotton, 32% polyester and 8% spandex isn't too bad at all but the white plastic buttons, which Jon described as off some granny's nursing home dress, were hideous so I replaced them with some classier looking brass buttons from my stash. We've got a £1 charity shop nearby, I often buy tatty vintage clothing just to remove the buttons and zips, it's cheaper than buying them new.

I love this dress and it got so many compliments when I was out on Sunday, even the scary hard-faced lady, who rarely cracks a smile as we browse the charity shop rails together shouted That dress is f*cking amazing!

As you can see, I'm in my Lottas. My foot is back to normal - although I'm doing some strengthening exercises (thanks, Amanda & Vicki) and wearing my foot support for my daily workouts. To keep up the designer vibe I'm wearing Gucci sunglasses (from a Greek supermarket) and my vintage Medusa belt buckle for some pseudo Versace vibes!

New-to-me additions to my wardrobe include another Marion Donaldson piece (with the 1970s-era purple and gold label), a gloriously off-the-shoulder, feather trimmed seersucker maxi dress in a superb shade of zesty orange. It needs taking up a few inches which I'll tackle once we're back from End of the Road. 

This handmade psychedelic 1960s maxi dress with frog fasteners and a side split fits like a glove and makes me feel like a slinky Bond villain or something from a Trechikoff print. I've packed it ready to wear at the weekend.  

Although its modern, this leather bag, made in Italy by Sofia Cardoni, has got that 1970s slouchy look I love. Google tells me that it originally retailed at  €317 - I paid £3. 

I'm off to pack my sequins & horned headdress for the final time this Summer. 

See you in September! 


  1. Always a fun read and you send me off googling; this time Patti Boyd. Those were the days.

    1. Hello Rita! You can't beat a bit of Googling, thank goodness for the internet! Patti Boyd was such a beauty, she looked amazing in that Mexicana dress, didn't she? xxx

  2. I can't believe it's your final festival of the year already! I'm sure you'll be doing a bostin' trade again!
    Fabulous outfits, as always. The skirt you mad from the £ 2 vintage fabric is gorgeous, and so are those lovely Zara earrings.
    I'd never heard of Mexicana, so that was an education for me. What a bargain that dress was.
    Your fake Hermes dress is f*cking amazing indeed, and I had to laugh about the nursing home dress buttons ... Jos is calling these "housecoat buttons" :-)
    Charlie perfume ... that's quite a trip down memory lane for me! And, finally, I am swooning over your latest finds. Fantastic frocks and that leather bag's retail price had me reeling. Some people do have money to burn! xxx

    1. Yay, yow'm spaking Black Country, bab! That's "You're speaking in the Black Country vernacular" to anyone whose not visited our fabulous part of the world!
      I do love a big earring, they breathe new life into any outfit. I keep wearing that amazing Vero Moda skirt you and Jos gave me, that one I made hasn't had a look-in.
      Housecoat buttons - yes!
      I loved Charlie perfume. I remember having some for my 12th birthday and it came with a free boucle tracksuit, I ruined it roller-skating around the block!
      Who spends all that money on something and gives it to a charity shop? Madness! xxx

    2. I worked on a cosmetics counter during the 1970s - I sold lots of Charlie - it was very popular - Have a wonderful time Vix and Lord Jon - You will look amazing - You always do xx

    3. Sorry I intruded in the wrong place - not wearing my readers x

    4. Hello Flis! I nearly missed your comment, I'm glad I spotted it. I used to love those Charlie adverts in my Mum's magazines, I felt dead sophisticated when she bought me my first bottle when I was 11! They relaunched it in the late 2000s, I think, it never smelt as good. The stuff in my pendant smells lovely! xxx

  3. I used to love Charlie perfume. A step up from Avon Pretty in Peach! Then I graduated to Estee Lauder Youth Dew, before YSL Rive Gauche! You could smell me from around corners!!Never could forgive Patti Boyd for dumping George for Eric! Happy Festival!xxx

    1. I remember that Avon peach perfume, it smelt like sweets! Rive Gauche and Youth Dew, two of my Mum's favourites. It's Lush's Karma for me - I love the smell of patchouli.
      Patti Boyd must have been mad, I didn't get the Eric Clapton thing at all! xxx

    2. I used to burn patchouli joss sticks in my bedroom and my Mum would shout up the stairs, 'hope you're not smoking pasha up there'! 'Course I wasn't, that came much later!

    3. Haha! I had a brief flirtation with those herbal cigarettes in my teens, remember them? Mum used to shout the same at me! xxx

    4. Oh yes, they really were like smoking grass but not the herbal kind, the type you grow on your front lawn! And didn't they snap,crackle and pop with every draw?!!Not to mention the stench! Lol x

    5. I'd forgotten that popping sound.l I think I only wanted to try them because of the pretty packaging! xxx

  4. I swore that Mexican dress took my breath away as soon as I saw it. Simply perfect for you! Simply perfect on you! Now, that I read the text and learned more about it's history, I'm even more impressed. I admire how well you restored it and all. Having learned all that, I love it even more. Nothing beats a good story.
    Restoring clothes from a charity shop or digging something from our closet- that's the real fashion creativity. This is something people who get rid of anything they haven't worn for a few months will never understand!

    1. Thanks, Ivana! I'm so glad the charity selling that Mexicana dress didn't throw it away and gave someone-else the chance of rescuing it, ie., me!!
      I never understand people who buy clothes and get rid of them every season either. They never get a chance to develop their personal style as it changes with what's in the shops. xxx

  5. Love the Skirt from the first Outfit and the Mexicana Dress. Your Blog is my favorite Fashion Blog. Greetings

    1. Thanks so much, that's such a kind comment! xxx

  6. I'm so glad you Restored that Rare Mexicana Dress, it looks lovely on you.

  7. Get rid of things you haven't worn recently? Stuff that for a game of tiddlywinks - anyone noticed how infrequenty I can wear flimsy summer dresses in north west Cumbria? Like you, I have rails of lovely garments which are decades old and I will wear them when the weather/occasion is right. Until then, I will keep them safely out of landfill.

    The Mexicana dress is a superb rescue - these are the gorgeous garments which end up in the V & A, thank goodness.

    And you certainly have Van Jenga down to an art form, hope the festival is brilliant. xx

    1. Hooray! If a stranger looked at my wardrobe they'd be mistaken for thinking that I live somewhere hot and sunny. Some of my clothes only get worn once a year but I wouldn't dream of getting rid of them, almost all of them have a story behind how I found them or have been worn somewhere exciting.
      Thanks, Jayne. Jon's squeezed in the coolbox and our bags so it's just us, the flask and our sandwiches tomorrow morning! xxx

  8. Hi Vix. Crikey! You most definitely have mastered the art of packing! 1000 items!
    Hope you have a great time at the End of the Road! This year has flown by and still so much to do and places to see. That Mexicana dress is stunning and the colour really suits you. Louise (Midlands) x x

    1. Hello, Louise! After cramming 1000 items into a campervan, travelling to Greece with hand luggage only feels like a breeze! I know, I can't believe we're almost in September. I'm hoping to squeeze in at least two more adventures before the year's out. xxx

  9. That is impressive packing! I like all your dresses, thers is a lot of orange in this weeks ensemble, my favourite colour. I am one of the 6 months and out it goes brigade trying not to be, but I can't stand clutter! I often regret chucking something out. Good luck at End of the Road hope you have good sales and lots of fun. Betty

    1. Thanks, Betty! It's the time of year when I'm obsessed with all things orange, my festival wardrobe is full of it. I'm fine with having loads of stuff as long as it can be put away, I can't be doing with heaps of clothes and floordrobes, it's too much like the way I lived as a child! xxx

  10. Hello! I love all your new finds! The Hermes dress is gawjus dahling and you look excellent in it!
    I'm glad you are going to another fab festival - can't wait to see outfits. I'm off to a festival at the weekend (Smugglers festival near Deal, Kent)- apart from my costume for our performance, I'm not quite sure what to take or wear! HELP!!
    Glad your foot is improving!

    1. Hello Kezzie! Thanks very much. the foot's loads better, I can sit on it now!
      I've just finished packing my stuff, the weather's looking very mixed and I know from experience that it gets really cold at night so I've packed one sleeveless dress, three long sleeved dresses, leggings, a sheepskin hat, a suede jacket, beer mittens, thick soled flat suede boots, waterproof velcro sandals, my sequin coat, horned headdress, a fedora, a tracksuit top and two pairs of sunglasses! I should be ready for anything! Have a brilliant time. xxx

  11. You and your gorgeous twin sister look amazing in all those dresses and outfits. ;-)

    Charlie perfume ... now there's a blast from the past I used to love the stuff, and Tramp as well, although the jokes when I wore Tramp to nightclubs in Manchester used to wear a bit thin.

    I hope your last festival goes down a storm and you come back with less than half of that stuff. Have a great time. xx

    1. Tramp! I'd forgotten about that one. I loved the adverts of that cool looking woman in tweed!
      Thanks so much, Sue! Everything's in the van now, I'm proper excited but sad at the same time, Summer seems over far too

  12. I love reading about your finds and seeing your lovely clothes. I hope the festival goes really well for you.
    Norma x

    1. It's so lovely to hear from you, Norma! xxx

  13. Sorry! Not sure why that came out as anonymous - at least I remembered to sign my name ...Norma x

    1. I thought it was you but now I've seen the photo I know it is! xxx

  14. I have to agree, that 'Hermes' dress is amazing. I'm a sucker for a label, fake or otherwise lol. The colours in it are fabulous though. After 2 weeks of travelling and partying, just looking at your packed van gives me the jitters lol. xx

    1. Thanks Louise! I must admit to having a fascination with fake designer labels especially the badly spelt ones! Two weeks of travelling and partying, you lucky thing! xxx

  15. Oh yes that Hermes dress is fabulous whatever!
    Hope you had a great festival. I look forward to hearing all about it. X

  16. May it be a festival of warm sunshine, good cheer and sparkles for you xx

  17. You really have packing down to a science good job. And LOVE the skirt you made. VERY cool! And a "That dress is f**king amazing" that is hilarious. You go!

    Allie of

  18. Well, I hope you don't get pulled over for a stop and search! You have van packing off to a fine art and I am in awe :)
    Loving all the new additions, especially the Marion Donaldson.
    Have a fabulous festival! Xx

    1. Jon always worries about being pulled over by the police! It's funny when we have to open the van for security when we get to Glasto - one day they'll be a clothes avalanche and someone will get buried beneath vintage! xxx

  19. What a fab job you made of that skirt; it's gorgeous. Loved the Mexicana dress; it's unusual to see you in that length of dress but it suits you and as for the fake Hermes print maxi - stunning! You have found some amazing treasures lately. Glad you're back in your Lotta's.

    I marvel at the packing in the van (OMG, you should see our car when we pack up for Ireland) and I think you do a fab job taking photos of customers wearing their KM buys considering how busy you always are at festivals!

    1. Thanks so much, Vronni! I love that old Style pattern I use, the high waist and full skirt really do make the post of groovy fabric! xxx

  20. Oooh thanks for this Vix - what a fascinating fellow Alfredo Bouret was and really interesting to know that the Mexicana garments really were influenced by authentic indigenous clothing

    "During this time, Bouret met with Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, who directed him in his journeys to remote communities; the whereabouts of some being almost hearsay and reachable only on the back of a horse or donkey. Over many months, Bouret compiled a collection of thirty-five illustrations of indigenous Mexican dress, depicting individuals from communities in the states of Puebla, Oaxaca, Jalisco, Michoacán, Chiapas and Mexico."
    Collection of his fashion illus here

    I'm with you on the wardrobe purging thing - I'm adopting Freddie Mercury's expression - 'exquisite clutter' lol. So pleased that the foot is improving - hope the festival is excellent!

    1. Hey up, Elaine! Goodness me, I didn't know about Bouret's connection with Diego and Frida, that makes that Mexicana dress even more! Aren't his illustrations gorgeous? I've bought some on birthday cards in the past.
      Exquisite Clutter - love it! Jon's on the look out for a skinny wardrobe that'll fit in the alcove by the fireplace in our bedroom, he says that I shouldn't have to part with clothes just to make room for more! xxx

  21. Good luck on the last show of the season! I love seeing all your vintage and not-so-vintage (that fake Hermes cracks me up). Your mum's bangles are stunning! Thank you for the info about the designers - I stash it all in the back of my head for when I'm shopping! I've set to see a Dollyrockers dress here in sleepy ol' Victoria.

    Glad your foot is doing better, Vix!

    1. Thanks so much, Sheila! I love my fake Hermes although I'll have to be careful where I wear it, I don't want it to be confiscated by Trading standards and have to walk home in my knickers!
      One day you will find a Dollyrockers, you have the best luck with finds! xxx

  22. Oh, and this might give Jon a giggle - one of the CDs I bought for Logan in a Powell River thrift store (for $2.00) was...The Charlatans! It was "Tellin' Stories" which I know is past Jon's time with them, but how cool is that?

    1. He thought that was hilarious! Tellin' Stories is a great album. What did Logan think? xxx

  23. Hi Vix, loving it all! You look beautiful in blue and that Mexicana dress suits you, although it is quite different to what we are used to seeing you in. Loving the new hairstyle and the skirt you made well as I said all of it. Yes I was known as a Charlie girl back in the day (only because I loved it I might add ha ha) I was often given it as gifts from the people I worked with. Anyway have a great day friend Shazx

    1. Hello Shaz! Funnily enough we popped into a charity shop I'd only ever visited twice before and the lady there said that me dress was a different style to how she was used to seeing me! Jon loves my hair in a side parting, it's a great way of disguising half-grown out roots!
      What a lovely nickname! xxx

  24. Fabulous! The Mexicana dress is the colour! As for your fake Hermes, if anyone's going to pull it off, it will be you! Stunning!
    I had to laugh at the designated "booze space" in the van. Have fun and sell loads! xxx

    1. Thanks, Clare! That Mexicana dress doesn't get enough outings but I'd never part with it, they're something almost life affirming about that vibrant shade of blue! xxx

  25. Morning Vix. I'm sitting in hospital reading through blogs. It's been a long night but my favourite bloggers are giving me plenty to read. Last festival of the year so go and wow them all.

  26. So fabulous to see you rocking that Mexicana dress (wow, those sleeves!!) and the delightful fake Hermes (totally fab print and colours!). Love your styling and brilliant accessorizing, love that you changed those plastic buttons (totally agree on shopping tatty clothes only to use their buttons, zips or embroideries!). And love your latest finds, those maxi dresses look really fantastic.
    Always amazing to see how you pack for festivals, you could master Tetris game!.
    I've enjoyed all your festival posts, so much music and fun and fab people, so I'm looking forward to see the next one!

    1. Thanks, Monica! Decent buttons make the world of difference, don't they? I've never bought a new zip or a packet of buttons, I always salvage them from old clothes.
      We're packing pros - well, we're great at packing to go to a festival but it often goes wrong when we're coming home! xxx

  27. People who get rid of clothes they haven't worn in six months probably also paint their homes grey inside...


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix