Wednesday 6 September 2023

It's The End of the Road

 A week ago today we left home at 6am and set off for the Larmer Tree Gardens in Dorset for the final festival of 2023, the wonderful End of the Road. Four hours later we were on site & as always, treated like absolute superstars, with the stewards embracing us and the staff in the ticket office squealing with excitement.

After catching up with neighbours Shaun & Amelie of Shilpa Silver, who we hadn't seen since Glastonbury, we set to work building our pitch and on completion nine hours later, celebrated with a can of ale and a bowl of pasta and tumbled into bed just after 10pm.

Thursday was abysmal with heavy rain and temperatures hovering at around 12°C. Luckily, after fifteen years, we're used to the extremes of weather at End of the Road and came prepared. Jon dragged out his jeans, Docs and a long sleeved shirt whilst I donned a cosy 1960s Louis Caring maxi dress. Despite appearances to the contrary my feet were warm and dry in my suede boots. These insane vintage sunnies (given to me for free from a car boot trader) were a festival staple for years, I dragged them out of retirement 

Although the festival didn't open to the public until 1pm, we'd had a steady stream of customers since we'd rolled up the shopfront at 11am in the form of the on-site crew. Despite the rain and the inclement temperatures we were busy all day and, as usual, the last stall to shut up shop at just after midnight.

As always we were sited directly opposite The Woods stage, offering not only a great view but the acoustics are perfect.

Friday was sunny-ish, a lot warmer and fortunately, despite the previous day's rain, not at all muddy. We rolled up the shop front at 10am and posed for our customary front of shop photos. Jon's wearing a Diesel shirt he bought from a car boot sale in 1999 and I'm in a 1960s Hilary Floyd maxi some friends found for me in a charity shop five years ago.

Trade was brisk. This lady popped in to show us the 1990s No Fear top she'd bought off us the previous day. Doesn't she look fab?

Stunning Jenny (with lovely boyfriend, Russell) has been a Kinky Melon regular since we met at the much-missed Indietracks. I made her this top eight years ago and it's still going strong. She left with a 1960s psychedelic print barkcloth maxi dress and a 1970s purple velvet jacket.

Meanwhile, on the Woods Stage, which is directly opposite our stall, Say She She drew a huge crowd and were brilliant.

Frances is another regular and an absolute goddess. This year's purchase was this incredible slinky 1970s maxi which I bought with her in mind and luckily it fit like a glove. 

This chap never fails to amaze us with his outfits.

Russell told us that Friday's outfit was 1970s American Deep South used car dealer (I think he nailed it!) wearing a jacket bought from End of the Road, 2022. This year he left with a vintage Norfolk-style jacket, a 1970s dagger collar shirt and a Acetate cravat.

Jewellery designer Morgan bought a 1960s Harris Tweed coat from us six years ago and says its the best thing he's ever owned. This year he treated himself to this amazing 1980s orange-y rust cord coat.

We've known Freya since she was a little girl. Now she's a beautiful & articulate teenager with an incredible sense of style. This 1980s wool & metallic thread jumper was one of this year's Kinky Melon buys.

This 1960s Indian cotton maxi dress with filet crochet work used to be mine but looked absolutely amazing on Ellie. Partner Tom thought so too, he proposed to her when she changed into it and she said yes. The power of vintage clothes!

Once again, on Friday, we were the last non-food trader still standing, rolling down the frontage at ten past midnight and, on Saturday, we were the first to open, discovering a queue of customers patiently waiting when we did. 

Jon wore a Y2K tiger print shirt with a 1960s Kangol pink & white gingham newsboy cap.

This 1970s Jody T of California maxi dress hadn't seen the light of day in a couple of years and I packed it in the hope of giving it an outing . That's my friend Nicola, who pops in every year. Thursday and Friday were busy but Saturday was utter madness, we didn't even crack open a drink till gone 4pm!

Gorgeous regular Jen all ready for her big Saturday night out. She'd bought this 1970s tiered chiffon maxi from us on Friday.

These women always look amazing. 

Dean (on the right) is a much-loved Kinky regular, both at EotR and Glastonbury. He bought his fedora plus an outrageous 1980s satin shirt. His nephew is wearing the 1960s Hawaiian barkcloth shirt he'd bought from, us the previous day.

Chloe bought this Adidas jacket as it matched her outfit perfectly.

It's that glamorous guy again!

This young woman was beside herself with excitement after discovering this 1970s Northampton-made on our rails. Her metallic cowboy boots, brought by her Grandparents on a recent trip to NYC, couldn't have made a better accompaniment.

Another happy customer who popped back to show us the 1970s West African waxed cotton dashiki she'd bought from us at midnight the previous evening. The pocket was the perfect size for her water bottle.

I was thrilled to discover that the mystery band on Saturday evening were Wet Leg and even more so when we were told that they'd posted a photo of our stall on social media. A lovely teenage girl who was working the festival season as part of her gap year asked if I could escape the stall for a while and go and watch the set with her. She guessed my age at 37 and was amazed that I was older than her mum!

Freya in the 1970s dark floral off-the-shoulder midi dress bought from us the previous day and gorgeous mum Rachel (check out her incredible jewellery HERE), in the block-printed Indian maxi she'd snaffled in 2022.

This beautiful customer loved this rik-rak trimmed 1960s cotton mini dress by rare psych label Whispering Kite so much that she left the shop wearing it. It's off to live in the USA!

As did this gorgeous girl who rocked the hell out of this 1970s Richard Shops maxi.

Another happy customer wearing the Empire Stores 1980s cotton midi dress (with pockets!) bought from us the previous day.

And Orava in the 1970s chiffon maxi she bought from us back in 2021.

Someone described EotR, after the main stage closes, as a playground for grown ups and, as is usual on a Saturday night, we shut up shop at 10pm and joined in with the fun.

This is the furthest either of us had been since arriving on site on Wednesday morning, even the food stalls seemed exciting.

We'd just missed Canadian post punk band, Crack Cloud, who'd been in the shop earlier buying leather jackets and militaria but caught the mesmerising Arooj Aftab (as recommended by Vronni) and bumped into lots of customers who'd become friends over the years. 

We reimbursed free beer tokens a customer had given us earlier and hung around the games area....

And ventured into Effing Forest...

Making our way to The Boat (formerly The Ship Disco) where we danced to Northern Soul and Rare Groove into the early hours.

Despite the late night we were rolling up the shopfront a few hours later to a queue of prospective customers.

It was gloriously hot and sunny, we had a steady stream of shoppers and the music was brilliant - we especially loved Texas cowboy Charley Crockett and soul legend Lee Fields.

Including these two beauties who popped back later in their purchases - Freya in a 1970s cotton voile Stevie Nicks-style maxi and Rachel in a FabIndia silk dhabu print kurta. 

All too soon it was time for the final act of the festival, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizards and we managed to have a bit of a jig outside the stall fueled by tins of gin and liquorice from our lovely trading neighbours, Saint Valentine's. 

Kicking off at just after 8am, Monday morning was spent breaking down the stall. At 1pm we said our fond farewells to our trading family (we won't see them again till Glastonbury!) We stopped for a very late lunch at Gloucester Services and were back home for 5pm, with a very warm welcome from young William.

And so ends our festival season for another year. Thanks to everyone who visited our stall, popped in to say hello, kept us company and bought our stock, you've been f*cking fabulous. See you all in 2024! 


  1. What fun that all looks - but my goodness don't you work hard! All the customers looked amazing in their purchases and how lovely you have returnees and those who come back to show you what the outfit they purchased looks like on; great advertisement for Kinky Melon!

    Both you and Jon looked wonderful in your festival outfits; I particularly loved your white maxi and I think I recognise the Hilary Floyd maxi from we met up in London? Seems like ages ago...

    I love Wet Leg and I'm so glad you enjoyed Arooj Aftab.

    I hope you are resting and recuperating and you'll be back to do it all over again next year, I'm sure.

    1. Thanks, Vronni! I'm only just starting to feel like a human being again!
      I love seeing the same faces year and after year and it's extra thrilling when they find something else on our rails to take away with them.
      You're right, I did wear that Hilary Floyd maxi when I met up with you in London. it's a firm favourite. I was glad of the opportunity to wear the white one, it's not seen the light of day since 2021!
      Thanks for the heads up about Arooj Aftab, I loved her! xxx

  2. Wow! Fun, and you are younger than 37 in your soul, but 237 in lived experience. That's a compliment.

  3. Hi Vix, what an amazing end to festival season, End of the Road looks amazing and such a beautiful atmosphere. I love seeing your customers so happy in what they bought, half the fun of buying and wearing vintage is the excitement of finding the perfect piece and sharing that. You and John look like you had an amazing time. I wonder if you have planned a short trip away to sun worship? You certainly deserve a break.

    1. Thanks so much, Diane! You're right about the thrill of finding the perfectly fitting piece of vintage, it can take ages but once you do it stays with you for years - as lots of our regulars testify!
      You know me so well, we're off very soon. We've had a heatwave in the UK since last Sunday so I've already topped up my tan! xxx

  4. Wow, that was so cool, Vix! I felt like I was there! How awesome to see Wet Leg, and King Gizzard etc. is so fun! I love seeing all your happy customers and your festival family in their finery. So much work - I worked retail, I KNOW how much work that is! - but now you get to relax with sweet William, who looks like he may need a huge cuddle session.

    Jon's Hong Kong Fooey tee made me smile!

    1. Thanks, Sheila! It was fantastic, such an interesting and varied lineup and I was so excited about Wet Leg! Yes, retail is incredibly hard, by the end of each day we're so tired of talking I don't think either of us make any sense! xxx

  5. Oooh, I really enjoyed this post! Love seeing what your customers buy!!!
    You really do have beautiful stock!
    This does look a great festival!
    I love that people come to show you their Kinky outfits!
    Freya looks so good in her choices. So nice not to see a teenage clone in beige tracksuits!
    King Gizzard is a great name!!!
    I love it!!!

    1. Hello Kezzie! How was Smugglers? I can't wait to find out!
      It is a fabulous festival, lovely well-behaved people of all ages and no litter. Freya's got such great taste, I loved clothes when I was her age but I'm not sure I was confident at pulling an outfit together! xxx

  6. Such enjoyment in your writing and photos but my top pick has to be the gorgeous shot of William.

    1. Thanks, Ruth! He's a beauty, isn't he? xxx

  7. What a fabulous adventure, as has been your whole summer. Your customers look so lovely and they are able to find such beautiful clothes on your rails. You'll need another holiday to get over all the hard work of the summer. xx

    1. Thanks, Louise! You know us so well, a holiday is imminent! xxx

  8. What an awesome way to end your trading year.

    William looking fab, and hope you are both caught up on sleep and laundry by now, xx

    1. Thanks, Jayne! William gets glossier, chunkier and more bright eyed every time we see him! xxx

  9. The Pics are amazing, to see all the beautiful People wearing great Outfits and have so much fun. I love it. Greetings from Vienna

  10. What an amazing round-up of your last festival of the season. Everyone looked so happy and magnificent in their new outfits and festival gear. It's not a bad job is it when your main goal is making people happy. I'm glad it was a success AND a good time for you both ... and to get home to that beautiful cat takes away any sadness for this being the last festival.

    Now it's time to begin the restocking of Kinky Melons ... no pressure then. ;-)

    1. Thanks so much, Sue! That's a great summing up, our job really does bring happiness to people. I was especially pleased when a lady came in, tried a dress on and bought it. Her husband and best friend both told her she looked fabulous in it. She told me that she'd lived in trousers for decades and had lost confidence in how she looked but after trying the dress she felt like she'd made her first step towards being the girl she used to be, I could have cried. xxx

  11. The people looked wonderful and enjoying their visit to you - The glamourous gentleman reminds me of the husband of the patient in the hospital bed alongside me when I was in Dorchester hospital - He dressed uniquely - coloured leg warmers, lots of semi precious stone rings and brooches too and a elaborate walking cane - Yourself Vix and Lord Jon are such a valued part of the Festival x

    1. Hello Flis, I bet that gentleman cheered everyone up when he came hospital visiting! xxx

    2. He did Vix - A couple of quite poorly patients asked to take his photo and were so cheered by him - I wish I had but forgot my phone x

  12. It seems like you had a blast at The End of the Road festival.
    So great that the staff greated you so cordially.
    Both you and Jon looked fabulous!
    It's always a joy to see your stylist customers and friends.
    Freya and Rachel look so beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Ivana! Rachel and Freya look amazing, don't they? xxx

  13. Looks like fun, but yet a lot of work.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  14. I loved every picture, it's great to see real people wearing vintage clothes, their way! You have some lovely customers and it looks so much fun being there. Your dresses this festival were all perfect. I don't know how you get so much stock to the venue and manage to display it free of creases or dampness whatever the weather! Hope you can now relax and enjoy some me time after all that hard work. Betty

    1. Hello Betty! That's what so thrilling about what we do, meeting people who "get" what's on the rails, the joy when it fits and seeing how they wear it.
      I'd packed for Autumn but was thrilled when Summer reappeared.
      It's fortunate to have a day of two before the festival opens to give time for the clothes to hang for long enough that the creases drop out.
      We have a getaway booked very soon! xxx

  15. A wonderful array of interesting characters. Well done on getting to festivals end. The Goodwood Revival's just been on telly. Imagine how much you'd sell there!!! Enjoy your

    1. Such an eclectic bunch, aren't they? A couple of our trader neighbours do Goodwood and tell as that we'd do really well there. xxx

  16. Oh I'm so glad you found time to photograph your stall visitors and their amazing outfits. As wonderful as Kinky Melon's clothes are Vix, I have to say that I was captivated by the 1970s Deep South used car salesman...straight out of a Burt Reynolds film!
    Thirty seven - I'd take that (and you don't look a day older)! It can't have done you any harm at all to get a shout out from Wet Leg either. I bet you were beside yourself when you heard that news! Have you come back down to earth yet? xxx

    1. Thanks, Clare! Russell's seriously stylish. He told me that he's quite shy and that dressing up works well as an icebreaker - I can testify to that!
      Wet Leg actually formed at End of the Road, deciding to become a band whilst on the ferris wheel as they reckoned it would be a great way of getting into festivals for free. I wonder if they've ever bought from us in years they attended as punters? xxx

  17. Kathryn and the AncientsFriday, September 08, 2023

    Greetings from the gang in St. Louis! What a wonder you are! All of your blogs are simply stupendous, and this one really takes the cake! We feel like we have been to the festival ourselves! Our note is chock full of exclamation marks is either that or printing in all caps...EVERYONE IS SO THRILLED! The gang is SO happy that you show ensembles of your customers, and shots of the goings-on at the various events you trade at. Such fun!

    Of course, here we are ALL about YOUR ensembles! The ladies also LOVE to see what Lord Jon is wearing! They thought those tight shiny leggings he wore in a previous post were the bomb! (Kills me to see these proper ancient little darlings talking about Lord Jon being the bomb! Hee!!!!!!) You are the BEST, my dear! Lots of love from your oldest fans in the world and me....if I can continue to keep up with them!

    1. Awww, thanks so much Kathryn & the gang! I'm so glad you enjoyed End of the road and seeing some of our lovely customers!
      Lord Jon looks great in those silver leggings, doesn't he? I think I've persuaded him to wear them at festivals again, I'm looking out for a metallic turquoise pair with fish scales printed on them, he could be a merman!
      Sending much love to you all! xxx

  18. Thank -you for the photo tour of EOTR festival. I love seeing the interesting clothing. But I must admit the beautiful face of your William was the best photo of all !
    Best Wishes Gail from Pa.USA

    1. Hello Gail and thank you! William's a beautiful boy, isn't he? We treated him to a chartreuse velvet collar, it matches his eyes! x

  19. Oh my.. so much fun and love all the clothes.

  20. No wonder your customers so look forward to seeing you every year , your stock is brilliant . I so enjoyed seeing what everyone purchased and kindly modeled later.
    So pleased all your hard work paid off this season . BTW you both looked simply sensational.

    1. Thanks so much, Jill! I 'm already excited for next year. x

  21. I always love accompanying you to End of the Road, which looks absolutely amazing.
    Loving all your outfits and those of your amazing customers. I'm not at all surprised they keep returning again and again! xxx

  22. What a hoot! I loved seeing you & all your fab customers dressed up :) xXXx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix