Thursday 24 August 2023

Beautiful Days!

Just after 8am last Tuesday we headed down to Devon for the Beautiful Days festival. The journey took just under three hours and, after accreditation, one of the marshalls walked us down to our pitch but, after a number of phone calls to site manager, John, turned out not to be in last year's spot but on the hill overlooking the main stage. To say we were excited would be an understatement. We had no idea what trade would be like but we'd have the best view in the house.

Setting up on a steep hill with only one and a half pairs of feet between us proved to be a bit of a challenge so, by 6pm, we cracked open a can and decided to finish setting up the following day. As you can see by Jon's hi-viz, health and safety regs were strictly adhered to.

The sunset was glorious.

On Wednesday we continued with the set up whilst listening to the Lionesses beat Australia on 5Live. 

That's our inflatable awning, now in its third year.

Finally ready for the festival to open on Thursday afternoon, we had a wander round the site and caught up with some of our trader pals.

 We'd never met any of our trading neighbours before but, after a couple of days of living next to each other we were soon firm friends. Nav, from the stall to our right, was a Nepalese ex-sherpa and took as long to get up the hill from the toilets as we did.

The music didn't start until Friday so Thursday was a chilled out day, mostly spent chatting to people we'd met last year (plus a fair few sales).

After a few warm and dry days, Friday started off windy with a distinct chill in the air and, by late afternoon, turned into rain of biblical proportions. Jon dug his jeans out whilst I wore a sequined polo neck (and horns, of course!)

There were some great acts on the main stage on Friday. Mash-up band Elvana, who cover Nirvana songs in an Elvis style blew us away. Check them out HERE.

The crowd got bigger and bigger and bigger and, by mid-afternoon, access to the stall was nigh-on impossible. Did we care? No, not a jot, we were too busy dancing. The epic Gentleman's Dub Club was followed by the legend that is Johnny f*cking Marr. I stripped down to my sequined bra and danced in the rain to There Is A Light That Never Goes Out and Bigmouth Strikes Again. Yes, I danced! My foot had finally healed.

Friday night headliners were Suede. The rain had defeated much of the crowd who'd retreating back to the campsite but , for those of us left behind, we were treated to one hell of a show with Brett Anderson stage-diving and giving it his all. 

Saturday morning got off to a strange start when Jon, leaving me sleeping while he visited the portaloos, came back to discover a robin had flown into the van and was sitting on my foot. Later we trawled the internet to see if there was meaning behind the weirdness, discovering that, in popular folklore, a robin entering a house through a door is thought to signify imminent death. With no mention of it entering your live-in vehicle through an awning, we're hoping that we've escaped the grim reaper. 

Despite the previous day's rain the site was mud-free and the sun made a welcome reappearance.Trade was phenomenal despite the internet crashing and the on-site ATMS running out of cash. Cost of living crisis? What cost of living crisis?

I found a couple more Asbeau fans.

Nine-year old Ember (cool name!) hung out with us for most of the weekend. Her mum & dad kept popping in to make sure she wasn't being a pest - far from it, she was amazing and her knowledge and passion for mythology (Greek, Norse & Egyptian) put mine to shame. 

One of the traders was so happy with his vintage corduroy jacket that he offered us pizzas on the house. They were exceptional - no wonder the queues for his pitch are so long.

Stand-out performances on the main stage were Gaye Bikers on Acid (who popped into our stall twice over the weekend), Reef and Primal Scream. The crowd was so huge we ended up emptying the rails outside the stall and wrapping them in hazard tape. It was madness out there!

Trapped within the stall, the party came to us. I met blonde Katie last year. I'm not sure which planet Michelle came from, she was one of the strangest women we've ever met (but in a nice way!)

Once the crowd had thinned out we rolled down the shop front and went for a wander, chatting to a few mates and catching some of the Rock Orchestra's amazing performance over on the Big Top stage. We quite fancied Gok Wan's late night DJ set but knew we'd struggle to get up the next morning so did the grown-up thing and went back to the van instead.

Beautiful Days always has a Sunday dress-up theme and this year, for the festival's 20 year anniversary it was Out of this World. Jon was the Space Cowboy. I wasn't the only one liking the look of those silver leggings on him - Shaun from the stall two doors down reckoned they were the best pair of legs he'd seen all week. 

I was Medusa - in case you were wondering.  A good excuse to wear some of my snake jewellery and to drag this 1970s Bernshaw peek-a-boo maxi dress out of hibernation. 

We loved the costume choices of long-time mates, Daron & Jo (aka Old's Cool Traders). Jo's never sewn anything in her life before. How impressive is that Tardis dress? They joined us in listening to the agony that was the World Cup final. 

Normally I wander off on a Sunday to take festival photos but, once again, it was jam packed outside our stall. Fortunately a few people squeezed in including this fabulous female astronaut and her captive alien.

How this couple didn't win best costume I'll never know. Her Medusa knocked my outfit into a cocked hat! She bought the vintage fishscale sequin dress from our stall on Thursday. She made the headdress herself. Husband Des (Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy) runs a biker festival near us in the Midlands, he's asked us to trade there next year. 

Nikki from Rocket Records (in the photo below) was our trading neighbour at Beautiful Days last year. Her 1960s chiffon maxi was a Kinky Melon purchase. Jan, in the middle, bought a 1980s neon orange tiger print tunic on Friday and spent most of the weekend wearing it (and being useless, I never took a photo).

Ember popped in again - her dad painted her face, I think he needs his own festival stall.

Here's the amazing Kathryn from Asbeau, who made my horned headdress along with lovely husband, Rob (they're also our neighbours at Glasto).

Snapped by a pro!

Sunday's headliners included DreadzoneGaz Coombes and Public Service Broadcasting but the act that blew us away was Welsh reggae/heavy metal band Skindred who were drafted in at the last minute to replace The Proclaimers. Lead singer Benji Webbe popped into our shop before taking to the stage and was an absolute sweetheart (why on earth didn't we take a photo?) Performing to a capacity crowd of around 17,500 festival goers he yelled I see you Kinky Melons and we screamed ourselves hoarse with excitement. 


Don't know 'em? Their latest album entered the UK charts at number 2. Check them out HERE and crank up the sound!

As always, The Levellers, the band behind Beautiful Days, closed the festival.

And of course, we had the best view in the field but, being the lovely people we are, we shared it with a few friends we'd made over the weekend. 

Julia rocked the hell out of this 1980s metallic Frank Usher jacket.

On Monday morning we got up at 7am. It took six and a half hours to breakdown the stall and another five to drive from Devon to Walsall.... three days on and we're still half-dead. Hopefully we'll have rediscovered our festival mojo in time for End of the Road, we'll be trading there this time next week!

 See you soon.


  1. Wow, that looks like an incredible few days and you really could not have had a more superb pitch :-)

    Thanks for such a wonderful account, not quite the same as being there but as I know that is unlikely to happen it's a delight to read your take on what the festival was like. xx

    1. Thanks, Jayne! We had an absolute blast. Every morning we'd roll up the shop front and just say "wow" - a bit like I'm sure you say when you awake to those glorious Scottish views from Blue Bus! xxx

  2. What a great Event. You look fantastic

  3. I love seeing this Festival too - Crazy fun people and outfits - It makes me realise that I've conformed to boring since I stopped going to discos - and to enhance it all Benji Webbe calling out " Kinky Melons" topped it all ( great music) x

    1. Thanks, Flis - it really was amazing, we loved it. How good are Skindred? xxx

  4. Vix and Jon what a great experience the festival was, I could feel the energy whilst reading. I was not as happy to see the Lionnesses win their match with Australia, go the Tillies. But what a great World Cup it was, so much energy from the Aus/NZ crowds and so many great games of soccer. Beautiful Days looks like a festival that I would love, glad you had a great time.

    1. Hello Diane! Lovely to hear from you. I loved how Australia embraced women's football. The Matildas played brilliantly, Sam Kerr is such a talent. I feel quite flat now the World Cup is over!
      Beautiful Days is incredible, such a wonderful mix of people, all having the time of their lives. xxx

  5. Felt like I was there with you! Wow, what an amazing view that was! So glad your sales were so good, despite the crush of crowds and sh*t weather! Love Jon's skinnies - those are some good knees, sir! You looked gorgeous in that vintage dress, Vix, and loved your medusa crown. End of the Road looks amazing - I know a ton of those bands. Ezra Furman is amazing, as is Angel Olsen and Joan Shelley!

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I've seen Ezra before but I'm not familiar with Joan Shelley or Angel Olson, I shall try and catch some of their acts if I can.
      Jon looks good in those leggings, doesn't he? xxx

  6. That is an amazing view of the stage. How lucky were you!
    Wishing you well for End of the Road, and your ongoing avoidance of the Grim Reaper. Xx

  7. Gosh that looked like so much fun! The costumes and outfits were fabulous. I adored your horns and Jon as a Space Cowboy was brilliant. The acts sounded wonderful; I hadn't heard of a lot of them but that's no surprise. I'm so glad your foot healed and you were able to dance unhindered. In Ireland it's magpies that portend death so don't worry; the grim reaper needs to look elsewhere. And there you are, after what was an exhausting week, off to do it all over again! Enjoy what free time you have left!

    1. It was wonderful. I love how much effort people put into their sunday costumes, mind you first prize is two tickets for next year's festival so it's a good incentive.
      A couple of people mentioned that robins signify a visit from a departed loved one, I suppose being haunted beats imminent death!
      I'm rushing about like a mad thing trying to get everything priced, packed and sorted but hopefully it should all be done by Sunday and we can relax for a day or so! xxx

  8. Wow Vix, what a wonderful experience, you both look fantastic, great outfits. and I especially love the medusa crown/headress!! A wonderful way to make the most of summer's end! Looks like you also met some fab people! Glad your foot is better, it's shocking the damage we can do with "silly" accidents. (I fell down stairs 2 years ago, 9 fractures in my foot alone plus broken ligaments etc!) Keep on rocking, lots of love from Barcelona!! xxx

    1. Hello Diana! It's such a brilliant festival, we love it so much. I'd been looking at that Medusa headdress on eBay for ages, I was excited to have an excuse for buying it. I might have to commission my friend Kathryn to make me a proper one so I can alternate it with my horns!
      Goodness me, your fall sounds horrendous. Take more water with it next time!
      Loads of love to you! xxx

  9. Just a quick update to say that Arooj Aftab is appearing at 'End of Days' - she has an amazing voice and her music is wonderful; I bought her album 'Vulture Prince' after hearing her on Irish radio; RTE1 a few years ago. Try and get to see her perform.

    1. Oooh, thanks Vronni! I've just found a couple of her videos on YouTube, she sounds amazing. I hope she's on the main stage! xxx

  10. Beautiful days, and how lucky you were being allocated that spot overlooking the main stage!
    I am glad to hear your foot has healed in time for dancing and generally being part of all the fun. Brilliant outfits as always, and I am thrilled to see "my" skirt making another appearance on a festival!
    Some brilliant costumes for dress-up Sunday, but Jon's space cowboy one beats them all.
    I can't get over you getting to see Johnny Marr, and how fantastic to get a shout out from Skindred's lead singer. Will check them out in a minute.
    Phew, I'm exhausted just reading all that, no wonder you need time to get your festival mojo back - which I'm sure you will in no time! xxx

    1. We were so excited to be sited opposite the main stage. What a shame Johnny Marr didn't give us a shout out like Skindred did, mind you, I'd have probably passed out with joy if he had!
      I've no idea how we used to do ten festivals a year, we're clearly out of practice! xxx

  11. OhMyGosh, that looks like such a wonderful weekend! I love seeing what everyone was wearing, especially for the "Themed Sunday". Jon makes a spectacular Space Cowboy. Ember looks like delightful company, and that was so cool that you got a shoutout from the stage by the singer from Skindred. Hope that the End of the Road Festival goes equally well.

    1. It was ace, Shelley! I rather like Jon in leggings, I'm going to buy him more and hide his shorts, that way he'll have to wear them! xxx

  12. I doubt anyone was bored there.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. There's theatre and music and dance and craft workshops, something for all ages! xxx

  13. great people, outfits, music - isn't Ember delightful and I love her name.. Skindred never heard of but quite like. I don't know how you managed to stop your carpets getting ruined and your tent overcrowded! Hope the trade was good, you had a great spot there. Good luck with the next one :) Betty

    1. Ember was such a lovely girl, I felt like I was talking to someone of my age, her vocabulary was so impressive. Aren't Skindred amazing? I'd never heard of them either - they've been around for over 20 years but it wasn't until a few Influencers started posting themselves miming to their tracks on Tiktok that they went viral!
      Those carpets are plastic and made for outside use, they're brilliant. Hose 'em down and they're as good as new - we've had them for over ten years. They're popular in India and you can pick them up in Delhi for a few rupees! xxx

  14. That's a wonderful account of the festival. It's great to see everyone really dressing up, it's not called Beautiful Days for nothing, is it?
    I love your Medusa dress and headdress, and I'm very impressed with Jo's dress. It's good that you were able to meet up with them, they're missed on the Brum music scene.

    I see others have said that the robin means a visit from a departed loved one. That's the interpretation I've always heard xxx

    1. I love how everyone enters into the spirit of Beautiful Days. Much as I love Glasto it is in danger of being hijacked by the "bucket list/Instagram" brigade, there's too many people there who aren't really festival goers and spend most of their time on their phones telling everyone what a great time they're having! xxx

  15. Amazing! Everything! I think you should entitle your book 'Raining Sequins'!Thanks for sharing. X

  16. Elvana! Now I have to give them a listen. Vix, i also love that professional photo of you! Gorgoeus! X

    1. Thanks, Jess! Let me know what you think of Elvana. As you know, i'm not a fan of Elvis but they were amazing! xxx

  17. What an amazing festival! Loved reading about your young helper, Ember - what a beautiful name!
    That Medusa headpiece was amazing. She must have had stiff competition not to have won!
    You look bright eyed and fabulous as ever Vix and I'm glad to hear the ankle's healed.
    That biker festival sounds interesting...we've had a few biker clients. I'll have to pick your brains about that one. xxx
    P.S. Very envious of you seeing Johnny Marr and Suede. xxx

    1. Thanks, Claire! It's a brilliant festival, none of these bucket list festival goers like you get at Glasto, just people out for a good time. The music was superb.
      Ember is such a lovely name, her little sister is called Lyra, which I thought equally beautiful.
      I'm so relieved about the foot, I got up last Friday morning and I couldn't feel any twinges. Still got my brace on for exercising, though.
      The biker's festival is to be held on the weekend nearest to next year's Summer Solstice, not sure if it clashes with Glasto. xxx

  18. Loving Jon’s leggings lol, we don’t really wear them , I’m the only one. They seem to only wear them for fitness. Love olds cool traders, buy the time I messaged them the thing has sold lol. Loving the Medusa headband.
    I prefer small festivals you get a better atmosphere and a more family vibe. Love the goddess white dress as well. Keep safe love and hugs Allie jane

    1. Hello Allie! Welcome home. Jon enjoyed wearing those leggings, I think they need to be an festival thing for him, great for when it's raining and a good layer under shorts. The Japanese are missing a trick!
      Daron & Jo are lovely. Message them with a list of what you're after and they'll do their best to hunt it down. xxx

  19. Oh wow, what a brilliant post, you have somehow managed to capture the excitement and the buzz of the event. WHAT a brilliant pitch you had, the best one possible. It must take days to come back down to earth after such an amazing time.

    I hope the next one is half as good as that, you are having a magnificent Summer. xx

    1. Thanks, Sue! We couldn't believe our pitch, I hope he puts us back there next year! xxx

  20. What an AMAZING time you had!! I love all the costumes for the Space theme (esp the TARDIS and 11th Doctor!) and your two Medusas were fab! Jon has excellent legs!!
    I love that you got a shout out!
    How were sales? I love that the Cord jacket got you pizzas!!

  21. Love the way you and Jon are balancing your lives: Festival Season, Travel, Online Sales, Special People in your Lives! :-) That isn't to say Festival Season isn't incredibly crazy, although you are participating in fewer festivals than previous year. But you are allowing some downtime just for the two of you, or with the aforementioned special people! :-)

    Which Festival breathed its last breath in 2022? I was thinking it was End of the Road, but obviously I am wrong!

    We're broiling in the low Arizona Desert, although we might be steaming this weekend. So far, our Monsoon Season has been a Nonsoon Season!

    ...Taja (on a computer, so no lovely desert emoji today)


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix