Tuesday, 26 May 2020

The Distancing Diaries - Day 66 & 67

Yesterday (day 66 of lockdown) I was up just after 6am, too excited by the sunshine streaming through the curtains to waste another minute in bed. I emptied the contents of the washing basket into the machine and hand-washed a couple of delicates. After a Wii Fit session, I pegged out the washing and caught up with blog comments until Jon got up. Unable to find yoghurt on his shopping mission the previous day, we had porridge with bananas and honey for breakfast.

Once dressed Jon went round to Tony's for a shopping exchange as he'd got him some coffee pods for his machine and, in turn, Tony had sourced some real ale & halloumi. I put on my bikini, slapped on some sun cream and headed outside to crack on with today's project - transforming our old veg rack into a storage unit for the utility room.

By the time I'd sanded it down and given it a couple of coats of paint, Jon was back. After our noodles, I traced a cardboard template from the front of the drawers and Jon cut some Indian-inspired wrapping paper from this amazing book G&T bought me a couple of years ago.

Once the drawer fronts were glued into place I gave everything a coat of varnish and left it to dry in the sun before filling it with vintage tea towels and the rest of my kitchen paraphernalia.

The rest of the afternoon was spent lying on the lawn reading in the sunshine with the lads. Alan Furst, if you're not familiar with him, is the master of the WWII European espionage novel, a cracking read.

Talking of lads,  Frank's mouth is pretty much healed, his shaved patches from his canula and blood tests on his front legs may take a little longer.

Tea was halloumi with roast vegetables followed by a cheeky beer in the garden.

Once the temperature had dropped we watered the veg plot, the greenhouse and the patio plants and then retreated to the house for Grayson Perry's Art Club. Jon had a tune in his head so left me to watch Jay Blades' DIY Show on the i-player while he retreated to his music room. I picked up some great tips on subjects as diverse as planting beans and mending a dripping tap. I took my book to bed with Jon joining me later.

 Tuesday (day 67) started, as all weekdays do, with a Wii Fit session. Stephen Squirrel celebrated his 15th birthday today and obviously, I had to sing to him. He doesn't look particularly impressed and if you've ever heard me sing you'd probably agree.

I caught up with blogland and popped outside to marvel at the four Oriental poppies that had bloomed overnight. When Jon got up we ate fruit and yoghurt (which he'd managed to find in a corner shop when he popped round with Tony's shopping yesterday) and Frank had the last of his medication.

Once dressed Jon's task for the day was to trim the hedge, all 100 metres of it, after checking thoroughly for nesting birds before he started.

I watered the patio plants and, as Mark had just popped round with the marigolds he'd offered us last week, potted them up.

Then I thinned out the purple sprouting broccoli and turnips in the veg patch. I hate thinning out plants we've lovingly grown from seed, so much so that I've rescued the discarded ones and planted them elsewhere in the faint hope they'll survive.

I noticed with excitement that our radishes were finally ready to eat. Jon & I sampled one and it nearly blew our heads off, those shop-bought ones don't compare!


Jon took a break from his hedge trimming for some lunchtime noodles, bringing in today's post.

Last week artist Elaine Phipps had offered a giveaway on Instagram and I was lucky enough to win a piece of her original artwork which was in today's post. Isn't it gorgeous? After lunch, I had a rummage around upstairs and found this vintage frame which I sanded down, gilded (with gold shoe cream), mounted & framed my new print and hung it up in the bathroom. Check out her work HERE.

I helped Jon sweep up the hedge trimmings and we crammed as much as we possibly could into the garden waste bin which had been emptied yesterday, piling the rest up to hopefully shrink down in the heat. Several of the neighbours congratulated Jon on his Herculean task. Hopefully, that'll be it for a few months now!

We spent the rest of the afternoon basking in the sunshine with the lads and then we harvested some of our crops for tea.

Elaine's artwork wasn't the only exciting thing I received in today's post,

There was also this amazing 1960s Indian-made Ikat kaftan I'd stalked on eBay, never in my wildest dreams expecting to win it for a reasonable price.

It must have cost a small fortune back in the day.

If, and that's a big if, we do get to visit Greece in September it will be coming with me, but if that doesn't happen I'll be happy to swank around the garden in it all Summer long.

Tea was half a flatbread each with cheese & salad (including lettuce and radishes from the garden!)

Tonight we'll be watching the new series of A House Through Time with historian David Olusoga, if you've never seen it then imagine Who Do You Think You Are? for buildings. It's utterly absorbing. That's if Jon can stay awake till 9pm, the poor sod's knackered!

Stay safe, stay healthy and keep being fabulous!


  1. Hi Vix, A house through time is on the cards for us to this evening. Did I mention that I have ordered some red kale and some rainbow chard seeds. You are very welcome to a few of each if you have the border space (or pots) to plant them. I am planning to plant my in pots and then swap them with the hostas at the back end of the year. They will look gorgeous in the border and I can et them all winter long. Not expecting them to arrive before mid June but let me know if you want a few and I will pop them in the post to you

    1. Morning, Cherie! Wasn't A House Through Time fascinating? The house was pretty gorgeous, too!
      That's really thoughtful and kind of you, I'd love some if you wouldn't mind. I grew some rainbow chard a few years ago and it was a joy to look at.
      Thank you so much! xxx

  2. Oh, I just seeing one of your posts waiting for me, Vix. I savour it and eat up every detail in the pictures. So much appreciation to you for keeping us in touch with your life and for sharing it with us. So hugs to you for that! Thank you!

    The transformation of your veggie bin into kitchen storage is amazing! Those Indian-patterned papers are so beautiful! The colours are so vibrant.

    Glad to hear Frank is doing better - he looks very happy at all the attention. Happy Birthday to Stephen Squirrel! Vizzini is now NINE years old (where does the time go??) as of this month. They do give us so much, don't they, our fuzzy fam?

    I'm gasping at your beautiful India-via-Harrods gown! WOW! You look amazing, and here's to scoring it at a decent price. I love the belt that goes through the gown - now THAT's the way to do a kaftan!

    When I was a kid, we always had a back garden (this is when I thought I had a green thumb, but it turned out to be just Mom and my brother), and we always grew radishes. I'm always disappointed in how bland the store-bought ones are.

    Happy mid-week to you, dear Vix!

    1. Thanks so much, Sheila!
      I'm so selfish, I love that wrapping paper but can't bear to use it to wrap up pressies and give it away, covering the drawers with it means I can appreciate it every day!
      Don't cat years fly? I can't believe Stephen Squirrel is 15, it doesn't seem five minuted since the plasterer working on our house brought him round in a box complete with a camo collar and a box of toys, he was tiny!
      Isn't the kaftan wonderful? I love the threaded through belt, it's perfect for us smaller women, it shows off our waists and stops us looking swamped. I bet the nprevious owner was someone fabulous (and rich, it's never been worn!)
      We've never grown radishes before, people kept telling is that they were quick and easy and they were, the taste is phenomenal! xx

  3. How do you know when radishes are ready? I think we planted ours maybe early April. We had to wait a couple of weeks for seeds.

    1. Hi Jemima! We were having the same dilemma, we planted ours during the first week in April and had never grown them before. If you look at the photo of the plants beneath the chicken wire (I've labelled it "radishes") you'll see that the stem beneath the leaves is red, I spotted that yesterday and thought I'd pull it up and investigate and they were ready to eat. xxx

    2. I spotted the red so l pulled them up and we have some beauties! I used to grow veg but didn't have the time, this is one of the things l'm bringing with me out of lockdown! Thank you for the tip šŸ˜˜šŸ˜¶ l'm so envious of your lifestyle xx

    3. That's brilliant! Enjoy your radishes. I've grown tomatoes in the past but haven't had the time to lavish my love on anything in recent years. Isn't all this extra time a gift? xxx

  4. What a transformation of that storage cart, it is so much more you and Jon now :). Happy BDay to Stephen Squirrel and so glad that Frank is feeling so much better. Fresh veggies from your own garden! Nice to finally harvest some of your hard worked for food. All I've gotten is chives so far but strawberries are on the vine and the peas are getting ready to bloom. My tomatoes are small but I don't ever expect any harvest until July - a friend managed to get me a cherry tomato plant as well, those tend to give produce right until end of September here. Hopefully with that plus my from seed plants I will get a decent crop. Love your new-to-you kaftan, simply stunning

    1. Thank you! Ever since I found a replacement veg rack that old one had been annoying me but it was sturdy and useful and I didn't want to get rid of it. The idea of painting it white and papering it was one of those great ideas I tend get when the cats wake me up at silly o'clock.
      I can't see us getting tomatoes till the end of next month but if the weather continues like it has been it could be much sooner - I live in hope! xxx

  5. While Kalo braids suit your gardening garb, Vix, those long silky swirls of curls are literally picture perfect for your Ikat kaftan. And accessorizing its brilliant colors with that headwrap is a pattern match worth of Goody (Eat The Blog)! Do hope you get to swank about a garden in Greece in this ensemble!

    1. The great thing about plaiting my hair is that when I undo it I've got waves. In the early 80s I used to spend hours didiving my hair into 30 tiny plaits just so I could wake up with crimped hair until I could afford crimpers!
      A pattern match worthy of Goody? Now that is a compliment! xxx

  6. Beautiful kaftan, what a steal. When I had a vegie garden, I was shocked at how different and tastier my vegies were compared to shop bought ones. Might have to start going to the markets for organic when the world is safe again.

    1. Thank you, I've dressed the mannequin in the guest room in the kaftan just so I can admire it a little more!
      It is shocking how differently how grown tastes compared to supermarket produce. One of the reasons we love Greece so much is the taste of their tomatoes, mishappen, juicy and delicious - no industrial production there! If ours are just a fraction as tasty I'll be delighted! xxx

  7. Hello Vix! That's what I admire about you.... if that was me the print would not be on the wall yet, I like how you get on with things straight away and seem to know where things will go. The kaftan is a great ebay purchase! I developed quite an ebay habit but I think in the end I got a bit carried away, I have not bought anything since lockdown as I don't need anything seriously can't believe how much I did buy. The makeover of the veg drawer is fab. Keep creating and enjoying yourself. Great pics of the poppiesxx ps still havn't been for my visit preparing for the negative energy that I get from a certain someone (another tch tch)xx

    1. Hello!
      I must admit I always used to get stuff done straightaway, no procrastinating or dithering but, in recent times I was starting to let things slide - my mantra for these new times is "do it now" and despite all the madness going on elsewhere I really do feel like I'm in control - like a proper grown-up.
      That visit must be very daunting after so long away from that certain person but the sooner you get it done, the sooner it'll stop mithering you, I've been there!
      Good for you for kicking the eBay habit on the head, it can become an addiction. xxx

  8. I love the new look drawers, they are just so pretty! what a great idea. Love your Harrods kaftan too - what bright vibrant colours, too good to keep only for holidays. What a really nice piece of art by Elaine Phipps, I like the colours and you framed it well. Betty x p.s. will be more adventurous with pattern mixing as per your advice on my blog - promise :)

    1. Thanks, Betty! You should put that wallpaper book on your birthday/Xmas list, the prints and colours are so vibrant and lovely, just like India!
      Isn't that artwork gorgeous? I can pretend I'm on the beach.
      I saw that kaftan and thought it was like something Zandra would wear! xxx

  9. I Love that transformation of your veggie bin! That Kaftan is Fabulous!

  10. There are so many varieties of radish out there that never make it to the shops-yours look fascinating. I regret not growing any this year. Will you pickle some for sandwiches?

    Holy moley that's a kaftan! Good score.

    We're low on yoghurt too, and I'm thinking of using the last of it as a starter to make a new batch in the slow cooker. Not sure with the price of milk if it would be worth it though. I guess we are all home economists now!

    1. I hadn't thought of pickling radishes, I didn't know you could. I shall investigate further.
      Isn't that kaftan insanely fabulous? I thought it would go for a silly price - I was in shock when I got an email to say I'd won it!
      I used to make my own yoghurt, I think I shared my 1970s Pifco yoghurt maker on my blog a few times but living in a multi-cultural area like ours it's much cheaper to buy it ready made than it is to buy milk to make it. I suppose with it being a Bank Holiday weekend shoppers had gone a bit crazy! xxx

  11. The drawers are so cool !!! Paul manged to put the shelves up only to break one of the brackets! I swear I could swing for him sometimes. At least none of mine vintage miso bowls broke or he would be under the koi pond now !!!
    We are no longer under a state of emergency anymore as of Monday, but we are urged to still be cautious of our areas.
    My kind boss has moved me from our busy store in kat street katesha st to tourists, to a quieter store. And I can still work from home and to 2 half days in the shop. I just feel sorry for the delivery guy who brings parcels from work for me to price as they are so heavy ! I gave him a can of pop. He was so greatful. We have become friends through the lockdown.
    Love the dress, it reminds of Stevie nicks I can imagine her prancing around in it. The picture is beautiful. I don’t have any room to hang anything Else !!!! It sounds fun In the UK, what the hell was that advisor thinking!!!!! what a prat. No wonder that virus is so rampant In the uk. Take care, don’t talk to strangers lol

    1. Oh Paul, fancy breaking a bracket! Thank goodness that nothing got broken.
      Staying cautious sounds a lot better than staying alert and I'm glad you're able to work from home in the meantime. What a kind thing to do by offering the delivery driver a drink, we did the same with a stressed postman last week, still out delivering at 3pm! Poor bloke.
      That kaftan is rather fabulous, I thought Talitha Getty or Zandra Rhodes. I'm dying to sit in a taverna wearing it accessorised with an ice cold Mythos and a Greek salad - a girl can dream!
      It's ridiculous here, why the fool couldn't just apologise don't know. I just wish the media would move on now, it's like a dog gnawing at a bone.
      Stay safe, Alison! xxx

  12. I too would like to gush about those drawers. They turned out so well! It is so good to hear that Frank is healing up so well and that handsome Stephen in his tuxedo has turned 15. You've got a couple of happy cats!

    1. Thank you! isn't it fun transforming our old tat with stuff we've already got? So rewarding to know it cost absolutely nothing but time.
      The boys are very happy now the sun is shining, they love sunbathing almost as much as I do! xxx

  13. Have to tell you Philip is drinking some beer he found in the back of the cupboard dated 2019. He drank some the other week with 2018 on it and survived not getting the squits. Super job on the drawers, that’s a good bit of upcycling.
    The men must have been strimming in tandem yesterday as Philip did ours. They deserve their beers.
    I’m enjoying Jay Blades new series and Garden Rescue.
    Happy belated birthday Stephen Squirrel and congratulations on the kaftan. As you say it would have cost a fortune originally.
    Sat here in my Joan Collins silk quilted dressing gown waiting for the link up to What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday. Have a good day Vix, we are off to market later for fresh fish and fruit and veg. Xxx

    1. That chap of yours is living dangerously!
      I love this weather but you can almost see the lawn and the hedges (and the brambles and bindweed) grow before your eyes. Jon hopes that'll be it for hedge cutting for a good while now - he's still suffering!!
      I love Jay Blades on anything, Jon's obsessed with Garden Rescue.
      I think you need to share your Joan Collins dressing gown on your blog, you glamourpuss! xxx

    2. If you saw my hair there’s nothing glamorous about that haha xxx

    3. I don't believe that for a minute! xxx

  14. It has felt so wonderfully restorative to spend time in the garden recently, especially if there's a cold beer involved. I need to replace my spinach this week, as it's bolted before I had chance to sow some more.
    Your vegetable rack makeover is fabulous. X

    1. Isn't it a wonderful way to pass the time? The sun on your back, gentle exercise and the promise of a cold beer at the end of it all? Bliss!
      Our spinach didn't happen at all, I might try again! xxx

  15. Love to see Frank recovered!, and wish your Stephen Squirrel a happy birthday!.
    And I'm totally in love with the amazing revamp you made to the veg rack, the painting looks fab but those colorful papers make a difference!. You're an inspiration!
    Lovely to see you watering the plants in your fab kaftan!, and the Ikat kaftan is stunning, such beautiful colors and you totally rock in it!. For sure you'd look fab in this when in holiday in Greece. I've been also dreaming on our Algarvian holidays in September, and hoping for the best!
    Glad that you've harvested some veggies yet, it's something so rewarding!.
    I think that Alan Furst is one of Mr.A.'s favourite reads (I think that you both share a similar taste on spy/crime/noir). Now we're happy because our local library is open (by appointment), as we were running short of new readings.

    1. All is well in my world now my boys are both happy again!
      I'm really pleased with my veg rack revamp, it really shows off the shape of the drawer frnts now and that paper was far too pretty to wrap presents in and give it away (I am selfish!)
      I'm keeping everything crossed that we both manage to get away in September, I think yours is probably a stronger possibility than ours but a girl can dream!
      Mr A and me really do have similar reading tastes, don't we? I'm watching with interest at who will take the Alan Furst book from my free book pile, will it be someone I know? xxx

  16. you give me such garden inspo. I've filled 20 5 gallon pots with diy potting soil and I'm ready to plant.

  17. I love the veg rack upcycle, it will look lovely in your utility room.
    I'm so glad to see Frank looking well and Stephen Squirrel looks a very sprightly 15!
    I love Grayson Perry's Art Club, after an episode I just want to go and create something.
    The kaftan is beautiful, an amazing find.
    Philip's been hedge trimming too (after nest checking). Your homegrown produce is getting abundant, I love those radishes. How lovely to pop into the garden and harvest your tea. xxx

    1. Thanks, Sally! That rack has properly cheered up the utility room now!
      Isn't Grayson's show uplifting? His laugh is so contagious.
      Well done, Philip. Not a job I'd fancy tackling, sweeping up afterwards is bad enough. xxx

  18. Who knew we would all be so transfixed by your at home blog. Much as I love your festival adventures, I so enjoy reading your updates. How fantastic is your home going to be after lockdown ends?


    1. Hi Julie! Thank you so much! I'm delighted that you're enjoying the updates. The house has never been tidier or the garden more abundant. xxx

  19. the poppies are marvelous - only topped by you in that beauty of a kaftan!!
    how great to win such a fine piece of art like this watercolor landscape. and you did very well with pimping up the frame. and you worked wonders to the slightly dull rack - genius idea to use the indian style wrapping papers - now its so much more vix&jon!
    glad to hear that franks little mouth is healed - and a HAPPY BRITHDAY to stephen!!!
    congrats to the first radishes!

    1. Thanks, Beate! I needed a frame to show off Elaine's art to its full advantage, it's such a lovely prize. After ten weeks on lockdown where everything we own has become so familiar it's a real novelty having something new in the house - the kaftan, the painting, even my mop bucket!
      Stephen says thank you! xxx

  20. Oh my goodness; I absolutely love your veg unit and what you've done to it! I've never seen a veg unit like that in the first place and the make over is fab. I'd use it to store jewellery in...beautiful vibrant colours and patterns on those drawer fronts. Well done you!

    I love 'A House Through Time'. The best way to learn about history I think; through what people did, wore, made,enjoyed and the homes they lived in.

    Your new kaftan and the other one were lovely; I do hope you get to Greece in September. I'm hoping to make it to Ireland then. I'm going to have to try harder with ebay; I hate the whole bidding thing and give up too easily!

    I'm not surprised Jon is knackered after trimming a 100 metre hedge; especially in the heat we've been having. Everything is more difficult in the heat.

    Happy birthday to Stephen Squirrel - 15 years seems pretty old to me for a cat - congratulations SS! Glad Frank continues to improve.

    I got a recipe for oat pancakes off a blog (Attic24) which are so quick and easy and I've been eating them with fruit and youghurt for breakfast. I egg, 1 tblsp Greek yoghurt, 2 tblsp of fine oats (like Readybrek or blitz normal porridge oats in food processor). Whisk together then fry in pan with a little oil. It makes about two smallish pancakes. Very tasty.

    Take care

    1. I found that veg rack on eBay about 13 years ago, I'd never seen anything like it before but the contents did tend to go off quite quickly as the air couldn't circulate like it can in the metal one we replaced it with. I much prefer it as a tea towel store!
      I'm so hoping that travel can resume eventually, it all seems a bit too complicated at the moment but it's got four months to sort itself out, I suppose. Give eBay a try, although the stuff I find isn't cheap, by the time I've frittered away £2 and £3 in charity shops every day or so it actually works out more economical to buy one thing I really love rather than lots of cheap compromises.
      I love the sound of those panckes, thank you for the recipe. I shall definitely try them. xxx

  21. Can I ask a favour please? Will you two slow down, you are making me feel like an absolute sloth! Seriously, I am full of admiration at all your hard work, inventiveness and energy. Not least in sharing with us so regularly on here and brightening our days.

    Stephen Squirrel and I share a birthday - I hope he got some treats. Mine were a bit sparse, but feeling safe where I live and enjoying wonderful weather are presents enough this year.

    1. Haha! We don't know where all this excess of energy has come from but we're certainly reaping the benefits and, getting loads of stuff done during the day, means we feel like we've earnt a beer and a night in front of the TV.
      Happy Birthday, Julie! It must have been strange having a lockdown birthday, I'm glad the sun shone for you and think of the beleated celebrations you'll be able to have when life eventually returns to normal! xxx

  22. Glad to hear Frank's mouth has healed, and Happy Birthday, Stephen Squirrel! You would never know he was 15. I agree with Julia - all your productivity is making me feel like a lazy slug. Your re-vamp of the vegetable rack is beautiful, as is the kaftan from ebay. I occasionally search for cotton kaftans online, but never see ones as nice as that.

    1. Thank, Shelley! Stephen Squirrel sleeps a lot but runs around like a kitten when he's awake, Jon had to break up a fight on his birthday when he took exception to a cat that dared use the garden as a shortcut!
      Cotton and silk kaftans are one of my favourite eBay searches, I'm amazed I managed to win this one! xxx

  23. Last evening I had a "That's not my car" moment. Left the door open when I was out of the porch sorting the recycling. I was out there maybe 5 minutes. Came back inside and walked into the guest bedroom. I find one of the yard cats(not my cat) standing on the guest bed looking out the window. No doubt signaling the rest of them to come in.

    1. How funny! Were you tempted to keep him captive or are you hoping he'll bring a few friends round? Cats can sense a kind heart a mile away! xxx

  24. The transformation of that old veg rack is sublime! These sheets are far too gorgeous to be used as humble wrapping paper. You did deserve that cheeky beer in the garden afterwards. Lovely to see the lads joining you, and I'm amazed at how quickly Frank's mouth has been healing. I'm admiring your oriental poppies but live in hope of seeing at least one in our newly bought and planted one, as I think I spotted a flower bud! Jon really had his work cut out with that hedge, what a job! Elaine's artwork is gorgeous, and so is your new acquisition. That kaftan is amazing, whether you'll be able to take it to Greece or waft around the garden in it. What a find! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! My teatowels are a lot happier in their new home now, I'm sure! I keep going into the utility room and smiling now, I used to run in, load the washing machine and rush out again a few weeks ago.
      Frank was eating biscuits this morning - he never used to be interested in them, bless him!
      I'm not sure where those Oriental poppies came from, Jon built the bed about ten years ago and things just seem to arrive. they are an absolute delight though and it makes a change to be able to enjoy them in the sunshine, they're usually battered by rain! xxx

  25. I hadn't realised that Jay Blades had a new show...he's another smashing fellow. I've just been catching up on Grayson Perry's old series about rites of passage. Arilx

    1. He's lovely, isn't he? You'll enjoy his show, clips from DIY and gardening shows from the past plus a few very straightforward tutorials by Jay, he explains everything far better than I could! xxx

  26. Thank you again Vix for this post and your recommendations for TV and books.
    Here in the US we cannot access the BBC iplayer, but I found A House Through Time on YouTube and loved it. I am always so eager to watch programs from my homeland.
    The transformation of your storage rack is wonderful, well done.
    I have been reading and enjoying your post for years now and am sorry that I do not comment very often. But every post is much enjoyed, just wanted you to know.
    Stay safe, love and best wishes always.
    Pam in Texas

    1. Hello Pam! It's lovely to hear from you when you have the time , I don't expect anyone to comment all the time especially as I'm blogging so frequently now.
      A House Through Time is such a good watch, David Olusoga is so engaging. If you get the chance see if you can track down his award winning documentary, Black and British, A Forgotten History which tells of black people living in Britian since Roman times, its absolutely fascinating, I had no idea that our multicultural society had existed for thousnads of years.
      take care. xxxx

  27. Hello Vix. What a brilliant transformation of your old vege rack. Those papers make all the difference - what beautiful prints. You definitely deserved a well earnt rest and drink in the sunshine.

    Happy b'day to Stephen and glad to see Frank frolicking in the garden too.

    What a great job Jon has done trimming your ginormous hedge. It's such a great feeling completing such a big task. I've been in on the act too, chopping down overgrown fruit trees. Aren't home grown radishes the best (actually, all veges are)! Definitely so much tastier than shop bought ones. I read somewhere that the French eat them regularly to stay slim.

    Have you thought about making your own yogurt? I used to years ago, it's quite easy.

    Your kaftan is beautiful. Perfect for wafting along Greece's shorelines.

    1. Hello Suzy!
      I'm really happy with how the veg rack turned out, if I had room upstairs I'd have been tempted to squeeze it into a bedroom!
      It really is rewarding to tick off a mammoth task like the hedge, sweeping up after Jon had cut it was bad enough! Well done on getting those fruit trees done, that's proper physical labour and you ache for days.
      The radishes are so good, if I had some I'd be tempted to sit in the sunshine with a glass of wine later with a bowl of home-grown radishes as a nibble!
      I used to make my own yoghurt, I had the grooviest yellow Pifco yoghurt maker from the 1970s which featured on my blog a few times, in the end I gave it away as milk is s much more expensive than yoghurt and there was no difference in taste. xx

  28. The old veg storage unit came out a treat . Glad to hear Frank has fully recovered . My you two are bundles of energy , quite sure you never sit still. The hedge must be quite a challenge, I have trouble getting John to trim my small ones. The garden is coming on so well, love the Oriental poppies , I have several different colours. Enjoy your Summer sunshine. xx

    1. Thanks, Jill! I've never been able to sit still, I drive people mad as I'm such a fidget!
      Jon's been putting off trimming that hedge for ages, he's so pleased to get that job out of the way.
      I didn't know Oriental poppies came in other colours, I need to investigate. x

  29. How did I get so far behind in blog reading! I love the grocery exchange idea-more and more of that is happening as people are in shops and see what someone else needs, and saving each other trips. It is one of the positive side effects-and I hope it continues. I'm not sure which way I like your shelve/drawers better. I loved the vegetable bin look, but the colors of the upcycled design! Wonderful.

    1. Hello, Sam! I'm loving this increase in kindness, too. I suppose we all feel rather powerless during these strange times so any little thing we can do to make someone's life that bit easier makes us feel like we're gaining a little control over the situation!
      I loved the veg rack when I found it but it was starting to look more shabby than chic! xxx

  30. The veg rack transformation is awesome! Happy Birthday to Stephen Squirrel!! It's really great to see Frank healing up and feeling so much better. Wow! What a incredibly beautiful kaftan!!

  31. Your garden is a place of wonder, you always have new things to show to us. Lovely outfits as well. I love those big sunnies. I will have to look up Alan Furst.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix