Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Virgin, The Gypsy & A Mini Rant

There's something wonderfully subversive about popping out in a demure dress while the rest of the population bares all in booty shorts and boob tubes.

Not that there's anything wrong with letting it all hang out, the UK's in the grip of the most glorious heatwave in years and once I've transferred the fresh-from-the-market fruit & veg from my bag into the fridge I'll be stripping off and toasting my bod in the sunshine with the best of 'em.

1970s Edwardian-style maxi worn with a £1 hair flower (Scope charity shop), original 70s platforms and an Izzy Bird bag (made by Liz)

And now it's time for a rant....

Am I the only one fed up to the back teeth with this constant harping on about age on blogs? We've been ageing since the day we were born, we can't do anything about it and why would we want to?  It's life, get over it. I don't want guidelines on how to dress or to endure this constant flag waving about how much richer our lives are just 'cos we've passed a magical number of birthdays. Some of us have fabulous lives, feel sexy and live life to the full and some don't - that's not age, it's a state of mind. 

Some of my favourite bloggers - Tanaya, Ana, Clare, Shubhi, Roz & Amie (to name but a few) are young enough for me to have given birth to but never cease to captivate me with great writing, stylish clothes and unconventional lifestyles , proving that you don't need to be over a certain age to be interesting.

And.... breathe! Now that's off my chest let's get back to me.

I mentioned a parcel of joy arriving over the weekend - both my demure cotton maxi, Gitano* chic outfit along with the bastard massive hair flower were the contents.

* Thanks for the reference point, Dryad.

Although we've yet to meet Sarah Misfit knows my size perfectly. I couldn't chosen better fitting clothes if I'd tried them on in a shop.

 You can't beat a big statement flower for detracting from an inch of root regrowth. The weather's far too good to waste it in the bathroom asphyxiating myself on cheap hair dye. Before you lecture me on parabens and all that 21st century schizoid stuff I've downed far too much booze over my lifetime to worry about slapping a few (cruelty-free) chemicals on my scalp once a month. 

Michelle Boden two piece worn with an armful of plastic bracelets and second-hand rings and some 1970s painted wood platforms from eBay

 Blimey, I'm in a feisty mood today!

Wish me luck, I'm seeing my orthopaedic surgeon tomorrow - the doctor actually wrote "right hip ruined at the Glastonbury Festival" on his referral letter, definitely not your average hip replacement candidate.

 See you soon.


  1. Oh you get the age thing all over the place, isn't it tiresome! In cycling they are always referencing professional cyclists who are along in years (in their thirties!) as if it's a miracle they can even get on a bike, let alone make it move along!
    Good luck with the surgeon tomorrow xxxx

  2. The fixation with age is absolutely ridiculous - if you've got it flaunt it (fashion-wise of course).

    I couldn't give two hoots how old you, or any other bloggers are, if you've got good content and crackin' pics I'm interested.

    Impressed by your ability to wear long sleeves in this weather.... I'm melting in a short-sleeved dress in an office *phew*



  3. Someone sent me an email recently to tell me how "brave" I am to show my wrinkles on my blog. I don't even think they were being surreptitiously bitchy, they just had some misguided ideas on the whole aging situation. Anyway, nominate me for a medal, I'm a hero, just think of the courage it takes to walk out my front door every day!

    Meanwhile, you look exceptionally good in that black two piece number, the surgeon will probably have trouble focusing on the job at hand!

  4. Man you're hot and scary when ya get going eh!! :D
    "Never change your originality for the sake of others because in this world, no one can play your role better than you, so be yourself and win the world."
    Bernajoy Vaal

  5. I do so agree,with you about age Vix ,age is just a number ,anyone moaning about age should consider ,the ones that have been denied it ,at 72 I love my fashion ,make up ,I am still up for fashion tips ,have nearly all the Barry M ,nail gells ,use vitamin E skin care ,and you know who put me up for that hee hee love ya chuck ,some of us arent going down with out fight ,if I'm accused of being in my second childhood ? nahh haven't done with my first one yet ...love Jan xx

  6. Funny I just read something about how David Bowie aged so. WTF? This obsession with staying young forever is too Peter Pan for me. I like my wrinkles, they show a life well lived, filled with joy & sorrow & like you said, we all age from the second we're born. Duh! Now back to you (; You look amazing darling, enjoy the heatwave! Its unbearable here about 37c, I'll be in the pool ALL day! Enough of this sweating (I don't "glow" as people say I look, I'm a sweaty mess!) Enjoy your day! XXX

  7. Loving the doctors note!!

    Loving the heat wave too - though I've been in and out all morning - trying to make a frock for the weekend but the hammock keeps calling me!!

    As for ageing - I am planning on growing old disgracefully - oh and embracing my grey streak at the front - thats my choice - would never lecture others - just not that sort of girl.

    Long live the heatwave!!

  8. I bloody love you Xxxxxx and you look amazing in that dress x x x and definitely don't look old enough to have given birth to me xxxxxxx

  9. You look fantastic Vix, love both outfits on you and the fit is perfect! Re age, I think it's just the culture we live in nowadays, one that values youth and trying to keep it above all else almost rather than living and appreciating the years as they roll on. Afterall in other parts of the world, growing old is a privilege and something to rejoice in and to revere.

  10. Are you as sick of the short shorts uniform all girls seem to be wearing at the moment as I am? It's huge here in Queensland, even in winter. Nothing against short shorts, but I find it so boring when everyone wears the same thing. You on the other hand are interesting, inspiring, with a style that is your own. The Misfit outfit is incredible....look at that bod! All the best for your visit with the surgeon, gotta get that other hip match fit for next years Glasto. Xx

  11. I love your rant about age - my blog roll reflects blogs I love and I am sure the ages range from 20s to 70s but I have never bothered to check.
    I love the black outfit and I can only dream of owning a toned midriff.
    Have fun in the sun - I will.

  12. Sorry last comment was from me using my husband's blog address. Doh!

    I love your rant about age - my blog roll reflects blogs I love and I am sure the ages range from 20s to 70s but I have never bothered to check.
    I love the black outfit and I can only dream of owning a toned midriff.
    Have fun in the sun - I will.

  13. "Some of us have fabulous lives, feel sexy and live life to the full and some don't - that's not age, it's a state of mind"
    Hear, hear Vix you tell em!
    Instead of ploughing all that effort into bemoaning the fact that magazines are just full of flawless youths or that you feel terribly hemmed in by age related style rules and guidelines, people should just take a leaf out of your book and just be the change they want to see in the world. Wear what the hell they like, bare their bods regardless of their age and stop caring so much about what anybody else may think.
    I believe that the quickest road to change is leading by example and in the blogosphere you are definitely one of the trailblazers in doing precisely this.

  14. I have to say - I have never noticed an age " thing" out there.I never read someones blog and think "they are too.." It amazes me that the people who say such things get any readers at all.

    AnyWHO. That demure dress of yours is FABBALUSH.

  15. Good luck at your surgeon appointment. I love your attitude to age and life. Some subjects are really very dull, best just get on with things and enjoy what you have!

  16. Good luck my darling Vix, I wish that everything is going to be all right soon!You look amazing in your new maxi and in Sarah's two piece!!! You are stunning!! I hate summer clothing, I usually wear shorts only at the beach, but everyone seems to wait for the first sunray to go around naked and even if I admire them, style and class are not the first words that come to my mind!I hope that age would make me more confident about myself and I never think about growing old as a negative fact, especially after seeing you and many friends that are always beautiful, creative and curious about everything.
    I love you!!!

  17. The obsession with age and, even worse, age appropiateness is such a bore.

    I had to laugh at newspaper pics of the Rolling Stones (oh no I've mentioned them yet again)recently which I'm sure were touched up to make them look even more wrinkley than they really are. I mean they're in their 70s (I think) they're entitled to have wrinkles. What's the big deal?

    Anyway, I'm liking the demure look. Personally, I'm trying not to complain that it's toooo hot! I know...some people eh?...xx

  18. Age is just a number and the stupidest thing I've ever heard is "dress for one's age blah blah"...You are an inspiration Vix and I hope I can be half as cool as you at any age..."hip ruined at Glastonbury" has to be the coolest referral EVER xxx

  19. Feeling a bit guilty about mentioning my age now today on my blog . all I wanted to do was let people know I am not frumpy lol xxx

  20. You tell them Vix! I do love your attitude to age and life, other people should take note.

    You are looking fabulous as always! I envy your coolness being able to wear a long sleeved dress in this weather x

  21. It's the hot weather Vix. Makes us all a little tetchy I think! (That's my excuse anyway...)
    My favourite quote about aging is that it's a priveledge denied to many so you mustn't complain. Don't ask me who said it though...
    Anyway, you look stunning as always but you must have been hot in that dress! You do bare arms in winter and long sleeves in a heatwave! xxxx

  22. People ALWAYS say to me WOW you don't look 43 (someone said it yesterday again), but really, I have started saying, yes I do, because I am 43 and so therefore this is what 43 looks like!!! Because honestly, why should it look like anything fixed in anyone's mind. I take it as the compliment its meant to be, but like you, I get a bit cross that there is such a big deal about it.
    Thats ma wee rant over too lol.
    LOVE the black outfit, but sadly I am too old no fat no old no fat no old no fat no old no fat no for it :P just kidding.

  23. Ha, that's you when you're fired up! I think there is probably a sense of wanting to redress the balance a little - we all know how obsessed our media/culture is with youth - but of course, women of all ages look great and have interesting things to say. It would be just as wrong to dismiss someone for being 20 as for being 70, wouldn't it? The bloggers - the people - I like are those who are funny and bright and interesting and sparky, and you can possess those qualities at any age.
    You are all those things, Vix - and feisty too, despite your Glastonbury-ruined hip joint! Of course you look gorgeous, whether covered up and demure, or midriff-baring and sexalicious! LOVE both outfits from Sarah - it's not often we see you in black, but you look completely fabulous.
    So good luck at the hospital, darling. Will be thinking of you. If I can remember, that is, having an old woman's brain... Love you! xxxxx

  24. Only you would have doctors notes like that!

    I occasionally have an age moan about myself but only when I'm on a feeling old, tired and fat downer. I would never dream of saying it about someone else. People need to get a life.

  25. Can't say I have noticed the age thing. I am 64 by the way. Should that be by or bye? I'm not very gud at spelling

  26. You go grrrrurl!
    Love the doctors note; hope they are 100% positive at your appointment.
    I am always surprised that I have a large proportion of 'younger' followers, in a 'what? little-ole-me' sort of way, but I love it.
    Z xx

  27. I love that first dress, I doubt I could brave the hot weather in it though!

  28. You know I couldn´t agree more, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    I hate lately blogs fo the over 50. What...is that???
    As you, I relate to people all ages depending on the way the inspire me not their birth certificate, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    You are, and always will be the queen.
    love you.

  29. I want to stab myself in the eye every time I read peoples poorly thought out comments on wrinkles or whatever. No one can stop the ageing process unless you want to end up looking like a plastic-cat-eyed-alien. Hell! I've already sped up the process by toning my hair silver grey!
    Its all a matter of perspective. We spend our whole lives trying to be young instead of enjoying ourselves wholly at the age we are with meaningful experiences.

    You look so fabulous Vix! I hope I have you bod when I'm older!

  30. Cute dress though loving that maxi skirt even more.

    As for the age thing well having just turned 40 it's a bit of a shock bit that's only because I was 20 only a few days ago! Or so it seems. Though my own age might surprise me no one else's does. People are just that and not a number. Life is too short though to get to a certain age and start wearing tan tights and a surly mush. But that's just me.

    Good luck with the surgeon tomorrow.


  31. every time is see a magazine with an "age issue" and it has sections on how to dress by decade (20's, 30's, 40's etc) I retch. I usually hate what my decade (50's) should wear. I hated dress codes as a teen and I hate them even more as an "old women". BTW, that 2-piece dress, an woman your age should know better! (LOL)

  32. Dress your age - that is some ugly Words .... Hate when People says stuff like that to me!
    You look divine in that dress!

  33. I often think that people ought to keep their "helpful advice" to themselves.

  34. I don't know what it's like on your side of the world, but over here there is an abundance of erectile dysfunction products on TV that show "old people" making creepy eyes at each other just to indicate that they're gonna have sex. It's weird and makes my skin crawl -- not because people in our age group don't have sex. It's that we do -- but we don't need to portray it in a creepy (ie. an exaggerated "nudge-nudge-wink-wink) sorta way. Do you have stupid Viagara, Cialis, Levitra commercials in the UK?

    And after having experience my husband's heart attack four days prior to his 51st birthday, I'm just fine with the age thing! At this point, I think getting older each day is pretty cool....

  35. love your feisty rant! I wrote today that we have to grow old, but not grow *up* (in all ways) and I think it's the energy and enthusiasm of youth that's so appealing. I hope to have that when I'm as old as Mick! I do tire of articles in women's magazines about "how to look ten years younger" with such and such a product. That's just marketing.

    Good luck at the surgeon's, and stay fabulous always. xoxoxo

  36. Only time I think of my age is when it gets me something cheaper. Apart from that it's not my problem!

    I too love the doc's note - what did you do?

  37. Looking as lovely as ever Vix, the bangles on your arms are brilliant. I couldn't agree more about age - it's so silly and so many people talk about being constricted by it and the rights and wrongs of each age, what to wear etc. I say do what you want! I hope your referral at the hospital goes ok too and yes the weather is gorgeous - love seeing all the bats! - Tasha xxx

  38. Hi my dear!! Really enjoyed your rant, so agree with you and life should be for living not worrying about wrinkles, supposed dress rules by the fashion police and your post here shows that style is for all ages and there are no rules!! Looking fabulous in both outfits!! Xx

  39. I have always said age is nothing but a number. I never knew why someone would say a certain number was "old" because they may have wrinkles and a few gray hairs. I have a aunt that was almost completely gray by the time she was in her forties, but that was the fact she had two boys, however, my other aunt is in her sixties and just now getting gray. I will be 38 this year and I have gray around my temples and in my bangs, but I don't let that bother me. You're as young as you feel. My mother is 71 and works two nights a week at the same hospital that I do. She does it because she wants to and loves it. As long as she is able she will do it. She doesn't like to sit still, she has to be doing something, whether it is working, tending her yard, or "running the streets" as we call it.

  40. Sweet, demure gown! You wear it well. I bet you got more attention in that outfit than those letting it all hang out.

    You know I'm with you on your rant. Instead of thinking that "I am this" or "I am that", I prefer to just think that "I am" and leave it at that.

    Super outfit from dear Sarah! Your bracelet selection is awesome!

    All the best to you at your appointment and hope you are doing better soon.


  41. I hate the words dress your age! A couple of girls at work found out how old I was yesterday...they could not believe it they said I dresses better than them and they are in their late 20's! ha ha. Anyway I love your 1st dress its a little beauty x

  42. You look so good in black, love that Boden on you.
    Most people couldn't keep up with you when you have one good hip....with two you will really leave everyone in the dust. I want you to be pain-free!!!

  43. :::::::APPLAUSE::::::::Amen Vix, Amen!!

    I just remember what my great-grandma Annie (who lived to be almost 105 with her mind intact!!) said when questioned why she wouldn't join the new senior citizen group in town (and she would've been the oldest member)
    "Dammit-you KNOW I don't like old people!!" Her chronilogical age was irrelevant to her--she didn't FEEL old!!

    Love both of your maxis--you look amazing asa always!!

  44. You tell 'em, Vix!!! Couldn't agree more! That is probably one of the best diagnosis I've ever heard! I'm jealous. Mine are so clinical and boring. Keep up that fabulous attitude and you'll be racing around in no time. And your sweet long dresses....even tho YOU look amazing half naked, dreamy and elegant so becomes you. HUG!!!!

  45. Oh my goodness the feistiness makes you even more sexy!!!! That outfit, sizzle sizzle Sarah knows your bod down to the centimeter, it rocks on you! You are such a beautiful person Vix inside and out I just love you to pieces!

    Love your rant, I would have rambled on, you were straight to it and moved on, I would have stayed longer :) I'm all for beating a dead horse. THANK YOU for bringing this up! I agree 100% with everything you said! Inspiration and friendships come is all ages and those who harp on and on about it just aren't getting it. Sometimes I think it's just as difficult and fun being 15 as it is being 42 and maybe we can relate more to each other than we even know.

    BTW your demure summer frock is yummy and I love that you can look just as pretty in this as you do in your bikini in the snow. You are my favorite sex kitten :)

  46. and the fact that your doc said Glastonbury ruined your hip makes you more of a rock star than Mick Jagger!

  47. Great post, Vix. I agree - my age is just a number and I'm not governed by any preconceived ideas about how a woman in her forties should dress, wer her hair or make up etc. I just wear what I want for me and not anyone else.

    I love what your doctor wrote, too He's got class xxx

  48. The dress reminds me of little house on the prairie. Loved that series :-) In sweden its called lilla huset pƄ prƤrien :-)


  49. I adore the two piece that you're wearing in the last set of photos! Thank you for the post.


  50. You are a wee bit feisty today aren't you? It's ok I get it, it annoys me too. I recently had a preachy rant to a friend in 40's about her carry in about greeting old. But you know what bugs me more is that I have friends in their 30's who carry on that they are getting old. Seriously friggin' hell you're in your 30's shut up. Honestly I'm about to turn 35 in a few weeks and my life has never been better despite woes and setbacks. Age is so a state of mind and a decision.

    You look very sweet on your long sleeve maxi and Sarah has done well to have chosen the other for you perfectly.

  51. You have the perfect body to model those clothes. So lovely.

  52. YOU are a fecking legend! With a referral like that, you'll be trotted through in no time!
    O, gawd, yes, this age thing is getting out of frigging hand! I'm so over it!
    LOVING with a bloody passion your bodaciousness in this divoon outfit! Fark ME! Sarah has picked well!!! We'll keep her on! The virginal outfit is too gloriARSE and really rather sexy for the way it hugs every inch of your deliciousness! WOOF!
    Love Helga xxxXXXxxx

  53. Age is irrelevant, i'm a good ten years older on paper than most parents at my son's school, but think and live my life like i'm a good 20 years younger :)
    Twiggy x

    PS you look fab as always!!

  54. Age is just a number, I wish people didn't get so caught up on it.
    It's been pretty hot here too, 90F+ for the past few days and muggy as hell. I've been sporting a bright yellow bathing suit top and short shorts because it's too gross for anything else

  55. Right hip ruined at the Glastonbury Festival? You are too cool for school! Love it!

    I rather like it when normally very chilled people get all feisty. It makes me sit up and take note. Age, blah de blah. Everything is a state of mind. Talking of which, did you see the Dalai Lama last night? Wasn't he a delight?

    You look cute in your virginal attire with a hint of naughty and utterly wonderful in your gitano chic. Even though you're in black you look lovely and colourful too. Gorgeous. xxxxxx

  56. Your referral note will certainly stand out and I bet the surgeon will be telling people about it for years to come!
    Yesterday a woman walked past me in a clothes shop (a young, fashionable shop) and I did do a double-take. She must have been in her mid 70s and she looked great - not ridiculous in any way, just like she enjoyed clothes and knows how to dress herself. I hoped everyone else noticed and admired her too.

  57. Unexpected but fun and fascinating to read a rant from Vix. Now come, I've a lovely pinot grigio in the fridge.

    I've given this some thought today. I honestly *don't notice* age when I'm looking at style pictures. It's the...gestalt that speaks to me? The whole spirit of the photo? The attitude of the person, the whole outfit on the person who's proud of it...that's what will make me think "awesome"! Not someone's apparent age.

    I guess the same is true for text, and the adventures and thoughts theriein. I identify more with thirtysomething moms who are going through similar life experiences, on similar budgets, and I'll comment to them more. But I can be wowed by interesting, thoughtful, eloquent spirits young, middling, or older.

    Good luck at the surgeon's. At least the wounds came from lively living.

  58. Darling Vix, you are fiesty indeed today, but you do speak wise words. We only have one life, we should live it how we see fit and not how other people expect us to. I follow so many blogs from age 20 upwards, all are interesting but it's nothing to do with age.

    I am obsessed with parabens though, lol.

    That Edwardian style dress is so gorgeous.


  59. I can't understand this obsession with youth. In the UK we have an ageing population so why do we constantly see airbrushed images of 20 year olds in ads ? How about some Pensioner Power? I'm 50, feel about 25 (unless I look at my varicose vein) and I'm not going to apologise for it. When I'm really old I plan to dye my fringe purple. Yeah radical eh? The older women I notice do not wear beige or have 'helmet hair'
    Ageing is living and we are privileged to do so, so many people don't get the chance. Fab post Vix and btw you look stunning in Sarah's black two piece.

  60. 'tis annoying this ageism, it winds me up too, we're obsessed.

    You are ageless,Vix and look effortlessly-you, do love your style and figure!:-)

  61. Some days I feel every one of my 51 years, others, I feel the same as I did when I was 35 (only with more emotional stability). You age, or you die, it's as simple as that, but society makes it so complicated.

    You are gorgeous as a demure sweet thing, and as a super vixen - the two sides of Vix, as demonstrated by two very different outfits. What a cool gift from Sarah.

  62. Loving your demure and that sexy black number look fabulous on you. How lucky to get packages waiting to bringing your day even more that the sunny weather that you are having.
    Ah, age; as you said is not a choice you either die or get older. For me as a Latina women, as soon as you fell and look as good as you want and can them that is enough.

  63. Shit, I seem to have missed rather a lot. I will be holding good thoughts for you on your orthopaedic visit.

    I love your subversive ways. I actually see plenty of people baring a bit too much, and I'm always thinking, "A little mystery goes a long way, sweeties." I've been buying secondhand maxis like crazy for the long hospital stay, and thinking of you when I do.

    I've been slapping cheap hair dye on my faux red locks for many years. So far, all my health crises seem unrelated to that particular chemical abuse :o

    This aging thing as in the hey you're too old to wear that stuff or flaunt your body bothers me. I used to flaunt much less when I turned 40, following the sedate school of thought allegedly for my age. Now I'm trying to sashay as much of my 50-year old stuff as I can. Life is short, and I like shorter skirts.

    Love ya and miss ya,

  64. Oh wow, you look hot in the 2 piece outfit from Sarah. It's like it was made for you! So suntanned and sexy! I also really love the print on the maxi. Wishing you a successful appointment tomorrow! XXX

  65. Ooooh, feck me, I'll show my petunia if I wanna show my petunia even though I'm only 18. I don't though (world lets out a huuuge sigh of relief!). I saw the title and thought, Oooo (again), Vix is ranting?! Whatever can it be about? You never rant. Roger on that age crap. I fall into it sometimes, I feel like it's expected, then I have to slap myself and then my mind wanders back into the petunia debate.
    Love all your outfits. The Boden piece is mmmagnificent!! You the schtar. Good luck with finding a stand-in for your ruined hip.

  66. Yip it's all about your state of mind.........who gives a shit what the number is........the only thing I do have to say its a pain when the old body starts telling you your age....my bloody knees are packing up.....grrr.
    The outfit from the gorgeous Miss Sarah is amazing........what a fabulous find.....she is a gem sending it to you. It looks truly wonderful on you.
    Oh oh good luck with your hip Vix....you poor thing.
    Love V

  67. Cue hilarious wordplay on hip and hippies!

  68. Thank you so much for mentioning me, I'm so flattered! Your blog is one of my favourites if not the one! And I completely agree with you, it's definitely not about age. Two of the blogs I'm constantly longing for updates are from over 60 years old bloggers. It's so interesting to read about their experiences and about the two decades I love from the point of view of someone who lived it! I never cared about a bloggers's age, what matters is their personality and the blog content. And to be honest even though I'm only 21 I've already heard "you have a blog? that's funny, I used to have one when I was ten". Well, I was playing in the street when I was 10 and not sitting on a computer!
    Changing the subject, your dress is beautiful! Colour, model and the way it fits you. I need comfortable clothes for this weather too! xxx

  69. I LOVE the contrast between the two outfits here Vix - demure and then like some kind of flamboyant Spanish dancer (or something like that!). Oh the age thing - is so tedious...much like the "weight thing" which also drives me crazy. The world seems to be obsessed with how old women are and how much they weight. Its not worth obsessing over such things! It's how you live your life that's important. Also that's the most badass doctors note ever - ROCK ON!

  70. Vix you wear it well honey!!! *wink *wink xxx Age thing never heard of it xxx

  71. Everytime you express annoyance (not often though ...) you're always relevant,signify and nspiring. I also want to add that you look like a heroine of on old Movie in that beautiful white dress.

  72. Excellent point about the focus on ageing, Vix! Loving your heatwave ensembles as ever!


  73. Gorgeous dresses!! The doctor's note lolzzzzz!!

  74. Love both your outfits - especially the black one - and hope it all went well with the orthopaedic surgeon.

  75. wow...you have as ever inspired me....this time to dig out my enormous flower clip too........the son has gone off to his first festival (as an adult) working as crew for NYT production at Latitude......I love Latitude and am more than a little envious....hey-ho!!x

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Great rant Vix, I like it! My sense is that this obsession with age is to some degree a result of living in a patriarchal society, where woman are still encouraged to consider their value in terms of their biological reproductivity: who ever hears a man moaning about the fact that he's aging? I totally agree that women's obsession with their age is restricting and to my mind sooooo boring. It may be helpful to think about how to cope with aging, as research when entering a new life phase.ie. pregnancy or menopause, but that's very different to trying to hold back time and remain a 20 year old forever!

    Another point I agree with is the subversion of wearing a full length dress when all around us are in shorts and vests - I am spearheading a similar subervisive movement here in the westcountry, where the average Devonian displays peeling sunburn and a whole lot of flesh.

    I hope the meeting with the surgeon goes well. You're looking enchanting in both those delightful outfits!

  78. it's so refreshing to read your post, and watching you wearing that pretty dress and looking fabulous (oh yes, there're too many people in shorts and flipflops), and that two pieces with all that bangles is also a refreshing vision for my eyes, better than a cold beer on these hot days!
    besos & summertime!

  79. I've downed far too much booze over my lifetime to worry about slapping a few (cruelty-free) chemicals on my scalp once a month. HAHAHA! I'm with ya there. I agree...age, schmage. Dress how you feel.

  80. Love your dress, however I am prety sure there is no way I could wear a dress covering up so much in this heat. I love a good rant! I agree great style and fantastic blogs are not about age they are about the people who write them, problem is people love to label things.

  81. You are right about what you said and age, i know very interesting, different, original young women too, virtual or in real life -
    Your last outfit sent to you by Sarah is just perfect for you!

    Have a great weekend!

    Ariane xxxx

  82. I laugh at the note made on your medical referral about your sore hip, but certainly not at the pain I imagine you are in. You know Vix .... you are an inspiration. I love that your rant was about the extra credit for experience that the older ladies are given, rather than a diss because they are older and therefore don't have the supposed all-desired youth on their side. Ageism either way just ain't right.

  83. Uh oh did I miss something have you hurt your other hip?? You look gorgeous love that black outfit and flower it looks perfect on you!! ... Enjoy your heat wave close your eyes and pretend your in India :) love Heather

  84. This is part of why I am an ardent fan of Vintage Vixen! I love it when you rant about something that you feel strongly about. I have friends of all ages and wouldn't have it any other way. Intergenerational energy is vibrant and important to the planet.

    I adore your hair flowers and the outfits that vividly leap off the screen to greet me this morning. Wishing you the best with your appointment with the surgeon!

  85. Screw that age crap, agreed! I've gained 15+ lbs since 9th grade and feel much hotter now than I did then. I've noticed confidence comes with age, when your brain develops more and you outgrow youthful insecurities. Love your demure and not-so demure outfits, always :D

  86. I love this rant-here, here!!! I HATE any rules, especially those about age and showing skin! WTF, does showing your body have to do with being sexual...omg, it just might be hot! This mentality leads us girls right to the burka, so no thank you. It reminds me of the time one of my fav zealots on my morning radio show said, "the demise of the Western Civilization, began when the white women put on the short skirt!". Thought you'd get a chuckle out of that one, I still do, and wear my minis high and proud just for him.;)
    How does seeing a women's skin offend one-funny we all are skin, it's our largest organ! Oh, I could go on, this has been one of my buttons for a long time.:)

    However, I'd rather go on and on about those amazing dresses!!! Yowsa, they are so cool, love them! You look so great strolling trough the gardens, the prettiest flower there! That was some fabulous parcel, but not surprised as Sarah has amazing style herself too.;)
    Just love all the Blogging Goddess who, like Ms Frocktasia is and said, are being the change!!! Preach it Sisters!!!:)

  87. Dang, got so excited forgot to add. You really need to get a copy of the note from your doctor, that should be framed and on your wall-love it!lol:)

  88. you & I should do some wardrobe-lending - that red and black combo and edwardian high collared maxi are both so imexlicably beautiful (and fit your perfectly!!!!!!). When is your next fair? by the way Prick-Me-Dainty Vintage (a new seller, website coming shortly - you can find them on FB!) specialises in OUR kind of dress maxi.... big sleeves.... swirly prints.. you name it, they've got it! xoxoxo

  89. "Some of us have fabulous lives, feel sexy and live life to the full and some don't - that's not age, it's a state of mind." - yes!

  90. would love to come across a referral letter like yours at work - the mad and strange ones really make my day. Remind me to tell you about the gynaecologist with the great turn of phrase! Sarah really knows what suits you and that outfit makes you look like a sexy 60s Spanish doll come to life. I love it! No paraben lecture here, you know I dye my hair more than most. And you're right about the age thing, stop going on about it, especially if it's going to fill me up with light and love. Dry retch. I don't really think about age, but I do think about time travel. That's much more interesting.
    I love the Edwardian style dress the most, it's the most gorgeous thing ever. so pretty and cool. Letting it hang out is great, until your arse is falling out the bottom of your primark booty shorts, or your minge is poking out the top because you've folded the flies down. I hope you'll be wearing that ethically sourced leaf bikini you modelled in VOGOFF. Much more tasteful xxxxxxxxx

  91. no one rocks 70s edwardian dresses like you do! i love it!
    the two piece is adorable too --- but the edwardian dress is killer.

  92. Vix – you are such a heroine of mine. If I had never discovered your blog I would have never been as inspired as I have been over the years. We may differ in age, but I truly believe age is just a number and you have rightfully outlined this perfectly here. Followers, readers and ultimately friends young or old can all be inspiring. I have always supported your incredible passion for life. Both you and Jon lead such a truly captivating lifestyle (one I admire so very much), you constantly inspire me (and many others alike) to live life to the full and most importantly be happy. I’ve dug deep these past couple of months to transform my life and conquer my biggest fears and I really think you have had a part to play in that – even though you probably don’t even know it or think possible. You rock – and always will. (Heading for the Glastonbury blog post ASAP) xxx

  93. vix-have you seen the blog-Advanced Style? you would love it xx

  94. Firstly, that bastard Edwardian maxi was not from your bloody Scope charity shop, it was from my shed, thank you very much!

    Secondly, A-fucking-MEN to your rant, amor - I am SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of the constant harping about age - SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP, everybody, it's BORING!

    Thirdly, jesus wept, you look incredible in that black jersey two piece outfit - AMAZING!

    Fourthly, I love that fab referral from your doc.

    Fifthly, actually, I got nothing else, but women of our age do love making lists, don't we, and frankly, we NEED to because we forget everything constantly because we are so old and... wait, what was I talking about?

    oh fuck it.

    Love you more than titanium!

    Sarah xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix