Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Two Days in January

Monday kicked off with my usual 30 minute Wii Fit session and after breakfast Jon & I went out charity shopping. 

Destined for the Kinky Melon stockroom: 1990s suede Western cut jacket, a vintage Harrington with the Made in England labels still attached, a pair of sequinned Converse high tops, a 1980s wool jumper, a 1990s Adidas track top, a Melody Ehsani butterfly sweatshirt with the £64.99 labels still attached, a 1980s English-made batwing lurex jumper, some G-Star Raw tartan trousers, a Pretty Green (Liam Gallagher's label) paisley shirt and a 1970s Bogart dagger collared shirt still in its original wrapping. 

Several charity shops sell new goods alongside their second hand donations. Banardos stock a range of William Morris homewares which, to be honest, aren't of the greatest quality, but as Jon managed to cremate our Strawberry Thief oven mitt on Xmas day (don't drink and cook, kids!) we took advantage of their half-price sale and bought two gloves in the Morris & Co. Hyacinth print for a fiver. 

After washing the morning's buys, I dusted some of our vintage glass before settling down my next book, Snow Country by the wonderful Sebastian Faulks. I thought I'd read everything he'd written until I spotted this in the clearance chazza last Sunday. Needless to say, its beautifully written and totally absorbing. I finished Milk Treading in bed on Sunday night, a weird but compelling political thriller set in a world ruled by cats. I had to laugh about their blasé attitude towards death and how, no matter what was happening in their lives, they'd easily get distracted by string. 

It was a gold kind of day. 

The last time I had a craving to do housework was 31st December when I managed to get a second degree burn on my hand from dusting the chandelier in the bedroom. It's taken almost three weeks to heal and my right hand is suitable for public viewing once again! 

And despite it being Blue Monday (supposedly the most depressing day of the year), I wore pink. 

Because I'm not a fashion blogger, I wore the same vintage maxi dress as I did on Sunday, with the Afghan gilet, Frye boots & plum fedora I'd featured on my blog last week. I bought the sari silk wrap top for 100 rupees (around £1) from a little boutique in Jodhpur back in 2020  - I can't believe it's been that long since I was last in India!  

The earrings Jon bought me for my birthday.. they're vintage Czech made from a broken Art Deco-era necklace utilising two rare turquoise scarabs and classic Neiger pinch beads and a teeny turquoise bar pendant which was £1 from the British Heart Foundation a couple of weeks ago. 

After tea - a flatbread stuffed with Greek salad and a grilled aubergine - we watched the last two episodes of Aquarius on Netflix followed by Silent Witness on the BBC - the plot is usually ridiculous but as we've always watched it feel like we have to stick with it. 

This is what I wore under my coat this morning. We were back in the brine pool this morning, although I'm tempted to go back to the Olympic pool on Thursday. 

The young woman who served us breakfast in 'Spoons told me that she was obsessed with my style and was always excited to see what I'm wearing. 

Today was a block printed Indian cotton maxi skirt bought new from Kharibu in May 2023, a 1960s suede jerkin (a recent £5 find), a 50p leather belt with Art Nouveau buckle bought from the clearance chazza in 2021, two of my Mum's bangles and some Mexican silver bell earrings from our dear festival friends and trading neighbours, Shilpa Silver

I spent a whole £5 in the charity shops on the way home from town. Three pairs of handmade, wool cable knit mittens (£1 each), a brand new pack of three olive oil soaps made in Nyons, France (£1.50) and a pack of wonder bobbles (50p) - hair ties that look like telephone wires and are the best thing ever - they stay put and don't pull your hair. It looks like William was  impressed but, in reality, he was waiting for me to throw his catnip Trump effigy at him. 

After a fruitless search for a winter escape I did some more housework, dusting the bathroom shelves, sweeping the floor and misting the houseplants.

When I walked around the corner to drop something in the post box I met one of William's siblings, who was meowing so loudly I could hear him a street away. He's happy to chat but won't tolerate touching!

William was part of a cat colony which lived in the old windmill before it was sold off to developers. A couple we know from swimming adopted his mum, dad and a sister from a later litter. William was one of four brothers, one was rescued by a cat charity and rehomed and the other two are community cared for and live in a neighbour's outbuilding. 

 Jon made a delicious curry for tea, tikka masala with broccoli, cauliflower and green beans. As always on swimming days, we hadn't eaten since our Spoons breakfast and it was gone in minutes!

Tonight we'll be catching up with last night's 24 Hours in Police Custody and trying to decide which TV series to binge watch next. See you soon! 


  1. I love your pink outfit for Monday. It's so pretty. I didn't find Monday that depressive, but today was a pretty depressive day for me. Maybe it was the weather, maybe I'm just tired- but there was something in the air.
    I love your brown suede jerkin, it looks very pretty with that gorgeous golden maxi with that lovely floral print...such a great styling...and the braids are so cute. No wonder you got compliments. Isn't it fun when someone is really excited about what we're wearing or are going to wear? Clothes are such an easy way to keep life a bit more interesting.
    Why not try the Olympian pool again, even if it is a bit colder? You can always alternative between the two.
    How nice to know that so many members of the William's cat family were saved and adopted. It must have been hard on the cat colony when developers purchased what used to be their home, but sometimes it's for the better- as so many of them have a new home now.

    1. Hello Ivana! I'm glad your Monday wasn't blue. I hope the weather and your mood improved as the week progressed.
      Clothes are a great ice breaker and its lovely that us getting dressed brings other people so much pleasure.
      I had grand plans of swimming in the larger pool this morning but Jon talked me down as it was a couple degrees below freezing when we walked down to the baths this morning and he was craving heat. I shall go next week!
      I was so happy to learn of where the other cats ended up, saying hello to them during lockdown was a daily highlight. xxx

    2. I can imagine it was a lovely highlight!
      Today we had such a nice sunny day here. I hope for more fine weather.

  2. We had M&S Chicken Tikka pies tonight, Iris's request. Alec and I share one and she has one to herself. Miss Sheva is busy shredding our stair carpet, the only carpet we have in the whole house and I hate it anyway, so she can shred to her heart's content. We are going to watch the programme on Pompeii which I recorded yesterday. Hugs Xx

    1. Hi Gill! I'm impressed with Iris's choice of food - very sophisticated and a good appetite, too! How funny that Sheva's picked up on you hating that carpet and doing the honour of shredding it, cats are clever beasts.
      Wasn't that Pompeii programme fascinating? I loved those gold and pearl earrings. xxx

  3. The pink outfit is gorgeous, and I love the suede gilet.
    I bought some spelt flour recently and was searching your blog for Jon's recipe. I was taken back to your lockdown posts! It seems a lifetime ago. Let's hope we have a summer like that this year 🙂 xxx

    1. Thanks, Annie! Good old Lockdown - we certainly kept ourselves entertained during those strange months! I'd love a Summer like 2020, it was like being in Greece. xxx

  4. Your outfits are always stunning and not surprised the woman at Spoons said she looks forward to seeing what you are wearing. What a beautiful building that windmill is. Can see why the developers wanted it and hope they do a sympathetic restoration. Felt sorry for the cat colony and great to hear they're all OK. We were told our rescue cat from the Blue Cross had previously been a community cat for a year. She is very vocal and rules the roost! Hope you find a sunshine break soon. Louise (Mids) X x ps we managed to get a veg box at the weekend 😀

    1. Hello Louise! Thank you very much. Happily that windmill is Grade II listed so unless it mysteriously burns down, like so many of Walsall's old historic buildings, it should be restored (ever the optimist!)
      I love that your girl was a community cat, they're always so confident and shouty!
      Still looking for that trip, I'm sure one will come along soon. xxx

  5. Despite you not being a "fashion blogger", you are definitely a style icon, Vix! Not surprised that the youngs are obsessed over your amazing looks! As always, I die over that Art Nouveau belt buckle, and your gorgeous rings and cuffs. Gimme! :D
    Good on you, William, tear that orange Cheeto a new one.

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I think the youth like how we're different and don't dress like everyone else. I had trouble shaking off a drunk bloke in the street at 9am yesterday morning, he was amazed by my sheepskin hat and Jon's monkey boots! xxx

  6. After a weekend of nearly -30C, it's warmed up to 0 and we have snow flurries on the horizon.

    Trying to pack for the flight to Malaga on the weekend. Have the dreaded lurgy that is going around. To top it off, had to have a tooth extracted. It was beyond saving for several reasons. So in 90 days, there will be a bridge. I don't recommend the dental chair when you are congested.

    I'm packing light because I'm just too tired and sneezy to care. Hope you find somewhere warm to escape to.

    1. Yikes! You will be glad to get to Malaga after those temperatures. I hope you feel loads better and that your mouth heals quickly. There's always El Corte Inglês if you need anything, like you need an excuse to visit it!
      I've been looking at flights to Malaga, I'd love to go back and it's a damned sight warmer (and cheaper) than here!
      Have a fantastic time. xxx

  7. Those converse are everything!! i got a second degree burn on my hand two years ago but then my friend who is a doctor promptly told me it was a 3 rd degree burn and I should go to the hospital. Of course I didn’t I hate the places . So I now have a lovely scar!
    Yeah it is pretty cold here at the moment we don’t have central heating in Japan so we just wrap up well and wear our heat tech clothing from Uniqlo. Why is new furniture so bad!! I bought some new ikea shelves and they are awful so we are on the hunt for vintage ones!! Love and hugs Allie jane

    1. Hello Allie! Ouch, that must have hurt like hell! I have to admit that I stuck some concealer over my hand as it's still looking purple especially when it's cold!
      You don't have central heating in Japan? Although I didn't live in a house with central heating until I was well into my 20s I don't think I'd want to do that now!
      Modern furniture is so flimsy, Ikea's all style over substance! Loads of love to you and the family! xxx

  8. Will you go back to India again do you think? Or is a European break satisfying your holiday cravings? Xxx

    1. Hi Maeve, I think these short haul flight are spoiling us - and not having to go through the palaver of a visa (my 5 year India visa has expired), I'm sure we'll go back one day, though! xxx

  9. We binged North Shore and are currently watching Patience, which we love. There’s been some really good serials over the last couple of years we think. You know they are good when you don’t nod off haha xxx

    1. Hello Lynn! I've added North Shore to the list. We watched the first couple of series of Astrid, the French series on which Patience is based, but wasn't all that keen. There's so many series to chose from The Island on BBC Alba (the Scottish channel) has got great reviews so I might look at that next. xxx

  10. What a thoroughly fabulous start to the most boring, longest week in January (holiday nonsense forgotten, and February not yet close enough to touch 🤗)

    I adore the soap you found - the patchouli is probably my favourite in the world, I always bulk buy it if I find a good deal.

    1. Welcome back, Jane - I read your comment over on Sue's blog and am very pleased to hear that you've enjoyed your escape! This week does seem particularly grim, I can't seem to muster up my usual enthusiasm over anything.
      That soap is gorgeous, I love finding useful things like that! xxx

  11. I am not surprised the young girl looks out for what you are wearing, you always look fabulous and a riot of colour too. I love the clothes you wear and your blog always cheers my soul. Glad to know that Williams fellow cats have also found forever homes. So sweet. I am allergic to cats but I do love their independent, haughty selves.

    1. Thanks so much, Carole! That's so kind of you.
      What a shame about your cat allergy. They are such feisty creatures. I stall can't get over how both William and Frank before him just walked through the front door and decided to stay! xxx

  12. Love this morning's outfit - the most cowgirl yet with that suede waistcoat?
    William's intense stare, waiting for you to throw Trump his way made me laugh. I hope he gave him a good mauling!
    The mittens and soaps are lovely - bet the patchouli soap is gorgeous!
    I'm glad the hand has healed and really hope the urge to do housework is now safely behind you. :-D xxx

    1. Thanks, Claire! I thought I'd found suede waistcoat perfection with that one but anther has turned up and usurped it.
      William does love his Trump - well, he loves savaging him and tossing him in the air. Best cat toy ever!
      That soap is gorgeous, I can't believe why anyone would decide to donate it, you can never have too much soap.
      I'm definitely sworn of going near anything hot after that burn, I shall stick to non-heated surfaces! xxx

  13. That was a really good and varied blog post, and you've inspired me to buy a second-hand copy of Milk Treading from Amazon, it sounds like a really good read, well it's about cats it's bound to be. I love the 'pretty in pink' look and those charity shop finds are perfect, especially the soaps. I hope you didn't keep William waiting too long to attack his 'Trump' toy. :-)

    1. Thanks Sue! I really enjoyed Treading Milk, its such a quirky read and definitely has Animal Farm undertones. William's had his Trump dose this morning, he's been tossed in the air and never scalped! xxx

  14. Hello from Miami!! Have you listed Mr. Teddy Bear jacket yet?! So cute! xo P.S. Glad the cat was attacking the dreaded Orange T. More of that, please!

    1. Hello to you in Miami! How lovely to hear from you. I've not done anything with Mr Teddy Bear yet, he's insanely good, isn't he? We have to give the orange one to William under supervision, he's in danger of losing his toupee! xxx

    2. I love him! I would buy him direct if the measurements worked out!! Wheee love it!

    3. Feel free to email me: goanmad (at) hotmail (dot) com - we can talk! xxx


  15. Both outfits are beautiful.
    I can understand the young woman who served you breakfast. I'm always waiting for your outfits every week.

    The old windmill is great.

  16. You are a Personal Style Blogger if not a Fashion blogger. Your style is beautiful and soft and eye-catching.
    I like your woollen mitts and the butterfly sweater is a beauty.
    The teeny turquoise jewellery is beautiful!
    The dinner looks scrummy!
    I've never watched Silent Witness!

    1. Awww, thanks Kezzie! I love the mitts, they're so warm. I usually wear fingerless ones as I cant get normal gloves over my rings, these are perfect!
      Silent Witness is an institution. It's become very far fetched and silly but the cast are like family now! xxx

    2. You got in my head as I watched the first ever episode on iPlayer that evening! Was a bit scary but compelling!

  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a sudden urge to do housework but it definitely isn't without its dangers: I seriously cut my thumb while vacuuming the other week :-) Dusting the bedroom chandelier is still on my list, but now I think I'll pass!
    That young woman at 'Spoons isn't the only one who's obsessed by your style, I'm sure. Both of your outfits are fabulous as usual. I loved seeing Sunday's dress in daylight - I hadn't realized it was pink - and I'm swooning over that 1960s gherkin and the belt with the Art Nouveau buckle!
    Oh, and another Sebastian Faulks fan here. xxx

    1. Oh no! Your poor thumb! Last year I managed to get dust in my eye and the previous year ripped the tendons in my foot, housework is seriously bad for our health.
      I didn't realise Sunday's dress was quite so pink, it looked like a muted plum indoors.
      Sebastian Faulks is such a good writer, my Dad loved him too! xxx

  18. Of course you look pretty in pink!

    Monday was a horrible day in the US, as it was inauguration day. And speaking g of getting burned... do you keep comfrey ointment in your house? It helps heal skin injuries fast.

    1. Thanks, Alex! We watched in disbelief, we couldn't escape, it was every channel.
      I've not used comfrey other than as a plant food in the garden. That's a great tip but I'm probably safer by avoiding housework! xxx

  19. I think Silent Witness has lost its edge! Should rename it Silent Witless. Was truly gruesome this week, though I do like the two new characters . Have you been to see the new Bob Dylan film yet?(might have asked you that previously!).My granddaughter gave me some of her wonder bobbles, not that I have much hair left to put in them!!old age, the gift that keeps on giving!Lovely curry dinner. I hope you get His L/ship to.peel your grapes for you too!xxx

    1. Silent Witless is about right! This week's was particularly gory. The new characters are great, the cast always are fab, I feel like I'm betraying them by not watching it.
      We're seeing Bob on Friday, should be a nice escape from what looks like horrible weather.
      Those bobbles are great , what a pain about your hair.
      His lordship might give me my matching orders if i got any cheekier than I already am! xxx

  20. I’m seeing all kinds of Morris and Co. branded things lately from hand lotion to bedding. Would definitely have bought the oven mitts even if I only ever use three squares. They’re very pretty.
    Repeating outfits is a normal practice, no? Good luck finding somewhere to get away from winter.

    1. I was listening to a BBC podcast and about the Arts & Crafts movement, its amazing that 150 years since its foundation people are still buying the designs created by Morris & Co,. William really did art & beauty to the masses. xxx

  21. Good chazza finds this week for you, I think January must be the best time of year for chazzas as everyones' having a New Year clear out. I really enjoy housework and so find pics of your dusting and tidying very exciting! I could spend hours in that chair in your bathroom reading a book after a hot shower! William has settled so well, like my Mollie a vagrant cat who has probably had to learn to trust humans again, it's not surprising the little black and white cat doesnt like being touched ... yet ... it took us months with Mollie, lying on the floor and extending a finger starting by touching her nose, paws (and getting bitten!) Maybe there's room for another at your place? I suspect that little one will be heading your way :) We watch the same tv as you, Silent Witness has terrible story lines and everyone always seems to be related/connected to each other yet we still watch! Betty

    1. I love the chazzas at this time of year, Betty - all those declutterers and people donating their unwanted Xmas gifts - I reckon that soap must have been an unwanted present!
      I'm not massive on housework but when I'm in the mood it's really rewarding seeing the difference a mop and a duster can make.
      William's taken to sitting on that chair when he's waiting for me to wash my face and carry him downstairs (he is so spoilt!) I bet, like Mollie, William's brothers could be tamed eventually, they're very chatty! I wonder if cats know that they're related or just see each other as threats to their territory?
      Silent Witness is so silly, I don't know why we all persist in watching it. I love 24 Hours in Police Custody though, Ashley was the nicest drug dealer ever! xxx

  22. You are a living artwork Vix, no wonder people love to see what you are wearing. I have beaten the January blues by booking another yoga retreat to Crete for the end of April. I booked my flights yesterday with an EasyJet Robot - they were so polite and helpful. Like you I’m a cheapskate so my luggage is of the squidge under the seat type. I especially love your packing flatlays. Our son who since September 2023 has made a small fortune buying and selling men’s clothing on Vinted - is now in Thailand having the best time. He started in India at the beginning of October and is in no rush to come back to the UK. His girlfriend flew out to join him before Christmas and they have a steady stream of friends joining them for a holiday. Oh to be 30 again with no responsibilities. I buy French soaps loose in Stable Antiques in Storrington. I think the brocante dealers buy them in bulk along with French linens and confit jars. I’ve been watching Bleak House (Gillian Anderson as Lady Dedlock) on iplayer for the beautiful costumes and houses and gardens and now I’m being offered all the literary adaptations including Middlemarch and Little Dorrit. Blissful soothing watching. Your swimming is very impressive. I go to an instructor-led class called SwimFit at my local pool which pushes me to my limit. We swam 88 lengths yesterday in an hour including lots of butterfly and swimming with a float pushed right down under the water so you really have pull up your core and kick those legs. I’ve always swam, used to come up to Walsall every year for the national schools swimming comp and then at university we used to have an annual regatta at Warwick university with its 50m Olympic-sized pool. Little ol’ me used to be on the starting block next to a giantess from Loughborough who was in the Olympic squad. Terrifying! But old habits die hard and I cannot tell you how fizzy I feel when we race and I swim a 200m Individual Medley in under four minutes. I love how swimming is the only exercise for strength, stamina and suppleness. I’m now 64 but am still the same height (171cm) and weight (60kg) and shape (ish!) that I was at 32 so I can still fit into all my old clothes. Good old clothes, if you are not obsessed with doing laundry, last for ever in my experience as you so often prove during your charity shop hauls. Always love reading your posts Vix, thank you for taking the time to write them. Sarah xx

    1. Hello Sarah! It's always a treat to read a comment from you!
      I'm so pleased that you've booked to return to the yoga retreat in Crete. I love Greece in the Spring, the wildflowers are incredible and its almost surreal to be sitting outside in the sunshine with bare arms when there's snow on the mountaintops.
      Your son has got his head screwed on, working for himself and making the most of his freedom and profits by travelling.
      I must have missed Bleak House the first time around, I might have to find it on the iPlayer, I absolutely love Gillian Anderson, beautiful, talented and intelligent.
      You are a poster girl for swimming and its absolutely brilliant that you've remained the same size for decades, it proves it can be done. I get so exasperated by people not taking control of their bodies. I know exactly what you mean about the "fizziness". A friend sent me a link to a BBC history podcast earlier in the week and yesterday I pulled on a coat and a pair of comfy boots and went for a long walk listening to it, don't you feel glad to be alive after a bit of exercise?
      Take care. xxx

  23. I love the vibes of this post so much! I must admit, I don't know much about shopping or finding vintage fashion or home items, etc, but I will have to look to see what is available where I live—which off the top of my head, I don't know of any places (but I will do some research)!

    1. Hello Molly! I'm intrigued about you not knowing much about shopping...do you buy everything online? I can't imagine a life that doesn't involve having a look around the shops! xxx

  24. I think we can all agree with the young woman who served you breakfast in 'Spoons, we all love your style and are excited to see what you're wearing. X

  25. Always lovely to have a look at your amazing finds!, also lovely to see what are you reading, that's a very interesting plot (wikipedia to the rescue!).
    And obviously, I totally agree with that woman at 'Spoons, your style is inspiring!. You look fabulous in pink, that dress is a beauty and those big sleeves are gorgeous!. Shocking to see you wearing golden bijouterie, but it goes nicely with those pink shades.
    You rock that cowgirl-chic style in your skirt and gilet ensemble, so lovely!.
    William's sibling is so cute!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix