Sunday, 19 January 2025

Charity-Shopping, Reading and a Saturday Night Out

 So, without further ado, here's what treasures we've found this week!

A 1980s sheepskin flying jacket labelled Fabrique en France; A ridiculously kitsch denim jacket with appliqued biker bear on the back from 1980s label, Together! : A 1960s suede trench coat from the legendary gents outfitter, Lord John of Carnaby Street.

1990s rave-era Adidas; 1960s batik leisure shirt; English-made 1990s leather jacket; 1960s jungle print leisure shirt by Ringo.

1960s leather trimmed suede jacket; 1970s cotton midi skirt with original Gay Girl tags still attached; 1980s shirt printed with vintage motorcars & made in Canada; German tank regiment military jacket.

Lots of vinyl! 

Don't Leave Me This Way, a tune that never grows old! Back in 1986, when it was in the charts, me and a group of mates, would blag our way into the Saturday night student union disco at a rival college. Whenever the DJ played it a bloke called Jimmy would dragged me onto the dance floor and we'd go absolutely mad. Much as I liked his dancing, his looks did nothing for me but he ended up on the TV Show Blind Date where he eventually found the love of his life!  

I bought the 7" version of Baby D's Let Me Be Your Fantasy when it came out in 1996, the 12" is an upgrade.

I couldn't resist this vintage biscuit tin (pre-1962 as it's labelled Cadbury Brothers Limited). I briefly worked at Bourneville back in the 1980s. Most Midlanders avoid the brand since it was bought out by Kraft/Mondelez and even Charlie's withdrawn its Royal Warrant. It's perfect for my sewing supplies!

This fabulous Moroccan belt (£1.50) replaces the one I wore to death in the 2000s, the brass bangle (50p) adds to my repertoire of non-silver jewellery as does the 1960s gilt bracelet with Chinese charms (£4).

The belt got its first outing when I wore it down to the baths on Thursday morning for another cowgirl-inspired look. There was an issue with the PH level in the Brine pool when we got there so we swam in the Olympic-sized Gala baths instead. It's a few degrees colder, 3m longer and 4.3m deep (as opposed to 1.8m depth of our usual pool) and, unlike the Brine, its length swimming only so no dodging the width swimmers  - I absolutely loved it and, with no distractions, clocked up 50 lengths in just over half-an-hour. I'd happily use this pool all the time but I'd miss my swimming pals and Jon prefers the warmer water! 

On Friday night, after a day spent exploring Baddesley Clinton (see my last post HERE), we took a break from the atrocities of Charles Manson in Aquarius and watched The Nightingale, a gut-wrenching colonial rape-revenge drama which, although horrific probably only represents a fraction of what was endured whilst subduing the Australian Continent. 

Saturday was freezing cold and our faces were red raw after walking down to drop off our Vinted sales parcels at the Lidl lockers. I finished my fourth book of 2025, The Trial by Rob Rinder. The cover was reminiscent of Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club series but Rinder's writing, although enjoyable and with a unexpected plot twist at the end, lacks Osman's wickedly astute character observations and laugh out loud humour.

I'll go to the foot of our stairs! A saying my Chester born & bred Grandma often used when expressing astonishment. I posed here when Liz was taking photos for potential paintings earlier in the week. This was Saturday's going out outfit. 

We met up with the gang in The Turtle's Head.

Jon with Adrian and Slash and me with my beautiful friends, Liz and Liz's sister, Ruth. 

After a couple of hours in the pub we walked around the corner to Laboni for an Indian feast, staggering out two and a half hours later with plans for a girls' day out very soon. What a fabulous night...thanks, gang! 

In bed with a mug of tea on Sunday morning I started on my next read, a book I'd spotted in the clearance bin outside the Acorns Hospice charity shop on my way back from swimming earlier in the week. The blurb on the cover had me intrigued....Milk Treading is in equal parts Watership Down, Animal Farm and The Big Sleep. A novel of class struggle, political intrigue and good old fashioned murder. And, oh yeah, all the characters are either cats or dogs. I've never read anything quite like it - I'm already halfway through it! 

It was another freezing day and I had to crack the ice on the bird bath before walking down to the lockers to deposit the Vinted sales I'd made whilst out galivanting the previous evening.

This vintage herringbone maxi dress was a £4 Vinted find, handmade by the seller's mother in 1971. She'd listed it as wool but I could tell by the photos it was Crimplene, perfect for an icy day. 

And talking of Vinted bargains...check this out! Described as a "Long Wool Dress, size 8, £5" this popped up in my Recommended For You feed and despite there being no other information I knew it was something special. I was thrilled to discover that my instincts were right, that ain't no long wool dress, that's a 100% Alpaca floor length cardigan, handcrafted in Bolivia and sold by Peruvian Connection. It would have originally retailed at around £600. I adore the zig-zag cuffs and hemline.

Founded by Annie Hurlbot, a female Anthropology Student at Yale, and her mother Betty, in 1976, Peruvian Connection is a high-end retailer of women's clothing and accessories, it supports traditional Andean crafts by providing well paying and consistent jobs to talented artisans. 


Be warned, their collab with legendary American designer Kaffe Fassett (HERE) may induce feelings of unbridled lust. Click on the link at your peril! 

Thanks for reading...see you very soon!


  1. The Alpaca coat and the Peruvian belt had me come over in a serious rash of the wanties! And funnily enough, each music track you mentioned - I instantly heard in my head - brilliant 😁

    1. Thank you! Whenever we find any vinyl we know I can't help singing it. I've got a terrible singing voice, I'm surprised I don't empty the charity shop! xxx

    2. Blog knows why, but that 'anonymous comment' was me - kate - and as for singing - in my head, not only am I in tune, I have a full orchestral accompaniment and dancing girls, until I open my mouth and it is enough to make my cat's ears go back ....

    3. I thought it was you, Kate! Blogger is very badly behaved of late. That made me giggle, William's ears often flatten on hearing my voice! xxx

  2. There was an interesting article in BBC Radio Scotland this morning about the fascination for crime writers to make the majority of victims of their stories women, in particular pretty young ones. Its taken decades for women to (try) and overcome being objectified in this way but it seems to me we've gone right back to the beginning! It was so refreshing to watch some Simon Schama during the week (albeit most of what he covered was the terrifying truth)! Netflix recommendation, Emilia Perez.Can't believe you scored that fab creation for a fiver!!!It suits you to a 't'!xxx

    1. It does get rather tedious, doesn't it? The Fallen Sun, the Luther film actually got rewritten and the pretty female victim swapped for an attractive man, as the writer was equally tired of young women always being murdered.
      I love Simon Schama, he was fantastic on Laura Kuenssberg's show last Sunday.
      Emilia Perez popped up as a suggestion, now you've recommended it I'll add it to the list...thank you!
      I've hung that cardi up on the landing so I can admire it xxx

  3. Favorite alpaca coat!!
    Something very special!
    Viχ, I have also danced a lot with
    Don't Leave Me This Way !!
    Have a beautiful week!!

    1. Thanks, Katerina! I love that Don't Leave Me This Way was loved in Greece, too! xxx

  4. That coat is beautiful Vix - I'm so pleased you found it - It is perfect for you x

  5. Had a pair of Peruvian Connection slippers ages ago. Wore them until they fell apart. The cardigan is beautiful.

    1. I've only come across a few of their garments but the quality is always fabulous! x

  6. That long alpaca cardigan is gorgeous. It fits you perfectly! I love how you paired it with that lovely dress and hat. You look stunning with your hair down.

    I started watching The Nightingale a few years ago, but I gave up soon just because it all seemed so sad. I never made it past the first rape scene, and reading what else happens in the film, I see how the film gets even sadder and more tragic. It does seem like a great historical film, and it shows how abuse of power (especially in colonial times) can be horrible.

    So great you were able to swim in an Olympic pool. I miss swimming!

    1. Thanks, Ivana! You are kind.
      Yes, the violence and horror in The Nightingale was relentless but I suppose it was necessary to show what Clare had to endure before wreaking her revenge on the perpetrators. xxx

  7. Love your alpaca cardigan. It is beautiful. I rarely find good stuff at the thrift store. Cali


  8. Your outfits are sensational again. I like the photo with the glasses.

    You found beautiful pieces, the flight jacket and this beautiful belt.
    The purple biscuit tin <3
    Happy evening

  9. Gosh, that cardigan is extraordinary! It probably would have suggested it to me too if you hadn't got there first as I regularly look at Alpaca cardigans! WOW!!!! It looks amazing on you!
    You did so well with the chazzer finds too!
    The pool sounds amazing. I really need to start swimming again. I don't know why I find it so hard to get to the pool. It's only 2.1miles walk (across the fields)
    The Laboni trip sounds brill!x

    1. I bet that because that cardi was listed as a long wool dress it sneaked under Vinted's algorithm, the Afghan gilet I bought the other day had been on there for a month or so, at first I couldn't understand why nobody had bought it (it was a fraction of the price they typically sell for) then realised that it was listed as a "fillet"!
      Maybe when the weather improves a little you'll feel like facing that 2 mile walk to the baths. xxx

    2. "Fillet" -- crying in Miami

  10. That cardigan ........... swoon!

  11. You have such an eye for a vintage find! The alpaca cardigan is incredible. Xx

  12. Hi Vix, I love your shopping find posts and this is one of your best - what a haul! The alpaca coat is so unusual, I bet it's super warm, very you. Im not swimming at the mo and really missing it (microblade brows in progess so no chlorine/swim for me) but you do have a really nice pool and I would want to get in the big one and hammer up and down just like you and leave Jon to his chums/chat! Your animal book sounds weird but wonderful. I think your stairs pose is lovely - and I noticed the Audrey wrap velvet top - they are so versatile and pretty. Betty

    1. Hello Betty! I was so excited to spot that cardi, I love it.
      Micro-blading, I'd be interested in that but I think I'd struggle with missing swimming. I had semi-permanent eyebrows tattooed on in 2005 and again in 2010 but they've faded now and I'm almost eyebrow-less again now (damned blonde hair!)
      I could swim all day if I could. I was back at the brine pool this morning but might go back to the bigger one on Thursday (or maybe pop down tomorrow!)
      That All About Aud green velvet wrap top was a Vinted buy, it had sold out on the website so I went for the marmalade one instead and have been hunting for it for weeks! xxx

  13. Hi Vix, returning the visit! What a fabulous finds! I still need to read Richard Osman's books, never got around it. Your pub photos makes me hmesick to England again. I am in love with your country especially Sussex! Have a great start of the week.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Nancy! You can't beat a British pub, it's one of the things our country does do really well! xxx

  14. Hurray for nights out and bargain snaffling! That has to be the most glamorous cardigan I have ever seen! How can someone have that in their possession and not have a clue about its value?! xxx

    1. Its mad, isn't it? All her other items were Florence and Fred in a 3XL! xxx

  15. Hi Vicky, just catching up again! I was absolutely fascinated by your post about Jon's father. What a fantastic story.
    I'm completely addicted to Vinted, though I do still love a real life chazza rummage. That Peruvian long cardi/coat is beyond fabulous. What a find!
    2025 has got off to a good start for us, but gosh, it's so cold and miserable weatherwise. Roll on Spring! xxxx

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Annie! I'm glad you liked the Command post! I felt those photos needed to be shared.
      I can't believe that cardi or that the seller didn't mention Peruvian Connection or take a photo of the label on the listing.
      We've got a tiny bit of sun today but goodness me, it's cold! xxx

  16. That Alpaca cardigan is seriously swoon-worthy, but I'm also loving the vintage herringbone maxi dress. Both Thursday's cowgirl inspired look and the outfit you wore to meet up with the gang are fabulous, as usual.
    I would probably have picked up that Cadbury's tin too, and I can't believe the amount of vinyl you keep finding in the chazzas. Ours have been seriously lacking in that department for years, it's rare to find anything interesting at all.
    The Communards! What a blast from the past! xxx

    1. Funnily enough, I thought of you when I spotted that dress! It's so cosy to wear.
      I love a vintage tin, they remind me of visiting my Grandma - she'd always have rows of them stuffed with sewing notions, There was nothing I liked better than tipping them upside down and sorting the buttons into colours!
      A lot of the chazzas used to save their vinyl and sell it online but it all seems to be back in store again now. Some shops ask crazy prices but most just chuck it all in a box and ask £1! xxx

  17. I've loved that "bruise" colored coat ever since you first got it, and I love every outfit you ever pair it with. You're looking as fabulous as always!

    1. Thanks so much, Leslie! Its such a brilliant buy, I love that its really warm but can fold down to almost nothing - great for the lockers at the baths or for travelling with. xxx

  18. Apologies for missing so many of your posts Vix. The alpaca long cardigan coat is amazing and was really meant for you. Takes me back to South America.
    The outfit for your night out with friends was so good, the sleeves on the top are simply spectacular.
    I must see if I can find the Nightingale online as it is set in the area where I live and with my convict ancestors would be interesting . So many atrocities to the native people in the name of settlement.

    1. Don't you worry, Jill! I'm equally as tardy! I mentioned you when we were watching The Nightingale, telling Jon that I had a friend who lived in Tasmania. Despite the horrific story, the scenery is absolutely beautiful, it's a hard watch but a fantastic film despite the subject. xxx

  19. That Alpaca coat has your name written all over it, you look amazing in it (as you do in most things). Don't Leave Me This Way ... gosh I got told off in the pub many years ago for putting it on repeat on the jukebox for at least ten times. It's one of the best songs for filling the dancefloor.

    1. You are kind, thanks Sue!
      I never get tired of Don't Leave Me This Way. Its just as well that we don't have near neighbours or they'd be banging on the walls! xxx

  20. Please tell me that Lord Jon is keeping the Lord John trench coat? lol, that really did make me chuckle. Aw, fab curry night, and that cardigan is amazing. I don't know how you find these stunning bargains Vix. I need to try harder. The book sounds unusual. I'll look forward to your summary of it when you finish. xxx

    1. Hi Louise! It was made for him, wasn't it? Unfortunately despite looking fabulous on him, Lord Jon has rejected the Lord John!
      I can look at Vinted and not find anything for days and like buses, they all arrive at once.
      That book was a fascinating read. xxx

  21. That last coat is gorgeous! The Nightingale looks good. I have been meaning to read the Rob Rinder books.

    1. Thanks, Hena. It is a good looking cardi, isn't it? xxx

  22. OMG - the maxi cardi cum dress is just fantastic; what a brilliant find! It looked smashing on you. too. I also loved the skirt your wore with 'new to you' belt and the beautiful herringbone maxi dress. The weather has been bloody freezing hasn't it; my cheeks are stinging when I'm walking the dog. Great finds in the chazzas and that sounds like a pretty fab Saturday night out...the 'Milk Treading' book sounds very off the wall!

    1. Thank you! I'm still in shock that the seller listed it at such a cheap price!
      Goodness me, it seems to be getting colder, doesn't it? It feels like a real effort to do anything.
      That book was very odd indeed! xxx

  23. Sorry Vix that was me again. I keep forgetting NOT to be anonymous!

    1. Ahhh...I wondered if it was you.. Thanks, Vronni! xxx

  24. I am in love with your new cardy. It's completely my taste🧡💜🤎🖤

    1. I did think of you when I spotted it! xxx

  25. Wow your 100% Alpaca floor length cardigan is amazing! What a good find! X

  26. I've been absent and still late in my commenting, but keep reading your posts and admiring your fabulous outfits and attitude!. Impossible not to love that alpaca coat, those colourful geometric designs are gorgeous and you styled it fabulously over that dress!. Not only stylish but comfy, You Rock!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix