Tuesday, 28 January 2025

It Bears Repeating

 Sixteen years ago, when I first started my blog, I used to feel under pressure to wear something different every time I posted and I'd plan my outfits the night before so that I didn't repeat an outfit. By nature I'm a spontaneous creature and absolute loathe planning anything in advance, so I had a word with myself and now wear whatever the heck I feel like wearing when I get dressed in the morning (and I'm pretty sure nobody notices or even cares!) Last week I wore the same Anokhi maxi dress three days running, on Monday it was almost a complete rehash of what I'd worn a fortnight previously (HERE).  

 The only difference being the addition of a 1960s suede waistcoat Liz bought me for Xmas back in 2010 and a pair of Kuchi earrings. 

 We went charity shopping on Monday and found a few interesting vintage bits for the Kinky stockroom...

A 1980s Foxy Lady pussy bow blouse; 1980s John Charles cocktail dress; 1970s Shampers keyhole detail maxi dress; beetle brooch; 1960s Keynote zip-front cardi; 1980s Tigi Wear cropped blouse; A handmade Abba-esque bello bottomed velvet catsuit; 1980s denim Western shirt and a pair of Vintage Spanish leather Flamenco boots. 

And here's some label porn. 

In one of the chazzas I spotted this British-made Corinne Lapierre craft kit priced at £1.49 (originally £9.50) and in need of a new pincushion decided to treat myself. 

I had a lovely hour of sewing (accompanied by 6Music) when I got home. 

When I get dressed in the dark on these miserable Winter mornings I often wonder if what I've put on will actually go together when it gets light. I think I got away with this morning's combination. 

All theses garments have previously appeared on my blog, just not in this combination, although I don't think I've shared a close-up of these earrings before, a birthday present from Liz and Adrian a couple of years ago they're made by an Irish designer using Walsall leather (for which our town is world-famous).

It's been a morning of swimming, breakfast in 'Spoons and a wander around the chazzas and another afternoon of fruitless holiday hunting...but we've now got a shortlist and that's a start.

I started reading Look Who's Back on Sunday but I have to keep putting it down as I'm crying with laughter. The plot is utterly mad - Adolf Hitler wakes up on a patch of waste ground only to discover that it's 2011, his country is full of immigrants and is being led by a woman. Translated from German this book is absolutely hilarious and I'm so excited to discover that it was made into a film in 2015. If you want a laugh, get yourself a copy.

Hopefully the next time I post we'll have booked a sunny escape, watch this space!


  1. Fingers crossed you find a sunny escape soon. Much needed to escape this weather and the dark nights! Louise (Mids) X x

    1. Hello Louise! I'm hoping to find something soon, it seems to be taking longer than usual and its driving us both daft. I'm so craving some warmth and sunshine. xxx

  2. Ahh! Lily and I had breakfast in Spoons last weekend. It's become a bit of a treat.
    I hope you manage to book yourself some sunshine. Xx

    1. I love a Spoons breakfast, such good value for money and really chilled out in the morning, too! xxx

  3. Hi Vix, Shelagh here. Your outfits are fab so repeating them is fine. If I hit on any of your outfits I wouldn't take it off as I would never be able to put together another! Ha ha. You just have some kind of knack to be able to take, granted already beautiful, clothes and make them even more beautiful. I do hope you find somewhere to go on holiday soon, I agree it would be lovely to have some sun and to be able to go out without looking like the Michelin Man. Not that you look anything like the MM, more of a Pirelli calander woman, but with clothes! Oh and yes, I think you may be called an influencer now, God forbid!

    1. Hello Shelagh! You say the sweetest things! I always think that if you love everything you buy then they're kind of going to go together anyway.
      It did start off sunny this morning and was almost light by 7.30am which was a real treat but nothing beats a break from the routine, a change of scenery and not having to dress up like you're on a Polar expedition every time you leave the house!
      I always think of those girls with strange eyebrows and beige leggings when I hear the word "Influencer" ! xxx


  4. I'm in love with the dark skirt you're wearing.
    Oh yes, at the beginning of blogging I thought I always had to show something new. :D

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea! That's the skirt I made a couple of weeks ago, I want to make more! xxx

  5. Hi from Miami! I requested the book you're reading from the library. Have you read The Golem of Brooklyn? It is fantastic! I was laughing so hard, and it is tangentially related to this one... maybe something to add to your list. :)

    1. Hello, my lovely girl in Miami! I haven't heard of that book but I'm off to add it to my Abebooks wish list...thank you so much! xxx

  6. Oh to be in warmer climes,love the label porn & as always your glorious style. Teresa xxxx

    1. Thanks so much, Teresa! That sun was nice this morning but it makes me long for more of it! xxx

  7. Everything you post always looks great! And I am jealous you have such a good photographer. My mirror/wardrobe selfies are suboptimal. I have to do better. Tommy will be retiring in June. He doesn't know it yet, but he's going to have to help we take pictures of what I am wearing. Jon is a gem!

    1. Thanks, Alex! Selfies are so hard, I keep trying but I either chop an essential part of me off or just look demented. Yes, get Tommy trained up! Mind you, Jon hates the cold and makes so much of a fuss being made to go outside when he's settled down for the afternoon that I've had to resort to indoors shots! xxx

  8. Your post is great Vich.
    It's nice to see beautiful clothes many times,
    not just once or twice, they deserve it!!
    I like bow shirts!
    Your shopping is fantastic,
    I loved the cactus and yes it has a very good photographer!
    Have a nice day Vix!

    1. Thanks, Katerina! I agree, I love my clothes and am happy to wear them on repeat, being vintage they aren't going to go out of fashion so there's no "sell by" date on them.
      Pussy bow shirts are a lazy alternative to a scarf on a chilly day. xxx

  9. Who cares if you're repeating outfits when they're all this fabulous? I'm currently repeating a dress I wore over the weekend, just changed up my accessories. On the other hand, my blog is an incentive to be a bit more creative with my outfits, as I tend to be a bit lackadaisical in that department lately.
    Loving Liz's 1960s waistcoat and the embroidered one in your second outfit is utterly swoon-worthy, as are the earrings!
    I'm a sucker for a bit of label porn too! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! it's easy to get sucked into that "I have to wear something different" mindset, isn't it? I think that's why I walked away from Instagram, too much emphasis on outfits rather blogging where you can read about the person behind the clothes.
      I can't imagine you'd ever look lackadaisical! You are a pattern mixing master (or should that be "mistress"?)
      Label porn is the best! I've been known to buy clothes in charity shops just because of the labels. The Shampers one made me laugh! xxx

  10. So many beautiful patterns! It deserves to be repeated. Of course, an old White Stripes song comes to mind. Thank you so much for the lovely post. So inspiring!

    1. You got The White Stripes reference!!! xxx

  11. My next door neighbour's son has just flown off to the Arctic Circle where he's doing an expedition for a children's charity! He absolutely loves the heat so I don't know how he's going to cope with the temps. Bought him a trapper hat which I'm sure he'll be glad of somewhere en route!New series of Death in Paradise starts Friday if Jon needs a quick tropical island fix!!x

    1. Funnily enough, the lady who cleans in Wetherspoons' daughter's boyfriend has been posted there for a year with his work for an environmental charity! Apparently the temperatures in December were worryingly higher than the should be at -10°C. I wonder if the two chaps will bump into each other!
      Jon will be very happy with that news! There's a picture of Don Gillet, the new star, in Spoons! xxx

  12. A holiday to look forward to sounds amazing. It's funny how our views of blogging change over the years, but all in all I think you are still being pretty consistent, with so many topics that you cover it's always a really interesting read. The books sounds (and the film looks) very interesting, perhaps not quite right for this week though.

    1. Thanks so much, Sue. I can't quite believe I've been blogging for 16 years I had parents and a grandmother back then, it feels like another world even though I'm still wearing some the same clothes!
      After watching two war films at the weekend, I felt I ought to complete the set with that book on a lighter note! xxx

  13. The beetle brooch! The label porn! The wee cactus pincushion! I love it all, and a big YES to repeating outfits and elements of outfits. I hope you can escape to somewhere nice and warm soon, dear Vix!

    1. I knew you'd like that beetle brooch, Sheila! At the moment I'm all about skirts, cowboy boots, a blouse, a belt and a waistcoat, I like a formula! We've booked our escape...yay! xxx

  14. Love the label porn! Can’t beat a bit of it when the weather is bad. I’m a serial outfit repeater, I think it’s because I’m a bit lazy and I can’t be bothered sometimes lol. But I do love a good layering peice. Love and hugs Allie jane

    1. Hi Allie! I do love an old label especially if it's one I've not heard of before, I can waste an hour Googling it! I can be a lazy madam when it comes to my clothes, I quite like going away with a carry on bag and having no choice but to wear the same stuff on repeat. xxx

  15. I am quite comfortable with repeat wearing and sometimes all it takes is a different scarf or earrings to refresh it. With you mentioning you'd been blogging for 16 years, I wondered how long I have been. So I went to check (I have gone through several versions rather than one continuous blog) and I started my first one in Sept 2009 - which is 16 years ago!

    1. Get us, blogging twins! Sometimes just changing the way I wear my hair or wearing different earrings makes waring an old dress feel like a new one again! xxx

  16. I love that you're embracing wearing what feels right in the moment rather than stressing over new outfits every time! It’s so refreshing to hear someone confidently repeat pieces they love. That Anokhi maxi dress sounds like a great staple, and the addition of the 1960s suede waistcoat is such a cool touch. It’s so true, no one really notices or cares as much as we think they might! Also, finding vintage treasures for the Kinky stockroom sounds like the perfect way to spend a charity shop trip!

  17. Wow, isn't that a gorgeous vest! I love the outfit you put together in the dark. X

  18. Totally agree with you about wearing whatever I feel like!, so why not to wear same (or similar) outfit three times in a row?!. Love that maxi dress and love the colour combo in that second outfit, lots of interesting layers and such lovely accessories!
    I'm going to look for that book immediately, I'm in need of some political satire these days!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix