Monday 27 May 2024

I Could Be Wrong, I Could Be Right

People often think it's easy to find clothes in smaller sizes in charity shops...wrong! Yes, there's masses of XS dresses on the rails but they're mostly of the modern let it all hang out variety, micro minis or bodycon styles in nasty stretchy synthetics. Beautifully made vintage clothes that flatter rather than flaunt are few and far between so this Quad green velvet maxi we found in a charity shop last week is definitely a keeper. 

I wore it on Saturday night - minus the matching cape - along with the Thomas Fattorini & Sons Egyptian Revival necklace & bracelet Jon bought me for my 50th - and my super comfy Clarks platform boots.

We met up with Tony in The Black Country Arms for a couple of pints of Orbital pale ale before catching a taxi up to the Walsall Arena for a fantastic evening with national treasure, John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols). My dress got loads of love and, even more exciting, we bumped into several people we'd not been out with since the last century.

John was exactly as we'd hoped, a brilliant raconteur and wonderfully witty. As I'm sure you already know, he lost Nora, his beloved wife of 44 years, last year and spoke of how, on a couple of occasions, he'd been close to ending it all but he's since come to the conclusion that life is worth living (although he still sleeps with her ashes on the bedside table.)  Love you, John!

With a bag of donations to drop of, we popped down to the clearance charity shop on Sunday morning. Whilst I found a couple of cool things for the rails (a 1980s jumpsuit & a handkerchief hem hippy dress), Jon added to his own wardrobe with five fabulous retro print shirts....I think we need to book another holiday so he can wear them!

Several people complimented me on my dress which is actually two Indian block printed separates. I bought the skirt from Kharibu last spring and spotted the M.A.B.E. Athena blouse on Vinted for £12 last month (it's still on the website and priced at £95). 

 Our local Banardos had a cabinet full of Mango jewellery at a third of the retail price, here's just one of the pairs of earrings I snaffled.

Amazing, considering it's been a Bank Holiday weekend, the weather hasn't been half bad. Apart from a torrential downpour this afternoon, I was able to spend the last three days outside...hooray!

I've been more than warm enough in my off-the-shoulder top (old charity shop find) and 1970s India Imports of Rhode Island maxi skirt today and I kicked off my sandals and let the mud squelch between my toes. I love being barefoot!

I finally dragged Lord Jon away from the decorating to help price the menswear in the Kinky tent. It's starting to look good although it'll be much better once the floorings down and we've draped the sides and roof with fabric, I hate that horribly clinical expanse of white.

Last week we binged on Tokyo Vice (season 2) and Rebus....both gloriously dark, violent and scary. I'm not sure what's next..possibly Blue Lights, the first series scared us to death!

Thanks for reading, see you soon. 

PS - I promise to answer your comments & emails tomorrow, they're always very much appreciated!!


  1. The outfit looks very nice on you with the off-the-shoulder top.
    The story with Nora and John is touching.
    Love is magic, you always want to keep it.

    Have anice evening

    1. Thanks very much! I love an off-the-shoulder top and when the weather's warm enough to wear one. "Love is magic, you always want to keep it". What a wonderful quote! xxx


  2. I knew the dress would look wonderful on you! It was unusual to see you in yellow what a lovely outfit. Jon found some fab shirts, too. What an interesting evening with John Lydon; I was so sorry to hear about the loss of his partner of 44 years. Life is very cruel sometimes.

    I'd kill to have a rummage in the Kinky shed!

    1. Thanks, Vronni! I was so happy when I saw that the Quad dress and cape were my size, I'd have been spitting feathers if I'd have had to sell it! As a child I used to absolutely loathe yellow and never wore it as a blonde but I can't get enough of it, it looks particularly good in Greece, it must be the purity of the light.
      I think John Lydon's so brave for talking about Nora, you can tell that the grief is still so raw and several times he told members of the audience off for shouting while he was talking about he, asking them to show some respect, bless him.
      I love setting up the Kinky stall, I keep finding more stuff to add to the rails, I don't think we'll be able to get it all in the van at this rate. xxx

  3. How hard it is to lose your beloved partner.
    The yellow outfit looks great on you,
    I also liked John's shirts.
    I generally like your photos near flowers, great!!

  4. Blue Lights was excellent, also The Gathering. I'm warming to Rebus. You look fab in your dreamy green velvet dress. I really admired John Lyndon for caring so lovingly for his poor wife. Monsoon weather up here

    1. I thought it was you, Annie! I don't know The Gathering, I shall investigate further. I love how Rebus has been reimagined as a younger man, it's a really clever take on the books. I was a bit perplexed when he told Siobhan that he wasn't interested in music, in the books he's obsessed with it, isn't he?
      The love John had for Nora was beautiful, it must have been so hard for him coping with her dementia, mustn't it? xxx

  5. Vix this lady lives in my town and makes some fab earrings please check out her etsy shop

    1. Wow! What a stunning looking and talented woman. Thanks so much for that link, there's a few pairs of earrings I'm very tempted with - especially the cat ones! xxx

  6. Vix, what was the name of the guy that made the Doctor Who sweater again please? I cannot find where you told me it!
    Loving your yellow duo! So pretty and fun! You look cute with plaits!
    Hope the Kinky tent prep continues to go well! Kezzie xx

    1. Hello Kezzie! Hope weird, the comment I left on your blog about that designer seems to have vanished. I've commented on yesterday's post but check your spam folder as i'd left a couple of links to other things he's designed/knitted. xxx

  7. Great outfits. I hope you are keeping the cape that matches the dress. So gorgeous. I am sorry to hear about John Lyndon's dear wife. Nice to hear of the musicians who have long and successful marriages. Grief is so hard to live with.

    1. Thanks, Marjorie! Oh yes, that cape's staying with me. It must be so hard for John Lydon to carry on without Nora, I think him being able talk about her whilst he's touring is a tremendous help. xxx

  8. I did not know much about the post Sid Vicious days, so the John story is new to me. I can understand his pain. Your outfits always impress.

    1. Hello Sam. I did think of you and Siobhan when John spoke of his grief over his loss and was happy to hear that he was starting to find some joy in his life again. xxx

  9. Festival tent is looking good Vix, how many festivals are you doing this year? In charity or op-shopping I think its persistence. I haven't found much for ages, then I spotted a 70s Norma Tullo (Australian designer) maxi dress a couple of weeks ago and snapped it up for my niece. You gotta pounce when you see it, if you leave it to think about it then it's gone. I love the colour and length of your hair, looks great.

    1. Hello Diane! We're hoping to do four festivals this year, I'm still waiting for the final one to confirm (unless we did something unspeakable last year and they don't want us back!)
      You've just sent me down a Norma Tullo rabbithole, a designer I'm not familiar with. What a great find that dress was, your niece is going to be thrilled with your eagle eyes!
      I don't think my hair's ever been this long - I'm loving the length, it seems a lot better behaved the longer it gets! xxx

  10. The story about John and Nora is very touching. Glad you had a nice night out. X

    1. They had a wonderful relationship, Jess. It must be so hard for John to carry on without her, she was a force to be reckoned with. xxx

  11. That green velvet dress was slways destined for you.
    I didn't know anything about John Lydon, but it seems like he's lead an interesting life. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules! I was tempted to wear the matching cloak but it was quite warm on Saturday night so I left it for another night!
      Jon was a punk back in the day so John Lydon's always been a huge hero of his. One of the most fascinating facts about him is that he outed Jimmy Saville in an interview in 1978 and ended up being banned by the BBC - if only they'd have listened! xxx

  12. You look fab in the green velvet dress knew you would. How poignant about John Lydon sleeping with Nora's ashes on the bedside cabinet, so touching. All your stock is looking wonderful and I love Jon's new to him shirts. You will definitely need to go on another sunny break soon. We are just loving Tokyo Vice and Rebus my husband thinks Blue Lights is great too but not my cup of tea. We also watch Responder but very depressing with great acting. Thanks once again for a great post. Regards Sue H

    1. Thanks so much, Sue. JL spoke with such love for Nora. When he dies we wants their ashes combined and scattered beneath a pear tree, a fruit they both loved but could never find a decent pear in the USA (where he lives).
      Tokyo Vice and Rebus were so good, I hope the BBC commission a new series of both. Much as I admire Martin Freeman, I can't bring myself to watch The Responder, it does look depressing! xxx

  13. Just love the bottle green dress, what a fab find. How interesting to go and listen to John Lyndon. He is great and so sharp. His long marriage to Nora was so lovely and I found it so sad when she died. I am glad he is carrying on. I must say your hair is looking gorgeous. Love the ombre look.

    1. Thanks, Carole! I love those "in conversation" events, they really are fascinating, aren't they? John & Nora had a fantastically strong relationship, I'm glad he's finding a little joy in life now, the last few years with her dementia must have been so hard on him.
      I think that Kefalonian sunshine has helped lighten my hair! xxx

  14. I can imagine an evening with John Lydon being very entertaining! I felt so sorry for him when he lost his wife. They seemed like such a devoted couple.
    Love the Quad dress and your M.A.B.E/Kharibu combo.
    Well done on the Glasto preps. The store's looking fabulous!
    We're discovering and loving Rebus too. We watched an old documentary on Rankin when we were in Cardiff. When he was researching his first book (I think), he went into a local police station to ask if anyone could help him with his research into child killers, not realising that two girls had recently gone missing in the area. One was Susan Maxwell. He became their prime suspect and said it was the most harrowing experience of his life! xxx

    1. It was an excellent evening, Claire. I'm tempted with both Huey Morgan and Bez, which are later in the year. It's a great venue, too.
      Rebus was such a good watch, I bet Edinburgh will be more popular than ever after that series, the cinematography is stunning.
      Goodness me, I didn't know that fact about Ian Rankin. He's a lovely chap. I'd love to see his band, The Fun Lovin' Crime Writers, they nearly always play Glasto but it's never at a good time for us to see them! xxx

    2. Love Huey Morgan. We saw Fun Lovin' Criminals years ago. He's another raconteur. x

    3. I love his 6Music show! xxx

  15. Green velvet looks so rich and sumptuous doesn't it.

    1. It does Cherie! I love all velvet but green's definitely got the edge. xxx

  16. Wow, that green velvet looks lush, and a perfect fit. I do like your hair in the half plaited look, it really suits you. I'm still binge-watching Silent Witness, I think that Rebus is next on my list. Although I am also watching a few of the first series of Dexter whenever I want to watch something less than two hours in length ... it's still as gory but shorter.

    1. Thanks so much, Sue! Jon did well spotting that green dress, didn't he? I've got him well trained!
      We rewatched Silent Witness during lockdown. Rebus is fab, so interesting to see him portrayed as a young man rather than the cynical older chap in the books. Have you seen Tokyo Vice? That's an incredible watch, too. xxx

  17. Thanks for sharing that video. He also recently, and suddenly, lost his best friend, who I saw standing guard at the side of the stage at the last two PiL shows I saw in Toronto. Very dark days I'm glad to see him out speaking again. And speaking out again no doubt!
    That green dress is so fantastic on you. And you're giving me hair envy..

    1. Hello Stephanie and thanks for the hair and dress compliments! I must have been on the same wavelength as Johnny was wearing velvet trousers! It was a fantastic evening. What a tough year with John Lydon mosing both Nora and his best mate, Rambo. He talked about some of the misadventures Rambo and him were involved in, including how it was Rambo's idea for John to advertise British butter - possibly one of the most surreal advertising campaigns in the history of British TV! xxx

    2. Ha! too funny-I've seen those ads and I always thought they were hilarious. Once in awhile I'll go down the rabbit hole of John Lydon interviews on youtube~non stop thought provoking quality entertainment!
      Matching velvet-that's perfect. Really glad you had a great evening :)

    3. I'm very tempted to book for Huey Morgan next, he seems equally opinionated and good fun! xxx

  18. There's been a distinct lack of beautiful made clothes, vintage or otherwise, in our chazzas lately, and I am definitely hearing you on the "let it all hang out" variety. Ugh!
    That Quad dress is so very you, and looks fantastic with the Egyptian Revival necklace! And I actually gasped when I saw the yellow Kharibu skirt and M.A.B.E. Athena blouse combo. That's wearable sunshine, that is! The Mango earrings were a great find as well, as were Jon's haul of retro print shirts.
    I was saddened to hear about John's Nora passing away last year. Kudos to him for coping with her Alzheimer's all those years and caring for her until the end. I think it's very touching that he's still sleeping with her ashes on his bedside table. xxx

    1. The rails at this time of year are atrocious, I don't know why they bother with racks of misshapen tee shirts, they'd be better off dumping them in the rag bag and cutting their losses!
      Funnily enough two of the assistants in Superdrug called me wearable sunshine when I popped in to restock on my Barry M! Great minds and all that.
      Yes, John Lydon and Nora had a beautiful relationship, the last few years must have been so hard for him. xxx

  19. Wait, you worn the green dress with out the cape? IT HAS A CAPE???????????????

  20. I'm so glad you kept the velvet medieval dress for yourself, Vix - it's stunning on you! It's tough to find good quality vintage in ANY sizes, whether that's XS or XL. There is so much crap on the rails at the thrift shops these days!

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I was so pleased that dress & cloak were my size, I'd have taken an instant dislike to the person who bought it off me if it hadn't fitted!
      I usually go straight to the plus size rail in charity shops, there's often a kaftan I can chop up if nothing else! xxx

  21. I had forgotten how good the Sex Pistols music was - what a great night you must have had. Green dress has the most beautiful sleeves - the sort of thing wicked witches and snow queens would wear! wondered why you don't do the hair bun and sock trick with your hair any more? I liked the up-do! It's getting very hard to find anything vintage these days - everyone knows what they are selling - which makes the hunt even more fun! Betty

    1. I remember The Sex Pistols on TOTP back in 1977, they were like a breath of fresh air after all that self-indulgent prog rock twaddle!
      I can see myself wandering around a forest with my horned festival headdress and that green dress and cloak although I'll probably need industrial wellies of this rain doesn't stop soon!
      I'd forgotten about the sock thing! xxx

  22. p.s. Blue Light is gripping, we are really enjoying the latest.

    1. That's good to know, we loved the first series.
      I'm so excited about Race Across the World tonight, the young lads or Betty & James to win! xxx

  23. Looking fabulous as ever Vix. Love your blog, reading about all your amazing finds and adventures, brightens my day!

    1. Awww, thanks so much Trisha, that's really sweet of you. xxx

  24. Wow, that Quad velvet maxi is Gorgeous and fits you like a dream!, looking Fabulous!. Sorry to hear that small sizes are so hard to find in charities, same happens when I look for plus sized clothes for me (& friends!), everything is shapeless and/or low quality!
    I'm in love with that 'fake dress' in yellow, such a magnificent ensemble!
    Your stall is looking really fantastic, so many colours and appealing details!.
    And Jon's latest finds look really fabulous, totally into a summery mood!

    1. Thanks, Monica! Our charity shops are full of plus sized clothes, lots handmade from West African waxed cotton and loads of ethnic kaftans, usually far better quality than the skinny fast fashion rubbish in my size! Maybe we need to do a house swap!! xxx

  25. Thank you, Vix, for sharing John' Lydon's conclusion that life is worth slogging onward, even when one must find a solo path among the remnants of another time. Always something interesting to look at, and if we're lucky, something to smile at! And thank you for reminding me that *pink* lightens and brightens an orange print: lovely combo, that off-the-shoulder top with India Imports skirt!

    1. Thanks, Beth. I was so glad to hear John Lydon say that he'd decided that life was worth living. He's obviously still heartbroken from the death of his wife but I think the universal love he's getting from his fans is offering him a crumb of comfort.
      Isn't it strange how that dusky pink works with those earthy colours? xxx

  26. Charity shops are a labyrinth. Finding quality second hand clothes isn't easy, no matter the size. I'm sure it's just as challenging for smaller sizes, especially as more fast fashion leftovers invades charity shops. It helps to have a good eye, as I'm sure you do.

    These are absolutely gorgeous outfits. The first maxi dress makes me think of Morgana or some other pagan sorceress. The second Indian block print combo is stunning. I love how the yellow block print blouse matches the skirt. Such a great combo!
    Off shoulder blouse paired with a maxi skirt is another winning combo.

    Keep rocking on!!!!

    1. Hi Ivana thanks very much! The quality of most charity shop clothing seems to be universally dodgy but the styles available in larger sizes tend to be nicer than the smaller sizes - probably because I much prefer voluminous clothing to skin tight stuff! xxx

  27. I just listened to a podcast this week with John Lydon I have to say I agree with you he's an incredibly human being his love and care for Nora were so moving. I love Jon's new shirts the pair of you have such a good eye for these things. The velvet dress and cape are just wow and I'm so jealous of your cowboy boots from your last post.

    1. John Lydon really is a special person, his love for Nora was really moving. I never fail to be amazed by what turns up secondhand. xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix