Sunday started, as it usually does, with mugs of tea in bed and an hour or so of reading. Breakfast was toast eaten whilst watching the Sophie Rayworth Show.
My elderly PC had packed up during the week and it turned out to be unfixable so we'd had to splash out on a fancy new one and, with a monitor, keyboard and mouse now surplus to requirements, we drove down to the clearance charity shop to drop them off. Pickings were slim but Jon managed to get some decent retro sportswear which I washed when we got back.
I wore my Dilli Grey Isabel dress - previously seen with Superga plimsols and sunglasses, wandering the labrythyne lanes of Altea - this time with Frye Campus boots and hair that hadn't been washed for over a week. I'm so excited to see my daffs - Spring felt so far away when I planted them last October.
After wrapping the weekend eBay sales I settled down in the lounge with Stephen propped up on the settee opposite and cracked on with the book I'd started earlier, The Pyramid by Henning Mankell, a collection of short stories featuring everyone's favourite Swedish detective, Kurt Wallander. My nails are painted with Barry M's Denim, a favourite shade they discontinued years ago, my friend Nikki kindly gave me a bottle she'd hardly used.
After a tea of veggie sausages, poached eggs, garden peas and sweet potato wedges we watched the rest of The Witchfinder, the BBC comedy starring Daisy May Cooper and Tim Key. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped but an entertaining watch nonetheless.
It was a frosty start to Monday morning and already light when I got up at just after 6am. After putting away the previous day's laundry I did my Wii Fit workout and used my hand weights for the first time in months as my Tennis Elbow finally seemed to have healed.
Jon was up early as he'd booked to take the works' van in for a service. There was no fruit for breakfast so I had crumpets slathered with butter. Jon emailed me a photo of the cooked breakfast he'd treated himself to whilst he was waiting. He's back on the meat!
I ironed, photographed and listed some Spring stock on eBay and was just finishing up when Jon got back. He collected the parcels, did a post office run and popped into the supermarket on the way back.
It was a glorious afternoon, dazzlingly sunny and deliciously warm. Whilst Jon did some work on Gilbert I did some pruning and tidying in the garden, thrilled by the burgeoning signs of Spring. Don't believe those weirdo bloggers who deny climate change, you've only got to open your eyes and see for yourself how much earlier things are blooming.
Wardrobe-wise, its a Dilli Grey kind of a week, Monday was the turn of the Komal maxi skirt, teamed with a 1970s Ayesha Davar shirred cheesecloth blouse and a vintage embroidered Kashmiri belt.
We had grilled haloumi with roasted veg for tea accompanied with a bottle of beer and spent the evening catching up with ITV's tremendously stylish remake of The Ipcress File and got very excited spotting some of the stock we'd sold to the costume department. Its a fantastic watch even if the constant ad breaks drive you daft!
Tuesday got off to another frosty start and the sun streaming through the windows meant Jon was up early for the second day on the trot. After my Wii Fit workout I washed my yoga mat for the first time (I've owned it for over 15 years - what a slattern!) and hung it on the line before breakfast.
We drove over to our favourite Black Country town for a spot of charity shopping and, as it was so quiet, we didn't wear masks (but had them ready just in case). Our finds included: a 1980s Scottish-made wool jumper, a 1970s leather framed handbag by Littlewoods, a 1970s lace blouse, a Jones the Bootmaker mustard leather clutch bag, a split-front dobby cotton kurta by Indya, a 1980s floral jumpsuit, a 1970s pinafore dress, a 1970s all-wool midi skirt by Jaeger and a 1970s knife pleat midi dress.
As most days, Ollie Puss popped in for lunch and stayed for seconds....and thirds.
More Dilli Grey! This time I wore my hand embroidered kantha jacket made from vintage velvet and found on eBay, along with a vintage Afghan dress and Mum's Biba boots.
A few of you asked where we intended to put our newly acquired Victorian japaned cabinet. In truth we bought it because we loved it without any thought to where it would go. At the moment it's out of harm's way in the bathroom (like my friend Betty suggested) but it's not ideal. I liked Flis's idea of wall mounting it so maybe we'll do that when we finally get round to decorating the middle room (aka the dumping ground).
I meant to buy some black gloss to touch up the rough bits when we popped into Wilko on Sunday but got distracted by bird food and completely forgot.
As with my wardrobe, our house is constantly evolving with our charity shop acquisitions. As I was giving the bathroom shelves a wipe over I took a few photos. I bought this 1940s Edith A Andrews framed print, The Blue Butterfly, back in August last year and the terrarium was purchased from the clearance chazza back in January. I'm forever picking up pinecones as souvenirs from National Trust visits.
The Norman Parkinson print was another recent find as was the fake aloe vera plant (I can't get on with live ones, they always die on me!) If you've been following my blog for a while you'll know that I've used Superdrug's Vitamin E Radiance Moisturiser for decades however, during lockdown, disaster struck and I couldn't get hold of any - it turns out that it had been discontinued. I've been using Superdrug's Retinol Day and Night cream instead and while I'm not daft enough to believe that something you buy off the shelf is going to make a radical difference to your skin, after months of regular use I can see (and feel) a definite difference in the tone and texture. It's not as cheap as my beloved Vitamin E stuff but they often have it on offer (it's half price at the moment) and, like my old favourite, it's vegan friendly.
***Updated especially for my dear friend, Lynn. The box frame (from a charity shop) is filled with Indian cinema ticket stubs from the dying days of the Raj, a quirky joblot Jon found on eBay many years ago. The big cat was a present from Lynn & Philip after we lost Frank and the Siamese duo - from Disney's Lady & the Tramp - were my Mum's when she was a child.
Here's another sign of Spring - Jacob's out of hibernation and has spent the last two afternoons in the garden, basking in the sunshine!
After a more strenuous afternoon in the garden than I intended, this post is glorious brain & eye candy, thank you so much for entertaining me as I grumble about achey muscles and getting older π€ͺ
Sorry about your PC - hope you have a good backup regime and the demise did not cause you to lose data.
Lovely to see Oliver continues to turn up, he's looking very well fed and sleek. His nose and mouth are hypnotically stunning, I am slightly in love.
What fun to see some of your sales on The Ipress Files.
It's very tempting to go mad in the garden when the sun makes an appearance, isn't it? I hope you treat yourself to a glass of something and a lazy evening and don't ache too much. Switching all the information over was surprisingly straightforward, I was dreading it! Nothing lost - phew! Oliver is such a pretty boy, I'm mesemerised by his peachy coloured fur and tawny brown nose. Jon was within touching distance earlier, I'm hoping we can tame him. xxx
Thanks very much, Lulu! I'll grab him eventually (Ollie, not Jon), he's getting less skittish the fatter he gets! I only washed the yoga mat after I accidentally rolled it out over some cat sick I hadn't noticed, the housework's gone out of the window now we're not in lockdown anymore! xxx
Jacob! I love that guy and so happy to see him back. Careful calling anyone a weirdo blogger, I got banned from ever commenting on someone's blog for being snarky ( and probably rude) in a comment on someone else's blog and she deduced it was her. I didn't like being called a bully for calling out nonsense, but I've stayed clear! My daughter and I plan to do some thrifting. I'm looking for shelving, and perhaps a warm spring jacket to replace the one I donated by losing in Washington.
Yay! I'm always happy when Jacob wakes up, too! I was reading some blogs I don't usually follow so I'm sure the weirdo writers don't even know I exist, I'm the kind of person they loathe - a cheerful, left-leaning, anti-Brexit vegetarian. You've got such a gracious way of utting your point of view across, that person who blocked you sounds like an out and out nutter. Good luck with your thrifting! xxx
Always lovely to see some Dilli Grey pieces rocking!, you look fabulous in them!, the dress is so beautiful, the skirt is totally my kind of thing and the jacket looks simply perfect over that dress!. Really cheering up my day!.
Your garden is looking really springy and the weather is going bananas everywhere. We're having a southern wind which bring us some Sahara dust! (something that rarely happens and Never in the winter!). besos
Thanks so much, Monica! I do love my Dilli Grey pieces, they fit into my wardrobe and life perfectly! Sahara dust! I remember we had some of that blowing in years ago and the car was covered in sand despite being miles and miles from the sea! xxx
Housework and my own garden were regularly tackled during lockdown, and looked better for it, however work and life have taken presidence! How exciting seeing your stock on TVπ! Hope Ollie Puss will agree to being a "kept cat" I know he'd be well cared for!
I think we all welcomed that bit of routine when the world outside was spiralling out of control, I can't seem to find the time to stay on top of it any more! I hope Olloe Puss learns to be a kept cat, he's gradually getting braver but it may take some time before we can touch him. xxx
You're certainly rocking your Dilli Grey garments, and that Isabel dress looks as fabulous back in Walsall as it did in Altea. My favourite outfit, though, is the Komal maxi skirt worn with the cheesecloth blouse and stunning belt! We've had a couple of balmy and - more importantly - dry days for once, so I've been tidying up in the garden as well. I can't believe the growth in our perennials: we've got Lupins, delphiniums and Oriental Poppies showing more than just signs of life. Surely that can't be right? I'm loving the peek into your bathroom and I'm sure you'll find the perfect spot for hour new purchase eventually. We have a rule that we are not leaving a shop with a purchase unless we know exactly where to put it. Not that it would help if we saw something really amazing like that cabinet! Seeing your terrarium reminded me of one we inherited with the house and which is now wasting away somewhere in the basement. Not sure if we can risk having it on display with Rascal Bess around ... xxx
Thanks, Ann! I dithered about the Komal skirt for weeks, now barely a week goes by when I don't wear it! I'm glad you're sharing this wonderful weather. I've checked my blog and everything is definiyely a lot earlier this year - I never normally see my candytuft until April and the agapanthus has already started shooting up. How people say there's no such thing as climate change is beyond me. We try to be disciplined like you and Jos but sometimes things are just too good to pass by, aren't they? I'm getting used to the cabinet in the bathroom now but I think it would be better elsewhere. I seem to remember your terrarium but its probably wise to keep it away from Bess the Terror! xxx
How lovely to see Jacob again! I hope he's fully rested...
You've definitely been having a Dilli Grey week - all of it lovely. I love the skirt in particular.
I'm a bit worried about your lovely cabinet in the bathroom; don't get it wet whatever you do! It would look fab wherever you put it. I hear you on the Aloe Vera plant. I can't keep a Fittonia alive; I'm currently on my 3rd!
Lovely finds at the chazza. I'm sorry to hear Superdrug discontinued your face cream; it's so annoying when that happens. I'm hoping to buy some more Elizabeth Arden cream on the ferry to Ireland - they usually do a special offer of 2 for 26.00 which lasts me about 6 months. They didn't have any when we went in September and what I had bought on my previous visit in 2020 had long run out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
We're going to start watching 'The Ipcress File; this evening.
Thanks, Vronni! Jacob's had a lovely long snooze. He loved his two days in the garden with the sun on his shell. I'm just as bad with Fittonias, I murdered my last one. I'm quite impressed with the fake plants that keep turning up in charity shops - at least I can't kill them. I shall probbaly move that cabinet eventually when the right spot occurs to me. I'm so boring when it comes to skincare, I use the same things for years and years, it's a nightmare when they're discontinued. I hope you get your Elizabeth Arden cream on the ferry - that sounds like a great deal. We're loving The Ipcress File, two more episodes to go. xxx
Lovely to see Stephen sitting like a pasha while you read. I always love seeing your finds in the thrifts, and what you do with them in your home. I also buy things without real thought to where they will go - if I love them, they come home!
Jacob's very impressed with the warm welcome, can't you tell? Thank goodness there's someone out there as impulsive as me - no wishlists or discipline - see it, love it, buy it - figure the rest out later! xxx
Hello Vix, lovely to see Spring arriving in your garden and a little early. I felt the same down here last Spring (can't tell some people). Good to see Jacob again after his Winter hibernation out and enjoying the sunshine. Those Dilli Grey garments were made with you in mind , you wear them so well.Enjoy your Spring. xx
Thanks, Jill! It's patently obvious that our seasons are shifting but some folks won't be told. I am enjoying this early show of coilour so much though! xxx
Jacob is huge! he must be very old (50?) he's a sure sign spring is sprung. Black cabinet looks good with the paintings you have around it. Poor old Ollie Puss, he looks so sad and worried, I think he's yours now, he knows which side his bread's buttered. I agree with you Seasons have changed, you only have to look outside at the woods here to know that bluebells are coming early (green shoots up) and birds are busy nesting.
Jacob is nearly 50, wqe'll have to have a party when he is! Ollie Puss has a perpetually worried look on his face, he's getting a bit more trusting though, Jon was almost within touching distance yesterday. I noticed a few of our bluebells were up and the wild garlic is, too. xxx
I was relieved that I'd drafted my travel posts! I'm so excited to find a compnay with such good ethics and beautiful clothing, it fills an Anokhi shaped hole min my life until I'm able to get back to India. I shall varnish that cabinet over the weekend just to make doubly sure its watertight and hopefully we'll get it re-sited when we've sorted out the middle room! I love The Flaming Lips! xxx
My daughter in law has a tortoise. I can't believe how big her poos are!! Lovely selection of dresses and those clogs you found were amazing. Have a great week Vix x
Thanks for mentioning the Ipcress file. I have watched the first episode and enjoyed it. I haven't had a tele for years but do subscribe to BritBox. I watched it through that. No adverts. Do you have it? I liked the filming and kept wondering about the clothes that you sold to the company.I had a suit like the girl's blue one. Same style but mine was lemon boucle. I had to save up for that! I often look what you have been watching, then see if I can find it.The 60's was my time and I recognise some of the brands that you buy.I used to work for Brindley's in Derby. Oh you should have seen the rush for Polly Peck, Dolly Rockers dresses and any ornaments etc from Sweden.Also when the first tights came in .Berkeley actually did some with bees embroidered on the knees. Expensive.Some customers had boxes of Aristoc stockings kept by for them. They were not only sized by the foot but also leg length.I can still remember one customer by her stocking size and colour Calvados, haha. Used to wear that colour myself. Love your blog ,its always interesting.
Hello Caz, lovely to hear from you! We were really impressed with The Ipcress File even though the ads were annoying, the attention to period detail was superb. I bet your lemon suit was gorgeous, I loved her blue one. I'd have loved to have time-travelled to Brindley's! I'm wearing a Dollyrockers dress today and wore a Polly Peck one last week and love a bit of Scandi design, especially the glassware. I bet the advent of tights after years of stockings were so liberating! I remember my Mum telling me about those bee tights. I've come across some of those vintage stockings by Aristoc before and was most perplexed about the sizing, I ended up selling them to a film comapny. Fancy remembering that customer, you must have been a fabulous sales assistant! xxx
Isn't it great seeing (and feeling) signs of Spring? I'm sure you'll have that cabinet ship shape and in position very soon. Your Norman Parkinson print looks perfect in amongst your toiletries. I was given an Aloe Vera plant a few months ago and rarely water it. So far, so good, but I'll report back. Ollie Puss is looking very vigilant in that photo. Is Stephen any more tolerant? Fred (Gareth's tortoise) is also awake and slowly edging into the 2022! xxx
I was going to ask if Fred has shown any sign of waking up yet. Stephen's still evil, fangs out and growling like a demon when he spots Ollie and he charges up the garden like a demented racehorse if Kitty from next door dares to pay us a visit, I swear he gets worse as he ages! xxx
I'm pleased that Jacob is awake again-I don't know anything about tortoise but I would be worried whilst he was hibernating and want to keep peeping to check he was breathing x
We can still get snow at this time of year, but there's signs of life if I look carefully. The gardeners were out mowing the still brown grass today!!! Good to see Jacob emerging well rested.
Spring is definitely on its way and so is my Dilli Grey dress this morning, yippee. It’s lovely to see Jacob again. How old is he now, I’ve forgotten. The cabinet looks well in the bathroom. Can you show us a picture of the display box with the tickets in at the back of it. You are feeding me with ideas. xxx
Jacob is looking confused after waking up from hibernation. Lovely to see him again, I must admit that I almost forgot about him. :) Nice to see Stephen and Ollie cat as well. Your Isabel dress is stunning.
I bought a skirt from the chazza when you were's down to your posts here that I recognised the Anokhi label when I looked at it back at home. I picked it out for the kantha stitching and colours. Arilx
I love your house, it is full of light and collected items you obviously love! The glass vases in the window are a nice touch! I also love that big cat being sneaky in the garden!
I haven't watched The Ipcress Files yet but I will over the weekend, how lovely to spot some of your items being worn.
Oh look at Jacob, so lovely. I used to have tortoises as a child, but they never lasted long, not so much was known about their care back in the day sadly, but we all wanted them because Blue Peter had them. Then a stuffed tortoise was donated to the charity shop I managed and I totally freaked out when I unpacked it from a box ... I thought it was ceramic until I touched it. The horror of someone having their pet stuffed and then donating it to a charity shop made me phobic about these lovely creatures for quite a few years.
I think I need to cuddle Jacob to finally get me over my phobia :-)
The Ipcress File is wonderful, so stylish and well acted, you'll love it! I got Jacob in 1974 - a present from my grandparents, my brother also had one but he ran off a few weeks later. As I live in the avenue I grew up on I still think he might be somewhere in the vicinity! That stuffed tortoise sounds horrific - what a vile surprise. Jacob's really sweet, he loves being tickled under the chin but beware being barefoot if you've painted your toenails red - he thinks they're strawberries and tried to bite them! xxx
Ah, spring flowers! The first robin bobbin' on the lawn! The first ant on the kitchen counter...the first crop of cones marking the rim-wrecking potholes... No matter whether the omens bid fair or foul, spring is welcome! * Delighted to see Jacob emerging. Hope he and Ollie Puss (and what a puss) are compatible.
It's so exciting to see all these signs of Spring - birds building nests, the squirrel ransacking the bird feeder and Jacob getting wedged beneath my computer desk! xxx
It must be spring if Jacob is out and about! Poor Ollie cat always looks slightly cranky. I'm glad he's well fed though. We are finally getting some spring-like weather here and I can't believe how loud the birds are in the mornings. No flowers blooming yet.
I hope Spring's here to stay, it does have a nasty habit of snowing when we least expect it! There's little to beat birdsong although sometimes they do start indecently early! xxx
So good to see Jacob! Stephen looks content and poor Ollie looks like he needs to be less Anxious, Bless him! Perhaps more great Meals will make him a more Trusting Kitty, one never knows their Back Story and Patience is something they appreciate when they're not quite Calm around us Humans yet. I do Hope Spring stays, we've been having crazy weather, Hot one day and Cold the next... Spring and Winter fighting one another for whose gonna dominate.
Jon's almost within touching distance of Ollie now. The neighbours have managed to get him inside their kitchen but he spits and hisses at them if they attempt to get too close. I think he's a proper feral cat, his body shape isn't the same as a domestic cat, he's very squat! xxx
Loved The Ipcress File, I hope they redo a few more of the Harry Palmer stories, Jon Cole is perfectly cast. The moisturiser has clear instructions on the packaging about sun protection - mind you, I doubt there's a high retinol content with it being on general sale on Superdrug's shelves. I was fine in the intense sunshine in Rhodes last year with my factor 30 on top! xxx
After a more strenuous afternoon in the garden than I intended, this post is glorious brain & eye candy, thank you so much for entertaining me as I grumble about achey muscles and getting older π€ͺ
ReplyDeleteSorry about your PC - hope you have a good backup regime and the demise did not cause you to lose data.
Lovely to see Oliver continues to turn up, he's looking very well fed and sleek. His nose and mouth are hypnotically stunning, I am slightly in love.
What fun to see some of your sales on The Ipress Files.
It's very tempting to go mad in the garden when the sun makes an appearance, isn't it? I hope you treat yourself to a glass of something and a lazy evening and don't ache too much.
DeleteSwitching all the information over was surprisingly straightforward, I was dreading it! Nothing lost - phew!
Oliver is such a pretty boy, I'm mesemerised by his peachy coloured fur and tawny brown nose. Jon was within touching distance earlier, I'm hoping we can tame him. xxx
^^^ I am sure with secondsies and thirdsies, the beast will be tamed Vix! :)
ReplyDeleteππ€©π Love the pictures of you in your Komal skirt and black top ππ€©π How exciting to see your stock in the Ipcress Files! Haha, that is a very naughty, but tasty looking breakfast that Jon sent you. I have never ever washed my yoga matt - but then again I never actually do yoga on it ;) xXx
Thanks very much, Lulu! I'll grab him eventually (Ollie, not Jon), he's getting less skittish the fatter he gets!
DeleteI only washed the yoga mat after I accidentally rolled it out over some cat sick I hadn't noticed, the housework's gone out of the window now we're not in lockdown anymore! xxx
Jacob! I love that guy and so happy to see him back. Careful calling anyone a weirdo blogger, I got banned from ever commenting on someone's blog for being snarky ( and probably rude) in a comment on someone else's blog and she deduced it was her. I didn't like being called a bully for calling out nonsense, but I've stayed clear! My daughter and I plan to do some thrifting. I'm looking for shelving, and perhaps a warm spring jacket to replace the one I donated by losing in Washington.
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm always happy when Jacob wakes up, too!
DeleteI was reading some blogs I don't usually follow so I'm sure the weirdo writers don't even know I exist, I'm the kind of person they loathe - a cheerful, left-leaning, anti-Brexit vegetarian.
You've got such a gracious way of utting your point of view across, that person who blocked you sounds like an out and out nutter.
Good luck with your thrifting! xxx
Always lovely to see some Dilli Grey pieces rocking!, you look fabulous in them!, the dress is so beautiful, the skirt is totally my kind of thing and the jacket looks simply perfect over that dress!. Really cheering up my day!.
ReplyDeleteYour garden is looking really springy and the weather is going bananas everywhere. We're having a southern wind which bring us some Sahara dust! (something that rarely happens and Never in the winter!).
Thanks so much, Monica! I do love my Dilli Grey pieces, they fit into my wardrobe and life perfectly!
DeleteSahara dust! I remember we had some of that blowing in years ago and the car was covered in sand despite being miles and miles from the sea! xxx
Housework and my own garden were regularly tackled during lockdown, and looked better for it, however work and life have taken presidence! How exciting seeing your stock on TVπ! Hope Ollie Puss will agree to being a "kept cat" I know he'd be well cared for!
ReplyDeleteI think we all welcomed that bit of routine when the world outside was spiralling out of control, I can't seem to find the time to stay on top of it any more!
DeleteI hope Olloe Puss learns to be a kept cat, he's gradually getting braver but it may take some time before we can touch him. xxx
I remember being a kid and virtually everyone had a pet tortoise. Now they are a real rarity and so expensive to buy
ReplyDeleteI know! I had Jacob in 1975 so he's doing spectacularly well! My brother had one at the same time and he ran off! xxx
DeleteYou're certainly rocking your Dilli Grey garments, and that Isabel dress looks as fabulous back in Walsall as it did in Altea. My favourite outfit, though, is the Komal maxi skirt worn with the cheesecloth blouse and stunning belt!
ReplyDeleteWe've had a couple of balmy and - more importantly - dry days for once, so I've been tidying up in the garden as well. I can't believe the growth in our perennials: we've got Lupins, delphiniums and Oriental Poppies showing more than just signs of life. Surely that can't be right?
I'm loving the peek into your bathroom and I'm sure you'll find the perfect spot for hour new purchase eventually. We have a rule that we are not leaving a shop with a purchase unless we know exactly where to put it. Not that it would help if we saw something really amazing like that cabinet! Seeing your terrarium reminded me of one we inherited with the house and which is now wasting away somewhere in the basement. Not sure if we can risk having it on display with Rascal Bess around ... xxx
Thanks, Ann! I dithered about the Komal skirt for weeks, now barely a week goes by when I don't wear it!
DeleteI'm glad you're sharing this wonderful weather. I've checked my blog and everything is definiyely a lot earlier this year - I never normally see my candytuft until April and the agapanthus has already started shooting up. How people say there's no such thing as climate change is beyond me.
We try to be disciplined like you and Jos but sometimes things are just too good to pass by, aren't they? I'm getting used to the cabinet in the bathroom now but I think it would be better elsewhere.
I seem to remember your terrarium but its probably wise to keep it away from Bess the Terror! xxx
How lovely to see Jacob again! I hope he's fully rested...
ReplyDeleteYou've definitely been having a Dilli Grey week - all of it lovely. I love the skirt in particular.
I'm a bit worried about your lovely cabinet in the bathroom; don't get it wet whatever you do! It would look fab wherever you put it. I hear you on the Aloe Vera plant. I can't keep a Fittonia alive; I'm currently on my 3rd!
Lovely finds at the chazza. I'm sorry to hear Superdrug discontinued your face cream; it's so annoying when that happens. I'm hoping to buy some more Elizabeth Arden cream on the ferry to Ireland - they usually do a special offer of 2 for 26.00 which lasts me about 6 months. They didn't have any when we went in September and what I had bought on my previous visit in 2020 had long run out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
We're going to start watching 'The Ipcress File; this evening.
Have a great week,
Thanks, Vronni! Jacob's had a lovely long snooze. He loved his two days in the garden with the sun on his shell.
DeleteI'm just as bad with Fittonias, I murdered my last one. I'm quite impressed with the fake plants that keep turning up in charity shops - at least I can't kill them. I shall probbaly move that cabinet eventually when the right spot occurs to me.
I'm so boring when it comes to skincare, I use the same things for years and years, it's a nightmare when they're discontinued. I hope you get your Elizabeth Arden cream on the ferry - that sounds like a great deal.
We're loving The Ipcress File, two more episodes to go. xxx
Jacob's awake! Welcome back to the world, lad!
ReplyDeleteLovely to see Stephen sitting like a pasha while you read. I always love seeing your finds in the thrifts, and what you do with them in your home. I also buy things without real thought to where they will go - if I love them, they come home!
Fabulous outfits as always.
Jacob's very impressed with the warm welcome, can't you tell?
DeleteThank goodness there's someone out there as impulsive as me - no wishlists or discipline - see it, love it, buy it - figure the rest out later! xxx
We still have patches of snow on ground.
ReplyDeleteCoffee is on and stay safe
It's not usual for us to have snow as late as May - but I'm hoping we don't! xxx
DeleteHello Vix, lovely to see Spring arriving in your garden and a little early. I felt the same down here last Spring (can't tell some people).
ReplyDeleteGood to see Jacob again after his Winter hibernation out and enjoying the sunshine.
Those Dilli Grey garments were made with you in mind , you wear them so well.Enjoy your Spring. xx
Thanks, Jill! It's patently obvious that our seasons are shifting but some folks won't be told. I am enjoying this early show of coilour so much though! xxx
DeleteJacob is huge! he must be very old (50?) he's a sure sign spring is sprung. Black cabinet looks good with the paintings you have around it. Poor old Ollie Puss, he looks so sad and worried, I think he's yours now, he knows which side his bread's buttered. I agree with you Seasons have changed, you only have to look outside at the woods here to know that bluebells are coming early (green shoots up) and birds are busy nesting.
ReplyDeleteJacob is nearly 50, wqe'll have to have a party when he is!
DeleteOllie Puss has a perpetually worried look on his face, he's getting a bit more trusting though, Jon was almost within touching distance yesterday.
I noticed a few of our bluebells were up and the wild garlic is, too. xxx
glad the computer blow up did´t stopped your blogging!
ReplyDeletelove all the dilli gray galore going on here - the clothes are so very beautiful and the company sounds so sensible - and the style is so very vix :-D
the paper machΓ© cabinet is indeed not ideal in a wet room.....but a perfect excuse for fixing the dining room finally - says the one who waits since 10 years for her´s.....its still a storege/dumping ground/workshop!
cute cat pics of stephen and ollie <3
thanx for the music - it really made my day!!
I was relieved that I'd drafted my travel posts!
DeleteI'm so excited to find a compnay with such good ethics and beautiful clothing, it fills an Anokhi shaped hole min my life until I'm able to get back to India.
I shall varnish that cabinet over the weekend just to make doubly sure its watertight and hopefully we'll get it re-sited when we've sorted out the middle room!
I love The Flaming Lips! xxx
My daughter in law has a tortoise. I can't believe how big her poos are!!
ReplyDeleteLovely selection of dresses and those clogs you found were amazing.
Have a great week Vix x
They make such a mess when they come out of hibernation! xxx
DeleteLovely dresses, and how cute is your cat ! How exciting to see costumes you've supplied on telly !!
Thanks so much, Jill! xxx
DeleteThanks for mentioning the Ipcress file. I have watched the first episode and enjoyed it. I haven't had a tele for years but do subscribe to BritBox. I watched it through that. No adverts. Do you have it? I liked the filming and kept wondering about the clothes that you sold to the company.I had a suit like the girl's blue one. Same style but mine was lemon boucle. I had to save up for that! I often look what you have been watching, then see if I can find it.The 60's was my time and I recognise some of the brands that you buy.I used to work for Brindley's in Derby. Oh you should have seen the rush for Polly Peck, Dolly Rockers dresses and any ornaments etc from Sweden.Also when the first tights came in .Berkeley actually did some with bees embroidered on the knees. Expensive.Some customers had boxes of Aristoc stockings kept by for them. They were not only sized by the foot but also leg length.I can still remember one customer by her stocking size and colour Calvados, haha. Used to wear that colour myself. Love your blog ,its always interesting.
ReplyDeleteHello Caz, lovely to hear from you! We were really impressed with The Ipcress File even though the ads were annoying, the attention to period detail was superb. I bet your lemon suit was gorgeous, I loved her blue one.
DeleteI'd have loved to have time-travelled to Brindley's! I'm wearing a Dollyrockers dress today and wore a Polly Peck one last week and love a bit of Scandi design, especially the glassware. I bet the advent of tights after years of stockings were so liberating! I remember my Mum telling me about those bee tights. I've come across some of those vintage stockings by Aristoc before and was most perplexed about the sizing, I ended up selling them to a film comapny. Fancy remembering that customer, you must have been a fabulous sales assistant! xxx
Isn't it great seeing (and feeling) signs of Spring? I'm sure you'll have that cabinet ship shape and in position very soon. Your Norman Parkinson print looks perfect in amongst your toiletries. I was given an Aloe Vera plant a few months ago and rarely water it. So far, so good, but I'll report back. Ollie Puss is looking very vigilant in that photo. Is Stephen any more tolerant? Fred (Gareth's tortoise) is also awake and slowly edging into the 2022! xxx
ReplyDeleteI was going to ask if Fred has shown any sign of waking up yet.
DeleteStephen's still evil, fangs out and growling like a demon when he spots Ollie and he charges up the garden like a demented racehorse if Kitty from next door dares to pay us a visit, I swear he gets worse as he ages! xxx
I'm pleased that Jacob is awake again-I don't know anything about tortoise but I would be worried whilst he was hibernating and want to keep peeping to check he was breathing x
ReplyDeleteWe do tickle his feet every so often just to check he's still with us! xxx
DeleteWe can still get snow at this time of year, but there's signs of life if I look carefully. The gardeners were out mowing the still brown grass today!!!
ReplyDeleteGood to see Jacob emerging well rested.
It won't be long before Jon gets the lawnmower out! I had to chip the ice off the bin lids before I could open them yesterday morning! xxx
DeleteSpring is definitely on its way and so is my Dilli Grey dress this morning, yippee. It’s lovely to see Jacob again. How old is he now, I’ve forgotten.
ReplyDeleteThe cabinet looks well in the bathroom. Can you show us a picture of the display box with the tickets in at the back of it. You are feeding me with ideas. xxx
I'm so excited to see you in your Dilli Grey drss. They must have been very busy parcelling up all the weekend sales! xxx
DeleteJacob is looking confused after waking up from hibernation. Lovely to see him again, I must admit that I almost forgot about him. :) Nice to see Stephen and Ollie cat as well.
ReplyDeleteYour Isabel dress is stunning.
Thanks, Ivana! He's not quite ready to eat yet but he's slowly waking up and getting more alert by the day! xxx
DeleteI love the ticket box. What a great idea. I think it’s really special. Think I might need one of my own now xxx
ReplyDeleteI bet you've got loads of treasures you could dispaly in one of those boxes! xxx
DeleteI bought a skirt from the chazza when you were's down to your posts here that I recognised the Anokhi label when I looked at it back at home. I picked it out for the kantha stitching and colours. Arilx
ReplyDeleteThat was a great spot, Aril. Anokhi clothes are made with love and are always beautiful. I hope you share it on your blog. xxx
DeleteDid so a few posts back probably when you were awayxx
DeleteI love your house, it is full of light and collected items you obviously love! The glass vases in the window are a nice touch! I also love that big cat being sneaky in the garden!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Laura! We've got quite a few big cats who come to visit, looking out of the window is as exciting as watching the TV! xxx
DeleteI haven't watched The Ipcress Files yet but I will over the weekend, how lovely to spot some of your items being worn.
ReplyDeleteOh look at Jacob, so lovely. I used to have tortoises as a child, but they never lasted long, not so much was known about their care back in the day sadly, but we all wanted them because Blue Peter had them. Then a stuffed tortoise was donated to the charity shop I managed and I totally freaked out when I unpacked it from a box ... I thought it was ceramic until I touched it. The horror of someone having their pet stuffed and then donating it to a charity shop made me phobic about these lovely creatures for quite a few years.
I think I need to cuddle Jacob to finally get me over my phobia :-)
The Ipcress File is wonderful, so stylish and well acted, you'll love it!
DeleteI got Jacob in 1974 - a present from my grandparents, my brother also had one but he ran off a few weeks later. As I live in the avenue I grew up on I still think he might be somewhere in the vicinity! That stuffed tortoise sounds horrific - what a vile surprise. Jacob's really sweet, he loves being tickled under the chin but beware being barefoot if you've painted your toenails red - he thinks they're strawberries and tried to bite them! xxx
Ah, spring flowers! The first robin bobbin' on the lawn! The first ant on the kitchen counter...the first crop of cones marking the rim-wrecking potholes... No matter whether the omens bid fair or foul, spring is welcome! * Delighted to see Jacob emerging. Hope he and Ollie Puss (and what a puss) are compatible.
ReplyDeleteIt's so exciting to see all these signs of Spring - birds building nests, the squirrel ransacking the bird feeder and Jacob getting wedged beneath my computer desk! xxx
DeleteIt must be spring if Jacob is out and about! Poor Ollie cat always looks slightly cranky. I'm glad he's well fed though. We are finally getting some spring-like weather here and I can't believe how loud the birds are in the mornings. No flowers blooming yet.
ReplyDeleteI hope Spring's here to stay, it does have a nasty habit of snowing when we least expect it! There's little to beat birdsong although sometimes they do start indecently early! xxx
DeleteSo good to see Jacob! Stephen looks content and poor Ollie looks like he needs to be less Anxious, Bless him! Perhaps more great Meals will make him a more Trusting Kitty, one never knows their Back Story and Patience is something they appreciate when they're not quite Calm around us Humans yet. I do Hope Spring stays, we've been having crazy weather, Hot one day and Cold the next... Spring and Winter fighting one another for whose gonna dominate.
ReplyDeleteJon's almost within touching distance of Ollie now. The neighbours have managed to get him inside their kitchen but he spits and hisses at them if they attempt to get too close. I think he's a proper feral cat, his body shape isn't the same as a domestic cat, he's very squat! xxx
DeleteThat denim nailie matches your lapis ring perfectly.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if anyone else in vintageland was watching the Ipcress File - it's great, isn't it? I'm planning a blog post on it at some point.
Ollie Puss has the face of a lynx! And how nice to see Jacob again.
If you're using a retinol product, please do use sunblock as well - it thins the skin, so can make it more prone to sun damage.
Loved The Ipcress File, I hope they redo a few more of the Harry Palmer stories, Jon Cole is perfectly cast.
DeleteThe moisturiser has clear instructions on the packaging about sun protection - mind you, I doubt there's a high retinol content with it being on general sale on Superdrug's shelves. I was fine in the intense sunshine in Rhodes last year with my factor 30 on top! xxx