Wednesday 2 February 2022

The Wedding Singer

After breakfast on Tuesday, we walked into town for our eye tests. Jon was delighted that his prescription hadn't changed and that he didn't need to splash out on new glasses but, while my prescription has also stayed the same, I failed my field tests several times and have been referred to the hospital for further investigation. The optician has told me not to worry so I won't. Que sera, sera!

By the time we'd stocked up on toiletries and bought a birthday card, we didn't have time to browse the chazzas so walked back up the Hill of Doom towards home and got chatting to two fabulous women, Wendy & Doreen, who despite living around the corner from us we'd never met before. Wendy's brother lives in Yorkshire and had stumbled across my blog a while ago and on his suggestion, Wendy also reads it. What a small world!

It was a blustery but mild day and I was able to cast off my thermals and beer mittens. I wore my Dilli Grey Komal maxi skirt and the Greek hand-embroidered blouse I bought in Lindos back in September. My Moshulu leather boots, Aldo fedora & Betty Jackson belt are all charity shop finds.

After lunch, Jon did a few jobs on Patrice whilst I photographed & listed a few more on eBay before curling up with my latest read for an hour or so. Yet again, the evening was spent with The Alienist, fifteen episodes down, three to go. 

On Wednesday I wrapped the eBay parcels after my Wii Fit Workout. Stephen was due his check-up at the vet so Jon wrestled him into the carrier and emailed me some photos once they'd checked in. Becky, our vet, is very pleased with our old boy (he'll be 17 in May), his blood pressure and heart rate are good and his weight has increased. We thought he might have gone deaf as he's been shouting really loudly of late but, on closer inspection, he's got an ear infection which should clear up with drops in a week or so.

After Jon had unleashed Stephen from the cat carrier and had a restorative cup of coffee, we set off to our favourite Black Country town for a look around the charity shops, bumping into our friends Brendan and Lynn in the clearance shop and had a catch-up in between some serious rummaging.

What did we find? A handknitted gents' Aran jumper, a 1970s fully-lined chevron striped midi skirt, a 1960s fake fur hat, a White Stuff wool & mohair hat (which, after snipping off the fake fur pom-pom Jon has claimed as his own), a 1960s all-wool London tailored overcoat, a United Colors of Benetton leather belt, a snazzy shirt with the tags still attached and a 1980s brocade waistcoat.

An early '70s English-made wool & mohair jacket by Miss Selfridge, a handknitted wool cardi, a 1970s English-made tweed gents blouson jacket, two vintage hand-knitted hats (now mine), a very posh boating blazer, 1960s plaited leather Western belt, a handknitted jumper and a tiger print shirt (Jon's!)

The boating blazer is made by Devil's Advocate, a company that specialises in very flashy, skinny fitting jackets in metallic fabrics, velvet, sequins and fake fur and retail upwards of £200.

In the pocket was a copy of a receipt for the services of an Anglo-Portuguese wedding singer from Wolverhampton. I found his YouTube channel and thought he deserved a plug for generously donating his jacket to charity.

My new-to-me hat was a good match with my outfit so I kept it on. It's my Dilli Grey Dakota skirt again, this time worn with a navy thermal M&S polo neck, a recycled sari silk wraparound top (bought from All About Audrey in 2020), some olive green velvet boots (River Island via a charity shop in 2019) and a necklace made by my Mum in the 1970s.

As I mentioned in my last post, we're escaping the UK for a few days at the end of the month. To keep the flight costs down we're only taking cabin bags (24cm x 40cm x 20cm). Not wanting to incur a £69 penalty for not having the right size baggage I had a rummage, sold a couple of things on eBay and used some of the profits to buy a new travel bag which was waiting for me when I got home.

 Needless to say, it's fairtrade, ethically & sustainably made (in India)....and exactly the right size. How many dresses can I cram in? I'm going to have fun over the next few weeks trying.

It's Tony's birthday tomorrow so we're off on the train to Birmingham with lunch in Dishoom and the afternoon in the pub. Photos may (or may not) follow.

See you soon!


  1. Oh what a nuisance about your eyes! I was referred once (for a different reason) and the appointment came through really quickly. It felt like spring yesterday didn't it? So great to shed the heavy layers. Your All About Audrey top looks fabulous with that knitted hat. You're going to have to style it out and continue wearing hats during the summer months with your growing collection - like folks who insist on wearing sunglasses indoors! Glad Stephen's sorted and even if you can't fit much inside, your new hand luggage looks very cool! xxx

    1. I'm sure it'll be fine. I shall not Google Glaucoma.
      It's been so lovely and mild, hasn't it? t feels great to shed a layer of clothing!
      I can't believe this profusion of woollens in the charity shops, I suppose people buy new each year, donate their old stuff to charity then the likes of us buy their old stuff, go home, have a clearout and do the same and so the cycle continues. At this rate I'll be booking minibreaks in cold countries just so I can get my wear out of my new acquisitions! xxx

  2. I'm sorry to hear you've failed your field test - I do find them nerve-wracking - but if the optician says not to worry, I'm sure it'll be fine.
    How lovely to run into Wendy & Doreen and that it turns out Wendy's one of your readers! We got chatting to one of the other people who rent a space in "our" garage. I'd given him my blog card many years ago, and it turns out his wife has been reading my blog all this time!
    Your Dilli Grey "Komal" skirt and Greek embroidered blouse make for one fabulous combo: it looks as if they were made for each other. And you've managed to create yet another stunning outfit with the cord Dilli Grey skirt.
    I'm glad to hear Stephen's doing well, apart from the ear infection. I hope he takes kindly to the ear drops!
    I'd been wondering about your post title the whole time, glad it has been cleared up. I'm not sure about the guy's taste in music, but he's got a great taste in clothes! xxx

    1. That field test was exhausting, I hated it! Whatever happens, I'm sure it won't be any worse than when I had Iritis and had to have needles in my eyes. I still feel sick thinking about it!
      A blog card! That sounds very professional, what a great idea!
      It's been lovely and mild these last few days, its been a real treat to venture out without all the layers.
      And people wonder why I do my utmost to avoid weddings! xxx

  3. I hope the issue with your eyes isn't anything serious. It's reassuring that you've been told not to worry.
    Just look at Stephen's face-he doesn't look too happy, bless him. I'm sure he was much happier once he was released.
    I'm feeling envious of your travel plans. Xx

    1. Hello Jules! I hope not either, I'm sure it's fine. I've been at the opticians before when they've had to call an ambulance as they've detected something really scary. I shall just resist the temptation to Google symptoms!
      Stephen's forgiven us, thank goodness. It's always a trauma taking him to the vet, he cries all the way.
      I'm so looking forward to a few days of sunshine! xxx

  4. It's been sleeves rolled up weather today. Even the breeze was warm.. well maybe not warm but not Baltic. It'll soon be spring... where are you going on your holibobs?

    1. It's been lovely, hasn't it? I doubt we've seen the last of Winter but I'm delighted with the respite.
      We're having a few days in Alicante, not a part of Spain I've visited before but it's warm and there's a fort and lots of fabulous architecture! xxx

  5. I love your life-remember we say everyone else has an exotic life compared to our own! I think it is fun that you've run into people that live nearby, but the connection is first made via the blog. Perhaps your eyes were a bit tired when you tested? I haven't been to a wedding with a live singer or band (other than the service) in likely 30 years. It's all DJ's now here. I'll need to listen to your chap.

    1. Thanks, Sam! We try and make the most of every minute.
      It always brings a smile to my face when I meet people who read my blog especially when they're lovely women like the two I met.
      Those field tests detect problems with peripheral vision, I could read all the charts but had trouble seeing lights - I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to eyes!
      I avoid weddings if I can possibly help it, I didn't know wedding singers were a thing either! xxx

  6. Your new travel bag is perfect. I'm looking forward to seeing what you pack.
    By coincidence, we had planned a trip to Alicante after Christmas, but by another coincidence, Mark has been under the Eye Hospital for torn retinas, and though he seems to be OK, he can't fly at the moment. I shall be eager for your recommendations for when he's signed off.
    Glad to hear Stephen's OK. A trip to the vet is always a worry xxx

    1. I'm excited to start packing and to enjoy some heat and sunshine for a few days. What a coincidence about you booking Alicante, too. It looks lovely, plenty to see and do and anywhere with a fort is a winner with us.
      I hope Mark's eyes are swiftly sorted and he can enjoy travel again. xxx

  7. What lovely outfits, Vix! That embroidered blouse is incredible - the detail on it! I laughed at Stephen's expression - those are Eyes of Fury! I'm glad he is doing well, and getting his ear infection fixed. Vizzini is a very vocal boy also - he yowls after eating (we call it his "Yowlp Review" (like Yelp, get it?), and it sounds like he's saying "Hello"!

    Wonderful purchases, and aren't receipts in pockets the best? I actually found a baggie with two joints in it once, when I tried on a dress (I kept the joints, lol, but did not buy the dress!).

    That is a gorgeous travel bag, and well worth it! How exciting to be planning a trip! L and I are looking at going to Vancouver in March for our anniversary - it's been 3 years since we were last over!

    Take care and have a great week, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks, Sheila! The work on that blouse is incredible, isn't it? I love a good holiday souvenir.
      "Etes of Fury", that's spot on and I love that Vizzini does a Yowl Review. Those drops have had immediate effect, Stephen still gives us a running commentary of everything he's doing but at least its dropped a few decibels!
      I'm excited about your travel plans. I've hung my bag up so I can keep looking at it and reminding myself that I'm going on holiday! xxx

  8. Off to Dishoon again? Oh, I am so envious...

    I loved both your skirt outfits and the new to you hat went brilliantly with the second outfit. You also found some great things. I was truly puzzled at the title of the blog post but finding the receipt in the jacket pocket made it all clear! How fab to know the provenance of your garments.

    The new travel bag is wonderful and I bet you can squeeze a lot into it! I'm guessing you're going somewhere warm....

    Hope the week is going well

    1. I'm so excited to be going back to Dishoon so soon (oh, I'm a poet!)
      Your fortnight of skirt wearing must be rubbing off on me, dresses are fab but there's nothing like the challenge of creating an outfit from separates.
      I love finding a clue to the previous owner's identity in a pocket. A few years ago I bought Jon a 1970s tracksuit top and in the pocket was one of our friend's dads business cards - it turned out it was his. After a dig around his parents' attic our friend discovered the matching trackkie bottoms so Jon's got the full set if he ever decides to take up jogging! xxx

  9. Evening Vix! sending positive vibes for your eyes. You look great in hats and your collection certainly is growing. That was sweet to load up the wedding singer! Dave our big boy has also been to the vets and I wonder how Stephen is about getting in his carrier? I will not tell you what he had done as some readers may be squimish! We also wen to a funeral yesterday. Boy that was my first time with loads of people of course hugs were involved - in over two years. So glad you have an escape planned , also have a great day with your mate Tony.Shazxx

    1. Hello Shaz! I'm sorry about the funeral but I bet the hugs were a bit of a compensation, it still feels like a real treat to hug our friends' doesn't it?
      Did Big Dave get on okay at the vets? I can't believe the difference in Stephen after a copuple of applications of the ear drops, he's talking at a normal level now and not yelling at the top of his voice. We were beginning to think he had dementia!
      I past years I find very few decent woollens in charity shops, being at home in January has it's advantages! Loads of love to you. xxx

  10. Overseas travel for you both? Fan-tas-tic!!!! I love the way that You and Lord Jon kept going having an interesting life over the past 2 years: it's been inspiring

    1. Thanks so much! We're only away for four nights but we intend to enjoy every minute! xxx

  11. That bag is gorgeous - a good choice indeed. I'm squeamish when it comes to eyes - hope all goes well xx

    1. Thanks, Kate! Isn't it a lovely bag? I didn't want anything too functional looking!
      I'm sure my eyes will be okay, I'm like you and am really funny about them. xxx

  12. Your dilli grey skirt goes so well with the Greek blouse. Love the Audrey wrap top too - I am going to her shop soon to look at some of those for myself, the girls there are so nice it's always a treat even if I don't buy anything! I hope your eyes will be nothing of concern. Hope Stephen's ear infection doesn't take long to fix - 17 is a good age. Can't wait to hear more about your trip, and I love seeing how you pack your bag. We have Bulgaria in May (just hope the Russians don't get there first!). Betty x

    1. Thanks, Betty! Those wrap tops are really useful for travelling, a bit of warmth at night over a strappy dress and I tend to scrunch one up in my bag during the day to cover my shoulders if I've going into a temple. I'd love to visit the shop, her website is lovely to look at!
      Stephen's improved already, he's always been very vocal but not loudly so, he's driven us mad over the last couple of weeks!
      I'm excited about packing and for your trip! xxx

  13. We’re did you get that bag from it is perfect for when I go on the train. Don’t worry too much about the hospital I had to go because I was seeing flashing lights, but it was linked to my migraines. Poor Stephen I hope he recovers ok. Milos tail goes in when I have to take him but he is fine when he sees the vet.
    Some good things there again . Enjoy your trip to Birmingham. We are trying to book a trip to Kyoto to see the cherry blossoms but we will have to wait and see.

    1. Hello Allie! I'll send you the link. It's exactly the right size for airline cabin baggage and great for travel on trains as it can be squished down.
      I'm sure my eyes will be fine. It's not affecting me, it just seems like I've got a blind spot which probably explains why I'm useless at crossing roads and always bumping into things. Just as long as it doesn't get worse.
      Stephen's already improved but Jon always feels terrible taking him to the vet. Our surgery is brilliant as the cat and dog area are separated although there's always some idiot who can't read the signs and lets their dog run riot. Jon had to have words yesterday.
      I hope you get to see the cherry blossom in Kyoto, I'd love to be there! xxx

  14. Both Dilligrey skirts look gorgeous the way you have styled them and I love the blouse you bought on holiday! Greetings from a stupidly busy train. So irritating! You are a nice distraction from non-mask-wearing pests!
    Your new bag is wonderful!! Where did you get it from?x

    1. Oh poor you, Kezzie! I'll be on the train later, those non mask-wearers do my head in!
      I do love my Dilli Grey skirts, it's fun seeing what tops I've got that look good with thm.
      The bag's from East. Visit their website at your peril, they sell soem gorgeous - and ethical - gear! xxx

  15. When I was a toddler, a daring young doctor performed surgery on my right eye, hoping to "maintain vision...even into her 40s." He used a scalpel and anesthesia was chloroform dripped onto gauze. Recently my ophthalmologist recommended surgery on the eye using "state of the art" lasers. He was delighted to tell me he planned to write a follow-up paper describing how proud he was to be operating on the same eye his mentor had saved 60 years before. And yes, the second procedure was a success as I predict your treatment will be.

    I do like that little faux fur topper. (My cats would adore the faux fur pom-pom Jon snipped from the cap.) Amazing how many local women ae going hatless in this winter weather! They're worse than teens who refuse to wear boots!

    1. Your childhood op sounded horrific, Beth! Its incredible how much medicine has advanced and that its lasers rather than a scalpel, it makes my knees weak just thinking of it!
      I did throw that pom pom at Stephen and got a look of utter distain. I might try Cat with it although he's so nervous he might abandon his dinner and run away!
      I can't understand anyone going out without a hat in winter. There's a style to suit everyone regardless if one's a hat person or not. xxx

  16. the story of the jacket from the wedding singer is fab! the wonders of shopping 2.hand - and is´t he cute?!
    chic folk wear fusion outfits! and the bright red knitted hat is gorgeous on you.... well done with the bag - all boxes ticked off - where do you go?
    happy birthday to tony and a sensational celebration for you all! xxxx

    1. It was lovely to discover the previous owner of that jacket, I bet he looked very good in it!
      I love playing arouynd with those skirts and coming up with differeny combinations, they really do seem to go with so much I already own.
      We had a fantastic birthday celebration, thank you!
      We're having a few days in Alicante. I've not visited Spain in twenty years, I've been brushing up on my Spanish! xxx

  17. If you know which eye the optometrist started the field test with, you can ask the hospital to start with the opposite for the re-do. Sometimes, because it is a long test your eyes can get tired (and your brain bored). I've had to go back for several re-do's over the years which is worrisome because I take a medication that can impact the eyes, but it always ends up being just fine on the re-test. Anyway, hoping your eyes just got tired.

    1. That's a good idea! Honestly, I was exhausted after repeating those tests, maybe I';d just lost the will to look proprly. Let's hope so! xxx

  18. Gorgeous bag, bet you can fit a lot in ! Hope eye appointment comes Wales I had a 95! week wait for a potentially serious problem, but ended up having treatment in England as an emergency! I was always squeamish about eyes, but with my family history and problem have had to get over myself!The eye hospital were superb, and honestly the treatment was painless....the thought is way worse than reality!x

    1. Hi Amanda! I'm pleasaed to hear that your eye problem was soon sorted and that the eye hospital looked after you. Like you say, the thought is way worse than the reality so I'm staying away from Google and not sacring myself! xxx

  19. the hat looked great with your outfit, and i thought the travel bag was gorgeous.

  20. Health checks all round at your house. Fingers crossed for your eye test follow up results.
    I eyed up the boating blazer straight off, it’s fab and how great there’s a story with it too.
    I invested in two flannelette underskirts over winter, they are the same style as your Blue Dili Grey skirt but without the pockets. I’ve worn them loads underneath frocks, as skirts, both together for extra warmth, they’ve been a great buy. I’m tempted to get Val to make me some in other colours. Mine are bright yellow and red. You can’t miss me haha.
    Your holiday bag is lovely and how nice you’ve got a trip to look forward to. A bit of heat and sunshine yippee xxx

    1. It's all fun and games here, I've got my cervical screening next week!
      The boating blazer is gorgeous, that chap must have some wardrobe to have donated that jacket to charity. The outside pockets were still stitched up.
      I'm loving the sound of the flanelette underskirt, what a great idea - definitely prettier than thermal leggings! xxx

  21. Is the 'fields test' the one where the little light appears all around the screen in various places? If so I get really fed up with that one and lose all concentration and have to admit to it every time.

    You listed some lovely items there, I love the blue brogues especially AND wow, you got some good stock from the charity shops this time, well done.

    I'm glad Stephens check up at thee vets went well. I've just booked Suky in for an MOT this Monday she seems to have lots of niggly little problems that I would like the vet to have a look at. Quality of life is especially important as they get older isn't it. :-)

    1. Yes, that's the one! It's exhausting, isn't it? I felt seasick after two attempts. Maybe The charity shop gods are really looking after us lately. We've not been at home to shop at this time of year in years, what have we been missing?
      I hope Suky passes her tests with flying colours, our vet says Stephen's doing brilliantly. It's really encouraging to know. xxx

  22. Love the wedding singer jacket story Vix. Oh dear, Stephen does look grumpy (as cats tend to at vets) in that carrier! Glad he's all good though bar the ear. You have reminded me I must get an eye test - long overdue. How fab is your travel bag!!! Excited to see where you land. Lulu xXx

    1. I always want to know where the things I find in chazzas came from, its so interesting to find an answer!
      Poor Stephen, he loathes the vet with a passion. xxx

  23. I admire all of your outfits, but I especially love the first one in this post. Thecolour of the hat coordinates perfectly with the pattern in the blouse and looks lovely on you. Poor Stephen, Sylvester feels the same way about going to the vet, but he complains VERY LOUDLY while in his carrier.

    I failed a visual field test last year and had to take it again a few months later. Apparently I did better, but they still have to keep an eye on it. I feel like all the time I spend staring at screens of varying sizes is wreaking havoc with my vision.

    1. Thanks so much, Shelley! I love playing about with the contents of my wardrobe. I bought that blouse in 70°C heat never imagining it to be worn on a chilly winter's day!
      Stephen's a terrible yowler, I wonder if its a black and white cat thing if Sylvester does the same?
      I hope failing that test was just a glitch, I'm sure if was anything bad I'd have heard from the hospital by now. xxx

  24. Here is Paulo wearing the jacket, I believe.
    I have now dropped down the Paulo Pinto rabbit hole on youtube!!

    1. Good work, Tracy! That is the jacket! I enjoyed scrolling through Paulo Pinto's feed, hwe's somewhat mesmerising! xxx

  25. The stories the clothes tell. Thank you for linking up to English Portuguese singer. The Devil's Advocate brand logo on that jacket looks fancy and glam, no wonder they retail for so much.
    I love your blue maxi and turtleneck...the blouse is wonderful as well. This combination of blue and green makes me think of peacocks- and I love them, such magnificent birds they are.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix