Friday 4 February 2022

A Few Beers and A Curry - A City Pub Crawl

It was Tony's birthday on Thursday so he booked the day off work, we met at Walsall station at midday and caught the train to Birmingham.

Our first stop was The Old Joint Stock, a studio theatre and pub on Temple Row West. Designed as a library, it takes its name from its use as the Birmingham Joint Stock Bank.

Built by architect JA Chatwin in 1864, The Old Joint Stock was converted into a pub in 1997 with the theatre opening in 2006. The building is Grade II listed and bears a blue plaque as the site was the former home of Samuel Lines, a celebrated Birmingham artist.


Tony had a pint of Veltins, a premium German Pilsner, Jon had a pint of Frontier Ale, small-batch craft lager hand-crafted over 42 days, using old world malt and new world hops & I had a pint of Oliver's Island, a golden hoppy ale with floral & citrus aromas. As we knew from previous visits, the pub's prices are eye-watering but the ambience is superb.

I'd booked a table for lunch at 1.30pm so after finishing our round we walked down to Chamberlain Square.

Dishoom again! My second visit in eight days!

So, what did we eat? 

I had the paneer tikka - Indian cheese marinated with green herbs and gently charred with peppers, Jon had chicken biriani - chicken, ginger, garlic, mint, coriander and rice cooked together in the Kacchi style with cranberries and Tony had Chicken Ruby - Tender chicken in a rich, silky makhani sauce. 

Keen to introduce the boys to the dishes Nikki and I had tried on our previous visits, we also ordered Gunpowder potatoes, the Dishoom House Chat and a Vada Pau along with a Roomali roti and a bowl of raita.

The verdict? The same as mine, Dishoom cooks the best Indian food you'll eat outside of India (and Tony should know, he's joined us on several of our Indian adventures).

Needless to say, a cold pint of Kingfisher accompanied our lunch and, much to his embarrassment, the waiting staff presented Tony with a chocolate pudding with ice cream and, along with most of the clientele, sang Happy Birthday to him.

Nikki and I had spotted Albert's Schloss when we were in Birmingham last week and I thought it needed further investigation. 

Described as Birmingham's first Wunderbar and pleasure palace, Albert's Schloss opened on 6th December,  occupies 13,000 square feet and is part of the £700 million development of Paradise Circus.

We each had a pint of Dortmunder Vier, a very quaffable light beer.

After two posh pubs with equally posh prices, we moved on to an old favourite, The Briar Rose on Bennett's Hill ordering three pints of beer and paying just over six quid - as opposed to nearly £20! Good old Wetherspoons!

Another blue plaque - this one dedicated to the Pre-Raphaelite painter, Sir Edward Burne-Jones, born in Bennett's Hill.

Fully intending to get the train home, we got distracted by The Post Office Stores, the subterranean pub where we spent many a lairy Saturday night back in the naughties. 

We were on our fifth pint by now.... 

It was just as friendly as we remembered and the beer was cheap but we'd forgotten about the stinky toilets, still honking twenty years later! 

We hopped on the train and were back in Walsall 20 minutes later, deciding that no birthday would be complete without a trip to Walsall's Wetherspoons, where the boys had beers and I opted for rum & cola. The photos were taken a couple of summers ago, but Spoons still looks the same. 

 The boys were mortified when I showed them this photo, they'd been so busy having fun that neither of them had noticed they were dressed almost identically, even down to the Clarks' Bank Robbers on their feet!

After one for the road, we called it a night and said our goodbyes, ten hours after we started, but don't worry, I was still up at the crack of dawn and on my Wii Fit before breakfast.  

See you soon!


  1. secret twins :-D
    sounds like you had a fabulous day!! i´m envying the wonderful indian food - but not so much the beer - no selfrespecting german would drink "veltins" or dortmunder (beside of dortmunders)

    1. What an embarrasment, a matching pair!
      Your earrs might have been burning as I was talking about you when we were in Albert's Schloss wondering what you'd make of it. We chose the beer with the lowest alcohol content (4%) as we didn't want to get too drunk. There were some really strong beers - probably a lot more authentic! xxx

    2. :-D
      its not so much the alcohol - but we like to drink from local breweries.... this local beers never made it over the borders of the province and are very bitter for british/international taste i guess.

    3. Okay, I get you! None of us are keen on the heavy, dark drinks, we always avoid them in real ale bars. I suppose they're fine if you have a small glass but they're a bit deadly for a day of drinking. xxx

  2. Oh my, the food and beer looks so appetizing; I'm reading this over my breakfast of tea and almonds that just pales in comparison :)) The surroundings are just beautiful as well; makes me want to get out again, since I'm well over my bout with Covid. Wonderful of you to 'take us along' and happy birthday to Tony. Karen

    1. Hello Karen! I'm so sorry about you catching Covid, I'm glad you're feeling better now. I hope you get out and about soon, a beer and a curry could be just what the doctor ordered! xxx

  3. You do go to the nicest of places Vix-and how strangely lovely that the boys both chose such very similar outfits for the day x

    1. Birmingham's completely changed from when I used to work there, it's lovely now!
      Isn't it odd that the boys dressed in almost the same clothes? Talk about syncronicity! xxx

  4. Indian food is my favourite. If I am ever in Birmingham I will be heading straight there. I have to say if my husband had been there they would have looked like triplets!!!!

    1. There's a Dishoom a bit closer to you, in Manchester but if you come to Birmingham let me know and we'll join you for lunch - your husband and Jon will have to discuss outfits first! xxx

  5. That lovely Dishoom again, I would love to go there some day... a woman who drinks pints, I'm impressed! Can't beat spoons though for a long session :) Funny the men had the same outfits on - don't think you have mentioned before that Tony has accompanied you two on trips to India previously :) Happy birthday to Tony.

    1. We used to go to a pub that served me a pint in two half pint glasses as they thought it looked more ladylike - I soon put them straight!
      A trip to Dishoom is just like being in Mumbai, apart from the prices. I absolutely love it there!
      Tony & my brother accompanied us to India quite a few times, he's coming with us at the end of the month, too. xxx

  6. What a bunch of soaks! ;-D It's just as well I've just finished my own curry because that food looks mouth watering! It's funny that Jon and Tony both got the same dress code memo. I take my hat off to you, getting up at the crack of dawn after a boozy day out. You must be superhuman! Glad you had a lovely day. xxx

    1. I hope you enjoyed your curry as much as we did!
      Can you believe those two turning up in the same outfit? Tony's coming with us to Alicante so they're going have to compare packing notes so they won't show me up! xxx

  7. Evening Vix, I had a giggle at the last pic! It happened once to hubster and a mate of ours down our local. At least they look a smart pair. Just love how you give us the history of these lovely buildings. You all look like you had a ball. I love your dress. Thanks for taking us along on Tony's birthday Shazxx

    1. Hello Shaz! That's funny that your husband did the same! I suppose like-minded people must gravitate to similar things, like clothes!
      Birmingham's got some lovely architecture and pubs.
      It was the first outing for my dress and it escaped without beer stains! xxx

  8. Blimey I'm a real lightweight. I couldn't drink more than a pint and a half in a two hour session. Tony could just about manage three at a struggle.

  9. A belated happy birthday to Tony, and oh my, didn't you celebrate it in style?
    Again, the food at Dishoon looks absolutely delicious!
    Tony and Jon being dressed almost identically made me giggle, as did Beate's comment about the German beers ... To be honest, German beer is something of a joke here in Belgium anyway :-) xxx

    1. We had a lovely day and I'm so glad the boys enjoyed their food as much as Nikki and I have!
      At least it wasn't Jon & I dressed the same, that would have been very weird.
      I wonder if there's a Belgian themed pub in Birmingham, I shall have to investigate! xxx

  10. Your pics of the guys at the end of your blog, made me laugh and when I went to send a comment, I clicked on your "see you soon", which made me laugh again! They look so cute and to not know they did!! Love the history you send with your adventures. Is your mask mandate over in the U.K.? Still going on over here in my part of the U.S., Washington State. Little over a month left of Winter, however our daffodils should be popping out of the ground here, usually starting around the l0th of February, then it always seems like Spring is really close! Your historical buildings in the United Kingdom are so very beautiful, love all your adventures and the beautiful pictures you share with us. Thank you Vix!

    1. Hello Chrystal! I had to laugh at the pair of themn dressed like twins and not even being aware of it.
      The mask mandate in England was lifted on 19th January. Most people still seem to be wearing them in shops and most of our pubs still have perspex screens and hand gel available. We were the only people on the homeward bound train wearing masks.
      I've spotted a few daffs starting to peek through although I don't think we've seen the back of winter yet, we had hail today.
      Lovely to hear from you & stay healthy! xxx

  11. Oh what fun! I really laughed at the end with the guys twinning lol. I'm so glad it's safe enough there for you to get out and about. Have a great weekend my friend! XO

  12. I am glad you guys had a great day. I would be gone after 2 pints! You lot must have strong heads and resolutions. Lol. Paul saw the Indian food and went yummy. He loves a good tikka and a good nann but he still hates rice!!
    We have some very expensive bars that would even outshine those bars. They had a thing for charcoal a little while ago but I just couldn’t get over eating what looked like burnt or blackened food.
    They did look like brothers dressed at the bar didn’t they lol. Paul has a friend like that. You cannot tell them appart when they are together it’s so funny. Me and will are off to a strawberry buffet all you can eat for 10.00 in an hour! And I am abusing that !! Keep safe love and huggs

    1. We had a fab day! I suppose seven drinks over ten hours isn't too bad and all that food helped.
      I can't believe Paul doesn't like rice. Jon said that his biriani was the second best he'd ever had, the first being in a tiny unnamed shack on a fisherman's beach in Tamil Nadu. Rick Stein went there about four years after us and said it was the best Biriani he'd ever eaten, too!
      I don't understand barbequed food so I'm with you on the charcoal, yuk! xxx

  13. What a fabulous birthday for Tony. I did chuckle at the two of them dressed so alike.
    Isn’t it great that old buildings have been made into meeting places for us all now and have retained their character. Opposite Rochdale town hall the beautiful general post office building has been turned into The Medicine Tap bar and eatery and the old Midland Bank saw a makeover just before Covid. Wetherspoon’s was formally the Odeon cinema. One of my godsons works as an accountant for them on the acquisition side of them buying building. He said they swoop them up for fun, they are so busy.
    Your new frock looks lovely. Don’t know how you survived all the booze though haha xxx

    1. People knock Spoons but I love them for having saved the lives of so many wonderful old buildings which would have inevitable been burnt down or destroyed without their help. Rochdale was on the TV the other day and some of the architecture was stunning.
      I should have posed for a proper photo of that frock but it's the perfect excuse to wear it again next week! xxx

  14. Those fifth pint smiles says it all!!Looks like a fun time was had by all. Happy Birthday Tony. My sisters always used to drink pints of lager whenever they were out though I was such a lightweight compared to them, I stuck to my genteel little glass of white wine!We have a local Wetherspoons which used to be an old cinema. I swear you can still smell the old velvet seating and dusty old carpet in the foyer!I'm sure there's a Dishoom in Edinburgh. Must investigate when I'm upwardly mobile again! Have a good weekend all. xxx

    1. I get more tiddly on a glass of wine than a pint - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
      You're right, there is a Dishoom in Edinburgh. You've got to try it, I'm excited about the breakfasts, I adore achoori eggs when I'm in Mumbai and have never seen them anywhere else!
      We used to have two Wetherspoons in Walsall, the one that closed down was the old cinema, I know what you mean about the smell! xxx

  15. What a fantastic way to celebrate your friend and his birthday. And as everyone else has said, the food and venues sound glorious
    It’s so important to celebrate each other
    Siobhan x

    1. It's important to celebrate each other - what a wonderful thought.
      Thanks Siobhan, I hope you enjoyed your virtual pub crawl. xxx

  16. Haha, that last photo is brilliant Vix :0 ;) :) I also like the way the faces get rosier and rosier as the crawl goes on ;) Looks like you all had a fab time. Lulu xXx

    1. I can't believe they hadn't noticed that they were dressed like twins. They're going to have to confer when they pack a change of clothes for our trip at the end of the month! xxx

  17. 5 pints - blimey, I'd be legless! I can just about manage 3...sounds like you had great time and belated happy birthday to Tony.

    The first pub looks amazing: a proper old English pub with lots of atmosphere. Was salivating at the dishes you all chose in Dishoon!

    And you didn't even have a hangover? That's what stopped me drinking years ago; I couldn't take the hangovers. I was always a lightweight in the drinks department.

    1. I'm fine with all day drinking but I'd be legless if I had five pints at night - I've learnt to pace myself over the years and I rarely have a hangover - even on Boxing Day when I realised I'd drunk 2 and a half bottles of rose! xxx

  18. Tony and Jon do look like twins in that photo! Sounds like you had many toasts to Tony's Birthday. That first pub is so beautiful! The food at Dishoom looks so good - I could actually eat there. I'm finding it difficult to eat out now that I have acquired a number of food intolerances. Fortunately, Indian, Thai and Korean are still good.

    1. I'm glad you can still eat Indian food. I've never tried Korean but the few Thai meals I've had have been good (not as good as Indian, though!) xxx

  19. Happy birthday to Tony. Great you three have had a fabulous time. The food looks delicious. I agree with Lulu, that last photo is fantastic. They almost look like twins. Great snapshot! Have a great weekend.

  20. Twins. That's funny but I guess they have a lot in common right down to clothing. Friends often do.
    Looks like a fun time.

    1. You're right, mmostt of my friends dress in the same way as I do! xxx

  21. What a smashing day out, happy birthday to Tony. You have way more stamina than me - I'd have been out after the first pint 😂

    The inside of The Old Joint Stock is quite breathtaking.

    1. Hehe! That's years of training, that is! I can keep up with the best of 'em!
      The Old Joint Stock is stunning, isn't it? One of these days I'll visit the theatre. I've eaten there before and the food is gorgeous. xxx

  22. There are pub crawls and then there are birthday pub crawls. I'd have been carried home, stuffed, and sound asleep/unconscious -- but with saintly smile (or so I've been told).

    The Joint was literally awesome; however, more appealing to my shopping eye is the Modern round table with 6 chairs at Dishoom, the one at the plant-filled window. I'd offer the set a home, and that's the highest compliment I can pay.

    P.S. Please ask Cat if his given name is Casimir. He looks like a Casimir...

    1. He's just been for lunch, we tested Casimir on him and he did look mildly interested so it'll go on the list!
      Thankfully none of us had to be carried home on this occasion. I do think it's a lot easier to pace oneself on an all-dayer!
      Nikki and I sat in the plant lined window last time we were there. I'd happily steal all the furniture if I could get away with it! xxx

  23. The twins photo is so funny! A man's uniform. My DH could have blended in, other than he has a head if thick gray hair. I think it's terrific that you can hop a train and explore different stomping grounds. Happy birthday to Tony.

    1. They were both so embarrased! Jon & Tony would be very jealous of your husband's full head of hair! xxx


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Lots of love, Vix