On Sunday morning I put as many of the houseplants I could fit into the bath and sink to soak, mopped the kitchen floor and took mugs of tea back to bed where we lay and read until just gone 8.30am. After a couple of slices of toast, I gave the plants a feed with Baby Bio and Jon & I took a walk around the garden to see what had sprung up overnight.
It's such a thrilling time of year, new things are continually springing up. The first of my nasturtiums have flowered...here's to hundreds more. I can't believe how many plants my tiny £1.99 plant I bought last year has yielded.
We watched The Andrew Marr Show and then drove into Walsall to the clearance charity shop, donating a handful of books we'd read. With temperatures set to reach the high 20s and England playing later, there was a real air of excitement, tiny tots dressed in England strips and people carrying boxes of beer and freshly purchased paddling pools and water pistols. After a rummage, we popped down to Wilko for some cutting compost (sadly out of stock) and some flower seeds. We'd watched Gardeners' World the previous evening and Monty had sow pot marigolds on the to-do list - we went off-piste and bought everything but!
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Books, Jasper Conran & Ben Sherman jackets, 1980s suede belt, Ben Sherman shirt and a mohair cardi |
Back at home, I did a load of washing & pegged it out on the line, we tucked into a bowl of noodles and then lay in the sun until 2pm when Jon went into the house to watch the match and I stayed outside listening to the commentary on 5Live. I loved hearing the shouts of joy from neighbouring houses when Raheem Sterling scored.
Tea was Punjabi masala, paneer and mushroom for me and chicken for Jon. What better than chilli hot, spicy food on a baking hot day? Works for us in India! Later on, we watched Austria Vs North Macedonia and the Netherlands Vs Ukraine ( a real thriller of a game).
On Monday morning disaster struck and my Wii Fit disc kept giving me an error message, it's been on the blink for a while but it appeared to have finally given up the ghost. I went online and found a replacement on eBay for £3.33 - hopefully, it shouldn't take too long to arrive. Instead, I caught up with Blogland, wrapped my eBay packages and washed my hair.
After breakfast, which included a few home-grown strawberries, I soaked this flower seed token Claire sent me a while ago in water for an hour and planted it in a pot. Jon left to do the post office and supermarket run before calling round at Tony's for a catch-up.
When I was lying in the garden the previous day the sight of the plastic gro-bag with some of the tomato plants annoyed me so my mission for the morning was to make a raised bed. I selected five planks from the demolished shed and the leftovers from the joists Jon had used to make fence posts and set to work.
After lunch, I took the radio outside and we listened to Scotland Vs Czech on 5Live. In what some folk might see as a role reversal, Jon sowed flower seeds while I knocked up a planter from some offcuts languishing in the woodpile.
Not to be outdone, leaving me painting my creation, Jon made a raised bed for our patty pans and ruby red chard using some Victorian skirting board and more of the leftover joists.
Yes, the sun's out and the summer wardrobe is in full swing...shorts, Birkis and bright colours in Jon's case.
I've been in my bikini all day (Matthew Williamson, £4 in Debenhams sale, 2017). I adore clothes but given the choice, I'd be near-naked every day of the year. It's so unfair that I was born in Northern Europe.
See you soon!
PS From July Blogger is discontinuing email notifications when your favourite blogs update and you'll need to re-register. I've added a box to the top of my sidebar which should help. Thanks to Sheila for explaining how to add the widget to our sidebars.
jon´s shirt!! omg.... :-DDD
ReplyDeletethe anokhi jumpsuit is tres chic! such a beautiful garment and it fits perfectly......
you really got a run on making planters! i´m very glad i di mine - all the flowers i planted in growing very well. but i have to be patient - all the plants are way behind because of the very cold may - my nasturtiums are still little...... meanwhile i admire your pretty flowers!
Isn't the teeshirt design crazy? If it was my size even non-teeshirt wearing me might be tempted to steal it!
DeleteI'm so happy with the fit of that jumpsuit. Anokhi are really consistent with their contemporary sizing, the assistant in the shop will look people up and down and tell them what size they need without them having to try everything on first - really helpful!
Here's to your nasturtiums blooming madly and quickly! xxx
I like the jumpsuit - have never worn one myself, very practical. Your raised beds look good, aren't those grow bags annoying - I repotted my tomatos in deep pots today as the bags just don't give the roots enough depth/support. Is there still time to plant more flowers? my nasturtiums haven't flowered yet - just churning out loads of leaves (my mother used to give them to us in sandwiches - yuk!). Bet you're lost without your wi-fit but there is a lot of stuff on telly now -I go to a les mills bodypump class several times a week - I use my sons weights in the garage when I can't go! I do it in silence but have music going on in my head - weird?! hope your new disk comes soon though as it's a pain being out of a good routine Betty x
ReplyDeleteThanks, Betty! You should give jumpsuits a go. If it's not too much info - you don't need to strip down to use the loo either providing the legs are wide enough - something I've lerant from years of festival portaloos!
DeleteGrowbags are a pain with all the stakes they require. Apprantly they're in short supply this year and our garden centre actually has a waiting list of people wanting them! much easier to use pots or knock a few planks of wood together.
I can still hear a track on the radio and remember the workouts I used to do to them back in the days when I went to classes! xxx
Thanks for thr heads up about blogs - I am really slow at understanding all of these things. LOve all of the raised beds and drooled over your tranny (transistor radio)
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure, I'm not very technicalogically minded either! xxx
DeleteThe Anokhi jumpsuit is so pretty and I sure like Jon's shirt too lol. You two sure stay busy in the garden and your flowers are all looking so pretty. Can't wait to see the next National Trust property!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Martha! Nothing is better than summery clothing and sunshine, it makes me so happy! xxx
DeleteThe jumpsuit is gorgeous and it looks like it fits you perfectly.
ReplyDeleteYou and Jon have done a wonderful job making the planters and raised bed, and I agree, soooo much better than the grow bags, although they are useful as liners.
Enjoy your NT visit! X
Thanks so much, Jules! Anokhi things seem perfectly proprtioned to fit me, normally jumpsuits need a few tweaks before they fit the way I like them to!
DeleteI like how tidy the raised beds make the garden look. I'd probably have been quite satisified with the growbags if I hadn't suddenly developed a passion for woodwork! xxx
Don't even mention the Scotland match!Typically and stupendously disappointing.We haven't got a hope now. I think you're national team will do better on Friday!Great job on recycling all that wood into those lovely planters. I agree about the grow bags and I never think they're deep enough. Garden's looking really well-loved and colourful. Jumpsuit looks terrific on you but then I've said it before, so would a potato sack!! Enjoy your day.xxx
ReplyDeleteThe build-up for the Scotland match was ridiculous, if any of the players were listening to it I wouldn't have blamed them for getting a bad case of the jitters, so much expectation! They started off really well, too although it'll be England all the way tomorrow night - I think I'll have to waer my lucky bikini even if it doesn't kick off till 8pm, it worked on Sunday! xxx
DeleteThe weather has been fab, but sadly I suffer from the women’s line of killer migraines and did not pack me floppy hat. So I have been hiding in the shade. It reminds me of home and then I started to cry yet again and get homesick for the kiddos so I think I am flying home early as my Eds and bpd is getting a bit out of control and Paul is worried.
ReplyDeleteMum and dad don’t care . I ain’t paying £100 to see someone as I was quoted even though we have insurance. And we have an open ticket. And my yaken shomei is running running out. It’s a certificate to get certain meds in and out of the country. And I don’t really see Paul’s dad. And Paul is on nights so I am just going out waisting time.
But you look good and love Jon’s t shirt. Take care and keep safe love and hugs Alison
Who'd have expected this lovely June after May being such an utter washout? Packing for England is impossible, I take more with me to a festival weekend than I do for five weeks in India, you need everything from thermals, mittens and wellies to bikinis and sunhats!
DeleteIt sounds like your mind's made up and you're missing the kids too much to stay for much longer, I don't blame you one bit, do what's right for you.
Sending you lots of love, xxx
Aww, look at all those gorgeous blooms, and yay on the first of the Nasturtium flowers. I've spotted several tiny flower buds in mine, so it can't be long now before my first.
ReplyDeleteHow gorgeous is that Anokhi jumpsuit, and you've accessorized it perfectly with the silver Lottas and Moroccan necklace.
My Dad would have been very impressed with your woodworking skills, and those raised beds do look so much better. I did chuckle at your bikini top pinging off, though :-)
I'm loving Jon's teeshirt!
With Sheila's instructions, I'll be adding that gadget too. I'm not following any blogs by email myself, but I know some of my readers do. xxx
I'm so excited about my blooms, they're really late this year, lets hope they go on and on for months.
DeleteI loved wearing that jumpsuit, such a change from a dress or a skirt.
Of course, your Dad was really clever when it came to working with wood. I'd love to be as talented as he was. I keep having to look at mine just to check the sides haven't fallen off! xxx
Wow, your garden is blooming beautifully and how lovely you can both knock up planters and raised beds at the drop of a hat! I bought calendulas this year and they're doing so well; they're a first for us. I fell in love with them when I saw them in the Kitchen Garden at Ham House last year.
ReplyDeleteI love your Anokhi jumpsuit; perfect for the weather we've been having and what a great find on eBay.
I understand the excitement over the football but it leaves me cold I'm afraid!
Thanks, Vronni! I'm very excited about finally being able to saw wood and nail things together, we can always break them up (the unpainted ones) and use them as firewood in the winter if the wood pile gets low!
DeleteI grew calendulas last year and loved them, they went on until the end of October, such happy looking flowers.
The Anokhi jumpsuit was so cool to wear, I haven't worn one in ages!
I am a football-obsessed beast when it's Euros & World Cup years. xxx
I love your beautiful jumpsuit and you look so posh in your bikini, Vix! Frank's got a case of flop-butt, I see. I think Jon and L would enjoy each other's t-shirt collection; L has one with women in bikinis shooting guns while riding wolves (he rarely wears it in public).
ReplyDeleteYour garden is just amazing. Can I please come over and hang??
I'm glad you added that gadget, but I have no idea if it works! I don't have any of those accounts, so no clue. I wish Blogger would have left well enough alone!
Thanks, Sheila! I hope that gadget thing helps the people I know follow by email, I've always liked Bloglovin', that never lets me down.
DeleteFrank goes all floppy in the heat, you can scoop him up and carry him around like a baby, the silly boy!
I like the sound of L's teeshirt. xxx
Auntie Gladys would have loved waking round the garden with you Vix. Nasturtiums were a favourite of hers, she would pick them and add them to salads. The Niamh Boyce book looks interesting, I’ll add it to my never ending book list. Jon’s T-shirt made me chuckle, it’s fab.
ReplyDeleteHaving the garden has been a saving grace for you both hasn’t it. You could do a little film for Montys people’s garden slot. Oh go on I think it would make great viewing, especially with you sawing wood in your shorts and watering in your floaty frocks.
I’m hoping that blogger thing doesn’t cause to much havoc. Can I pinch your note about it for my blog please xxx
I'm so excited to see Auntie Gladys's sunflowers bloom, I've got a couple out the fronta and the the passers-by are anxiously awaiting their big moment.
DeleteThe Niamh Boyce book is next on the list, I'll send it your way when I've finished it.
Oh goodness me, I'd die of embarrasment to see myself on the TV!
Feel free to share the blogger thingy, I've so grateful to Sheila for puzzling it out. xxx
I'm SWOONING over that jumpsuit. It is so chic. I adore the shape! It's v similar to my Emily and Fin one in terms of shape. Hurrah for your blooms! I'm so happy 're the Nasturtiums for you! I have some planted in with my Fig tree and today I put some new compost plus some Lidl Nasturtium seeds into the hanging baskets in the school quadrangle as they were just full of plant corpses.
ReplyDeleteAh, what blogger thingie????
Jon's tee is HILARIOUS!!!! I love it!
Thanks, Kezzie! It's such a good fit, I usually find them too long in the body, this one's waist is in exactly the right place and the trousers aren't miles too long either.
DeleteHe needs to wear that tee shirt more, it is ridiculous!
Aren't nasturtiums the loveliest things? I've planted the seeds I gathered from last year's plant everywhere, I love seeing them at National trust properties scrambling around the vegetable plots! xxx
PS The blogger thing lets people follow by email, I use Bloglovin to follow blogs but some people like an email notification which Blogger is phasing out next month.
I LOVE Jon's t-shirt! An excellent choice for a birthday gift. I've been wearing jumpsuits since the weather got warm (I have about 6). They are all loose-fitting and so comfortable when it's hot. I don't mind having to strip to go to the washroom unless I'm in a public washroom and the floor is dirty.
ReplyDeleteWord will get around that Vix is going topless while working in the yard and you'll have a row of gawkers at your fence ;)
It's riduculously mad, isn't it? It took me a while to track down but I knew he needed it in his life!
DeleteI did have loads of jumpsuits and even made myself a few but sold all but a handful of them. This one's definately a keeper! xxx
What's Katy Perry doing wandering around bikini clad amongst the ferns of Stonecroft?!? The jumpsuit is a corker and I have long admired your silver clogs Vix. I think I want that gun-yielding-unicorn-T-shirt too! Lulu x :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I wish!!
DeleteI've got rather a lot of clogs but the silver ones are becoming my favourites. xxx
Jon's T-shirt is so fabulous. Look at that cat riding an ultra cool unicorn with red eyes. I just love that design. You look fabulous in a bikini. Your garden looks like such a cool place to hang out.
ReplyDeleteI had to find him one of those teeshirt, it is one of the funniest designs I'd ever seen! x
DeleteThe bikini pinging sounds like a proper Carry On moment - ooooh matron!
ReplyDeleteThose raised beds look great.