Tuesday morning started with a Wii Fit session, followed by a thorough dust, mop, sweep, polish and scrub of the lounge. I love it when I've cleaned, the wonderful aroma of pine, beeswax and turpentine from Lord Sheraton's Wood Balsam lingers for days.
Tuesday's sunrise was particularly spectacular and Jon and I stood transfixed watching the golden clouds scudding across the almost lilac skies.
We'd just finished our fruit & yogurt when our friendly MyHermes driver arrived with a parcel containing a jacket I'd won on eBay before Xmas. It was worth the wait, an early 1970s Anokhi piece which wouldn't be out of place in the Museum of Hand Printing in Jaipur (which we visited in 2019, HERE). Lockdown or not, I wore it straight away. No sense in saving anything for the right occasion. I can't believe it only cost £10.
While I was upstairs getting dressed the postman delivered my sweet-smelling Lush half-price sale order. The bathroom smells absolutely gorgeous.
With the UK now in lockdown and with the instructions to stay at home, I thought it would be the perfect time to list some vintage lingerie on eBay, a far more attractive alternative to tracksuit bottoms for wearing around the house.
It was still bitterly cold with intermittent snow showers and temperatures well under the seasonal average so, rather than risk freezing my t*ts off in the garden, I opted to take stock photos indoors. The Cole & Son flamingo wallpaper on the landing seemed like the perfect backdrop for these flimsy confections.
TUESDAY: Vintage Anokhi shirt & maxi skirt (both eBay), Lamani Raj-era pendant (Anjuna Flea market, 2002), 1970s sheepskin hat (gift from an ex-blogging pal back in 2010) |
I've taken to wearing a hat indoor most days recently, not only to stay warm but because my roots need doing and I keep leaving it too late in the day to do anything about them.
After a break for noodles, I cracked on with the eBay listings. Jon had been working through his to do list, his tasks today included taking the rope lights down in the lounge, repotting the Devil's Ivy and refurbishing some vintage car lights using some yellow film he'd bought from eBay.
Tea was the other half of the pizza we'd had a few nights ago & salad. We watched an episode of The Nordic Murders that we'd missed and the second part of 24 Hours in Police Custody.
On Wednesday I did my Wii Fit workout, logged onto the PC and, to my delight, discovered that almost all the vintage lingerie I'd listed on eBay the previous day had sold overnight. Whilst we were having breakfast we had yet more snow. Mr Blackbird was peeping in at us through the kitchen window so I braved the cold to break up the ice in the bird bath and threw him a handful of mealworms.
Talking of vintage lingerie, I don't just sell it, I wear it. Here's what I change into after I've had my evening shower/bath. It's a maxi-length 1960s quilted house dress that zips up the back and ties at the waist, bought for 20p from a car boot sale. Like the padded silk cheongsan I wore on Monday, it's like wearing a duvet. As it's Bri-nylon I can wash it, hang it up to dry and it's ready to wear within the hour.
WEDNESDAY: Scotch & Soda coat, Rockport boots, maroon wool jumper (all charity shopped), wool scarf (FabIndia), Levi 510s (eBay), pompom hat (present from me, 2016) |
After a telephone catch-up with Liz (we're old school) I spent the rest of the morning wrapping parcels and mending a few less than perfect items I'd found lurking in the back of the stockroom. Jon had placed an order for some wood and dealt with that when it arrived. After our noodles we followed the lockdown rules by only leaving the house once - combining an essential food shop with our daily exercise by walking down to Johal's for some fresh fruit & veg and taking the long way back.
WEDNESDAY: Vintage Afghan dress (eBay), Hindu deity buckle belt & handmade beer mittens (presents from Liz), pompom hat (made by me), 1960s maxi coat (secondhand stall on the market), 1960s cranberry suede go-go boots (car boot sale) |
The rest of the afternoon was spent wrapping more ebay parcels - I think everyone's trying to cheer themselves up by treating themselves to vintage clothes. Jon's not going to be popular at the Post Office tomorrow!
We've got halloumi with roasted veg for tea (the peppers, spuds and red onions were super cheap down the road) and with ten limes for a £1 it would be rude not to have a few rum and colas for afters! I'm not sure what tonight's viewing pleasure may involve, maybe we'll have a look at
The Serpent (recommended by my friends
Betty and Brummie Sue).
Wherever you are in the world stay safe, stay well and stay at home!
It's mulled wine here in Kemp Castle..... And very nice it is too.
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely mulled wine weather! Cheers! x
Deleteyour newest anokhi piece looks gorgeous - esp. with the maxi skirt and cool fur hat!
ReplyDeletethe vintage lingerie is so much more fun then yoga-pants and shapeless tees...... :-D your lounge looks picture perfect and the smell of the detergent sounds great - i just deep cleaned the staircase - there was a ton of cobwebs and dustbunnies in the many corners and nooks...... i even washed the little chandelier - after detaching it from the power line of cause.
stay warm and safe!!! xxxx
You have been busy! I really struggle with our staircase as the ceiling is so high, i do the bits I can reach and ignore the rest.
DeleteI loved the shape of the new-to-me Anokhi jacket, all swingy and lovely. xxx
The new jacket is simply beautiful and looks fab on you. I am seriously in love with your maxi coat and if you were my size I steal it!
ReplyDeleteThe lingerie looks wonderful and the corset or girdle with the suspenders brought back so many memories of my mum wearing one; and of my second job in a funny little shop that sold them and knitting wool! I can't wear bri nylon or most types of nylon; it makes me itch and sometimes makes me come up in a rash but I did like those french knickers. Your house coat/dress looks like a party frock.
I loved Jon's lights - very groovy!
We have recorded 'The Serpent' but not yet watched. We're on to the second series of 'Before We Die'.
Take care and stay safe
Thanks, Vronni! I didn't wear that maxi coat much last year and I'd almost forgotten about it, now it's rarely off my back.
DeleteI remember a similar funny shop in Walsall, all the bras and girdles came in boxes and they were all neatly stacked in pigeon holes, the sales assistant had to climb a ladder to reach them. Woe betide you if you needed to try a few sizes.
The Serpent is wonderful, we've only got two more episodes to watch (the whole thing is on the iPlayer). I didn't realise that it was written by the same man as Ripper Street, one of my favourite ever BBC dramas! xx
That Anokhi is stunning and looks fabulous with your matching maxi skirt, Vix! Congrats on the vintage lingerie listings selling so quickly! I have a few vintage lingerie pieces, but my favourite is my Mr. Robert house-dress (pull on, zip up, pockets, washable), which I tend to put on before I shower or when I'm cooking to save my clothes underneath from getting spattered.
ReplyDeleteWe just finished watching all four seasons of "The Good Place" with Kristen Bell and Ted Danson - it was so good, well worth watching. Up next is season 3 of Cobra Kai.
We're waiting to hear this week if our current measures will be extended or if we will be going into full-on lockdown like the UK. Fingers crossed!
Thanks, Sheila! If that Anokhi jacket is the only thing I buy this year I think I'll be happy!
DeleteI think I remember your Mr Roberts house dress. They're so useful, aren't they? I pop mine over my workout gear in the mornings so i don't scare any delivery drivers!
I shall Goggle those series and see if I can find them. Highly recommend The Serpent if you like serial killers and the 1970s!
I hope you get some good news about your lockdown, it seems to be getting worse here! xxx
Beautiful jacket Vix. No wonder your vintage lingerie sold so quickly on Ebay, they look fab photo’d against your flamingo wallpaper. I too have taken to wearing a big fluffy hat around the house! My sister-in-law got me a box of Lush bath bombs three Christmases ago. I couldn’t bring myself to use them, as even now they make the wardrobe smell so good. Have a great evening. Lulu xXx
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lulu! I didn't expect that lingerie to sell quite so quickly, I've had some in the stockroom for years!
DeleteA friend suggested keeping a potato peeler and a jam jar in the bathroom so you can shave bits off your bath bombs to make them last longer. I cut mine into four. They are very decadent but I think we all need a bit of luxury at the moment, don't we? xxx
Your Lush package looks scrumptious!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you are doing so well with your EBay selling, Vix. Hope you're making lots of money!
Isn't that funny that your vintage nighties have been a success... recently I've gotten sick of wearing band tshirts and tracksuits as pjs and have switched to vintage nighties. They're so much more gorgeous to look at and wear. X
I do love Lush!
DeleteWith no prospect of any income for the next six months I'm really pleased that sales are going okay. I can't see festivals or fairs resuming with the way things are going in the UK at the moment!
I never wear anything in bed but love a vintage housecoat or glamorous wrap! xxx
That Anokhi jacket is a fabulous find and looks great with the heavy skirt. Housecoat is fabulous and so sensibble too... I wear long satin nighties at home under a black devore gown. so warm but pretty too and a whole lot more elevant than the current offerings in the shops of t shirts/leggings 'loungewear' I do love silk and satin and a bit of lace and 'invest' in french nickers with deep lace - now you have got me talking! undies are my thing! Not surprised your lingerie stock flew off the ebay pages with everyone stuck at home wanting to glam up.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that the Anokhi jacket didn't sell for £££s, everyone must have been distracted by Xmas!
DeleteLounge wear is dire in the shops, isn't it? I was looking a while ago and it's all either grey, fleecy or has teddy bears or some other childlike design!
After you mentioned French knickers a while ago I bought myself a British made oyster satin pair from a company who sell on Ebay, they're perfect under flimsy Indian gause dresses and look really pretty, too. xxx
I wouldn't want to be waiting in line behind Jon at the Post Office, although it's great you're keeping busy.
ReplyDeleteI had halloumi and roasted veggies yesterday as well. X
Luckily he was the only person in there, no huffing and puffing from anyone in a queue!
DeleteI love halloumi and roasted veg, I could eat it every day! xxx
Oh dear. I am one of the trackie bottoms brigade worn, as I mentioned, over thermal vest and long johns. I'd forgotten that I used to wear French knickers and how comfortable they were. Good old Marks used to sell silk ones which I would look out for in the sales. Had a phase of wearing silk and satin teddies but toileting was too much of a challenge! Love both your and Jon's outfits. Smart, classy, cosy. My granny was of the generation who wouldn't go out without a hat. When she came home, she forgot to take it off and spent the day with it perched on her head. Must be in the genes!!! Very cold here too. We've had hard frost. I watched half of Episode 1 of The Serpent last night (phone call interruption, I'm old school too!!). Can't believe I'd never heard of Sobhraj - a serial killer in my lifetime; must live a very sheltered life.
ReplyDeleteHello Catmac! French knickers are fab, I treated myself to some to wear under my flimsy frocks from an ebay seller - made in the UK and £7.95 with free postage! I do like all in ones but there's definitely a knack when it comes to using the loo!
DeleteI can just picture your granny cooking her tea with a hat elegantly perched on her head.
I think you will love The Serpent, we do. Only two episodes left to go. You'll have to unplug the phone!"xxx
I'm a long time lurker and I need to say thank you. Your style and mine couldn't be any more different, but I so enjoy reading about your life and home and clothing. I've appreciated seeing your photos and reading your perspectives on what is going on - things are not in any way normal, but we manage to keep on with a good attitude.
ReplyDeleteThank you for those lovely words, acm! It's lovely to hear from you. xxx
DeleteThe Anokhi jacket is fabulous! It looks toasty warm too.
ReplyDeleteI’m afraid I have to wear a scarf and wristwarmers round the house because we don’t have the heating on in the daytime, so you’re not alone.
Our garden has the most beautiful frost covering it this morning, and the evenings are getting lighter, so reasons to feel positive.
Take care xxx
I can't believe it was only a tenner! Bargain of the year.
DeleteI bet the postman thinks we're mad when we answer the door in so many layers.
You're right the frost has made the gardens look beautiful and it's definitely staying lighter for longer. Did we even notice these subtle changes before Covid? xxx
I'm wearing tights, thermal socks and slippers, jeans, a t shirt and a jumper and am tempted to go and find my hat while I'm in the house, if I wafted around in your gorgeous lingerie I would no doubt get frostbite!! Although that panty girdle might be handy after lockdown ... I remember my Mum wearing them back in the 60's.#
ReplyDeleteLove your new top, £10 ... what a bargain :-)
I'm like you during the day, Sue! The heating is turned down to the lowest setting and we're wearing everything! I'm okay at night, we're allowed the heating and I think a glass of rum helps! xxx
DeleteThe only room in our house that's warm is my office as I have a little heater for during the day. I put on a scarf to go to the kitchen and make a cuppa!
ReplyDeleteLove your quilted housecoat, things like that just aren't made these days.
Don't you wish the effects of a good house clean would linger just a little longer? I might be more inclined to keep on top of things if it lasted just an extra few days...
I'm giggling imagining you getting your scarf on to go and make yourself a cuppa. I think you need a teasmaid in the office!
DeleteI agree, I wish the house would stay clean for longer, I dusted the bookshelf this morning and was appalled by the state of it, I'm sure I only cleaned it a few weeks ago! xxx
I love that new jacket and I read through your old post and watched the video. It was mesmerising. I was looking at the V & A online shop the other day and noticed they had a book called The Indian Textile Sourcebook: Patterns and Techniques which reminded me of you.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the sound of that book! I shall have to investigate further.
DeleteThe Anokhi Museum was absolutely wonderful. A year earlier we'd travelled to Gujarat where most of India's block printing is done and were lucky enough to visit a factory where artisans spent all day printing great lengths of fabric by hand. It was a wonderful experience and really made me appreciate why block printed clothing commands such high prices. xxx
Hi VIX, I love your jacket, what a find. It's good to hear your own vintage is selling like hot cakes too.
ReplyDeleteI didn't fancy the serpent, you'll have to give your verdict! I saw and enjoyed black narcissus and I'm really into spiral. At the moment though I'm glued to the news...the US.
Hope you're having a good week. xxx
Thanks, Sally! The jacket looked nice in the seller's photos but was even lovelier when it arrived, I was expecting a lightweight blouse, not a jacket!
DeleteThe Serpent is absolutely fantastic, we've only got two episodes left to watch. It was written by the chap behind Ripper Street and you might recognise the girl who plays Nadine, she was Soizic in the last series of Spiral. xxx
I'll need to look out for Lord Sheraton's Wood Balsam, perhaps it'll be an incentive to do more than some perfunctory cleaning! I did, however, do some long overdue ironing this morning :-) That sunrise sky looks absolutely stunning, and so does your new Anokhi jacket. What a bargain, and I fully understand you wanted to wear it right away. The vintage lingerie looks particularly attractive against the flamingo wallpaper, no wonder it was almost all gone overnight! Your vintage housedress is the perfect evening wear, and definitely 20 p well spent! Take care and stay safe, you two. xxx
ReplyDeleteLord Sheraton's is proper old school wool polish, the smell is divine!
DeleteWell done on the ironing. I never mind once I start, it's just tustling to get the board up that annoys me. xxx
The Serpent is fantastic! No spoilers but you'll really enjoy it. Love the new jacket but as always, you'd look equally as great wearing a tattie sack! Brilliant results on your luxurious lingerie. xxx
ReplyDeleteYou say the nicest things, Anne!
DeleteI'm loving The Serpent, two episodes left to go! xxx
Unless I stay in the kitchen, the house is freezing. I've taken to sleeping beneath a couple vintage furs atop the blankets. I think it might be warmer outside.
ReplyDeleteThat vintage girdle is something! Never saw one with a cool print.
Isn't that girdle fabulous? I've got a crazy 1960s Playtex bra lurking around somewhere with a similarly wild print (if only I had bigger boobs!) xxx
DeleteI'm with Goody, a girdle with a cool print is a novelty. I'm also with Polyester Princess in appreciating the flamingo wallpaper as backdrop for the pretty flimsies (which I regard as wall art, no longer wearing such). I do think a photo-montage reveal of what we blog readers are wearing would be fascinating. So many of us are casting covetous eyes at the elegant quilted housecoat! (Me? Much-worn velvet caftan over ancient leotard & top, fluffy house socks with rubber treads.)
ReplyDeleteIt seems almost a shame to cover up such a cool looking girdle.
DeleteYour house clothes sound like some of mine. I did have a fabulous velour kaftan but wore it so often the bum went bald, not a great look! xxx
You certainly don't live a drab life Vix -I think I need to inject a bit of colour into mine at the moment x
ReplyDeleteWe all need some colour in our lives! xxx
DeleteThat jacket is fabulous and it looks great on you. So right in wearing it right away. There's no sense in waiting for a special occasion to wear it...and you wore it so well.
ReplyDeleteThe sunrise colours do look beautiful!
Thanks so much, Ivana! It seemed like a crime not to give that jacket an outing. xxx
DeleteThat's a beautiful jacket and you styled it cool with the maxi skirt! I love your house dress too!
Thanks, Lovely! xxx
DeleteLove the jacket, trust you the mention the lush sale. I got straight on the blower to mum, who has managed to get me a few bits and bobs. She said she will send them in the next care package!!! I can’t wait to annoy Paul!!! teehee. Everyone must want to be in vintage lingerie to spice up their life!! Beats new underwear any day says her in her thermals!!! my friend got a bra for Xmas and half the bra was missing!! All the rage apparently !!! i would rather be Margo from the good life thank you very much!!! Mind you I’m in an old genki gear t shirt and workout leggings at the moment. Pondering what colour my hair should be next. Aqua is calling me!!! Take care and keep safe
ReplyDeleteThat jacket could be my bargain of the year, I bet it'll be a while before the chazzas reopen. Thank goodness for eBay.
DeleteI'm glad your Mum managed to snaffle you some Lush treats. I'd never normally buy myself bath bombs - although I love getting them as gifts - they seem a bit decadent, but at half price and in these strange times i thought, why not?
I do like all the lace and froth of vintage undies, they're just so Carry On, aren't they? Thermals by day, vintage madness by night!
Aqua sounds fabulous, I demand a photo if you do! Loads of love. xxx
Is that Anokhi printed on linen, Vix? It is super-duper!
ReplyDeleteI have boots that would go well with your hat - I feel like a Sherpa in them lol.
Wrote a great, rambling comment - and then Blogger ate it - I think the Universe is teling me to shut up LMAO!!
Maryland - if you are here today - waving like mad and sending big love xxxx
Gah! Blogger is an arse sometimes!
DeleteThose boots are fantastic, I love them! You shouldn't have sent that link...I'll be having another sneaky look after a rum of three later.
The Anokhi is a really heavy weight cotton, I was expecting lightweight and was really thrilled when it turned up, never seen that style before.
Maryland's always in my thought, too. I hope she's okay. xxx
I have no affiliation with Redfoot - but they make fantastic shoes and seem to have a sustainable and thoughtful business ethos . I bought some lovely suede shoes for Spring/Summer and my mister - who is a shoe-a-holic and fussy with it - has had a couple of pairs from them too - and is very happy with what he bought! Bookmark, bookmark!
DeleteI'm really impressed, especially the men's selection. I've signed up already. You're an absolute gem for sharing! xxx
DeleteI am late catching up with blogs but thanks to Elaine for this recommendation. I found Redfoot and bought the boots in black. They look so cosy for lockdown walks! And I’m on a buy UK campaign so it’s great to find a manufacturer in my home county. Thank you so much. Their slippers look great value too, so they’re on my list for next purchase. Thanks Vix for your colourful words and pictures. Shenley.
DeleteHello Shenley! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I loved those boots that Elaine had linked to, she's brilliant for sharing useful information. xxx
DeleteHappy Friday Vix! well I love seeing your lounge so clean and tidy but above all cool! You look great in the vintage house coat and I am glad your sales are doing well. I am now on a no buy again. I have gone mad cleaning and tidying today to keep my mind off things. Mum is ok but had a fall and there is dang all I can do from here. Thought time for a break and to "drop in" on you. . I am still using the last of my lush stuff so nice. I have far too many lotions and potions! The vintage afghan dress and coat were made for each other and again have to say how beautiful you look in purple. Shazxx
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday to you, Shaz! I'm so sorry to hear about your mum's fall, I'm glad she's okay but it doesn't stop you worrying, does it? Tell her from me to have more tonic in her gin next time you speak to her.
DeleteI do love nice bath stuff, it feels particularly welcome at the moment, doesn't it? Stay safe. xxx
Hi Vix, that was some snow we had here this morning but soon went. We have been watching the sunsets here over the past few days and clocking how the days are starting to lighten up, need to get out more, oh no we can’t. Purple really is your colour and suits you. I knew you would like The Serpent it’s so good. I didn’t realise it was written by the same chap who wrote my favourite Ripper Street, loved Edmund Reid, he was so handsome, and his sidekick Sargeant Drake. So it’s a hunker down at home weekend with a good book and a fleece blanket, perhaps some edible goodies from Poundland! Keep Warm and Well. Love Brummie Sue Xx.
ReplyDeleteHello Sue! Today feels like the first time in ages we've not had to careful when we've been out walking for fear of slipping. The gorgeous skies have made up for the cold though, haven't they? Such incredible colours!
DeleteWe loved The Serpent, thanks for the recommendation. I was really excited when I learnt about the Ripper Street connection, I loved that series and especially the lovely Matthew Mcfaddyen (Edmund Reid).
Hope you found something tasty in Poundland! xxx
woww, this Anokhi jacket is such a fab piece and matches your skirt so delightfully!, these things put a smile on my face!. And so lovely to see the purple coat once more, it's such a beatiful color and you rock it!. And Jon is looking fab in his cosy coat and lovely scarf.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder that so many people decided to indulge themselves with fab pieces of lingerie, they look magnificent. And your house robe is another fantastic piece, and so fab that it's so warm and easy to wash (it ticks all the boxes!)
I've bought a pair of summery dresses myself. So obviously I totally understand that all we need to indulge ourselves with beatiful things.
Hope you keep yourselves safe until everybody is vaccinated. It's taking ages here to vaccinate just a few people, so it's going to be a long time at home for us too.
Thanks, Monica! I was thrilled when I opened the parcel, the photos on ebay really didn't do that jacket justice.
DeletePeople are definitely buying less but buying better, it makes me happy and I hope they continue to do so when things finally return to normal. xxx
I liked reading about the lingerie postings-and that they sold right away and people are treating themselves. yes, I am wearing sweatpants on my legs.
ReplyDeleteI was really surprised at how quickly the lingerie sold. I think we all need some pretty things in our lives especially in these gloomy times. xx