Friday 24 November 2017

Technicolour Friday - Charity Shop Treasure & Some Hardcore Drum 'n' Bass

Black Friday? Not on your life or on my body. There's been no shopping round these parts today, in fact we haven't left the house all day. I've been sorting the stock ready for Moseley this Sunday (details HERE)our last vintage fair of 2017, while Jon's been cracking on with the decorating. I'm very excited as I've just had a visit from a lady in love with The Cottage, eager to sound me out. Her house has only just gone up for sale but I really want her to buy it, she's as passionate about original features and preserving old houses as I am. I'm keeping everything crossed.

WEARING: Ruffle sleeved top (£1.99, charity shop), Crochet maxi skirt (handmade by Liz), Vintage purple suede platforms (£6.99, charity shop), Hmong tribe belt worn as a choker (the fabulous Krista)

 We haven't had much chance to go charity shopping lately. There's never a great deal donated in the run up to Xmas - except for us and the contents of The Cottage - and we're avoiding the shops we gave my parents' stuff to, I'm happy to give it away but I don't think I could deal with seeing it on the shelves being picked over by the Black Country's great unwashed. That being said, now I've photographed the past fortnight's finds, I don't think we've done too badly.

Clockwise from top left: Past Times floor length wool cardi; Peter Baron, London 1970s over-shirt; Vintage red velvet kaftan; 1970s maxi with chiffon cape sleeves; Indian cobalt blue velvet waistcoat; 1990s brocade Steampunk/Victorian jacket; Vintage crushed velvet catsuit; Vintage embellished velvet playsuit
The two jewel encrusted playsuits and the crushed velvet catsuits were, according to the charity shop manager, donated by the same lady - she must have been a showgirl or a dancer back in the 1970s. If I don't sell the orange catsuit on Sunday I might have to borrow it and I think I'll be keeping that velvet kaftan, too!

Clockwise from top left: Vintage pearl embellished playsuit; Vintage chartreuse crushed velvet catsuit; Vintage St Michael fake fur; 1970s leather patchwork waistcoat; Unlabelled (possibly handmade) crochet dress; Vintage kaftan (made in Cyprus); Vintage Laura Ashley printed cotton velvet jacket
I can't entirely claim the credit for all of our finds. The crochet dress had been put aside by a kind charity shop volunteer as she'd thought it was very me and a fellow shopper who we bump into every week was holding on to the Laura Ashley velvet jacket until I got there as she knew I liked "old stuff" and didn't want anyone else to get to it before I did. Talk about creatures of habit, you can almost set your watch by our charity shop visits!

Clockwise from top left: Vintage leather trench coat; Emerald green Harrington; Yves St Laurent wool jacket; 1960s Crombie overcoat; 1970s Varsity style jacket with coated PVC sleeves; Vintage 1960s tonic effect jacket with ticket pocket
Clockwise from top left: Hardback copy of Desperate Romantics by Franny Moyle, The private lives of the Pre-Raphaelites (50p); 1950s plaster wall plaque - isn't she like Amy Winehouse? I love her! (£2); RAC guidebook Jon only bought 'cos he loved the India Tyres bookmark (£3); Orange suedette platforms (£3); Gold coloured costume jewellery (earrings 99p, rings 50p each); Fake Prada sunglasses by Asos with tags still attached (£1).
 As a child the family's daily dinner service was Barbara Brown's Focus by Midwinter, a wedding present to my parents in 1966. I used to call it balls in boxes. There's only a few pieces left from the original set so I was thrilled to spot a pile of odds and ends on the bric-a-brac shelves of chazza a couple of weeks ago. I thought each piece was £1 but when I took it to the counter it was actually £1 for the lot!

But it's not all shopping, selling and decorating in the lives of Vix & Jon. Last night I blagged  tickets to see Walsall-born legend Goldie at his homecoming gig at Wolverhampton (known as Wolves by us locals) Civic Hall. It often surprises people when they find out that we're into drum 'n' bass and dance music, just 'cos we're vintage traders we're expected to like Elvis and stuff from the 40s and we most definitely do not. We've been known not to do certain vintage fairs as the music is so awful. After six hours of being stuck in a room listening to covers of the Andrews Sisters and Vera Lynn on repeat I start to fear for our sanity.

Terrible photos, incredible night! I loved how diverse last night's crowd were, the ages ranged from hip young students to handful of pensioners and who knew Goldie was so big with the Sikh community? When I got home I realised that the last time I'd watched a gig without a pint in my hand must have been over thirty five years ago. The first band I saw was The Stray Cats at Birmingham Odeon when I was 14. I went with Liz, the friend who made the skirt I'm wearing today.

You probably hate drum'n'bass - most of our friends do - but just in case, here's a snippet of Goldie doing his thing....

And here's his support, Reeps One, the amazing human beat box.

Tonight's Peaky Blinders on catch up. Last week's opening episode left me breathless.

See you soon, unless we see you in Birmingham on Sunday.


  1. Great finds, lots of velvet - my favorite. I hope that lady does buy your parent's house, it would be so nice if someone who actually appreciated it bought it and didn't rip out the features

    1. Velvet rocks but only the vintage stuff, the new stuff is all squeaky and odd!
      I hope she buys the house, she'd be an ace neighbour. Five offers on the table so far with another day of viewing tomorrow! xxx

    2. Wow, five offers, that's great!

    3. I know! I think another ten people visited today! Watch this space!

  2. We have not been been out today either , Not even done the market as we were expecting a deliver that never turned up , I am so angry , What great news about the lady and her house fingers crossed for you , What a bargain that midwinter was , Just shows there are still some to be had , I choose to watch peaky blinders when it was on and i am never disappointed with it , Bet he ends up with that union leader in the end xxx

    1. Oh no, what a waste of a day. I hate it when that happens. Keep your fingers crossed for us, I'd love it if the house went to someone deserving - she's even went round the Black Country museum yesterday for ideas!
      Tommy needs a good woman, at least her politics are right! xxx

  3. Amazing bargain with the Barbara Brown bits and pieces, love her designs!

    1. Wasn't it? I love Barbara Brown's stuff, too. Sold an incredible set of curtains at Stockport last year. I really like the lady who bought them so I was happy they went to a good home. xxx

  4. You've had a great fortnight shopping wise I'd say....loving the crochet dress and great china bargain. At first glance your first montage reminded me of Sgt Pepper. I bet Ann would love to get her hands your plaster head wall plaque. I'm fed up with hearing about Black Friday, load of consumerist nonsense if you ask me. The highlight of my day was going to the scrap yard and getting £7.20 for my old bath taps. Rock n roll!
    I once despatched a flight that Goldie was on...I thought he was a Londoner!

    1. Everyone's after that plaster plaque, they're so hard to find at affordable prices these days!
      £7.20 for old taps, that isn't a bad result. That'd go a long way in Spoons!
      Fancy thinking Goldie was a Southerner, he speaks broader Black Country than I do. xxx

    2. Ah yes but I didn't hear him speak...I think it was because he was once in Eastenders wasn't he? (I don't watch it)

    3. I didn't know that! Another Walsall celeb, Don Gilet, was in Eastenders, too. I suppose it's better than being in Crossroads! x

  5. I love your crochet skirt - I bet that's nice and warm!

  6. That's really good news about The Cottage - I do hope it works our for you and the potential buyer.

    You always find the best things in charity shops - that crochet dress is a real gem! There's nothing decent in my local ones, and never any vintage (unless I've donated it myself).

    Oh, and my parents had that very dinner set when I was a kid! Sadly, I have no idea what happened to it though.

    1. Thanks, Fran, I hope so to. The estate agent called with some feedback earlier and said how much she liked her, apparently she was going into raptures over every detail in each room she went into!
      Some charity shops are terrible, I reckon they get decent stuff but the managers only puts out what they like and the vintage gets stuck in the rag bag.
      Fancy you having the same Focus dinner service. I've got their Arabesque coffee set but donated the Denby - far too drab! xxx

  7. Love the balls in boxes. Fingers crossed that lady buys The Cottage! x

    1. Balls in Boxes would have been a far better name for the pattern than Focus, wouldn't it? Sounds like a car!!
      I hope the lady gets the house, she's viewing it for the third time tomorrow! xxx

  8. Yay to technicolour friday! You did quite well at the chazzas. That chartreuse crushed velvet catsuit! I'm intrigued by the Pre-Raphaelites book. And the plaster Amy Winehouse plaque made me swoon, never seen such a lovely one. How wonderful that you were able to find the odds and ends of your parents' dinner service, and all for just £ 1! Hope your final vintage fair of the year is a good one! Oh, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this lady decides to buy The Cottage ... xxx

    1. I think that Pre-Raphaelites book accompanied a series on the BBC, I'll have to see if I can track it down on You Tube, I'm intrigued, too.
      I can't wait to get the house finished so we can put our plaster heads up, I've got a few stashed in the wardrobe. xxx

  9. That is an excellent haul for it not being good at first thought. I am so pleased that you may have found a buyer for The Cottage that sounds like she will care for the place as much as you have. That is really important I think. It would be horrible to see the place turned into a bland modern shell. I really love that plaster head and your crochet maxi is gorgeous. Quite the antidote to this grey weather although it's been lovely here during the day. Word has it that Glasgow has had its first snow tonight. Love that tableware too. The pattern is lovely.
    Nothing wrong with a bit of drum 'n' bass and Goldie is fab. I have surprised a lot of the younger people at work by my love of dance music (and black metal but that is another story). I was really into rave when it first emerged. Lots of old punks and goths were back in the day and it was such fun. :) Honestly, why do you have to get your pipe and slippers out and settle for easy listening when you get past 25? My current playlist faves are Die Antwoord and (slightly oldie but goodie) Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip. Check them out if you don't know them. You might like them. :) Have a fab time in Birmingham. Xx

    1. It's not too bad a haul, is it? I love the head, can't wait to display her!
      I love Die Antwoorld, Krista introduced me to them a few years ago. I didn't know Scroobius Pip was a musician, he was in Taboo. I'll definitely check him out. thank you. xxx

  10. Chartreuse...I always wondered what that colour was called!

  11. I love the Indian waistcoat, it reminds me of those ceilings you get in medieval churches which I also love, I've always maintained if I ever get to live in a house with a high ceiling that's what I'll do!!

    I'm so thrilled you have had an offer from someone who will love The Cottage with all it's features intact. Everything crossed it works out. xxx

    1. I know exactly what you mean, the church I went to as a child was painted the same shade of blue, I was far more interested in admiring it than listening to the boring old vicar droning on about god.
      There's another load of viewings today. I'm doing my best not to look out of the window! x

  12. It was heartbreaking to read of people ripping out the interiors of houses like your parents’ for game rooms or whatevers so I will join in with everyone else hoping this lady buys. When I was 11 in 1976 my mum got Royal Doulton’s Inspirations for our everyday crockery and I was so happy when I found four mugs, tea plates, and the coffee pot in a charity shop recently. It’s not as chic as Barbara Brown but I can definitely share your finding joy.

    Now I’m off to find my crochet hook and my roomies, feline and human, are casting me suspicious glances because I squealed when I saw your marvellous skirt.

    1. Hi Izabel. There's so much of the over-modernising going on round her at the moment. I just don't get why people can't just buy a new house rather than rip the guts out of an old one. I suppose it's all about living in an area with the right post code. Grrr!
      Isn't it thrilling to find something that instantly transports you to a happy past?
      I so wish I could crochet, I've tried and tried and failed! xxx

  13. First of all fingers crossed for the lovely lady to buy the house - she sounds ideal!

    What wonderful finds. I loved it all but I'm especially enamoured of the crochet dress. I could actually make that, I think. I also loved your crochet skirt as I could see me making that and wearing it...

    My son was into drum and bass when he first started getting into music and I do like it and eldest grandson is a big fan.

    So glad you found your missing bits of tablewear and so cheap, too! We grew up with a 50s style turquoise heavy duty melamine table ware bought from a Sikh gentleman who called at each house with goods for sale. Only the sugar bowl survives.

    Have a fab weekend!

    1. You ought to have a crack at making a dress like that, with your crochet skills I bet you could knock one up in no time.
      I love Melamine, we collected it like mad when we first got Gilbert but stupidly sold it all at VW shows. We need a new old set for when the other campervan is ready.
      Hooray for another D&B fan! xxx

  14. Let's see if this comment finally works...


  15. Okay then. I may have finally fixed my "unable to comment" dilemma...hopefully. That only sucked up 30 minutes of my life.

    So delighted you may have found someone to take the Cottage off your hands.

    Love your crocheted skirt and that dress you found. It looks like it might be too large for me. Must see if you have it listed.

    I also have a velvet jumpsuit to list. Thought someone might like it for New Years.

    I really love that embellished playsuit.


    1. Well done for persevering! I hate it when that happens.
      I'm keeping everything crossed re:The Cottage.
      The dress would be too big for you, sadly! When people are kind enough to save me stuff I feel obliged to wear it next time I visit their shop - I'll have to think of a way to wear it so I don't like look I'm dressing up in my much bigger sister's cast-offs!
      I'm looking forward to seeing your velvet jumpsuit. the more I look at the ones I got the more I think I need to try them on! xxx

  16. My daughter just bought a jump suit-you lovely tall and thin ladies do justice to them. While I woudl look like a sausage, they have an certian elgance and ease I appreciate. Iunderstand your thoughts on your parents old stuff. Even seeing some things some times at my siblings makes me sad-usually nostaligic, but sometimes, just ssad.

    1. Tall! I'm only 5'3" - maxi dresses have magical powers! xxx

  17. Amazing finds, I love the over shirt and crotchet dress (and your skirt too)! I hope the lady buys the Cottage, that's reassuring that she'll want to keep it as it is. xxx

    1. Thanks, Jess! that over shirt is lovely, isn't it?
      I really hope that lady gets the house! x

  18. Gorgeous colours in that skirt hope that lady sells her house soon. Good luck ! Xxx

    1. Thanks, sally! Me, too. She'd be the perfect person to have the house. xxx

  19. Nice!!!! We have a major DnB sitch here in Asheville-----so lucky!!!! I'll share some downloads with you from Facebook!!!! Loving the chartreuse velvet catsuit!

    1. Do you? All the more reason to come visit Asheville. Hit me up with some recommendations, I'm always up for some fresh tunes! x

  20. goldie!! love him and drum´n bass!!! i danced the nineties away on the sound.....
    super sweet granny square skirt! the white blouse is like fresh air together with the brights of skirt and pompoms.
    and you made some glamorous bounty - all the body suits and kaftans - looks like the circus has donated!
    congrats to finding designer china for 1 pound!
    happy trading! xxxxx

    1. I knew you'd like Goldie, we always seem to love the same music! I first knew him as a graffiti artist, he brightened up loads of derelict spaces in Walsall back in the 1980s.
      There's a few mad pieces in amongst this week's finds. Crazy to think they were bought in a rundown industrial town like ours and not somewhere hipster-ish! xxx

  21. That crockery is such a find and £1 for the lot! I find that many younger people are surprised to discover that people - well, shall we just say 'getting on' - like a wide variety of music. Rock music has been going since the 50s, and has had a multi generational following since then. I like to cherry pick through youtube, get the headphones on and listen to it really loud!

    1. I couldn't believe they only wanted £1 - they even wrapped each piece up individually in tissue paper, I probably wouldn't have got that service in Debenhams!
      I love a You Tube disco and discovering new stuff - 6Music is brilliant for that, mashing up Northern soul and Indie classics with 1930s jazz, African pop and brand new releases! x

  22. That's a fantastic croched skirt you're wearing. The blouse looks good too.
    I love Midwinter crockery, it's got real iconic mid century appeal. I love that era for design.
    Sounds like you had a great night out.
    Good luck with the cottage sale, hope it all falls in to place. xxx

    1. Thanks, Sally! I'm lucky to have such a clever friend.
      I've never been a fan of vintage dainty china but I do love funky 1960s ceramics. I'm lucky that my parents were hip and trendy, I've got their Arabesque coffee set and their Portmerion Greek Key cups & saucers. xxx

  23. I wonder if that crocheted dress might be big enough for me? I wear a larger size than Suzanne. I would love to meet the woman who donated the velvet catsuits and playsuits, I bet she has some good stories to tell.

    I hope that woman's house sells quickly so she can buy the cottage - when it's the house you grew up in, you want it to go to someone who gives you positive vibes.

    I don't mind drum 'n bass for dancing - that being said, I can't remember the last time I went out dancing. Now I feel old...

    1. I'll let you know the measurements of that dress if it's still in stock on Monday, Shelley. It's pretty fabulous.
      It's been months since we had a night out, too. Whatever happened to our social life? xxx

  24. I am trying to keep every fibre of my body crossed that 'the lady' gets The Cottage. Y'know when some things are really meant to be, let's hope this is one of them. Have fun at Moseley.

    1. Thanks, Z! I'm expecting another update from the estate agents in the next couple of hours! x

  25. I hope the lady gets your cottage-it would be wonderful for you to like the person that moves in.
    Oh goodness-those catsuits!
    Enjoy the last fair of the season.

    1. Me, too! I'd love her to buy it.
      Those catsuits are insanely good. The pearl encrusted playsuit has sold but there's three left. The orange one may be getting an outing soon! x

  26. Hi Vix
    It was fab meeting you today. I love the jacket i bought. If you still have the purple boots and they are size 6 can you keep them for me i will pay for them and pick them up when you next have a fair. I knew i should have bought them when i was there. Thanks

    1. It was a joy to meet you, Shelagh! I'm so glad you found something you liked, the jacket went perfectly with your dress.
      Those boots are an 8 - too big for you. They'd be in my wardrobe if my feet were bigger. xxx

    2. Thanks Vix. By the way your skin is beautiful and your dress and hair were fab! Thanks for a lovely greeting shelagh

    3. You're too kind! Thank you!

  27. dont let the bog standard girl trio 40's singers put you off 30's & 40's music, as you know Im massively into it and it is generally the worst version of the era! my husband has a 30's/40's radio show if you ever want to listen! ;-)

    1. Send me a link!! To be honest I quite enjoyed the music at Walthamstow but I'm happy to be persuaded to love it! xxx

      its internet radio but you can listen via Mixcloud too -

      pure 30's & 40's!

  28. I remember that dishware! I always marvel at the cool finds you make. The amount of vintage or good retro merchandise is jut not available here in the US. I do keep an eye out for 80's fashions for gifts to my BFFs daughter. I am reliving my youth vicariously through her. It's been years since we could find an serious 60's or 70's thriftables. Once again, color me envious!

    1. I suspect most of the vintage in your thrift shops gets snapped up by traders. Everything I see on ETSY is always across the Atlantic. xxx

  29. Wow, I never find stuff like that in the thrift shops here! Amazing finds!

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Sheila! The stuff I find surprises me, too. xxx

  30. my BFF just re-watched Quadrophina( I probably really spelled that wrong)and the trench coat looks like the one Sting worn. The 2 catsuits are crazy!

    1. Yes!! Sting was amazing as "The Face" in Quadrophenia! xxx

  31. I like Blondie but Reets One is brilliant, both showing real imagination. That red catsuit looks fun. Hope your schedule for kinky comes near me next year..Sunny Surrey (Brighton maybe?)

    1. Isn't he incredible? It's beyond me how someone can make all that noise!!
      If Judy's ever return to Brighton we'll be there! xxx

  32. WOAA, so many fabulous finds!, those velvet catsuits and kaftans and colorful pieces! and so lovely that some people set aside clothes for you as they know your taste!
    Lovely crochet skirt, that's a stunning piece!
    Not a huge fan of drum'n'bass, but glad that you enjoyed it!

    1. Last week's finds were pretty special! xxx

  33. The skirt is brilliant! I love my crochet blanket so the thought of wearing it as a skirt is highly appealing! I'm not a fan of Goldie but I am a fan of the ace items you bought from the Charity shop. How nice they know you so well too!x

    1. Thank you! I'm spoilt by the charity shop volunteers, aren't I? xxx

  34. Oh, I do hope that lady buys The Cottage and loves it! It would be so ace if it goes to someone who appreciates it. And well done for finding more 'balls in boxes'; I shall keep an eye out for that design on my chazza browsing.

    I have tried listening to drum'n'bass but it's really not my thing. I don't know why, but I just can't get on with a lot of modern music. The dance stuff they play at the gym drives me nuts, I have to take my ipod. Still, there's an awful lot of pre-1990 music I haven't heard yet... It wouldn't do for us all to like the same stuff, though, that would be boring!

    1. I'd love to sell The Cottage to her, I hope she manages to sell their house, there's quite a few other interested parties now, I'm trying to find them on Facebook as I'm nosy!
      I love drum 'n' bass as it's so upbeat and you can't help but dance. I think the test of great music is standing in a feild in the pouring rain at a festival and dancing despite the elements, that's why I like it. xxx

    2. PS If you find any Balls in Boxes I'd be thrilled to bits. It's the first time I've come across any in goodness knows how many years! xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix