Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Paint It Black - Introducing The Kinky Shed

Izzy, our postman, looked on aghast when he handed over our mail on Saturday morning and caught us slapping paint on the Kinky shed. You're painting it black! He exclaimed in horror. Trust us, I replied, It's going to look great when we're finished.

And it does (or least least we think so). A vast improvement on what looked like a dodgy 1970s sauna.

Black matches the house (and the cats!) and, as we live in a conservation area, shouldn't piss the neighbours off too much.

Jon came up with an use for the pallets some skanky fly tipper dumped over our fence last year (don't get me started on the filthy bastards) by up-cycling one of them into window boxes. A couple of coats of masonry paint, some brackets from Poundland and a few pots filled with Forget-Me-Nots rescued from between the cracks in the pavers and for £2* the shed's gone from being a basic outbuilding to a home worthy of housing the Kinky stock.

*We also spent £40 on 10 litres on masonry paint, using just over a third of it on the Kinky shed.

So what's inside?

Vintage galore. 

Seven rails crammed with menswear and womenswear, hats, bags, footwear, suitcases & vanity cases stuffed with scarves, ties, cowboy boots and costume jewellery.

We keep four sets of rails in the van so when we trade at fairs it's a simple matter of selecting the stock, bagging it up and hanging it on the rails when we get there. When we return home we hang the remaining stock back on the rails, examine each piece for damage incurred from being tried on (bust zips, make-up stains) and for missing price labels and size cubes. 

Is this all our stock? Not quite! There's still a rail of menswear over the road at the old family home, a six foot rail of coats in our dining room, an ottoman stuffed with vintage lingerie, a growing mending pile in the spare bedroom and 8 sacks of festival gear in the cupboard of doom under the stairs in the hall. Minimalists take note, vintage trading ain't the career for you, your stock will take over everything.

Black really shows off the greenery in a garden. I love how verdant the bamboo looks against the shed.

Of course our freshly painted shed doesn't half show off how scruffy the rest of the garden is. I ended up spending the entire holiday weekend pruning, weeding, shifting slabs, planting, re-potting and re-organising. I had no problem with 18 hours of manual labour but three whole days imprisoned in practical clothing, that's not good for the soul. This morning we needed to pop to the market to stock up on fruit and veg and I was beyond excited. Finally I could to discard the crazy 1980s leggings, vintage bobble hat and Jon's old jumper and wear something decent.

WEARING: Vintage Alexander Clare Crimplene psychedelic halterneck maxi (eBay, last seen HERE) with mustard lace-up body (Modern, retail sale buy), Leopard print ankle boots (Taken in part exchange for a Kinky Melon festival purchase)
Our bespoke shed was designed, built and installed by GE Collis, a business owned & run by the same local family since 1957. They're ace. (And no, we didn't get paid or asked to advertise. Great service deserves to be shared.)

See you soon.


  1. I love the black with white accents - and it does look really nice with the flower boxes and really suits your house too! Many who sell vintage aren't really in it like you are - a full fledged business supporting both of you. That maxi is pretty - love it!

    1. Thanks, CC! We live and breathe vintage and take massive pride in our stock. It deserved a fabulous new home! xxx

  2. much better than the plain naked wood. Dare I say it looks cute.

  3. It's a stylish shed! Ours has your colour scheme inverted, white with black accents. We're in the middle of repainting it, one side done three to go... Having to wear a tatty old tshirt is the worst bit, I don't mind the elbow grease! Xx

    1. Painting's quite therapeutic, isn't it? Scruffy clothes aren't! x

  4. Wow , Thats beautiful ,Love it , Its so complimentary to the house too xxx

    1. Thank you! We hoped that they'd be a good match. xxx

  5. Absolutely friggin gorgeous, Vix!!!

  6. Oh yes! Your LBS is stunning.... as sheds go. Such an improvement on the bare timber, I don't see how anyone could object to it. Jon did a great job on the window boxes. What did Izzy think this morning?
    Gonna be singing that all evening now! xx

    1. LBS, sounds very swanky! Izzy didn't have any post for us on Tuesday but was absolutely amazed on Wednesday, he loved it. In fact he says he's going to do his the same colour! xxx

  7. Basic black against vibrant greens -- or even snow -- is my idea of the ultimate in garden elegance!

    Now tell me, please, what size (American, please) is that floral swimsuit? The neighbors might object, but I'm planning to be stylish whilst soaking up some D.

    1. That black paint looks like radical when you start painting with it but it's surprisingly subtle and elegant one it's done! xxx
      PS It's a 34 bust! x

  8. I LOVE it! Black goes with everything.

    If you end up with more palettes (hopefully you won't) they make great raised garden beds and compost containers. The nerve some people have dumping as they please.

    Beth can have the swimsuit-can you leave me the leopard coat in your will?

    1. Thank you! I have got more pallets (gah!) I've seen a couple of photos of herb planters and beds made from them, I think we might give it a bash! x

  9. My first thought was the same as the mailman's but when I saw your house in the background, it meshes perfectly! Good call ~
    Loved seeing the storage behind the story. As you called it, nothing ever comes easily, including reselling.

    1. I think a lot of people were surprised how good black looks in a garden, the postman included! xxx

  10. I am I in love with your colour-coordinating goth shed. Black really is the perfect foil to all that gorgeous greenery. The contents look like vintage shopping heaven. What a cheek of people dumping stuff in your garden. Bonus that it was pallets as those window boxes are lovely. Isn't Jon handy. Love the jumpsuit. It is very "Margo" and you look as fab as always in it. Xx

    1. Jon loves the name Goth Shed, it could be its new name!
      I loathe fly tippers although the children who attend the posh school round the corner come a close second. i can fill a bin with the discarded sweet wrappers, crisp packets and energy drinks they chuck over the fence! xxx

  11. So much better than the dodgy sauna look and it really makes the surrounding greenery pop. x

    1. Isn't it? Much as I love the 1970s, knotty pine isn't a favourite! xxx

  12. Looks great! And I am all in favor of dƩcor that matches the cats :)

  13. That's a classy shed and no mistake, love it, gorgeous greenery too.

    1. Thanks, TD!! The bamboo's excellent and the cats love chasing strands of it! x

  14. It looks great, the black works so well and is a vast improvement! xx

  15. The shed looks ace painted black. I want to go and paint my sister's shed now. Haha she'll be in for a shock next time we are down there.
    Yours has made such a fantastic asset to the business. Life must be so much more easy now.
    Ooh youve given me an idea,perhaps I could have one in our garden and put all my clobber in there... Listen up Philip xxxx

    1. I'm sure it's the law that all outbuildings in Oxfordshire have to painted in posh Dove Grey! A shed this size would be perfect for your wardrobe. Listen up Philip! xxx

  16. Much, much better in black. You are a visionary.
    Mil besos

  17. Kink-tastic in not so basic black!
    What on earth is a "skanky fly tipper," pray tell?

    1. Haha! Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. Rife in these parts. We've had everything from plasterboard, bricks and half empty pots of paint to the remains of fridges. Grrr! Skanky is urban slang for a dirty or nasty person. xxx

  18. Finally we get to see the Kinky shed! You guys have done a great job. It looks really distinguished, painted black, and the recycled window boxes are a wonderful touch. I'm practically salivating at all that gorgeous vintage inside! Oh, and if you think your garden looks scruffy, you should see ours ... xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! from the tantalising glimpses of Dove Cottage I've seen on your blog it looks lovely. I'd love to see a blog all about your garden, scruffy or not! x

  19. I love the black, it looks perfect and the upcycled pallets are ingenious and finished off beautifully with the Forget-Me-Nots. The inside is like an Aladin's cave, a wonderful kaleidoscopic Kinky cave!! A feast for the eyes. You worked very hard over the weekend but it definitely looks worth it xxx

    1. A wonderful kaleidoscopic Kinky cave!! You've got a way with words, Sally! xxx

  20. totally love the black! indeed it matches the house and the shed looks like it´s standing there for over 200 years! great work! and the flower boxes are very pretty!
    and you, my dear, you look so very glamorous in that gorgeous patterned maxi and mustard blouse/body!!
    did you install a alarm in the shed to protect all the vintage galore??

    1. We're alarmed! Sadly burglaries are as common as fly tipping around here!
      I'm delighted you like the Kinky Shed, dear Beate, I always admire your excellent taste. xxx

  21. A LBS to go with the cats!! What's not to like? Your Jon is a real dab hand at making useful stuff isn't he? Having the window boxes really lifts it out of 'shed mode' more Swiss Chalet! I spy another animal print coat...looks awesome!

    1. He's not bad, is he? Beats having to take everyone else's crap to the tip!
      Vintage leopard print rules! xxx

  22. The Kinky shed looks almost as glamorous as you, love! Good paint job, and loving the window boxes - that's how to make the best of a bad job, those fly tipping arseholes didn't know who they were dealing with!
    The stock looks so inviting, I could spend ages sifting through it all, I'm sure.
    And you look fab in that frock and blouse combination - great colours and such a groovy print. But I do think you're mean, not showing us your manual labouring outfit!
    Love you! xxxxx

    1. You flatterer, you!! Yes, in the words of Tom Hardy, fly-tippers crap "I have a use for you". Shame nobody thought of chucking Tom Hardy over the fence, more's the pity.
      Love ya! xxx

  23. I loved the pictures.
    Nice to meet your blog.

    1. Thanks, Janicce! I'll pop over and visit you shortly! xxx

  24. It's gone from a garden shed to a pavilion! What an excellent make over ☺

    1. Oh, a pavilion! I like that a lot! Thank you. xxx

  25. Clever move Vix and you've got your priorities right colour coordinating it with the cats. Quite right too! I know what you mean about fly tipping....makes my blood boil. We had a curtain rail jettisoned into our garden one evening [drunken escapade] which I was actually thankful for later on as we used the brackets from if after my son broke one of ones on his! Trying to imagine you in a work clothes is like imagining Prince Philip and the Queen wearing trainers to the state opening of parliament!Just can't picture it!

    1. Fly tippers are the worst! Like us, I'm glad you found some use for other people's cast-offs. Yesterday afternoon I planted out the drum from a washing machine some other idiot decided to toss over the hedge!
      Ha! I'm trying to envisage Liz & Phil in joggers! xxx

  26. Replies
    1. Thank you! So do we (and the postman does, too!) xxx

  27. The shed looks magnificent and much more in fitting with Kinky Melon's Chic and your wonderful house (it looks like it has a flat roof from the back- does it or is that just the angle? I am intrigued!!!!) It's wonderful to see how your clobber is housed! I love being nosy about your house!!x

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! You're right about our house's roof - it's single pitch and at an odd angle. The top storey was added, we think, in the mid-1800's, previous to that the house was a single storey row of 18th century farm labourer's cottages back in the pre-Industrial Revolution days when Walsall was farmland! xxx

  28. It looks great, love it painted black :)

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Claire! Thank you! xxx

  29. great job! I think that your Kinky Shed looks amazing painted black, so edgy and elegant!, love the white details and those window boxes!
    Obviously, your fabulous stock deserves some fabulous storage!
    and I agree about how boring is to wear work clothes as I worn t-shirts and black pants for two days when I was painting, and it was enough for me. But you look gorgeous once more, and I love your maxi and your stunning mustard blouse, those sleeves are so cool!!

    1. Thank you, Monica! Wearing work clothes is so draining but at least we appreciate our fabulous normal clothes all the more after we've finished our manual tasks! xxx

  30. Gee here in the United States we would usual use the word 'Kinky" as unusal sex act. For the shed as you got post the term "storage shed"
    The boxes around the window sure brings it to life.
    Coffee is on

    1. We use "Kinky" in the same way here, Dora! At least our stall is memorable and we have queues of people taking selfies outside our shop sign at festivals! xxx

  31. Hi Vix, the Kinky shed perfectly matches your home. As for the insides, I could happily spend hours in there, how cool! Xxx

  32. The Kinky Shed looks fabulous! Looks as though it's been there forever already and the flower boxes and white window frames finish it off perfectly. And inside!!! Oh wow, I'd love to get loose in there! You are so creatively organised (is that a bit of a contradiction??) and so here's wishing you heaps of fun and sales from the Shed. (I can't imagine you looking anything but brilliant in "labourer's clothing"). xx

    1. I still wore lipstick despite the labouring clothes - one has to maintain certain standards (and not scare the postman!) xxx

  33. it looks absolutely fabulous! xx

  34. The shed looks fine. At least black recedes, so it won't overwhelm everything. (We painted ours green for that reason.)

    Flytippers are gits. One's left a pile of broken-up outdoor tiles/slabs right outside our back gate. Duck only knows how long it will take us to shift them. And it probably took them as much effort to dump the things all the way down the alley as it would have done to take them to the hardcore skip at the town recycling depot. We won't get anything as nice as Jon's planters out of them, that's for sure.

    Sooooo much vintage...

    1. You're right, it's interesting how much a big black shed fades into the background. We had to point it out to the postman yesterday!
      Arghhh, fly tippers are horrible. Like you I can't understand why they bother to load stuff into a car and dump it on someone's property rather than take it to the tip. Scumbags! xxx

  35. Perfect shed, lovely house, gorgeous clothes, super Vix and Jon. �� ��Hope you can take a zzz over Anzac weekend, and very nice cat ! Can,t believe people so nasty!��

    1. Hello Sally! Thank you. Some people are so inconsiderate, aren't they? I hadn't realised it was Anzac weekend coming up, that's a great excuse for a break (and a cheeky beer!) xxx

  36. Oooh, that looks fab! Andy just remarked how hot it'll be in the summer, so you could still have a sauna! Love all the green against it. Urgh, fly tippers are scum šŸ˜  xxx

    1. Thank you! Tell Andy not to worry, with the amount of trees in our garden there's no danger of anything getting hot. We've had it since last June and even in August it was still cool! xxx

  37. Vix, I think it is awesome! Cannot believe someone would just dump something! But you made beautiful use of it!

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn! I despair of how wasteful people can be. xxx

  38. Shed had a transformation from old sauna to a modern chic nordic style šŸ¤— So pretty šŸ˜Š

  39. Shed had a transformation from old sauna to a modern chic nordic style šŸ¤— So pretty šŸ˜Š

  40. Wow! You're shed looks great! I would love to shop those rails, if only I could! :)

  41. I think the shed looks marvelous in black and white, especially surrounded by all the greenery!

  42. yes, it is a fabulous shed - now you've painted it black. Would love to have a rummage in there! I hope you have it insured.

    The pretty window box is a lovely touch.

    Fab outfit btw,


    1. Thanks, Veronica! Everything is insured, bolted, deadlocked and alarmed. Nothing is safe around here. We've even had plant pots nicked. xxx

  43. What else than black?!?!
    Your taste in paint color is only surpassed by your good looks and amazing eye for vintage clothing ♥

  44. So beautiful, Vix! Very classy, and very English!


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Lots of love, Vix