Friday, 28 October 2016

What's New, Pussycat?

New? Nothing new to see here! I've owned this 1970s psychedelic catsuit for at least five years, it's worked at a few vintage fairs, danced on a moonlit beach in Goa, had lunch in Wetherspoons and survived Glastonbury tucked into my wellies.

Today is the first time time I've tried wearing it with a blouse underneath and I like it. It reminds me of being a kid and Mum making me wear my summer dresses throughout the winter with crocheted tights, a silky polo neck or a dagger collar shirt underneath.  You'll have grown out of that by next Summer, she'd say, You'll have to get your wear out of it while it still fits or it's a waste of money. 

I've got no intention of growing out of my catsuit, I'll be back on my Wii Fit on Monday morning now I've finally shaken off the dreaded lurgy.

In other news, that's me and the Lizzes (next to each other, top left of the photo) showing off some of the creations we made in our batik and gelli printing workshop on Tuesday.

When we took the workshop earlier this year I used one of my batik panels to pimp up a jumble sale denim jacket.

Here's what I made this week. I'm thinking of sewing an Afghani style dress and using the bottom piece of batik as the bodice, perhaps picking out some of the detail with metallic thread. My sewing mojo seems to have done a runner this week but I'm sure normal service will be resumed shortly.

Clockwise from top left: Peggy French shift dress; Carnegie embellished maxi; Brown lurex maxi; 1970s cotton tunic; Lurex Mod shift; Shubette Lurex maxi; Scottish wool tailored jacket; 1970s printed midi; Alexon Young Set Mod coat; Red leather jacket; 1960s gold lace blouse; Lurex pussy bow blouse (to which I've now laid claim)

Jon's only just started to feel human again so we haven't been out hunting this week but anyone planning to visit us at vintage fairs this weekend needn't worry, we've some amazing new stock courtesy of a wonderfully kind blog reader, Jayne, who was having a huge declutter and thought of us. So much vintage womenswear arrived yesterday that Izzy the post man had to call round to ask us to meet him by his van after he'd finished his round. I was almost squealing with excitement when I opened the five parcels he handed us. Here's some of the pieces you'll find on our rails at Balham on Saturday (details HERE) and Moseley on Sunday (HERE).

Clockwise from top left: 1960s cocktail dress; St Michael wool day dress; Astraka fake fur; Silk blouse; sequined cocktail dress, Caped maxi dress; lurex blouse; Halterneck day dress; Sequined cocktail dress; 1960s day dress, 1980s cocktail dress
A massive thank you to not only Jayne but also to Jan, Sandra, Lynn, Nikki, Mim & Gisela who have all helped keep the Kinky rails topped up throughout 2016.

As we had to cancel our plans last weekend we've still got all the funky menswear we bought the previous week to dazzle the punters with but we have managed to add a couple more items, snagging these super cool pieces from eBay earlier this week. I can't think of many men who wouldn't look great in this 1970s novelty print American shirt or the belted red leather jacket - sadly not Jon as they're both too big.

WEARING: 1970s psychedelic catsuit (99p, eBay, 2011), Vintage lurex pussy bow blouse (on loan from the Kinky stockroom), contemporary Jane Shilton suede platform boots (free gift from my favourite seller at the mid week car boot sale), Tooled leather belt with lion buckle (Out of the 3 for £1 bin in the clearance chazza), 1950s leather bag (50p, jumble sale, 2009)

We're off to pack the van in readiness for a (hopefully) full-on vintage selling weekend. Have a good 'un and see you on the other side.

Updated to link to Patti & the gang for Visible Monday.


  1. You look lovely in this vintage catsuit,really suits you a lot.

  2. Smashing blouse there Vix! I love blouses under things and this looks utterly fabulous, I intend to do the same with some summer dresses, so I can wear them all year round.

    That leopard coat looks gorgeous! Is it as soft as it looks?

    Your handiwork is wonderful, I did batik at school, but my memory of mine was that it was a bit of a dogs dinner! I think your piece would look super as a bodice on a dress xxx

    1. I keep selling my blouses, I think this one's a keeper, sparkle goes with everything!
      The Astraka coat is as soft as a kitten. Its a fake fur label worth looking out for, when it was launched in the 1960s part of the profits went to the World Wildlife Fund.
      I'm amazed my batik turned out as well as it did, I'm no artist so I made it up as I went along using a fork and some shaped wire! xxx

  3. I forgot to ask you about your craft workshop last time, so thanks for filling us in. Your batik pieces are super, it's something I've never tried as I fear it is messy and time it? How serendipitous that a vintage parcel arrived while Jon was poorly and unfit for hunting, what fab stuff! Hope you do well at the weekend. xxx

    1. Batik's really straightforward, which surprised me, I remember reading about it in Golden Hands magazine and it looked impossible. Definitely an easy thing to do at home. xxx

  4. Wow! those are some stunning batik pieces.
    I want that Astraka fake fur but have actually no need for it.
    I want high hair like yours too.

    1. Thank you!
      Do you know I used to have an identical Astraka leopard coat and stupidly sold it at a vintage fair - it almost caused a riot. If this one was smaller it would be mine! xxx

  5. Your batik pieces are beautiful!
    All of the new stock is beautiful! I love the blue and white halter dress.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Bobbi! I'm really excited about the weekend, it's been ages since we did a fair (or it feels like it has been!) xxx

  6. Love the lurex, Vix, but how does one clean it?

    1. Me, too! can't beat a bit of vintage sparkle and it's warm to wear, too. Machine wash at 30 degrees, stick it on a coat hanger and it's dry in a couple of hours. xxx

  7. good job with the batik, I haven't made any since high school! You look very Autumnal in that jumpsuit. Someone is going to be very happy to buy that leopard coat.

    1. Those colours seem to work all year round and in all climates! I've got a feeling that coat won't hang around for long! xxx

  8. Loving the jumpsuit and blouse you look fabulous xxx

  9. As always you look stunning and wear your clothes with such panache and style. Love your blog!! Thanks for the lovely comment about my shower curtain transformed into a wrap skirt. I went out and thrifted some more curtain panels and another shower curtain and they will soon be transformed into some new funky clothes. You inspire me to wear what the hell I want at 52 years of age and to hell with the negative comments about dressing my age. Have a lovely weekend and i am so glad you are feeling better. I have been trying to prevent a cold by drinking tons of ginger tea that I made from homemade ginger syrup. Cheers, Michele

    1. You are kind, Michele! that shower curtain creation was a work of genius, the style and fabric are so 60s you could almost pass them off as vintage.
      I love ginger syrup when I'm in India, I've never thought of making my own. xxx

  10. Vix, putting the blouse underneath was a brilliant idea. You look fab, I love your belt and the bag as well.

    Your batik print workshop looks like a lot of fun and the prints you have all made were beautiful. Some amazing vintage pieces for your busy weekend. I don't suppose that lovely fur coat is a 16, is it? If it is I'll have in a jiffy!

    Hope you have a very lucrative weekend.



    1. Thanks, Veronica. I thought of that outfit when I was dozing off last night and first thing this morning I was rummaging through my Summer clothes suitcase ferreting out the catsuit.
      The coat's already packed but I think it's a size 14. xxx

  11. Wow, the memories! I too had to "stretch" the summer clothes which was nutty as they were already a decade out of style having belonged to my older sister. No wonder I like vintage.

    The the kids say, OMG!OMG! What an incredible piece of coolness (is that a word?).

    Your batik pieces are very pretty, and I can't wait to see what you do with them.

    1. You're not wrong there, it probably explains why we're not afraid of mixing our eras up either, we're just grateful to have it! xxx

  12. Wow, great friend to send so much vintage goodies. Love your batik (and the way you used the last one was beautiful!)

    1. Aren't people wonderfully kind? Blogging really is brilliant, I've "met" some amazing people. xxx

  13. Warning ! warning ! Warning !
    I HAVE to HAVE that gold blouse if it will fit me. Do not let anyone else have it or I will have to get the vintage clobber detective out to see whose got it.
    And you look amazing in your catsuit xxx

    1. I'm pretty sure that blouse is your size. After I photographed it I realised I'd put it on the dummy backwards so it buttons up at the front (making it far easier to dress yourself). I'll save it for Stockport, don't call the clobber cops! xxx

    2. Whooppeeee thank you. I'll call them off xxx

  14. Ooh,,you got some great pieces! I love that Young Mod coat (is that the pale blue one with the white piping?) It is really nice! That blue maxi is amazing too!x

    1. Didn't I? It's grey and absolutely stunning. xxx

  15. Oh, that catsuit is amazing. I love the print, and it looks so well on you, especially with that wonderful lurex blouse. I'd love to try a jumpsuit or catsuit, but I always think I'm too short for them ... You did a great job with the batik too and I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do with them. xxx

    1. Thank you! If you can find one give it a try, I'm not very tall and often have to let the legs down. I'm still waiting for the mojo to return before I tackle the batik - hopefully it won't be too long! xxx

  16. Oh, Vix! That catsuit was made for you! I'm always layering blouses under short-sleeved and sleeveless dresses, and even tank tops. I love how the blouse looks with the catsuit! :)

    1. Thank you! I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before, possibly 'cos I hate cold weather and am in permanent denial! xxx

  17. Miaowwww!!! You are rocking the hell of that catsuit. Gorgeous lady xx

  18. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look so good in a catsuit! Love the blue and white mod shift. xx

    1. Thank you!! That Mod shift found a new home with a super cool lady who reads my blog, she didn't plan on buying anything but she tried it on and the rest was history! xxx

  19. good you´r on the road again!
    catsuit with pussy bow blouse??? YES PLEASE! TRƉS CHIC!!!!
    and i love that brown handbag <3
    you made some beautiful batik - cant wait to see the dress.....
    hugs! xxxxxx

    1. Thank you! I used to love pussy bow blouses, turns out I still do! xxx

  20. I need a catsuit! I love your choice of wearing it with the pussy bow blouse.

    I scored a 1940's deep blue velvet wedding gown today at an estate sale! Quite a few other pieces and a floor length black velvet opera coat also 1940's in mint condition. Now I've got to get back to listing and taking photos!

    Best of luck at the show this weekend!


    1. I'm dying to see your latest finds, they sound incredible!
      Catsuits are like gold dust lately, I used to pick vintage ones up for nothing as people were scared of them. Hopefully the hipsters will get tired of them eventually and they'll be back on eBay for 99p very soon! xxx

  21. I love the way you've made that great catsuit perfectly autumnal! Looking good, in deed.

    Your batik pieces are wonderful. Looking forward to seeing what you turn them into. Sounds like a really fun class. My sister and I were just talking about taking some sort of a class together, so maybe that will be fabric printing or batik, inspired by you and the Lizs. xo

    1. Thank you! I bet you'd love batik, the results are really speedy and pretty good, too. xxx

  22. Ooo, that Astraka fake fur coat is divine, I’ve been looking out for a leopard print jacket/coat like that for a while now, but always seem to find them in sizes that are a bit too big.

    Vix, you look fabulous in your catsuit. Orange is my favourite colour, it’s so 70s, isn’t it? And I’m admiring your tooled lion belt, how cool!

    Oh, and you batik and gelli printing creations look wonderful. I wonder what the process of making them is, I’ve never heard of it before prior to reading your blog.

    1. Thanks, Jess! Yes, orange is so 70s! My excuse for having so much in my wardrobe is that it matches the campervan.
      The Astraka coat sold before I'd even got to the fair. I love leopard coats too, they look cool on everyone. xxx

  23. Well, you don't look poorly any more! In fact you look positively radiant and amazing in that jumpsuit. Haven't seen you in anything like that for ages. I'm very partial to that layered look and pussy bow blouses at the moment and you've done it to perfection. Gorgeous Vix!! :D Bet you had such fun on your creative day out with Lizzes. Good luck with the fair, hope it's really good xxx

    1. Tank you! It has been ages since I wore trousers, dresses are too easy! xxx

  24. Hope you're having an amazing weekend. You look fabulous in that cat suit, as always. Xx

    1. Thanks you! Our weekend started yesterday! xxx

  25. I farking LOVE that catsuit, especially with the blouse underneath!
    I wear the same frocks all year round, adding warmies as required. never could get into the Summer/Winter wardrobe thing-on this small shaky island the weather is too inconsistent!

    1. Hello stranger! Same here, it's been 17 degrees all weekend, Winter clothes aren't needed! xxx

  26. I LOVE that you wear clothes over and over because if you love them, why not! You're such an individual, unique, fabulous woman, Vix - and looking bright and healthy too! How exciting to receive these amazing parcels from the postman. xx

    1. I was very spoilt with all those lovely things arriving!
      Yes, never any need for wishlists or shopping sprees, I love all my clothes, never tire of them and feel no need to buy more (unless I see something wonderful!) xxx

  27. I love your blouse and worn with the cat suit its really fun. glad you're both better. batik looks interesting and making something with it is even more interesting! wish i wasn't working on saturday as balham is almost commutable for me... one day I will get to one of your fabulous pop ups and surprise you!

    1. It would be fab to meet up one day, Betty! We're in Camden at the end of this month if that's doable.

  28. Utterly, utterly adore the lurex pussy bow blouse with your made-for-you jumpsuit! And the sight of all the batik fabrics is so satisfying, I'll bet you were well pleased with your denim upgrade, more please! xoxox

  29. Wow, the catsuit is perfect and I do love the blouse.
    My mother used to do that too... My sister and I had turtlenecks and tights on under our Summer dresses, throughout the Autumn. ♥

    Looking as lovely as ever. So glad you're both well again. Happy selling! xx

    1. Hello, Yvonne! We were far thriftier back then! xxx

  30. You are looking sleek and gorgeous as usual. That Pussy Cat bow is quite the thing these days. It was my favorite way to tie my blouse when I was a flight attendant. Meow. Yep. The shirt and tights under the summer dress trick. I hated it as a little kid but I love it as a big kid.

    1. Thanks, Connie! I was obsessed with pussybows about 10 years ago, I think I sold all my collection in a misguided moment of madness! xxx

  31. You look amazing in that catsuit - love it! Hope the fairs went well this weekend xx

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Hope all's good with you, too! xxx

  32. So that's where your savvy style philosophy comes from - your Mum! :) I love, love this jumpsuit with the blouse together - fabulous combination! I have intentions to wear blouses under my jumpsuits (and I really should adopt your Mum's wisdom as I actually do grow out of my clothes!), but I haven't done it just yet.

    Your batik is amazing, and I really love what you did with the denim jacket, it's quite genius!

    1. It certainly is, Mum had the craziest style in town, people still talk about her outfits now! xxx

  33. Love the blouse under the jumpsuit - always creating new and fabulous looks, you are! Thanks for linking, xo


  34. You look sensational in that vintage catsuit and I really like the addition of the lurex blouse underneath. Glad to hear that you're fighting fit again Vix. The cache of clothes looks amazing - so many lovely, mouth-watering pieces there! Good luck with the sales.
    Anna x

    1. Hello Anna! Lovely to hear from you. I'm not a fan of jumpers so lurex is a great, warm alternative for over-Wintering my clothes. xxx

  35. I love that blouse with the catsuit - great way to make the catsuit wearable all year round. Can't wait to see what you make with your batik!

    I like keeping an eye out for stuff for you. You're the person who finds the right home for vintage, so if I give it to you, you'll help it find its proper owner. And sometimes you find things and the rightful owner is ME.

    I hear you on the exercise thing. I'm seriously thinking about starting swimming again -really should check the swimsuit still fits.

    1. I'm dying to crack on with using that batik but I'm still waiting for inspiration to strike!
      Thank you for being a Kinky hunter. That grey dress has already broken a few hearts, it's waiting for Cinderella to come along and fit her perfectly! xxx

    2. I love that dress, but it didn't fit me, and I figured I could either look at it every time I opened my wardrobe and feel bad about myself, or set it free to find a new owner and buy a different dress that made me feel good.

  36. You are so special. Always and each day, and in that catsuit - smashing!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix