Tuesday 21 June 2016

We're Not Worthy - Oh Yes, We Are!

Hand on heart, if you'd asked me two weeks ago I was seriously doubtful I'd make this year's Glastonbury Festival but, after taking things easy for a fortnight, the hip pain has subsided into a nagging - but manageable - ache. I'm off to get x-rayed this afternoon but as the doctor won't be able to get hold of me until next week I'm going for it while I still can. We're off to Worthy Farm in less than 12 hours and excited is not the word!

Wearing: 1970s maxi dress (20p, jumble sale, ages ago), denim waistcoat (a friend found in a chazza), excited face (courtesy of Glastonbury)
Our month spent travelling in India and five nights at Glastonbury are our holidays. I know that to most people a week under canvas in a mud-sodden field with limited access to water, a shared communal toilet and a diet of food cooked over a single gas jet isn't an ideal way to spend a holiday but to us it's perfect. A chance to live simply, to do whatever we like; to strike up random conversation with strangers; to discover new music & bask in our favourites; to experience the weird and the wonderful; to drink wine for breakfast & eat chips at bedtime; to sleep whenever the fancy takes us; to put the world to rights over a late night campfire; to dance in the rain; to wander the site getting hopelessly lost....I'm already getting butterflies at the thought of it all.  HERE's this year's line-up.

Past Glastos

In a desperate bid to put off the tedium of packing, I spent yesterday browsing the 'net for all things Glasto. As usual there were photos from previous years' festivals featuring page upon page of celebs & wannabes in the ubiquitous uniform of Hunter wellies, army jackets and cut-off Levis.....and then I saw this vision in psychedelia.

Courtesy of The Telegraph
Paloma Faith labelled "Worst Dressed" by The Telegraph. Get stuffed, you boring old Tory broadsheet, I think she looks amazing. Funnily enough their photographer snapped me last year as part of their festival fashion spread - I wouldn't be surprised if that was for their fail list, too. 

Inspired by Paloma I've made some myself some pompom-tastic jewellery for the week ahead. 

There's no new clothes to show you, you've seen them all before, they've been worn countless times and that's fine by me. They work, make me happy and, being vintage, there's no chance on earth anyone is going to be wearing the same, unlike the girls who follow those lame festival fashion guides in magazines and all end up looking depressingly similar.

In amongst the frivolous chat & rumours on the Glasto Facebook page there's often some useful advice. Yesterday morning someone suggested testing out your waterproofs in advance so, as it was pissing it down, Jon & I donned our rain capes & wellies and walked around the garden for 15 minutes only to discover both ponchos had come apart at the seams - charity shop fail! Normally I'd patch them up with duct tape but, with rainfall of near biblical proportions over the last fortnight I'm not risking it, I went on-line and ordered replacements - paying more for the next day delivery than the items themselves. Never mind, the capes were half price, mine's purple and have over fifty positive reviews.
I've sprayed him with the hosepipe and it works. Weather gods, throw whatever you want at us, we're ready for you.
Just in case you're concerned we're shirking our responsibilities and missing the referendum, living the hedonistic hippy dream in a field, worry not. We're registered for postal voting and sent our ballot papers off a fortnight ago. The other day a couple of random strangers stopped and told us that they could tell which way we were voting by the way we were dressed. So, if you're confused, if you wear vintage you're "in".

See you on the other side - knackered, dirty and hungover but hopefully on two feet and still in Europe!


  1. Unfortunately I do not have the time for my own blog, but I've been following yours for over a year now. I just wanted to say: You look fabulous. I LOVE your dresses.

    1. Hello Tereza! Blogging is terribly time consuming but so rewarding. So glad you're enjoying mine. Thanks for the kind words. xxx

  2. If you get the chance to see Professor Elemental, he's brilliant! The lineup looks staggering, I'd probably just wnader round in a daze hoping to come across something I liked.

    I hate those 'what to wear to festivals' guides too. People should wear what they like, and what they can live with getting covered in mud/lost/knackered. Posh showers and dressing-table tents have no place at a festival. You will look splendid - even in the poncho!

    (And it's actually been rain-free down here today, though with the rain we've had lately, the field will probably be extremely soggy.)

    1. That's funny. I just Googled Professor Elemental and realised we'd loved his set at the Acoustic Festival but never found out who he was. He's hilarious. We'll definitely try and catch him again.
      I've been watching the weather reports like a hawk. Pilton looks sodden but if the rain holds off for a couple of days and it stays as warm as it is now we might be okay. xxx

    2. Professor Elemental! How fabulous! xxx

  3. I understand your butterflies and their enthusiastic flight!
    The perfect holiday is to "switch off"! I this Sunday (and I must say that I thought you!) I had a long vacation a sunset, a few minutes from my house .. but it is the simplicity and live here and now that make the difference!
    I love these pictures and especially Jon black raincoat, very stylish! guys I adore you ... and I hope that your hip is OK!

    a hug


    1. Your vacation sounds perfect! Simplicity is best but I know it isn't for all!

  4. I'm jealous. That's the thing I miss most about California other than the gorgeous weather - THE FESTIVALS! Burning Man, Russian River Jazz Fest, Sausalito Art Fest, Health & Harmony Fest, the endless wine fests. Yes, Bibi was the FESTIVAL QUEEN & organized many a magic bus ride to festivals all over the Pacific Northwest in her day.
    Oh well, ONWARD!

    I am so loving your outfits, the minis & maxis with the wellies are FABULOUS!
    I love Ms Faith's eyeballed, tasselled, hooded & bepompommed poncho! I'd frame it for perpetuity! It's grooooovy!

    You & Jon have lotsa fun for Bibi now, ya hear?

    1. Bibi, that's an awesome list, you lucky duck! There's a music festival at the Sula Vineyards in Maharashtra outside of Mumbai. I'd love to go to that one!
      We'll have a blast on your behalf and raise a cider in your honour. xxx

  5. Oh wow, so many great bands! Have a blast, you and Jon deserve it!

    1. Incredible line-up, isn't it? There's no chance of seeing most of it but it's fun trying! xxx

  6. Hope you and Jon have a fantastic time! I love your festival outfits, so much nicer than the shorts and hunter wellies brigade x

    1. Thanks, Sarah! At least the gang won't loose me amongst the denim and olive green! xxx

  7. Hee hee I can tell you're a tad excited. Have a fabulous time rain or shine xxx

    1. Everyone I've met today has had to put up with me telling them that we're off to Glasto. The poor guy on Morrison's check out was nearly in tears, all his mates are going and he couldn't get a ticket. xxx

  8. I'm so happy you're able to go Vix, have an incredible time xx

    1. Me too, Laura! I'm so relieved I could squeal....oh, I already am! xxx

  9. Just popped over from Facebook to say have a great time, and glad to hear your hip is no longer ultra painful xxx

    1. Thanks, Claire! See you on the other side. xxx

  10. I don't think much of Jon's batman outfit lol!!! I'm worried about your maxis with all the mud, good job you've got some minis too. Have a blast. x

    1. It'll keep him dry, that's the main thing! I've packed a belt, I'm planning on hoiking up my maxis if it's really muddy (which it will be!) xxx

  11. Ah! What en epic line-up!! Fatboy Slim is one of my all-time favourites!! I hope the weather gods are temperate and that you enjoy Glastonbury immensely!

    1. He's great, we've seen him lots! Keep your fingers crossed, it's the English summertime. xxx

  12. I was in an H & M on Saturday and noticed they had an official Coachella collection. Really? Have a blast and dress all wrong!

    1. Have a blast and dress all wrong, words to live by! As for buying a collection targeted for festival goers - guaranteed to turn you into a clone. xxx

  13. "I've sprayed him with the hosepipe", brilliant! Good job you tested your waterproofs in advance, a soggy camper is not a happy camper. (Neither is a sober one).

    Glad to hear you've sent off your vote. Let's hope people use their brains now and do the right thing. Have a fabulous time! xx

    1. He's a good sport, isn't he? Testing the rain ponchos for both of us.
      Keeping everything crossed for a successful end to the referendum. I'm so tired of it all now. xxx

  14. Get in petal! That's a blindin' line up. I'm liking Christina and the Queens and I bloody love Daughter. Have the best time...lots of sunshine on the way I say and with luck, we'll still be in when you get back.
    Loves ya.

    1. Thanks, love! That's a couple of acts I'll try and check out, there's so much I don't know where to start - but I can guarantee it won't involve Coldplay or Adele!
      Gawd, I hope this morning's polls are right. xxx

  15. Here's hoping that the weather is warm but not too hot, the rain stays away, the lineups for the loos are short and tolerable, the people are wonderful and friendly, the food is hot and tasty, the drinks are cold and frosty and your hip gives you a vacation too. Can't wait to see the pics from the festival. Hope you and Jon have a fabulous time and dance your hearts out. Cheers, Michele

    1. Thanks ever so much for your good wishes, Michele! I think you've covered it all there. See you when we get back! xxx

  16. Alright, 2 vacations a year. That's the way to go. Now just keep that hip happy and you'll be fine. Here's to fun, no matter what the weather.

    1. Cheers, Pao! There's plenty of (prescription)drugs and alcohol whatever happens - just hope I can carry it all.xxx

  17. Have a great great time!
    I find herbs very good for pain (ahem).
    Bat John in his cape - ha ha!

    1. I'll seek out some herbs (oregano & rosemary, obvs)! Jon loves Bat Jon, I might have to spray paint it on his cape at some point! xxx

  18. Love Paloma Faith! Have a great time and I look forward to hearing about your adventures.

    1. Thanks, Maureen. I love her, too. She seems such a genuinely lovely person and her don't give a toss style is phenomenal. xxx

  19. Have a bostin time Vix! (I know you will) Fab line up with Christine and The Queens who I know about from listening to French radio and ELO!!!! Thought about you at 4am this morning when awoken by Johnny Walker interviewing that bloke from Slade with the ridiculously short fringe (Dave Hill??) Gutted that Disparue has finished. Reckon that couple were right about vintage wearers. Xxxx

    1. On yours and Em's advice I've just given Christine & The Queens a listen and loved it. I'll be at The other Stage at 13.40 on Friday come hell or high water!
      Dave Hill - local legend. He's often spotted out and about and his hair is still iffy.
      Finale of Disparue was heartbreaking, what an incredible series. I think almost every character was wonderful. xxx

  20. May I paraphrase your lesson for the day? She who take care in preparing for a vacation (e.g. verifying the weatherproofing IS...), enjoys a carefree vacation!

    Blessings on your hip, Vix. Be especially cautious when the footing is muddy, please.

    1. I like that, Beth!! I sincerely hope it is.
      We have a plan, if it really is dangerously muddy we're camping next to the Acoustic stage, the line-up is pretty good so, if the worst comes to the worst, I'm happy to sit there all day! xxx

  21. We were talking festivals today at work as one of my colleagues is going to her first ever one next month. They were all a bit horrified when I told them about my first festival (Donington at the tender age of 15) and how the toilets were just a plank of wood with a hole in it over a stinking pit! At least that has progressed a little I gather you can pee whilst Brian Blessed talks to you at Glastonbury this year!?! Enjoy every minute and see you on the other side. x x

    1. People don't half get scared of the loos. They've definitely improved over the years.
      Glasto's long drops aren't lovely but a billion times better than the dreaded portaloos. They've replaced all the conventional toilets with sawdust loos this year, wonder if they're the ones with a Brian Blessed monologue. I'm looking forward to testing them out. xxx

  22. here's to you and jon's amazing style. your holidays are so inspiring and prove that following your heart make you wealthy beyond imagination. you are my UK heroes. yesterday i listened to a few russell brand you tube videos with his take on the queen and was laughing so hard. i can't imagine he is v popular there, is he?! take care and baby that hip of yours so there will be many festivals in your future. xo

    1. You are lovely, Juanita! Russel Brand does make me laugh - although his urging for people to abstain from voting in the last general election really annoyed me. I'll have to see if I can find that clip on You Tube. xxx

  23. ohhh, I always love your Glastonbury posts!, even packing looks amazing, mwhaha!. Obviously, I agree with you: that psychedelic lady looks fabulous! the worst dressed?!! wtf!
    Wish you have lots of fun and music and interesting people and chatting and drinking and dancing!!

    1. Thatnk you! It was fantastic and I flew the psychedelic flag high, despite the rain! vxxx

  24. I must admit going to Glastonbury is my not my cup of tea because of all the crowds but then I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy some of the things I like to do so that makes us all interesting! But it is always lovely to see it through your eyes- somebody who is a veteran, who truly appreciates it and has a great insight. I LOVE Paloma's outfit. Urgh, festival fashion articles always make me groan!!!!! I adore your line-up of outfits- so pretty!

    1. Festival fashion is so lame, isn't it? At the end of the day it's all about looking halfway decent with a small bag of clothes and limited washing facilities, not parading round in designer clothing and straightened hair.
      I bet you'd love Glastonbury if you came with me, you won't have to go near the Pyramid Stage and all the mad crowds once - there's cinemas. saunas, green spaces and circuses! xxxx

  25. Have you seen Caitlin Morgan's YouTube channel? She did a vlog a couple of weeks ago about festival survival and it made me think of you straight away!

    I've left some comments on your blog recently that don't seem to have shown up:( I think my Mac is playing up. It only works when I use my phone.

    Have a good one at glasto xxx

    1. Hello, love! I haven't seen that, I'll have to find it, Caitlin makes me laugh, a lot! xxx

  26. Have a wonderful time.

    I never thought to test out rain gear. You're a smarty! I have a feeling that will be a valuable tip for me someday, so thanks in advance.

    1. Thanks, Goody! I'm glad we did, there was only one day when we didn't need waterproofs! xxx

  27. Sound like fun and hope all goes well.
    Coffee is on

  28. Have a brilliant time! I just know you manage to bring a bit of sunshine wherever you go.


    1. You know, i think that's the only thing I didn't manage to squeeze into my rucksack - hope I remember it next time. xxx

  29. I think that is so funny that you are going to wait out the x-ray results at Glastonbury. You are a Super Hero. What a terrific line-up! Sooooo many good ones. Who are you most excited to see? And I LOVE your choice of dresses. You are always on my best dressed list. Of course you are Princess Pom Pom. Jon's um.. uh.. "caftan" is quite attractive as well. Have an awesome time. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. I wanted Glastonbury to declare itself an independent state so i could claim asylum from the scary grown-up world and never come back! Boo hiss! xxx

  30. Hi Vix! I hope Glastonbury isn't too rainy for you, I'm sure you'll have a fab time! Your outfits all look fab, as always, the Telegraph would be insane not to put you on the best dressed list. Have fun, looking forward to hearing all about it :)

    1. Hi Jess! Thank you so much! Sadly most of what I wore was hidden under a rain poncho most of the time but it was still a right giggle. xxx

  31. I have developed a small obsession for pompoms, partly because of your blog...planning on finding some and adding them to cropped top hems as well as cropped jeans (pant leg)! And thats just a start!

    1. Pom-poms are the future, Maya! I hope you track some down, they'd be perfection on cropped jeans! xxx

  32. I admire your free spirit so much. I would be at a loss in a festival, although I would love to chat, and chat with you for hours wherever.
    Much love.

    1. You'd fit in a treat at Glastonbury, you'd be papped by all the fashion pages for your fabulous, individual style. xxx

  33. I LOVE Paloma Faith's outfit!! Also I find the whole "festival fashion" thing weird....I don't remember that ever being a thing when I first started going to musical festivals in 1996! It's kind of "let's be clones of each others even at a music festival" ANYWAY...I am SO glad you can go Vix, I love seeing Glastonbury through your eyes and to be honest I've probably wanted to go to Glastonbury since about 1996! Love your pom pom earring - have an amazing time, I know you will x

    1. I hate that the media try and make festivals so mainstream and put incredible pressure on how women should dress. At the end of the day it's a party in a field, nobody knows you so have as much fun with your outfits as you like.
      Paloma is fab, isn't she? xxx

  34. Glad you pain is manageable (I decided my hip pain could be described the same way). Please be gentle with yourself at Glastonbury. (How in the world can you sleep comfortably?) I'm pretty sure it Glastonbury wouldn't be the same w/o you. ♥

    1. We invested in an air bed last year and it's incredibly comfortable, I'm tempted to sleep on it at home. It's far more comfy than our bed!
      That nagging ache, it's like an annoying relative' hanging around and mithering us. xxx

  35. Hello dear Vix! Pom-pom-tastic, indeed! whoooooot
    WOW, what a ton of bands/artists to see. I would want to clone myself to see everything.
    Wishing you all the best with the Brexit vote ((((hugs)))) xox

    1. Thanks Carol! When i first went I tried to see everything but it's impossible as the site is so big and so busy. Luckily the BBC screen loads of it so I'm catching up on what I've missed slowly from the comfort of my armchair! xxx

  36. Have fun Vix! I'm not much of a camper, but I love seeing and hearing about your experience. :)

    1. Thanks, Laurie! Camping is definitely an acquired taste, especially when you live in the UK! xxx

  37. purple rainwear! love it. You're right Paloma looked fabulous, you will too. Hope the rain stops, it's muddy with long tailbacks of traffic already I have heard.

    1. Thanks, Betty! Sadly we didn't hear about the tailbacks until we were in them - seven hours to travel 8 miles!!! It didn't feel that bad though, we chatted to the rest of the queue, played music and had fun. xxx

  38. Oh woah have the best time!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for sunshine (And just a bit of rain so you can roll out your new ponchos!) Glad you've voted, I'm off to vote tomorrow (on my bleddy birthday - thanks dave) - I think that's probably a fairly accurate way of analysing voting patterns haha. XX

    1. What a crap birthday chore (and dreadful result, too!) Hope the rest of the day was fab for you. xxx

  39. Have an absolutely fab time at Glasto. Your 20p maxi dress is amazing and I love the little fir tree(?) pattern. Your pom pom jewellery is gorgeous.

    I think Paloma Faith looks smashing in her psychedelic outfit, too. Worst dressed? I don't think so. I hate it when the papers/mags do that to people; especially when they show underarm hair, or sweat patches. FFS, people have hair under their arms and they sweat.

    Hope the weather holds out for you both - dance your socks off!


    1. I hate those awful celeb baiting magazines, too. No wonder so many people develop complexes about their appearances. The people I think look the best are always voted Worst Dressed.
      The weather didn't play nicely but we had fun anyway! xxx

  40. Enjoy! Enjoy every minute. Yes, our vacation styles are different, but joyful and well-needed all the same. Love the pic of Jon in the slicker! xox


    1. Thanks, Patti! It would be a dull world if we all liked the same things, wouldn't it? xxx

  41. Well Jell!, but the dilemma of Adele and New Order being on at the same time... Hope it dries up for you.

    1. Thanks, Debdor! We went for New Order in the end. Felt a bit naughty for running away from the headliners but there's always the BBC footage when we get home. xxx

  42. Have a smashing good time, and I will have my Glastonbury experience vicariously through you! I don't do well in crowds, so it's unlikely I will ever get there. I think I read there is going to be a David Bowie tribute by an orchestra this year, which I would love.

    I think Paloma Faith looks cheerfully badass, so a big raspberry to the Telegraph for their boring ideas of what "best dressed" is.

    1. We had a bird's eye view of the Philip Glass light show from our campsite, it was fantastic. Loads of bands did Bowie/Prince tributes - Beck's rendition of China Girl was my fave. xxx

  43. wonderful post!!!!! so full of excitement! paloma looks gorgeous! buuuh for all the "spiessbürger" out there!!!
    and i´m totally smitten with the turquoise&green dress you´r wearing - beautiful!
    have a fantastic time with all the music, the people, the mud and lots of sunshine!!! xxxxxxx

    1. Thanks, Beate! The turquoise number never saw the light of day in the end - but there's always next weekend...and the next...or the next! xxxx

  44. So excited for you! I hope you're having a wonderful time!! xx

  45. I'm happy for you! Have A BLAST! You look wonderful in the monochrome outfit, and all of your cheerful vintage dresses! Best wishes to both of you!

  46. Have an amazing time! I love the photo of you on the steps in that gorgeous maxi dress and denim vest and all the silver bracelets. And if that's your home's doorstep, I'd love to visit one day - it's so full of beautiful energy. Namaste.

    1. You'd be more than welcome, Elizabeth! That is our doorstep. xxx

  47. Jeez if I had a chance to vote I bleedin' would and I'd vote the same way. Now I'm extremely curious about the fascinating glimpse of sleeve in the collection of packed goodies and I adore the pompom jewellery you're taking. Is that headband still standing to attention? Amazing. Enjoy your holiday and go hard! xoxo

    1. If only you could have done - I'm gutted about the result!!
      The headband is still my go-to festival thing, love it even after all those years! xxx

  48. Ah pom poms! they're amazing, I love all things pom pom.
    Hope you have a super time. I love camping, we used to go camping every year for our family holiday. My husband isn't keen, he spends all his working days outside and prefers hotels for his holiday. But I got my camping fix with Sophie in the Sticks last year when we went to Latitude. And we're doing it again this year too. When you spoke of butterflies at the thought of the simplicity of camping, festival life, and living in the moment I got some too!
    Make sure you take plenty of photos to share!
    (I'm in too, and I hope my vote helps to keep us that way).

    1. I loved reading yours and Sophie's posts about Latitude. I applied to trade but it clashed with something else. it would have been brilliant to have met you both.
      I understand your husband's need to stay in a hotel with his outdoor lifestyle. I think us girls tend to be more keen on camping than the men, at least they are in our circle. xxx

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Hii Vix! First of all, I love your maxi dress and it looks fab on you! I would love to go to one of those festivals 'cuz it looks like such a blast! I think if anyone is with you anywhere they are bound to have fun! love ya!

    1. Back at ya, Cherre! I do love my festivals and would love you to join me, the more girls the better! xxx

  51. I love all the stuff that you have packed and hope that you had a great time in the least muddy way possible. Xx

    1. Thanks, Kelly! It was definitely muddy. On the way back home you could tell the Glasto fans by the state of their cars - we had a right laugh waving our wristbands at each other all the way back up the motorway home. xxx

  52. Hope you had an amazing time at Glastonbury despite the mud! I saw it on tele and it looked amazing. Love the pom pom jewellery.

  53. I think you made the call ordering those on-line capes. Not worth fucking around with and getting stuck in the rain for the festival. It looks like it's going to be fun as shit---as usual. That girl is looking super trippy!!!

    1. Yes, they might look daft but being cold and wet is a miserable experience - I'd rather cover up and have a blast! xxx

  54. Oh my stars, does she ever! Ughhhh, the mainstream press are so woefully lacking in any sort of vision when it comes to fashion. It's awesome that folks like Paloma and you bring boundlessly creative style, cheerful colours, and unparalleled accessorizing skills to events like this. They'd be a whole lot worse for wear, IMO, without such.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

    1. You are too kind, dear Jessica! Thank you. x

  55. Love your festival outfits and I guess it wasn't money wasted ordering those rain capes! I could have done with one of those in Wales. xxx

  56. Love your festival outfits and I guess it wasn't money wasted ordering those rain capes! I could have done with one of those in Wales! xxx

    1. Those rain capes were brilliant - even though we kept bumping into people wearing the same ones! x

  57. I love that picture of Jon in his cape. Bet you had a good laugh spraying him with the hose pipe! You look a beautiful riot of colour in all your outfit choices. I thought of you on Wednesday morning, oh my goodness, looked a bit of a nightmare. Mind you, the best Glastonbury I ever went to was in the mud, but I didn't have a dodgy hip. Oh, that referendum. I got up at 5am to check and couldn't believe my eyes. I've read practically every article published. I'm really hoping for some good news soon. Until they trigger article 50, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Xxxx

    1. Those queues weren't that bad, really. We'd been in worse when we used to go to the V festival and at least Glastonbury is fabulous when you get there (unlike V!)
      We were horrified when word spread along the campsite about the referendum result - hardly anyone I know voted out and those that did seemed even more disappointed than us innies were! xxx

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Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix