Tuesday 28 June 2016

Glastonbury 2016 - Fun, Frolics and Mud, Mud, Mud!

This year's Glastonbury was, according to Michael Eavis, the muddiest in the festival's 46-year history and the subsequent traffic chaos made headline news throughout the world but did a seven hour queue or a bit of mud dampen our spirits? Hell, no! With all the crap going on in the real world it was the least of our worries.

Although the gates opened at 8am on Wednesday the festival didn't officially kick-off until 11 am on Friday. A great leveller as no matter your age, status or background you're as hungover, filthy and knackered as everyone else.

1980s Indie gods, James, opened Glastonbury 2016, delayed for an hour while the ground crew attempted to soak up the quagmire with bales of hay and wood chip (at the end of the weekend the festival had used up South West England's entire supply of wood chip). Despite the torrential rain Tim Booth put on a great show, treating us to his legendary freaky dancing and stage diving headlong into the ecstatic crowd. 

Snug in our rain capes we cracked open the canned cocktails and stayed to watch Blossoms and some spectacular French pop in the form of Christine & The Queens (thanks for the heads-up, Em & Fiona!) 

After a pit stop back at the tent for food and a change of clothes we caught the brilliant ZZ Top at the Pyramid Stage. We could have stayed there for Muse's headlining set but as we'd seen them countless times decided to explore further afield.

After catching Hothouse Flowers at the Acoustic Stage we moved on to the cabaret field where we danced in the mud to the New York Brass Band (from Yorkshire).

We met the Glasto Cowboys. (Linking this to Patti's Visible Monday)

Saw tributes to the great and the good,

Had fun in the Circus field...

Before heading off to the Post-Apocalyptic, distopian wasteland that is post-Brexit Britain Block 9.

 We caught a stupendously brilliant surprise gig by Reef

Had a messy rave in the meat packing district,

Marveled at all the weird shit in the Unfairground,

Before making our way to The Park, settling into what looked like someone's Nan's front room to watch Richard Hawley.

After drinking and chatting into the early hours back at camp we rolled into bed fully dressed (it might be mid-summer but it was bastard freezing).

Glastonbury - muddy and overcrowded, eh? This is Petta's Pond, a wooded glade recently discovered behind the John Peel stage. The perfect place to spend Saturday morning.

A dry day! We sat on a grassy bank in the sunshine watching Dua Lipa and Alessia Cara.

We decided to move on to the Stone Circle. Not the easiest of walks when you're up to your ankles in mud.

But it certainly made kicking off those wellies and cracking open a can all the more blissful.

Crowds, what crowds? Glastonbury really does have something for everyone.

No rest for the wicked, time to pull the wellies back on and head to West Holts to catch Mbongwana Star from the Congo.

....and the Shibusa Shirazu Orchestra from Japan, labelled (quite rightly) the weirdest band in the world. See them HERE.

On the way back to camp we saw an incredible acrobatic performance.

 Later on most of the gang met up for the spectacular set by psychedelic Australian band, Tame Impala, photo-bombed by a random bloke.

She might be the biggest recording artist in the world but Pyramid Stage headliner Adele just doesn't float our boat. Luckily New Order were playing the Other Stage at the same time. When they finished with Love Will Tear Us Apart, a song I've loved since John Peel first played it in 1980, I was already quite emotional, but seeing the backdrop featuring a photo of Ian Curtis with the words "Forever Joy Division" made me blub like a baby. Wonderful stuff.

Sunday morning was a bit of a write off as we'd been up indecently late, chatting (and boozing) back at camp but we were near enough to the Pyramid Stage to enjoy Gregory Porter & Laura Mvula's sets from outside our tents. 

Mid-afternoon, the rain torrential, we headed to the Other Stage to watch Jamie Lawson & Years & Years (we'd caught some of the latter's act last year and loved it) but it takes a pretty special band to play in weather as bad as it was on Sunday and this time they felt disappointingly flat. 

We returned to camp to dry off after stopping en route to admire Glastonbury Tor, recreated by festival goers in cardboard. 

After a quick change we caught Beck who lifted our spirits and got us all dancing. Coldplay were next up but we've tried to like them and just can't so we escaped and watched Cyndi Lauper at The Acoustic stage (undercover and dry) instead and were glad we did, she was fab. 

After yet another late night chat back at camp we turned in, setting the alarm for 7 am, giving us time to pack up and leave the site before rush hour, calling into Cheddar on the way home for our traditional civilised lunch in a gorgeous riverside inn, scaring the punters and staff alike with our filthy, disheveled appearance.

...And that was Glasto 2016. Wet, cold, muddy and f*cking marvelous. 

Back to reality with a bump, Britain out of Europe, England out of the Euros, our political system imploding and awoken by my doctor this morning, calling to tell me that I'm on the waiting list for another hip replacement. Never mind, less than 48 hours to go until we escape reality for another festival. Camperjam here we come!

See you next week!


  1. Oh my stars! That looks like soooooo much fun!
    'Murrikans Cyndi lauper & ZZTop played Glastonbury? YeeHAW!
    That nippy weather sounds divine compared to the 32C+ and 85% humidity we've got going on here in Nepal!
    Ciao for now!
    Bibi xox

    1. Love me some Murrikan rock! ZZ Top were fantastic, I'd forgotten how many great tunes they have.
      Send us some of that heat over to the UK. I've got opaque tights on! xxx

  2. I would have picked New Order, too. We live in crazy times, don't we. Can you have a do over?

    1. Don't we just? Thank goodness for a chance to escape the grim reality of the real world.
      New Order are the best! xxx

  3. You look as though you had a fantastic time , What a shame about the weather , I was hearing about the traffic on the news , That would have put me off straight away lol xxx

    1. Seven hours to travel 8 miles - not as bad as the V festival - one year it took us 9 hours to get to Weston Park from Walsall - at least Glastonbury is worth the queue! xxx

  4. I love reading your posts each year about Glasto, but it still is my idea of Hell. I so enjoyed New Order on the TV and the Philip Glass Heroes Symphony. I do agree that Adele and Coldplay do nothing for me. Like you, I've tried!!

    1. We had a bird's eye view of the Philip Glass installation from our tent, it was wonderful!
      I'm hoping lots of people agree with Glastonbury being hell especially with this year's mud - that should mean less folk applying for tickets in four months time! xxx

  5. Brilliant coverage, Vix. Sigh. So much. And so much mud. Hahaha!! Well done, everyone, for having such a freaking good time in the midst of climate chaos. This is what the world needs. Working - things - out!!! Love the photos of you and Jon especially. I hope Camperjam is a blast as well. The hip? Plenty of time to think about such things but damn!!

    1. You're right, Melanie. Living in basic conditions with adverse weather conditions certainly makes you appreciate all the comforts we have in the West.xxx

  6. You saw Richard Hawley..... how was he? We watched the Last Shadow Puppets on the Beeb, Alex Turner can certainly put on a good show xx

    1. Second time we've seen RH, he always puts on a great show. Last Shadow Puppets sounded great from the campsite. I adore the Arctic Monkeys, saw them at Glasto three years ago. I just wish Alex Turner would chat more between songs! x

    2. Heh, I'm more than satisfied seeing his hip wiggling! x

    3. Can't say I blame you! x

  7. Brilliant love! I thought of you a I caught bits of it on TV.
    Yep it's all gone to total shit but whatyagonnado expect get on with it and be fabulous. Glad you saw Christine and wayhay for Cyndi. Love the Unfairground.
    Have a great Camperjam.
    Loves ya.

    1. Yep, we've just got to keep our heads down and continue being fabulous and kind to everyone, those evil scumbags raising their ugly heads will crawl back under their stones pretty soon.
      Christine was fantastic. Hooray for great music to raise our spirits. xxx

  8. Watched quite a few acts I haven't seen late at night while himself snored, Ratboy worked for me.

    1. Fancied seeing Ratboy but he clashed with something else. Great, isn't he? x

  9. Replies
    1. It was! The best times are always ones which involve some hardship to achieve them. xxx

  10. Glad you had a wonderful time in spite of the mud and cold! I saw PJ Harveys set on telly but found it disappointing. Not enough oldies. From your post it looks like a theme park aswell as a festival. Something for everyone indeed!
    The country has fallen apart in your absence but a low pound is great for foreign exports! If you didn't post abroad before, you must now!

    1. We wanted to see Polly Jean but she clashed with something else and it was a long trek between the stages.
      The non-music stuff is just as good as main stages. You could send the whole time watching comedy, cabaret, listening to political debate and sitting in the cinema tents. xxx

  11. Such cool couple! And I wan't that Bowie-Wall.

    1. Thank you! Wasn't that wall a masterpiece? x

  12. Glad you had such a great time - a consoling place to be during the catastrophic dive into ugly brexit madness I imagine. I felt rather mournful on friday... Poor old Jezza is getting it in the neck from the Blairites. Hey ho we'll keep trying to make the world a better place xx
    John is really channeling that saucy dancing girl - epic!
    & you look like a cosmic Pippa doll - gorge as per :-)

    1. Poor Jezza - I was gutted that he had to pull out of appearing at Leftfield, he would have been my festival highlight.
      So glad we were at Glastonbury instead of at home in front of the telly. xxx

  13. I would've gone for New Order and Cyndi Lauper too, can't stand Coldplay. Love Will Tear Us Apart always brings a lump to my throat. x

    1. So glad that we're not the only ones who don't get the mass appeal of Coldplay. xxx

  14. I'm so glad you had a fab time! Wow, sooooo much mud though! I love the cardboard tor- such a great recreation!! Love your furry hat and psychadelic leggings- they are brilliant!!!
    Did you see my friend Bruce at all? He was wearing a canary yellow suit like the mad hatter, green glittery beard and an enormous faux cuddly fox head on his head!??!x

    1. Bruce sounds like a couple of people I saw. There's some incredible festival suits around.
      The Tor was ghreat, wasn't it? I'm amazed it didn't crumple under the rain! xxx

  15. OMG - the mud looks horrendous. It's bad enough on a ramble but living in it for a few days...no, I don't think I could. You do look to be having an amazing time and it's far from dirty and dishevelled you are! Glamorous and colourful more like.

    I love James - what a great start! I've been watching Glasto on TV and have been thoroughly enjoying it and not a drop of mud in sight!

    Have a fab week,


    1. The mud was a challenge. We had to curtail the amount of walking we usually did, it was so slippy in places.
      James are brilliant. I love Tim's enthusiasm and his voice was on top form. xxx

  16. What a rollickingly grand time! That Japanese orchestra band looks so far out. I'm definitely going to have to investigate them and their music further.

    Your pompom earrings are seriously fantastic! What a great pair to rock for, well, fittingly, a music festival. :)

    Big hugs & happy tail end of June wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. That Japanese band are a visual delight, definitely check them out.
      I ended up wearing my pom pom earrings all weekend, they're my new favourites! xxx

  17. A great report on Glasto Vix. John looks very fetching as a saucy circus wench and you look as glam as ever despite the mud and rain, I thought of you too when I saw festival goers wading through the mud on the news. So glad you enjoyed CATQ, I saw her set(online) and caught ELO on telly but that's all I managed to see this year. Re your comment on Leave voters...each to their own etc but how fatuous would you be to vote Leave, then google the EU to inform yourself about it and later admit to these actions. Words fail me. Have a fab time at Camperjam.xx

    1. He's going to use that picture as his new Facebook profile, it's a good look, I think!
      The forecast for Camperjam looks even more grim, thank goodness I'll only have to leave our stall to go to the loo! xxx

  18. A nice chirpy colourful post is just what we all needed at this dismal point in time, thank you! I got so excited when I read who you saw; cyndi lauper, Richard hawley and new order. Who the hell wants to see Adele and Coldplay??!! I really want to explore the unfairground too.
    My sister in law had had both hips replaced before she was 40 and she looked and felt great afterwards xxx

    1. Yay! Glad it did the trick. It's all so gloomy and mournful out there at the moment.
      I don't get the appeal of Adele and Coldplay at all, competent artists but lacking in any passion.
      Fancy your Sister-in-law having both done before she was 40. I was the youngest hip patient ever at my hospital when i had mine replaced at 39. Wish I'd had the chance to get both done at the time. xxx

  19. Oh that is disappointing about your hip : (

    You guys are like machines! I never would be able to keep up.

    There sure seemed to be a huge number of acts there.

    All that mud turns me off. Yes, I'm a diva like that. ; P


    1. I think the mud defeated a lot of people and I totally understand, wading through it and remaining upright is a challenge in itself. xxx

  20. You always look fabulous, even in the mud Vix! I would love to see Cindy Lauper, what an artist! Sorry about Brexit, but I'm glad you had fun! :)

    1. Thanks, Laurie! Brexit is a huge disappointment but at least it's all happening during the festival season so I can escape from all the moaning on social media every few days! xxx

  21. All that mud makes me think of Woodstock, although I think it was warmer there...at least that's what one might think seeing all the nekkid bodies LOLOL. Looks like Glasto goers did the sensible thing wearing wellies to glomp around.

    Totally outnumbered here, but I'd love to see Adele. But lucky you...seeing Cyndi Lauper...I'd love to see her perform too!

    So happy to read that you had a grand time. And although surgery isn't a picnic to say the least, being pain-free after your hip replacement will be so awesome!

    1. I did see a few barefoot people, can you imagine how long it would take to scrub off all that mud? Eurghhh!!
      The friends who stayed and watched Adele said she was wonderful. I like her as a person, she seems a genuinely lovely person, just not keen on the warbling!
      I remember coming out of theatre after my first op and being amazed by the total lack of pain, its the hospital bit I hate! xxx

  22. Glastonbury looks brilliant. I am marvelling at how fab District 9 looks. I wasn't keen on any of the line-up this year but had the best time the years that I went and saw some amazing bands, even on the tiny stages. Going to google that weird Japanese one. I would love to take Sprogzilla to Glasto one day but don't fancy the mud. I would have loved to have seen Joy Division. Saw New Order in the early 80's and they were good live. The ref result was just too depressing for words. Xx

    1. District 9 is a work of art but best avoided after the main stages close as its total madness.
      I wasn't initially excited about this year's main line-up either but there were some wonderful alternatives.
      Sprogzilla would love it, wouldn't she? Lee, one of our group, is 22 and has been going to Glastonbury since she was a baby and Lily (the little girl in the group photo) hasn't missed one since she was born four years ago! xxx

  23. My mate Ibiza Queen Vikki and he husband Bean were working in Gulag recycling. They had a whale of a time. xx

    1. They really look after the workers. A couple of mates missed out on tickets last year and stewarded instead and loved every minute. xxx

  24. I salute you both for going!! I'm afraid I have gotten to a place in my life that big crowds kind of freak me out, but so enjoy living it through your post! And of course, I'm soooo happy to see your head decorations!!!!
    "Love Will Tear Us Apart" is my favorite song by my favorite band. I cannot really listen to New Order though - Joy Division forever!!

    1. The crowds can be massive but its all good natured and friendly and never feels intimidating or scary, Carol.
      Ian Curtis was such a loss to Indie music, wasn't he? xxx

  25. Great post thanks but still cant get past the thought of all that mud. Will stick to BBC coverage sure its a great atmosphere though

    1. It certainly was muddy, Ian but surprisingly okay on the camp site so we could lounge about on blankets outside out tents between showers! The BBC footage is always good, I was a fan years before I ever went. xxx

  26. Oh I feel like I was there-but dry! Best wishes that you get the relief you need and deserve. You have too many more festivals in your future to be slowed down.

    1. Someone once said that there was no such thing as bad weather just inappropriate clothing. So glad we tested our rain capes and bought new ones, I'd have been seriously grumpy if they'd have leaked. xxx

  27. I might be joining you for the hip surgery-I just got the report on my x-ray and I have some sort of growth that doesn't belong there (WTF?!) and I have a specialist appointment in August. Anyway, I'm sorry we can't have our surgeries together because you *know* we'd be the best dressed invalids on the hospital ward.

    I would have loved to see Hothouse Flowers-had no idea they were still together.

    Tip from an old farm dweller-don't try washing the mud off boots, just let it dry and then chisel it off with a crowbar.

    1. Oh no! I wish we were closer together, we'd cause a riot on the orthopedic ward. Sounds like spurs - bony arthritic growths on the degraded joint - I've got them, too. Ugly little bastards!
      I was surprised Hothouse Flowers were still together.
      Great tip on the wellies, every year Jon & I gather up some of the better abandoned pairs left on the car park and sell them at the other festivals we trade at - that'll save us hosing them down. xxx

  28. Indeed, it looks like you've had a marvelous time, Vix. Thanks for sharing the photos and honest reviews. I'm a fan of a lot of old bands and the name Joy Division keeps popping up. I have no idea who they are but I might have to give them a listen one of these day. What do you recommend Vix, do they have any standout albums that I should try first? Hope everything goes well with the hip replacement, and hopefully you're not feeling too terrible. Jess xxx.

    1. Hi Jess, so glad you enjoyed my Glastonbury blog! New Order's album, Substance, is a great starting point. If you can, Control, a film about Joy Division is a wonderful watch as is 24 Hour Party People. xxx

  29. Wet, cold, muddy - you make it look like heaven, Vix! So glad you and yours had a wonderful week, great music, yummy drinks-in-cans and lots of laughter. xox


    1. An acquired taste, Patti but the atmosphere is just the best (helped by canned cocktails!) xxx

  30. It's hard to imagine having so much choice of music to enjoy in a single weekend! It sounds like it was an amazing time, in spite of the mud and rain. I always love your Glastonbury posts!

    1. You could spend a year there and never see everything, Glastonbury is so immense it still blows my mind! xxx

  31. f***! - i thought by reading your docs diagnosis....
    i think of you!
    and yes - the world is upside down. if you asked the germans they want a "4.reich" - i´m so glad i´m old and had a great life.
    glasto! sounds wet! but you guys know how to have fun even in the worst weather! i prefer cindy lauper over coldplay too - for sure! but i had killed my knees finally in all the mud and wet conditions.
    love the jon´s hat and socks!!!

    1. Oh yes, the world is a crazy place at the moment, Beate - the rise of the far right, terrorist attacks and the inexplicable love of Coldplay! xxx

    2. hahaa! you´r gorgeous! i´m sure that the love of coldplay is the reason for the other 2 things! seriously!

  32. You've brought Glastonbury to us. Looks like you had a ball. We even managed to catch some of the atmosphere sat at home watching it on the telly. The coverage was great. Philip doesn't like Coldplay either and though I don't follow them they did put on a fantastic performance. The energy was electric.
    Looking forward to your next fest report now xxx

    1. The coverage is great, isn't it? I used to stay in all weekend and watch it before I started going. Our friends said Coldplay gave it their all but as the weather was such a challenge they felt a bit flatter than in previous years. xxx

  33. I've been waiting to read about all your antics at Glastonbury. Thanks for the write up and the photos x

  34. Vix, while looking at your lovely festival pics, they reminded me of my festival years back in the day. I was a regular festivalgoer. I remember how it feels when there's mud everywhere and how it feels to stay in a tent when it's pouring. Those were the times (very lovely ones in deed)! ! I'm happy to hear that you saw Gregory Porter. I love his voice! ! :) And by the way: I do admire your and Jon's festival outfits. Very chic, but at the same time also very practical. Here in Finland I'd love to go and see The Brian Setzer's Orchestra at Pori Jazz Festival. xxx

    1. Hello A-M! I love lying in my tent listening to the rain at a festival, its one of those magical moments.
      Brian Setzer (with The Stray Cats) was the first band I ever saw live. That was 1981! xxx

  35. Good luck with the hip replacement - I hope they're able to do it quickly and efficiently. It's good to know you were able to get around the festival okay.

    I never wanted to go to Glastonbury till you started posting about it. Though I still suspect I'd be better off going for a day at first! It does look like tremendous fun.

    1. Thanks, Mim! I'm hoping the painkillers will see me through until the end of the season and I can get it done in the Autumn. At least I'm on the waiting list.
      I know you'd love Glastonbury, its a proper celebration of all the great things about Britain - multi-cultural, eccentric, weird, amazing food, real ale and terrible weather! xxx

  36. Really lovely to see all these fab photos! Best of luck with that waiting list, I hope it gets sorted soon. xx

  37. The group-on-a-blanket shot, Jon in a watch cap with a blue bobble, you in your furry poof of a hat, deserves a frame. You Brits are a tough breed, Vix, admired around the world for your pluck -- and your assortment of headgear worn with clothing suitable to the occasion. We look forward to viewing "what one wears to one's second hip-replacement when one realizes one must wear something in bed in hospital"! xxx

    1. Haha, Beth! I remember my panic the day before my last op when I realised I needed sleepwear. I've been amassing vintage nighties and dressing gowns ever since. xxx

  38. So I take it that everyone who goes to this festival automatically packs wellies? Looks like a cold muddy but ultra fun weekend! Glad your hip held up for it. Sad about Brexit though, fingers and toes crossed everything works out for GB

    1. Believe it or not loads of people don't bring wellies, its entertainment in itself watching them slipping and sliding in trainers and plimsolls!
      Terribly disappointing news, I'm almost scared to put the TV on lately, glad I'm escaping today. xxx

  39. No kidding about mud!! WOW! Nevertheless, you guys had tons of fun - and that's what counts! Love the selfies of you and Jon. Looking happy! Sending you lots of love and only the very best wishes for the upcoming surgery. Hugses!

    1. Thanks, Natalia! We did have loads of fun. If us Brits only went out when it was sunny we'd be a nation of hermits! xxx

  40. Glad to see you had such a fab time despite the abysmal conditions! Best of luck with the hip replacement, hope it gets sorted for you soon!

    1. Hi Freya! We did, it was fantastic despite everything. I'll be a nervous wreck in four months time when next year's tickets go on sale. xxx

  41. Oh My. I feel exhausted, muddy and hungover just reading this!!!! What an excellent adventure. You and Jon look so happy or maybe drunk but whatever, you look great. Enjoy your well-deserved rest.

    1. Probably drunk, Connie! The canned cocktails are usually cracked open at 11!
      Two days rest (kind of), I'm packing like a mad woman for this afternoon now. xxx

  42. Oh wow! Thanks for introducing me to Glastonbury as it really is! With video clips! I wondered what colour wellies you wore - but I suppose it doesn't really matter, mud rules!! You look fabulous, despite mud, rain et al. The roses headress adds a beautiful bit of nostalgia. And...Cyndie Lauper!!! Fabulous :) Great that you all had an amazing time.

    1. Hello Elizabeth! My wellies are vintage - made in France, maroon with a heel - super when it's so muddy, the heels give a great grip in the mud. Glad you enjoyed Glastonbury! xxx

    2. Vintage wellies with a heel! Why am I not surprised you'd have such fabulous wellies!!! Good to hear you're "on the list" for your hip xx

  43. ohhh, mud and all, it looks amazingly fun!, glad you enjoyed it!, love particularly this kind of places where there's something for everybody. Not only big & famous bands!
    So sorry about Brexit, everybody I met in the uk is absolutely furious (and desperate), many people is thinking on moving!. Crazy world!

    1. Have you got room for a couple of lodgers in your new place, Monica? I'd love to escape the Uk for a while! xxx

    2. you will be welcome! absolutely!!

  44. Nothing keeps you and Jon from having a fabulous time. Mud and all. Great photos! So excited to be following you through another festival season, Dear Vix!

    1. Hooray! Glad you enjoyed the write-up, Judith. There's weeks more of (hopefully) fun in the sun to come. xxx

  45. I'm pretty oblivious to many of the names you mentioned, but enamored with your enthusiasm!! I love the fact that you support live music, rain or shine. I smiled at your ZZ Top mention. Joey recently sat in with Billy Gibbons (one half of ZZ). As a result I've been listening to some of the old stuff. I like it, although I didn't back in the day. :-)

    Politically? So sad about the vote there. We are also facing an INSANE time, with a true madman the presumptive Republican presidential candidate. And Hilary's not much better. Hip replacement? Sucks but hopefully soon thereafter you'll be pain free.

    Sending infinite love across the water. xoxoxoxo

    1. The world's gone mad lately! I'm happy we can escape from all the insanity on the news every weekend for the foreseeable future.
      I wasn't keen on ZZ Top back in the 1980s but they were on top form at the weekend! xxx

  46. What a fabulous time you had! So jealous that you got to see Tame Impala, they're one of my favourites right now and I watched their set on tv - so good! x

    1. Aren't they wonderful? We've been playing them on repeat this weekend! xxx

  47. Fantastic! The mud has its charm when wearing comforting rubber boots! And then if there are great artists, good music, very strange things, and good friends, really is paradise!

    1. Too right! When you're dressed for it, a bit of rain is just fine! xxx

  48. I was thinking of you while in Wales and seeing the weather forecast for Glastonbury, but I needn't have worried as you had a great time, it seems! I know a bit of rain and mud would not bother you too much. We were watching some Glastonbury coverage on TV and while Coldplay was on Jos said, Vix will be in that crowd, but I said, I don't think so. Glad I was right! xxx

    1. Nothing stand in the way of having fun at Glastonbury! Hope Wales was a bit drier for you.
      Coldplay, never! xxx

  49. Great that you didn't let the mud and the rain spoil your weekend! It looks amazing, if muddy :)

    1. It wouldn't be Glastonbury without a bit of mud! When we left the campsite on Monday somebody had posted a sign saying "Next year will one of you please remember to pack the sunshine". Hopefully one of us will! xxx

  50. You clearly had a blast, fabulous stuff. Having a big gang of you makes it even more fun. I'd have loved to see ZZ Top and Cyndi Lauper, her gig looks nice and intimate and warm! So, you're on the list then? Have you got long to wait? New Order reminds me, did you see Caroline Aherne has died? 2016 is like the bloody killing fields. So sad. But it just goes to show, you have to have as much fun as you can, when you can. Enjoy Camperjam! Xxxx

    1. I was amazed at how good ZZ Top & Cyndi sounded, some of the old 'uns we've seen in the past are well past their sell-by dates.
      I found out about Caroline Aherne this morning, what a shock. The Royale Family was my most favourite comedy show ever and she was so young, too.
      I'm seeing the consultant the day we get back from Kaya (poor bloke, fancy examining me after I've spent almost a week without washing living in a field in Wales!) xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix