Wednesday 13 June 2012


I've just had a visit from the gorgeous Dee, who is even lovelier in real life than she is on her blog. She and her fab fiancĂ©, John, had driven all the way up from Somerset to collect an eBay buy and popped in for coffee on route.

She presented me with these beautiful blooms and a parcel of treats.

Four fantastic 1970s crafting magazines for all manner of vintage inspiration and a gorgeous lurex maxi skirt,

Vintage maxi (courtesy of the fabulous Dee), Queen tee (20p, jumble sale), sequined headband (globe-trotting Queen Helga) and Ganesh pendant (hand made by my gal Krista), bangles (various car boots sales, chazza shops &  jumbles) 

which I thought went well with the jumble sale Queen tee shirt I customised over the bank holiday weekend.

Having a long-time blogging buddy stopping by was a great incentive to tidy up the front of the house. 

I've never been the most domesticated of women and it was just the nudge needed to re-pot plants, weed between the blue bricks and sweep the steps, lazy trout that I am.

One of the collages from the Eric Bainbridge collection

Dee isn't the only blogger I've met this week. Last Wednesday the lovely Annie popped over to Walsall for a tour of the New Art Gallery, weekly flea market and a bottle of rock-bottom priced wine in Wetherspoons. Unfortunately one cheap bottle led to another and any plans for some blog-worthy photos fell by the wayside.

Even before a bucket of Chardonnay we agreed that Lizzie had never looked so good.

Fancy pimping up a knackered old band tee? Here's a tutorial I posted last year. This time I prised the studs off a jumble sale belt and hammered them on to one side of the top to make it more rock'n'roll ('cos Queen never were rocker enough for me).

I'm meeting yet another fabulous blogger this weekend, watch this space!


  1. Gosh you have been a busy blogger and how nice to meet up with people face to face.

    Loving your tshirt too. I shall add that to my DIY todo list.

    X x

  2. If I am ever up in your neck of the woods I'm seeing you for sure. :)
    Love the rock tee (rocked up even more) and your 'alien doughnut' comment on my blog made me smile. Perfect term for it.

  3. Must be great making the face behind the blogs in real life! You're house is beautiful, makes me yearn to have a house of our own that has a bit of a history behind it!

  4. Dee is very gorgeous indeed;-)
    And what a kind heart she has too - giivng you all those nice presents. You've been busy meeting up with blog-friends. Well done on you. Adore the artwork from Bainbridge collection especially.xx

  5. Dee looks delightful what a cute of photo of you both together. YEAH for meeting blog buddies!!!! I will be meeting you NOT soon enough:) The front of the house looks beautiful but I swear you get prettier every day. I adore you in the first lavender dress with Dee and your second outfit is so sexy! You totally improved a boring rock tee and the maxi print is to die for and the sequin headband is just the right amount of bling! Your tan is still beautifully brown!
    I can't wait until I'm in a photo with you!
    BIGKISSES!!!!!!and tons of summertime love~

  6. Ha ha, Womancraft! Amazing. Looks like a great read.

  7. Excellent! I'm so chuffed you two have met up. She's bloody lovely isn't she. I felt like I'd known her forever.
    Gorgeous maxi too, suits you down to the ground. See what I did there?!!

  8. When Dee said she'd met up with someone I wondered if it was you!

    It looks like you two had a great day.


  9. It's wonderful to meet blog friends in real life.....lovely gifts & awesome tee!

  10. i just discovered your blog and i love it! your sense of style is amazing

  11. Nice to meet other bloggers - I have met a few at the events i went with Izzy! It was fun!
    I love the front of your house!
    Good that you clean up;)
    Mr. D takes care of everything outside, i am lazy as well - I do as little as possible -

    Take care lovely!

    Ariane xxx

  12. Wow vix, you have been so busy!!! I love that Queen tee!!

  13. Love the post and the pictures. I have always been nervous about meeting other bloggers. When I was a teenager I met a penpal - it was a difficult meeting. I think we were both a bit disappointed with the each other.

  14. Sounds like you had a lovely time, I LOVE LOVE that fabulous maxi skirt, has it got poppies on? Lucky you. Also I know that feeling when one glass of wine leads to another and then another, think we are all guilty of that ;)
    Loved your festival blog, not sure if my comment was saved as it kept saying there was a fault so I gave up after a few attempts, but in case it didn't loved your outfits there too :)

  15. Love what you did with tee! and you`re so lucky to meet so many bloggers in real life - wish i lived close enough to some.


  16. aahh what a lovely post. It was so great to meet you today your such a beautiful person inside and out thank you for taking the time to show us around your gorgeous home and for making us feel so welcome. Im so pleased to see the skirt fits it looks lovely. Im off for a very warm bath now its been a very long but very happy day ;-))hugs, dee xxx

  17. I am convinced that I will get to cross the pond again and when I do, I will most certainly arrive at your doorstep! You are so spoiled with the presents; I love the maxi-skirt paired with your modified Queen t-shirt.

  18. You are the QUEEN and all of us come running to your light and warmth, ahhh.
    How lovely of Dee.
    I love, love your house.

  19. Ah that first photo is so sweet. Dee is lovely isn't she. So glad you had a good time. Looking forward to more blogging buddy meet up pics x

  20. I do love meeting other bloggers, it's like you already know it eachother. Funnily enough I found a photo of when we all met up at the classic car show the other night :-) I love the skirt, and am also from the pond of lazy trout and need to get stuff done. Xx

  21. It's so lovely to meet up with fellow bloggers, isn't it? I had a few meet-ups in TO and it def promoted warm and fuzzy feelings. And so nice to get gifties too. BTW the 1970s dress you sent Curtise: to die for. xx

  22. Oh yeah! The Tee & maxi go fabulously together & you wear them with perfection!

  23. I'd love to meet you! Lucky Dee!!! Nice items too!!!

  24. Ooooo another DIY Boobtube! Any chance of a how to post? Thanks
    hevanne x

  25. How lovely, I'd really like to meet up with fellow bloggers but I'm shy! Dee brought you some lovely goodies x

  26. You both look gorgeous, and that maxi skirt and Queen t-shirt are perfection! And the front of your house looks great, the flowers are liking the rain at least.

    I had such a great time with you Vix. The bucket of Chardonnay was just a bonus!!

    Annie xxx

  27. Hello hello! Catching up on all the posts I missed while away on me holibags. The T-shirt to boob tube idea is ace and one that I might have to copy. xx

  28. You both look so Lovely! I adore the print and colors on your sundress. I am also Loving the cool rocker chick vibe of the second outfit!

  29. It's always so much fun meeting other bloggers.
    The front of your house is cute.
    Great band revamp on the tee.

  30. You and Dee look great together with your contrasting skin tone and hair colour!
    There's nothing like the anticipation of a visitor to push me from slattern mode to cleanaholic. I usually find I'd need a month of solid housework to get the place up to scratch though.
    Beautiful print on the skirt, I adore the 70's floral patterns, they've never been beaten.
    Look forward to seeing your next visitor, and I think we're all dying for a day out sightseeing followed by a boozy Weatherspoon's lunch with you.

    Lucy x

  31. I feel jealous, but I thrilled you had a great time together.

  32. Fabulous fun!!! I don't think it gets any better than this. You look gorgeous and I love your t-shirt upcycle!!

  33. thanks for posting that band t re-do. i have one i'd love to transform.

    how wonderful to have met another blogger irl. so fun!

    love your new maxi too. it looks fabo. xo janet

  34. Very cool upcycle there on your Queen T-shirt. I love your art too, especially The Queen. Dee's gifts are splendid!

  35. The pic of you and Dee is gorgeous! And what a fab skirt, perfect for you.
    Ooh, give us a clue who you're meeting up with at the weekend, go on! One day (when I get my arse in gear) it'll be ME!
    Your house always looks wonderful. I've got an old friend visiting next week from New Zealand, which will hopefully prompt me to tidy/clean up a bit...
    Love that sequin headband, you Rock Goddess!
    PS. Thank you again for my gorgeous parcel, I am still in shock at how perfectly that dress fits me! xxxxx

  36. And one day we'll meet! (I hope)


  37. An awesome post of awesomeness! :D ♥
    PS No 'rik rak' in that little haul of mine yesterday, hard to fine really. Last week I went to a really cool shop in town looking for them little pompoms on a trim and they didn't have any so went to a well know store and they had some but they wanted over $9 a metre! They were 'aving a larf I can tell yer!

  38. Gosh you look like my (younger) sister. She has the same hair, figure, sense of style...

    PS I adore the sequinned headband. Need one.

  39. haha Queen not rocker enough. Thats why I like them. Rock hurts my ears, but Freddie Mercury, so soothing. Bad ass DIY I must say. And you know Im a fan of that halo headband.

  40. How wonderful to see Dee! I love that skirt she gifted to you. Maxis or minis both look amazing on you. Love your cute house & garden too. Xx

  41. Oh yay, how SPLENDID to meet another darling blogger - and Dee is even tinier than you, amor!! That maxi is PERFECT on you - the mags are so fab and I love your awesome tshirt, especially as I am a Queen fan. WHOOO are you meeting? Curiosity aroused! And your house is so so amazing - I just love it, but please don't go to any trouble when I land on your door step one day! Love you more than sunshine! Sarah xxx

  42. How lovely to meet a fellow blogger especially one who comes bearing fab gifts! Gorgeous skirt - I love it and it looks perfect with your customised Queen t-shirt. xx

  43. Wow! Haven't been on your blog for a while, and it was such a pleasant post to come back to! Love the vintage skirt. So sweet of Dee to get you a goodie bag. It's amazing when online friendships translate into real life bonds. And I seriously envy your accessories, and the ease with which you carry them off.

  44. It's so much fun meeting blog friends:)

    Love your sparkly headband.

  45. You and Dee look dead cute in your summer things! Love that t-shirt makeover, and your house looks beautiful. xxx

  46. How lovely you both look so lovely and colourful!! It must be fun meeting fellow bloggers, I hope to meet many more someday. xxx

  47. Forgot to say, thanks for the tip about Sebastian Bergman. I watched both episodes and thoroughly enjoyed it xxx

  48. Aww you've got amazing friends everywhere! Love your house, wish mine was older and had more character.

  49. Cheers for blogger meet-ups hey, aren't they just the most fun ever?! Dee has picked your taste pretty well by the looks of it, visitors are the best motivator for cleaning I say, LOL!

  50. What a lovely meet! :)

    I am very envious of your new old craft mags!

  51. Oh two lovely ladies from blog land!!!!!
    The gifts are just perfect. Happiness is meeting gorgeous people!!!!
    Love v

  52. Aw, it's so lovely that people can form strong friendships through blogging. It's great :) x

  53. The front of your home is adorable!!
    I think I wore the purple maxi in the 6th grade--lolol
    I hope to meet some local (well close-enough) bloggers in the fall!

  54. Yay, for meeting fab blog amigas!
    Hope you meet you soon too amor.
    That t-shirt and maxi look so awesome.
    luv ya

  55. You really do have the most wonderful blogging friends, it must have been great to meet up with both Dee and Annie, you sure do know how to have a good time! The headband is totally cool, so glitz xxx

  56. Awh, it's always a pleasure to meet a fellow blogger!!! What a fabbers skirt! xxxxx

  57. The front of your house looks great - I love the border of flowering plants and the unusual windows.

    The dress you are wearing in the first photo is so pretty - it must be great to meet with other bloggers in person - would love to meet you one day!

  58. I would love to meet up with people through blogging but I am quite shy at first but then not shy at all when you know me.


  59. I would love to meet up with people through blogging but I am quite shy at first but then not shy at all when you know me.


  60. I really do love your house. And isn't Dee lovely? ooh and that skirt and your DIY'd queen t-shirt too! xxx

  61. Your home is very beautiful - love the photos. Since I started renovating I'm much more interested in house photos! How much fun to meet Dee, bearing lovely gifts. And of course your maxi is eye candy.

  62. I would clean house if YOU came to visit.

  63. You and Dee look lovely in the first photo and I love the maxi that Dee gave you, it goes great with your tee shirt.

  64. Dee's dress is so cute, you two look like kindred spirits. Front of the house looks great, I know what you mean about being a lazy bones, I have to vacuum first thing tomorrow as I have someone coming to try clothes on! I wouldn't bother otherwise, I despise chores x

    Penny Dreadful Vintage

  65. Aw Dee seems as lovely as you so I bet you were great together! Lovely pic of you both.

    I am a truly lazy trout when it comes to the house, but we had to get ours valued this week and the thought of a stranger seeing it kicked me up the butt to get it sorted, and you know what it's great, why don't I keep it like this normally? Oh yeah too much like hard work ;o)

  66. I'd need at least a week's notice if any bloggers wanted to set foot over the threshold - at least if they were bringing a camera! How lovely to meet blogging friends - it's on my big list of wants. If I'm ever in your neck of the woods I'll fill Timothy with wine and be banging on your door!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix