Thursday 14 June 2012

Charity Shop Finds & A Parcel of Joy

In his infinite wisdom Jon arranged for a parcel redelivery which pretty much ruled out a trip to the car boot sale. Refusing to miss out on my Thursday morning bargain fix I left him home alone, hopped on a bus and went off to one of my favourite stomping grounds in search of charity shop bargains. 

There was a heavy police presence & a weird atmosphere in town due to tensions between the local Polish and Ukrainian communities spurred on no doubt by the pre-match violence at Euro 2012.

The charity shops were, as ever, bursting at the seams with cheap stock but much of it was badly washed fast fashion and not particularly inspiring. I did find this beaded pendant and the denim halter neck I'm wearing in Sue Ryder.

When I hopped off the homeward bus I saw that a new charity shop had opened on the village green, which when I say "village green" don't imagine our home town resembles anything like a picture postcard English idyll, it's in the heart of the urban sprawl but has retained it's quaint pre-Industrial Revolution title.

The new charity shop was a curious affair, the bog standard high street stuff was ludicrously expensive (£10 for chain store jeans and Primark tops) but the Asian clothes were as cheap as chips. I saw exquisite silk saris and beautifully embroidered Punjabi trouser suits for well under a fiver.

These Rajasthani mirror work tops were £2.50 each, I can't buy them in India for that price.

I nearly had heart failure when I spotted this 1970s tooled leather bag hanging up. There was no label and I was hesitant to ask the price, would it err on the side of the seriously costly or the crazy cheap? It was £2, so I'll let you decide.

When I got back home there was a parcel of joy waiting from the gorgeous Sarah. In it was a fabulous 1970s halter neck maxi, a groovy 1960s chain belt, an insane card and this taffeta and braided skirt (yes, two new skirts in less than 24 hours, spoilt or what?)

Denim halter top (50p) and turquoise pendant (95, both Sue Ryder), crochet skull cap (50p, Indian Flea Market run for charity), platform ankle boots (£1, car boot sale)
Have a fab evening and see you soon.


  1. Great price on the bag!

    Is that Lee Majors on the card, advertising Lee jeans? Flashback to the '70s.

  2. I adore that bag!
    And that halter neck top is lush!
    Can't wait to see your new maxi dress!


  3. I am seriously gobsmacked today by your thrifting wiles - so many 50p items. I love your owl bag. And those items from Sarah are just waiting to go for a walk with you...or a run, or a dance in the moonlight perhaps.

  4. That bag is such a wonderful colour. What a find.

  5. Love that bag - the owl detailing is incredible. I always wonder where they get their prices these days in charity shops - they seem to be rather off the mark for their high fashion high street resellings!

  6. You look so cute! I have on a vintage leopard print pajama top as a blouse today. :)

  7. Fabulous bags, what a bargain! You look wonderful in that outfit, your tan is really lasting xx

  8. You are so lucky ( or just clever!) with your charity shop finds. I was in Dawlish today and they were all uninteresting and expensive. Particularly loving the Indian mirrored top, the leather handbag and that long skirt. But then you have the figure and the style to carry it all off.Cx

  9. Great finds. Those lovely leather tooled bags are going for a fortune on Ebay. I am putting a parcel together for you, in return for the kaftans, I will email for your address when I am organized (which may be never lol, kidding).

  10. Oww I loove that owl bag! Really cool! :))

  11. I LOVE LOVE that necklace! You have the Greatest clothes and accessories!

  12. I love this super laid back sexy outfit Vix, you look scrumpcious! The colors are so rich and yummy in this skirt and I love your skull cap too. Sarah gives the best gifts! That Owl purse is the find of the year, I have never seen one with an Owl. BEST PURSE EVER!!!! I am especially loving your jewelry in these photos all the blue and green and all those chunky silver rings. I love your lip color too. What are you wearing?

  13. You found some great bargains. I adore that tooled leather bag. Owl and acorns?? It can't get much better than that!

  14. Your leather bag is fantastic - love the owl and oak leaves, and at £2 a pretty mean price too. You're really rockin' your new maxi and the denim halter neck, too.

  15. Wow love your vest and the necklace you found charity shopping! and that new shop sounds a bit ridiculous - 10pounds for penneys stuff and 2 pounds for that amazing bag or the cool vests?! cray cray :D also your hair is so wonderful... so long)


  16. I love that bag - what a fantastic find!

  17. I was watching the handbag throughout the entire blog post there, it's GORGEOUS, how lucky finding that for £2, see you'd have missed that if you went the boot sale, everything happens for a reason. Xx

  18. Ahhh bless Sarah ;-) Your skirt looks gorgeous, great finds to that bag is a real hoot ;-)) dee xxx

  19. Totally gorgeous skirt really love the colours, looks lovely on you too.

    I would say that bag was a total bargin, absolutely lovely. lucky lady.

    It does seem to be a common note regarding the reselling of high street clothing. Ridiculous prices often more expensive to buy them second hand than when they were new in the shops! Whatever is going on?

    P x

  20. Oh Vix, that Nan would have loved it, she was mad for owls...and this makes me love you and your taste even more!

  21. That bag is bloody amazing! I've got a leather tooled bag my nan gave me, they add such a great finish to an outfit.
    Love the pendant.

  22. Colour me jealous all ove (I always wanted to say that).
    I am drooling all ove your finds, Vix, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  23. Vix you sure do make me laugh with joy! That bag was so meant to be and of course a total bargain, I bet you were so thrilled. I love the denim halterneck too, you sure do suit this style of denim xxx

  24. Fab finds! love the owl pattern on your gorgeous new bag x

  25. Madness I love it the bag it is awesome. The perfect tooled bag is on my wish list. I often see them here but they are often ridiculously priced in op shops. I have a general rule of not spending over a certain amount on just one item.

  26. Oh that skirt from Sarah is just as beautiful as can be! And I can't wait to see you in the pink halterneck frock, the fabric is gorgeous. A parcel well worth Jon waiting in for!
    Your owl bag is a great find (and £2 is a great price) as is that denim top, very you.
    You look wonderful, you do suit a beanie, and you look chilled and cool and gorgeous! xxxxx

  27. Bag, skirt, denim halter, bead necklace all awesome.

  28. Oh that bag is fantastic, takes me back to my youth.

    X x

  29. This a message from my 4 years old daughter that today visited a charity shop for the first time: I like your necklace and your tops, I've found two little dogs but I like your bag very much!!This is from me: I like everything in this post and Sarah's presents are amazing!!
    Kisses xxxx

  30. Silly Jon! at least you got to go to the cs instead. Love your finds - that bag is fab! And the Indian clothes sound amazing - I'm looking out for sari fabric at the moment!

  31. You are working the laid-back hippie vibe so well in this outfit. I love the denim halter top, but it's the bag that makes me green with envy--all that hand-tooled owl-awesomeness for so cheap!!

  32. Dearest Vix,
    Love todays's outfit, that skirt is awesome!
    I'm in love with both those wonderful Rajasthani tops and a fiver for the pair is a magnificent bargain as for the owl bag...just WOW!
    You are so lucky to have such splendid chazza shops round your neck of the woods, the ones down here are mostly dire.
    I must say that you are doing a grand job retaining your Indian beach glow despite the dreich old English summer weather.
    Take care my lovely,

  33. That owl bag is so beautiful - what an amazing find!

  34. Great bargains but that bag is an amazing find!xx

  35. That skirt is to die for! :D Love the halter neck top too, I'd need extra support in that strap to keep me nellies up but it looks mighty fone on you petal :D

  36. wow i love this look on you vix. i swear you look younger everyday! i think it is your zest for life and those 30 day getaways. i need to get on that.

    over here in southern california a hand-tooled leather handbag with an owl no less, on it would be v expensive. i'm thinking it would go for well over $100. i have one that was my mom's but it is more of a clutch style.

  37. oh boy is this denim halterneck gorgous! you hot babe;) and i can´t believe how cheap that fabulous bag was, i love it!!!

  38. Crivens! That bag was a find and what a price! You'd pay that for a cup of bad coffee in London. Love the mirrored tops too.

  39. I spent the whole morning trawling the charity shops too.
    I became increasingly disheartened, I mean, seeing rail upon rail of supermarket brand clothes is no surprise, but when these clothes are washed-out, shapeless, stained and ready for dusters (£3.99 for a beige korma stained George vest? PISS OFF!) you get a little tired.

    In one shop, I spied a cool oriental dressing gown. It had my name on it until I saw a letter peeping from the pocket. It was from he local hospice, detailing the latest chemo session. Dated May 2011. I felt so sad, I cut my jaunt short, just a denim waitcoat for me too.

    Like you, I'll always be a charity shopper. Finds like the tooled owl bag are rare and exciting, and £2 is hardly going to get you into trouble!

    Great parcel, you do have the best blogging buddies!

    Lucy x

  40. The bag - crazy cheap definitely - absolutely gorgeous and I love the Indian tops too. I am often flabbergasted at the pricing in charity shops - overpriced tat and then the odd gem way under priced - love those!!! Linda xxx

  41. That bag is amazingggggg! xx

  42. OMG I NEED that fierce tapestry corset in my life! So amazing. I can't wait to see you rock it!

  43. tooled leather bag WITH AN OWL ON IT?! insane

  44. Love the whole outfit on you the bag is gorgeous xx

  45. The owl bag is amaaaaaaaazing!

  46. Well the denim halter looks like a great find. Personally if I find one thing I'd be happy to wear at a thrift shop I consider it a big success. (Sadly the thrift stores I have access to are either overpriced due to their Manhattan rent or woefully overpicked because the college students got to all the good stuff first.)

  47. That bag is just brilliant, not only gorgeous and a complete snip but actually a good practical size too!

    I'm loving the beaded pendant, and Sarah's skirt and chain belt are totally fabulous. What a brilliant parcel of joy!

    Your garden is looking really lush and tropical - either because of or in spite of the weather!

    Love Annie xxx

  48. The indian tops are seriously cool!!! But the PURSE!! OMG love it (I am partial to owls)
    I'm planning a nice jaunt to town tomorrow on my day off to visit the thrift stores!!

  49. Oh, that owl bag! How beautiful. Guess what? I have a skirt almost exactly the same! Have been meaning to do an outfit photo with it. I wonder if they have the same tag...Presents presents, aren;t you lucky?! xxxxx

  50. It's all great, but that bag with the owl. I would have lost it. You're my favorite fashion blogger Vix. Keep up the great work!

  51. Whoa, I'd love to visit the new shop--for the two Indian tops! The denim vest fits you so well and the belt from Sarah is a nice one.

  52. OMG!!! I used to have a necklace very similar to the one you are wearing, same colour too. I loved it so much!!!

  53. That halter frock has truely made the rounds it came to me via Kylie I sent it on to Sarah and finally it has reached (hopefully) it's true owner! Can't wait to see you in it. xx

  54. Love it all! Especially new beaded necklace, fabbo maxi skirt and bag (in seriously good nick for two quid)
    Get a leg up with Lee? I think I'd rather have a leg over, he looks rather dishy, if a little 'Man at C&A')

  55. Where do I begin???? Firstly your skirt is fabulous. I can't believe that amazing owl bag with oak leaves on (totally drooling btw)its by far the nicest bag I have ever seen and that halter top fits like a dream. Put all together makes another super outfit :)

  56. The bag!!!!!!! Amazing!!! I'm in Norwich and Lincoln next week, I hope I can find some similar gems! xxx

  57. Oh the owl bag made my heart skip a beat!!!!!
    The best tooled leather bag EVER!!!!!
    The discovery of a new op-shop, pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. yay
    Sarah is a star, lots of yummy new things to play in.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Love v

  58. You find the best stuff! I can't believe that owl bag for £2! grr stupid football has to ruin everything! Yes, see you soon indeed! xxx

  59. Another fantastic outfit! I like that 'Get a leg up with Lee' postcard. Have a smashing weekend!

  60. Yay! You look amazing in that skirt - I'm so glad you like it! I ADOOOORE that amazing beaded necklace - and the owl bag is fab (Stace will be beside herself when she sees it!). You are just exquisite, as always, amor! Hope you have a SPLENDID weekend! Love you more than beads! Sarah xxx

  61. That amazing beaded and mirrored top ius a work of art and don't even get me started on the leather bag. You must be living in second hand Utopia although it's frustrating everywhere how prices are rocketing in charity shops these days, rant over!! Thanks once again for the inspiration x

  62. I see a fury model in the background. :)

    You also remind me of my mum in the late 1970s (my sister looks just like my mum). I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. And she used to wear frangrant oils that came in these fabulous little bottles.

  63. Oh my goat! That bag is the greatest thing on this planet.. ever! What a beautiful thing to find and for £2 it was the bargain of the century I think! xxx

  64. Oh so so good. I'd love to borrow the outfit exactly as is ( only in my size, of course!) complete with jewelry. It amazes me when I find beautiful tribal or vintage pieces for nothing. People don't know what they have and I'm grateful 'cause it means I can get it for nothing!!

    Have a lovely weekend!!

  65. Beautiful finds! I love the Indian pieces, I'm fascinated by embroidery and texture (although I don't wear it much myself, I find if very visually pleasing).

    I am particularly in love with the owl purse, it is absolutely gorgeous with the oak leaves around it. If you ever want to get rid of it I'll gladly buy it off you!

    The prices you mention for these treasures just go to show how ridiculous the whole charity shop business is becoming - trying to compete with high street shops? Makes no sense to me. But no complaints here , as long as the good stuff most people don't seem to appreciate is still affordable!

  66. OMG vix age would have a heart attack over that bag, it's amazing!!! xxxxxxxxx

  67. Oh my god, oh my god, the owl bag is AMAZING!!! £2 bloody well spent. Excited to see Polly Piglet poking her nose in up there too. xx

  68. What are you kidding me I would give a left arm for that handbag hehehe...I love owls I have a huge one tattooed on my shoulder :) and I keep trying to get my son into tooling leather he has done a few pieces. I will have to show him this purse he loves birds also ...that really is some amazing art on there ....well I think you did pretty good for thinking you were not going to find much of anything!! That last shop had some neat finds you know many people do not appreciate ethnic clothing I go nuts over it as well. When shopping with friends they always think I am a little off Ha!! ~Enjoy your new treasures Love Heather

  69. Spoilt never looked so good as on you, lady. You rock the skirts, and I am gasping at the deals of that purse and those Indian vests- gah- precious and major score!

  70. Wow, the Indian stuff is amazingly priced, and £2 for a vintage leather bag? Are they mad? Fab finds again.

    Luce has just suggested that I ask you to look out for a 50s type petticoat for me - as she said, Vix will probably find one for 20p! (I just won a 50s style halter neck in a blog comp, and I'm yearning for a petticoat to go with it, but the one the website suggests is £32!) In fact, have you ever thought about setting yourself up as a clothing procurer? Charging a commission of course :-)

  71. That bag! It is WONDERFUL!
    Rebecca x

  72. Love all your outfits,you look great :)


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix