Saturday 31 July 2010

A Century Of Style: The Challenge (1920 -1930)

Ready for some more history? Today it's the turn of the 1920's. Jen, self-confessed loather of the era, should look away now. To be honest I've struggled with the Flapper look, so many of you have commented about it being a particular favourite and the pressure's scared me witless.

Vintage cashmere coat and 1920's leather handbag (Both inherited), Wool leather-trim cloche (Jumble sale), T-Bar heels (Charity shop)

Contrary to popular belief the flapper fashions of the Roaring Twenties were actually only worn from 1926 until 1928. During the earlier part of the decade skirts had only just risen to calf length. The Great Depression led to a subsequent lowering of hemlines and a less decadent way of life.

Previously fashion had been the preserve of the wealthy but Flapper style was the first instance of attainable mainstream fashion. Construction of the flapper's dress was less complicated than past fashions and women were able to successfully home dress-make a straight shift using a Butterick paper pattern.
Hair was bobbed and shingled and the forehead went out of fashion, either covered with a brimless cloche or by an ornate hairband. Make-up was heavy, lipstick was ox-blood red and applying ones' make-up in public, once considered shocking, became fashionable, leading to the craze for mirrored compacts.

Legs seen for the first time were attired in recently invented flesh-toned nylon stockings powdered to reduce shine. Feet were clad in T-bar shoes with 2inch heels.

Flapper Dress (Kate Moss @ Topshop £5), Vintage pearls and Stratton compact (Both car boot sale finds)

If like me you're a history buff and have the time do check out this earlier post.

What do you think? Have I pulled Flapper fashion off?


  1. Oh, how noble you look, my dear!
    Must call round and play dress up with you.
    You have the most unsual and delicious things.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend;-)

  2. You look like you have just stepped out of a movie! You pulled this look off perfectly! I really adore that coat and your hair looks amazing. I had no idea about this was the era compacts became fashionable. I enjoyed learning these little tidbits of history!

  3. Wow! You look great with short hair, such a difference! Love the coat, very classy! x

  4. I think you look fantastic! xxx

  5. Oh yes you have pulled it off again. I have an affinity for the style of the 20's although the flapper look was not something I could have pulled off being rather curvy. You look very stylish and your hair is fab!
    Kandi x

  6. Vix! you'd look good in a bin bag! I'm loving the fashion! I had a good nose around a charity shop today and wished I had your eyes as you would have seen some gems that I probably misses...froogsxxxxxxxx

  7. Yep! You WOULD look good in a bin bag (and I don't even know what a bin bag is! I wish I knew an agent to alert to your blog! Honestly, you should be making money from this! You are AMAZING!

    You're so far more accomplished and stylish than I really honors me that you keep in touch. You KNOW that I'd love to be able to figure out how to dress like you do!

  8. Aw, you have such pretty things, and they all suit you perfecly. I love compacts too, although I havent quite mastered the 20s style! :)

  9. Wow, 1920s really suits you! You definitely have the legs for it! x

  10. You have such a sense of confidence when I read your blog. I imagine it is infectious to be around. Love it!


  11. I think you pulled it off perfectly!

  12. i love reading all the history of fashion posts you present! besides, you look as if you have just stepped out from a movie! amazing!

  13. I think you look 'flappering fabulous' :p you so have pulled the 20's off, neat to know that the style of clothing was only around between 26-28'. :)


  14. Vix, you bright young thing you! I love everything about these photos especially the closeups with the compact.

    Can you imagine how exciting it must have been to cast off the restrictive clothing of the previous decades and wear garb that was a lot more comfortable and didn't leave you fainting because your corset was too tight! They didn't call them fainting couches for nothing, right?

    I would love a vintage coat like the one you are wearing. You've captured the 20s perfectly and Vix great legs!

    Looking forward to your next post, Bonnie xoxo

  15. I love this time period. Awesome post! Love these photos!

    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  16. Oh adore that coat. And still loving this challenge. I think you've really pulled it off well. You look lovely. And again, thanks for the info: so cool.

  17. Oh you totally have! Love the coat and the cloche. And I am loving the history lessons immensely!

  18. Oh, I love this! This is my favorite one (do I say this every day?!). You look so authentic! XO!

  19. You've pulled it off perfectly! That coat is totally yummy, your hair looks fab, not my favourite decade either but the look does suit you.

  20. My favourite look yet. You rock that 20s hairdo, Vix - fabulous!

  21. u r so coooool and you've pulled this look like you were there. it is awesome!

  22. What a fantastic post, the pictures are amazing and you look gorgeous. That coat is stunning, i am so jealous xx

  23. Fab, fab, fab! One of my favourite eras - I love the photo of you in the chair, checking your makeup in the compact. So interesting to learn that checking one's makeup in public became socially acceptable during this time, hence the popularity of compacts! I learn something new every time I visit your blog, I'm sure. :) x

  24. The 20s are mesmerizing. The photos are simply stunning. I am thoroughly enjoying this history lesson in itself- so compelling. xxx

  25. OK, you did it. I love your look. I was thinking straight-up-and-down knee-length dress but the coat, the dress, the shoes, the hat...

    What can I say? I'd be in your 20s any time.

  26. Can you do a perfume/fragrance post pleaseeeee??? I;d love to know your fav fragrances and the ones you use!


  27. Hi my dear, thanks so much for the lovely welcome back, so much appreciated!! And wow, what wonderful posts you have on view, very authentic and fabulous finds as only to be expected by you-the cloche hat and coat look totally gorgeous on you!! x

  28. As your mum said you do have cracking pins Vix!!

    Love the hair, you know I'm a complete geek when it comes to times gone by and how things were done. I am loving these.


  29. OMG! The Best to date!!! This is your era, elegant with an undertone of saucy! WTF! The one in the chair is really sexy!

    The coat and hair are really you xxx

  30. Thank you for this challenge - I'm learning something new everyday!
    Beautiful hair.

    Lou x -

  31. Yes, you've definitely nailed the look. The coat looks so soft - cashmere's so wonderful. I kind of still feel it's wrong to apply make-up in public, even with a super chic compact! xx

  32. Love the dress ... Love the shoes!

    And that hat is fab!!

    Hope you've had a great weekend?

    Sal xXx

  33. Bloody hell,you've pulled this off amaaaaazingly!!!You are straight from the era!
    LOVE Helga xxxXXXxxx

  34. You look amazing, definately my favourite look so far! You look so different with your hair short!

  35. yes!! love the second last pic and u look so different with sort hair..


  37. you really look amazing! i do love this challenge too! you are impressing me with your details. powerdering ones legs is really over the top. that would never work in the desert. too sweaty. even in a dry heat! i love the detail about the fore head going out of fashion. never thought about it.

  38. Most definitely!!
    This is my favourite decade, love the flapper style and the dancing!
    You're an absolute whizz with the vintage hairstyles Vix, you look bloody fabulous!


  39. Yep, you definitely pass as a flapper! I love your hair (again). you look fab! xxx

  40. you look absolutely stunning! i especially love the last picture of you, it's wonderful! i have really been enjoying these posts, sorry for the lack of commenting, though. themed posts really work for you, i hope you continue with similar posts after this challenge!

    love, jazzabelle. xxx

  41. YES! Absolutely! Everything! The essence of the time...perfect!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix