Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Glastonbury Festival Here I Come!

We're setting off for Glastonbury at just after 10pm tonight. Gilbert's all packed and ready, there's banging tunes and sour sweets for the journey, and I've quadruple-checked that we've definately packed our clothes this year.

I'm wearing the 50p "California" gingham maxi dress I found at last Saturday's car boot sale along with my trusty cowboy boots, a fabulous hot pink Jaeger belt my gorgeous friend, Nikki sent me and a pink felt flower I made myself.

Jon always complains that I pack more clobber for a music festival than I do for a month in India but it just has to be done. 

Remember my white vinyl suitcase from last Thursday's boot sale? Well it's just perfect for my hats, makeup and jewellery. Well, a girl can never have too many accessories!

Keep your fingers crossed for luvverly sunshine (and a win for England team tomorrow afternoon).
See you soon!


  1. Enjoy - forecast is looking good for you :)

  2. Have a good time with or without mud.

  3. Dear Vix,
    That dress looks as if it was tailor made for you, you look so lovely!
    As fabulous as it is I sincerely hope you won't have to use your flamingo poncho this weekend :)
    Have a great time you two & take care!

  4. Looking good! Have lots of fun beautiful!!

  5. That dress is beautiful on you! I am so absolutely jealous. One day I want to do a festival in style, in a camper so I don't have to lug everything to the tent site!

    Have a great time! x

  6. Hope you have a wonderful time and lots of sunshine xxx

  7. Haha, I love that you have an accessory suitcase for a festival! Gorgeous dress too :)

  8. O,my darling,you look simply DIVINE!!Great maxi,Elly eat your heart out!How splendid that you have a special case for accessories!I better find one myself!
    Most excellent you have definetly got clothes this time!!!They can be quite useful!!You are going to have a rockin time!You look beautiful,happy and ready to roll!Yowza!!!
    LOVE HelgaXXX

  9. Have a super time...love your outfit! x

  10. Hi Vix, thanks for visiting the ol' blog and following! Wasn't sure what the Glastonbury Festival was all about so I googled it. Sounds like a lot of fun and it certainly attracts top names doesn't it.

    Have fun and let us know how it was, Bonnie

  11. You go, Vix. Looking fabulous and the weather forecast is good - You'll have a great time, I'm sure. Enjoy!! xxx

  12. P.S. Do they have big screens for the football at Glastonbury?

  13. You're all so kind!
    Sabine - The England game is being shown on the Pyramid stage tomorrow afternoon, cider, sunshine and footie, bliss!!

  14. Ohh you look so stylist with your accessory bag! When I get off he train at Temple Meads, I look sweaty mess - I'd love my own Gilert one day!
    Have an AMAZING time - it's killing me to know I won't be there this year.

    Lou x - craftyandquirky.blogspot.com

  15. You look ultra chic! You are forecast some fab weather, hope you have a wonderful time!
    Kandi x

  16. Oh how I love Glastonbury. Have an absolutely wonderful time, it sounds like you will be dressed to the nines for the occasion. I would also love to be able to go to a festival in a camper van, just that little bit more luxe.

    You'll have no problem finding the football. I was at Glastonbury during the 1998 world cup and watched England play Columbia in the pouring rain in the cinema field. It was a brilliant atmosphere, I've only experienced better being at the actual matches.

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and safe journey

  17. Aw vix, you look beautiful and that dress is so flattering, that was a real find. I'm gutted I didn't think to mention the peace festival as I'd love to have met you too... but next time something comes up I'll be sure to let you know. Have a great time at Glasto. We'll miss you x

  18. I will so miss ya! you look terrific! Have a blast for me. I am getting ready to thin my Hub's curly long pony-tail for summer, and chill in the back jungle ;) I hope the trip is rockin'!!!

  19. I love that dress .. cant believe you got it for uch a bargain at a boot sale .. Im going to one this weekend hopefully - so will hope to have your luck!

    Have a great time in Somerset! :D And I hope the sun does indeed shine for you!

    Sal xXx

  20. Wow this dress fits you beautifully!! What a lucky find. You always have the most unique outfits...! loove it!

  21. I am so jealous of your camper van. SO JEALOUS. Especially now as I try to squeeze a week's worth of clothes, accessories and warm clothes into two rucksacks. :( Next year, I really need to purloin a caravan from somewhere.

    Back to the packing...

  22. I am clapping my hands with delight!! You look wonderful!!
    Vix you are the bargain treasure whisperer!! You find the BEST things!
    ...even if it does rain you'll still be shining brightly hon!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. You have been given an award!!!
    Please check out link below-


  25. Gorgeous Vix, hope you have a fab time. Enjoy the mud, the rain/sun, the music, the atmosphere! I'm so jealous!

    No doubt you'll breeze through the festival with grace, style and look amazing.

    X xx

  26. Have a fabulous time. I last went to Glastonbury in 1989 - still have the ticket somewhere!!!!!! Don't do anything I wouldn't (should leave you plenty of flexibility!) xx

  27. perfect festival look! you evoke me woodstock - such a hippie dress! enjoy your glasto! i wish i were there as well!

  28. Have an amazing time Vix! The gingham dress is wonderful, especially with those touches of hot pink.

  29. Have a fantastic time Vix. You look amazing in the dress x

  30. Have fun, dearest Vix! You and Gilbert look fabulous and you're both making me utterly jealous! :) xx

  31. Have a wonderful time. You look fab (as always) and I love your wee white suitcase. xx

  32. How lovely you are !
    I dream to go to Glastonbury ! have a great time my dear friend !

  33. you were born to wear this dress! i love gingham. i need to do a gingham bag! thank you for entering the sam harvey giveaway. a winner has been chosen already but i would like to extend a discount on the jadite bag from $90.00 to $75.00. thanks for saying such great things about sam harvey in front of the peeps!

  34. Have a wonderful time, the belt looks absolutely top notch on the dress.
    I think the most essential festival accessory is a campervan or caravan - do it in comfort and style!


  35. What a beautiful maxi dress! Love the hot pink belt also!
    Have fun!

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  37. Hope you had a great time! Love your dress & the puffy shoulders :)

  38. That dress is fab, and the belt is such a pretty shade of pink too.
    I'm seriously jealous of you right now, going to glasto, you lucky thannng you!!!
    I'd love to go to a festival I'm a festival virgin-still.
    Have lots of fun, and do report on all those bands!
    prettyneons x

  39. You are a star! Have a fab time and enjoy xxx

  40. thats has to be one of the cutest outfits ive ever seen!!!!


  41. The dress looks stunning on you and that suitcase is FAB! I want one like that soo badly!! :D

    And thank you for suggesting a name for my Molly Ringwald project, "Pretty Much Mad For Molly" is actually really good!

    Classique chƩrie

  42. Ahhhh! I'm so unbelievably jealous...Take me take me!!
    Have a wonderful time Vix, i can't wait to see the pics


  43. Hey I really really like that dress! Great find, well done

  44. Adorable dress and you look absolutely breathtaking in it!! :)

  45. You look hot! I hope you have an amazing time, it sounds like the trip there is going to be good good fun in its own right! I'd love to buy a van one day, paint it a groovy color and take it to all of the festivals. You've got it sorted!

    xx Claire

  46. Oh vintage! Look look stunning!
    I love the dress and the fact that uou've teamed hot pink with black and white.



  47. What a beautiful maxi dress! Really it is so demand in the market.Keep it up!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix