Saturday, 22 March 2025

Wearing, Watching, Spying & Dyeing

Hooray! Thursday saw some freakishly warm temperatures for March so I was able to wear the vintage Indian dress I'd found in the £2.99 charity shop last week. I also gave this Mexican cowboy hat its first outing, another recent chazza find.

 For our Friday morning swim, I wore this Free People linen jacket snaffled from a charity shop in town last year for a mere £3. I'm not sure who in Walsall can afford to donate such costly garments to charity shops but I'm glad they do!

Beneath it I wore a 1960s Ayesha Davar cheesecloth maxi bought from a charity shop aeons ago. As you can see from the photo (below), there was a patch of sun damage to the front of the skirt which has worsened with age. I was going to dye it black but we only had a pot of denim blue dye in the cupboard so I (or rather, Jon, the chief dyer of the household) used that instead.

I'm really pleased with the result, the faded patch has vanished and the embroidery has turned a subtle shade of purple.

I finally got round to unpacking the badly turned up hem, too. It hangs much better now.

I wore these pewter trainers for the first time with my revitalised dress. I spotted them in the charity shop last week with the original £25 Marks and Spencer labels attached for a very reasonable £5. 

This Naked Generation blouse was one of this week's Vinted finds and at £10 a fraction of the original retail price! This is the third Naked Generation garment I own, all bought second hand.

I wore it today to drop off this morning's Vinted sales at the lockers....

And to pick up my second Vinted purchase...

This All About Audrey crushed velvet maxi dress which I'd been lusting over on their website for months. Like I always say, if you wait long enough the item you desire always turns up second hand and by being patient I saved £65 from the original retail price!

Rarely a week passes without buying more books. 

I loved My Father's House by the late Sinead's brother, Joseph O'Connor, a gripping fictionalised account of the Irish priest, Hugh O'Flaherty who ran an escape line, smuggling allied troops and Jews out of Vatican City during the Nazi Occupation of WW2. 

And my current read, American Spy, is equally exciting. Barack Obama's got excellent taste (as if we'd ever doubted it!)

I do love a good spy thriller. This week's cinema outing was to see Black Bag. Its not going to win any Oscars but it's slick, glossy and fast-paced. 

You'd have to have been living under a rock not to have heard about Adolescence, the Netflix series dealing with knife crime and toxic masculinity. Trust me, it lives up to (and surpasses) all the hype. If you don't already think that Stephen Graham is Britain greatest living actor, this will convince you. And please don't tell me that you don't enjoy watching violence - there is no blood or knives - just stupendously good acting.

If you haven't got Netflix, Spy/Master - currently on the BBC I-Player - is another great watch. Loosely based on a true story and set in 1978, at the height of the Cold War, Victor Godeanu is Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu’s right hand man but Victor has a problem. He is also a spy for the KGB, and in danger of being exposed. The fashion, cars and interiors are fabulous!

Last night it was time to bring on the bling. In addition to the 1920s Egyptian faience beaded collar Jon gave me for my birthday, the bronze & enamel Evil Eye earrings I'd bought in Athens and my vintage Indian brass cuffs, I added something new-to me...a ring I'd spotted in a charity shop on the way back from the swimming baths earlier in the day.

At £1.50 I'd assumed it was just a bit of cheap tat but looking at it I noticed that there was a maker's mark etched on to the band and that it was quartz as opposed to plastic and, most importantly, it fitted my massive labourer's hands...always a bonus!  

We were out on the town celebrating Slash, Liz & Adrian's birthdays which fall on 28th & 29th March. Real ale, Indian food and great company, what could be better? 

A good time was had by all - especially by Jon if this photo is anything to go by. 

Enjoy your weekend and see you on the other side! 


  1. You found such beautiful things again.
    The blouse suits you so well, I love the wide sleeves. The green velvet dress is my highlight today, it's gorgeous.

  2. That last photo is fun. I have to say on all the photographs, not just the last one it looks like you ALL were having a good time, not just Jon.

    Thank you for your reading and viewing recommendations. I never made that connected of Joseph O'Connor being her brother! I can't recall whether I read anything from him. I heard a lot about Adolescence being good.

    And about always find the best stuff. I agree that it pays off to be patient. That green velvet dress is stunning and I can totally imagine you in it. It also looks like something that would be worn by Pre-Raphaelite models.

    Cute statement ring as well.

    P.S. With those glasses on, you remind me of Demi Moore.

  3. Ooh, that crushed velvet dress is GORGEOUS! What a steal on that quartz ring too! I'm boggled at what people donate!!

  4. You always pick the Bobby dazzlers don’t you!! My sister was in your favourite holiday destination last week and she has fallen in love with it. She is a cat mum like you! And she loved how the hotel had a resident cat! And that there were friendly cats everywhere they went.
    She said the locals were lovely and remembered them everytime they went to eat. She said she has gone off Spain now and loves Cyprus and Greece and that me and the tribe must visit!!
    So you are a shining ambassador!!! They even cheered when they were running!!! How ace is that!! She can’t wait to go back!

  5. Oh wow, that green velvet dress. It’s absolutely stunning, I can’t wait to see it on. Good job on the dyeing Jon! Blurry photos are always a sign of a good night out. Xxx

  6. Hi Vix, love your quartz ring and audrey crushed velvet dress.I have two Naked Generation items, they age beautifully, your top definitely mustn't go on the Kinky rails, it's a real keeper. I have been reading the book you sent me, I never seem able to sit still long enough to read but with my new retirement there is no excuse now! tv/films you have been watching look good and are now on my to do list. How's your garden growing? Betty

  7. Lovely to see you all out and about and in your finery. The blouse you snaffled is gorgeous. We binge watched Adolescence and it was all we were led to believe it would be. We are on with itv’s drama Protection now.
    Have you ever listened to Boom radio, it’s for baby boomers and has a lot of the old dj’s like Simon Bates, David Hamilton, Judy Spires. We are hooked on it. Yesterday Simon had visited the Dudley sock museum and was raving about it. Didn’t you go recently.
    Philip now has his own radio show Country Highway Wednesday 1-2pm 99.7fm Oldham Community radio. I’ll get him to give you a shout out xxx

    1. I meant the Black Country museum not sock haha

  8. What a find with your new to you ring. Everything you wear looks so great, love the crushed velvet dress. Stephen Graham is superb we have yet to see Adolescence but know it will be brilliant. Looks like you had a fab night out. Regards Sue H

  9. Oh, so awesome. So great to see your reviews of books and shows! Love those emballished dresses! What a wonderful time of an outing. Such awesome memories! So cool about that ring. Love your manicure. So many delights in your post. Thanks so much for bringing joy to the weekend🍀🌈💗🌸💖

  10. Hello, Vix,
    I loved your look with the dress you showed in a previous post, the Indian embroidered dress! I'm always impressed by what you find in those charity stores! But at vinted you also found a fabulous dress! I admire your posts because you show that you always spend time in a fun way with your friends. I have to watch that series! Happy Sunday!

  11. Your All About Audrey dress is beautiful - and the quartz ring was waiting for you I believe xx

  12. We've been sharing the same gorgeous early Spring weather, it seems. Hurray!
    As I knew you would, you are looking a treat in that gorgeous £ 2,99 vintage Indian dress, and I'm loving the revitalized cheesecloth one as well. Although I've dyed shoes in the past, I never turned my hand to dyeing clothes. I'm such a wuss! Perhaps I should rope in Jos :-)
    Both the Naked Generation blouse and the All About Audrey velvet maxi are fantastic finds, as is the £ 1,50 ring!
    Obviously, I've heard about Adolescence and I've been reading nothing but positive reviews. No Netflix though ... xxx

  13. LOVE the ring!! I would wear that EVERY day. xo, kelly

  14. A good night with great friend's. That's the good life. Nice book recommendations. I'm looking forward to much more reading time.

  15. "Serendipity" may be defined as -- that Free People jacket with those spectacular spectacles! And perhaps as -- the surprisingly versatility of metallic trainers? I literally wore out a golden pair one long ago Florida summer...

  16. Adolescence is brilliant! So compelling. We JUST finished watching it 5 mins ago! I presume you mean the actor who played the Dad, not sure who the actors are. I thought the Dad actor was superb!!! So much left unanswered!
    I love your new blouse great sleeves. I saw a great Zara blouse in the chazzer on Saturday it was SO you! Too small for me as an XS-woukd have been just right for you!

  17. I am a 28th baby too! So I was trying to decide which outfit I liked best to comment on (and you were not making that very easy...), then I saw the ring. Love it!!!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix