Saturday, 15 March 2025

Mad Cat Lady

William, our gorgeous boy, adopted us a couple of years ago when the old windmill, where he lived as part of a colony, was sold to developers. We've since learnt that William was one of a litter of five, one captured & rehomed by a cat charity, a pregnant female who now lives with one of her kittens (and William's dad) with a couple we know from the swimming baths and a pair of black & white toms, who remain street cats but are regularly fed and sleep in little cabins in a nearby garden. 

Over the last week one of the pair of toms has been a near-permanent fixture, staring at the house with a quiet dignity, either perched on a windowsill peering in whilst we watch TV, sitting on the bin outside the kitchen door peeping at us when we eat or just snoozing in the border beneath the house. We're feeding him and although a bit wary, he's happy to be stroked - much to the amazement of the neighbours, who've never been able to get close. His brother has a flash of white on his side so he's known locally as Flash so, of course, this one is Gordon. 

Will Stonecroft become a two cat home again - or maybe his brother will decide to join him and make it a threesome? The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned! William doesn't seem to skittish about Gordon's visits despite him being an intact tom cat, maybe he knows he's family?

We came home to what's known as False Spring and after a couple of glorious days of sunshine and warmth we've been plunged back into frosty mornings and snow flurries (but my tan's hanging on). If that wasn't enough of a shock to the system, I had a reoccurrence of the gum infection I had this time last year and spent the week muddling through on a cocktail of antibiotics and painkillers. I'm very, very lucky to have an amazing dentist who has offered to do some revisional dental work, not usually available on the NHS, which means I can keep the troublesome tooth and not bankrupt myself in the process...thanks, Omario, you're a superstar! 

On Tuesday, after swimming and our Spoons breakfast we headed to the cinema to watch I am Martin Parr, a feature-length documentary celebrating the life of British greatest living photographer. Parr's wonderful photos are a fantastic antidote to the messed around with, overly filtered and impossibly perfect pictures that dominate the internet. Parr's work shows Britain is it really is and celebrates normality and everyday life. Walking home after our cinema trip reminded me to see the beauty in the everyday, the elderly couple eating sausage rolls in the street, the group workers in high-viz gathered around a pothole in the road and the women in hijabs unrolling bolts of vibrant polyester at the fabric stall on the market. 




Meanwhile, not quite up to Martin Parr's standards....

Here's Jon clutching our charity shop finds, we couldn't resist having a quick rummage before the film started. 

I nearly passed out when I spotted this in the £2.99 shop. 

Hand woven in India and at least 50 years old, the mirror work is perfect and the glass beads adorning the bodice are miraculously intact. I cannot wait to wear it. It looks great belted with a fedora and cowboy boots (doesn't everything?)

Americanah has been on my bookshelf for a while, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's One Half of a Yellow Sun is one of my favourite books and I was scared that this one wouldn't be as good. I needn't have worried, it was superb.

 I've been alcohol-free all week so I'm looking forward to a glass of two of rum later.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I intend to!


  1. What a find that dress is....I shall look forward to seeing you strutting your funky stuff in..Arilx

  2. We have a black Persian or maybe Maine coon cat that is slowly adopting us. But our two female cats are ferocious independent and are quick to let him know . My sister named him tiger so others can’t guess his name. If we can ever catch him it’s snip snip at the veterinary. Firm believers in that!

  3. Maybe William is saying come and live here, you'll be spoilt to death. Miss Sheva, although very loving with us and Iris absolutely hates strangers in her house or garden. The combination of my Stepmum and 2 gardeners all at the same time is what sent her to hide in the washing machine. Xx

  4. I think now that I let Little Miss officially adopt us, I find myself wanting to bring in the random starts that occasionally are spotted around the pond, or at my sister's mobile home park where feral cats are everywhere. There's a kitten that may ir may not have an owner that is identical to my daughter's cat and broke my heart seeing her out with n the cold when I was feeding a d caring for my sister's. She wouldn't come close enough,and I might have been streaming if I took her. Great finds. I live real photography. Life.

  5. William is such a handsome boy and surely knows he has made a good choice moving in . The black and white cat reminds me of one of our previous cats , named Oigle , that John bought me on our first Christmas .
    The dress is quite a find , I can remember having one similar and it probably was 50 years ago.

  6. That dress is spectacular. Mr William, I wonder how he feels about a furry companion?

  7. thank goodness for your health system!! Occasionally, I house sit for one of my daughters soon as she leaves, Mr Big Black Tom turns and gives me The Look..... The I'm In Charge Look. I can see that it's all on.... one can only admire such confidence

  8. That dress is beautiful. Will be perfect if we ever get any sunshine. It’s lovely that you welcome those cats in rather than buying from breeders. They are beautiful cats. Martin Parr is great, i would love to be able to emulate his style and eye for a great photo. Sadly, I doubt that’s going to happen. Have a great week xx

  9. The dress is a real beauty. I love Martin Parr's work, such a good eye. The Fool's Spring was short lived and the sunshine very welcome but the past week has been freezing. I am back in thermals. I can't imagine a time when I aren't wearing layers of clothes and still feeling cold. Glad your dentist worked miracles. I had a broken front tooth and thought I would lose it but my lovely dentist said he could fix it and heba brilliant filling.

  10. Such wonderful cat stories. Beautiful photos of these fellows! Our first can for the family was a black and white named Tessa and she was by way of England. A giveaway from the neighbors when they moved. Oh, she was regal and old. After she passed, at the time we weren't looking for a cat at the animal shop, but a tuxedo kitten found us. Immediately, my daughter said, "Tessa's son!" And that was the beginning of Casper's reign at our house.

    Martin would be proud of your photography! Some great shot with handbags too. Lovely items you have found. You are very inspiring. I have found a new charity shop in our neck of the woods and visit often. I have rescued a few Barbies. Oh, if only I could find a Sindy to rescue.

    All the best to that rum! Thanks so much for your wonderful posts and adventures! Thanks for reading and thank you for your comments 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍

  11. Beautiful dress. Love the tuxedo cat and hopefully Gordon will join the family.

  12. Thats a very pretty dress you found, I think you live in an area where there is a big ethnic community and one of the benefits is finding fabulous dresses, made in India, like that one! I hope you do become a 3 cat family, sounds like Gordon has his sights on you and Im sure he wouldn't want to leave his brother behind! it's freezing but been sunny here in surrey, sufficient to get up to the allotment and get fresh air. Sorry about the dental issues but thank goodness you have a good dentist - my brother has to travel across the Devon border to Wiltshire to see one - they are becoming a luxury nobody can find, let alone afford! Betty

  13. Gordon is very sweet and elegant. I love the photo of you and William. The glasses look fantastic on you, and so does the pink lipstick.

  14. So lovely that William's brother is making an approach, he has lots of attitude!. Hope they can be friends!
    That documentary film looks really interesting, I'm taking notes!. Totally agree that some Real Life feels refreshing after the ultra-processed photos we're used to in the Internet. And so much better.
    So fabulous embroidered piece, totally amazing it's still in so good condition (probably it was cherished?, love it!), and I can imagine you rocking it!
    Sorry that the weather is not collaborating and sorry that you're visiting your dentist again, such a pain!. Get well soon!


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Lots of love, Vix