Thursday, 6 February 2025

Keep On Movin'

I can't quite get my head around the fact that I'll be 60 by the end of next year! I've not got a problem with getting older but I do want to be as fit as I possibly can be so that I can continue living my life to the full.

I've used my Wii Fit every week since Jon bought it for my birthday 18 years ago. The original disc was starting to play up but we managed to find a replacement in a charity shop (where else?) My routine has always started with a 10 minute warm-up step session followed by 20 minutes of yoga and muscle-building exercises but the replacement disc is an up-dated version and the step option is no longer available so I decided to warm-up with an interactive run instead. I started by running a quarter of a mile but it turned out that I was pretty good at it & the Wii Fit suggested I increase the distance to half a mile but, after smashing the highest possible score, it told me to try the longest run available, the Island Lap, the equivalent of a mile. 

Wow...Rocket Fire! 

Jogging around the streets has never interested me but running indoors? I can't believe the buzz I get from it and I'm now running 5 miles a week. The best thing is that I don't need special gear, don't get wet or have put up with kerb-crawlers (because it doesn't matter how old you are, you're never free from predatory men).

This was a selfie I took in the changing rooms at the pool last year, I've upgraded my swim cap since then. I've increased the amount I swim to three-quarters of a mile per session (a total of 1.5 miles a week).  I'd love to do a mile each time but Jon starts getting restless and yearning for breakfast and I do talk to the regulars rather a lot. 

 At the start of this month we pledged to walk 50 miles for Cats Protection and each got a rather snazzy hat when we signed up. We've had to install an app to record the amount we're walking each day, I can see why people get obsessed with these things but they don't half encourage us to keep moving. We're doing okay and should hit our target before the deadline which will be whilst we're away. 

Our walking helps beasts like our little house panther aka William, the cat who came in from the cold and decided to adopt us after life on the streets. 

Here's a couple of the outfits I've worn this week. A vintage Papillion Indian block printed wraparound midi skirt (eBay, 2021) worn with a 1960s Ayesha Davar shirred cheesecloth blouse (eBay, 2020) and one of my many 1970s Indian screen printed silk scarves, for which I never pay more than £1.

Here's the skirt I made from a piece of Anokhi block printed cotton bought from eBay during lockdown, a charity shopped 1970s belt and the Athena blouse by high end label m.a.b.e. which bought unworn from Vinted for £12 last Summer whilst it was still for sale on their website for £95.

The Afghan earrings were an eBay find in 2017.

Other than a quick look after swimming on Tuesday, we've not been charity shopping this week but here's last week's vintage finds....

1970s silver lame cocktail jacket, a traditional Greek cotton embroidered blouse & a 1960s shift dress.

A rayon 1970s pussy bow blouse, a groovy 1970s jumpsuit and a 1950s lace blouse.

A 1960s St Michael mini dress, a 1980s suedette two piece from Ibiza, the iconic Birmingham boutique in the Bull Ring (if you know, you know!) and a 1970s polka dot maxi skirt.

A 1980s tie-dye rayon rara dress, a 1970s trippy maxi skirt and a contemporary Monsoon velvet jacket.

A 1950s shirtwaister, a 1970s fringed suede jerkin (handmade in Larnaca, Cyprus) and vintage Indian velvet waistcoat.

A vintage German military issue jacket and a 1980s novelty print suede waistcoat with tags still attached

And, of course, some vintage vinyl including a rare US import of Actually by The Pet Shop Boys (1987), worth a heck of a lot more than the £2 Jon paid for it (not that it'll be going anywhere!)

Despite the frost this morning, we're walking to the baths in the daylight now, the crocus are pushing up through the lawn and Jacob's out of his box and wandering around the kitchen, albeit in a very sleepy fashion. Spring isn't too far away!

I'm off on an adventure in Birmingham with Nikki tomorrow and shall report back very soon.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I love the selfie with the cat protection hat. Great idea for you to join in.

    I'm with you on the big number 60, stay fit and the rest will follow. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea! When you find an exercise you love it becomes as much a part of your life as brushing your teeth. xxx

  2. Love the beanie. Well done! I might sign up!

    1. I sent you the link, hope you managed to sign up! xxx

  3. I have a fairly active/physical job and we walk a lot for pleasure, but it did not feel "enough" to stave off creaky bone gremlins so I have started to learn to shuffle dance .... Yea gods I've neither laughed or ached or felt as silly all in one go, but I will persist! Good luck with your cat walkšŸ˜

    1. My friend Nikki loves her dancing! The older we get, the more we need to move. I'm so pleased that you've found a way of keeping fit that makes you laugh out loud! xxx

  4. Jacob has become my first sign that spring will be coming! I have to figure out where I can swim year round. I know it would help my exercise boredom -more options. I feel physically better though than I've get in years with my new knee. Great shopping funds.

    1. I'm hoping Jacob's sensed that Spring's on the way, it feels like a long Winter.
      We're so lucky to have our council swimming baths. Exercise is brilliant not just for our bodies but also our minds. When I feel myself getting annoyed by something a brisk walk, swim or workout is a great way to use up that negative energy. xxx

  5. Good for you for keeping such good care of yourself, Vix. Yup, gotta stay strong and keep moving. My weight's gone up but I still walk everywhere and do a series of core and upper-body strengthening exercises to keep my spine strong and to work on my balance. I fear falls!

    William is such a handsome boy, although not impressed with the selfie!

    You find such great stuff! I love the vintage maxi and the first 60s dress.

    1. I'm the same about falls, Sheila! My Mum broke her leg very badly when she was in her 50s and it really damaged her confidence. Working on your core and getting stronger is the way to go.
      I'm amazed it only took two takes to get William's photo and that he didn't gnaw me to death in the process! xxx

  6. I must admit I am hooked on the walking challenges and have already completed one this year. It really does spur you on to have something to aim towards. I love the cool beanieand wonderful outfits as always.

    1. It's the first one I've done and its such a great incentive to get moving! xxx

  7. Vix, you are such an inspiration. Not just you clothes and how you look, but also your fitness regime. Proof that age and physical problems are not a problem.

  8. You are in amazing shape! I admire your dedication. I am looking forward to rejoining our town pool once Tommy retires. Having Frankie around takes away time I use to spend in the pool -- and the best part, the sauna. I think I miss the sauna the most!

    1. I bet all your Frankie walking is a workout in itself. I remember in the days of your last blog you were always swimming. xxx

  9. Such a lovely post! thank you for so many precious moments! From being fit to seeing the Pet Shop Boys LP! & more. So many beautiful things you have. All the best to you and the mister and all that you do. Thanks for being here. & Thank you for your comments❤️šŸ’•❤️

  10. Oh, you lovely girl, you are SO doing all the right things. I went to my little local sewing group yesterday and came home to tell Himself that we were the only people in our age group who did not take at least 3 prescription drugs every day (we don't take any šŸ˜‰) and that I was feeling in need of a medical degree to keep up with all the ailments that were being discussed.

    1. Thanks so much, Jane! Whenever we've had health checks the nurses are always amazed at how neither of us take any medication. It's frightening when people start listing all the ailments they suffer from - keep on doing what you're both doing, you've obviously got this fitness thing sorted. xxx

  11. Exercise keeps our muscles and our minds alert and can't actually do any harm. What should not be underestimated is how flexibility and endurance can be increased :-))) I did yoga yesterday and am using other options.
    Your outfit is great.
    You're in very good shape. Congratulations.
    Kind regards to you.

    1. Thanks so much, Barwitzki! You can't beat yoga for increased flexibility and a great posture! xxx

  12. Fab as always. I have been on a record buying binge. Sound of music soundtrack, the bay city rollers. Don’t ask before my time I know. But they were such upbeat albums even if the history was horrific. Even Kato was dancing!! So he approves . I don’t like BTS or k pop . To manufactured for me sadly

    1. Hello Allie! The Bay City Rollers were massive when I was in junior school. A few years ago one of them did a solo set in a tent opposite our festival pitch and I have to admit he did have a great voice (I think he's died now). I don't know anything about K Pop - if it's not played on 6Music I'm clueless! xxx

  13. Our neighbours are in their mid- late 90s and only now slowing down. They have been so active that they inspire me to do the same, they prove just because you are old in years doesn’t mean you have to be in spirit.
    I too love my Wii and I try to do the island lap as often as I can. I found when I started that it gave me a faster walking pace. After that I bought a walking game called Step to the beat to do when it’s really wet and windy. Pop on a podcast and walk, the more you walk the more points you “win”, these points can be used to build your island. Brilliant and addictive bevause you compete against yourself.
    Have an excellent holiday.

    1. Hello, MrsCatz! Your neighbours sound fantastic, I caught the train with a lady in her 80s on Friday and we had such a laugh, I know people in their 30s who aren't as much un.
      I might have to check out that Step game. The Island Lap is seriously addictive, I'm planning to do it once I've caught up with blogland! xxx

  14. Hi Vix, you are an example to us all in your fitness regime. Well done! I enjoy a couple of pilates classes a week plus yoga and some gentle swimming. I could do more though. A regular group of us of varying ages enjoy chats in the sauna of our gym. It is good fun and lots to talk about. On a style front I particularly like your fab black cheesecloth shirred blouse, the 50s shirt waister ( a classic), the groovy 70s jumpsuit and the 60s minidress. I am sure the latter 3 pieces will all find appreciative new homes very soon. I picked up yesterday from the alterations shop I use ( to get the sleeves taken up) a nice black Wallis coat I recently snaffled up with wide lapels a la 70s ( though it is an early 2000 piece based on the label). I am looking forward to wearing that very soon. It's great to get excited about second hand clothes!

    1. Your routine sounds pretty good, Alysia. I'm always trying to improve what I'm doing and challenge myself to push myself a little further. I love how exercise makes you connect with like-minded people, I always think those of us who exercise have a far more positive and cheerful outlook on life than the couch potatoes.
      Whenever I find cool things I always have an image in my head of who might buy them and love it when they sell at festivals to the person I had in mind.
      When I got my first ever wage packet in the 1980s I went straight to Wallis in Birmingham, their clothes were so beautifully made and a touch more flamboyant than the other stores on the high street. I bet that coat is a beauty and well worth getting altered.
      I never get tired of second-hand clothes and hearing about what other people have found. xxx

  15. Vix, you put me to shame. At 43, I am nowhere near as fit! I do worry, especially with having had little Miss later on and wanting to keep up with running around with her well into my later years. I hate gyms, I’m trying to incorporate a bit of daily yoga but maybe I need a Wii. The purple of that woolly hat really suits you. Have an excellent weekend and I’ll look forward to catching up with your adventures next week. Xx

    1. Hello Louise! I bet its tricky fitting exercise around a fulltime job and a child! I love my Wii Fit, I get out of bed, pull on the leggings and crop top I left in the bathroom before bed and do my workout before the rest of the world wakes up. I'm not a fan of the gym either! xxx

  16. You look fantastic! Love your style. Cali

  17. The bright pink coloured hat suits you so much, makes you glow :) I am curious how William interacts with Jacob? Regards, Lise

    1. Thanks, Lise! William's pretty nonchalant towards Jacob except when he walks through his food when he's eating! xxx

  18. Can recommend for a nice safe workout - for a bigger challenge i'm doing a couple of miles twice a week pushing Mum in her wheelchair, often laden with a grocery shop lol |
    Oooh and I get another brisk walk when my 3 bus journey connections go awry and I don't want to wait a hour for the next one.

    In clothing news I just bought a vintage silk Christian Lacroix suit. Rude not to when the seller offered a 50% discount.

    Elaine Anon xx

    1. Lacroix, sweetie! Brilliant. That sounds like a cracking find, Elaine.
      The wheelchair workout sounds like a challenge, excellent for the upper arms. Gah! I used to hate that bus dilemma, do I wait or start walking and risk the bloody thing sailing past me? I'm off to check out that workout. xxx

  19. I'm ashamed to admit my only form of exercise is walking. I'm totally in awe of your fitness regime! Well done on pledging to walk 50 miles for Cats Protection. I always make a point of buying something from one of their shops when I get a chance. Love the snazzy hat!
    Swooning over the Athena blouse outfit in particular and I'm loving your rewards from the charity shop goddesses. Oh my goodness, that 70s jumpsuit is absolutely fabulous! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! There's a Cats protection shop near us and I always make a habit of buying from them, too. It was my Dad's favourite charity, he liked cats a lot more than people! xxx

  20. I have a rowing machine in the garage bought during lockdown but also go to the gym for a weight lifting class. I'm not swimming until summer but walking a lot.
    I have noticed drinking more water makes me feel less sleepy! . I don't think it matters what we do as long as we keep doing it! Love the Pet Shop Boys. I'm reading the book you sent me! .

    1. Hello, Betty! I remember you mentioning your garage gym. Walking, rowing and weights are all fantastic for you, I'm really lazy with my water drinking but do get through a lot of herbal teas.
      I love the Pet Shop Boys, too - their music never seems to grow old! xxx

  21. I love that Cats Protection beanie on you. Its purple really brings out the blue in your eyes. William looks happy to be around you and possibly also happy to have inspired the participation in the initiative....Maybe cats can sense that. What a wonderful initiative! Walking to save cats sounds great. Walking is a great natural exercise. I love swimming, too. I must admit that I haven't been exercising lately. I'm just too exhausted from the colds and the viruses and the fever and everything. I can't wait to come back to exercising regularly. It really makes such a difference, doesn't it? Your Wii Fit exercise routine sounds wonderful. I worked as an animator in a hotel once in summer, and while I signed up to work with the kids as I'm a teacher and all, one of my colleagues who was a fitness instructor found out she has a heart condition, so I took over her fitness classes, and I really enjoyed doing that. I'd love to do that as a part time job some day. I think that being a teacher for so long, I'm really good at explaining things to people. I would get lots of hugs after ever Pilates, yoga or fitness class I taught. It was a great experience really.

    Who could ever guess you've turned sixty? I think you have got such a great attitude to life and I'm sure it helps in living your life to the maximum. When we find a lifestyle that works for us, it can really make a difference.

    I never feel like I'm growing old, I hardly ever think about it honestly. I think it's the hidden blessing of having had health problems when I was a kid. I think that for a lot of people who were blessed with great health it's very normal to take it for granted while they are young. I'm sure I'd done the same if I never had any health problems younger...and then as people get older start to feel certain pains and stuff. Of course, for them it's very hard because it's very new to them, and they people sometimes get paranoid the whole process of growing old or they just don't have experience at making certain changes to their lifestyle. That could be one of the reasons why our society has such a negative attitude to aging. It's a shame because growing older is actually something beautiful and a privilege not everyone gets. I think having had health issues can actually make one more proactive and educated about one's health. So, it can be a blessing in disguise.

    Another thing I think it helps to have a good attitude to natural process and privilege of growing older is having had a good relationship with older family members when we were young. When I think about how much I learned from my grandmothers, I really look forward to reaching their age.

    P.S. As always I love your outfits!

    1. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, dear Ivana!
      I'm a little way off 60 yet - I'll still be in my 50s until December, 2026.
      I think you're on to something with you having had health issues from childhood. As you know, I was born with an undiagnosed birth defect which led to me having a total hip replacement at 39 years old and the prosthesis I was given wasn't widely available on the NHS so I consider myself very lucky. I do my best to stay fit, active and a healthy weight in gratitude to the NHS and all the medical staff who cared for me! xxx

    2. Yes, overcoming any health problem does make one more resilient and more appreciative of one's health.

  22. I love walking for exercise. You're doing a great job staying fit. X

  23. I hit the big 60 last year. Keeping moving best thing. I do walk a lot, but now I've got a Fitbit sense, I'm obsessed by number of steps I do.
    Ialso go to a pilates class twice a week,which really helps. I always feel it if I don't go.
    Also got myself some very decent hearing aids. Correcting hearing loss helps minimise risk of developing dementia.

    1. Happy 60th, Amanda! it sounds like you've got it sussed! Now I've got that app I can feel myself getting obsessed with it, I'm sitting her typing and itching to go for my run just so I can clock up a few more steps.
      I had no idea about the hearing/dementia link. xxx

  24. I've always noted your reference to the Wiifit in your posts over the years and been impressed! I think it's impressive and I really wish I could get myself into some regular exercise aside from my 2.8miles of cycling daily commute.
    Vic, I have non-buying regret. Saw a maxi navy needlecordCorduroy desss from Jigsaw with big sleeves and full skirt and didn't buy it. Now regret! It was £15.50 in the BHF chazzer... Saw same one on Vinted for £75 later!!! Would you have bought it??? Xx

    1. I think 2.8miles of daily cycling is pretty impressive, Kezzie as is riding a bike, something I've lost the ability to do after my hip replacement!
      That dress sounded absolutely gorgeous and Jigsaw clothes are always of such wonderful quality and beautifully made.. .what were you thinking? I'd have snapped it up (don't beat yourself up over it though, it could be a sign that something even better is waiting for you on your next chazzing adventure!) xxx

  25. P. S. The Cat Protection walk is a good thing!! Well done!!!

  26. I've always admired your attitude to keeping yourself fit and well, Vix. It's something I intend to address myself, this year. Sadly, swimming has taken a back seat for the time being, as I'm back working all the hours just now. Running, I am much happier to do outdoors. I can never seem to keep straight, whenever I've been on a treadmill. Then there was the time I caught the safety cord when I moved my arm... The least said about that, the better :)
    I'm not certain what colour you would call your Cats Protection hat, but it looks fabulous on you. And well done on almost reaching your walking target. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules! It must be tricky trying to fit exercise around work, studying and parenthood. I know you love your running and looking at the wonderful photos you share on your blog, I imagine your outdoor runs would be a lot prettier than mine would be! Nearly crippling yourself on the safety cord doesn't sound good!
      I think that hat was described as purple although it's probably more of a vivid magenta, Jon went for the more sedate charcoal! xxx

  27. Hi, Vix! I would like to put in a plug for exercising during all stages and ages of life. Continually moving is not only a really pleasant way to stay healthy, it's also a great way to cope with illness. Last June I was diagnosed with a serious disease, and although the first two months after my diagnosis I felt too wiped out to do much of anything, once the treatments started working their magic, I resumed weight training and walking. Admittedly, my weight training has dropped from three one hour sessions per week to two half hour sessions, and I sometimes have to bail out half way through a walk because of fatigue, but I feel that I'm meeting my goal of being the healthiest seriously ill person that I know! It also helps that I have a lifetime of exercise to sustain me starting with ballet in my childhood and adolescence followed in mid-life with yoga and aqua fit classes. Movement is a real mood elevator as well. So, everyone, keep moving!

    1. Hello Tess! Apologies from the late reply. I'm really sorry to hear of your health issues and am full of admiration for how you're staying as active as you possibly can. I do think regular exercise give us strength and resilience and, like you so importantly point out, boosts our mood. Keep up the good work! One of my swimming pals is currently undergoing radiotherapy fallowing a breast cancer diagnosis and says that her regular swims and is helping her stay focussed on beating the b*stard. xxx

    2. Thank you so much, Vix, for your kind words. I appreciate it!
      We have sunshine here in the American Deep South for the first time in days, so I will be going for a walk shortly!

  28. Well done and great attitude!. Always admiring your daily routine, I just go for a walk everyday in the winter and swimm in the summer. As a person who has never had a good health, totally appreciate the benefits of exercise, particularly in my mental health!.
    Looking lovely in both outfits, both blouses and skirts combos are so gorgeous, and your accessorizing is so fab!

    1. Hello Monica! You sound like you've found the answer to your fitness, doing things which give you pleasure. I think once you've found an exercise you love doing it never feels like a chore to do it every day. xxx

  29. Wow I never took the Wi Fit that seriously.. didn't even know they were still around. That is amazing. All your outfits are so pretty. Love the block printed skirt. I hope you are right about spring. I am ready.

    1. Thanks, Hena! I'm not sure of they still make Wii Fit but the discs and steps are always in charity shops! xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix