Saturday 19 October 2024

Clothes Make The (Wo)Man

Get me! I've been blogging for 15 years and it's the first time I've ever written a post on my phone.
It's Saturday afternoon and I'm currently upstairs, listening to 6Music and getting tonight's outfit sorted. We're off to our friends' daughter's 30th birthday party (how did that happen? I remember her being born!) and there's a 90's dress code. I'm going for a Madonna/Gwen Stefani/Raver mash-up....Fingers crossed that the look I've got in my head works in real life!

I've been refining my wardrobe. Last week I decided to have a big clear out and listed loads of my clothes on Vinted with some selling within minutes of uploading them. Not only have I got a lot more room on my rails but I've also used some of my earnings to buy the dress I've been lusting after for months. 

I've packed away my flimsier summer clothes ( just for a few weeks, you know how I like to spend my birthday in the sun!) I bet it won't be long till I'm wearing those Afghan coats again, we woke up to frost earlier this week. 

Can you see my new dress?

This week has mainly been spent in the usual way, swimming, 'Spoons, shopping and selling and here's the outfits I've been wearing.

There's nothing you've not seen before, except for the leopard trimmed fedora in the photo below...bought with some points I didn't realise I'd built up at Monsoon over the last couple of years. 

Vintage, secondhand and new, it's mostly Indian block printed cotton worn with stompy leather/suede boots, a tonne of tribal jewellery and a hat. I'm nothing if not predictable!

After being under the weather for a while, a week of antibiotics and steroids have worked their magic and this young man's back to his usual cheeky self, eating for England and demanding to be let out and back in again 10 minutes later...yes, he's got cat flap but what's the point of humans if they don't wait on you hand and foot?

    I know I'm biased but isn't he gorgeous?

I'm off to fall down a 1990s hair tutorial rabbithole on YouTube...have a fab weekend & see you on the other side!   

1 comment:

  1. William is indeed the slink of glossy black fur needed to accessorize your outfits! That perfect panther in the green jungle! * I'm also admiring how your wide-brimmed fedoras balance the weight of your boots! * and how those elegant green nails coordinate with your party-going silver jewelry!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix