Tuesday 10 October 2023

Island Hopping - A Boat Trip From Santorini

Keen to explore a little further afield, we booked a day trip sailing to the other islands within the caldera.

Just before 9am, we were picked up in the centre of Perissa and twenty minutes later dropped off at the port of Fira where our fellow passengers were divided up into English, Italian, Spanish & French speakers and directed to boats, elegant wooden barques, ours being named the Princess. Our party consisted mainly of Americans along with a handful of Brits, some Scandinavians, a few Eastern Europeans and a couple of Japanese. The Americans in particular were lovely, their enthusiasm and sheer joy so infectious.

Our first stop was the volcanic island of Nea Kameni (meaning new burnt island). The volcano is still considered active although its last eruption was back in 1950. It has a diameter of 2km and many vents, one of which is an active sulphur vent named George (after Greece's King George I) and is carpeted in grassy red succulents throughout the summer months. A gravel path leads to the 130m tall summit where, from here, you can walk the entire circuit of the rim.

With fifty minutes to explore Nea Kameni we had the option of walking with our guide, Anna, or going on ahead which, being fast walkers, we chose to do but waited at the summit for the rest of the group to catch up and to congratulate ourselves with a collective round of applause for making it up there. 

Those gravel pathways can be pretty treacherous underfoot and coupled with the 40°C heat, it's probably not something to attempt if you have mobility issues. You'll need a hat, decent footwear (hoorah for Tevas!) and plenty of water. For those not up to the challenge, there's shade aboard the Princess, a well stocked snack bar and some lovely views.

Back onboard and our next destination was Palea Kameni (old burnt island), as seen in the photo below. Home to the famous hot springs of Santorini, the reddish waters, containing sulphur, iron and manganese, are a balmy 30 - 35°C and are said to help relieve the aches and pains of old age (not sure if that applies to us!)

Do not attempt this if you're not a strong swimmer, warned Anna, explaining that where the Princess had docked, the water was fifty metres deep and to reach the springs involved a one hundred metre swim. For most of my life I'd been afraid of deep water but, since turning 55, my fear vanished. I declined Anna's offer of climbing down the steps with a foam noodle and leapt off the boat, to the chorus of the Americans who shouted, Jumper! Jumper! We've got a jumper!

I'd dispute the water temperature and Jon can't feel that the minerals have made much difference to his knees but that was one of the most exhilarating experiences of our lives!

When Anna mentioned that noodles were available one of our fellow passengers thought she was talking about lunch! 

It was so deliciously warm that my bikini was dry by the time the Princess had docked at our third and final destination of the day, the inhabited island of Thirassia, said to be the Santorini of fifty years ago.

Be still my beating heart! This is the Greece we fell in love with back the 1980s, no sunbeds littering up the beach and tiny tavernas with handpainted signs and menus scribbled on scraps of paper.  It also felt like the setting for Polly Samson's A Theatre for Dreamers, a wonderful coming-of-age tale set on the island of Hydra in 1960.

We had a couple of hours to spend on Thirassia and as tempting it was to climb those white steps up the the summit, instead we opted for a leisurely taverna lunch, sharing a Greek salad, pitta bread and a couple of beers before settling down on some rocks and enjoying the view.

Thirassia goes into my list of possible places to stay next time we visit Santorini (easily accessible by boat from Fira port).

With fifteen minutes to spare we splashed out on a couple of glasses of Santorini red wine before sprinting back to the Princess.

Back on board we took the scenic route back -its hard not to when you're onboard a boat in the Aegean.

And to my absolute delight, the crew turned up the speakers and blasted out a few choice sundown tunes....Jon loved it really!

What an amazing day, climbing a volcano, diving off a boat into the Aegean and chilling out on an island untouched by mass tourism! The Santorini Volcanic Islands cruise can be booked throughout the island and runs every day. Cost per person (including local pickup) is €45 - or often less with cash (cash is king in Greece!)

Thanks for reading and see you soon! 


  1. That was a fabulous day out!

  2. What a beautiful day. I remember doing something similar and jumping off a boat on the Turquoise Coast. There's something about being on water...
    I bet all that sea salt gave your hair some incredible waves later in the day!
    I had to laugh at Jon's obvious disdain for ABBA. When in Greece though! ;-D xxx

    1. You can't beat a boat trip, can you? Nothing beats sea swimming (although I'm not sure I'd be that enthusiastic if it was in UK waters!) My hair was so good that despite it being crispy I didn't wash it for days, I didn't want to lose the waves!
      Don't let him fool you, when we got home he insisted on a Mamma Mia marathon, watching the films back-to-back! xxx

  3. Mama Mia, here we go again!!! Amazing trip out on the boat. You're so brave diving into unchartered waters like that! I'd be worrying about giant jellyfish and man-eating sharks(bit controversial to speak of them like that but you know what I mean?).My daughter-in-law's parents have just returned from a Med cruise with 9,000 on board! Wouldn't do for me!!

    1. We watched both films back to back when we got home. I absolutely loathed Mamma Mia the first time I saw it but there's something so ridiculous about it I have to keep coming back for more!
      I hadn't thought of any nasties in the water, I just jumped in. I wish I could have said "dived" but it wasn't that pretty.
      Ye gods, a cruise with 9000 sounds like utter hell! xxx

  4. I love these chronicles of your visit to Greece. Thanks so much for sharing! Lise

    1. Thanks so much, Lise! I'm so pleased. x

  5. Stunning scenery! Nea Kameni looks quite otherworldly, and well done for making it up to the volcano in 40°C heat. I'm breaking out in a sweat just at the thought! I'm sure your swim in that mineral-rich water was just the ticket after that, even if it didn't make much difference to Jon's knees!
    Thirassia looks heavenly and so unspoilt! Your photos are absolutely fantastic!
    Jon's face in that video made me laugh. Not a fan of Abba then :-) xxx

    1. Its utterly gorgeous and so exciting to step on the islands we admired from a distance. That volcano was rather warm, by the time we reached the summit it looked like someone had chucked a bucket down every one of us, we were all glowing!
      If I stayed on Thirassia I don't think I'd ever leave.
      Lord Jon claims to loathe Abba but he was the one who wanted to watch Mamma Mia when we got home! xxx

  6. Amazing Pics. I love the Videos, the ABBA Song makes me happy. Greetings

    1. Thank you! The Abba song put a huge smile on my face. Since Mamma Mia Abba will always remind me of Greece! xxx

  7. Hi Vix. Stunning...just stunning! You could put those photos in a holiday brochure! Can fully understand your love of Greece. You both look so happy and not surprising given the surroundings. Lord Jon's expression at Abba did make me laugh though!!! You are setting off our travel lust (again! : ) ) Do you think you will go long haul again? Know you love India. We want to but with all those beautiful places in Europe a short flight away it's a challenge! Louise (Mids) X x

    1. Hello Louise! Are you still on a high from beautiful Kos? The scenery was just spectacular, I love seeing huge rugged mountains looming over the sea, it reminds me of watching Jason and the Argonauts in the school holidays, I keep expecting to see a mechanical owl or the Cyclops! Lord Jon getting all sniffy about Abba. It's a shame I didn't get my phone out minutes earlier when he was singing along to the Village People.
      Funnily enough, we've been discussing going back to India now they've reinstated our five year visas but we've both said that we've become so spoilt with short haul travel over the last three years that those epic 26 hour trips we used to do to get to places like Rajasthan or Gujarat seem a lot less appealing. I did look at flights a few months ago and the prices had gone through the roof. xxx

  8. Wow. That is one gorgeous place, Vix! Not for the faint of heart or low of cardio, though! This is why we keep ourselves fit! Thank you for the surfeit of pics - that shot of the house with the cliff looming over it...gasp, so gorgeous. Loved the video of you singing away to "Dancing Queen' while Jon just shakes his head. HA!

    1. Thanks, Sheila! A lifetime of walking certainly helps when it come to climbing volcanos, I knew there was a reason why I never started driving! xxx

  9. Thirassia is beautiful and would be a great place to stay for a short break, a rare find. Betty

    1. There's some gorgeous places to stay on Booking.com - I forgot to mention that there were lots of cats there, too! xxx

  10. Hi Vix - it's me, Elaine - Blogger is having Google account issues lol!
    Although your first two holiday round-ups were amazing I was so hoping you'd find something away from the cruise-ship and box-ticking-seen-it-now crowd and it looks like you found it (without having to turn out at stupid o'clock or hike up a mountain LMAO). What a remarkable place - the geology is just staggering. I just love the fact that you and Jon do not let the landscape/environment get in the way of your sartorial standards. No shame in ABBA love - we often have a Pet Shop Boys disco session in the car.

    1. Hello Elaine! A random bloke in the street stopped me whilst I was outside sweeping up leaves to tell me that he was having trouble accessing my blog!
      It's such a shame Santorini seems best known for its Instagramability and for luxury accommodation , for such a small island there's absolutely loads to see and do. Even spending every other day sightseeing, there was loads we never got round to seeing, a great excuse to go back.
      You're right about the geology, those rocks are such glorious colours!
      Jon absolutely loves the Pet Shop Boys 9me, too!) He insisted we watch Mamma Mia when we got home so he's gradually seeing the light! xxx

  11. I wonder how many times I say 'wow' while I'm reading your blog posts, it must be a lot, I reckon. Really, that place looks idyllic and the thought of swimming in that mineral filled water, how perfect. It's heavenly! xx

    1. Thanks, Louise! Whenever I told people we were off to Santorini I just got told "oh, expensive!" It's an astonishing island, so much to see and do! xxx

  12. Boat trips like this one are very big in Croatia! I went on some when I was a kid, but with no music and drinks . I bet it's more fun with music.

  13. Ahhhh, I love this so much! I would love to do this (though I am a bit scared of jumping into the sea like that! I love that you are so adventurous with your swimming now!!x


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Lots of love, Vix