Wednesday 2 August 2023

Womad, 2023

Womad has travelled the world since 1982, bringing artists to twenty-seven countries and entertaining over one million people but last weekend was the first we'd been to.

Non-food traders had the option of arriving on either Tuesday or Wednesday and after consulting the weather forecast, decided Tuesday looked like the best option. We got to Charlton Park in Wiltshire at 11am, an hour and a half after leaving home, and by 9pm & fuelled by cheese sandwiches & the odd cheeky alcoholic drink, our roaming retro boutique was ready to rock and roll. After an early night, we spent Wednesday morning catching up with our trader mates before rain stopped play. By 3.30pm it was so wet, cold and miserable we zipped up our awning and spent the remainder of Wednesday reading and drinking whilst wearing all the layers.

Although the main arena wasn't due to open to the public until 2pm on Thursday, by midday we'd already made a few sales to excited punters. The weather was mercifully kind. Although rain had been forecast it stayed dry and warm enough to wear a skimpy lurex off-the-shoulder crop top (that's me, not Lord Jon!)

It wasn't so busy that I couldn't escape for half an hour, collect friend & fellow trader Jan and have a quick rummage in the Oxfam tent. Although a lot of the stock was quite pricey (we spotted a vintage Welsh wool blanket for £180 & some worn Birkenstocks for £47), I scored a beautiful early 70s Anokhi midi skirt for an absolute steal.

Trade continued at a decent pace until we rolled down the shop front at 10.30pm, just in time for the heavens to open. I'd expected Womad to be like Cornbury and for the main arena to be dead by 11pm but I couldn't have been more wrong. The soundclash from the hideous screams of someone being chainsawed to death emitting from the Ghost Train combined with the din from the drum 'n' bass tent went on till gone 3am and like idiots we'd forgotten to pack our earplugs!  

Despite the lack of sleep the previous evening, on Friday it was horns at dawn.

Having heard numerous reports about Womad being over-traded, we were pleasantly surprised by the steady stream of customers and, as always, hugely flattered by the positive feedback and love for our "proper vintage". It's such a boost when people tell us it's obvious that our stock is lovingly handpicked and not bought by the kilo from wholesalers.

The Womad festival goers are a stylish bunch - check out Cathy's outfit. Isn't she fabulous?

After rolling down the shopfront we had another early-ish night and although the Ghost Train and Drum 'n' Bass were still blasting out into the early hours, we both managed a decent night's sleep.

Despite a drizzly start to the day, Saturday turned out to gloriously warm and sunny and the thermometer in our awning measured a very pleasant 26°C. The sunshine brought out the shoppers and we were rushed off our feet for most of the day, we were so busy that we didn't even open the bar till 3pm! The organisers had emailed earlier in the day to warn of high winds, the festival trader's nightmare. Fortunately for us we always bring loads of ratchet straps & extra tent pegs and survived the 40 mph gusts unscathed  - unlike a poor food trader behind us who lost his gazebo!

On Saturday night we closed at 10pm and ventured out. 

Womad by night is gorgeous. We wandered through the wonderfully tranquil Enchanted Forest (aka The Arboretum). After such a glorious day, it absolutely pissed it down but it would take more than a deluge to ruin our fun.

We wandered through the cleanest festival campsite we'd ever encountered and joined the queue for the Museum of the Moon.

UK artist Luke Jerram's travelling artwork, The Museum of the Moon, measures seven metres in diameter and features 120dpi detailed NASA imagery of the lunar surface. At an approximate scale of 1:500,000, each centimetre of the internally lit spherical sculpture represents 5 km of the moon's surface.

Soaked to the skin but totally chilled after such a serene experience, we warmed up with mugs of tea and tumbled into bed in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Sunday went from Womad to Whoa, mud!! The rain started at 10am and continued for the rest of the day. A tad optimistically I trudged to the traders' compost loos in my Tevas but we both changed into our wellies (always stashed away in the van) when the water started seeping through the flooring.

We expected business to be abysmal but Womad punters are a hardcore bunch and it was another cracking day for trade.

This Christian Audigier for Ed Hardy sequin-embellished, tattoo-print eyelet maxi was a £3 find in the clearance chazza and got lots of love. Several women told me I'd inspired them to go back to their tents, change into something fabulous and say to hell with the mud.  

Good old British Summertime...and people question why we travel abroad so often!

I'd planned to take photos of all the fabulous stalls but only managed one, near neighbour Holi Moli. Em sells some gorgeous block printed clothes and Indian textiles, all made in Jaipur. 

After rolling down the shopfront for the last time, we threw a few cans of gin into my Glastonbury tote bag and headed in the direction of the music.

We were thrilled to discover that Soul II Soul were headlining on Sunday night (the poster I'd shared on my last post made no mention of them). Mercifully they were on the Siam Stage, which was undercover and there was just about enough room for us to squeeze inside.

What a show! 

We wandered over to the main stage to watch some of Femi Kuti's mesmerising set and spotted Joe, our trader neighbour from Glastonbury but at Womad as a punter, rocking the white 1980s ski suit he'd bought off us earlier.

Back at the Kinky stall we packed up the stock, had a mug of tea and set the alarm for 6am the following morning, in the hope that we could break the stall down and get everything in the van before the forecasted rain arrived. With a few interruptions to help push fellow traders' vans out of the quagmire,  we managed to get off site just after 1pm and were welcomed home by a very happy William a couple of hours later. 

I nicked this off the Womad Facebook page - this is the festival campsite on Monday afternoon. No litter, no mess, no abandoned tents. Weather issues aside, Womad really was wonderful but, if you're still unconvinced, read The Guardian's review HERE

Let's hope I can get all the mud-soaked stock washed in time for our next festival and yes, before you ask, the earplugs are already in the van....

See you soon!


  1. We had the same weather at the Black Country Folk Festival at the weekend, but we had a great time. If we let the rain stop us, we'd never do anything in Britain, would we? It really has been a shocking July. 😕
    WOMAD looks amazing. I read The Guardian review and some of the comments were interesting, saying that EU performers were having trouble getting to UK festivals since the awful Brexit.
    We've got a lot of 'local' trips on this month, but after September I'm going abroad as much as possible over the Winter.
    Beautiful Days wil be fab. Looking forward to the blog xxx

  2. Looks awful with all that mud and rain! I was wondering how you managed to get that soggy carpet home - it must have weighed a ton when waterlogged! I do admire you for making the best of things and keeping a smile going for the punters :) Betty

  3. Well, the Scots were well represented! Did you see any of The Waterboys, The Proclaimers or Eddie Reader?!My eldest had tickets for TRNSMT (purely to see PULP) but they had to cancel. You have to give a reason for cancelling but apparently not having a babysitter for the day (I was busy!), isn't good enough!He eventually got through to a more sympathetic ear who issued a refund immediately. What a nonsense!I'm excited to see where you're going next!!xxx

  4. Wow, the Pics are awesome, fantastic

  5. Oh my goodness, what a PARTY! It looks like you all had an absolute blast, in spite of the weather! That moon is amazing, as are all the pretty lights in the trees. Your outfits are always stunners, Vix, and kudos for inspiring folks to dress up more. Throw on a dress, fer gawd's sake! Your outfits are always fab - Lord Jon's too! I enjoyed seeing the line-ups - I know many of the "big" names, but was happy to see Beans on Toast (he opened for Frank Turner many moons ago), and Sarah Jarosz, one of L's favourites.

    Welcome home! I hope you are making up for lost time with long cuddle sessions with Mister William.

  6. I'd heard a lot about Womad from friends who used to travel to it all the way from Belgium every year. Sounds like they weren't wrong to do so!
    Glad to hear trade was brisk in spite of the weather, and Womad by night and the Museum of the Moon look absolutely fantastic! xxx

  7. Wow sounds like you have had a blast, when we were in the lakes, it’s like 4 seasons in one day, but I love it. I used to love soul 2 soul when I was at college and then I met Paul and got into my heavy metal, but now I dive back into my 90s catalogue quite a bit. So my kids have quite a bit of musical knowledge from Asian, To UK to US . It’s mad.
    We went to see the Barbie movie but we’re not impressed not to hear no aqua barbie girl. I love that song as does will. Take Jon it’s a hoot.
    I was visiting twinny on Saturday and we went into urban outfitters to get out of a shopping centre, it was like our teenage years revisited. It was so funny!! but the prices weren’t!!
    I can remember wearing half it pregnant with Connor and he’s 27! I’m showing my age now whopps.
    Your right vintage is cool and king I still have Paul’s vintage iron maiden t shirt which I adore.
    Have fun at your next festival love and hugs Allie, Paul, kids and bumpy

  8. It sounds amazing, and it looked like a very colourful festival. Xx

  9. Looks like an awesome time between the rain and wind. You guys add some colour and style to a great festival.

  10. This looks absolutely magical. I love the moon works, and all of the magical lights. It constantly amazes me how you can always look so impeccable and glamorous even in the muddiest, wettest of scenarios. Beautiful, as always. Thanks for sharing. xx

  11. That looks and sounds absolutely magical. You rock the clothes you wear while you're trading, but then you rock your day to day stuff too so I'm not even slightly surprised. I LOVED seeing that last photo of the fields left with just the outlines of tents visible and not the usual festival detritus, within two weeks you would never know a festival had been there. Good idea to get those earplugs into the van ready for next time!!

  12. Womad looks amazing! I'm glad sales were good despite the egregious weather conditions! I love the look of that other stall! Amazing!!
    Your tattoo dress looks super on you! I wish you were going to be at Smugglers festival in September! Kxx

  13. Womad looks incredible despite the rotten weather. No wonder we Brits are weather obsessed.

  14. I'm certain that I would have loved it and definitely danced to Back to Reality - You looked pretty throughout Vix- I would have been a muddy mess x.

  15. Fabulous that it went so well despite the rain. We're a hardy bunch us Brits....mind you this one is not particularly relishing dancing at a very muddy festival on Saturday. I shall enjoy my brief time there during the day but be glad to scurry back home to get clean and dry. The others in the side all love a festival and will be camping whatever the weather throws at them! Arilx

  16. What a picture of the moon. I got a quick photo of moon. And read my tarot cards.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  17. It was lovely to catch up with you at another festival Vix and we’re so glad you enjoyed Womad despite the rain. We had two dry shifts and then a very wet last one on Sunday 8pm-4am but we’ll be returning again next year. The car and van got stuck in the mud on Monday but we were quickly towed out by a lovely guy. Enjoy your next festival, we’re off to Shambala at the end of the month. Janette & Alan from Liverpool xx

  18. That was a mixed bag of weather for you, it still looks like a good event though. Will you do it again ? The moon museum is fantastic and all the light displays. Don’t think I’d be paying so much for a Welsh wool blanket. Wonder if anyone bought it xxx

  19. Morning Vix it was great catching up with you and I'm still wearing the belt - see you at End of the Road - best wishes Jill x

  20. Oh, that does sound spesh, and would it really be Festival season without a bit of a mud-fest at some point? Womad has always had a great reputation, you can see why.

    Thanks for the snippet of Soul II Soul which was the anthem and soundtrack to a gloriously badly behaved winter working in a ski resort in the Alps! Ah, the memories . . .

    Oops, I've had too much vino with supper - am going to have a glorious Greek catchup tomorrow morning, hic. 🍷

  21. Glad you had so much fun. X

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Womad looks wonderful , so enjoyed your photos. At least you had some fine weather before the heavens opened. Glad trading was brisk despite the weather. Hope your stock washed up well. You of course looked fabulous.

  24. I'm doing a mega catch up now Vix. Apologies for the late comment.
    I'm so glad Womad defied your expectations and that you got to see some of the action. It looks totally enchanting at night and that travelling moon artwork is incredible!
    I'm fully expecting those horns to become part of you. One day you won't be able to take them off! Loving the sequins too.
    I'm off to see if Holi Moli has an online presence. xxx

  25. Ah what a fabulous time! That headpiece suits you perfectly.

  26. That looks magical! I wish Womad would come to Finland too. <3 We have some other hippie festivals, like Natural High Healing, but not as big. Gorgeous outfits!

  27. Thanks everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply to all your comments individually.

    Jill, Janette and Alan it was fabulous to catch up with you at Womad!
    Kezzie - I wish we were going to the same festival in September.
    Lynn - Yes, we'll do Womad again, even with the weather we loved it!
    Betty - those rugs are woven plastic so we wrapped them in tarp and hosed them down when we got home. They're into their tenth year of festivals, they're brilliant.
    Annielander -Finland has quite a few festivals, doesn't it? I know Flow and I think there's a Metal one, too. Womad is held in Gran Canaria in the Spring and it's free - might be worth a trip?
    Aril - Hope your festival wasn't as muddy as ours!
    Allie - We saw the trailer for Barbie and thought it looked awful but I've read so many rave reviews, I might have to see it (or wait till it's online!) My chefs used to call me "Barbie Girl" back in my blonde days, I suppose i should have been offended but I found it hilarious!
    Annie - That's the line-up for Beautiful Days not Womad - sorry, that's my fault for being half dead when I wrote the post. Scotland is very well represented - Primal Scream being my fave! I'm so excited about Suede, Johnny Marr and Gaz Coombes - I hope they're on late so we're able to close up and see them!
    Sheila - Thank you! That's the line-up for the next festival, sorry for the confusion. Beans o Toast are a festival favourite, they often play the bandstand at Glastonbury. I shall check out Sarah Jarosz, I know L has excellent taste in music!

  28. I can understand your customers. I'm sure there are not many vintage sellers who hand pick their clothes with love. The second hand shops we have here leave much to be desired. I'm sure that every vintage lover can spot another's vintage lover. Anyhow, fabulous photos. I'm happy to hear you had so much fun.

  29. It all looked totally amazing! I adore the tattoo printed dress on you; it's fabulousness personified!

  30. woww, so fantastic!, the atmosphere and people and music look Fabulous and You Look Gorgeous (particularly in love with your headpiece). Sorry for all the mud and rain!
    (I'm late in my commenting!)

  31. Wow, every time you post photos from one of the festivals you trade at I always think "What troupers you are". All the work loading up, setting up, selling and packing up but then to be rained on and navigating a sea of mud - and you still look gorgeous!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix