Tuesday, 18 October 2022

A Life More Ordinary

After the last couple of years I don't think we'll ever take doing ordinary things for granted. What used to be a normal Saturday night out, meeting the gang in the pub followed by a curry, had all six of us giddy with excitement. 

We started off in The Black Country Arms on Walsall's High Street, where a pub has stood since 1627 although the current pub, known as The Green Dragon for over two centuries, was only(!) built in 1707.

The pub has been redecorated since I last visited and I'm in love with the wallpaper.

After a few rounds we walked around the corner to Gurkha Bhojan. Known as the Shahi Grill for decades and run by a local Bangladeshi family, it was the place where many of us had our first curry in the 1980s. Under new management, Liz and Adrian had visited a few times and were amazed by the food so, with our wine and beer clanking in our bags we took our seats. 

The head chef, KC Resham, used to work at Dishoom in Birmingham so no surprise that the food was fabulous.

For starters Jon and I had the House Chat whilst the others opted for veg momos. I was thrilled to see my favourite Indo-Chinese dish, Chilli Paneer, on the menu (I loathe Chinese food unless it's Indian-style and full of fresh chillies). Al had the Gurkha Railway Cabin Lamb whilst the others opted for Lasum Mirchi Chicken

There were drinks on the house, too! I'm hoping it's open on Xmas day and they can host the Dead Relatives Society annual bash.

We were still stuffed on Sunday morning so we gave breakfast a miss, got dressed and headed off to the clearance chazza to drop off a pile of books and CDs we no longer had use for. 

I wore one of my Dilli Grey maxis and, because the weather was unseasonably mild I didn't bother with a coat.

None of the clothes tickled our fancy but we came home with two more vintage Scandinavian bud vases and a rather lovely mid-century Ottoman which replaces the black 1950s vinyl laundry hamper we've used for years. 

The rest of Sunday was spent listing on eBay and wrapping the weekend's sales. 

As usual Ollie popped around for food and, although he's a feral cat and will probably never be tamed, will now tolerate eating indoors as long as we keep our distance. Jon's made him a shelter in the greenhouse and judging by the fur on the blanket, he's moved in.

We'd planned to meet Tony for an All-Dayer in 'Spoons on Monday but, as it invariably does, his job got in the way and he had to cancel but we went anyway. Jon dug out his £3 1960s overcoat as, although it was bright and sunny, there was a distinct Autumnal nip in the air.

After a six month hiatus, I wore my Anokhi riding jacket (bought from their flagship store in Jaipur back in 2018).

Jon had fish and chips with mushy peas and curry sauce whilst I had a five bean chilli with tomato rice and nachos.

After three pints we walked up to Walsall Light, our town centre cinema, as I'd booked seats for The Woman King.

We were a bit early so messed around until the auditorium was ready for us.

As usual, the usher addresses the audience, asking for all phones to be turned off, litter collected and placed in the bin afterwards and then introduces the film. Monday's usher was Philip, our favourite, and everyone else's it seems, as he got a cheer and a round of applause.

The Woman King was phenomenal, one of those sweeping epics which swallows you up and utterly absorbs you. I left wanting to take up sword fighting and wondering where those last two and a quarter hours had gone, I'd have happily watched it all over again. Don't wait for it to get on the TV, it needs a big screen and surround sound. The performances were mesmerising especially those of Thuso Mbedu, Lashana Lynch and Viola Davis and if she's what 56 years old looks like I can't wait for my birthday in seven weeks time.

Here's Tuesday's outfit - an early 1970s India Imports of Rhode Island maxi skirt worn with a Phool quilted waistcoat of a similar era and a Ayesha Davar shirred cheesecloth blouse. Afghan-style necklace made by me.

This morning we've been swimming, been to 'Spoons (again) and after pegging the washing on the line in the glorious 16°C sunshine, I listed a few more things on eBay.

I've just had a blog catch-up so I'm off to curl up on the chaise with Benjamin Zephaniah.

See you soon!


  1. It's funny isn't it how the little things we took for granted a few years back are now the big things we get excited about? I recently went to the theatre, which is something I wouldn't have thought twice about before and it was a whole new experience. I suppose in a way, it's made us think how we shouldn't take anything for granted because we never know when the ability to have those experiences won't be there anymore. I love your Anokhi riding jacket, it looks really warm and stylish. If the weather reports are anything to be believed though, we're going to get a heatwave (!) and it'll be too hot to wear it again. Take care Vix, fabulous blog post, as always. xx

    1. It all seems like a strange dream now, doesn't it? I still get ridiculously excited about going out. Even though lockdown was good for us, I like my normal life a lot more.
      It's been lovely here this afternoon - long may this Indian Summer continue! xxx

  2. Thank you for sharing the menu (I think), I will have to wipe drool and dribble off the keyboard. Looks quite fab.
    Great to see the Anokhi riding jacket come out to play again, always been one of my favourites.

    1. We were so impressed with the menu, lots of dishes I love in India - pav bhaji and chilli paneer to name just two! xxx

  3. I've just caught up! Mussolini's Mansion is so incredibly atmospheric.

    You are so right about not taking things for granted now. Sometimes when I think back to the lockdowns, it seems like a mad fever dream.

    I must see if that film is playing at our local cinema. It looks fantastic.

    You've scored some really gorgeous pieces lately. Charity shopping is the best! šŸ™‚

    1. I'll always remember my first trip to a pub in eighteen months was with you!
      The Woman King was absolutely brilliant, do see it if you can. xxx

  4. Hi Vix. We've been for our booster jab tonight and it took us right back to queuing everywhere with masks on. Still can't believe the last couple of years happened, especially only being able to leave the house for a quick walk! Your curries look great and that menu's well cheap. Ollie's beautiful. He's landed on his paws. We've got a little rescue girl who's very clingy and tells us when its time for bed! The raving days are long gone. Did want to ask about Tony. Is he going abroad next year to find his lady? Hope so :) Louise X

    1. Hello Louise! That's exactly how we felt when we went for our jab, all that queuing at a distance with our masks on. I remember feeling naughty for leaving the house twice in one day as we'd run out of milk and needed to pop down to the corner shop.
      It sounds like your little rescue girl will soon be ruling the roost, bless her! Ollie had his dinner in the kitchen today but ran for his life when he realised I was standing behind him.
      Tony's off to Malta in a fortnight as there were no flights to Chania. I think he's trying to talk my brother into going back there next Spring! xxx

  5. You're so right on never again taking ordinary things for granted. I remember feeling giddy the first time we were able to go and have a simple coffee!
    Looks like you had a wonderful time, and the food is looking absolutely delicious. After I'd liked your post on Facebook, Gurkha Bhojan asked me to follow them, which I did, so if we're ever in Walsall, we know where to go :-)
    You've found some great stuff, but I'm particularly loving the mid-century Ottoman, which I wouldn't have been able to resist either.
    Fabulous outfits, as always, my particular favourite being the one with the Anokhi riding jacket you wore to 'Spoons and the cinema.
    Oh, and there's Ollie. I was starting to wonder about him. Glad he's still visiting you! xxx

    1. I'm even excited to go to the dentist this morning!
      How funny about getting a follow request from Gurkha Bhojan. I wonder if they do international deliveries?
      There was a bigger version of that Ottoman, I was so tempted having three in that size already, four would have been excessive! xxx

  6. One of our local movie theatres has an usher who announces the movie - it's such a nice touch. I want to see The Woman King! I love seeing you and your pals hanging out together for a day+ of fun! I find the same thing when our group gets together - I am never taking that time for granted ever again.

    Love seeing all your gorgeous Indian clothes out for fall - you are the Queen of Layering, Vix! Lord Jon has a great collection of coats! Aw, isn't Ollie a scruffy thing (in a good way)? I was looking after our friends Cat & Ross' cat Mabel (Fuzzy Mabel) this week and she was so skittish, but finally granted me cuddles yesterday!

    Love that wallpaper and the convex mirror!

    1. The Woman King is so good, the trailer looked amazing and the film surpassed all expectations. I love that touch by the ushers, it makes a trip to the cinema feel even more special, those huge American multiplexes leave me cold.
      After months and months of warm weather it's a real novelty to play around with jackets, belts, boots and waistcoats.
      I wish I could grab Ollie and give him a good brushing. I'm happy you finally captured Mable and got some cat fuss, nothing beats it! xxx

  7. Being at four face to face in person events over the last four weeks was terrific! I didn't even mind traffic to be able to talk in person to my colleagues. Live music, trivia nights, family and friend gatherings are all just sweeter now. Your friends have style too!

    1. I bet it was so much fun being with colleagues in person instead of virtually! xxx

  8. Gurkha Bojan looks wonderful, wish we lived in Walsall sometimes! your pub's new wallpaper is fun, I love those old curved mirrors too. I think your block print waistcoat and maxi skirt is one of the best outfits you have, it's just fabulous. Fancy having a cinema with a host to introduce the film! Not sure I could sit through a film, I have such a short attention span! but it looks like a good one. Im so glad your little feral cat Ollie has decided to hang out, our cat Mollie now sits next to me on the sofa and allows me to stroke her cheeks - it's only taken 2 years lol! so there's hope for Ollie to become more trusting :)

    1. Thanks so much, Betty! I'd not tried that waistcoat with the skirt before and was pleased with how they complimented one another.
      I can concentrate on films at the cinema as the screens and sound is all-encompassing. It's a lot harder at home with our little telly. I love having someone introduce the film, they always ask if you enjoyed it on the way out, too - it makes it feel like we're treasured guests.
      I'm glad Mollie is finally submitting to fuss. Ollie sniffed Jon's hand yesterday and than spat at him - how rude! xxx

  9. I have heard a lot about the woman king from the kids at work it comes out early here as well naughty people well copy them and charge a lower rate to stream them on your laptop. Shame that the quailty is bad!
    But the subititles put me off. I can’t remember the last time I went to the pictures. Went for udon with no kids!! I did pine after kato and I did keep texting jack but he was fine. The udon was sublime . I forgot paul didn’t really like it. So he popped into the combini and picked up some bits for him and jack. I hope you two are well.

    1. I remember borrowing a pirated DVD off someone I worked with years ago, it was filmed in the cinema and people kept getting up and going to the loo all the way through it, never again! I can't be doing with pirated films, I'd rather pay my £8 and watch them on a massive screen. There's something magical about seeing a film at the cinema.
      I had to Google Udon to know it was noodles! xxx

  10. Ooh, you do suit those colourful wings in the cinema :-)

    I like that the usher asks for phones to be switched off and litter disposed of properly, I have never understood the mess people leave behind for cinema staff to clear up, I used to be absolutely disgusted to see wrappers, spilt cups of drink and popcorn tossed everywhere when we went regularly.

    1. I thing I need some rainbow wings in my life!
      The Light chain of cinemas is lovely, they believe that all their customers are VIPs and treat everyone like treasured guests. I think that person touch with the usher makes people respect their surroundings, there's never any litter. xxx

  11. Lovely photo of you and your girlfriends, especially with that gorgeous wallpaper background!
    Your local cinema looks like a good one...what a brilliant idea to have a stash of board games for waiting customers! The wings work very well with your green dress. You should try and get hold of a real pair!
    Glad to see Ollie is still popping in, although he's clearly a little bit camera shy! :-D xxx

    1. Thank you! I'm very tempted with that wallpaper when we get around to decorating the middle room, it's like Regency meets the 1970s! The cinema is such a cool hang-out, they even have quiz nights, real ale and artisan pizza! xxx

  12. Life's never ordinary or dull in Walsall!! I went out last night! Don't get too excited. My nephew took Mum and me out for a fish tea - the restaurant do a 'VIP' menu - Very Important Pensioners! so we got our fish and chips half price and they were very delicious indeed! Life on the edge, eh?

    1. Yay! Lovely to know that you're getting out and about. What a sweet boy your nephew is. Jon loves his fish and chips, too! xxx

    2. It's truly mind-boggling how much people have to pay in London to get a roof over their heads and not even anything particularly flashy either. xxx

  13. I think that was one of the positive things (if you can say such a thing about a pandemic) about Covid; it certainly made us re-evaluate our lives and stop taking things for granted. I'm so glad you got to go out with your friends and another fab restaurant to visit. I loved all your outfits and I'm in love with the riding jacket. I thought your home made Afghan necklace looked extremely authentic!

    We're hoping to get to see the same movie maybe this weekend.

    Ollie looked quite at home on your doormat...

    Have a great week.

    1. Yes, if you can say anything positive about the lockdown years it is about how so many of us re-evaluated our lives and learned to appreciate everything a little more.
      The necklace is made up of bits of Kuchi (Afghan nomadic) jewellery so it's sort of proper or at least, made in the spirit of the tribe as they recycle everything.
      I hope you loved The Woman King as much as we did - I'd happily go and see it again! xxx

  14. I think all we agree on not taking ordinary things for granted anymore. But I'd prefer to have learned this lesson without the two years of lockdown and stuff!. Anyway, it's not a bad thing that we consider any visit to the pub as an event!. And so lovely that you meet your gorgeous/handsome friends and have lots of fun!. The food looks delightful!
    Great to see that Dilli Grey fab dress and your Anokhi riding jacket (a favourite piece, for sure) and also Jon's coat which is so elegant!.
    That cinema looks really cool and the film is totally thrilling. Our city centre cinema was closed after last lockdown, and we miss it badly! (another thing we took for granted and now we would appreciate so much!)

    1. Ha! You're not wrong there, Monica. Lockdown wasn't terrible for us but I'd rather not see it again in my lifetime!
      The pub feels very special now, a bit like it felt when I was a teenager and not technically allowed to be in one! I keep expecting someone to tell me off for being there.
      I'm not a fan of Autumn but I do love wearing all my heavier clothes again, including the riding jacket! xxx

  15. You may not be a Radio 3 listener yet Vix, but Benjamin Zephaniah was on The Verb last Friday night talking to poet Ian McMillan about his new book and other things. It was a good listen. I am off to the opera tomorrow evening - the live feed from the ROH of La Boheme will be screened in Petworth’s Leconfield Hall, with its super-size immersive screen and fabulous surround sound and I’m definitely going to channel my inner vixen and dress up! In the 80s I used to work in the wine trade and was often taken to the opera and ballet by clients. My boss always insisted I go to Harrod’s Long Hair Salon to have my hair done (sounds so sexist now doesn’t it!) and my going out outfit (only had the one!) was a black leather mini skirt made by me (I had a side hustle with my flat mate making and selling at Greenwich market leather mini skirts), the top half of a Victorian flouncy cotton nightgown, my grandmas’s black velvet cocktail jacket with a Harvey Nicks label and my beloved Bertie ankle boots which looked like something Jane Eyre would have worn. Those were the days! Sarah in Sussex

    1. Hello Sarah! Thank you so much, I shall try and hunt down Benjamin's interview on BBC Sounds.
      I hope you enjoyed La Boheme, it was also being screened at Walsall's Light Cinema but I have a feeling that Leconfield Hall was a lot prettier. I hope you dressed up to the nines. I'm always disappointed by people not dressing up to attend events. I love the sound of your old going out outfit, the best ones are those in which every garment tells a story - something picked up abroad, inherited or found whilst out treasure hunting.
      Goodness me, weren't times different then? You being urged to have your hair done at Harrods by your boss. I remember an old one of mine handing me £100 and sending me off to Rackhams to treat myself to a new work suit (no strings attached, thankfully!). I wonder if Harrods still have a long hair salon? I'm off to investigate. xxx

  16. and judging by the fur on the blanket, he's moved in..... BRAVOOOO

  17. I second Mariel's "Bravo"! Those of us who trap/neuter/release feral cats here in the American Midwest have begun counting noses, tucking feeding shelters into hedges and hoping for a mild winter. As we live, we learn -- it's prudent to place a covered bin next to a feeding spot and store kibble on site, rather than haul it in over icy pavement or lawns.

    The new laundry hamper fits seamlessly into your decor. Would that I could find one like it to replace the wheelie shopping cart that lives in my walk-in closet. Although, now that I think about it, the cats might find that padded top too comfy to resist...

    1. It's a long, slow process, isn't it beth? Jon's found a self-heating cat mat on Amazon and a thermal cat house which he's put alongside the blanket in the greenhouse. We've been feeding Ollie with his bowl placed on top of the cat mat so he gets used to the smell - you know what finickity creatures cats can be. We shall persevere! xxx

  18. Cheers to a night out with friends, brilliant. And another cheers for Jon’s coat, it’s fabulous. I know Philip would approve. He’s still testing positive for covid but thankfully is a lot better now. I’ll be glad when things are back to normal, I’m not used to making my own cups of tea.
    My sister is arriving tomorrow so we are hoping for a negative test before then.
    We want to see The Lost King next once himself is big free. Have a great weekend you two xx

    1. We're both really happy that Philip's feeling okay. that red line takes an absolute age to fade but I hope it won't be too long before he's out and about again - and making tea!
      The Woman King is astonishing. Those big, sweeping historical dramas are few and far between these days, it's all that superhero nonsense which doesn't interest us in the slightest. It's gory in places but the acting is sublime. xxx

  19. Hola escribo desde EspaƱa, Pais Vasco, me encanta tu blog y tu estilo. Realmente espero impaciente tus publicaciones. Tu casa es hermosa y tu ciudad tambiƩn. Un saludo cariƱoso

    1. ¡Hola Blanca! Muchas gracias por visitarnos y por tus amables palabras. Mucho amor para ti en la hermosa regiĆ³n vasca de EspaƱa. xxx

  20. Dear Vix, so happy you're out and about! I wanted to give you hope your your feral friend -- I ended up with a feral cat who went from under my house for years, to hiding in my garage, to living in a room inside (that took two years and change). While she won't venture far, she loves her window seat and lives a marvelous (albeit timid) life inside -- for six years and counting! With love from Miami...

    1. Hello dear Mei! Hope life's good in Miami! I'm very encouraged by your experiences with the feral cat. Ollie is very jumpy but, if we're quiet and very still, he'll sneak through the front door peep into the lounge and venture into the kitchen. It sounds like we've just got to be patient. xxx

  21. Oh how lovely to read your posts Vix - the antidote to all the political feckwittery that seems to be non-stop in the UK of late. I can't bear it.

    The isolation of Covid was most dreadful indeed - but it has served to make a person think about what they want to do - rather than the habitual things that don't serve anything of value. Perhaps it's a getting older thing - I contemplate and choose to spend time doing things that make me happy. Instead of stressing out about stuff, I'm doing the best I can - and instead of 'what if it all goes horribly wrong' - 'what if it all turns out alright'. Friends (and good food) are the best!

    Saw this online course and thought of you https://term.ticketlight.co.uk/order/tickets/13364938/indian-visual-culture-3-week-course-term-online-art-classes-2022-11-17-19-00-00

    Loving seeing the Anokhi and the layers of blockprints - velvet a-go-go here - I spotted the snakeskin-print boots - mine are out too lol

    Take care all xxx

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Elaine! I'm happy to be dusting off the boots, the velvet and the sleeves again,. it feels like such a novelty after months of bare arms, gauzy cotton and bare feet!
      That course sounds so interesting, thank you!
      Choosing to do things that make you happy is the life we've adopted, too. We're a lot more spontaneous, rather than saying we'll go to such and such soon, it's get your coat, we'll go now. We'd laugh at ourselves during lockdown, no passer-by was safe, we'd be chatting for ages to people we'd never met before and greeting the MyHermes man like a long lost friend. xxx

  22. It's silly but I now look back at Lock down 1 as a really happy time. It was sunny, I loved being at home , no travelling, eating properly and all our local walks and felt a sense of community in isolation. I guess it's because most of my life is school and it's been so s*** that I'm looking back and being atavistic!
    But still, yes, every meal out and trip or visit feels a treat still!
    Love that Ayesha Davar blouse and the waistcoat and skirt are soulmates!!
    Mmmm, that Indian sounds greeeeeat!!! We went to a fab Indian vegan street food in Central Oxford and when you have a really talented chef with imagination, it's a world away from other ones!
    You and the girls are a bunch of beauties!x

    1. Thanks so much, Kezzie (I think it's you!) That first lockdown was amazing, wasn't it? the weather was perfect and we were all doing those things we never had time for in our normal busy lives. I loved exploring the neighbourhood, litter picking and spending hours in the garden but I'm so pleased to be able to go to the pub, travel freely and not be twitchy on public transport!
      I'm liking the sound of the Indian street food place in Oxford, it's exciting that Indian places are now serving authentic food rather than the Westernised mush we've grown up with. xxx

  23. That looks like such fun being out with friends. I'm glad you had a good time.
    We haven't had ushers at the cinema since the 70s! That's really cool and retro that it still exists by you.

    1. Thank you! It's such a treat to do those normal things again!
      After our beloved town centre Art Deco cinema got bulldozed in the early 1990s we had to drive to one of those soulless American multiplexes to watch a film, it always stunk of processed meat and people would chat on their phones throughout. Our new town cinema is a joy and having ushers present seems to make people behave. Only cold food is allowed in the auditoriums so it smells a lot better, too! xxx

  24. I bet you just haven't had the *right* Chinese food yet. A lot of Chinese takeaway food is pretty dire. (I make a lot of Sichuanese food at home, there's plenty of spice in that.) Nepalese food is so good tho... (Maybe I just like food...) I hope you are able to have your Christmas gathering at that restaurant as it looks fab.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix