Sunday 5 December 2021

Birthday Eve

 The ice was so thick on Thursday morning that I thought it had snowed overnight. Stephen wasn't keen on going outside but I'd soon warmed up after my 30-minute Wii Fit session. Supplies were low so we had porridge with bananas and honey instead of the usual fruit and yoghurt.

A comment left on my blog by Leen solved the mystery of Malachi. He's not a maimed boy soldier, he's a European Catholic child, aged between 12 -14, undergoing his First Communion. Further research led me to this photo of a boy in almost identical attire, taken in 1900 in Montreux, Switzerland.

After breakfast, Jon combined a trip to the tip with a supermarket run. I piled on the layers and took some stock photos outside. The light was perfect even though the temperatures weren't.

Thank goodness for having a blog. I trawled through the archives and found photos of me wearing some of the stock when it was in my wardrobe. Jon wondered why I was parting with so many of my belongings but I keep finding things I like even better so it's daft to keep anything that's not 100% perfect.

A local cat charity I support, the wonderful West Midlands Stray Cat Rescue Team, was desperate for help so I bought them a few boxes of cat food from their Amazon wishlist. I've been missing Frank a lot this week, as an ex-street cat himself I know he'd have approved. 

A visit from the postman helped bring some cheer. I'd won this Dilli Grey organic cotton velvet hand-embroidered Kantha jacket on eBay over the weekend. I was the only bidder. I'm not quite sure why, it's beautiful.

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading the book Vronni sent me, Rummage. It's taking me a while to get through as there are so many fascinating facts to absorb. After halloumi and roasted veg, we spent the evening watching Winter Walks with the lovely Nihal Arthanayake and another episode of The Americans. 

It was significantly milder on Friday morning as I discovered when I nipped down to the Kinky Shed to collect the sold stock that needed wrapping. After my Wii Fit, I joined Jon for breakfast and then we walked into town as I needed to collect the boots I'd left with the cobbler a couple of days ago. 

We had another mission in town, to try and find someone who could repair Jon's Dad's military knife, which is missing a spring. I never met Alf, he died when Jon was only 20. He was an accomplished athlete, a keen photographer and served as a British Army commando in WW2. Jon's got some amazing photos he took during the War whilst fighting in the North African Campaign. 

Neither the cobbler nor the watch mender could help us with the knife but I've found a couple of specialist knife repairers online so we'll take photos and see what they say.

WEARING: Dilli Grey Kantha jacket worn with a vintage hand-embroidered Indian dress, Clarks' Orinocho Club boots and a Reiss felted wool hat (all eBay), Banjara earrings (roadside stall Goa), Art Nouveau belt (charity shop)

Obviously, the new-to-me Kantha jacket needed its first trip out. I think I'm gradually turning into William Morris with my ever-growing love for handmade and beautiful things. My wardrobe is full of hand-embroidered and traditionally block printed clothes, natural fabrics and garments crafted by independent (and ethical) designers whilst our house groans under the weight of hand-blown glass, vintage textiles, colourful ceramics, antique pictures and Arts & Crafts metalwork.

Fast fashion wasn't even a thing back in Morris's day but his words couldn't be more true. 

On the rare occasion that I buy new, it's always from an ethical company where everyone involved in the garment's production is treated well and paid fairly hence my annual pilgrimages to Anokhi, Cotton Cottage & FabIndia when I'm in India, which won't be happening this winter. I'm so impressed with Dilli Grey's Ethical Manifesto (HERE) and the quality of the clothes I've been lucky enough to find secondhand that I've decided to invest in a couple of their new pieces, well it is nearly my birthday. 

Dilli Grey, organically grown cotton, made with love in India and bought from eBay

Friday afternoon was spent listing more stock on eBay followed by Higgety pies for tea. Later we watched more of The Americans accompanied by rum & cola.

After a lie-in with mugs of tea and our current reads, on Saturday morning we had veggie sausage sandwiches for breakfast and then Jon helped me touch up my roots at the kitchen table. After I'd showered off the dye, Jon locked himself away elsewhere in the house with strict instructions not to barge in (something to do with making something for my birthday).

Lady Curzon wearing the Peacock Dress - Albert Edward Jeakins (1903) 

And talking of birthdays I did some googling and decided that Monday would be the day we visit the famed Peacock Dress before it is removed from public display in a fortnight's time to undergo several years of restoration. Made from chiffon, the dress was embroidered and embellished in gold and silver thread by craftsmen in Agra & Delhi using the zardozi (wire-weaving) method. It was shipped to Paris where the House of Worth styled the dress with a long train edged with white chiffon roses. The worked panels were overlapping peacock feathers with blue-green beetle wings in the centre.
Lord and Lady Curzon arriving at the Durbar in 1903

It was worn by Lady Mary Curzon, wife of Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India (1899 -1905) at an evening ball which followed the Coronation Durbar in Delhi in 1903 to celebrate the Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexander. We might not be able to get to India in 2021 - the first year we've not visited in over two decades - so visiting Indian treasures on home soil is the next best thing.

It was a gloomy and blustery day (hence the grainy photo) and I spent the afternoon reading. Later we ate pizza, drank rum and cola and watched The Americans, struggling to hear the television over torrential rain.

I was up first on Sunday morning, mopped the kitchen floor and brought mugs of tea back to bed where we lay and read for an hour or so. I stripped and changed the bed, loaded the washing machine and, after taking our lateral flow tests, ate toast and watched The Andrew Marr Show.

We popped into town and dropped off a bag of donations at the charity shop including Jon's old radio alarm we'd replaced with a secondhand DAB radio last week, a pile of paperbacks and some vintage stock I'd weeded out when I was tidying the Kinky Shed earlier in the week. We came home with a Marks & Spencer new with tags Collezione linen jacket, a Madcap, England Mod polo shirt, two vintage midi dresses (Du Marcel & St Michael) and a 1960s leather handbag with a rather nifty integral make-up mirror, all of which are destined for the stockroom.

This antique enamel and brass bowl at a bargainous £2 is a keeper. Etched with antelopes, elephants and tigers, it's undoubtedly Indian in origin and wouldn't look out of place in the Arts and Crafts interior of the glorious Wightwick Manor

The tube lined Morris Ware vase with stylised thistles is by A Hancock & Sons and is signed by the artist, George Cartlidge. It was made in 1920 and found in the parental home when we moved there in 1971.

WEARING: JON: Schott NYC wool coat, vintage cord cap, Levi 510s, Fat Face cashmere jumper, Clarks' boots (all secondhand)  VIX: 1970s Phool skirt, vintage suede coat, 1970s tooled leather bag (all secondhand), thermal polo neck (M&S second, vis eBay), Snag "Pumpkin" tights, now in their second year (birthday present) 

I'm not keen on shoes and only own one pair.... these!

A collaboration between the iconic Clarks' Wallabee, the V&A and Liberty. They were absurdly cheap in the Clarks' clearance sale several years ago and really comfy despite the vertiginous heel.

I'm off to tidy up as we're expecting visitors. I'll leave you with the letter my Grandma wrote congratulating Mum on my birth, fifty-five years ago tomorrow, and a photo of Mum & Dad (Jen & Ernie) bringing me for my first visit to Stonecroft, back in the days when it belonged to my grandparents.

See you when I'm a year older!


  1. Lord Jon is the spitting image of his Dad!

  2. Happy Birthday beautiful lady and many many more! I am so sorry about Frank! :-( And that elephant photo gave me chills... I'm so happy animal rights recognition has come so far since those days. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea. It's still a common sight to see elephants working in the plantations in South India although I'm reassured that they are loved and treated well. xxx

  3. Many happy returns Vix - yes, you are a birthday twin with my Tommy who is 23 tomorrow!!! Like you he shares a love of curry and all things eco friendly:) Hope you have a fabulous day love from Betty x

    1. Thanks Betty and a very Happy Birthday to Tommy! xxx

  4. Happy Birthday Vix! From one Saggi to another :) (Mine's on Tuesday)

    1. Thanks Deb, lovely to meet a fellow Saggi!! Wishing you a Happy Birthday for Tuesday! xxx

  5. Happy Birthday for tomorrow and I hope you have a lovely day x

  6. I don't know if you watch YouTube, but there's a channel run by a lady called Cathy Hay that I think you'd like as she's attempting to recreate the Worth Peacock dress, and she's made quite a few videos detailing the dark history of the dress and how it was made. She's a proper historical costumer so really knows her stuff!

    1. Your comment and Tess Tea's arrived at the same time! I spent a wonderful hour watching Cathy Hay's You Tube channel. Having now seen the peacock dress I can why why the project remains unfinished. It's incredible. xxx

  7. Have a happy (and merry!) birthday Vix xxxx

    1. Just coming back to add - it always makes me smile when a lot of minimalist sites/instas use that William Morris quote. The " .. that you believe to be beautiful" is the reason why our house is not minimal lol.

      We will be going to see the Walker Art Gallery The Tudors: Passion, Power and Politics - the Bacton Altar Cloth is going to be there "which new research suggests is an item from Elizabeth I's wardrobe, making it the only known surviving example of her clothing".

      The Peacock Dress looks like an amazing textile

  8. Fascinating as always!! Check out Cathy Hay's YouTube channel about her re-making of the peacock dress

    1. Thanks so much for the suggestion, I loved watching Cathy Hay's channel! x

  9. That sweater jacket was made for you- perhaps the universe knew so no other bids came through. I inherited photos in an album of people related but haven't figured out how. Your pictures remind me I want to pick up the search again. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Double nickels as we say here.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I loved the jacket even more when it turned up.
      I inherited loads of photos too, mum had labelled a lot when Grandma deveoped dementia but I must admit I burnt a lot of the unlabelled as I didn't want to be dragged down by the responsibility of ownership. xxx

  10. happy birthday dear vix!
    love the words of william morris - thats the way it should be - and the way i try to live.....
    you´r very successful following mister morris! your clothes, the house & decorations - all things made with love and loved by you.
    i wish i could have a glimpse on the peacock dress......

    1. Thanks, Beate! I know William Morris would have approved of the way you dress, furnish your home and your ethics.
      I've taken lots of photos of the dress for you, I hope they do it some justice. xxx

  11. A big fat happy birthday for tomorrow Vix! hope your day is full of lovely people and things hmm wonder what Lord Jonhas up his sleeve for you?? Well I think William Morris would approve of all your wonderful clothing and indeed your gorgeous home. had to smile when you said Jon wondered why you were getting rid of o much the hubster smiled to himself when he saw how much I had wrapped up for ebay today. Wonderful pic of Frank he was indeed a handsome boy. big hug Shazxx

    1. Hello Shaz and thank you so much! William Morris was such an inspirartion man, both his designs and his socialist values.
      I'm so glad you're doing well on eBay. Selling can be so rewarding, can't it?xxx

  12. Happy Birthday, Vix!! Hope you have a lovely day! Jon's dad was certainly a handsome and interesting guy! Love the peacock dress, enamel and brass bowl and beautiful glass vase. You look great in your new jacket! Beautiful photo of Frank, he'd be vey proud of you helping the other story cats. Just started reading Greg Mortenson's "Three cups of tea". Really enjoying it although I've been told about the scandal his NGO was involved in. Have you read it? Sending you lots of love from a very cold village in Spain!! xxx

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! Lovely to hear from you and I hope you're staying cosy and safe.
      I shall go and investigate that book right now, I know we have similar taste in good reads! xxx

  13. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! Have a fab day and enjoy seeing that glorious dress.
    Gosh, Jon looks so much like his dad, doesn't he. I love that lovely jacket but then I have always loved embroidered clothes. It goes very well with your dresses.

    1. Thanks, Carole! The dress was astounding even before restoration. LOts of photos to come soon.
      Jon is uncannily like his Dad, isn't he? I couldn't believe those photos when I first saw them.
      "Vintage embroidered" is one of my favourite searches on ebay, even if I can't afford many of them! xxx

  14. I'm glad Leen - whose blog I have been following on and off - was able to set you right about Malachi. I wasn't aware on this custom either.
    Your newly acquired Dilli Grey jacket is a stunner. I can't believe you were the only bidder. Given the company's ethics, I do agree you deserved a couple of their new pieces. Jon doesn't half look like his Dad, the resemblance is striking! I hope you find someone who is able to repair the knife.
    I'm loving the antique enamel and brass bowl, and how incredible that the stunning Morris Ware vase was found upon moving into the parental home!
    Going to see Lady Curzon's peacock dress sounds like the perfect trip for your birthday. Wishing you the happiest and most fabulous of birthdays tomorrow! xxx

    1. Isn't it an odd custom with that bow on the sleeve? I've only been to Catholic funerals and a wedding and wasn't aware of much else, I try to avoid churches as much as I possibly can for fear of being struck down by a thunderbolt.
      Isn't it werird that the jacket had been listed several times without a single bid? It was a fraction of its original price! xxx

  15. Hope you have a splendid birthday!! The Kantha jacket looks smashing and definitely belongs to you. You both look quite dapper, John in his navy pea coat and cap and you with your suede coat and tooled leather bag and Clarks. But when don't you guys look great? Wishing you much joy in your celebrations and wishes for many more. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. Thanks so much, Rae! Sending love to you. xxx

  16. Happy birthday. Astrologically, it's the start of a new year, and shapes how your year will be. Vix - here's to a wonderful year for you, full of love, laughter, prosperity, and hopefully - travel xxxxxxx

    1. I didn't know anout it being teh satrt of the astrological new year, that's fascinating. Another reason for a celebration, I think! xxx

  17. Have a happy birthday tomorrow and it is also my husband's birthday but he is a lot older than you 73yrs. He doesn't like celebrating birthdays now but I believe you do.

    1. THanks so much, Pat! Sending Mr Chester best wishes for his birthday, too! xxx

  18. Happy birthday Vix. I share your birthday and will be wearing a splendid pair of Frida Khalo socks, perfect gift from my best friend!

    1. Happy Birthday to you, Val! I'm loving the sound of your Frida socks, no wonder she's your best friend. Great taste! xxx

  19. Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday Vix-and that is such a special photograph of you with your Mum and Dad-They look So happy xxx

    1. Thanks so much, Flis! They do look happy there - they met and had me within a few months, still young and in love back then! xxx

  20. Happy Birthday Vix, have a wonderful day!šŸŽ‰❤️šŸŽ‰ Jon looks so much like his father.

    1. Thanks, Cat Lover!! Its uncanny how alike Jon and Alf are, isn't it? I have trouble telling the difference between the tow of them in photos especially the old ones where Jon had the same shock of blond hair! xxx

  21. Happy birthday Vix! Just a few hours away. I wish you all the best. Many happy returns.
    I'm sure Frank is looking down from cat heaven and approving of your donation to stray cats.
    It's wonderful that you buy from ethical brands when you buy new items. I try to shop locally and support ethical brands too. I remember your Indian travels and the lovely organic and ethical purchases you made in India (especially those gorgeous block print dresses). It's always interesting to read about your travels and India is such a fascinating country. If you are unable to visit India this year, the exhibition featuring the peacock dress sounds like a nice way to get a taste of India. I followed YouTube account from one illustration teacher and when she described herself as a fashion geek, i.e someone that likes to see how clothing things are made and go to museums and fashion exhibitions, I realized I must be fashion geek to because I love that stuff, historical clothing, exhibitions and so on. That's the most interesting thing about fashion. That and wearing interesting clothes- but seeing them is a joy too.
    Alf was a handsome guy and an interesting person I'm sure. Shame he died so young. It's lovely to see those old BW photographs. Jon looks a lot like his dad.
    Your outfits are stylish and fabulous as always. I love your new heels and how you styled them with orange tights. I love coloured tights, they make outfits more fun.
    Have a great week ahead! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Ivana! I'm hoping Frank would approve of me pampering those poor street cats, I hate to think of them anxiously awaiting a new home but as Stephen's old and a bit cranky I don't think it would be fair to bring another cat home.
      I rarely watch You Tube films - just pop videos - but I was fascinated with Cathy Hay trying to make another version of the Peacock Dress anso i think I might have to see if I can find similar women to follow.
      Thanks so much for the kind words and well wishes! xxx

  22. What a fabulous blog. I have de a fan of William Morris more years than I can count. What a sad time he had later. I have a large vase signed by him and lots of cushions in his modern fabrics. I adore the bowl . It’s beautiful. But nothing beats your food. Can you list what’s on your pizza but what is a heggetty sp. pie ? Do tell what that is as I have never heard of it. Did you buy it or make it ? I live on the most boring gluten free food which I’m blessed to have a cook make for me. But I have no inspiration. Happy Birthday Vix.

    1. THanks so much, Sally! I knew you were a ladfy of style and tatse. My Mum was obsessed with William Morris and we'd often to go to exhibitions of his work as children. Her favourite fabric of his was Strawberry Thief, we had several Victorian chairs and footstools reupholstered in it.
      There's a link to those pies if you click on the word. I'm a trained chef but life's too short to fiddle around making pastry! xxx

  23. Happy Birthday Vix.Hope you get spoiled rotten. Xxx

  24. Wow you are getting to see the peacock dress, I have watched Cathy hay recreating it on YouTube and it is fascinating. So much love and attention she has put into it. I am glad you were put right on the photo, my holy communion was done by a creepy Irish priest called father hussey god he was awful.
    Sadly after afriends child died we no longer went to church.
    I am trainer and boot girl as it helps EDS as my feet ache after so long. So I find trainers and boots give the right amount of support. As long as I buy second hand I am a happy happy girl.
    Happy birthday and I hope you get lots of lovely gifts I would have sent you something but I don’t know your address. Love and hugs allie

    1. He3llo Allie! It's an incredible dress having seen it in real-life. I'm excited to see it again when its fully restored - I wouldn't fancy that job!
      I watched the Cathy Hay videos aftre a couple of readers kindly told mer about them, I'm not surprised the project remains unfinished, what a task she set herself!
      My brother & I went to church (C of E) with my grandparents up until we were 11 then we were given the option to continue going and I said no straightaway, it wasn't my thing at all although I liked reading the gravestones! xxx

  25. Happy Birthday Vix! I'm certain you two will make it a memorable day! Karen

  26. As I am a day late, then HAPPY BIRTHDAY for today šŸŽ‰ Hope you have a lovely day, xx

    Well done for supporting the charity, I suspect there was a head-bump of appreciation from Frank, and as for that jacket - gah, you would not have been the only bidder if I'd seen it as well šŸ˜ø

    1. Thanks so much, Jayne! I read your comment just after I'd opened my pressies - perfect timing!
      I still can't believe nobody else wanted that jacket, people are strange! xxx

  27. Perhaps you should try The Repair Shop for Jon's army knife heirloom piece!

    1. Someone did suggest we get in touch with Dom, he's got a workshop, apparently. Neither Jon or I fancy going on the telly! xxx

  28. Happy birthday Vix. Have a fabulous day.

  29. The story of the Peacock Dress is as complicated as its construction! I envy your opportunity to view the original, and I urge you to investigate the efforts of clothing historian Cathy Hay and costume designer/blogger Bernadette Banner to recreate it in the 21st Century. As challenging as I've found the task of reattaching glass beads to a Victorian jacket, I get the whim-whams just thinking about shifting it on the mannequin!

    We can see Alf in Jon's direct gaze. One suspects he would have thoroughly approved you and your unconventional life together with his son, and gladly joined in your celebrations -- including your birthdays.

    Those boxes of kibble are a wonderful way to honor Frank. Perhaps the Universe will reward your generosity by directing a new feline friend for old Stephen to your doorstep. If not another lad like Frank, a lass like Polly...?

    1. Thanks to several commenters I spent a joyous hour watching Cathy Hay's endeavours. That dress is incredible, the way those beetle wings catch the light is mesmerising. I can only imagine how beautiful Lady Curzon's dress will look after restoraion as its already amazing!
      Jon's so much like his Dad, isn't he (minus the athletic prowess!)
      Funnily enough, a cat has been paying the garden a visit recently, I keep leaving scraps out ion the hope I may tempt him inside but we've got to be careful with Stephen - he loathes most cats! xxx

  30. Those three dresses are gorgeous, especially the pink one on the left. And your new jacket is a beautiful addition to your wardrobe.

    1. Thanks so much! Dilli Grey restores my faith in modern clothes and makers! xxx

  31. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIX! I hope you have a greatday/week XX

  32. Hi Vix, second post today, i thought if you couldn't find anyone to repair the knife you might consider applying to The Repair Shop, the BBC series. Because of Jon's dad@s story they would probably be very interested in helping to restore it. Just one, or both of you, would have to be on TV. Not something I would relish but it would be a great restoration I bet. Just a thought. XX

    1. A couple of people suggested the same, apparently Dom's got a workshop so we could get a quote from him rather than have to go on the TV - neither of us could bring ourselves to do that! xxx

  33. Oh happy birthday, Vix! I hope it involves rum and cola... I absolutely loved the photo of you in your pram. I bet it was a Silver Cross? I had a similar one but in all black for my eldest son born in 1974. My friend Vicky gave it to me when her son born in 1973 outgrew it and she bought it secondhand! What a lovely letter from your grandma.

    Jon's dad was a hunk! And you can see that Jon is his son - what brilliant photos they were.

    I cannot understand why no one else bid on the jacket; it's exquisite and it looked lovely on you. All your Dilli Grey dresses are wonderful. The new boots are fab. I do hope you can find someone to repair Jon's Dad knife. It sounds as if 'The Repair Shed' could help - they love a good story behind the items they repair!

    Fab finds in the chazzas; the enamel bowl is so lovely and what about that William Morris vase? Gorgeous!

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday,

    1. Thanks so much, Vronni!
      That was a Silver Cross pram. It was very posh and I was insanely jealous when my brother arrived 20 months later and I had to relinquish it to him! I was so angry I pushed him and the Silver Cross through a plate glass door - luckily neither baby or pram were harmed!
      Jon's uncannily like his dad, isn't he? xxx

  34. Happy Birthday Vix! I think I have told your in a past post, I graduated from high school the year you were born! I cannot believe it has been 55 years....time sure flies! Have a wonderful celebration of your life and many, many more to come! I love the Kantha jacket, it's beautiful and looks wonderful on you! Jon sure looks like his handsome father from the pictures. My father also served in World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam, retiring from the Army at the age of 44 years old, saw and went through a lot in his young years. Our weather is turning cold, too. Thought we would wake up to a trace of snow like the weatherwoman said, but alas it just rained a little in the morning. Living on the coast we don't really see a whole lot of snow, once in a while during the winter we will get some inches, but some winters, zilch, lots of rain!! Keeps Washington Green! Have a wonderful time......stay well and safe

    1. Hello Chrystal, I remember you mentioning that and being rather envious that you were a young woman in possibly the coolest era!
      I'm wildly in love with that jacket, I keep touching it and sighing over the stitching.
      What a fascinating time your father had. Although it must have been tremendously frightening to see active duty, for those young working class men to travel and see the world must have seemed like such an adventure.
      I hope you continue to dodge the snow. We don't get it regularly when when it arrives we certainly know about it! xxx

  35. Happy Birthday, dearest Vix! I am also happy that you keep blogging - I read it as an exciting book about your life adventures. I love the words of William Morris, and they do resonate with me. I am definitely not there yet, but I am moving in that direction. Your home is as beautiful and soulful as your outfits. Love the embroidered Indian dress and your new jacket, such gorgeous styling! Love seeing your style evolving, keep growing and blossoming!

    PS Jon looks so much like his Dad! What a beautiful family!

    1. Thanks so much, Natalia. I'm so glad you're moving towards more ethical purchases, too. Your secondhand finds and vintage buys are fabulous, who needs to buy new most of the time anyway? xxx

  36. Happy Birthday! I hope your day is special.

  37. Happy Birthday! Jon sure looks a lot like his Dad!

  38. Sending Birthday wishes, Vix. I hope you had a wonderful day. Xx

  39. Late to the party (but I'll always bring you booze and a couple of pre-rolls *wink*), but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Vix! I hope you do treat yourself to another gorgeous dress or three. That embroidered jacket is amazing - it's more blue than grey with all that sewing on it. Aw, that pic of Frank made me tear up. *hug*

    I hope Jon can get his dad's knife fixed - love seeing all those old pictures.

    Wow, that peacock dress is amazing. I could stare at it for hours!

    All the best to you, my dear!

    1. Fashionably late and always welcome, Sheila! xxx

  40. Happiest of birthdays Vix, I know you will celebrate in style. Birthday treats are always allowed , enjoy your dresses. The new embroidered jacket is simply stunning , the best things find you . Glad you saw the peacock dress , it looks amazing.
    Hope you can find a repairer for the knife , so special that Jon still has it.
    Enjoy those birthday celebrations . xxx

  41. Dearest Vix, a very happy birthday for tomorrow! Your new Dilli Grey jacket is utterly beautiful! Really suits you too. Their clothes are gorgeous. I love your taste in clothes, particularly recently so you know what works for you AND the planet!
    I didn't realise your dislike for shoes but now I think about it, yes, I recall no shoes in your outfits!!
    The new brass and enamel bowl is gorgeous!!!
    I hope your birthday is wonderful and you enjoy a good booze up and pressies. That's lovely 're the cat charity! X

    1. Awww, thanks so much, Kezzie!
      I think my shoe dislike started after having a dress code at work, hence my hatred for pencil skirts, blazers, flesh coloured tights and blouses with collars - I just can't bear them! xxx

  42. Dear Vix, I totally agree with you and W.Morris. Also agree with Sheila and her 'always upgrading' attitude, it's better to let go the things that are not totally fabulous and keep the ones you Love!.
    Love your purple dress and matchy hat, it's one of my favourite ensembles ever!. Also love your new Dilli Grey jacket (can't believe you were the only bider!), they make such beautiful clothes and it's great to read about their compromise. Mr.W. Morris would approve for sure!
    You and Jon look fabulous, love both outfits!, your suede coat and Clarks are so cool, and Jon rocks his coat, cap and Clarks too!.
    I always love to see some old photos, that last one of your first visit to Stonecroft is absolutely Amazing!

    1. Hello Monica! I always think of Sheila's words, too - they're a great incentive to always buy the best you can afford rather than compromise.
      I 'm not sure why nobody else wanted to buy that jacket but I'm jolly glad that they didn't! xxx

  43. ***You are looking beautiful in blue Vix *** Corr, how handsome Jon's dad was! (Can ye tell I'm doing a bit of blog catchy uppy?) Lulu xXx

    1. There you are! I was wondering where you were! Jon's Dad was a bit of a dish, wasn't he? xxx

  44. Love Johns 'fit, and you look gorgeous as always. Thanks for sharing these houses.

    1. Thanks so much, Jennifer! I'll tell Jon, it'll make his night! xxx


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix