Tuesday 9 November 2021

Time of the Season

Whilst it's not my favourite season, I do love the colours of Autumn. The cobalt blues of the tradescantia, late cornflowers and salvia and the vibrant oranges of the calendula, marigolds and dahlias. Monday's outfit rendered me almost invisible when posing for a photo in the garden, so well did I blend in with my surroundings.

With the exception of the belt, my outfit is a combination of tried and tested favourites. A vintage Kate Beaver handprinted maxi dress found in a charity shop for the princely sum of 99p back in 2015, a 1970s felted wool hat bought in a charity shop at around the same time and a 1960s suede coat Cheryl gave me.

Today I'm colour coordinating with the ruby reds of the cyclamen & penstemons, the regal purples of the callicarpa and spent hydrangeas and the golden yellows of the kindly-faced violas I planted last week.

Nothing new to see here, just the Stella Forest silk maxi dress I'd bought from eBay in the summer layered beneath a vintage Anokhi blouse. 

In between garden tidying and leaf sweeping, I've mostly been repotting houseplants & cleaning and tidying. Jon's had a big wardrobe sort out and, getting into winter mode, he's fitted the plastic film to the downstairs windows (aka poor man's double glazing) and zipped Gilbert into his car cover. There are logs chopped and piled up next to the wood burner in readiness although, at 15°C, we won't be lighting the fire today.

Taking a leaf out of Jon's book, I've donated two pairs of boots, a couple of waistcoats, two coats and a dress to the Kinky Shed. My straw hats are out of the wardrobe & stowed away under the bed, replaced by sheepskin hats, cosy scarves and gloves. My boots are now on the rack and the peep-toe clogs and sandals are stashed away, ready for 2022.

Needless to say, we've also been charity shopping - just to keep the Kinky stockroom topped up. Mind you, sales will drop off pretty soon, now the Xmas madness has started. I hasten to add that none of that madness will be taking place within these four walls. Yesterday, a woman who works in one of our regular chazzas asked us if we'd got our tree up yet, when we told her that we don't do Xmas she looked at us in such a horrified fashion you'd have thought we'd confessed to being serial killers. I honestly don't think she'll ever speak to us again. 

Anyway, what did we find? There's a 1970s batik maxi skirt, a Nepali cotton grandad shirt, a 1980s chiffon midi dress by Selena, a 1980s Wallis trenchcoat, an Indian block printed tunic, a 1960s knitted shift dress, a 1950s worsted wool waistcoat, a 1980s pussy-bow blouse by Bickler and a 1980s Greek mythological print shirt by Louis Monk (including Achilles on his chariot).

Some vintage Western-style shoe-boots by Winchester, a 1970s suede skirt with snakeskin panels, some brand new Clarks' boots which Jon snaffled, another piece of Mid-Century art glass for our collection (a huge Italian Emploi Verdi vase in the seed pod design), a silk maxi dress/waistcoat by August Silk, a 1980s taffeta cocktail dress by Vivien Smith of York, a Greek teeshirt with the tags still attached (now in Jon's wardrobe), a 1970s Keynote fake fur-trimmed jacket and two leather belts for me - one by Solo & the other by Betty Jackson (which I've worn with both Monday & Tuesday's outfits).

Culture-wise, we've finished watching Wolf Hall and enjoyed Return to Wolf Hall, the BBC documentary about Hilary Mantel. I've read a few books by Emma Donaghue - and loved the film Room - based on her novel of the same name. My current read is Slammerkin, a gripping page-turner, based on the true story of Mary Saunders, a teenager who stumbled into a life of prostitution in 18th century London.

A week after we lost our seven-year-old precious baby boy, Frank, our friends Liz and Al had to say goodbye to their beautiful 15-year-old, Disco. RIP tiny girl, we'll miss you. Meanwhile, 16-year-old Stephen Squirrel rampages around Stonecroft, squawking, sharpening his claws on everything in sight and wanting to be let out and back in again a hundred times a day. 

Cats, they drive you daft and break your heart.

A bit of normality tomorrow, I'm spending the day with a friend I haven't seen in far too long. I've almost forgotten how to travel on trains, I haven't been on one since we were in Mumbai back in February, 2020!

See you soon!


  1. Fall and WInter are my favorite seasons. The heat and humidity leaves and it feels normal outside. But I do live where it doesn't snow or get super cold.

    1. Our te,mperatures don't really flunctuate all that much - today's 15°C isn't unusual in mid-August. I loathe the short days and how it's already almost dark by 4pm. Ah well, only 6 weeks till the shortest day! xxx

  2. I am already fed up with being asked if our 'tree is up yet' for heavens sake it is only JUST November! there are lights up in the village and decorated trees are already being to show through windows in the evenings. Sigh.
    Cats - they fill your heart and break your heart xxx

    1. It's madness, isn't it? I've seen those inflatable santas and illuminated deers appearing in people's gardens already. It seems to get earler each year. xxx

  3. Oh Christmas and all its guff! I think one week before Christmas is quite enough fuss why start in November? Our charity shops are very depleted but the Christmas crap is in full force. One shelf devoted to gift sets of toiletries, all new with a sign saying "good enough for gifts". The pointless gift giving of toiletries and other rubbish us beyond me.

    1. You and I are on the same wavelength, Carole. I'm fed up with the piles of tat and mawkish tv adverts already and it's not even the middle of November yet. xxx

  4. I am so sad to hear about your lovely friends little cat Disco-Frank and Disco may be happily playing together until you all meet up again xx

    1. I do hope so, Flis! Disco had a tough start in life but had a long and lovely life with Liz and Al, bless her. xxx

  5. I enjoyed every moment of your blog. Your house is so special. Too much to mention but those tiles in your bathroom....Wow. Can you tell me what plant has those beautiful purple berries. It’s planting time here now and while I am not able to garden, I still order on line. Must get cornflowers this year, larkspur and my poor gardener is left to find spots to put them. My home help wheels me round the garden if I’m having a good. Did I tell you I had a burglar last week. He didn’t get in but I’m getting better security. He cleaned out my neighbours garage so I don’t think he has great taste. 🤪 I’ve been a nervous wreck for days. Loved to hear about Stephen. x

    1. Hello Sally! I've collected Victorian encaustic tiles since I was a child,Jon did a great job using a few of them in the bathroom, didn't he?
      The plant is a Callicarpa, the purple is intense.
      Snap! Our neighbours' house was burgled on Wednesday evening, the poor lady had all her jewellery stolen. The police were chatting to Jon yesterday and say that they know who did it but just need proof so they can charge them - very frustrating! I'm sure the evil so and so's that broke into your neighbour's won't be stupid enough to come back to the same area but it's only natural to worry. xxx

  6. I love how you colour coordinated with your garden. Beautiful outfits, you always wear your maxis so well. That colour coordinated coat looks warm too! The vest is lovely.
    I can imagine the shock of that woman inquiring about a Christmas tree and I'm smiling. I do celebrate Christmas but I hate to see all the decorations in the shops and all the madness starting in November (sometimes even in October). There's so much Christmas decor and events one gets sick of it before the holiday season starts- even those of us who do celebrate, don't like all the Christmas madness. I'm not even sure will I even put a tree up this year.

    The Wolf Hall documentary sounds interesting. I saw a trailer for Room and meant to see it ever since, but never got around it.
    Sorry to hear about Disco, it must be hard for Liz and Al. :( I remember Liz, she is your artist friend, right? She has the most wonderful paintings! I remember that watercolour she did of you and Jon.

    1. Thanks so much, Ivana! You're right, Liz is my artist friend and we've posed for her on a few occasions.
      I just don't get this huge build up to Xmas, I've seen houses decorated in October, too - it's utterly insane. I don't celebrate my own birthday six weeks beforehand so there's no reason why I'd do it for a bloke I've never met!
      Room was intense, the film certainly lived up to the book. Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel is incredible if you can track a copy down, I love the intrigue, double-crossing and scheming of the Tudors, better than a spy novel! xxx

  7. I don't mind Autumn and Winter as much as you do, but I can do without the eternally grey and rainy days. Isn't Autumn colour just the best, nature putting on the year's final fireworks? I love how both of your outfits blend in with Stonecroft's fabulous garden. I immediately noticed the belt, what a great find!
    I can't imagine it being Christmas in just over a month, and I'm dreading it more that ever. Jos insists on putting up the tree, but I always try and talk him out of it until the very last moment.
    So sorry to hear about Disco, Liz and Al must be devastated ...
    I'm loving the sound of the Emma Donoghue book. Room is one of my favourites ever! xxx

    1. I love your description of Autumn's colours being nature's final fireworks!
      I bet Xmas will be different this year with a baby in the family. I'm so glad Jon feels the same way about Xmas as I do. My Facebook feed is already being donated by Xmas decorations!
      It's not been a good year for our cats, has it?
      Wasn't Room fantastic? It's not often that a film is as good as the book but it really was where Room was concerned. xxx

  8. I'm with Flis...and dearly hope Frank and Disco have met up on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge!!
    Autumnal colours are beyond supreme and your wardrobe is a very good resemblence. Absolutely fabulous, as the show said!!
    I did wonder if the fairy lights on the mantlepiece were your nod to Christmas! ha ha ha!!

    1. I do hop all our beloved pets are up there having a party!
      My fairy lights are up all year round - they're an essential in such a dark house! xxx

  9. **Cats, they drive you daft and break your heart.**
    you´r so very right. it was a very capricious god who made the felines.....
    "putting up the tree" in early november???!!! i´m joining you - people use to look at me as if i would eat little children when i state that i don´t do x-mas.
    but you found cool stuff for the kinky rails and for you, for jon and for your fabulous home! and wore very beauiful outfits!! love all the colours and patterns going on....
    stay warm! xxxxx

    1. Xmas seems to be getting earlier and earlier. I feel a bit sad for people who live for that one day and make such a sonmg and a dance about it/ Why can't they enjoy every day, have pretty lights up all year round and give presents to friends when they feel like it? I don't get "normal" people at all! xxx

  10. Hope you have a lovely day with your friend Vix. I used to loathe the winter, but I have worked hard to see the plus sides to it to make it a bit easier. Arilx

    1. WE had a lovely day, thank you!
      Yes, last year we did our best to embrace Winter - the first time we'd spent it at home in over twenty years. I don't mind cold and bright days but they're a rarity, aren't they? No wonder we're all driven to drink! xxx

  11. Vix, I am always amazed at what you can find in your local thrift shops. Do you and Jon have a strategy for your shopping success, or do you just depend on your good eye and good luck? I find our local thrift stores here in America's Deep South such a disappointment that I now rely on websites that specialize in pre-owned clothing. If you have ever published a tutorial or plan to write a tutorial about thrift store shopping, I would love to read it!

    1. Hello Tess! Lovely to hear from you. We don't have a strategy when it comes to charity shopping, it really is just hit and miss. I do think the more often you go, the better you get at spotting treasure and I'm a strong believer in charity shop karma, donate weekly and reap the rewards! xxx

  12. In the 1970s in New Zealand - batik skirts!!! Still love them. Our fur children - yep they surely do teach us so deeply about Love.

    1. I love batik, I even did a course in it a few years ago! I remember seeing loads of it in Bali, I bet loads of NZ travellers used to bring it back after visiting! xxx

  13. Your glass wear is quite interesting.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Mid-Century art glass is fabulous - there seems to be a lot of it in charity shops since they reopened after the last lockdown. xxx

  14. And you look exquisite amongst the autumn colours my dear. Ah yes, cats! The reason I've been up since 5am ;)
    Enjoy the day with your friend. I also have many I haven't seen in far too long, so I think it is time to rectify that. Xx

    1. Stephen Squirrel's favourite time at the moment is 4.25am - why, oh why? xxx

  15. I really struggle with November, it seems such a sad month in every way.
    On a brighter note - I love that blue Batik skirt you found. Fabulous.
    I'm reading Ghosted by Jenn Ashworth at the moment. She was the librarian when I worked as a writer in residence at HMP Garth. I am sure you would love her style. She very kiindly added me to the acknowledgements in her first book, A Kind of Intimacy.
    Take care Vix X

    1. You're right, November is such a gloomy month, made even sadder with Armistice Day, I think.
      I shall hunt down that book, I think we have very similar taste with our reading choices. How fabulous that Jenn is someone you know and that she gave you a shout-out in her first book! xxx

  16. You do match the colors of fall with your wardrobe choices. November is a hard month for me so I'm happy the weather has been a bit warmer than normal and the trees are still holding onto a few leaves for a spot of color when I go for walks. We should all stay true to ourselves and anyone that side eyes's our choices to celebrate or not, to deck all the hauls, or climb in bed until January 1, can just p*^5s off. I'm sorry for Liz and Al losing their baby as well. I'l give my pup extra TLC in appreciation of him.

    1. I'm sorry November is a hard month for you, Sam. It's been really mild here but we've had some really strong winds, there's hardly any leaves left on our trees njow, I think I know what I'll be doing tomorrow - raking!
      Yes, we should all be free to celebrate or not celebrate - it drives me mad that we're outcasts because we choose not to follow the crowd. xxx

  17. So,lovely to see the inside of your gorgeous home again. I do love visiting you both.
    It’s so sad to hear Liz’s sad news. I can’t believe that you, Liz, our friend Maria in Ulverston and her sister Donna have all lost your precious family pets in the last two months. It’s heartbreaking.
    I’m off on another workshop on Friday, this time in Todmorden. Gotta keep spirits up as we approach the silly season. It’s getting on my nerves already
    Lots of love xxx

    1. Oh no, I remember seeing Maria's lovely cats on Instagram. Another of my vintage trader friends, Anna, lost her lovely girl the day before we lost Frank. It has been an awful time.
      Great idea to fill your time doing these wonderful workshops. I'm off for an all-dayer in the pub. I won't be creating anything beautiful but I know we'll have a laugh! xxx

  18. I love Spring and Autumn! Your outfits are fabulous and very autumnal. The garden blooms are fab; I loved the purple balled one! Thank you so much for the nasturtium seeds and the book; they arrived today! I can't wait to plant the seeds...
    What a wonderful haul of goodies you found at the chazza. I love the batik print skirt and those Western style shoe/boots were brilliant. And Lord Jon's new Clark boots - wow!

    I hope you have a lovey day out with your friend.

    1. Hooray! I'm glad the parcel landed safely. It won't be long before you're planting seeds and reaping the rewards - months of nasturtiums!
      Jon's so lucky with his footwear finds, those boots had never been worn! xxx

  19. Oh no, poor Disco, poor Liz - this has been a bad month for losing furry friends. Sending you good vibes, Vix, and I'm glad Stephen Squirrel is there to guard over you and Jon.

    I just drool over your lovely home, and your beautiful clothes! Take care of yourself, my dear friend. And although you don't do Xmas (I totally get it, even though I'll be splashing out the décor again this year), maybe some fairy lights would lift your spirits? Big hugs.

    1. It has been a bad month for losing our furry friends. We need lots of Vizzini and Bess photos!
      I wonder if I could squeeze any more lights into the house? That sounds like a plan! xxx

  20. YOU...... DON'T....... DO...........CHRISTMAS.... In that case I will do an extra sparkly twinkly lighty festive Christmas to make up for the one you don't do :-) I'll take any excuse for a bit of razzle dazzle at Christmas.

    1. I don't mind sparkly lights but they're up all year round. You can have my share of Xmas with pleasure! xxx

  21. Lovely colours in your garden and lovely that your outfits match them! (and so cool collages!)
    I always enjoy some photos of your home's decoration, colourful details!, I think that the walls have a perfect colour which enhances the orange lampshades and the vintage glass. Love it.
    Sorry to read about Disco. Sending hugs!

    1. Thanks, Monica! Collages are my new obsession!
      It's funny, I resisted teal walls for years, I love them now, they really do show all our bits and pieces off! xxx

  22. Looking beautiful as ever, Vix - I do covet that Kate Beaver dress - the print is so fabulous! I cannot understand why everyone breaks out the sludgy colours at this time of year when everything is so intense around us. Nature does the wildest combos.

    The only thing of note we've had from the local charity shop - was yesterday - when my mister found a £200 coffee machine for £17. We love our coffee so it was a no-brainer lol. It has had a descale and a thorough service clean so we'll be jittering with many trial cups for the next day or two lol. It looks very sci-fi in our mad vintage kitchen.

    I loathe the season of spending that Christmas has become. When I see folks with their two trolleys piled high with food - largely destined for the bin - it makes me so dispirited. I'm amazed we haven't adopted Thanksgiving yet.

    I can't believe how fast this year has gone - I desperately need to get back to painting (so caught up in keepng my Mum going at the mo'). Sorry to hear about Disco - what a little lovely xx

    sallyhicks - hope you feel calmer and safer now - we were told that by the police - when it happened to us, that these kinds of burgularies are done by 'the usual suspects'- and getting one over on them is part of the game. Vile little scrotes looking for drug-money whilst fantasising that they are some kind of gangster number one. One of our neighbours was a prison officer and he disturbed ours mid-rob by tapping on the window - he was going on shift in his uniform - so there's a certain degree of karma there!

    Hope everyone is doing well and keeping strong (and hello to Maryland)xxxxxxx

    1. Hello Elaine and thank you! I still can't believe that Kate Beaver dress had sat in the 99p charity shop window in a busy town centre for a whole week and I was the first person to show an interest. There's nowt as queer as folk!
      That's a cracking score with the coffee machine. Charity shops do have some great electronics in the run up to Xmas, Jon's on the lookout for a new eReader, hoping some extravagent person has ungraded and donated their older model.
      I look at those Xmas ads on the TV with families sitting round a table piled high with food and shudder - people must see that and think it's the norm.
      Burglars are the scum of the earth and it always seems worse at this time of year. A few years ago I blogged about the shed at the end of the road being ransacked by teenagers on a horse and cart - luckily the police nabbed them - but Jon had to hold on to their horse until the police could arrange for it to be picked up! Take care! xxx

  23. you have wonderful collections of paintings... love them all...

    Have a great weekend

  24. Until this morning I'd have said I like autumn and winter but ours blew in with hurricane force winds and snow flurries today, so no :)

    I enjoy the holidays much more now that it is just us and not the whole family. No fights, no need to cook a million different things, and we can just relax and enjoy a movie or something. I still have a kid at home so the tree will go up for another season, but I don't look forward to all the work putting things up and taking them down.

    Your home must be so lovely on cold evenings with a fire burning and all the lovely decoration. You'd never survive at mine-I have beige walls and beige carpet.

    1. Hurricane force winds and snow....no, no, no!
      I can't believe your house is beige nit with dress sense like yours! xxx

  25. I'm sorry to hear that Liz lost her furry companion. You are so right, they do drive you mad but also break your heart. It was the fifth anniversary of my rescuing Sylvester from the shelter on Friday - he's 11 now, and still rambunctious so I'm hoping we still have many more years together.

    I've said it many times before, but your outfits are always so beautifully put together - the patterns, colours, accessories, the whole thing. Our style is very different but I very much appreciate yours. Your home always looks so cozy, and like mine, there are wonderful things to look at in every room.

    1. It's heartbreaking to lose a pet but I suppose the years of joy they bring us outweigh the sadness.
      I can't believe you've had Sylvester fopr five years. He sounds as mad as Stephen Squirrel. He might be 16 but yesterday morning he was terrorising a fox twice his size, crazy boy! xxx

  26. You look so lovely in your Autumnal outfits!!! So pretty!!! I love your look so much!
    Your new charity shop finds are great- loving that batik skirt- I love batik.
    Sad to hear about Disco too. Your house is so gorgeous!x

    1. Thanks so much, Kezzie! I love batik, too. That lovely skirt didn't hang around for long! xxx

  27. We DO do Christmas, but there's still no way I'd put my tree up this early. It would have lost all its novelty by Christmas.

    I'm having a clear-out and have a few vintage bits to send you (pretty sure I bought one of them from you in the first place). I hope they'll be Kinky enough for the rails!

  28. We DO do Christmas, but there's still no way I'd put my tree up this early. It would have lost all its novelty by Christmas.

    I'm having a clear-out and have a few vintage bits to send you (pretty sure I bought one of them from you in the first place). I hope they'll be Kinky enough for the rails!

  29. We DO do Christmas, but there's still no way I'd put my tree up this early. It would have lost all its novelty by Christmas.

    I'm having a clear-out and have a few vintage bits to send you (pretty sure I bought one of them from you in the first place). I hope they'll be Kinky enough for the rails!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix