Saturday 13 November 2021

Out & About

How time flies! I can't believe it's been four days since I last posted, a hopeful sign that life may be slowly returning to something like normal. 

On Wednesday I caught the train into Birmingham. Although the UK's second city is a mere nine miles away from Walsall, what with lockdown and all that jazz, it has been over two years since I'd last visited (with ClaireHERE). Madness considering I spent over a decade working in the city centre back in my days of corporate slavery.

I'd not seen my beautiful friend Nikki in years. We connected through my blog and got along famously when we met, having many common interests and mutual dislikes. We're united in a love of vintage & ethnic dresses, travel, spy novels, India, vegetarian food, secondhand shopping & grand architecture and in total agreement over our loathing of hot chocolate, pointy shoes, chick-lit, flesh-coloured tights & Xmas.

That's how alike we are - I also own the same red Janet Wood for Monsoon dress that Nikki's wearing. Which is crazy considering how rare they are!

After wandering around a few "proper" shops in the centre of town, something neither of us had done almost two years, we had a mooch around Red Brick Market in hip'n'happening Digbeth, rifling through rails of vintage clothes, recycled sari silk dresses and independent designer gear and admiring houseplants, vintage homewares, African baskets, handmade jewellery, artwork and stationery.

Nikki had done her homework and found a Greek restaurant called The Mythos Taverna on the corner of Hurst Street. We were delighted to discover that it occupied the space formerly known as The Green Room, a hang-out for both of us back in the 1990s & 2000s, although we didn't know each other then.

We're both vegetarians and opted for the grilled vegetables with some of the best wholemeal pittas I've eaten outside of Greece, and shared a pot of the most divine rose & mint tea.

The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared. Amen to that! 

After a few wrong turns, we eventually found our next destination, the uber-cool Indian Brewery beneath the arches behind Snowhill Station.

Old school Bollywood posters, an Indian filmi soundtrack punctuated with a few tunes from our youth (Salt'n'Pepa's Push It), smiley staff and some fabulous real ales including a particularly quaffable locally brewed IPA - wonderful stuff! 

We could have stayed there for hours but were good girls and got our respective trains home before rush hour. Nikki's just taken early retirement so I'm hoping our days out will become a regular thing. 

 Gah! The joy of the Walsall train aka The Covid Express, grey-clad masses stuffed in like sardines and less than 50% of them wearing masks despite all the signs requesting they be worn in crowded places. Ah well, at least I got a seat and it left on time, it's often delayed when fights break out between passengers or someone's nicked the cables or vandalised something. 

Back at home, Jon told me I'd missed an impromptu visit from his uncle Bill, who spends 6 months in Cyprus & the rest of the year in France (or did before bloody Brexit) and brought us some booze. 

We'd planned to meet Tony for a Spoons all-dayer on Thursday, but he'd had to postpone to Friday at the last minute. The house behind us was burgled on Wednesday night which was the kick up the arse Jon needed to repair the broken security light. 

A gloomy day called for a splash of colour. I wore a 1980s Afghan-style Anokhi dress and a 1970s Janet Wood for Monsoon waistcoat - toasty warm for a morning spent mostly outside taking photos.

I'd fallen in love with a gorgeous dress being sold by an ethical indie business & gone totally mad and ordered it. I went through my wardrobe and listed a few of my own things on eBay to go towards the cost and within an hour had raised the funds I needed...hooray! I also listed some of the garments Jon had donated to the Kinky Shed when he sorted out his wardrobe last weekend. 

We spent the evening rewatching the excellent Spy Game, which we'd seen at the cinema when it was released in 2001. Apart from the great soundtrack, fine acting (and Brad Pitt's cheekbones) I'd forgotten about Catherine McCormack's wardrobe in the 1980s flashbacks, I spotted a Phool midi skirt and an Anokhi jacket which I also own.

Friday was Spoons' day!  I wore a 1970s Afghan dress with my Toast cowboy boots and a huge tribal pendant I'd bought in Jaisalmer when we travelled around Rajasthan last year. Jon wore one of his beloved fine knits with secondhand Levis and his Clarks' Bank Robbers.

After a leisurely morning, we walked into town dropping off a favourite dress at the tailor as the zip had broken and with it being silk and by a much sought after vintage designer, I wasn't confident enough to do it myself. We called into the cobblers to get some keys for the new front door cut and to have my boots reheeled, dropped our eBay parcels off at the Royal Mail delivery office and had a quick look at the chazzas where I found Tony a 100% lambswool scarf by Barbour for £2.

We met up with Tony in Spoons and were joined shortly afterwards by Badger, one of Tony & Jon's childhood friends who we usually meet up with at the Dead Relatives Society Xmas Day curry (which won't be happening this year, the curry house sadly a victim of the pandemic). Tony & Jon had burgers whilst Badger and I opted for Indian.

Needless to say, we attracted the odd nutter including a Belgian bloke called Bob who claimed to be a mercenary. Weirdos & cheap beer, it's what Wetherspoons is famous for. 

After six hours in the pub, we walked back home where my new dress was waiting for me but sadly, as the XS was out of stock I'd had to order a small and it was far too big. On the bright side, I'd spotted two block printed cotton dresses incorrectly listed on eBay the previous weekend and had managed to win them for less than the price of a round of beer! 

This morning, I'd had a flurry of eBay sales overnight and after our veggie sausage sandwiches, I wrapped everything up (including my too-big dress of dreams) ready for the Post Office run on Monday morning. I'd had an email from Walsall Light Cinema with this week's screenings and, to my delight, discovered they were showing The French Dispatch so I booked tickets for Monday's matinee performance. I know we only saw it a fortnight ago but we can watch Wes Anderson films over and over and over again (and frequently do.)

I bought this 1960s Neatawear shirred cotton blouse from a charity shop a few weeks ago but today was its first outing. It seemed the perfect match with my Anokhi pinafore and Gohill's exotic snakeskin boots (bought by my favourite teacher in 1966 which she passed on to me!) 

We had a wonderful surprise through the post from dear friends, Lynn and Philip, a lovely card and a beautifully wrapped 90-year-old china cat. Thank you so much, we love him!  

Jon's gone to the pub - again. It's all rather exciting as he's meeting a long-lost cousin who got in touch with him via Facebook, a cat-owning, keen traveller & indie music fan with the same political leanings as ourselves, so hopefully no embarrassing Brexit conversations or Covid conspiracy theories! 

I'm off to read my latest read (my 58th book of the year) on the chaise and am already looking forward to rum, cola and pizza tonight.

See you soon!


  1. how cool to have a day out with a friend, visiting chazzas, eating greek food and drinking beer in a hip place......
    we are far from normal here - to few vaccinations still and the numbers are rising, esp. in the hospitals. sigh.
    the china cat is such a beautiful thing and a lovely gesture!
    gorgeous outfits with your indian dresses!

    1. It was a such a brilliant day then you get back on the train and are surrounded, once again, by selfish (and badly dressed) idiots.
      The rising numbers throughout Europe are hitting the headlines here. Are infection rate has been higher than any other country for ages but it finally seems to be decreasing. WE've got our boosters this week, bring it on! xxx

  2. what a beautiful cat ornament - incredible that it's 90 years old. You have been having so much fun - you are so lucky to have a like-minded friend with so much in common :) 58th book! I doubt if I have read even 5 I can't stay still for five minutes!

    1. Isn't he a sweetie? He looks great for his age!
      Blogging is brilliant for connecting with like-minded women, isn't it?
      I'm such a voracious reader but I think I've surpassed my previous book-reading record this year. xxx

  3. Sound like a fun day out and about. I wish they would and or could get this covid undercontrol.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I know, it's so frustrating that theres so mnay people who won't wear masks or get vaccinated, we'll never be free of it at this rate. xxx

  4. that little kitty looks crazy! I'm also waiting to watch The French Dispatch. Although I'll wait to watch it streaming as I can't bare to be in a room full of strangers.

    1. Wes Anderson is an acquired taste here in un-hipsville. When we saw it a fortnight ago we shared the auditorium with 6 other people. I miss so much watching films on the TV especially those as visualy superb as his stuff! xxx

  5. Public transit is the worst - I was on the bus the other day and was quickly reminded of why I've been walking everywhere instead! Looking amazing as always, Vix - and it's so good to see you out and about enjoying your time with friends. Hooray for a return to normal-ish! That wee cat figurine made me tear up - what a thoughtful gift in Frank's honour. *hugs*

    1. Public transport at the moment is utterly awful, isn't it? So many selfish people, coughing, spluttering and mask-free.
      It's lovely to do normal things again! Masks, lashings of sanitiser and twice weekly tests are a small price to pay.
      We had to collect Frank's ashes this weekend, the sweet cat was such a comfort. xxx

  6. So good that you could finally catch up with your friend and share the things you love to do together. Both the Greek restaurant and Indian pub looked great. How good you both looked , fancy you both having the same dress . Don't envy you on the train trip though.
    The little cat was such a kind gift. xx

    1. Spending time with Nikki and exploring Birmingham after so long was worth the indignity of the train trip!
      That little cat is adorable, we love him! xxx

  7. Uncle Bill sounds like my favourite kind of visitor. Impromptu, occasional, and brings alcohol :)
    An enjoyable day out with a good friend can't be beaten, although that train journey looks hellish. X

  8. Sounds like you have had a busy few days. I love meeting up with friends, but bloody covid has put a hankers on that front. I love your uncle , I have a relative like that because I’m half Japanese my mad cousin from electic city keeps popping over at weird times. She’s awesome but just mad as a box of frogs. When she left school she refused to work In an office so she worked In a maid cafe and now owns 3 I think. She loves the kids
    Paul’s friends are Pretty cool , I have just realised something! All my friends are male as I don’t get on with women how strange.

    1. Your cousin can't be all that mad refusing to work in an office - I tried it once and it nearly tipped me over the edge - my colleagues lived through their kids and husbands and were horrifed by Jon & I's depraved lifestyle - pubs, clubs, holidays, second hand clothes and chosing to be childless! I got on far better better with the blokes on the factory floor and used to sit in the welding shop sharing samosas and chatting about football! xxx

  9. I’m clapping my hands here at your fabulous day out in Birmingham. Brilliant photos.
    It’s lovely to see life being more normal and Spoons is back on the agenda. Happy days.
    Love from us both and I’m glad the gift arrived safe and sound xxx

    1. Thanks so much for our thpoughtful present and card, you lovely people!
      It is lovely to do normal things again. I did flinch when I got on the Covid Express back home but the lateral flow test this morning came back negative - hooray! xxx

  10. What a glorious outings you enjoyed with Nikki in Birmingham and with Clare in Digbeth. Both vicarious adventures reminded me that not only do I miss sharing those activities with friends, not only the sights and sounds and tastes, but also the smells! Specifically, I long to inhale "ye olde bookstore": a well-aged blend of century-old carpet and upholstery, dusty books, fresh-brewed coffee and stale tobacco.

    And whilst lounging on the tattered Chesterfield admiring the Christmas cactus in its brass spittoon, I'd like to meet the American Midwestern equivalent of Jon's Uncle Bill...

    1. Oh yes, the smell of old books ought to be bottled!
      One of the joys when we came out of lockdown was visiting charity shops and handling things that weren't ours, I'd forgotten the weird smell of cheap high street clothes and odd fabrics.
      Poor old Uncle Bill, his life on the road has been curtailed due to Brexit - I think he'll have trouble adjusting to damp and grey Britain again! xxx

  11. Oooh I do like a good vintage rummage - glorious frocks, Vix - and now I'm going to root out my tribal bits and bobs, so I can jingle as well as clatter (bangle-rattle lol).

    I hear you on public transport covididiotude - I do a 3 bus epic (6 in total there and back!!) twice a week to be with my Mum and I want to tear my skin off at the end of the day. I'm using more hand gel than I used in the first few months of Covid. Before getting on the bus there's the awful queueing up when the schools and local college tip out - no notions of mask-wearing or social distancing from the folks who are most likely to be spreaders. Frightening (and I don't scare easily lol).

    I am absolutely bemused that so many folks are all - OK - bored now - sort it out, when it comes to Covid; entitlement to the fore and all that. If people stopped behaving like - got my jabs, eff you or Poundshop William Wallaces with their FREEDOM and stop oppressing meeeee whining then it might all be subdued that bit sooner. Ahem (falls off soapbox all exhausted lol).

    Your grub looks amazing - Spoons is a bit of a gamble up here - I've had the nicest light veggie breakfast outside my own kitchen there (avoiding all pretend meat options) but also had the most disgusting lunch. Mind you - sadly, many of our locals aren't going in for the food.

    OK - time for a brew - keep safe and well, all xxx

    p.s. big love to Maryland and all who need a hug xx

    1. Hello Elaine! There's something so satisfying about jingle-jangling as you go about your business, isn't there?
      That trip to see your mum sounds a nightmare, not helped by the selfish sods who refuse to wear a mask. Poundshop William Morris's mad me laugh out loud. We take lateral flow tests twice a week now we're going out more, I'd hate to inadverantly pass anything on to any of our friends' elderly parents. Wearing a mask is such a small price to pay.
      We're really lucky with our Spoons, the quality does differ between branches.; I've yet to have one of their breakfasts - I think I'd end up ordering a beer and ending up in there all day!
      Loads of love. xxxx

    2. Just bobbing back in to recommend Simon Schama's Face of Britain - we've just binge-watched it!

    3. Thanks for that! Sounds right up our street! xxx

  12. How wonderful to have your day out in Birmingham. You seem to make these day trips events and I love that. I've not even seen a promo for the Wes Anderson movie so perhaps not in the US yet, or ever. You must be petite like my daughter and clothes just hang on her, though she is larger chested for a tiny girl. Will you be able to size your new dress down or will you need to part with it?

    1. It was so exciting to visit the city after so long - a real treat!
      Wes Anderson isn't mainstream so a lot of the big chains don't show his stuff here either.
      Sadly that dress will go back and I've applied to go on the waiting list on the off-chance an XS gets returned. Curses to my 30" bust! xxx

  13. It does sound as if life is returning to some version of "normal" again for you. How nice you were able to spend the day with Nikki. I took the train to Stratford (Ontario) yesterday for a memorial service, and also had a quick visit with my mom and a bit of shopping. Unlike yours, my train was not crowded and everyone was wearing a mask except for one young man who seemed rather oblivious to our mask wearing as he worked on his tablet until he was sternly, but nicely told by the conductor to mask up. I like the train and it was lovely to leave home for the day. Most people are still masking up on public transit within the city too, so it makes it a bit less stressful to venture out.

    The wee kitty is (who definitely doesn't look 90) is such a thoughtful gift in memory of Frank.

    1. I'm glad your train (and the passengers) weren't as scary as mine! I was rather relieved to get a negative Covid test when we did them at the weekend, it's always a concern.
      I wish England had followed Wales and Scotland with the mask mandate on public transport. xxx

  14. You loathe Christmas, Vix? I had no idea! Or did I and just forgot? *lol* I can't imagine my life with Xmas as it brings my heart such joy. But it's nice that humanity is all different. What a boring world we'd have if we were all the same. Except it's nice to be "the same" with a friend, isn't it. I'm so glad you found a same-friend so close by. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Meant to say "I can't imagine my life withOUT Xmas....."

    2. Every day of my life is a joy - I've never needed to make a fuss over Xmas day. It's lovely to have friends who feel the same! xxx

  15. Your day out with Nikki sounds absolutely wonderful, even if your journey on the Covid Express fills me with horror. Masks are compulsory here, and have been for at least a year, but I still haven't found the courage to take public transport again. I can all too well remember the crowded rush hour trams and buses which I found hard to cope with even pre-Covid.
    As always, your outfits are brightening up even the gloomiest of days, and I'm loving the outfit Jon wore for your 'Spoons all-dayer.
    Lynn and Phillip's 90-year old China cat is delightful and a lovely way to pay tribute to your beloved Frank. So thoughtful of them. xxx

    1. It was a lovely day but my heart did sink to my boots when I saw the huge crowd of maskless people waiting for the train. I can't for the life of me understand why our illustrious leader decided masks on public transport should be voluntary!

  16. What a great couple of days out you've had with friends. Love a Wetherspoons, can't beat them on value for money, especially when you've got a big family! We've got a lovely one in Teignmouth with a roof terrace which is great in the summer although it does get really busy with tourists. I'm finding that now the girls are back doing various clubs, and I'm meeting up with friends more and working a couple of days a week that the weeks are just flying by x

    1. The Teignmouth Spoons sounds a bit like the one in Weston-Super-Mare - it's got a cracking sea view and was absolutely ramkmed when we visited a few years ago. You're right, you camn't beat it for value for money, clean toilets and friendly staff - ours have worked there for years! xxx

  17. Ah, what a lovely time you had with Nikki! HOW FUNNY about the Janet Woods dress- what are the odds!!?!?! Ahrgh, commuters without masks- my daily occurence, sigh!
    I wish I could see the dress of dreams- what was it like!?
    Glad you found some blockprinted dresses instead!
    Yum, that curry looks so nice but sad about the restaurant closing!x

    1. I don't envy you that daily commute, Kezzie! I'm doing my best to perfect the hard stare behiund my mask, hoping it shames people in doing the right thing and covering their faces!
      The dress of dreams was aubergine with huge hand-blocked paisleys and a quilted bodice. I hope someone retruns their XS one and it can be mine! xxx

  18. It's great that you and Nikki were able to have such a great time. Isn't it great to share so many interests with someone, especially with a friend? I'm sure you never run out of conversational topics. I love what both of you were wearing. Your dress is wonderful, I just love the details. It's awesome how you and Nikki have the same red dress, considering that they aren't that common. She wears her well!
    Wonderful you enjoyed grilled veggies in a Greek restaurant. I'm not a vegetarian but I'm not very keen on meat either, so I often order grilled veggies. I love veggies. Anyhow, that's some beautiful street art.
    I love the new to you cotton blouse, the sleeves are beautiful and I like how you wore it. S nice that Jon connected with a relative, I sometimes think that's the only thing social media is good for, for finding and keeping in touch with long lost family members and friends.
    The cards are very sweet. It's good to have friends. The cat statue is lovely.
    Have a great start of the week.

    1. It's really exciting to find like-minded friends. Blogging has been brilliant for connecting women with similar interests, I've made some fabulous real-life friends over the 12 years I've been blogging! xxx

  19. Great to have an away day, even better with friends. I'll be doing that at the end of the month and hopefully, there won't be too many 'weirdos' around when we frequent 'Spoons!x

    1. I can't wait to hear about your meet-up! I'll be disapointed if you don't encounter any weirdos in Spoons! xxx

  20. Such a shame about your dress of dreams but at least you found not one but two substitutes! Go, Vix!

    How nice to reconnect with an old friend and spend the day with her. Do you know I had no idea Walsall was so close to Birmingham? Next time I'm in the vicinity visiting Dawn we must meet up...

    I loved all your outfits and accessories. The new blouse is a gorgeous colour and the sleeves are magnificent.

    So pleased for Jon to meet up with a long lost cousin with similar leanings; it could so easily have been the other way. I suppose if that's the case you just don't see them. I have a cousin who was Trump supporter (Gahhh!) and I just don't speak to him....

    Have a great week.

    1. Hello Vronni! Thank you so much for the book, it arived yesterday and I'm planning to lounge on the chaise after my Covid booster tomorrow and get stuck in!
      I'd definitely be up for meeting in Brum! Give us a shout and I'll be stright on that train!
      Oh no, imagine ending up with a Trump supporting cousin!! Jon and his cousin got along famously, it's always a worry! xxx

  21. Sorry, late, moderately AWOL, life getting in the way of blogging!

    I'd like a relative such as Uncle Bill, he sounds lovely.

    1. I hope all's well with you, Jayne. It's lovely to hear from you.
      Oh yes, Uncle Bill's lead a very interesting life (and still does) I hope I'm as active as he is when I grow up! xxx

  22. Looks like you had a great day out on the train to Digbeth. Shame people's bottoms and un-masked chops were in your face on the way back though :0 The china cat gift is very sweet. That spoons food has made me hungry and I must now go and raid the freezer.... Lulu xXx

    1. I hope you found something good in the freezer, Lulu!!
      Yes, people's bums and bare faces aren't what you need on a train. I think I'm learning to perfect the hard stare from beneath my mask! xxx

  23. Lovely post, lots of interesting things to enjoy, particularly that you meet a friend for some rummaging, greek food and beers! (my kind of fabulous day 'out and about'). Both you look so gorgeous!, love that you have this same red dress!.
    Totally agree that some Colour Therapy is needed as november days are so grey!.
    Lovely to see you in your Anokhi and afghan dresses, so colourful, and also lovely pinafore dress!. And I'm so glad that you're enjoying some visitors and social life at the pub (even weirdos!, they're part of the experience! ;DD)

    1. Thanks so much, Monica! It was a bit like being tourists. We both used to work in Birmingham but never appreciated it at the time! xxx

  24. It looks like you had a great day in Brum, Covidiots on the train notwithstanding. You visited some great places - Indian Brewery looks really cool.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix