Tuesday, 24 August 2021

We Are Your Friends

 On Sunday, after tea in bed and toast at the kitchen table, we loaded the three bags we'd filled following a ruthless reassessment of our camping gear earlier in the week and drove down to the clearance charity shop to hand them over and to have our weekly rummage.

What did we find? A poppy print scarf still with the tags from the Imperial War Museum attached, a 1980s linen-mix dress (I'm sure it was originally St Michael, I recognise it from my youth), a 1950s Scottish mohair scarf, a Star Wars rucksack, an English-made waxed jacket, a mohair jumper by Cos and an East for Anokhi shirt a friend who was shopping at the same time spotted and handed it over. After popping into Wilko for duct tape and Poundland for batteries - oh, the excitement - we went home for lunch. We spent the rest of the afternoon pricing stock and laundering our finds.

Remember the sneak peek I gave of the dress I found last Wednesday? Here it is in all her glory.

I love that Wyse, London claims to be for women with a sense of joie de vivre, with nothing to do with being a certain age or looking a certain way – but it has everything to do with wanting elevated women’s clothing that’s also unexpected… and a bit fabulous.

Its founder, Marielle Wyse, launched the label five years ago. "Being half French and half British, her design approach was less is more, but with a twist. She wasn’t a fashion designer but had a passion for clothes and a creative instinct. At a time when the industry was either exclusively high-end or mass-market high street, she saw an opportunity to create small batches of expertly cut, excellent quality clothing, with a big dose of happiness." The dress is certainly cut well, I hardly recognise my own body!

Sunday was supposed to be a better day than Saturday, which had peed it down relentlessly, but turned out damp, grey and gloomy. At least the rain's helping the crops. This was the day's harvest - patty pan, cucumbers, a courgette, a fistful of strawberries and some blackberries.

Tea was cheese, biscuits, hummus, cucumbers and olives. We spent the evening with The Man in the High Castle before I retired to bed with my latest read, a psychological thriller with references to Greek mythology.

I've put my eBay shop on holiday so there were no parcels to wrap on Monday morning. Instead, I wandered around the garden and ironed the previous day's washing before my Wii Fit workout. After breakfast, Jon went off to do the shopping and to call in on Tony and I walked into town to meet my beautiful friend, Annie. Our last get together was with Curtise & Tania HERE - EIGHT years ago!!!

I met Annie at the train station and we went straight up to the clearance charity shop where we spent ages rummaging. Sated from our shopping adventures we spent the rest of the day outside 'Spoons quaffing lager, eating pizza and chips and putting the world to rights. Let's not leave it so long next time, Annie!

Of course, no day out with me is complete without an obligatory 'Spoons toilet selfie. I'm a classy lady!

Despite only visiting the chazza the day before, with over a thousand items added to the shop floor daily, there's always fresh stock to peruse. For the stockroom, I bought this vintage Guy Curtis pleated skirt and 1980s St Michael midi (both skirts are the same size & same era so presumably donated by the same person). The mustard teeshirt is for Jon and this pair of handmade pillowcases made from Spanish textile manufacturer, Vilber's iconic World Atlas print - perfect for our campervan pillows.

Back at home, I posed for an outfit photo, not that there's anything new to see, this 1970s Pakistani block printed kaftan pops up on my blog with alarming regularity. Jon served up feta and red onion quiche with roasted patty pans and courgettes and we watched another couple of episodes of The Man in the High Castle.

On Tuesday morning I foraged for strawberries, cut some more sweet peas and ironed the charity shop finds I'd washed the previous evening before doing my Wii Fit workout.  After breakfast, I swept the front of the house whilst Jon continued to tinker with the van electrics, a job he'd started yesterday. 

Our neighbour, Ray, popped over to ask if we could find a use for some wrought iron garden furniture that they no longer wanted. (I'm sure you can guess our answer). Jon offered him cash but he was more than happy with a few beers. It'll be interesting to see us trying to get it up their garden steps, through their house and over the road to ours!

Our friend Cheryl popped over for a catch-up over a cup of tea. She'd had another wardrobe clear out and passed on a few things she thought I might like including this vintage psychedelic poppy print maxi I'd admired when she'd worn it. I love both waistcoats and can't wait to try those original 1970s printed acetate flares!

Just as Cheryl was leaving Lynn and Phillip arrived. They'd spent a week in The Cotswolds at Lynn's sister's house and popped in on their way back to Lancashire. It's been three years since we'd last seen each other and there was much excitement and a lot of catching up to do.

Jon was there too but was in his workwear and decided to stay behind the camera. How amazing is Lynn's dress? I want one! 

Here's Lord Jon - Lynn sent me photo last night!

Talk about spoiled! I raved over this incredible vintage bag when Lynn shared it on her blog years ago and now it's mine! We both commented on this picture frame when we went up to stay with them in 2016, it's now Jon's along with a bottle of his favourite red wine.

Tea was pizza with salad, including some of Jon's homegrown carrots, freshly dug from the ground and flavoured with Moroccan spices. Tonight we'll be watching more of The Man in the High Castle. It's almost the end of our free Amazon Prime trial and there's still another series to go.

Phew! What with seeing Liz, Adrian, Liz & Al last weekend, my brother popping round twice, Brendan & Lynn visiting on Friday, Jon seeing Tony and me meeting Annie yesterday and Ray, Cheryl, Lynn and Philip popping round today, that's the most socialising we've managed since 2019! My head might explode when we get to the End of the Road next week.


See you soon!

PS Thank you so much for your comments, I promise to respond to them all in the next day or so!


  1. What a lovely long post: charity shop haul looks good - I immediately noticed the mohair scarf - I had one in mint condition which I left in Debenhams changing room a few years back, no surprise that it was nicked within seconds when I went back for it! lol but it was very itchy anyway so maybe the new owner deserved it :) Your Wyse dress is beautifully well cut, definitely a less is more thing as you wouldnt want to detract from it with too much else going on - it's one of your best ever finds I think as it shows off your lovely petite figure and am guessing it could go through Autumn with a pair of boots. What a lot of friends you have and so nice to see that some of them are bloggers who have met up/kept in touch, I love that aspect of blogging. I like Jon's picture frame, very rustic and I notice he shares my taste in Rioja! Your toilet selfie made me laugh - I can rarely get the men to take a pic of me - maybe I should loiter in the spoons loo in our town, they have fabulous mirrors in ours. I guess you are getting ready for the festival now and will have a lot of work to do - hope it all goes smoothly. Betty x

    1. I hope the taker of your lovely mohair scarf itched all the way home!
      I was thinking that Wyse dress would look good with leather boots and my ornage fedora, proper Autumnal tones. I can't get my head rouns someone paying £300 for that dress and sending it to a charity shop...but I'm glad they did!
      Jon loves his rioja, he's been very good and only had one glass so far!
      I think the owner of Wetherspoons once said that when he'd set his pubs up he wanted them to be places women could enjoy, hence the lush toilets and full length mirrors. You certainly don't get that in normal pubs! xxx

  2. You were right! Eight years ago in Chesterfield. That's mad!
    What a fantastic day we had. Walsall looks lovely, the Council have really made an effort with all the planters. Spoons terrace felt just like the Med. It was the perfect spot to have a pint and a catch up.
    I am absolutely thrilled with my chazza treasures, and my Kinky Hilo Hattie dress is as loved as ever.
    We certainly won't leave it so long next time xxx

    1. I know, I couldn't believe it had been 8 years! How funny that I wore the same dress when Lynn and Philip came to visit, I had no idea until I read that old blog post!
      It did feel like we were somewhere far more exotic than Walsall (if you ignored the karaoke!)
      That Hilo Hattie dress definitely went to the right home, it looked so good on you! xxx

  3. I'm rather partial to a waistcoat now and again too! It's lovely to catch up with friends again isn't it. We've seen several friends too over the past fortnight. Arilx

    1. It's so good to catch up with friends again!
      Yes, I know you're a fellow waistcoat lover! xxx

  4. I've been having a lovely catch up of your recent posts, as always, such a joy to read. Your flowers are looking beautiful but, oh my, that sunflower is glorious! and definitely puts mine to shame.
    I love love love the Wyse dress. It looks as though it was made especially for you. X

  5. Such nice visits. I'm blocked in the U.S. seeing the video. I'm trying to get into a new post vacation, back to work groove, and seeing friends is one of those regular things that's been missing. That patio furniture is awesome. I'm already picturing how you'll paint them if needed.

    1. I'm still deciding on what colour to paint the garden furniture, something to look forward to after the festival! xxx

  6. Seeing people is a great morale boost. I still haven't been able to get out to seem my bestie's new home and she's been in it 15 months.

    Love the scarves.

    1. I hope it won't be too long till you get to visit your friends new place! xxx

  7. You are wearing the dress I want. Were people so small and dainty back then, you have all the luck. Is the poppy scarf for sale? How do I go about getting it ? What wonderful friends you have. Our country has been in total lockdown with delta. The PM closed us down when the first case showed up but within a few days we had 140. Tonight it will be over 200. It spread in large places like church, University halls of residence and supermarkets. Two people were fully immunised. There are well over 400 places to track. Till now it’s still in the north island. How PM Jacinda is fantastic. Isn’t Jon a wonderful cook! You are so lucky. We need rain. It’s midwinter and been 19 degrees for days. Our supermarkets are getting short of food. My cook emailed me to say she had been into 3 supermarkets in a small town not too far from my country house. No gluten free bread to be had. She did it in her own time so I am very lucky. Don’t forget to tell me about that lovely poppy scarf. xxx

    1. Thanks, sally! There are lots of larger vintage clothes out there but most tend to be of the matrony variety. The cool stuff was mostly worn by young women before they got married, had kids and their bodies changed shape.
      I'm afraid I was innudated with requests for that scarf so it's alreday gone. Wasn't it pretty?
      The virus is continuing to spread here too but, as 80% of the population is now vaccinated the number of people requiring hopsital treatmnet has thankfully dropped dramatically. Stay safe! xxx

  8. You've been so social, it's terrifying and wonderful, all at the same time, Vix! I love your beautiful dresses - all so lovely. That Wyse one is very unusual - I love finding pieces like that. I'm excited to see you rocking your new things - and isn't it the best when friends pass along things of theirs that you've come to love.

    Excitement is in the air - I know Frank can smell it. I hope you are all doing well. Big hugs!

    1. You're not wrong there, terrifying and wonderful. Mind you, we're back to distancing now, we'd hate to pass anything on to festival customers next week!
      I couldn't believe the fit of that Wyse dress, no wonder the owner prides herself on selling clothes that fit well, a rareity with modern gear! xxx

  9. All through the 80's I was a waistcoat girl, that seemed to diminish over time but recently I've dug them out again and started wearing them - perfect over a crisp white shirt with jeans and boots :)

    1. I've always loved waistcoats. I like the sound of them worn with a crisp white shirt and jeans. xxx

  10. Does Jon have a recipe for the patty pans. They are on my list to grow next year but I have no idea how to cook them.

    1. He quarters the patty pan and roasts them in the oven with shredded onions, olive oil and herbs. His current favourite flavouring is harrissa, we like things hot! xxx

  11. Wow so good you got to see Lynn and Philip. I hope you have a good festival weekend. I am back into wearing grannny skirts again a wardrobe must have !! i must admit I do love mens t shirt a couple of sizes smaller of course!! My veg growing has gone mental . But I just don’t have time to pick it all. The house is all upside down as we got a cricket infestation work that one out!! so we are getting fumeagated tomorrow so a nice stay In a hotel APA is called for and the kids cannot wait.
    See you later love and hugs

    1. It was lovely to see them after so long!
      Granny skirts and tight tees are such a great look, a proper classic Indie girl thing.
      I'm glad your veg is going crazy, we need some sunshine to ripen our tomatoes or it'll be masses of chutney instead.
      Not liking the sound of that crocket infestation! xxx

  12. Oh wow, some really lovely finds! That Cos jumper looks so cosy! And some amazing gifts too, I can't wait to see the outfits you put together with those waistcoats.

    1. I don't really like grey but couldn't resist sanffling that jumper for the winter! x

  13. I’ve got to say this straight away, had you noticed you had the same dress on yesterday when we visited as you did when you saw Annie eight years ago. The Wyse dress is so beautiful, I like the neckline. I hadn’t realised the charity shop you visit was so big, no wonder you find such good stuff. We’ll have to come with you sometime.
    Seeing you both was a happy end to our week away. I’m going to try and stay in holiday mode a bit longer haha.
    Lots of love and Philip says thank you for the jacket. We did a bit of research on it last night. What a find.
    Lots of love xxx

    1. I didn't realise I'd wore that Dollyrockers dress to meet Annie, Curtise and Tania until after I'd worn it on Tuesday, what are the chances of that happening?!
      That chazza is massive. It's a brilliant place for a browse and a lot of poeple who wouldn't normally set foot in a charity shop go there as it's so spaced out and well lit, it feels more like a proper shop! You would love it.
      I can't wait to see Philip rocking his jacket! xxx

  14. Afternoon Vix! we are in sync kind of with the social explosion of meeting up with friends I have seen 5 lots in the last few days which sounds like I have gone mad but it is just the way it worked out! I like how Sheila put it exciting and terrifying at the same time. All were low key meetups at pubs and cafe but still. WOW and double wow to the new dress, you look fantastic in it! Not your usual style but boy it has to be a keeper! I am so glad that you got to see all your wonderful friends and also score more great bargains. I spotted some East in there. My bangle collection has been boosted by ebay lately but it is time for another self imposed ban ha ha. The wrought iron furniture could not have found a better home. By the way Auntie home and Suki very shy but Dave seems ok so far with her. Have fun lovely lady Shazxx

    1. Hello Shaz, thank you so much for the Auntie and Suki update, brilliant news on both fronts. If Dave gets on with her that's a great start.
      Isn't it exciting to see friends (and lots of them again?) I shall be giddy with excitement next week surrounded by thousands of festival goers.
      You can never have too mnay bangles in your life. There's some great jewellery on eBay! xxx

  15. You've surely made up for lost time, meeting friends, it seems! And having a slap up 'Spoons lunch and toilet selfie too. So far, we've only met with one set of friends - although Jos has resumed his weekly meet-ups with his friend, Inneke's husband Maurice - and last Sunday we had a family BBQ. That's it. I guess we're still a bit wary, and it is taking a while to wear off. I was quite green with envy reading about Lynn & Philip visiting you, though. It must have been wonderful to see them after three years!
    That Wyse dress looks amazing on you, and I can't wait to see you in that gorgeous psychedelic poppy print maxi! xxx

    1. I can't quite get my head around going to a festival yet! It's been lovely catching up with people, it feels like the last 18 months has been a bad dream although I can completely understand you being wary about it all.
      I'm in love with that Wyse dress and dying to wear Cheryl's poppy dress although I'd need thermals under it today, it's really grim! xxx

  16. Ooh, you did well in the clearance charity shop! That's a great few items! I am drooling over Cheryl's amazing clothing- SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo beautiful! Honestly, what a treat!
    So nice to see all your friends- I feel a bit like that in recent weeks- lots of socialising after none!
    The Wyse dress is really pretty! So nice on you too! Hope you have fun at the end of the road festival when you go!x

    1. Wasn't Cheryl generous? I've always loved that dress on her and I can't resist a waistcoat or two!
      Don't look at the Wyse website, you'll be haunted by the amazing dresses and cashmere jumpers on there! xxx

  17. I haven't been clearance sell at a charity/thrift store. They usual have couple of clearance rack and usual items is under a $1.00.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. The clearance shop is where all the stock that hasn't sold in other branches around the UK ends up, nothing aprt from furniture costs more than £3! x

  18. Love all these looks on you, especially the Wyse dress! The poppy print scarf is a pretty find and your flowers are beautiful!

  19. I love that dress from the French British designer. You always find the best preloved items.
    Love all of your outfits.
    Isn't it nice being able to see friends again?
    The Silent Patient sounds like am interesting find.

    1. Thanks, Ivana! I love that dress, too. It's rare to find such well-fitting modern clothes!
      It's been lovely seeing friends again. xxx

  20. lots of socializing!!
    sounds like great joy...... you should take some lavender tea with you to the festival - just in case ;-)
    the newest dress is fabulous and total your style - what a good find. as is the stuff you bought for the shop and for yourself. and then all the pressies and the freebee garden seating! just gorgeous.
    fingers crossed for perfect festival weather!!

    1. Lavender tea, I've not tried that, I might have to give it a go!
      I'm so happy with that dress, it goes with so much of my wardrobe and I can't believe the fit! xxx

  21. It is so wonderful to have friends pop in and visit - even the unplanned ones!

    The Wyse dress is gorgeous and very flattering on you. Loved your charity shop finds and what lovely gifts your friends passed on. The yellow floral waistcoat looks amazing and I loved the bag.

    We haven't got round to round to watching TMITHC yet as we've only just finished watching 'The Devil's Throat' and decided to try 'The Crimson Lakes' next. TMINTHC will have to 'go on the long finger' as they say in Ireland; meaning it will have to wait a while! It's good to have things to watch lined up...

    We put the heating on this evening - it was a chilly day and evening here.

    1. Thanks, Vronni! It's really chilly here today, I've got my boots on!
      I was thrilled with that Wyse dress.
      I've read mixed reviews about The Devil's Throat" and wasn't sure but maybe we could give it a try after we've finished TMITHC. xxx

  22. woww, lots of social life and lots of fab outfits and clothes!. Totally amazing to see some friends again and have a catch up! (I've felt overwhelmed when I've met two people every next day, so totally understand you).
    It's so fab to see you back to some rummaging and meeting friends and taking selfies in the bathroom! ;DDD
    Loving your Wyse dress and the colourful pieces that your friend Cheryl gave to you, particularly the psychedelic poppies maxi dress, woww!. And Lynn rocks in her fab dress, and so lovely that she has spoiled Jon with some Campo Viejo wine!, do you know that they make this wine in LogroƱo where I live? (lots of cellars and wineries around anyway!)
    Lovely post!

    1. I wondered how far you were from Jon's favourite wine maker. I think we need a trip to LogroƱo and to visit you) in the near future!
      It's been fab to meet up with friends and pose for selfies in Spoons loo, again!
      I can't wait to wear Cheryl's much admired maxi although it's gone really cold here so it might be some time until I can! xxx

  23. Ah, a Spoons ladies' selfie -- this is truly a step toward "normal"! What a wonderfully full social calendar you and Jon have enjoyed!

    Must say my chums usually bring a bottle or a covered dish (this is the American Midwest, we "pitch in"). One notes you've been gifted not only a bottle but also artworks, garden furniture, and let's not overlook that range recently installed in the kitchen. You are blessed with bounty!

    The clothing Cheryl has bestowed upon you is fabulous, of course. The acetate flares are ringing a distant bell...(yikes, are they flammable?)

    1. It feels so good to do "normal" things again, Beth. It's like the last 18 months were a bad dream!
      I've read lots of American literature and love that you all "pitch in" and bring dishes and food round when you visit. Liz did bring us a couple of homemade rock buns yesterday.
      I shall stay at a safe distance from joss sticks (and Jon's roll-ups) when I wear those flares! xxx

  24. I often find that by the time I scroll down to the bottom to comment, I have forgotten what I was going to say (isn't ageing marvelous?). Anyway, I love Lynn's dress too, and would love to have one for the summer. Cheryl knows your style so well - I can imagine you wearing all the pieces she gave you. It must feel so good to socialize again!


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix