Tuesday 13 July 2021

The Distancing Diaries - 12th & 13th July, 2021

Despite the Indian feast, late bedtime and skinful of ale I'd downed the previous evening, I was up at 6am on Monday morning. Although disappointed that England hadn't won the Euro 2020 final I wasn't downhearted, the lads played tremendously well and I have every hope for Qatar 2022. What I was upset by was hearing the news about the racial abuse Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka, the young players that had missed penalties had been subjected to by knuckle-dragging scumbags. 

Please sign this petition to help ban racists from football matches for life. We're nearly at a million signatures. Let's reclaim the beautiful game. HERE

Sunday night's curry - paneer Madras, nan bread, basmati rice, poppadums and onion pakoras - nice one, Jon!

Despite the forecast for a damp and dreary day, it felt warm and settled on my wander around the garden so I did a load of washing and pegged it out on the line before my Wii Fit workout. After that, I wrapped the overnight eBay sales and joined Jon in the kitchen for breakfast.

While he was out doing the post office & supermarket run I sorted some summer menswear from the Kinky Shed, ironed, photographed and listed it on eBay. 

WEARING: Vintage Phool midi skirt, Turkmen silver earrings; embroidered ramie blouse

I couldn't resist trying on the embroidered chartreuse blouse I'd picked up in the clearance chazza the previous day. I've not worn anything made from ramie before, an eco-friendly linen-like cellulose fibre made from the Chinese nettle plant and it definitely holds its shape better than linen. It's a keeper!

You know how I'm always banging on about our National Trust visits inspiring us? We'd seen a fantastic enamel sign when we were at Biddulph Grange Gardens last week and Jon managed to track one down on eBay. His task was to drill holes in it and attach it to the wall - the original plan was to nail it to a wooden stake and stick it in the lawn but we know that would be asking for trouble and it would be nicked in the blink of an eye.

Of course, technically they're not weeds, they're native British wildflowers!

I was just washing up our noodle bowls when Liz & Al popped by. We sat in the garden drinking tea and chatting, gave them a tour of the garden and had a rummage in the Kinky Shed for outfits for a 1970s brown & orange themed wedding they'd been invited to next month. Needless to say, the search was a fruitful one!

Tea was veggie sausages, chips, poached eggs and peas accompanied by a glass of wine, which is the law when BoJo's making an announcement, he makes more sense after a stiff drink. Later, after I'd snaffled a couple of bargains on eBay, we watched another episode of Beck and started on a series we'd found on catch-up called Greece with my Son.

On Tuesday morning my walk around the garden revealed the first of the gladioli, the continued purpling-up of the alliums and another sunflower. After my Wii Fit workout, I looked out more menswear from the shed, ironed and measured it ready for photographing and listing on eBay later. After breakfast, we hurriedly got dressed and headed to the charity shops of the neighbouring town of West Bromwich (a 4-mile drive from Stonecroft).

With the hideous racism directed at our national team continuing to make the headlines, I thought I'd share The Celebration with you, situated in New Square, where we always park. Unveiled in 2019 and created by Graham Ibbeson, the bronze statue represents 1970s West Bromwich Albion legends Cyrille Regis, Brendon Batson and Laurie Cunningham celebrating a goal.

The statue symbolises more than just a goal, it is about the ground-breaking influence the trio had in overcoming racist taunts and prejudice at football grounds throughout England. How depressing that four decades on and our black players are still being abused. On a brighter note it was wonderful to see so many St George flags flying and loads of people still wearing their England shirts, we didn't win but there's so much pride in our team.

The trio were christened The Three Degrees after the US pop group with the same name arrived at The Hawthorns, West Bromwich Albion's home ground, to meet them in 1979.


On the charity shopping front - here's the morning's finds.

1980s English-made jade wool fedora; camo & tattoo print parka; Moroccan tooled leather babouches; 1970s belted day dress; Rajastani painted elephant; 1980s St Michael midi skirt; Fringed Indian cotton peacock print shawl; 1970s handmade patchwork waistcoat; Autograph merino wool jumper; Mdina handblown Maltese glass paperweight.

After our noodles, I photographed and listed the menswear on eBay. How bright are those trousers? Meanwhile, Jon finally got round to erecting the awning he'd bought for the 2020 festival season that never was - we'd left the last one by the bins at End of The Road 2019, knackered and torn.

This model is inflatable and was up in no time, much better than poles and the ensuing rows.

It was a day of sunshine, the odd sharp shower and temperatures creeping upwards, ready for a weekend set to reach the heady heights of 27°C. It was nudging 21°C while we were in town and the old 'uns were already complaining about being too hot (take the fleece off, love!)

50 and Counting, a fellow Lotta from Stockholm fan, asked if I could share my collection. I'm wearing the first pair I acquired, the turquoise (this colour is now discontinued) low woods, with my Dilli Grey dress. The rest are all the high woods, I was worried that they might be too high for me when I first ordered them but I can wear them all day, walk around Greece in the height of summer with neither a blister nor an achy hip, as you saw from last week's Biddulph Grange photos, I can scale rocky crevices, stone steps and steep terrain without mishap. Several pairs were lucky eBay finds and the rest were direct from the Lotta website (not sponsored, I just love this indie company!)

Talking of footwear, look what turned up today...my gardening Crocs, all the way from The Netherlands! Obviously, I had to buy the blingiest style. Goodness me, they are absurdly bouncy and comfy to wear and I think they look quite good, too.

Talking of gardening, I've done nothing other than a bit of deadheading today, I bet I'll be full of ideas after tomorrow's National Trust trip.

More nasturtium madness, I swear I can almost see them grow!

Tea was a salad with some veggie spring rolls from the depths of the freezer. 

See you soon!


  1. The statue in West Brom is absolutely wonderful! The racism towards the Black England team players is disgusting but is unfortunately the everyday experience of many Black people not in the public eye.

    What a fabulous clog collection - now that my the skin on my upper feet has toughened up a bit I find my clogs very comfortable to wear. Those gardening Crocs wouldn't look out of place a rave! Gorgeous. As was the wonderful Ramie top; how could you not keep it?

    Fab finds at the chazzaa; I bought a blue Trilby too at the weekend but a cobalt blue. Blow up awning? What a brilliant idea. Aren't we human beings very clever?

    I love your Nasturtiums; I have vetoed buying more plants but we don't have any Nasturtiums - yet...

    Have a great week - you'll be out in your bikini I bet!

    1. Isn't that statue a joy?
      I'm glad you've managed to break in your clogs, I love wearing mine. Jon kept reminding me that I was only going to wear those Crocs ion the agrden but I still had to have the blingiest pair on the website (reduced to clear, probably not most Crocs' fan's thing!)
      Loving the sound of your cobalt trilby. I wish my head wasn't so big or I'd be keeping this jade one!
      Everyone has room for a nasturtium or three! xxx

  2. OMG how I wish you were gluten free. Your meals are to die for Signed up for racial. Unless you have expensive access I don’t get sport.Thanks for a smile šŸ„°

    1. Thanks for signing up! We only have free TV, no fancy TV packages, they cost a fortune! xxx

  3. I love the paperweight - my Nan used to have a collection of them, long gone now sadly. I still only have one flower on my nasturtiums but they are slowly getting bigger!
    I have never seen a pair of crocs so fancy!!

    1. I know they're only gardening Crocs but they've got to be blingy!
      I've been to Malta a few times and drooled over the Mdina glass when I was there, you ought to see how the colour changes in the light, it's stunning! xxx

  4. Oh my gosh, that is so sad re: the racism directed at the Black players. Why can the human race not learn?? I appreciate that statue, never heard of Three Degrees!

    Your chartreuse top is fantastic! That colour is awesome on you, Vix! I am poring over your charity shop treasures - that fedora is amazing. L would wear those green jeans!

    Your new awning is amazing! Inflatable! Whatever will they come up with next? I like your Crocs (I admit, I was trepidatious!), so glad you went blingy! I'm very envious of your gorgeous collection of Lottas! Drool!

    Take care, Vix1

    1. The Three Degrees were Prince Charles' favourite pop group, have a listen to When Will I see You Again? It's their best track!
      I really love the colour of that blouse and I'd be keeping that hat if I didn't have such a huge head (it matches my Dilli Grey dress perfectly). I can totally see L in those neon trousers! xxx

  5. The petition is already signed and I hate to think how those poor lads are feeling after all their hard work. Penalty shoot outs are so unfair. It stops becoming a team game when that happens.
    Anyway moving swiftly on to your brilliant charity finds and your stash of clogs is as impressive as my Fly boots and shoes. I tried the clogs but couldn’t move my feet in them so I’ll make do with my jelly shoes.
    There’s been lots of weeding going on in the garden today and did I tell you the dopey welder broke my sunflower. I’m not happy.
    Well done on the new awning Jon. Hope it gets an outing soon xxx

    1. I reckon there will be 2 million signatures by the end of the week, it's heratening that so many people are outraged by that vile hatred and as for defacing that mural of Marcus Rashford, I was speechless with rage!
      We've definitely got different shaped feet as the jellies were too flat for mine and I had to give my Fly shoes to the chazza as I couldn't walk in them!
      I can't believe that man of yours broke a sunflower! I live in fear of Jon snapping one of mine odff! xxx

  6. And the reason I hate football is the fans and the hysteria surrounding it! Marcus Rashford has done more for white (as well as others) underprivileged children than most of their scumbags collectively will do in their entire history- it stinks!
    Your new Crocs are gorgeous! I love them! I LOVE your Lotta Low woods- they are my favourite colour and look lovely and low!
    WHY am I the only one without Nasturtiiums? The ones I've planted at school in the hanging baskets are my best ones and they are still quite small!
    Love your Dilligrey dress and the charity shop finds (esp that waistcoat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) are beautiful!
    Love the awning!
    Your wildflower front garden is looking so lovely!x

    1. I used to regulatly go to Wolves matches and loved the atmosphere, most of the fans are lovely, honest! The craziest experience was going to a football match in Brazil and having to be accompanied to the toilet by a man with a machine gun - the Brazilians take their football very seriously!
      So many of the England team have done amazing things for this country and Marcus Rashford is a superstar, how dare anyone insult those wonderful young men who brought unity and joy to so many homes over the last four weeks.
      Liz hadn't planted any nasturtiums either and she's wondering why not. They're the best thing ever! xxx

  7. That is an awesome collection of clogs! I've been dithering about a silver pair. I'm still kicking not getting a rose gold pair last year. I've stuck to the low heel height but am really thinking I could use the extra height.

    Garden is looking great.

    1. I didn't liek to mention them until they turned up but I scored a gold pair on ebay last week, I loved the rose gold ones, too. I wonder if they'll re-release them?
      The high ones are really comfy, I don't really notice a difference. xxx

  8. I am sorry about your team not winning, and also sorry about all the losers (we have them too) being ignorant and racist. The term poor sportsmanship apparently has been all but forgotten in the modern world. Great finds at the thrifts, I especially love that elephant. Your flowers - they are so beautiful! We had a terrible heat wave (38 degrees for days on end) that has tried to kill mine off, I am trying to now nurse them back to health but it's endless sunshine and 27 now and things are drying up and the Province has a lot of forest fires. They say we are in drought now unfortunately. I may have to go to the greenhouses and pick a few up a few heat resistant flowers, such a bloody too hot of a summer. Had a lovely weekend away last weekend to a nearby Island and have yet more relatives with us this week.....waiting till all the visiting is over so hubby and I can do some things we've been wanting to like long walks on the beach.

    1. Thanks, Tammy! I can't believe those knuckle-dragging scumbags are even fans, we were all so proud of our teams performance. I bet they'd never have the guts to say those words out loud, they just hide behind a keyboard.
      Your heatwave made headline news here, it's never been known before, has it? I can't imagine much surviing in the garden with heat like that. You'll be hunting down cacti and succulents if that's a sign of the rest of the summer.
      I'm so glad you've had a break from routine and spent time with the family by the sea, I bet it's done wonders for both of you. xxx

  9. I was sorry to hear your team didn't win, but can't be too down if they played their hearts out. That was horrible to hear the news about the racial abuse. What is wrong with people? I'm so sick and tired of it! As always so many beautiful things at your place Vix! xxx

    1. They really did play their herats out. I think most of the nation was outraged with the vile abuse they had to deal with. I despair of the human race sometimes. xxx

  10. The lime green pants, I have skirt the same color. Haven't wore it for ages.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  11. Weeds are just flowers growing in the wrong place x

    1. That's worthy of a craftivism sign - love it! x

  12. I was so disappointed when England didn't win but both horrified and saddened at the racial abuse. It's really disheartening that nothing seems to have changed much in that direction over the past decades.
    Your chartreuse ramie blouse is even more gorgeous on, and seems to have found its perfect companion in the Phool midi skirt.
    We need one of those signs too, by the way, as we're always leaving the "weeds" growing at the front of the house, as they're the habitat of a species of digger wasp, completely harmless creatures who return to the same spot each Spring. We even had a nature conservation biologist checking them out the other day!
    Once again, great chazza finds, and I'm loving your Lotta collection. I think I may even like your gardening Crocs :-) xxx

    1. Thanks for cheering us on. Those lads were absolute legends and I'm hottified that anyone could level so much hate against them, they've done more for this country that most of parliament.
      I'm glad I tried on that blouse!
      You ought to get a weeds sign for Dove Cottage and I'm off to Google digger wasp!
      My Crocs are rather snazzy, aren't they? xxx

  13. looking beautiful in turquoise on white dilli gray!!
    your clogs collection is stunning - glad to hear that they are comfo too.
    pretty stuff from the chazzas - i think that goody´s name is printed on the 80s does 50s skirt - her colours and style...... the jade/turquoise fedora is a beauty. my colour. sigh**
    cool new awning - easy to use! looks like jon had fun.....
    heard about the racist comments - its not different from germany - sadly. as long as they win its all ok - but if a player of colour makes a mistake all the hate comes out of the people. will it ever change?
    nasturtium galore in your garden - mine blooming too now. but the gladioli still need a while......
    now i´m craving indian food - the next indian restaurant/take away is 60km (!) from here. rural germany - only "bratwurst".

    1. I do like wearing that turquoise dress and yes, those clogs are so comfy!
      I can see Goody in that 1980s does 1950s skirtm I bet she'd have exacrly the right handbag and shoes to match it.
      I so agree with you over your comments about racism. It's encouraging at how ourraged everyone is about it, if only we can maintain some momentum and finally get something done.
      That's a long way for a curry. We haven't had an Indian restaurant-made one since the meals we ate in Mumbai on 16th February 2020, not that I'm counting!
      Hope those terrible floods aren't affecting you. xxx

    2. @floods: its in the opposite corner of germany - but its frightening anyway. its just the start of the climate change.......

  14. Hi Vix, if you remember, I messaged you a while ago asking advice on where to find a vintage Interstate motorcycle jacket for my husband to replace the beloved one he lost in our house fire. Your advice was to check eBay U.K. So I did. I found him the identical jacket but in " punk rocker red" ( who knew he'd wear red!)and he loves it even more. It's in better condition and the shipping from the UK was amazingly fast.Thanks so much for helping us out and if you're ever in Canada let us know...we'll put up the tipi. Love ya!!

    1. I'm thrilled to hear from you and so pleased that your husband has found a replacement for his beloved Interstate jacket. I bet he looks a real bad ass in a red version of his original! I will come to Canada one day...you have been warned!!! xxx

  15. Hope you know how good the nasturtiums taste. Love them in salads and use them in rice wrapper veggie summer rolls w/peanut dipping sauce...yum!

    1. I love the seeds but I can't bear the texture of the leaves, they're like chewing leather! I read your comment and thought that maybe it was the variety of nasturtiums that were wrng so I nipped outside and tried a Black Velvet leaf and it was just as odd!
      I've never heard of a rice wrapper - is that a Vietnamese thing? xxx

  16. love that elephant I have some little ones I bought in Jaipur but not seen big ones, the shawl too very pretty, would look nice tied over the hip on a long skirt. Racism always rears its ugly head at events where there is so much opportunity for unity; I just don't get it.... but it can come from all cultures and not only directed at black people - I actually had a caller last week who made racist comments to me as an English person! My nasturtiums are climbing my kitchen window - it feels like Day of the Triffids! I know what you mean aboth growing before your eyes. I love that sign, it's just perfect and everyone who walks past might be inspired to try a few wildflower seeds - you have certainly inspired me to get some seeds :) Think that tent needs a try out night under the stars with a picnic breakfast for fun, guessing it will be used at End of the Road.

    1. I was excited to spot that elephant, I didn't do nearly enough shopping in Jaipur meaning we'll have to go back! Liking the idea with the peacock shawl.
      There's an Albanian man we see in charity shops, he's always drunk, never wears a mask and constantly shouts about "Bloody English"!
      Day of the Triffids is abou right, I've never known plants grow so fast, nasturtiums are the best things ever.
      We might have a camping weekend before too long, it's been ages since we last did and it always scares the postman when we do! xxx

  17. Ps your chartreuse top is making me green with envy!

    1. Not chartreuse with envy?! I wish it had a maker's label, there's only a fabric label. xxx

  18. Your garden gets more beautiful by the post.

  19. I love your enamel sign Vix-Hopefully there will be no more deposits left or litter-did you have a notice that said "don't be a tit-pick up your shit" or did I imagine it? x

    1. I've made a "Only a shitter drops litter" sign. I love your suggestion, I might have to get my needles out, Flis! xxx

  20. I was sorry to see that England didn't win but even more so when I read about the racist comments directed at the black players on the team. Part of the reason I don't like going to sporting events (aside from not being a sports fan) is that I can't stand being around loud, rude, hardcore fans.

    I like your green sign - a lovely pop of colour on the white wall. Your Lottas collection is impressive - I wish I could wear shoes like that as I love the look of them.

    You're all ready for the next festival season with that awesome inflatable awning!

  21. Your collection of Lottas is beautiful. They look so well made and it's great they are both fabulous and comfortable. Nothing beats a comfortable and chic shoe. I love your vintage outfits.

    I slept through the match. I tried to watch it since it was finals and all, but I was too exhausted from my second jab and from not having slept well in a while.

  22. That sign is perfect and I'm relieved it's firmly attached to the wall to avoid 'disappearing.' That's a fabulous array of footwear. How do you store them all? X

  23. My eldest daughter's school are writing kind letters of support to the England team members that experienced the awful racism following the final. Love the old Three Degrees photos. I bet they had a ball! Your garden is looking utterly gorgeous in its full colourful, quirky glory. Lulu xXx

  24. I don't follow football but I knew as soon as they had lost twitter would explode with hatred it's just horrifying.
    How heavy are those clogs to wear out of interest? I had some my Cclarks years ago and it was like having lead weights on your feet they also rubbed my feet to buggery.

    Is the Elephant a keeper? If you plan to list him can you let me know??


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix