Monday 15 March 2021

The Distancing Diaries - 14th & 15th March, 2021

I was up at 6.30am on Sunday morning, let the lads out, made tea and brought it back to bed where I read and Jon snoozed until 8.15am. We had toast for breakfast, I painted my nails and we watched The Andrew Marr Show before getting dressed and walking into town as we had a mission, a trip to Wilko. After reading Lulu's blog I thought we ought to follow suit and plant some ginger and echinacea so we bought a pack of each along with some potatoes and a sack to grow them in. 

Once again Church Hill was litter-strewn, probably down to the high winds we've had rather than deliberate fly-tipping, and we decided that we'd revisit later in the week and litter-pick it again.

When we got home I made another craftivism banner (using chain stitch to create the words).

After our noodles and before rain stopped play, Jon set to work in the garden, covering the planted raised bed with netting and planting seeds in the greenhouse.

I emptied out one of my Ikea lampshade planters and gave it a scrub ready for planting my lettuce seeds and then did a litter pick of the avenue, which was still surprisingly tidy, just a few fag ends and the remains of some skanky bastard's McD*****.

How exciting! We've got two varieties of tomatoes, black and green basil already sprouting on the windowsill.

Wear: Sleep: Repeat meant that my Ayesha Davar blouse got another outing, this time with a crochet & patchwork skirt Liz had made me for Xmas a few years ago, a me-made pom-pom hat and my marvellous £5 maxi coat.

The details: Mum's Biba boots, Indian earrings (gift from Helga back in 2010), malachite pendant (bought in Goa, 2001), assorted bangles & cuff, nails painted in Barry M's Cardamon nail paint

As the rain showed no signs of stopping I rummaged through my wool and made another hat, always an enjoyable way to while away a couple of hours. We'd got a bit of a surfeit of eggs so I made a potato, shallot, chive and veggie Cheddar frittata to go with our salad. 

Later we watched the final of the Great Pottery Throwdown and the last episode of Bloodlands. 

On Monday morning I got up to discover an infestation of ants in the kitchen so had a mad 15 minutes bleaching and scrubbing the floor. I put the tea towels into a bucket of water and stain remover to soak and woke Jon with a mug of tea at 6.45am as he needed to have his Covid test ready for collection by courier and he's notoriously slow to get going in the mornings. I did my Wii Fit workout and, after Jon had made porridge, wrapped the eBay sales and then put the tea towels on a hot wash in the machine.

Jon popped out to the post office and did a top-up grocery shop whilst I stood glued to the window in case I missed the Covid courier. Once back we sanitised and put away the shopping and I made another Craftivism banner which, after my noodles, I strolled along the avenue and positioned it in a prominent place. I've only been out alone twice since last March and on both occasions, was chased, harrassed & kerb-crawled by men but this isn't about me, the horrific abduction & murder of Sarah Everard in London last week could happen to any one of us. 

Shortly after the courier had arrived for Jon's package Richard delivered another parcel - I'm on a roll at the moment. I was watching this folksy looking vintage dress on eBay and when the seller sent me an absurdly low offer I felt compelled to accept. She'd mentioned that the cotton has faded in places, which I knew would easy enough to rectify with fabric paint, but when I sponged the front the fading turned out to be dirt and other than needing a sash tie (2mm wide cotton tape, £1.70 on eBay, postage included), it'll be pretty much perfect. 

Whilst Jon tinkered with Gilbert I finished Loved Clothes Last and then, accompanied by a grab stick and a bin bag we combined a walk with a litter pick.

My Wear: Sleep:Repeat challenge saw the return of the skirt Liz made me, the time with my Annacat waistcoat and trusty black thermal polo-neck. 

The details: Clarks' clog boots (outlet website), antique Afghan cuffs, Afghan earrings (both eBay), Kuchi pendant (from my friend, Julie)

Halloumi and roasted veg on a Monday? Don't mind if we do!

In other news, Jon and I are having our Covid vaccinations tomorrow...yipee! 

Stay safe, happy & healthy & see you soon.


  1. The folksy dress you got from Ebay is from Thailand, as far as I know. I have a very similar one.

    1. Thanks, Tereza. I wasn't sure of its origins, the seller bought it from a vintage shop in New Zealand in the 1980s. x

  2. Crikey, you're posting faster than I can read! I love your new dress from the last post - can't wait to see you in it. Loving your craftivism banners - hope they do the trick. That crocheted skirt though, sublime! Does it have an underskirt with it?Not sure what I thought about 'Bloodlands' but James Nesbitt was quite nasty, wasn't he? I can't wait until next Sunday when new 'Line of Duty' starts. Hope all goes well tomorrow with your vaccinations. xxx

    1. Those two days fly by, don't they? I'm dying to give that metallic kaftan an outing and I'm hoping the litter louts read my banners and behave nicely!
      I usually wear leggings under the skirt, the holes get a bit draughty.
      Wasn't Jimmy Nesbitt evil? Apparently series 2 is already in production. Line of Duty on Sunday - eeek! xxx

      PS We loved the curry programme!

  3. Have you though about crocheting a long lacy skirt? It would be lovely and warm and you could wear either a long slip or thermal longs underneath. There wouldn't be another like it either.

    1. I used to have a long cream colored Battenburg lace skirt. I wore cream colored leggings underneath. It was gorgeous. - Cozy Cottage in California

    2. Cozy Cottage and Cherie - I'm liking your ideas very much! x

  4. I had my covid jab yesterday and I feel achy today and arm is a but sore but totally worth it.

  5. Excellent news about your vaccinations!

    I love your banners and fully endorse the message. I need to backtrack to your last post; I seem to have missed some things. With the sewing and the crocheting you've certainly got your craft mojo working.

    I am in love with the marvellous maxi. The crochet patchwork skirt is brilliant and I loved it with the waistcoat. The new dress looks fab; you are most certainly on an ebay roll - long may it continue!

    Those pesky birds and squirrels won't be able to get at your plants now with that netting covering them; what a brilliant idea!

    1. Is it wrong to be so excited about getting a jab? It feels like a chink of light at the end of the tunnel!
      See if you can find Jenny Eclair's Craftivism programme if you can, I think you'd enjoy it. I like the idea of a quiet protest.
      I've got a few favourite searches set up on ebay so check for new listings first thing in the morning and last thing at night, it saves loads of time scrolling throgh endless pages of rubbish.
      Wilko's have some of that netting, too - much as I love our garden birds I do get cross when they peck at our seedlings! xxx

  6. I love the style of your house and your garden looks nice and private as well as looking very productive! My towels were out blowing on the line today - simple things these days give you pleasure.

    1. Thank you! The great thing about having so many trees is that we aren't overlooked, we could get up to all sorts in our garden if we wanted to!
      I love line-dried laundry although I've had to dash down the lawn already today to rescue my new dress from the rain! xxx

  7. Very excited for you both getting your vaccines! It’s so slow here in the States, sigh. - Cozy Cottage in California

    1. Thanks so much, I'll let you know how we got on. Fingers crossed California catches up! xxx

  8. Love your craftivism signs. They are great! The new dress is gorgeous! I was tempted by an offer someone made me on an Anokhi East dress (you're a bad influence) as it was 1/3 off, but I've bought my March item already.
    Hurrah for vaccines!

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! They're great fun to do and more noticeable than those official "Do not Litter" signs that everyone ignores. I need to do a dog poo one next!
      I do admire your restraint. There's a few dresses on the East website that make my heart skip a beat.
      I'm ridiculously excited about my jab! xxx

  9. Woo hoo! Congrats on your jabs, Vix and Jon! I love your Craftivism signs, Vix - I hope they work. I hadn't heard about that abduction/murder on this side of the pond, but gads, what a world. Love that gorgeous maxi coat - I'm just drooling! - and lovely to see your patchwork skirt. Isn't it funny how people think things are damaged because they are dirty or missing a button? I'm rewiring my own thinking on repairs (must learn to do more!).

    How exciting to see all the new things for the garden! Those raised beds look fantastic. People here have to nearly fully fence in their gardens due to the marauding urban deer eating everything in sight.

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I'm counting the hours till jabbing time later!
      I swear men have become more feral since lockdown, more and more women are reporting harrasment when they are out running or walking, making the few things we're allowed to do during lockdown a lot less pleasureable.
      Liz had her crops decimated by deer last Xmas,she was tempted to serve venison on Xmas day! xxx

  10. Good to hear about your vaccine's. The Doctor and I had only sore arms.

  11. I love both of the outfits, just gorgeous. A big YAY for vaccine time! I hope we will be able to get ours soon too. Have a great week Vix. :)

    1. Thanks, martha! Hope you don't have to wait too long for your jabs in sunny Florida! xxx

  12. Hey Vix! Congrats on your vax ! Robert and I received our first ones recently - looking forward to the second ones soon.

    1. Carol!! So lovely to hear from you and delighted that you & Robert have had your first vaccines. Onwards & upwards. xxx

  13. Who would have thought we'd be congratulating each other on vaccine appointments! We're a bit slower in Canada, but nice to hear your turn has come. I wanted to mention that due to your food photos, I searched out halloumi which I'd never had before. It is so good! Thanks for the delicious idea.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! You're right, what has the world come to when we're excited about an appointment with a needle?!
      I'm delighted that I've introduced you to the joys of halloumi. Isn't it tasty? xxx

  14. Hey well done on getting your vacations soon. I hope you don’t get any side effects! Love those little signs you make they remind of the blessing plaques we leave when we go the shrine. It saddened me about Sarah, it’s so bad over here.what’s worse is they just stare at you or brush past you, knowing they are trying to cop a feel. Sickening.
    Sometimes it’s hard being a woman. We lit a candle for Sarah on Saturday on let it glow by the pond.
    Love the skirt. Still banned off eBay ! But my mum ordered me a bargain bundle off barry m you need to have a look well worth it! Take care and keep safe

    1. Jon says that knowing me I probably won't even feel the jab and will be jogging round the block at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning! He's expecting to be spark out on the settee for the duration!
      Sarah Everard's horrific murder has put the inequalities we as women have to face on a daily basis and it's opened up a discussion about the need for change.
      Those Bazza bundles are really good, aren't they? I bought one last year - Liz & I used to buy their £5 goodie bags at the Clothes Show back in the day! xxx

    2. I didn’t mean to upset you yesterday, but I am glad that I finally told someone else my story as Paul hugged me and said you shouldn’t bottle it up. I did have a good cry last night though how I still always look behind me whenever I am out on my own.
      I hate arguing with friends it’s not worth it. I can’t wait for my bazza bundle!! I think your friends daughter will find it very hard to re enter japan. You cannot leave unless it is for business. None of my expat friends students as well have returned home. I have been told if you leave it can be for business or really special circumstances. And I mean special. I am happy to stay here and go south for the summer.

    3. Of course you didn't upset me, I don't know a single women who hasn't experienced something awful by the hands of a man and we need to stick together and listen to our sisters and together maybe we can change this fear that all women have to face.
      I love waiting for parcels, it makes the day exciting. xxx

  15. Last week's episode of Bloodlands took a turn that was a bit far fetched and we decided not to watch it any more! Looks like maybe it picked up again if you have persevered. Your new dress is lovely, can see that getting a lot of use. Hope you don't get any side effects with your vaccines :) ref Sarah what a tragic theft of a life, I had a dangerous/nasty experience in my twenties and always attributed my anxiety walking alone/at night to this - am starting to realise it's a much bigger thing impacting on women in general and time for change.

    1. I've read mixed reviews on Bloodlands but really enjoyed the dark, twisted ending. I'm already beside myself with ecitement over Line of Duty, it's on the calendar and everything!
      I was chatting to girlfriends on Facebook last night and not one of us hadn't got a horrific tale to share. I still freeze in terror if I'm walking anywhere alone and can hear footsteps behind me. It is time for a change and what a legacy for Sarah Everard and her poor family if women could go about their lives without unwanted male attention. xxx

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Your new planters are looking fabulous, big enough that you can grow plenty in them, but not so big they are difficult to cover/protect from bad weather.

    I don't remember seeing your purple coat before - it is an absolutely sublime colour ☺️🌞

    Any of us could have been Sarah Everard: it used to be so automatic to always have my keys in my right hand - the biggest key poking out between my 3rd & 4th fingers - that I considered such action 'normal'. I'm talking 30 years ago when I lived alone, nothing has changed in three decades, it has probably got worse.

    1. Thanks, Jayne! I hope they do the trick. You're right, they are a great size for covering up quickly, rather than the random shaped beds we'd dug last year.
      I do love a bit of purple.
      The key in the hand trick, I know it well. I often used to walk home (I lived alone dor years, too) barefoot after a night out just so I could run away faster. Isn't it awful how women are still doing this 30 years later? xxx

  18. I’m clapping my hands for you getting your jabs, it’s great news.
    I’ve ordered the Loved Clothes Last book and last night found the Craftivsm programme. It was late and I was nodding off so I’m going to watch it again today. What I remember of it was good. Your little signs are brilliant. I love it when I come across things like that when I’m out. Todmorden is the place for stuff like that.
    I also missed Forgotten cos I nodded off and we don’t have itv hub. Honestly I should just record anything that I want to watch from 9pm onwards haha.
    Thinking of you today xx

    1. I was expecting to wait another few weeks but they opened a huge vaccine centre in Waslall yesterday with capacity for 5000 a day, isn't it exciting?
      Jon keeps nodding off, too. We have to keep rewatching the last 15 minutes of everything we watched the previous evening so he can get up to speed! xxx

  19. I ordered that book too!! You should be on commission!
    That ebay dress is a find and what a wonderful hat you made.
    I remember when the kids were little I used chainstitch for their pump bags. It is quite therapeutic and about as arty as I get!!

    1. You'll love that book, Jane!
      I'd forgotten all about chainstitch until I picked up my needle on Sunday, it is so realxing, isn't it? xxx

  20. I've wondered how a quilted pattern might look on clothing. That skirt is so fun and special. Congratulations on getting your vaccine. Our hunt continues but more people I know got it yesterday..

    1. Thanks, Sam! I'm sure your vaccine won't be too long in coming now. Here in the West Midlands we've vaccinated over half the population! xxx

  21. That L5 maxi coat can only be described as 'regal' color and design! Reading this post while considering brunch options, I'm also applying this exalted adjective to your fritatta. More eggs, less red meat: that's my plan for spring menus to maximize opportunities to "eat local." It's amazing how many people are now keeping chickens!
    Your "Take Back the Streets" sign is an inspiring piece of fine needlework. However, when I think of needlework in this context, I remember tales of Auntie D living in NYC during WWII. A curvy redhead who resembled Shelley Winters, she was famous in our family for leaving her hatpins in the hands of men who otherwise missed the point of "no".

    1. Jon found some rather posh duck eggs on special offer and they really made that frittata taste fabulous.
      I love the idea of a hatpin as a weapon, I might have to invest in one when we're allowed out again! xxx

  22. Good afternoon there Vix, I hope you and Jon are ok after your jab. Knowing you you will keep on keeping on. Me tomorrow(bit nervous) I love the purple coat on you purple is so good on you. Wow yu are getting ahead with your seeds already coming up. hmm ginger might try that love ginger. good on you for doing a banner. My heart goes to Sarah's family. Gloomy weather here today but always loads to do. You certaily are on a roll that dress is fab vix "ebay queen" . Take care of yourselves. Shazxx

    1. Hello Shaz! How are you feeling? I hope the jab went as well as ours did, we were out in no time and felt so much more optimistic about life afterwards!
      I do love a bit of ginger so I'm hoping the planting (when I get around to it) works! xxx

  23. i´ve read about the case of Sarah Everard and the following protests and police violence in the newspaper yesterday..... its high time to stand up and do something and i really hope the society will finally change the habit of seeing women as "things". creepy & cruel men do not fall from the sky.......

    your new black folky dress is awesome!!
    and how gorgeous that the "fading" was only dirt! can´t wait to see you in it. the patchwork skirt is made with love - heartwarming.
    your garden is coming along nicely - and the frittata looks extremely yummy!

    1. Yes, it is time men stopped objectifying women and seeing us as things.It really is time for a radical change in the way we are treated and expected to live our lives.
      I'll be wearing that dress as soon as i get the ribbon, it needs a sash tie for a bit more shape but other than that, it's perfect! x

  24. wow, great job on planting seeds and getting ready for springtime! It's lovely to see your gardening activities!
    And I'm loving both outfits, as the crochet-patchwork skirt is such a beauty and matches every possible colour!, Looking fabulous in your purple coat (a stunning piece!) and cute pompom hat!. And also fabulous in the red waistcoat. Love the way you create different outfits, changing accessories and details! you're a Master!
    This new dress looks really lovely and glad that you could remove the supposed fade-dirt problem. Sometimes people discard clothes because of such minimal repairs!.
    Your Craftivist activities are putting a smile on my face. Lovely!

    1. Thanks, Monica! I'm excited to see some green shoots alraedy.
      That skirt really does go with everything, i notice a different coloured square every time I wear it.
      I was so pleased that the faded patch was just dirt! xxx

  25. I'm loving your craftivism banners! Those white Echinacea look lovely. I wonder if ours have survived the freezing temperatures. Those raised beds look very professional and how exciting that your tomatoes and basil are sprouting already.
    Liz's crochet & patchwork skirt is stunning, as is your € 5 maxi coat, and that malachite pendant. Liz's skirt looks equally fantastic worn with the Annacat waistcoat and your black polo neck. And what a find was that folksy frock. I can't wait to see you wearing it which, knowing you, won't be all too long.
    I am so, so envious of you both having your Covid jabs today. Jos even hasn't got his yet, and god knows when it will be my turn. So glad for you! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! Sitting and calmly stitching is such a therapeutic activity!
      I'm trying to find a way to effortless shoehorn that dress into my challenge, I wish the ribbon would turn up so i can finish it off!
      I'm so sorry you're having to wait for your jabs, it really isn't fair at all. xxx

  26. To add thickener to the plot: I've a dress very like that and live among a large Hmong community. More than once a Hmong neighbor has told me the dress is from their culture. Either way, smashing find and can't wait to see you style it. : )

    1. Thanks so much, Elizabeth! The Hmong! I googled their embroidery style and found something almost identical. Thank you so much. I have some Hmong earrings so I know what I'll be wearing with the dress once I've sorted out the sash! xxx

  27. You are posting faster than I can comment, so if I miss a few, my apologies, but I can only spend so much time on my computer a day before my eyes go completely crossed. I read about Sarah Everard's abduction and murder, and the subsequent protests. It's hard to believe that the police were so rough on the protesters, especially since it was one of their own that killed Everard. I'm sorry to hear that you have been harassed when you have gone out alone. It's not all men, but unfortunately, it begins to seem like all men when you've experienced harassment, or assault.

    1. I'm sorry, it's still only every other day but don't feel obliged to comment on all my posts, I love hearing for you but certainly don't expect you to do it!
      We were appaled watching the police at the vigil, I know feelings were running high but just a week earlier a 1000 football fans gathered in Scotland to celebrate a Rangers win and were just left to it. xxx

  28. I love your craftism. I've never heard of it before. I've seen some fantastic yarn bombing here in Cambridge and I suppose that could be described as craftism. Some of the pieces I've seen have been quite political. It's a lovely way to get across a serious issue. I hope it works with the littering in your neighbourhood, especially considering all the hard work you've been doing with litter picking.
    I've never grown ginger, a great idea, I will have yo try it. I grow echinacea, I grow lots of herbs for herbal remedies.
    You look very hippie chic in your long coat, its beautiful and I love the folksy dress. I LOVE folksy clothes.
    That's a tasty looking frittata you made. xxx

    1. Thanks, Sally! I learnt about Craftivism from Jenny Eclair's documentary on BB, well worth tracking down on the iplayer if you can. I do like a bit of yarn bombing, I'm not clever enough for anything that craty, sadly!
      Folksy clothes are the best, I love it when I find one with a weird description and don't get outbid! xxx

  29. Hello Vix, I love the patchwork skirt your friend Liz made you. Another great crafty sign too. Celebratory vaccine jab dance! Hope you and Jon are feeling ok. Re. the Sarah Evard case and subsequent protest - It is going to be a hard cultural shift trying to eradicate the disgusting mindset of some men, but better late than never.

    Thanks for the shout out. I see you've gone for a nice white Echinacea. Mine have sulked all week since planting, but just this morning they sprang up with new vigour; they have new shoots and have been promoted to a sunny window ledge. I'll just have to wait impatiently to see what the ginger does.

    Just wondered if you have heard from Catmac? I am missing her naughtiness. Lulu xXx

    1. Thanks, Lulu! Liz is a whizz with her crafting abilities.
      I was so excited about my covid jab, not sure if it was a chance to go out or that it was lkight at the end of the tunnel!
      I haven't planted my echinacea yet - I wanted some colourful ones but all Wilko had was White Swan, I'm sure if they grow they'll look dead classy!
      I had an email from Catmac the day before yesterday, I'll be sure to pass on your love! xxx

  30. Good luck with the vaccines and don't forget to rest afterwards as some minor symptoms are common enough and can be expected. My mother has had a bad reaction to the vaccine, she has had high fever and is still unable to get out of the bed. Every time she tries to get up, she falls down. My dad is getting his vaccine tomorrow (but not the same vaccine- they give different ones depending on what a person is suffering from). I applied for a vaccine but I don't know will I get it- not sure how it works us for us folks that are on immune suppressant therapy, some say it is not as effective on us, some say we should be the first to get it. I will go along with whatever my GP decides, she knows who takes priority and who needs it the most.

    So sorry to hear about the horrific abduction and murder of Sarah Everard in London. Your sign really speaks a thousand words. I was told by some ladies who moved to London that they are afraid to get dressed up or wear anything nice really there because they worry about being attacked or attracting unsolicited attention. That's all I know of the general situation.

    Great outfits...and the new vintage dress you bought is so pretty. So great it wasn't fabric fading after all.

    1. I'm sorry your mum suffered an adverse reaction to the jab. When I had my eyes tested the optician said that her mum was quite poorly for five days. I hope she feels better soon and that your dad's jab goes smoothly.
      Here you'd be on the priority list and vaccinated ahead of the 50+ age group but it sounds like you've got a very clued-up doctor and she'll make sure you get whatever is right for you.
      The Sarah Everard murder was horrific. It has highlighted how unsafe all women feel walking our streets, day or night. xxx

  31. Love your craftivism banners-works of art with a message. Seeds! I am not planting anything from seed this year but can't wait to buy plants - just a few more weeks and we will start putting the patio together again with our furniture and plants.

    1. It won't be long now until you're enjoying your lovely patio area and (hopefully) some sunshine and warmth! x

  32. I hope the jabs went well.
    As annoying as ants are, they do herald the arrival of warmer weather, so at least there's that.

    1. The jabs were fine - painless, speedy and a really positive experience. I feel like there's a chink of light at the end of the tunnel, now! x

  33. Lovely to hear from you, Audra!
    Both the Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca vaccines are delivered in two doses, up to three months apart which caused controversy at the time when it was announced but now it's been proved that the vaccine offers more protection if you leave it a while between doses. Our second jabs are booked for 1st June. I hope your vaccine isn't too far away. It really does feel like a bit of light at the end of the tunnel when it happens.
    You're right, our world is a mess. It's all very well saying we should take care, take taxis and not walk alone at night but why should we? The twice I was attacked were in daylight.
    Take care of yourself! xxx

  34. Isn't it lovely when seeds start sprouting? I've had to stop planting as I've run out of windowsill but I'm desperate to start some more off. I've been thinking of growing some ginger too, and treating it as a houseplant.

  35. I love to see seeds sprouting, it’s so exciting. I only have sunflowers so far but have a list to plant this weekend (I’m still not as organised as I’d hoped to be this year!).

    A very poignant banner.



Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix