Tuesday, 9 February 2021

The Distancing Diaries - 8th & 9th February, 2021

 On Monday I was up just after 6am, the Beast from The East had arrived with aveagence and The Lads had a quick recce of the garden before dashing back indoors. I did my Wii Fit and was so delighted to be able to touch my toes again that I did the Sun Salutation twice. I joined Jon in the kitchen for our fruit & yoghurt breakfast and was dressed and ready to leave to house for 8.30am. With the ice, sub-zero temperatures and snow flurries Jon decided to drive into town, the first time I'd been in a vehicle this year. Although Specsavers had no appointments left for Jon, his usual optical assistant saw him waiting outside and squeezed him in and we were both able to try on our new/reglazed specs with no need for adjustments. After popping into Wilkos for some envelopes, we were back in the house by 9.20am. 

My new readers and prescription sunglasses from Specsavers' 2 pairs for £69 range

Izzy delivered one of my eBay finds (there's been a few recently!) which I tore open and immediately left glowing feedback for the seller. Although this vintage 1960s Ritu Kumar for Rosafi block print midi dress wasn't cheap, the seller had misread the label and incorrectly listed it so it slipped under most of my rival collector's radars. Ritu Kumar still has shops all over metropolitan India, her designs are exquisite but prohibitively expensive.

I wrapped up my ebay sales and Jon dropped them off at the post office, doing a supermarket run on the way back. I ironed our stock of vintage mens scarves hoping to photograph them in the kitchen but it was far too dark, even with the lights on - the joys of a snowy day!

Lunch was Stilton and broccoli soup - out of a can - Jon found it on special offer. 

Wear:Sleep:Repeat continued with Sunday's Tricoville wool cape, this time worn with a vintage Anokhi maxi skirt and jacket (both eBay), Liz's handmade beer mittens and my trusty sheepskin hat. That's snow in my hair!

The details: Mum's Biba boots, Turkomen earrings (eBay) and a Missoni scarf Jon snaffled from the British Heart Foundation clearance shop a couple of years ago for a fiver.

I caught up with blog comments while Jon had a wardrobe sort out, donating a few scarves to the eBay pile and bringing his vintage Tootal collection downstairs to wash. Afraid of ruining the tassels, I stopped him putting them in the machine and washed them all by hand, hanging them to dry in the utility room.

We listened to the latest government press conference, had quiche and salad for tea and spent the evening watching Deliver Us (Fred Til Lands). Yet again Walter Presents has triumphed with this dark, unsettling and downright gripping Danish thriller, you'll never look at chickens in the same way again.

I got up on Tuesday morning to more snow and other than a cursory sniff, the lads weren't at all interested in going outside. I did my Wii Fit workout and cleaned the lounge.

After breakfast it was finally bright enough for indoor photos, so I spent the morning photographing and listing the men's scarves whilst Jon sorted out and ironed our stock of cravats.

After our noodles I took more photos and listed the cravats on eBay. Like scarves, Jon's got a huge collection and often ends up selling the one he's wearing to a customer at festivals and vintage fairs. They look great worn with a teeshirt and a waistcoat, casually knotted.

Beate and I decided that we'd both wear our boots today, she's called her post "The Sisterhood of the Fake Snakeskin Boots". How fabulous do she and Lisbeth look in the snow? Her Banjara skirt was a Kinky Melon purchase four years ago. See her outfit in all its glory HERE.

 Jon decided to join in the fun by getting his R.Soles out. 

His python boots originally retailed at £495, not that he paid that much, they were an eBay find eight years ago.

As well as my inspired by Beate snakeskin boots, I'm continuing with my Wear:Sleep:Repeat challenge by rewearing Monday's vintage sheepskin hat and Missoni scarf with an early '70s Janet Wood for Monsoon Afghan dress, a thermal poloneck jumper (both eBay) and a 1950s fake snow leopard coat that used to belong to our dear friend Lynn's mother-in-law (the Wandering Welder, Philip's, mum).

The details: Rajasthani enamel pendant strung on a vintage Banjara dowry necklace, Indian earrings (gift from Helga, 2010) and a collection of tribal bangles.

I was going to rewear Monday's Anokhi jacket, too but it was obsolete under the coat. I wonder what I'll repeat tomorrow? 

I'll let you into a secret, although I'd rather be in the tropical heat of Goa in a halterneck maxi dress accessorised with a sheen of sweat, damp hair and smudged eyeliner I'm rather enjoying the novelty of layering up & dressing for winter. I get really annoyed by people moaning about their lives being put on hold because of the pandemic. Okay, we can't do what we usually do but we can still live, we just have to adapt and enjoy what we've got. Stop whingeing and start living, things won't be changing for a good while yet. 

Jon & I, the last to leave our favourite restaurant, Johncy's on Benaulim beach, 13th February, 2020

Tonight we'll be eating pizza (again!) and watching Interior Design Masters. Apparently we can expect temperatures of  -°11C later, which isn't normal in the UK. Hot water bottles at the ready....

Stay safe & see you soon.


  1. Happy Tuesday night Vix, loved it "we can still live" I am grateful every day just to be alive! esp now. I may have the most mundane life in some people's eyes but the pleasure I get from my family, home garden and yes of course Phil and Amy, reading great blogs (hmm wonder who I mean ha ha) well I am listening to podcasts, music reading bla bla bla longwinded way of saying I agree with you Vix. I went through my wardrobe again today oh and spent ages watching birds out the front trying to find some food , a mate phoned etc etc anyway back to you. Love both looks and the snake boot club are a stylish lot those boots of Jon's whoa! You are going to look a vision in the latest dress won on ebay. Well positive lady (love it) i will raise the glass to people like you tonight (so cold ginger wine lol) Shazxx

    1. Shaz, your positivity always impresses me, your walks with Phil looking for signs of spring, taming Amy and constantly being busy with sorting and housework. Thank goodness for good old blogland that has brought so many of us like-minded, positive women together! Cheers for later! xxx

  2. Yes, seriously everyone needs to be grateful to be alive and quit complaining. I hope your stock lasts long enough to see the charity shops reopen so you can get more stock! It is good that you were fully prepared for the festival season before Covid.

    1. Exactly! Constantly moaning about stuff we can't change is a waste of time and energy and no good at all for our mental health.
      I was starting to panic that we'd have no stock left for festivals or no time to shop for any when the chazzas and car boots reopen but with more festivals cancelling by the week we'll be fine! I might be turning the Kinky Shed into a summer house at this rate! xxx

  3. It's just human nature to get a bit disgruntled now and again. Different people have different coping mechanisms and as time goes on with no end in sight, you can't blame people for getting down about it. Just this morning, a friend messaged me to say she was having a bad day of it and that's someone who has just moved to her dream home in the country with her husband and no money worries for the rest of their lives. I told her to shake a tailfeather and get on with it! I get my jab on 18th but still intend to stick to the rules afterwards until someone says otherwise. The Beast from the East has returned up here too. It had to be below freezing outside today but the snowscapes are pretty. Keep warm and cosy.x

    1. Evweryone's entitled to the occasional meltdown, it's the constant whingeing that gets my goat, like Covid and all its restrictions are just happening to them.
      Your friend chose the right person to call, I bet you soon livened her up.
      6 days till your jab! Way to go. xxx

  4. You nailed it - life is for living, each and every day and not for "putting on hold", Okay - I'm really intrigued - your wi-fi session has sun salutes? Is it a yoga wi-fi session?

    1. Exactly! Who knows what's around the corner for any of us, life has to be lived!
      Yes. Wii Fit Plus has a yoga programme, I've used it for ever. For someone with a prosthetic hip being perfectly aligned is quite tricky but the balance board will tell me if I'm wonky unlike when I used to attend classes. The whole programme is on You Tube, I'd love to hear your thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsP2kvYMLMM

  5. hi Vix I couldn't agree more we are so lucky to be alive and well. Even if we can't do the usual things why not appreciate what we can do? It's like those people who moan because they are getting old. I'm just glad to be getting old, it's a priviledge many don't get! Let's love all our life the good bits and the less good bits. Normal is fab! It allows us to just be and do mundane stuff that we usually filter out in the bussyness of our "normal" lives. Cleaning our lovely homes, gardening with care and consideration, not to impress others but because we enjoy it and shopping for the essentials that keep us safe and healthy. Are we not so fortunate to be able to do these things? I think we are and that we can look back on the pandemic as a gentle, peaceful time not, as is so often said, as a "lost year". Let us not forget the lost years of the many who have died in this pandemic and the lost joy of their loved ones. Thanks, as ever, for helping to make this time special for the fortunate ones. Shelagh XX

    1. I always used to say this to people at work who moaned about getting old and would say "don't get old, it's awful" - well it sure beats the alternative!! Got to make the most of every day and be grateful for what we have and I completely agree, normal is definitely fab!!

    2. Hear, hear, Shelagh. Well said.

    3. Shelagh, I'm with Catmac and Julia, what a fabulous comment!
      Like you, I'm really enjoying the normal and the mundane, I'd never have dreamt of writing about sweeping rugs or watering houseplants a year ago but it's a part of my life and a routine I've learnt to love. I love hearing how my friends, real and virtual, are spending their time, discovering quirky architecture in their neighbourhoods, learning to enjoy housework, tridying long forgotten shelves and cupboards. There's no lifestyle envy any more, just sisterly solidarity in finding new ways to enjoy life. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. xxx

  6. We have the beast too, but at least sunshine has joined the sub-zero temperatures today! Loving your choice of frames, can't wait to see you modelling them. How nice of Jon's usual optical assistant to squeeze him in. Your Ritu Kumar dress looks gorgeous, lucky you! I am guarding mine with my life :-)
    You're a vision in your Tricoville wool cape worn with the Anokhi maxi and jacket and that amazing sheepskin hat. Your second outfit, featuring Philip's Mum's coat worn over your Afghan dress is equally fabulous. I've just asked Beate whether I can join the Sisterhood, as I've got a - slightly different - pair too. Jon's shoes are seriously swoon-worthy.
    I'm trying not to moan, get on with things, count my blessings and see the positive sides (more time, especially) but I do miss freedom and spontaneity. Also, Jos is not getting any younger, so not being able to do the things we planned is a bit of a wrench. But we're healthy and we've got each other and we are not destitute ... Take care xxx

    1. I knew it wouldn't be long before that pesky beast arrived in Belgium, we always share our weather (we're nice like that!)
      I adore your Ritu Kumar dress on you but I do think she'd be very happy with her two sisters in Walsall!
      Of course you should join the Sisterhood of the Fake Snakeskin Boots - maybe we should arrange a date for next week and see if anyone else fancies joining in? Non-bloggers could always email me a photo of their feet if they're shy!
      We're all allowed to let off steam occasionally. Like you, it's the sponaniety I miss, it's weird planning stuff and writing lists and not having to run down to the shops because I've run out of sewing machine needles or eye make up remover! xxx

  7. love your ethos re the pandemic. I've got to be honest, I've really made the most of it, discovered I love being at home with my family all round me and really am quite content. Would love a decent chai latte though, it's the only thing that homemade doesn't do as well as/better than. Loving your winter outfits and very jealous of your snow. We have the biting cold wind but none of the scenic white stuff which is very disappointing.

    1. I'm so pleased to hear that lockdown has been okay for you, too.
      I really miss my street and railway chai, one of the joys of India. Jon treated us to some "Drink Me Chai Spiced Latte" from Morrisons, a powder you add boiling water to, it was really good.
      It's unusual for us to have so much snow, there's more on the way tomorrow or so they say! Stay safe! xxx

  8. I love your snakeskin boots but Jon's are the dog whatsits! Fabulous! I would adore a pair like that for myself. In your Russian hat in the snow you could be in Russia; specifically Siberia which I know is a very cold place. The new glasses are gorgeous. My glasses were the two for 69.00 offer too; but by the time I've paid for the anti-glare coating and varifocal lenses there's very little change from 250.00! I always buy 2 pairs in case I lose one pair or break one. I've not yet lost a pair but I did snap the arm of a pair.

    We finished watching 'Bullets' yesterday evening and have to find something else for tonight.

    What an amazing collection of scarves and cravats!

    Hope you haven't been too cold; God bless hot water bottles!

    1. Jon always gets his feet photographed when he wears those boots! They are things of beauty.
      My glasses had the anti glare thingy and the sunglasses were Polarised lens but they came to £140, I think my prescription must be quite simple. Jon's got really weird eyes and the cost runs into £££s (but £45 in India!)
      I recommend Deliver Us. It's very hard going at first but has loads of twists and a satisfying but unexpected ending. xxx

  9. Thank you for the virtual kick of a reminder to be happy with what is possible! I tired to do the same today-simple pleasures as I know I get whiny with a capital W. Do you do a lot of accessory sales through the Kinky Rails when you are at festivals? I feel like I will keep my eye's open for any Kinky Rails kind of finds-the diamonds in the rough, photo, and send you the label details. If I get for nothing-send to you and see what you could do with it! Between you and Sheila, I'm getting a good education on fashion.

    1. You're really good at looking at the positive side of life, Sam!
      We do sell a lot of accessories both at festivals and at fairs and that's extremely kind of you to offer to keep a look out. A lot of people love the idea of vintage but are a bit nervous about full-on outfits, a pair of gloves, a vibrant scarf or a belt is often a toe-in! xxx

  10. How lovely to see Philip’s Mum’s coat again. I’ve just shown him and he’s beaming. Bless him. He also loves Jon’s boots.
    I’ve had to tape interior design programme as we’ve got the football on. Not my thing but never mind.
    Wait while you see my blog post tomorrow, there’s something in it about the programme.
    We watched the last two episodes of The Serpent last night and both agree it’s the best thing we’ve seen in ages. We were absolutely sucked in to it.
    Ann & Jos’s news was so sad. It upset us both. Let’s hope we get to see them soon.
    Off to market in the morning, yay. It soon comes around.
    I’m now on drawer and cupboard clearing mode and working my way round the house. Should be done by Christmas heehee xxx

    1. I loved that you made over that room at your god-daughter's school. The contestant was spot on about the lack of colour on the walls often blocked creativity.
      The Serpent was excellent, we nagged Tony into watching it, he loved it, too. You should give It's A Sin a go next.
      I was so sad to hear about Phoebe, losing a beloved pet is so hard.
      Get you with your cupboard cleaning - it's amazing how much rubbish we accumulate! xxx

  11. Back again. Would it be a big task to find and send me the pics of you wearing Mum’s coat over the years you’ve had it. I’d like to show Elena, Philip’s sister xxx

  12. So true about the whingers, I'm a cup half full girl and am loving the snow, enjoying lockdown and working from home, realise it's not so much fun for others but we just have to get on with it and look on the bright side - with two people unemployed in the house it's not all roses here but we are luckier than many. Love the Snakeskin boots sisterhead and your latest ebay win.

    1. I'm a cup half full kind of girl, too! It has been a rough time for a lot of people but it's the ones who haven't suffered financial hardship or lost their jobs who seem to moan the most, isn't it? I suspect they'd probably moan even if there wasn't a worldwide pandemic! xxx

  13. Love the glasses - very stylish. I am savouring my time with my girls at home and the slow pace of life because all too soon they will be back at school, clubs etc and I will be back on that hamster wheel! Certainly on cold dark mornings its nice to get up later and not be rushing to get everyone to school, which is a job in itself as they all go to different ones.

    1. That's lovely to read of your joy of spending more time with your daughters. xxx

  14. Whilst I wouldn't choose our current situation there have been lots of positives and I am really able to appreciate what and who I have in my life. I don't miss the consumer led lifestyle because I've been downshifting and following my own path since the early 1990s. Sometimes it gets to me, but then I remind myself that if today was my last day here would I want to have spent it being a groaner moaner. It is very hard for some though and as Grayson Perry said last week....let's hope for a fairer world after all of this is over. Arilx

    1. I didn't realise there was a new Grayson Perry series, thanks for that!
      I love what you've said about your lockdown life and how you buck yourself up when you're having a wobble. I'm loving spending time caring for and appreciating the things I've acquired over a lifetime of secondhand shopping. Darning a dress or polishing an ornament and I'm instantly taken back to the excitement I had finding it. xxx

  15. -28 as I type. I know what you are saying about enjoying NOW.

    I'm on vacation, the first I've had since this mess started. Books to read, a paint by numbers (I know, I'm a wildwoman) in the mail, and chocolate saved from Christmas.

    We're hoping for a couple of nights away, got to get the dogs sorted out first.

    Drive safe, stay warm.

    1. -28°C? Insanely cold!
      I know you were looking forward to exploring Spain but time off from your demanding career with books, chocolate and a paint by numbers kit (I used to love those!) sounds wonderfully relaxing.
      Fingers crossed that you get those two nights away. xxx

  16. "Snow, snow, snow, snow, SNOW!" (song from White Christmas. Ok, it's schmaltzy but a film I love). My lovely Pittenweem fishman, George, came today with his new van - I was gobsmacked. Really didn't expect him in this weather - and got stuck. No wonder, we live at the bottom of a long drive. Lots of digging drama and finally he managed to get out but without selling me any fish!!! Quite exciting at 7.15 am. Still freezing temperatures but fresh snow is very beautiful. LOVE the snakeskin boots photo. Jon's boots are absolutely gorgeous. Your outfits are fabulous, Vix, and your layers are very stylish. Mine, less so, but on top of thermals, fleeces and jumpers, I wear an Aran cardigan my granny knitted for my dad about 35 years ago. Both are gone now so it's lovely to think of them both when I wear it. It's amazingly cosy and can also be used as a blanket over the legs. Talking of blankets, and I know this happened to you too, I have two crocheted blankets (charity shop finds) I keep in the living room in winter and the mouse has gnawed a hole in one....... expletive city when I found out. Beate looks gorgeous in her snakeskin boots and layers too. I will just have to wear the boots to belong to the sisterhood, style seems to have flown out the window!

    1. Oh no, poor George and poor you with no fish after all the snowbound drama.
      You're right, fresh snow is just lovely, the way everything sounds is just magical and that lovely walking in icing sugar scrunch under your wellies.
      How lovely to have the Aran cardi your gran knitted for your dad, a bit like having a hug from both of them. They look really good, too!
      Oh no, I feel your pain with the mouse gnawing through the blankets, disrepectful creature.
      Wear your snakeskin boots in the house and join the sisterhood. xxx

  17. We have a cold snap coming too - temps down to -5! You are looking lovely in the snow, Vix, and you even blend in with your black and white coat! It's practically camo. I love the snakeskin boots and Jon's are AMAZING. L has a few cravats, but nothing as fancy as those!

    I agree - I think I'm going to look back at this as a good experience overall, even though there has been so many "bad" things.

    1. I had to laufgh, I though exactly the same when I looked at the photos of me in Phillip's Mum's coat, I'm in camoflague!
      Jon's boots are fabulous. Don't look at R Soles website, I think you'll love everything on there! xxx

  18. Lovely outfits! Enjoying your winter vicariously from San Francisco Bay Area. Do you make your own pizzas and quiches? We buy both in quality frozen form. Also love the idea of a Roquefort sandwich - I’m getting bored with our standards and need to change things up. Your attitude toward Covid restrictions is great and we share the same outlook. Thank you for the reminder! - Cozy Cottage in California

    1. Hello, lovely lady in California! One day I shall visit San Francisco, it's been a dream for ever.
      We make our own and buy in equal part but at the moment the pre-made are winning, Jon does the food shopping and is brilliant at hunting down special offers on the deli counter.
      Roquefort is wonderful in a sandwich, you don't need much but it really tickles the tastebuds! xxx

    2. Just put Roquefort on the shopping list :-) Inspired by your posts we had a frozen pizza with a croissant crust & really enjoyed it - gave the pizza a nice lightness. Jon does seem adept at finding tasty bargains - that’s a great skill. The Bay Area is mostly gorgeous, with sea, bay, mountains, valleys, lots of sky and lovely flora and surprising amount of fauna. Hope you make it out some time!! - Cozy Cottage in California

  19. Ahh broccoli and Stilton soup I love that stuff shame it’s £4.00 a can in okadyu!! but I did make a rather splendid wholesome whole meal loaf that lasted 5 minutes!! kids are wanting to bake tomorrow so I kinda promised them if I could get items I would.
    I treat myself to some Steve Madden boots In their sale instead of £120 they were £60. So they are a birthday treat to myself which is in couple of weeks. Not that I feel like celebrating as the twin would be here now.
    I love a good snood so comfy and cosy scarves annoy me and end up chucking them in my bag! Or in my locker at work. I used to love hats but they make me overheat! So I cannot win and I get bad hat hair !!
    Love those boots. I, not daring enough. Love your new glasses as well. I need to get my sight checked as well. I feel like it’s getting worse. But it was only checked 16@ months ago.
    Keep safe and sane you guys!!

    1. I think Jon got three cans of soup for £1! The wholemeal loaf sounds like a roaring success, aren't you a kitchen whizz?
      Steve Madden boots! Well done, that sounds like a real bargain, a girl needs to buy her our birthday treats, that's the joy of being a grown-up.
      I've had to wash my hair twice this week, hats are all well and good but don't half make your hair look bad!
      I get my eyes tested every 12 months 'cos of my dodgy genes, the optician has to keep an eye on glaucoma. My eyesight has really deteriorated over the last few years, I can see things miles away but can't read anything close up, Jon's the opposite which works quite well! xxx

  20. You're absolutely right - the current restrictions are not what any of us planned but the alternatives are a lot worse. I am sick of hearing people say "when can we return to NORMAL"? I wish they would get over it - what used to be normal does not/cannot/will not be the way life is in future. There will be a 'new normal' at some point in the future.

    I guess like many I have my 'down days' when I am fed up and unhappy with the decisions BoJo and chummies are making (or not making šŸ¤¬) which will impact our lives far more than their own, but whilst I have a warm dry house, enough money for food and essentials, a large garden and a sewing room full of fabric, I have absolutely NOTHING to moan about. Millions would, I suspect, be quite happy to swap what they are coping with, with my life.

    Your new specs and Ritu Kumar are gorgeous - and you look so snuggled up and warm in the Tricoville cape, quite gorgeous. Happily we have no snow here . . . šŸ˜€

    1. If I hear anyone else bleating on about "when can I book my holiday?" I swear I'll scream. I love travel as much as the next person but for heaven's sake, why can't people just accept that life isn't normal at the moment (and won't be for ages) and just stop mithering?
      I absolutely love what you've said about your house, your garden and food stocks and you're spot on with how millions of people would be more than happy to swap with what we have.
      I hope that's the last of the snow, wouldn't it be fantastic to have the same glorious April as last year? xxx

  21. Hi Vix, I really love your Janet Wood for Monsoon Afghan dress, just beautiful. Your choice of jewellery too accessorises it perfectly. I love a bit of charity-shopped Missoni, I snaffled a great scarf for myself too a few years ago for just a few pounds. Why anyone would give it away is beyond me. Lucky you in having a groovy mum and enjoying her fab Biba boots. I am very envious. Do you know where she bought them originally?

    1. Hello Alysia and thank you! I was really lucky with that Janet Wood dress, I'd been looking for years. I wonder who these crazy people are that donate Missoni scarves to charity shops? I wish they'd adopt me!
      Mum used to take the train down to London and shop at Biba in Kensington. Most of her groovy gear ended up in the dressing up box and the velvet hotpants, fake snake trousers and voluminous blouses were adapted for school plays and fancy dress parties! There were other boots but these are the only ones to survive. I stll used her boxes og Biba makeup until well into my 20s! xxx

  22. heya sista `n bro ;-D
    your outfit with THE BOOTS and that cool fake snow leopard is stunning!! and cosy too! i wonder how great the b/w snakeskin works with many colours, pattern, styles...... better then any neutral. jons tan colored boots are extremely stylish. should have pictured the BW in his black fake kroko chelsea boots.......
    wonderful collection of scarves and cravattes.
    and i´m totally with you about "Stop whingeing and start living, ...." - the people are simply too spoiled by their wealth.
    just came back from a little ski tour along the river - powder snow, a shy sun and -10°C - all at the doorstep - now i´m happily glowing.

    1. One day we'll all hang out in real; life in our snakeskin boots! We should do it again, Ann wants to play!
      People are too spoiled by their wealth, your blog post today summed it up perfectly. It's not those who have lost their jobs who are moaning.
      I bet you're glowing after a ski tour in -10°C! XXX

  23. Stop whingin' and start living! A great theme for this sub-zero day in the American Midwest! I've been out and about wearing my late papa's Russian fur hat and a short mink jacket older than most of the buildings in the shopping center. No one dared comment: I look rather cranky behind my black mask and sunglasses. My ensemble lacked interesting boots -- where ARE the snakeskin boots, given the prevalence of pythons in Florida?!

    I'm also wondering why we have so few men's scarves (cravats are never seen). A coworker who is recovering from cancer treatments makes turbans from such heavier scarf material, and she reports the silky ones are hard to find. A very innovative lady, she's made some elegant toppers out of worn leggins and leotards.

    1. Beth, that sounds like a fabulously cosy and quirky ensemble. I'm rather liking having to wear a mask when I'm out, I can stare back at those who look at me somewhat askance.
      I've always dreamed of a thrift shopping tour of Texas imaging the racks to be heaving with rails of snakeskin cowboy boots and embellished Western shirts but I expect that's like an American imagining all ours are full of early Laura Ashley, Loakes brogues and Harris Tweed!
      Sending your co-worker my good wishes and congratulations on her creativity. xxx

  24. Some more great outfits worn with your usual aplomb. I love all the snakeskin boots on show!
    I'm ok about the restrictions, with the exception of not seeing my mum for a year, at her age and situation it makes me worry. As far as getting on with things here though, I'm never bored, I have so much to do. Better to accept and make the most of it, I agree with you there. xxx

    1. You've got a genuine reason for a moan due to the concern over your mum not that you do, you always use your time creatively and positively. xxx

  25. What gorgeous swag!! Feast for the eyes as usual xx

    Whingers - given that we live in the Golden Age of Entitlement (aka I Know My Rights) - the average degree of spoon-banging over Covid is about right :(

    I'm well-aware that there are people having an absolutely terrible, grim time of it at the moment and quite rightly, they need to offload. But when you hear folks getting operatic about what amounts to inconvenience - it is at best tone-deaf.

    To be honest - in some ways I'm not really looking forward to getting back to 'normal'. I've enjoyed not having to be around arseholes. I've enjoyed the uptick in manners, conviviality and appreciating what you have.

    My quieter life is something I don't see myself swapping for 'normal' any time soon. Of course I very much miss my family and being able to get out and about - but, by golly - Covid has made me appreciate everything I have (and take for granted).

    Bring back cravats, foulards, mufflers and dapper blokes! My Mister has moved on from formal tailoring to knitwear and tweeds for the duration - no athleisure here, thank you lol.

    I wish I was capable of a Sun Salutation - but - I'm rowing like billy-o on the old rowing machine and striding out for miles on the air walker thingummy - also, no anti-emetics or pain relief today - woot!! Wonky brain is distracted by the fact that I'm wearing a 2" block heel and going up and down stairs in them ....

    Take care all - and remember - fake snake and hot water bottles are where it's at lol. Maryland - big love to you and stay warm, lovely xx

    1. Hello Elaine! I must admit it's been an absolute joy not to have been near any arseholes for the last 11 months. I look at busy streets and crowds on TV shows and films made a couple of years ago and shudder wondering how I used to thrive on busyness!
      I do love a dapper bloke. Why anyone would chose to wear athleisure (the word makes me feel a bit sick) is beyond me, all synthetic fabric and saggy arses.
      I'm dead impressed with your prowess on the rowing machine and air walkers and hooray for wearing 2" heels to climb the stairs. waking up pain free is like breaking out of goal!
      Lots of love to you, Maryland and anyone reading too shy to comment. xxx

  26. Great news on the Sun Salutations. I love them.
    The snow is making the perfect backdrop for your colourful outfits - you would have missed this if you had been in India.
    I am secretly enjoying lockdown. I feel as if the pressure of the fast pace has slowed down for a while and I am living the quieter life that I yearned for - more reading, writing and blogging of course. X

    1. Sun Salutations are my favourite, I hate it when I get a flare up and can't touch my toes!
      I am enjoying having a big selection of clothes to chose from and not having to live out of a bag of scrumpled up dresses although I'd kill for a bit of that heat!
      I'm glad for lockdown as it's brought you and your blog back in my life! xxx

  27. You have such a great Attitude about Life... and a great Wardrobe! I'm particularly loving Today's ensemble!

  28. Oooh! You look like a princess from a Narnia fairytale! I love everything you are wearing, as usual. By the sounds of it, you and Jon are a great ebay team!

    Stay warm and happy thrifting ;)

  29. You are an expert at colourful, fabulous layering for the cold weather - you look like a Russian empress in that hat! It has been very cold here (temperature dropping to -22 degrees celsius overnight) and the snow we got a week ago is still here. There have been some positive things about the past 11 months, but the isolation of working from home with no one to talk to for almost a year has taken it's toll on my mental and physical health.

    1. Gah! I admire you for dealing with those terrible temperatures. I'll be a hermit if it continues like this. Even my block walks have been put on hold during this cold snap.
      I really feel for all of you home alone, Jon chats to Tony every day and once a week knocks his door and they chat from the safety of the kerbside. xxx

  30. I am sure you are all tired of lockdown, but I think you are spot on in your opinion of making the most of it. It us a pity that our grandparents who were kids during the first world War and raising their own families or fighting in WWII aren't here to tell everyone to buck up.

    We are lucky that Covid is under control here in NZ and we hope that other countries are able to return to normal life soon.

    1. You're so right!
      I'm delighted with how NZ how dealt with Covid, an example to us all. Long may you all remain safe and well! xxx

  31. Yes I agree entirely I do wish everyone would just stop complaining and wanting to 'get back to normal' ... normal wasn't that good for a lot of folk, at least we are all having the chance to reassess. Letting each day come and go, living it the very best way you can with what you have is the only way for the foreseeable future.

    Your blog is one of the highlights of blogland at the moment, I'm loving it. There are far too many using their blogs as a platform for a daily moan at the world and everything in it for my liking, perhaps that's what made me decide to have a break.

    Oh I love your pom-pom hats they do suit you, and Jon's boots are AMAZING!!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Sue!
      I've really enjoyed reassessing my life over the last eleven months, I love the slower pace of life and having the time to really appreciate what I have. xxx

  32. I heard about the cold front hitting the UK rather strongly. Here it's gotten colder but it's not too bad, frankly I'm just relieved it stopped raining. The high temperatures caused some kind of bugs in my plants, I had to throw them all on the balcony- if they survive, they survive. So far it looks like the cold killed the bugs and the plants look fine.
    I love how you shared in style with Beate with the snake boots.

    1. I can cope with cold far more than I can with rain, it saps all the enthusiasm out of me.
      We've had a few pests in our houseplants, I've repotted the problem ones and they seem okay now. xxx

  33. Yes Vix, I couldn't agree more. Let's just get on with it and make the most out of it. We're back in lockdown but I am looking at the bright side.... more time for reading, writing and relaxing. X

    1. I heard you'd just got back into lockdown this morning, Jess. It's good that your government has acted so quickly and decisively. Stay safe! xxx

  34. Dear Vix, you totally made my day with your fab attitude and your words 'Stop whingeing and start living'. I'm really tired of people moaning about their 'first world problems'. Totally agree that we have to adapt and enjoy what we have, I consider myself as a privileged because I'm keeping my job, and none of my friends nor family have been hospitalized.
    But let's talk on clothes!. You look so fabulous in your cape over your red Anokhi skirt and jacket, this is a magnificent outfit and I love it!. And also love your faux fur and red dress, and your cute boots!. So fab to see both you and Beate rocking them!.
    Sorry that you're having such cold weather!.

    1. Listening to the whingeing is worse then being locked down! Let's celebrate what we can do rather than we what we can't -like getting dressed and wearing fabulous clothes!
      I've heard that it's going to be 11°C on Monday, I can hardly breathe with excitement! xxx

  35. Yay! Snap boots! I can't pretend winter lockdown hasn't be hard at points, but I try not to whinge. There is so much to be thankful for and everyday we laugh about something. We can't honestly say things ever were 'normal' in our house!!! Your winter layers and glasses are fab. Lulu xXx

    1. I think Jon and I were extremely lucky to be able to use the flight we'd booked before the pandemic and escape to Crete for 11 days, I think if we'd been stuck at home since returning from India in Feb 2020 I might have been a bit more whingey! xxx

  36. I agree. I feel utterly awful for those who have lost people (like my brother in law lost his husband and my best childhood friend just lost her auntie AND cousin in 2 days) and for those poor health workers who have SUCH a stressful job at the moment- I would like things to return to normal for THEM but for those of us who have been fortunate to remain relatively well and have enough to cope and a safe, secure home that we won't be tipped out of by malevolent landlords, we have so much to be thankful for. Whilst, I've found the teaching online unbelievably trying and irritating plus time-inefficient pissed-off-ness of barely anyone doing the work, plus not liking having to teach in a face mask (I suck it in as I speak!), I've enjoyed a LOT of things about this strange year. How CBC and I have got on so much better than I thought we would, the joy of having the time to garden, realising how much I adore my home, discovering my local area, not having to do long train journeys, my knackered singing voice finally having the long rest it needed after so many years of abuse, reconnecting with my older sister who actually has time to speak to me despite her busy Police job,.
    I do love that pink and oatmeal cape- looks so soft and cosy! I really love your winter layering- it's such an attractive look!

    1. I've noticed that the people with genuine cause for grievances, like those who've lost loved ones, been made redundant or worked in trying situations throughout the pandemic are the ones who have just got on with it.
      I'm amazed that Jon and I have got on so well over the last year and realised that as much as I enjoy spending time with other people, charity shopping or going to the pub my happiness doesn't depend on any of those things! xxx

  37. The fake snow leopard coat is very appropriate for the weather. We had a sprinkling of snow for about 24 hours and that was it - for once as I wasn't going anywhere I'd hoped for more. But as you say, we have to make the most of what we've got, snow or no snow ;-)

  38. That snow leopard coat is just divine! Who says snow days have to be boring clothes days?


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix