Saturday 17 October 2020

The Distancing Diaries - 16th & 17th October, 2020


On Friday I was up just after 6am so I could book next week's National Trust excursion. After my Wii Fit session, I gave the lounge a deep clean, washing my collection of vintage glass, dusting the chandelier and the picture frames, polishing the surfaces, brushing the rugs and mopping the wood floor. 

After breakfast I changed out of my workout out gear (charity shopped leggings and vest), emptied the laundry basket, loaded the washing machine and hung everything up to dry in the utility room.  While I got to work on turning the green tomatoes I'd left covered in salt the previous day into chutney,  Jon cracked on with removing the bamboo, managing a couple of hours hard graft before the torrential rain - which hadn't been forecast - sent him scuttling back inside. 

I've set myself the task of photographing and measuring every garment in the Kinky Shed, ready to upload to eBay every month for the foreseeable future, which should keep me out of trouble until next year. I don't want to sound like a pessimist but I really can't see the festivals restarting in 2021 and, with no vintage fairs happening, online selling is going to have to sustain us until life returns to some kind of normality.

WEARING: Vintage Interlinks Indian cotton midi dress and Frye Campus boots (both eBay), 1970s Phool Indian block print waistcoat (Eyewood Vintage) 

Leaving Jon to organise a skip for delivery for tomorrow, I continued with my photos in the rain, grateful for the shelter of the bastard massive lime tree.After a break for noodles, Jon went outside to work on Gilbert with some success, he's running again! Meanwhile I cropped my photos & created twenty five eBay listings which I saved as drafts before watching BoJo address the nation.

Tea was Jon's homemade pasta sauce with vegan meatballs, pasta and grated cheese. 

We decided to watch Gardener's World on catch-up another day, having a Spooks extravaganza instead. Adam joined the team. Needless to say, as it was Friday, we consumed one or two rum & colas. Before I went to bed I left the bathroom plants (all twelve of them) soaking in the bath.

On Saturday Jon was up first, seeing to the lads and bringing mugs of tea back to bed where we read until 8.30am. Jon went downstairs to start on the sausages whilst I stripped and changed the bed and put the houseplants back. After our sausage sandwich breakfast I put yesterday's washing away, watered the rest of the houseplants and Jon supervised the delivery of the skip.

WEARING: Vintage psychedelic maxi (very tatty, hence the reason it's been relegated to gardening attire)

Can you make out that thing in my hair? It's a Tibetan sterling silver hair stick, bought from Goa's infamous Anjuna Flea Market, which I often use to skewer my hair in place although, despite owning it for the best part of twenty years, it rarely pops up on my blog. When we were in Kerala in 2012 (we've been three times) Jon & I were roaming the backwaters when I realised I'd mislaid it, a few days later and I found it hanging from a creeper, it must have become entangled when we were walking.

The next three hours were spent in the garden, clearing the area by the pond where we'd piled up all the debris we'd removed from the border at the end of August as well as the contents of the rubbish pile from Jon's shed clear-outs during lockdown. After a break for homemade apple & strawberry crumble we raked up the leaves and weeded outside the front of the house and, garden waste bin full, added it to the skip. The company told us we could keep the skip for a fortnight but it's ready for collection now.

The postman arrived with a parcel! My lovely friend Sarah sent me this incredible Moghul-inspired shelf she'd made herself. Isn't it gorgeous? She also included some seeds packed in an envelope she'd made from a vintage gardening book. 

Jon spent the remainder of the afternoon spark out on the settee watching some ancient black and white war film. Me, I'm like that annoying rabbit on the battery advert and never gets tired, so I carried on with photographing the stock. Now every skirt in the stockroom has been catalogued. 

Tea was a salad with cheese, olives, grated carrot, lollo rosso (homegrown), tomatoes (also homegrown), Jon's pickled cucumber and Poor Man's Capers (made by me).

According to the TV guide Inspector Montalbano is on BBC4 later, I'm not sure if it's a new series or one we've watched before but I don't mind watching Luca Zingaretti again, and again and again...


We've got a huge bag of donations to take to the charity shop tomorrow, the manager told us that they're absolutely desperate and it would be rude not to have a look round while we're dropping them off, wouldn't it? Chazzing used to be such a commonplace activity, something we did almost daily. Now I'm so excited about going I find myself planning what I'll be wearing the night life has changed!

Stay safe and see you soon!


  1. I love how colourful your home is, colour does make it, doesn't it? I've been jazzing up mine with lights as things get darker. We bought a used lava lamp that's been giving me some peace. I haven't seen the tv series but read several Inspector Montalbano novels and love them. Now you just have to find some new stock! I am sure when lockdowns loosen (I've heard things are getting tighter there) the stock fairies will bless you with some good finds. In the mean time you are a woman not to be stopped!

    1. Hello, lovely lady! I'm so glad we went with darker colours when we redecorated, everything feels so cosy at this time of year.
      I'm envious of your lava lamp, I absolutely love them and can watch them for hours. They are mesmerising and really therapeutic.
      The Montalbano TV series is true to the books, you'll be pleased to know. Inspector Montalbano is very easy on the eye and Sicily is absolutely breathtaking. Well worth tracking down.
      Things are looking very grim here, Covid-wise.
      Look after yourself, my dear Tammy. xxx

  2. You stay so busy and upbeat during Pandemic Lockdown that you really do Inspire! I think you have the right attitude about it all and I enjoy seeing all you're doing to your Home. I agree that 2021 is likely not to be a return to any semblance of Normal, I Hope we're Wrong about that, but it's doubtful given the Optics and Statistics of it all not looking promising.

    1. Aww, thanks so much! My boundless optimism drives some people mad but I refuse to be a negative Nellie, it only serves to drag everyone else down.
      If we tell ourselves that 2021 will be more of the same any slight improvement will be a huge cause for celebration, won't it?
      Take care. xxx

  3. Lie has so changed. Although most of our restrictions are off, I'm still tracking where ever I go, and so are most people. My hands have aged terribly and have burns from all that hand sanitiser, and I don't want aquaintances to hug me. Friends and family, yes.Great you are selling online - fantastic. And how on earth do you get all of that energy? secrets, please......

    1. It'll take us a long time to go back to our previous way of living, less of the near-obsessive hand washing and taking a step back from anyone who gets too close but I have no doubt that life will return to normal eventually. xxx

  4. I suspect you're right about the festivals-even if it were safe it might be a bit before people feel comfortable returning to them. Online is a nice way to shop too. I plan my outfits for the grocery store!

    1. Who could ever have predicted that we'd get excited about a trip to the supermarket?
      I don't think anyone would be happier than me for festivals to make a return but with social distancing and everyone's general unease there would be no joy in holding them. Roll on 2022! xxx

  5. You do sound like the energizer rabbit-would like half your energy, but getting a few things doe here. I am envious of getting the dumpster-we have so much that needs to be taken away. I hope E-bay is lucrative for you-you have such unique finds and good luck with the hunting for new merchandise.

    1. We've been meaning to hire a skip for ages, I can't believe how quickly we've filled it either! xxx

  6. Well done on your achievements! I had a lovely weekend as I went to celebrate my younger sister's birthday. We had to go to a cafe in a garden centre as no restaurants are open in the area and we can't all be together in a house. I wasn't too comfortable about this, especially as the cafe was busy, I haven't been to any eateries or pubs since before lockdown, but it was my sister's choice. The food was so-so but at least it was something for her birthday and we could be together with Mum and other sister, following the rules. Oh these times .....

    1. Hi Catmac! Happy belated birthday to your sister! I'm so glad you were able to meet up with your Mum and both sisters and celebrate even if the food wasn't up to much.
      My brother and his friend both live alone and are desperate for their regular Birmingham city centre bar crawl but it looks like they'll be piling on the layers, pre-booking a table and staying put in a local pub chain garden instead. Not half as much fun. Damned Covid! xxx

  7. Loved Adam on spooks. I think your instincts on festivals is correct. We are in for a bit of a long haul with Covid.

    1. Such a difference between Tom and Adam, wasn't there? Tom was all emotion and angst and Adam was ice cold cool. Such a brilliant series.
      I think you're right about the long haul, none of us like it but the best thing is to make the best of every day and just get on with it. Moaning's no good for our mental health. xxx

  8. What a beautiful sight to begin your post with. Your glass collection is dazzling.

    Look how many gorgeous skirts you're selling! I'm sure they'll sell quickly. What is the name of your ebay store, Vix?

    Enjoy the charity shop tomorrow. I can't wait to be able to do that! X

    1. Thanks, Jess! Pre-Covid I used to be lazy with cleaning my glass but now I'm loving these routine domestic chores, there's something rather zen-like and calming about performing mundane tasks.
      The link to the shop is in the side bar, just click on the photo of Jon & I outside our stall.
      Our trips to the giant chazza shop are a weekly highlight, we haven't ventured into any of the others, I'm not even sure if they've survived lockdown. xxx

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! that dress is far too tatty to wear for an occasion but I don't want to throw it away. xxx

  10. I don't know if you already know, but if you contact eBay they'll increase your selling limits. I asked them through the online chat and now I can upload something like 500 items per month - which I'm yet to reach! I sold all of my stuff last year in preparation for moving, I think people really underestimate what a full time job it can be! Although I'm like you and prefer to always be on the go, even when watching a film I'll have some kind of craft in my lap and find it hard to just sit still.
    I've also come to accept too that sadly things probably won't be back to normal throughout 2021, although I do hope! I figure if I think "expect the worst, hope for the best" then I can't be disappointed.

    1. Thanks for that! At the moment they don't seem to be able to do it, every time I click on the clink to contact an advisor I get a message to tell me that the facility isn't available at the moment. So frustrating but as long as I keep saving my listings to draft I can make them go live each month. I don't suppose there's any rush to sell, the stock's been sitting in the shed for almost a year!
      I'm just like you, I can't just sit and watch something, I'm usually mending or crocheting.
      Expect the worst, hope for the best is a great mantra. xxx

  11. cheers!
    all the skirts catalogued! and a skip filled up completely! plus clean salon and garden. you´r indeed run by a very good battery!!
    the story about your hairpin is phantastic - maybe the little animal wanted to see how´s in the jungle for a while? wish i could get my hands at such a beautiful hairpin.
    a gown in the garden? could be me - wearing tatty silk/lamƩ/embroidery skirts instead of overalls while doing dirt chores.
    i fear our lifes will never be like before C. sounds like the final call - together with the fast rising ocean levels, the droughts and deadly storms. once more i´m glad i never had children.
    fetch me some rum please. xxxxx

    1. I drive Jon mad, from the minute I get up I'm a buzz of activity!
      Funnily enough, I lost that hair pin by a snake temple, I think he wanted to hang out with his family and be worshiped.
      I don't know why I hadn't thought of wearing out my tatty dresses in the garden before now. The synthetic fabric is fast drying and warm, perfect for damp October days!
      You're right about the being glad never to have had children, what a world to be growing up in. xxx

  12. We're going to have a "skip" delivered next week... but we call them "roll-offs" here in northwest Indiana. We both have the same idea: clean, tidy up, make ready for the season of rest (at least that's how we look upon winter on our land). :-) ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Roll-Offs! That sounds like a cigarette! It feels good to have a good clear up and to have all the mess we generate taken away quickly. xxx

  13. I think EBay is the only way for your type of business now, I hope it works for you. I love reading your posts because of all the detail you share :) I had my first sauna since lockdown this week (15 mins/2 at a time), closed my eyes and was in Kerala on my boat ride down the river, seeing all the people washing their laundry and cooking pots. I wish I had bought lots of souvenirs but of course I was travelling light and thought I would be back again in no time :) I like the shelf your friend has made - is it for the kitchen? it matches, would make a great tea/coffee station.

    1. Thanks, Betty! Writing about my days is a great motivator and keeps me productive, if I don't do anything I've got nothing to write about.
      I bet that sauna was a treat!
      Aww. lovely Kerala. Rowing through the backwaters, listening to the slap of the oars, a Bollywood tune playing on a radio wafting through the window of a tiny shack, ladies slapping their clothes on rocks or scrubbing their pots. Paradise! We'll love it all the more when we're able to go back!
      I think the shelf will go in the kitchen, the colour is almost identical to the walls. I'm still waiting for Jon to finish it off and keep getting told off for nagging him (it's only been six months!) xxx

  14. Hi Vix, just had a Mega catch up of all the posts since you went to Greece!!So glad you could get away, looks so beautiful, it's now on my list of places to visit!! Can't believe we've never been there! Have been having a good old tidy up and discovered "Any Human Heart" on my bookshelves, didn't even know I had it!!!I think you recommended it some time ago? By the way, love your hair, the different tones look stunning!! The garden is spectacular, especially now that the ivy is changing colour! Hilarious that you found your silver hair stick hanging from a creeper, good luck or what!! We went to thex theatre in Barcelona last Friday to see "Mago Pop", a birthday present from my son. An amazing show! Don't know if we were being a bit too audacious, but loved it. It was nice to dress up and go out for a change. Good job we did 'cos lockdown is getting stricter, now, so more time to spend on reading and our plants!! Stay safe, your posts really give me something to look forward to!! xxx

    1. Hello Diana! I highly recommend the Chania region, I think you'd love how unspoilt and traditional it is, a taste of the real Greece.
      I absolutely love Any Human Heart, Jon says it's the best book he's ever read and it's definitely in my top ten. It was televised a few years ago, if you can track it down do, it's wonderful!
      How lovely to go the to theatre, a real treat to be able to dress up and have a ball. What a thoughtful chap your son sounds.
      It's looking more and more likely that things will be tightening up here, we're trying to make the most of our few freedoms before it's all snatched away again.
      Stay safe! xxx

  15. Hey Vix, I love your gardening attire! Very glamorous. Sounds like your local chazza shop will greatly appreciate your donations. (I was a bit disheartened following my last donation. It was all good top quality stuff and I‘d taken the time to wash it, carefully fold it, place in semi-transparent bags, labelled with the contents… and one of the guys had a go at me for putting it exactly where his colleague had told me to! …I think they were a bit overwhelmed with donations…but still, rude!...) What a lovely shelf and packet of seeds to get in the post from your friend. Your colourful glass looks fab too. You should bottle your rabbit battery energy and call it Vix's Vivacious Potion ;) Lulu x

    1. Thanks, Lulu! Crimplene is underrated as gardening attire, I think Monty needs to take note!
      That chazza shop volunteer sounded very rude, although our big shop is really friendly I've cringed in the past at how volunteers accept donations, looking at the donor with abject suspicion with not even a thank you.
      I'm liking the sound of Vix's Vivacious Potion, I wonder if Lush are interested? xxx

  16. I can't tell you have comforting it has been to catch up with my favourite blogs from years ago and seeing the way we are all navigating this challenging time in our unique ways. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Happy Sunday afternoon Vix, well I can assure you I never look that glam when we have had skips in the yard!! Just read your reply to Bohemian and couldn't agree more I have a relative who is a " negative nellie" and it drives me bonkers as it takes so much energy to remain upbeat in her company. That is why I love your blog so positive and upbeat!! Love how motivated you are with the ebay listings. The living room looks fab by the way you are a powerball on legs! Shazxx

    1. Evening Shaz! I'd hate to disappoint the neighbours, they're always commenting on how I'm dressed. Mind you with the fraying seams and wonky zip, that dress doesn't bear close inspection!
      You always come across as lovely, upbeat and cheerful, that's why I've commented before that I'd love to meet you for a drink! That constant whingeing is just so draining, I try and give Facebook a wide berth for that very reason.
      Stay safe! xxx

  18. "A day without dressing up...", should be the cutline below your portrait posing in front to the loaded skip. The Tibetan silver stick close-up would be the pull-out. Dear Vix, your determination to keep up appearances in vintage attire is as good for our morale as Victory Red lipstick was for the women of WWII. That ordeal wasn't over in a year; neither will this pestilence end simply because we're tired of shortages and restrictions. Like you, I anticipate a slow recovery in the economy. And like Jon, I've been watching some b&w films from that era. I much prefer their spin on coping with gallantry, humor and style! to the blather of contemporary media. (That said, give me en suite bathrooms and central heating every time!)

    1. Bless you, Beth! I often think I should buy some scruffy clothes from the charity shop to labour in but I feel far more productive dressed in vintage with my brightest lipstick!
      I agree, we're in for a long slog. Much as none of us want it we just have to get on with it, take pleasure from silly little things and the tiny freedoms we're still allowed! xxx

  19. Your Kinky Shed audit has inspired me to go sort out my own wardrobe Vix. I've been pruning my way through it for the last 12 months finding treasures I'd forgotten about.

    I went chazzing very briefly last weekend as I needed a lightweight jumper that wasn't entirely contructed from bobbling bobbles lol. I've been haunting your eBay listings - such lovely stock you have - and I have developed a squint, endlessly peering at that glorious block print maxi LMAO.

    Hope you're both keeping well - we planted lots of mini pansies and put lots of stuff in our mini greenhouse until we've had first frost. Can't bear to prune something that's still flowering.

    I've finally managed to colour my hair and now feel inspired to dress-up again (I've had a stitches in my head drama!). It's amazing how much difference it makes to do this - I feel like 'myself' again. HURRAH!

    1. Hello Elaine! It's lovely to hear from you, I'm very sorry to hear of your accident and I'm glad you're feeling well enough to dress up and enjoy your magnificent collection of clothing again!
      The garden centre is calling, I need to put my geraniums away and plant up the windowboxes ready for the winter. I'm panicking slightly just in case we do get another lockdown and the garden centres close again!
      That kaftan is wonderful, isn't it? Message me on eBay, I'm happy to work out a deal for a long-time virtual pal!
      Stay safe! xxx

    2. That's a really kind offer Vix, thank you xx

  20. I'm just getting caught up with your post-Greece posts and I see you are back to your highly productive self! Could you please send me some of that energy and motivation, please?? I have a small Etsy shop where I am selling some of the vintage from my own closet as well as a few things I pick up here and there, and the photographing and measuring everything is so time consuming. You are right about it being unlikely that festivals will be back to "normal" next year so it's good to adapt to a situation that could exist for a while.

    1. I was a bit worried that my get up and go had abandoned me during our two week quarantine but I'm firing on all cylinders again now, hooray!
      It takes an absolute age to photograph and measure stock, doesn't it? That's what I'm listing similar garments so I can create a template and just overwrite it. xxx

  21. Oh my, I can't get over how productive you've been. What's your secret, I wonder. At the moment, I'm just feeling permanently exhausted! Photographing and measuring every garment in the Kinky Shed seems quite a daunting task, but selling on eBay will at least make you so money. I can't see festivals or even vintage fairs happening any time soon either. Wearing your tatty but utterly gorgeous psychedelic maxi must have made you the best looking skip filler ever. What a story about that Tibetan hair stick! Both your pasta and salad look delicious and are making me hungry, so I'll be going downstairs to put the rest of yesterday's cottage pie in the oven! Keep safe and enjoy this week's NT trip! xxx

    1. Making some money is a real motivator. I've been terrified of tackling the stockroom and there's a real sense of accomplishment to have tidy rails and know exactly what's in there ( mind you, I haven't even looked at the menswear yet!)
      Enjoy your cottage pie! xxx

  22. Wow, I am impressed at your industriousness!!! I rather like that rainbow-checked skirt! The Tibetan hair stick is cool!
    That cheesy jacket really looks yummy! How is the chutney going now? Is it working?
    I wish I had tried to make chutney instead of trying to ripen mine as they all went rotten. Sad!

    1. That rainbow skirt is a beauty, isn't it? It's velvet patchwork, it was in my wardrobe but doesn't get the amount of wear it deserves.
      The chutney is delicious, a basic recipe on the BBC Good Food website, it'll be on our sandwiches next time we go National Trusting! xxx

  23. Hi Vix, “how am ya ma wench” as my Bilston Nan would say to me. She lived through two world wars, widowed by the first one, never heard her raise her voice or complain about anything, now all I hear is people saying how fed up they are hearing about the virus, sorry folks it ain’t going away in a hurry so we’ve got to learn to live with it and behave in the right way. Love the dress for “skip filling” and thought about your trip to the chazza today, I got a BNWTs.....wooden spoon out of the please take it for free box outside our local one, will do to stir the ratatouille! Talking about veg, as we were, I love to go up the Bull Ring market for fruit and veg, sad to say not been for ages.Not been a bad weekend weather wise bit chilly but not too bad for gardening. Keep Safe, Brummie Sue Xx.

    1. Hello Sue, I'm bostin', bab!! I love the sound of your Bilston nan, they made them proper back in them days, didn't they? I'm missing my Bilston charity shops and chatting to the lovely ladies I've got to know over the years.
      A wooden spoon! I love finding kitchen stuff, it's useful and doesn't count as clutter.
      My friend Liz is a massive fan of the Bull Ring for her fruit and veg, Morrison's just isn't the same!
      Another chilly day here. Brollies at the ready tomorrow, it looks atrocious! xxx

  24. Ooh, your skip-loading dress is amazing! I love that you do this kind of job in a tatty dress! The hair stick is so cool - how incredible that it turned up in a creeper after you lost it!

    Yes, it doesn't look like we'll have any kind of concerts in our near future. Great job on cataloguing all your festival stock, Vix! You are an Energizer bunny!

    1. Thanks, Sheila! It's too tatty for the charity shop and a crime to throw it in landfill so gardening dress it shall be!
      Socially distanced live gigs don't look like fun, do they? Better to ride out the storm and enjoy them in 2022! xxx

  25. Interesting glass collection. I know a few people who collect glass but i notice it pretty well narrow down to what to collect.
    One of my friend wears cotton midi skrits and most of her comes from local thrift store, although she made a few of them.

    1. The skirt rails is always my second place to look when I'm in the charity shop - the dresses come first!
      I've always loved coloured 1960s & 1970s glass, not keen on the fancy cut glass variety! xxx

  26. I love that glass collection, I don’t think somehow it would last very long in my house sadly!!! You even make skipping look glamorous !! You tiger!! we’re as I wear old sweatpants and and old tee shirt to do it in!! and my hair would be sticking to my face after 30 minutes!!!
    Connor brought some clothes over to sell I think his girlfriend has been making him have a sort out. Some of them are fine and some well to be honest I am going to give them to the local homeless shelter as they are not at their best . I don’t know what on Earth he was thinking.
    We have been watching old manga movies. Some I forgot we’re really voilent and light ended up not sleeping on Saturday. Opps. But just watches apaman now , ahh well never mind.
    I hope you are all safe and well keep warm. Love to you all

    1. Thanks, Allie! I've had some of those pieces for over thirty years, amazing that they'll still in one piece with Jon and cats to contend with.
      How funny about Connor's clothes. A chap that used to work with Jon got in touch ages ago, his son had decided to become a vintage trader, bought a huge consignment of clothing from a kilo warehouse in Italy and after a few months decided it wasn't for him and wanted me to buy them. There wasn't a single item that was older than the noughties, so many people don't get the difference between vintage & secondhand!
      You need to watch a fluffy film and stop giving yourself nightmares!!
      Take care! xxx

  27. Firstly, I always admire your vintage glass collection and the extreme fabulousness of your 'patchwork corner', the chaiselongue and the curtains are so cute!.
    And I'm glad that you're keeping your business active in eBay. It's not the same, nor even similar, but you keep on selling and I believe we'll be back to business as usual one day or another.
    You've made me laugh about the 'annoying rabbit on the battery advert', mwhaha. My mom is totally like this too, totally contrary to my own personality. ;DD
    Love your gardening attire (looking Fab!) and love your fab waistcoat and boots over the black dress, you totally rock.
    Lovely post!

    1. Thanks, Monica! I love lounging on that chaise and reading, something I haven't done for ages, I need to have a lazy day!
      Nothing beats the fun of selling face to face and seeing people try things on. I love it when they don't expect something to suit them and come out of the changing room jumping with joy, such a lovely feeling. xxx

  28. You've been busy, I don't mind photographing but I hate the measuring bit when I'm adding things to the website and you've done loads.
    You are a very glam skip filler. The snake hair pin is lovely.
    Your vintage glass collection is gorgeous, the colours look great together and I'm impressed by your deep cleaning, especially first thing in the morning. I'm no Duracell bunny! More a night owl.
    Have a fab day Vix. xxx

    1. It takes an absolute age, doesn't it? It's fine when I'm in the mood but a real chore if not. xxx

  29. You were meant to find your lovely hair stick Vix weren't you x

    1. Someone was up there watching over me! xxx

  30. What a shame about the gardening dress being tatty - it looked stunning on you! So pleased you got your hair thingummy back; you were obviously meant to have it!

    I'm astonished at all the fabulous skirts and will popping over to eBay shortly to look at them properly. I recently sold some china tea/coffee sets that were given to OH and which he didn't want; I sold them privately but via Etsy. I can only think you must have the patience of a saint because the photographing of the china I did; two sets and one incomplete set took forever and drove me mad! Still, you're running a business and I suppose it's just part of online selling. I agree with you I can't see festivals etc starting up in 2021 at least in the first few months.

    Jon is very good; he doesn't give up does he and he always seems to fix everything. Fair play to him and long may it continue.

    I loved your Moghul shelf; what a talented lady!

    I do hope you enjoyed your chazza trip...

    1. Thanks, Vronni! A trader friend gave it me for free years ago as it was already past its best, I used to hide the damage under a waistcaot but it's good bad even for that. It's dead comfy (and warm!) for gardening, though!
      Well done on listing the coffee and tea sets. The photography takes absolutely ages. I'm trying to get as much done as I possibly can while there's plenty of hours of daylight, it's a nightmare in the winter.
      Jon will have a go at anything, he's a good one! xxx

  31. I love how you do glamour even when skip filling!

  32. Bursting with colour and bursting with life..... that’s your blog post today and I’m loving it. You’re both absolute stars. Keep it coming Vix. I’m passing you over to Philip now for him to have a read xxx

  33. I was thinking about festivals recently too, I don’t see how they’ll be possible either, which is such a shame.
    My friend volunteers at a charity shop and she says they have loads of donations button footfall in the shop to shift any of it. My local shop limits customers to dropping off just two bags and only takes a limited amount each day, so you have to be there at 10am, when it opens, to have any chance of donating it. I haven’t been for a while but I do intend to have a rummage next time I go. It does feel like a treat to go now :)

  34. Oooh, I look forward to seeing what you put on eBay. My wardrobe could do with a boost!

    I hope things will be better for you next year than expected... I think we'll all be in need of lovely new clothes and time having fun.


Thanks for reading and for leaving a message. Please don't be anonymous, I'd love it if you left a name (or a nom de plume).

Lots of love, Vix